D cess:Ma ke r, =: ,:.---: WatChe · D cess:Ma ke r, =: ,:.---: WatChe ... r ~ ~ ...

7-- ...... ..,. . .¯-.-: . ............... *-2 ¯ , ¯.~,,%: ,.... - t " -- - .... :-if-:" : ’., ’.;". "" " . , - . - - ...... ~’~ " ’ " ’ " L ’’"~ " ¯ : . ~ " " ’ " " " " " " ......... : ~:! ~ " " " "" ...... " - .................................................... ,.:i"-.-::.~-=:77 ¯ " " ~ T ,y~ ,-------..-:------. - - ~- , u "x "" ~-"=’" : ~ " o ........ \ DEVOTED TO-THE INTERESTS OFH AI IMONTON A D::MA KIIqG Oi4 : ;:: -- BusineSs ¯Cards: ¯ ’ -_ __ ...... L . 7 : . . .. ¯, ~O~..VZBOZ~A ~ltmr ~m~s~Y. . . = Hammonton Business Cards. .._ :...A; _$.; KING, ¯ TtAMM6 TTON, ’ SATU: D ¥, SEBTEMBER_7;_lS72, Letter from ~’Wendell Phi~ps That, Mr.- Greeiey see~ itl Would never couldf es not sen meniatter_ el °-W~’- purp°sen" --~08t011i--7-::---::-~ .... : ........... . tound astonishment.., ~ ¯ . . oa’the I inv01v~d ia the e~la- N~Ci][A-NCEIi 1~ 7-31i --II-A~-0PENi~-D AN OFFICE ~ I thank yfia for ’tho oontldende flour his ’dwelling in H.AMMONTON; N: ~ implied in your Amon you mTwill-b~gigi~-iTn20 t I. [br years. VEYANCING. writing CONTRACTS.&o., &e..~13.’ residence her#?makes it i,eonve i- JJOSt(JI~ ; and 1 e~.,,z stale : -~ " " ~-i-~-r~..~-~-~-~._’~_____ Hi, .ill ahTo act ~ot for the ..L_.,1 _!~j ~’~,7 ~X~C-_L~_~-.L’ ~ ood the : : ’ " TAXES: Prompt attcation 11 -- :10alg-l_y* ._I:ID~E,_SI~ ~ND i If ~ou eonlmlmzcate with you t;t:tf-- Of csmfse the tirst~t’hought to you lind iue jast: jaow is,. that one ot yourbcsiiabt dstan~.most watchthl friend~. s eontentndto doso. :, Erei’y man-of t .......... -EvaTydescriptiono f PL-AIN A FANCY~Pltiil-t-- ." HAll~oifroli,.i%.~.. i ing promptly executed inthe Lent style. ’ " -~_ _- . ~ Resi~hpee__on~.Central Avenue, in the .hens6 formerly occupiedby Dr.Bowles. - - * -’--Particnhir attantionzgivull-t~- ........ - -asI~ne~]|l/-did in 18111. I do .not earn heads anff secessionists lift Mr. into. defects were’they ten times greater, the White lIouse, "they will ’e ia, - "’ To for for suoh faalte se. now underetood that ]a¢o---thelr fulI those !i~kwardnesk When he is" defenain ItSassa6$io. In I r ~.Y"|’.fat the~ ,!(’i f ¯r~O,l t’.,nh’~ .i/,ll ¢~Y.’.’.,fl US II’t)m ,he"South hcltr~ x~ili|ei~s tbht tim u opinion, mid ready for another revolt_whcnm, er lux-~vhow~th~ ted-oul ion therc cheore¯d it ou, and iu ~upp. essing it our Oox~el~tneiit had no titIe-efhelll-frofii-fdl ~- merrebols. Allthls was to bo exl)ceted; It w.uld be con ration. ,,are no :bung- lerz, but sh r.~.~d--at-a ~argain, to get I o’,i ,y j,~ in ~.1 t,!l :Io d~bt "" Davis in tho uge,t iu the Cabiimt. No do bt he will be AGENTFOR ThE - Fire Insurance Cbo, 21-tf Or BRIDGETON, lg. $ .... B_UILDINGI if’or e¯le cheap.¯ Anumber ef dtairlblt build, in K lots near the statia~-4y-wl~lout fsaR _ - - [aquire:of ¯ n-i-ii~o ,oi;. ~id;-- HAMM01tT01ql H01J$ . li’urlliuir* r.p¯iiad an;l varuished, ¯¯d re¯d¯to -look lika ¯lw. i:tiv¯ ma a e¯ll. ROBINSON’, , Ora0rs’roi" t~EAIN~Nd tromall Yaila.i ¯ O. J, F.A.Y, - ---DEALEK~IN ,-Drugs N. E. Corpor i;ellevoe and ftailroad Av.’s -" "tlAMM ONT_0N. bT. ,1. Paints of ¯ll colors ¯ andfvrnilked it R¯W and seed 0il Coa.I Oil, in th~ bestorder, ii Ft’epared to :give 41eallsllt Neat[oct Oil, Sewing Maehiua 0tl, L.l(rd Oil aeoemmodat[ons r ’ Paragna’Oit. Spirlts Tuv,,enl.;,~e, Ji~n~lt¯, Ate., . - TRAVELERS itlm BOARDERS, -&e: Also Ay~rz’aoll ’=- ae~: i:le. ctae~, Do- ,t roasoullhle ra[es....., me:~!~nDZe:~l~7;Iv:~;;{.,~,~r~iecle.~ as al’e ,t,~uully ihhio d:41tilkli mff fbr horses. __D cess:Ma ke r, =: ~(~Tii.h’E. O. RANDALL, JI~W~LER~ ill. pri~iug ¯ll the latest ~t of Blisques, Overskirts, Sle~res, Dolly Verdun’s, Ti" / lilllluli¯ s at .the loweet .pricm=7-_:..:::,..:.. :.---: ........ WatChe: And Jewelry, I~LOINIB Ot ItlANilIALL’ll -(Clark’~-Bulldlnt~ ) IY-A-M-M-0-N-T~)~ .~N "A]eo-~ K ohoieo asei3rtmimt i~f Moutk.Ol:.~’dTiil ~py<-Glaases, ~teel-l]owed A’peitaeles, ,~;ih’¢t 2’hi,,biee, &e., &o., for sale cheap for tf ’’ has op’~ned ii Barher 6hop i~ CLAlllilT~fll IIUII, DINQ, .......... : : -: ............ nnd Is ll’ropared to Cut Hair, Shamlioo ~ Shave, &o., tn the he~t nlallnor. . (’ ~’ d ................. "A--’l’ea:~-~la~’-t°"u~vcr’q-’Maa1~- Open every dlly, On Sunday from 7 to 10 In ...... t~o~ar.i,,g .... - ...... ..... --L-, ..... ,~OSIH’IIOO.I-ST.--- llammonton, April)0, ’7"-’. ¯ 15 tf " . ~~ U E R T A-i( E fir N " - " Jhis t, i.:,,od llesr,~, and Will .tt,,nd Io o,lls to, ’ Fo.u,,,,t~ h, lh,,nn.,ot,,., or I. the n.igh- . t,,.,i,~, lo~,}s and vHl~gn~. O(~//n* ,,./’,,’crV.t3/i .Irn,’.,h,:d~t ll/,i.’t liot;rll ll( . " , ¯ ,’re, ’,/,’ ’¯,: ,’,’<,. ’. ,’ . a i, l, I. l ~, i, ,~; t~ t,’ "Wl[Ll,?l,WltlttbIT ,\hD ~’,,,ILILI’AtlI,: WORK bo,,o to or,ler ll,;ld warraut~d t~ givo sat- . .’ , h~h.’lh.i.. . ¯ S:i(Iz, o.~ E,,: i;.~itmm A3,~,isi;i:, " - " L (,611,,inhi~ ~la,~l{,u,lih ~};n%; ....... IIA,1t.IIO,A"/OA’, ,v#’14 ,/EI’,%’LL ~i,~’~t/; :’" ""~’ ~ J. VII’(.)0LE. V ! . i, t~ ,4 l,i;I,.I ..4 i-~;L,~:~~.:~i~.~==’=,;.~dL~ ~i~~ i~ ( i( " Wa,lelmes,. (’lo,’&i d~ Jo~vs, lr.~. |lepairtng ,)f .ill I,h,llt, i~, hl. lh**., dt, lil~ t’i’llil ¯ l,r[ces lls r~ae,,illble as al it,,}’ i,II;vr Id’ i lieatliOrl ilid ,li~l,at<i,, l’~lL..llll, lluli ’.!lll~u arid . e. %. b),e,’,’.t or?,,d;,., #5,<,, t,, r.’l,,,i,’i. ~ l"ias IV.iT(’/:E?¢. Al.,,,J-ni,,ri. ~ ’0 (~Tli’,~ ¢6" ,~ T.[ T] O.~rir~irl, I J" ofallkiuds. " ’1’o¢~, NOTIONS, I:A)l’3’ A)tTl(’hl:i#~ JtO ~’ i, q ,’, tl I.OV ¢.~, A ,% at his OLli) i’;’l’.%N D, tf Seaths~il .i~e ot llell~vue Ave. -. ..... rights wiAi be sato ouil.iti hi!i kcetlmg. 1 touohwith rvvereuthaud everyt bag trom Mr. ~ttmiler. I eau. Lever .tt,rgot measuleleas i.’erviees.-~ the +au’ti-~la to yollr~:.raoz, reid hi~ ¯words I re’a~’th0m overlhadowed the memoi conscorition-t~ Ahe~leriic~ of- iniparlial- has sei devotion ha~.~Orllrely shrunk i.r0m aiy mi~riti~r-- which uo- ovpositi0n:;eould tireaud no dauger ill, pal. ]~’[oi~ltucli a c~)uii~elor[ vellture to differ wtt h gteut reliliotluce, wa~not sate thst I wllright, aad thut he wa~ W’~oog-~lhat the oocaaicu was very iml,uiul, t, and his ,mistake oue ~hich leads to rural reauits.. Myjudg iCt OpltO.~hibn Mr. ~timne/’s. It filled aml put Ul) wiih J’or lien. ~. the olu regl!ll!r llip~b.liclla party. -"--- th* llsk~lim-J-eomo in t"is of Brandreth’s U. V..{has,. ~eil Is Alleii°k:s Par°usPlaste~ arid ~I°h~’~tl’i i~/-ll -:who .. ill. U~llllt l(ill (). ’.~h~. ~--%:iooro’s o,’iliiwq, Itate,mauiike’.,,d towltds the Indiana i.~ " AND" .., to mal’i him a His putit:neo .1 Ituiili--ii]fflfii]~i" lltlllit:~t in our for- 30 B B IN:O reta,i,,fis is wouderful i’i one bied ii ~,_ttdL~r.c _’~hg;stJ ~lhti-. tdm listsafioa_has_ r " giVeli Io tho iild!zs~rial aud liuaneiii .pfo~,r perlly -of Lhe.cuu~try is a great merit. ju,~liCl£ to wnrking lhen iii dcqiallco ul _tlivSC-ahoUl-hiui ,f the eighi-h0ur htw, 1 ~hall party iu tolerati.g th0 K,i-Ktux is fro- grunt. But’fhe [)resident and lii~ iniui~- IN THE diale h’iciid’¢ tiel#cl’vll our l:ralitudn lor thcii, efl’oris and tiu, t:ces~ iu illat niattcr. llis s,:rviccs to the titfeenth IIAMMOzVTOaV, A’EW dER,gEY. of Currlagell, li[eavy Wagons, £o., of Ihn l’orculo~t ubolilionist~ wcr ’c-luke.w[ if( ) T’};B I]%I~G: .lt~li..askhig-him-t c) lii’Ro-Geul-l.jfalit to- ¯ l, lilcc Ihic8 iuto hi8 ~l~t liiCll.-ilg~ 1 C(liil ofallki.ds, prnniptly atton’led ts~ at loweat n|(_~[Jdil|~ thllt nle.~tilgo tO ~ougl’v~t~l alid eilMi r~te0 ....... ~ ........ tho eout]Iry. Tho antwer Oilltiti lJilCkt FIldtIglTliRR_Ol? ALL KI.NDS.JtEPAIIII~D. ~%l.Orders reei, ivod for vlC’I’llRl,’ F’ AMES ’* Yliii aiO-fb6-1iffd.-¯Gdii. Gi’~/[’fi"i]id.4-- ’ ’ " 0~gowa~ tiui~hcd |tchtreyour iioluarrlv- edl lllid Iho rt, coulnioutiaiioii, youwishis Ill it." h villi rl~inniiiii lalnt!lillibly trutt Iliit~ Ihc colored niaii lia~ n J |’u I r’~eogili- Ih)ii at t|ltl liorlh ahd ilo idequlie I ro- tO0iliiii iil’ttl0 8ouli!’-~u’hlune-tti tile ii.e- l,Ublit:ali |lll[ly’~ llllt their, h’J,:hdl~ iiiuy hiirly .eilliiii .lhal dliritil ltiu l~l~L three ye~,i°ll Ihc llit~l*il l,’,14 M itodily gaieed iii t ho 1;. T s, f’ i It’t’,’i~i, alii| ,q~li,,t cl,j i)’iiieitt ’Ot lii, 0NEER STUMP PULLF I, ,,,,,, , r 2.. , .; , ,~,edlh~rightloniluitl’ivllt,,i, :i I klilIw t|lit ~,!h’t+’ll~ nt (JOlh (jranl’~:ll,’.- ¯ , ’, ,r, i,,,,, ,,’q,+ M,,,’/i,,,a In Ihl e,’,ullli,,v ,~¢ i.iilinllrliiJ~ul is Wvli’&a ill)’ Uiiti. i ihini, ," ,A .... It< ,.iii.gibll~ Oeilfi. Allsilli~ illd t’ai .. ilii ,ra~lt,ll it, I Ill itl’ l~i’si~ | aiii ¯bl,’,t’~ s,~.v 1 lieiel)y ~iVe .olh’r thlt I liiil pripiir~ t41.t~ theI’,*l,.i ~l,rviv~llc hi,i uucill~cledl ) io llll i.ldl’r~ it h,lllillug ralib I " , rl,lilJi,rl,li iti~ liiliiiii, .~l, i lt^t’ltll~E, - liei.@O. Jlut no, inilil,-"lir i| ,~o dv#;.~t~,- Ai ..~li I ..... ~ ........ - ...... -@i,iO.. tim ltil~lt I|i,’V ’ilt: lint fit~l I lilii l~’¥1~llt~ T/woo J#.l’/,/lir~ ./? ll",r,’.~Lle,/ t. hi~ t/: l#l:,’,%’T htivO’ lil,cd l’! ’ailii!llL tillnl ililli talilig Itl" ,I " "i’q ¢/.’ I,,¢,,’~,t/ ....... day-l|ii~"iVliiblll llnll’ii.ldl,S,mil,;i-~/,7t"l(,); -J.,r parth’ular~ 10nd l.lr i’{rt’lllllr. Ill)’. ’.l’hv, t’!l ~t*llai’) I*llll, ili ~,liltlVrli tl. %’,’. pItEHF;I)V, ,.l*l’,t’l-vi,,ill-ll illl i .~,;rlfi,’lii v r i’ l’ili~ad~ Iliti.:lilontim, N, ,I. l,lrt,lllur ,L ~l,llltil"t’ t)[ tl,ich. Vvll I’illltltllD, ~f. {J ,,d ’3" ¯ ’ ’.’AI.ii iholo.l :ai,I tJlil’,Hilll’lal, Ii, li ’, > ~llili,. lll-liA ~ l~i1 I" ¯ I I;l i) A ]~ l’ri" I’ V,’! h t tic ililt.,t .,i r ili,,I i,,v I,ll’l t llilik, t,. dl*,’ .,, ,,,,, ,,,,,,:,,. ,h .... ¢ ! , ,,i,, l,,r II ,. ileli,)li ili*i i, ,t.’ I ll,,, l l’: It " ’ ~ al’¯, l,,I If. I llatl’ il,,j<ii Itl liiV I,rlilheliv it’.’~’l,illid ~ ,,l’ti,! ,. ,~ u l lr Mr. l’~liili ¯ rl~i[t~ 1 ~I-’A(~I’: " " ii*’i Is ihu~ h.ldil,v lli,li ,h’,’,,’i.l’d ’l’li,~ ~tii’o lliih I hive hi hi.t I,,ii-~’ ,d ~,,~l- [iii-,’ ,,i;i~,’~ liil’ li, Ihili t’ I.iiii II,li,,’d, ’Thl! TO~lU~ r P~IxI~T, ,,,,,.~ v,,,,l,i,,r i~ h,la, li,i. i~ i ....... ihl,, ~1. ii ) ? ,, , ¯ iho ~Olilh i~ ~li in*llhqil .’llll| lll.’illiC[<,- Itl Ol 1,, "’l’Ul{l ],N I 1N l’,, i,r,.’i:,iutt.g l:,.r I,,wll il,a~. Th,, ~4,,U, il lili~ lllllll li, i~ her llll-ll llt~ II1~ oitl~li i’,,il .JAPAN, VARNISIt. t~,,,:~,l~ ’li~e /’l/6.n.’lt~t~:t Ililieit II,;,l . - | ~lltililit’lit ¯~l Ill() ai. ,ltllili l,~Tl. :l’i,l,I P int Brush0 of all lKinds. -..,o ,’,,,,,,,,,, ,,,r I,,.r w,,*, ............................. Uliiitki~L.~. Atili l.i’lt~2~a-/ll.~+*-l~llioll--illtli~iOi4 .¯. L~ AI ....... ......... ua tilii Iiollttiliii~iil lild t~liltll h,,r~lf Ih,t plrt ill irllll.I. ~lu. hl.llillmi ¯llnliuiiel~,l llll. I ""{11 thil tl.t in-¢¯i,ct* I@ lh~’ til,.lll J,t[,’i" ¯ A. G, C]li 8 l’rt~c= ~ lowu tha lo~lal. isc. ’1’o I~utiho Mi’ghtest faith in tbu protestations of co[,perhead~ lilid ~oce~einn. isfl, mado 6fiI?-~o---g~t otlict~, i8 Imildiag o~, i qiiicks;ind. ~’ith iho oxcolltlon ut’.’~lr. Suluncr no Lihei’al rc publlc~n doo.~ re:ill delusion. Thoy aro "]iyilol’riles and I[lllled. They know Well ,lot, and for tiio sako of kaow thgt Mr.- Greek, y’s elen- Southeru Statce, with no’ intorlhrcuoe’from the n¯tion in hls behalf; that it niea’bs the -t~fti6~l~-m ~-mhfi~n t ~ - ncutr¢ltze,t headCongroes ; hinds t’.lllilig two t;~ per cent. in ov.ery.mar- kot. Tlio deniaeratio hiillionairo ~ho is wil;. to rb*k this’ has- al~,]y ~ lielg~d---~ . t:i ennilgli tO pay l~ur times over for all holevee oil tile ha" lionsl seeurltios, and lh~ll ~ a’dy laugh at¯th0 ematl boodhoide,’s he has dilt,cd. - , Observe that I o aat as Mr. Gr-~lev’~ alllds unly the eo~porheads ol thu D’mocr,~ic p~ rty ; it i~" laosa hilk to ~ily he-has ~oiue,c th,; I)emo. 0rlts. ¯ Snell li statemefi~ is an i,isuh to ¯ iiie ~h hos j,,i¢led chilnge tiieir ba~6 aud~ltccept heartily the ra. sult-of-the-wir:--. All honor to~h el~. But their Gr~ol~ ieml~, what ]lot.leo .Greeley is. is s kuew hini olii.)~ too wcl in tho visioli to seo th. jusli6e of our ~&useT-"Bdt he hover li*dl coari-i~id nnougti to cenfess hi:.fo,th,¯ It eveots-had e~-et-qivc:i-him the l:ourage, ho novcr ,at~uld iiave’had lU’iin.fil’~io -eu,,ugh-#.--l’i~k-auy-h~n~.f rr-nn -id, It. k~trlui- mnr by rlcturo aud purl,ose, ho hits llllll~iud evcu au I I, ’ h6 woaid have been thoohieftimo.server of his ag_e, I neve!’k’lie~ til[]!loW ony ofhi~ ~-~l~tl Sll ileed~, alid uudls~rimhiatlng lis oVeil Io elltini that he waea ~ilit, ero lnan. byword With o8, thltt it, would ha ~ltt’o to It’liro auhi)onpureo tn tho ~antu room wiih hl,~, ; hnt as lot any othor h~nesly, It(, one was evor wit- le~s euough to eOlillOel tho idea #[th his nanli,. Mr, lqunincr trust~ hiin aa a ii Ill~thlie ah!di. ~’ou aed [ itnow woli whon allolitionist Wll.ll O h,rm of reprooeh, liglr timidly hc hold up his woiking abl,lit’il,nist~ who atood h! tGd trenehee frofa 18!0 to 1811U, Wi liog le trust t lo u,gro to JJorlioo ’Grneley. I elill remntitber tlic Ilily Wli~ll~lo alill hls.inlll~w.lLelmbltol~lld i u.ind lllll* crili,ll~ni ilpllli llielil l~ eertllhlat0~ ~ lhlit th’oy werol3ut Itholltl0111~l~, %_Vp ~ili g!vq_l!l!!tJu~t ~ll0h il" ~ortlllolde wll, h a idear vonsl!iencn. Judged hy ihu llles of thn Tribm~ Itsull’~ thera iitlvor irii~ Uli hour when Iluraeo ~lrelily ililoid .havu heen Iru~ted wLth tho 011ru oi’lho bliiok tu.I;’~ righl~. .. ~o illlld has 1;nnwn lmtter thiil h0 illi~r In -li, lliolut’lilre-liliHl!(’el llUd llr.eilnht-¥ SilCCl~llFOllr -- "- lif i]i~ tlilliVil, lilliis lll’othl, r llil,lh l,’l,r [iiloli,lf lie ti~vlir had.s eoiir[vlhiii, l~lnli Colitrit~L. lll~. i~lrtailr lll’,lira of (Jrn, ’lJron I ~illi hhl fiillit hh,Jllil( ii,ll¥. Nl~iil,vr hl~ II’,lll*l, l,-r hl, I,l#llilt j~ If lih~’ lxe,.li,lill. ~,~iltlil¯l ~!~ill-~ li’,,ili ihv ll.li|, II,,Ih :il,, ill, i,ilil~ll ,,I,,i well~l..d ~ ill wilh i,?il:el,l * lll.lilll’lOll I * t!’l’tL, I") ill;hiL tli- lil, ~ ,,f Iti’, 71:/’:lit * I’, ,t .v,,,, wil’ ,’, I),ltL e h~¯liqVt’l ¯ lii"l~", I’~nil I~ ~ll~i, ¢ iHI llll~ I, Ui’i,s~ i ,I,, iA i~ltlli ,’lille , Jt (lft’l~ V ll’lil II IVt ’*’l y I,hliit Ih~,ili wlih II luii’Olli,,Uli~. ’11~ i~ ,,.l) ll~lltig olilf tlitl ill rl hii liu~ ih¢,i~a d,i)ilid. ,l~l’ll’ I.~li~h Ivh,13 Ihu ~lllrllii; lilld h,ya1141!llltllll!e I~,p!.L,.,I .f’,,,i,i !1,.7"’"bs ’4"u0i/’~ll+-*~ll!" I~_~l~i.~ II,~rie,, tirl’~l,,y Iliinlltl ;ill:l .-iI’liVi,q I il~l lie i d lilit i~l’lill II. Ilut y, li iii,,[ I likl,il~ I~liew l it ihloii illiltrtlir,i of lira I.~’:Jty’ iil’iilii Tll’~lll. ¯ ,i,l..illCl,. l,,d hll,lii(liili.~i, lq , ,i, iii~pllu .i’ Ill , ’i ill ’l~ t llll I[lll L ~ i ,il I I" { i! ,I I: ’*l,*, ’l’i I.il I,,t,¯’. ~"!l ,’’, ~’l’ ~ h.I ~"i: I .’ , i ,I It " , ,,,* ’t ,, t’ ~ ~ ll’i ililll II 1 h~ h.,f ~,,h,l~,i ill d, r,:,~, u. ,.i i,i. ~ ri,~[ nl li, i ’.t l,lil~ i. If ll~ ~tr. l~linlll6r ~ilv~, ~l ’, I i’vtl.), l~’n ’* hh’liaio itboljll,,liiM/* Ii’itw i,lllllll~l II th,iI I lili IIIllilh Ihli’li Yl",ir% .~lt, ~-IiIiililf l,iii’dly ~ill. ii l, hld hl!i’*] ,ili,I livltr tiliil fill) li~ully vii I, I,iil Irltlil I1.¯ 7’, ,’/,,,u, 7 I{oW llilt:li lillt, ,~li’, *~]llil- lit, r’~ fli~ii*t~ ht’ur~ hilil cx ~;lhlihl ai ]i’tl41h llll Itiil ilill~ liii Ihu li i Ii | *’ ’ li, r ill lliiltFl!-~ till llu~ ~1Oil i fiil Illilii) il yfiir, th, ,, i, iliillh,,li .t iht! &,,Lt .l,~le;y nl4J{ll*,(tlil. [ at u ii, ql;:li,i I’ fl ¯ * I li I1 lill,tl I lilO.l ililil~ lllnh lid ill I iVliii [il.a ~l’,~ rl’ 1 i I ll’l I lli~l ~’vi’lilili~ ti.ii I:-il~lit~liil hciit l ’ I II II,’,,,I. n’hd l,ilt i,il I,ivl~,. i. I,,, l~,*) -. r#tePrlilg .htfl npllrliivlllIl-oll,l-iqrld-ii ~- IL "1{~. lil*llt-,Itillll ,Jr #ll llt¯-tl dllll Ilill.~ tl rll tl t pr.i.o. My r,’volb,,.tt,,n,rlli,’,,, w¢llgr.ui,d~d I’,lllil*llilil. i* i’ll I¢,’.1, liillt I ]*,o1~I,C Mr. PtiilU lilll ,i i,i. tlilU ul .%It illl~i, y ~i,ll lill,i.,litl*l liS- lilili#llliil lil. El i.li lliu i~li ~ lll.ll I i, il¥i,rlJ*lii ol Ihe ,<oliili~ ru Ih,l,~d~" il il,,i ~u .o.lleil’,,l cs thtlt vl’ Ihe Tt’/!.,,,u li~lo a , upl,,,lt0," uf Ch.il’,ca I ...... . i I .) hi h/ind, .in Kimsusilll -t61d mnTJ nati CoaTes,inn : " Sir, (:tran I(rrest(~d tho~e twenty withoot a loaded l.u~het at my h0d,-headl=~an;1 never veliured into thh’ vilhlgo- uU;0sS ’t~llly .~i’med. ~iuee that siern iuterfcl~eoco "iiIN~irth . Cltrollnll i, eVeii ufar Off in Georgia, nleep.linti willk libotit as I~llfe, olirelesi, illt L Xr6o 118~fOU y is elecled, I suppose, ~aid. I, lo ld those rovohrers ngaiu.’" ’- ~oathern- boast What- : that election means. I’ll uovnr risk living Such ie the testimony of a loyal man iwtho South ! , That/show it looks la Georgi~l 1 I -h’~ve anot’]er interelst iu Or~at’a.. naule .w~xs only o; of’thn reat ~truggle b~ itgVdndertdok to" own od with it sink ~l.q All tho ~an:e:Co~f tiio war aro put beyond d~hate And a iloar ~eldl is left for the dil~cn,.sluu of thn’hihor m,,vement. ;’ I’d;i uot count much 0ii the rect,gnitlon ~fft~nal; , *.. nmvemerR by tho llepuhllcan "Cinvn/ltibn~ though I gratefully nppreeiato it.~’iltd t I ~i~o’ in . "~, L’_old i.~ues-~nd the lit cvcr thewar ( rV~li ~ s, i’o t Wo.shs~,l .Imvo be~ide~l &’ of4he ! .’tb ~T-’qu~ L’.l~tJ;i, ti. ’~’[Jt’+~’qlVt’tltillii ~’ll’+,lll,#d tJl~ir all peace and ,~¢l~6rt fl~iiy t6 agitdto’fl/o grvitt" ,in- duetrial qocs ions i f:thn.day. Prnsidbnt 0r0n- "Icy mealis tho 8ea!idlil and wrilng]n Of oailiiied ilr Waah~ngton, . ": : " The ,ltd h!-~t !ine t,*/nlo o Mr. Sunincr’s letter tl togi!lher in Ii lioslilc ’tel igro I robbed I trbdden ~nder Inot, dolbnoe. ~hhn with lln iota o£ the gllilj nf - , .- . . keopi,g allro the ~Slutratiea of rsoasP’ Re: ly-t his-I)tillh-h al!-ne ver.sh ow n~li, ity;h undue preJndlee a’.’u nst’tho ’wolf. ’ t hlak_alL=t!~e f~u[t =wlis.ca_the other. ,. " sido ................. " Wo put aHlle with the seorn It dsser{~es thn’ ~ hisul, lla flied in llroa0hhtg to ¯llS t’orglvenees and rcoonelliatiuii; "Au 0"ri~onvilio ¯ult],lbby r, Prieoa ara ~tilt Ilvl.g 5orr~rs._Besldesr/ho ~"~ od all throll ~llat dread gravel ofs0veu ,;:nito native Geo_rgi&a. lo~,nl. . mon~, - rnthleslll [u Lha arll ilrod thousand } ,i sbl ohis are niouroed, fill wlthiu lllear, throutrhnqt hlil~. g!oryl!ig [l! t_h~ titrooltios,- ~leall tlhll~ ka -Io the n,parulteled aieroy, the umitiorahlo gen- ero~ltff uf Iho liulhlnl-lilnotyonino ont of qvnry holldrod 0illifethtrafe eaidlois OllJliy to-day lilt Ihe rlkhll ti v Iad I,~foro t le war, Jelleraolt -, llilvl~ oiid Ilia’ fellow il~sii~ilis--tlie real ~alldrs of Audereonyille llnEt fttlih#-- -:- -- ’- --¯’----- ...... -- ...... -L-.~ha me-nwt tTose-er~lel-eyes ........... =_ l’hat lloro Io look Jill tortliro . __/ .... Aud ilai dd no~" hiok "uii. wilr.’--.L ...... ,llll llvli--iinhilrnled I lu i,~scelul llOsile~loa Of i’wr¢ r’Ight lh,~ hlw i~llnIx ve, fii~,llt hat of liiLil’*i’, II,l’h" hl,ilii*’ uEi~i,’il, lilt FliVtfliluent whh,,il hll,~ ~ i,lt’llli Itli.lli. , J. iilllll li~[ ii lli Iho ,,,,, I,*; I Ihllik II,~il,i, I,, Iliil I.i’, ,,d vt mhiii ~ll,iP!, ,I *hhl It II*’l’i’e~,¯l.l iil*d It~’ll,lllIll~ to l lll’-aoh Ill ~llr~’lit t’¢,ii[iiiliilty II,’i dilty ol’fer- l.lti ll,sn] ¯ . It,’,, d,, ll,=l~iVo, WO havu, for/,lven. Bu~. dilly lo lhe ilbi~,t Oild t,I Ihe I,e rio forbids ma tll ill,. L l,uw.r ,o !liy hii.ls Wiil~oilt ull,lp ibted r .w i..~.i~it~Llll~¢-I Lilh.iy--Lh.l.--laot.l-~l#~’lidl( Ir~l, Ill, , ilh3’. If ’,’,. f. il ill Ihl,i v ulh,i~wqldnllt lllil i !liiVo ,h.v.ycd II ,i lil.~ril I Ill I lll~ ~r illit[ I,Ii hini dillihle ilofilii+uli,~. ,l wi~h lii 7 vilh’tl t¯oI ’, ’, I, h ’ii,I I I I,,,’l¯V i’ ll,r* ,l’ llllili I~lIWll tl) ’~ I:i*l I I ’, ,1 I, . , i r i ,¯ i.:ed ilia’ liilvIC¢. ,li i , ; .I Jill ~I ,l,,llll .... i lli~tl lllO *ionleef. ’, i ’ > ~, ,,l I l ,, it iJIh tt , ill Ill iwlp IIN, il 1< ’’~l’li’’’’,~ t,, I .~r ,I,kl l¯llr lll,inl. ,i. V,,’l ,’;*lii, ,vi,q,lqtt’, I f,,, ~,]t. ,,r ,’lilili~ 1(" t/l’,’/d,,y lit ~l~’er¢~:l, lll;i’**fil,li,l~lli’lilel tlonolit yiltir’lirllliel¯t~/--..bul i,r,lailiill fu-" dofollctl, ~oli II lena it ~i l,,ll ilitl ~,liliv." , ¯ . I[lil ¯li,lll [l,,Itl llt,:lll~ i’,lIwii, t~ I,tit lllid [IOlitllail. u I l’lle llliOl ii, ¯ h~or ~i, ,r ,, ~,,I,Iicr~ ^t ih. r~;ll (~all l,I Noveinhor. h,t nil" hlvll ~liill lid lii ltilmlcr Ill libl alnlo, ~ll dru. uliili iiuf l,Qill ~ritl’ua l~llli Wllr~e Ihilll i’uipt~ t’erl~lAi,,lii.~i if o¥11r Ibelli We Clal) llllllldl wilh liill rcv~iii~rttil ulitllilel ~Vhell |lafllul ltl|ti t,*titl¢illiii l,rlial’ al, dli ttitl l¯tiy," as Itla lllli .. b,’l,,r~ aliLI illi,ier liio StllllO i~rt.lit ~li~itl’llt. tO I ;dr. tf,,, ~f:l-Tt:. - ............................. ’It ’Iranl tl defeated,-I’nm not ,nre we ,hill I~u lrlit.il ill thv U,lptiol, llartlol Ilte Nlilon’l ri, lol,,ut llU I I’al~llil~ lois i.r lt~l lia~l hilt Vii llil~ lllll¯ll li) e,,e t~Olli~fePll lull ot ¯ 11 ll~f,i, aid la, li,o Wllll~ II,,li~v" ilitdr tuol. Lit uler I nlIMli who wl .. iUl,l al’tltt [ho dlllltll¢ t’l,ttl for tjrtilil. ¯ WYatll;LhilUiLi.tt, S~ , I .~a~.gm#~ott~ Au~utt ll~ 18T3. .’ ..... \

Transcript of D cess:Ma ke r, =: ,:.---: WatChe · D cess:Ma ke r, =: ,:.---: WatChe ... r ~ ~ ...

Page 1: D cess:Ma ke r, =: ,:.---: WatChe · D cess:Ma ke r, =: ,:.---: WatChe ... r ~ ~ ...

..~ .1 ..... _.~. 7¯;:.)"~

i¯ i

ryeyoro=--: .... ~-- --" ..... .JUMU8 B. BROBK, Beeretmry.


¯ ot ~uz’-mll

Rapublklim" p¯rty of --" 01dh,-tO .........tssembled’ig.N¯tional Convemtlo~ in the ehef Phil¯~elphlu on .the 6th--and-6ihds ¯ " . -. 7" .........-I~i’872, ~ga-iQ-deell, ll itl-.laith.. ¯ppesls to ~ " ~ ....... f - ’ - -.- - , ....... - " .rts hi,tory~ and ahuounee~:itm ]position’u~ou the

the,GrouP-and 14 tl~on tieke~-’is -¢le~,elep- - -"fu~,doU"~e~:;~ the"eo,’,ntr~- ~- " .... " ....... During tbe-en-mii~)g~]Y~s|tlefil~Sl. ~an- ’ The Atehts°U (Kao’) ~owru~ ~ys that .-¥;rar.--During eleven-yeurs-of-suprem~y.tt .VaS~. we shall publish ¯~I’E~IAL WEKX~IY infl Such strengthin that State. that

, mgjo!

¯ " =TL ................. --"-:---- --=~-- -~--- -----: ....

....M e-tli m0st 0f your:by!u~in~-ihe-- -<, - -

:. . ,: - . . 1--s ’-- " "arid humane, smrd ibe Indians.

- .__~_~..~ ~.,.’-. _= ......

’.¯.-..: .. :


_rebelli;m, *manei ,stud four mtllio~is-niigenco,

-Itihe~l-uuivorsal-suffrage. --Eahiblting unper~l.. .....Jla..vjpg..~._ade ample

--Wt~O ",’tOV~ r Ioy#ilty by dheydig tt c0nvenHonsstly with their nelghl,ure. It has.m- hund -the~res,Htan t w~

stance, he it Grain Brown were"rotten iiiii)-l~it~-ikOiild~" : ...... ¯

throughoul ~lii~k6hii6-druiik.--~-’~Whe-~-we-look- a~6und

,leqgem’unt f the. publie, with the liloste~ms’ right~eeured -from Euro- -tioQ on allLe_prrent affa;rs, ~- - -~- --... ’

p,,wer*,--A, oniform~ationM eiirreffeyb¯sI Campaign Editionprovided, rep dis,ion frowned down. the

nat/.nal credi(sudt¯ined under the most extra, will tberelore-i, ecuro-anexhaustive alia:.deus..aad new bonds neg4~tinted at

coil¯clod and honestly

.. oral Uroo’t’e Pre~idene~ st the rSle of on

lU hta ~ speech. ~’W,

tight-ha a back," ~ tile- prompt, I,ut¯,ly el. the .Mutl~nzi.Democrat

~’"OreeleY littlest" is -ibe ~amo of tileisturber..Only tbu,r, drinks "

...... ¯ .-:::-’ 0f-barmyard-manure.’r. VCe have. oil hand a small


not entrust the Gurl.rnment to any’ ,,rut,rabies, ion/~1 men

77-- ......

.., . .

.¯ -.-:.

............... *-2

¯ , ¯ .~ , ,%: ,....

- t

" -- - .... :-if-:" : ’., ’.;". "" " . , - . - -...... ~’~ " ’ " ’ " L ’ ’ " ~ " ¯ : . ~

" " ’ " " " " " " ......... : ~:! ~ " " " "" ’ ...... " - .................................................... ,.:i"-.-::.~-=:77¯ " " ~ T ,y~ ,-------..-:------. - - ’ ~- , u

"x "" ~-"=’" : ~ "o........ \ DEVOTED TO-THE INTERESTS OF H AI IMONTONA D::MA KIIqG Oi4 : ;:: --

BusineSs ¯Cards:

¯ ’ -_ __ ...... L . 7 : . . ..

¯, ~O~..VZBOZ~A ~ltmr ~m~s~Y.

. . =

Hammonton Business Cards.

.._ :...A; _$.; KING,

¯ TtAMM6 TTON, ’ SATU: D ¥, SEBTEMBER_7;_lS72,

Letter from ~’Wendell Phi~ps That, Mr.- Greeiey see~ itl Would never could f

es not sen me niatter_ el °-W~’- purp°sen"-- ~08t011i--7-::---::-~ .... : ........... . tound astonishment..,

~ ¯ . . oa’the I inv01v~d ia the e~la-N~Ci][A-NCEIi 1~ 7-31i

--II-A~-0PENi~-D AN OFFICE ~ I thank yfia for ’tho oontldendeflour his ’dwelling in H.AMMONTON; N: ~ implied in your Amon you

mTwill-b~gigi~-iTn20 t I. [br years.VEYANCING. writing CONTRACTS.&o., &e.. ~13.’ residence her#?makes it i,eonve i-

JJOSt(JI~ ; and 1 e~.,,z stale

lies:,dee-ree..ivihg=t he general -news- from to chmu in,u t~ot make : -~ " "~-i-~-r~..~-~-~-~._’~_____ Hi, .ill ahTo act ~ot for the..L_.,1 _!~j ~’~,7 ~X ~C-_L~_~-.L’~ ood thet:llr~1 iinti the [eu] Gr¢olian : : ’ " TAXES: Prompt attcation 11

: for t hi.,Ld?jtirm.~ ,. -- :10alg-l_y *

it and ._I:ID~E,_SI~ ~ND imn

If ~oueonlmlmzcate with you


Of csmfse the tirst~t’houghtto you lind iue jast: jaow is,. that one otyourbcsiiabt dstan~.most watchthl friend~.

s eontentndto doso. :, Erei’y man-of t

.......... -EvaTydescriptiono f PL-AIN A FANCY~Pltiil-t--~]UOIll=---’~ ." HAll~oifroli,.i%.~.. i ing promptly executed inthe Lent style. ’ "that PaUy. It will t~upport the ~,elee(ed by tiim~ell : "l will ~ay tO --- .......

ine:8~ the-Phila!|eJt,hiw’(gonvention, the-Nor,If_give-uPS- _and’to the-~outh~ . . -~_ _- . ~ Resi~hpee__on~.Central Avenue, in thedo its share in. securing their trium- keep net baclt.’ " - .hens6 formerly occupied by Dr.Bowles. - - * -’--Particnhir attantionzgivull-t~- ........ -

-asI~ne~]|l/-did in 18111. I do .not earn heads anff secessionists lift Mr. into.defects were’they ten times greater, the White lIouse, "they will ’e ia, -"’ To for for suoh faalte se. now underetood that ]a¢o---thelr fulIthose!i~kwardnesk When he is" defenainItS assa6$io.

In I r ~.Y"|’.fat the~

,!(’i f ¯r~O,lt’.,nh’~ .i/,ll ¢~Y.’.’.,fl

US II’t)m ,he"South hcltr~ x~ili|ei~s tbht tim u

opinion, mid ready for another revolt_whcnm, er


ion therc cheore¯d it ou, and iu ~upp. essing itour Oox~el~tneiit had no titIe-efhelll-frofii-fdl~-

merrebols. Allthls was to bo exl)ceted; Itw.uld be con

ration. ,,are no :bung-lerz, but sh r.~.~d--at-a ~argain, to get

I o’,i ,y j,~ in ~.1 t,!l :Io d~bt ""

Davis in thouge,t iu the Cabiimt. No do bt he will be

elennslng the" t

stood the test .of.yeai’s, with a con-

intrinsic vlrtuell,

beneficial to children, and yet so searchinasto

._ or diseases that have lcrked in


Ject that ¯ -bene6cefit progress:" ¯ ,~cLoL the_ .yer~_fir_st_impo_rtance,

t hat-tbe--(Jreeley~ntovement is- ,%c~77d;-Thei~8~ht-n-ln.ndmeots t~ I[giyV no SUDllort to irragdlar Or evel~weakarin-~har-eeetiod---thi~ii iu:-New---ti,,ulll ~6n~litutl n ~hould .be cordially stts-. ,~ bohl,;g" mdminattons~-whieh ~an only. E,,gland. ’J’hat "fire ’’¯ which Greeleytai0ed heeause:tliey6i~6 rlsht, nor’re,rely to~e: result’in the i~eturri el the~ Detnoerata to mr~rs predicted ~gould "l, weep-aero~,s <.rated h, cause .they ere a law, en,I shoul I he prairies" has never been kindled, nor

ried uut’acoordi,z to their spirit byappre power. Tlleri~ are pr,,j~.cia of -all kiddsthe-enfi,reemer.t ~f-wl~i,;h for. di~olving tim Republican it be Ior lack o[ material, ¯ o

iil~lsutured those .nmeodmeotr. in.refe~n~ ,o the Tanl~ ~ay.q Ihe questi~

the field¯? Thethe et~joyment of atl eivi. rulitieal. ,faih.,pni.,.r~in New York obstructed andnlan is doomed toa fear/u] do-p,,t.lir~ rh:l,t..I.,td,1 !,o e..:~. Ii h6,1 h.,I ..fl;-,,.t. .¯li-e .i*r:tL’~’q ’’*~ t f~l)l’tdl attests ils ~incerity

i,l y )i,ul t.,.,*,., i ,,.,,.;, .~ i ..-C.,,,,,,,’leo r aod ,iliJ:r.=l~rl~li6-..td ~ ~ ~.TIMES~.~ o~d- _lea t.La.nyway’,fignt he will notal:dca[’ts-Wit h-O-’(~onnr--in--lhbli Staie."- ....

sh,mld udmit any diseriminath,u in respect or w-other-journuL~-are- The" ~tta;l:ht"-’- Dt m~eratielvovcnlent :eiiizeus bY re.s.o of i’ace,-el;ecd, eolor~ or pre- alte,tJi,ting to make politieal daldlsl out gains sti’en~th daily. There’ i~, in view¢_ iogs_~ci3Jidii]GnuLs~iii -dii.L%: .........


Fire Insurance Cbo,21-tf Or BRIDGETON, lg. $

.... B_UILDINGIif’or e¯le cheap.¯ A number ef dtairlblt build,

inK lots near the statia~-4y-wl~lout fsaR_ - - [aquire:of

¯n-i-ii~o ,oi;. ~id;--HAMM01tT01ql H01J$ .

li’urlliuir* r.p¯iiad an;l varuished, ¯¯d re¯d¯ to-look lika ¯lw. i:tiv¯ ma a e¯ll.


Ora0rs’roi" t~EAIN~Nd trom all

Yaila.i ¯

O. J, F.A.Y,- ---DEALEK~IN

,-DrugsN. E. Corpor i;ellevoe and ftailroad Av.’s -"

"tlAMM ONT_0N. bT. ,1.Paints of ¯ll colors

- of and all~-lcers andorders of;BollsAuthon




-towfil6h ft would not

dJs~. .. ¯- . ....


It h au excellent restorer of health and"


Even wben

s’eek to maioniin hon,,rable l,-¯ee with ll na- form, in any br~nch of tile Gnverhment, a short time, be With"ti,n~,-prutceting its’-eit iimS.’everywher-e,-ai3~lwhieh will sol be henri y ~upported by being distanced..sylopathtsing with-all-pvoples whustrivo forthe-TiMim. But it will not eonfipiT~iiT ........ "grcale.r liberty.

" n,~.qsti.g ambilious politicians or de tta-1 |F~ti.- Any syslom-of tbeeivil eervieehuder -lioi~ues .to reach power under -false-whieh the subordil

¯ ,re si,lered"¯ demorallz[og, and

of=tbe-~ystem=by laws~hieh ;hia-~-~onvention-as-the¯ M-Isture." 8 h**nesty, eflteieney., and r ’the.e,sential

Or aniqL 3]atl...r ........................... 22.0~1"q,mlld’atiomiTor public positi~ns_wl-thoh-Lr~T~o.tlcally erealiug a iif .to,lure ol’uflle~.

Phosp" a~e of Lime ....................... 2S.08 8txt#i. We are opp;~sedto lurthl~r grants., 8ode ilnd Potash Salts. ................. 10.20

. :. _...

D t nnc’rloxs:~U~e one hngto the ¯ere

rith .~driR ;iSn d¯$a

~t.ll,: taking #onlueA’me,l(, ;; eat.~ater

¯ ., ~:.. o - . ¯ , .~/~ Jl ~ ~ A.R.K D. n..lv " ..... .._

~_ = m~tl Ami!_ - - - (TAnlllltl,

" ~ ]~Y-ALL DnuGoIS111 lIVXilYWlllr, R~" ......... AN’il ................

.. Sngar of ~ilk’.~_ __ -

T-ERMS:-The f!AMPAi(~X ]I~DITIO~I of the N~w Yonl[

will he furnished to mail eubsaribers

inlor, Greeley

. ,G.rel:l. y_ must not bc blamed for falling_neotllo ia tire race.--He~annnt ruu verlt -- :~

arms, and ~6rth

ester 7Denlocrat.

Two ways of looking at it: shi~nlah~", Remember~

.s.gt apart for freehomes’for tl~

be a inilal ruvenuap.n~ioni

nee’ for the redaetion of tim the Republiean P/irt~...dpal, lied. Ihat reTinue, exeept so much as . It will sastain, w.ith uli th~ force and in

¯ it, derived from a tat Upon tobacco and li~ at-fill son,mend, the prineiplesL-and

die details of which shuuld be mous in our" history.. ’Ill willremunera wsges to labor. ’fiie~-’-fi¥761~13Y"~’I/;~5~’tliiT-h-0"fi~ pellce, ¯rid

the .proslRlrity of be heat don-and promote the industries, pr01fperity, slidserved and promoted.growth-of the whol>, counti’y .......

E;ghtA. in und Started in Seplember, |851,the"rluzs has

I the Union. _must sueees~ful, popul¯r, and influential--tersot=blr~Grealey-and-M .r~-Seym,urt he-TlaU on,-

and th,~ wid.,ws and orphans of those who die.t papers in t .e ouun ry. wo of-rii’-~i~t~!- ~l~fi~t~-th~ De~ra~i~-~~proprietors .still dire_el its poliey ; "¯nd,. wi h Ior the Pre~idener,- whinli-’ it- says,- have

.fOrgqherollstht it, andn°untry’gratefulare .e’~,tbpeople.led tOwethUfavoreUre.of.¯-.aubh g~e’utly’lge~re-lled’res°urees¯nd experlenee, wliillow been a month in i he hands of ’>lr.

additirnul leg[shttlouasw!llentend the bouety ¯ nopafns to. gxtend Ind ,streugthen.~i Ira

~Y~t?’~:l~do°w~b~ hmiZ ~u~rhei~elllll~ (]reeii.v s fNe/l_dSie~H ilhlnkn in thok~;

of the government to’ a’ll i, ur eoldhrs and ns Upon the eonfldenoeand labp.ort of thesellers Who were "ilonorkhly ’ ~iieb~l’ged, "a. d

" lill. ’ Dz P;illlru~.xv!ili~ll be eondue|.,fiR of fatrne-s andim


Tile NEW YORK TIMES, ’ ’ to the erring one.".A~ ¯-Repubiiean Journ¯l, will be d~voted, Is in Practical Rel,ublie~n~" Oh remem-

went.out tho erring end, andhim a suit ofelol _a ring, and a

,. . lemetrll er readiog -,hit °¯ ola"gentleman’-xskedyhhtt’" tb"-tAY,~e of th~ hrm."

The Binehamptonof’the let-

¯ and fvrnilked it R¯W and seed 0il Coa.I Oil,in th~ bestorder, ii Ft’epared to :give 41eallsllt Neat[oct Oil, Sewing Maehiua 0tl, L.l(rd Oilaeoemmodat[ons t¯ r ’ ’ Paragna’Oit. Spirlts Tuv,,enl.;,~e, Ji~n~lt¯, Ate.,. - TRAVELERS itlm BOARDERS, -&e: Also Ay~rz’aoll ’=- ae~: i:le. ctae~, Do-

,t roasoullhle ra[es.....,me:~!~nDZe:~l~7;Iv:~;;{.,~,~r~iecle.~ as al’e ,t,~uully

ihhio d:41tilkli mff fbr horses.

__D cess:Ma ke r, =:~(~Tii.h’E. O. RANDALL, JI~W~LER~ ill.

pri~iug ll the latest ~tof Blisques, Overskirts, Sle~res, Dolly Verdun’s,

Ti" / lilllluli¯ s at .the loweet .pricm=7-_:..:::,..:..

,:.---: ........WatChe:And Jewelry,

I~LOINIB Ot ItlANilIALL’ll-(Clark’~-Bulldlnt~)

IY-A-M-M-0-N-T~)~ .~N "A]eo-~ K ohoieo asei3rtmimt i~f Moutk.Ol:.~’dTiil~py<-Glaases, ~teel-l]owed A’peitaeles, ,~;ih’¢t2’hi,,biee, &e., &o., for sale cheap for

tf ’’

"atl,m Is made, ll tb¯ tloeh ,~iatA. The d.etrlnes of Gre~t B rlt¯In aud enee oJ every es~nutial stage_

has op’~ned ii Barher 6hop i~

---EAnT)I ~__l!.:~’L~t% la~emmits ~lf-the-gra o~_t #el" Eur_~veaq_lil.l,wera_imlleai~nin Ir has- ~itn-’61i/ffged ..... "- -~" enee li subject diwnys n sllbJlmt"--havln

one consulted with |i who seeks ollh.e~.!tr_.y~b ( by thil~jourual." .......... CLAlllilT~fll IIUII, DINQ,are retnlosd with-lloll4of Ihe 8TAaon all ol ¯t Iset, dirongh the-effoits pf th,, ....................: : -: ............Uili. It’e"n-’

- _ ..... 2_.-¯ E~’el, yettr intreat p¯rty, beeu’¯b,n,to ud. and 1he Amerleae idea

W,[aasl become, eaddida61" f~,(-ofllei. ,It~ Can , " . NOlle|n ’the fe orted, ob"" . . .nnd Is ll’ropared to Cut Hair, Shamlioo~ Shave,

.t~ valuablo Paollenoao~ _, .L ....... , I ~l ..... ’ ., , Pi l~nl~loa will be full lind timely and ils .... g P .urvatlon o[ &o., tn the he~t nlallnor. .. ul (lie lnUlVlUUnl S right to.tr¯nsnlr I, sis nines "Rl¢ e w" H6raee i.}l-eele wht!!!_~!!_Jul@ vi -h~" ....... ~, ~_ ~,__.: ....... g .... ~o~Ta_.w!l[b~pre.ltar d ~b.thelltm~atf¯rn. __ , . . ~.,. . le Jlltt, l!lg throllgk. ¯ ..... (’ ~’ d ’ ’Itiouandf¯l h l, dn%.,,-£-;.~.v,y..-.y .... pullu_nell¢~nstlt Th~LlvlinlnrDwrlli~N-~xVwil;h~-in-~h~lrou~’h. ~ll",~iclU~tb:-~"F~i~b ihi~.i~;~,r~. Jo.- ...........................

"A--’l’ea:~-~la~’-t°"u~vcr’q-’Maa1~-can I~suro OUl ilia, it is flslues, wllb.15*pmttlae ewlpouadi’(Ol.uvl ~a rue uuiy ozonr u.overnmeht, too g ueru with ly ea’pebl, b¯d~ i*nd w II pse|ent full¯review ue sure as’ i fin-;,, " ,I...~k:L’_-’= "~ ~]’? - Open every dlly, On Sunday from 7 to 10 Ink6i~ (full~-- ilL’ iiiiid-~ ~ ;~..~l~,l~llll’-’ka’)=’fi.eill?.whhlL~!lllin-lmd-mnich ............~,.h "--,~,u’ earn .......,ae.~..l, .,~2.m..q,~p ]q nttls;nari ni~ ’ , t’

~.f.the ille~stu~e~the_tlue ~li_iho_musleTind+"-, aa~s.~lll~_al_i~~.~--~---’ _ . ......t~o~ar.i,,g .... - ......

ill,llel ¯returmeu . - - , .t~’,-’--~" ...... ¥ .... ~ ...... lut~ll¯u.nlalms tbe’dtamli¯flheday,-" "" , ¯ - ,,~ ..... = .-’. ....... . ............ s’"’,~ ..... --L-, ..... ,~OSIH’IIOO.I-ST.---and it is th o11 nnd perfcl..t-<

.’ It.Is bullsTed, by the moll Intllllgant men "y their:armor governlutnta, nd we urg9 son. Aa a family a e~’~ fro¯ ’ f~om all a ’ e~ls Io we.are .right Ilere ou tile li¯round, and we ’ llammonton, April )0, ’7"-’. ¯ 15 tfed~ wepar: riOt for restoring Gl:,,~ thlt mueh of the a.#red,mi’sltkae,e Imd mort-ri a0c.I c~refa.I ene, u r.sgema~t llad proteetlon of v,ll ¯r sni’-hn ~;~ tastes tht PPt assure blol moat su emnly tbat-tlleseae|tn

..... " attlnta . g I , Tlnzli wt Leon. . ’ . - " "Oil.. ADED [AIRtO its youthfi’ll colt% . v ry immtgr¯uoa.¯. - . ’ tinnll, uneaee li,n ble alfil mu be eafel ¯d.’ setle la ~ sure sit llhl,ot~ It cou 0n’t ’ . ~~t t’ of mlnkl~ld le tr¯eeab[e tn deflele,,( er faulty ; _ .... p a. . y y . ............. ¯ .....

U E R T A-i( E fir¯ 2 hi, scalp, by its ttSO, beeome:i ~l;ItifeN " - ’

and e]6all. It removes all ertVptione""

mid dandruffy,/mdiby its tonio prop2 ’ Jhis t, i.:,,od llesr,~, and Will .tt,,nd Io o,lls to,ertics, plevcnts tho hair from thlling ’ Fo.u,,,,t~ h, lh,,nn.,ot,,., or I. the n.igh-outt as it stimtilates and nourishes . t,,.,i,~, lo~,}s and vHl~gn~.

O(~//n* ,,./’,,’crV.t3/i .Irn,’.,h,:d~t ll/,i.’t liot;rll ll(, t]10 hair-g]ands. By ita USeI tho,lutir’

. " , ¯ ,’re, ’,/,’ ’¯,: ,’,’<,. ’.- growe thioker and stronger. ¯ In ,’ . a i, l, I. l ~, i, ,~; t~ t,’, ]laldnoss~ it restores tho caplllmT "Wl[Ll,?l,WltlttbIT ,\hD ~’,,,ILILI’AtlI,: WORK,, gland-~ to tlloir.Dormtll vigor, mid bo,,o to or,ler ll,;ld warraut~d t~ givo sat- .

will create a new ~wth, except’in .’ , h~h.’lh.i... eX(i’eino01dago."II,;iatllelDosteco. . ¯ S:i(Iz, o.~ E,,: i;.~itmm A3,~,isi;i:, "ii0iiii~hIHAlil’DnllS~iN--o-e¥’0r-l-ii~M~ - " L (,611,,inhi~ ~la,~l{,u,lih ~};n%; .......

:ts it requlres fewer app]icatibn~,IIA,1t.IIO,A"/OA’, ,v#’14 ,/EI’,%’LL

and gives the hair a splendid, glossy ........................

.~.t, atea}tP°:wane°" A. A. Ilaye~ ~.D~aa)% ~i,~’~t/; :’" ""~’A~ayerofMaseadtttactt~h ~ J. VII’(.)0LE. "’Pho coilatituents tire ~url~allll care- ’ V !

fiilly aeleeted lbr exedlent qnldlty i . i, t~ ,4 l,i;I,. I ..4

andI oonsidor it tho BimT PnZeA- i-~;L,~:~~.:~i~.~==’=,;.~dL~¯ JhlTlOi~ for Ira intendedpurplx, es."

~i~~~t’ol,l blt, ull Dl~te. ~ Zllli!’e ill Mt~I~¯U.l~rl~ On¯ DoUilr. i~ ( i( "

Buckingham’s ’;Dye. ’

Wa, lelmes,. (’lo,’&i d~ Jo~vs, lr.~.|lepairtng ,)f .ill I,h,llt, i~, hl. lh**., dt, lil~ t’i’llil

i’oll ~ wmmmll~As our Reoewee-in ~Ott-PUDDINOe, le. usa 1~,t |, llllil~]l) WlIII.V ilill ~oa Iflli

F|Nh,--Mii a lablllL~l~bfnl of tbeJild[il!i Ill mlllideillli@l. I~l~ I Jot Idlvl~ nr tIUmO nr DlY (.1onIO l-The WsaaI.T Tllnl. par anaum .......... ill 00 ~ie debtl, and Iske euffralle Irom Iho ¯ l,r[ces lls r~ae,,illble as al it,,}’ i,II;vr Id’ ie ...... ~" lieatliOrl ilid ,li~l,at<i,, l’~lL..llll, lluli ’.!lll~u arid¯ Im¯ll qulmlliy’oflmlll v¯l¯r I nib to ¯ llll~llll ~’Fl~teeath, Wa ho¯rlll$ llpprn¯e the setlou ef T¯e I~aa|.tllr/V ~llllS. pQr lalu TM ......li ~lO . e. %.

p¯stll add t9 P¯141111f lidat OfLbgllla 8 wator, eOU|lils in o|bladiug imn*ily I@ Iholl I¯ltl.~ - tluhlcrlptlo.s to oltbsr of oar Idltionl~ az- I~tOled nleli, Or do other inlll in dellanee b),e,’,’.t or?,,d;,., #5,<,, t,, r.’l,,,i,’i. ~ l"iasthia ennltliltl% Iliilt¯glal!_.i~lllllll |ln|ullllm lareilallllll, illdiiJoletlnlh¯ liruwlbufpale¯ lil,ttbe WltgaLr. l~l~otvadfnralmsllm|lhuf Ol Ihe Cenllilutien, mlilil be a hyi,o- IV.iT(’/:E?¢. Al.,,,J-ni,,ri.avor ¯ ililltitl4~lt-lltllvll.ll tl4 ti¯lulild ft.ll¯ll thltllllali the I¯ld. tirol lhll0 llll lilir nl tho yenrl~ rsll. "" CTite’tJ .............................. ~ ’0 (~Tli’,~ ¢6" ,~ T.[ T] O.~rir~irl, I J"Jute. ]’tlli#itlt~ll~ .llll~.-._ ,

StxtNmd. Tia]l.pugllilm parly prq~ieie ;TimaIpdel. dmunvaitab|t K¯allladrafll Nevertheheleuly luIFebt.ary, thisofallkiuds. ’ "

¯ : .P/lllllllN, i alii ll~UNIlitllllrlepl~l tlla rlglll ~menedby Ike l,*epl¯ ~,aNewTork~ lu~i-olii~t lil.m~y 0rl,r*,if lame.Kerr, with nelrlyaver#other l)e~.

’1’o¢~, NOTIONS, I:A)l’3’ A)tTl(’hl:i#~"lllei~] hi li P¯l¯¯tall Ulfhllenlld’l"hl ~liil. Cu tbemeclr.s ts earlf¯liy ill till pallor, dale. possilll, ¯rid wllere naithlrtrthml e¯i bl pril.~?rl{ In ~ntlllll% yoled apfnst a ieeolu-lllly,l¢iallll lappM f~m thl Oleo, gslid by them t¯ lilu 8Jill aud to the Fe4stld ollid, sllld ltls Inu6ey ltl I I vql/#llrt d ’lstilr. tlon Geelarlng Ihe comttilalional ¯mend- JtO ~’ i, q ,’, tl I.OV ¢.~, A ,% at his

~8 Sl~t~ FQ]L~ Stll.thlvenlmenl. It dlpllin.tl ef th¯ llltrl Io All Pisrmselsn ¯ll tblli.ld to rqlltar Isttlnuli.’luailiulloael taw, [Ir Iktpull Of iellnl, wklle rl-qlsslrd ro d,..~ end lllq system hi i lli ent8 valid mid "tho lelhlalioe ba~.d OLli) i’;’l’.%N D,

:~. ,i~,iillLAllJlLlPilll t I~JU l¯. ¯slhi. by Inlerilnlnol will| rlllkll not lur.¯h~elull pmllmtloll aall¯at I,,.lihe mill, thvreon leg¯L Whlt a chanlo i. iho

tf Seaths~il .i~e ot llell~vue Ave.¯ , ,~X ’ .~ ~.~;:, " " ....... " -:= " =iTi/ l.lil~i i~-t~, l~,,pl~l~-vimli-elq-6t.m .rA,t..tii . ?ill i v~li¯Tl.¯i, i.l~ee l,i’.iz liiobih% ttld no eonl’es~icn iu -. .....

ll¯liqli¯| ttorsr¯menk ~l,w rel~ IT. ihll nlcaUtlUle [ ’ ’

I ’ +i - ¯

"reqdii~ too long ixmush. ears, to rt~lt0re

we "htvo

It itlad produml a eolorneither rub nor wmlh "og.

. ;Prloohl~ it. p. Ii~.g


rights wiAi be sato ouil.iti hi!i kcetlmg. 1touohwith rvvereuthaud everyt bag tromMr. ~ttmiler. I eau. Lever .tt,rgotmeasuleleas i.’erviees.-~ the +au’ti-~la

to yollr~:.raoz,reid hi~ ¯words I re’a~’th0m overlhadowed

the memoiconscorition-t~ Ahe~leriic~ of- iniparlial-

has seidevotion

ha~.~O rllrely shrunk i.r0m aiy mi~riti~r--which uo- ovpositi0n:;eould tireaud nodauger ill, pal. ]~’[oi~ltucli a c~)uii~elor[vellture to differ wtt h gteut reliliotluce,

wa~ not sate thst I wllright, aad thut hewa~ W’~oog-~lhat the oocaaicu was veryiml,uiul, t, and his ,mistake oue ~hichleads to rural reauits..

My judg iCt OpltO.~hibnMr. ~timne/’s. It

filled aml put Ul) wiih J’or lien.

~. the olu regl!ll!r llip~b.liclla party. -"---th* llsk~lim-J-eomoin t"is of Brandreth’s U. V..{has,.

~eil Is Alleii°k:s Par°us Plaste~ arid ~I°h~’~tl’i i~/-ll -:who.. ill. U~llllt l(ill

(). ’.~h~. ~--%:iooro’s o,’iliiwq, Itate,mauiike’.,,dtowltds the Indiana i.~

" AND" .., to mal’i him a His putit:neo.1Ituiili--ii]fflfii]~i" lltlllit:~t in our for-

30 B B IN:O reta,i,,fisis wouderful i’i one bied ii~,_ttdL~r.c _’~hg;stJ ~lhti-. tdm listsafioa_has_

r " giVeli Io tho iild!zs~rial aud liuaneiii .pfo~,rperlly -of Lhe.cuu~try is a great merit.

ju,~liCl£ to wnrking lhen iii dcqiallco ul


,f the eighi-h0ur htw, 1 ~hall

party iu tolerati.g th0 K,i-Ktux is fro-grunt. But’fhe [)resident and lii~ iniui~-

IN THE diale h’iciid’¢ tiel#cl’vll our l:ralitudn lorthcii, efl’oris and tiu, t:ces~ iu illat niattcr.llis s,:rviccs to the titfeenth

IIAMMOzVTOaV, A’EW dER,gEY.of Currlagell, li[eavy Wagons, £o., of Ihn l’orculo~t ubolilionist~

wcr ’c-luke.w[

if( ) T’};B I]%I~G:.lt~li..askhig-him-t c) lii’Ro-Geul-l.jfalit to-

¯ l, lilcc Ihic8 iuto hi8 ~l~t liiCll.-ilg~ 1 C(liilofallki.ds, prnniptly atton’led ts~ at loweat n|(_~[Jdil|~ thllt nle.~tilgo tO ~ougl’v~t~l alideilMi r~te0 ....... ~ ........

tho eout]Iry. Tho antwer Oilltiti lJilCktFIldtIglTliRR_Ol? ALL KI.NDS.JtEPAIIII~D.

~%l.Orders reei, ivod for vlC’I’llRl,’ F’ AMES ’* Yliii aiO-fb6-1iffd.-¯Gdii. Gi’~/[’fi"i]id.4--’ ’ " 0~go wa~ tiui~hcd |tchtreyour iioluarrlv-

edl lllid Iho rt, coulnioutiaiioii, you wish isIll it." h villi rl~inniiiii lalnt!lillibly truttIliit~ Ihc colored niaii lia~ n J |’u I r’~eogili-Ih)ii at t|ltl liorlh ahd ilo idequlie I ro-tO0iliiii iil’ttl0 8ouli!’-~u’hlune-tti tile ii.e-l,Ublit:ali |lll[ly’~ llllt their, h’J,:hdl~ iiiuyhiirly .eilliiii .lhal dliritil ltiu l~l~L threeye~,i°ll Ihc llit~l*il l,’,14 M itodily gaieed iii t ho

1;. Ts, f’ i It’t’,’i~i, alii| ,q~li,,t cl,j i)’iiieitt ’Ot lii,

0NEER STUMP PULLF I, ,,,,,, , r2..

, .; , ,~,edlh~rightloniluitl’ivllt,,i, :iI klilIw t|lit ~,!h’t+’ll~ nt (JOlh (jranl’~:ll,’.-

¯ , ’, ,r, i,,,,, ,,’q,+ M,,,’/i,,,a In Ihl e,’,ullli,,v ,~¢ i.iilinllrliiJ~ul is Wvli’&a ill)’ Uiiti. i ihini,

," ,A .... It< ,.iii.gibll~ Oeilfi. Allsilli~ illd t’ai .. ilii ,ra~lt,ll it, I Ill itl’ l~i’si~ | aiii ¯bl,’,t’~s,~.v 1 lieiel)y ~iVe .olh’r thlt I liiil pripiir~ t41.t~ the I’,*l,.i ~l,rviv~ llc hi,i uucill~cledl)io llll i.ldl’r~ it h,lllillug ralib I " , rl,lilJi,rl,li iti~ liiliiiii,

.~l, i lt^t’ltll~E, - liei.@O. Jlut no, inilil,-"lir i| ,~o dv#;.~t~,- Ai..~li I ..... ~ ........ - ...... -@i,iO.. tim ltil~lt I|i,’V ’ilt: lint fit~l I lilii l~’¥1~llt~

T/woo J#.l’/,/lir~ ./? ll",r,’.~Lle,/ t. hi~ t/: l#l:,’,%’T htivO’ lil,cd l’! ’ailii!llL tillnl ililli talilig Itl",I " "i’q ¢/.’ I,,¢,,’~,t/ ....... day-l|ii~"iVliiblll llnll’ii.ldl,S,mil,;i-~/,7t"l(,);

-J.,r parth’ular~ 10nd l.lr i’{rt’lllllr. ’ Ill)’. ’.l’hv, t’!l ~t*llai’) I*llll, ili ~,liltlVrlitl. %’,’. pItEHF;I)V, ,.l*l’,t’l-vi,,ill-ll illl i .~,;rlfi,’lii v r i’ l’ili~ad~

Iliti.:lilontim, N, ,I. l,lrt,lllur ,L ~l,llltil"t’ t)[ tl,ich. Vvll I’illltltllD, ~f. {J ,,d ’3" ¯’ ’.’AI.ii ’ iho lo.l :ai,I tJlil’,Hilll’lal, Ii, li ’, > ~llili,.

lll-liA ~ l~i 1 I" ¯ I I;l i) A]~ l’ri" I’ V,’! h t tic ililt.,t .,i r ili,,I i,,v I,ll’l t llilik, t,. dl*,’.,, ,,,,, ,,,, ,,:,,. ,h ....¢ ! , ,,i,, l,,r II ,. ileli,)li ili*i i, ,t.’ I ll,,, l l’:It " ’ ’ ~al’¯, l,,I If. I llatl’ il,,j<ii Itl liiV I,rlilhelivit’.’~’l,illid ~ ,,l’ti,! ,. ,~ u l lr Mr. l’~liili¯

’ rl~i[t~ 1~I-’A(~I’: " " ii*’i Is ihu~ h.ldil,v lli,li ,h’,’,,’i.l’d ’l’li,~~tii’o lliih I hive hi hi.t I,,ii-~’ ,d ~,,~l-[iii-,’ ,,i;i~,’~ liil’ li, Ihili t’ I.iiii II,li,,’d, ’Thl!

TO ~lU~r P~IxI~T, ,,,,,.~ v,,,,l,i,,r i~ h,la, li,i. i~ i ....... ihl,, ~1. ii

) ? ,, , ¯iho ~Olilh i~ ~li in*llhqil .’llll| lll.’illiC[<,- Itl

Ol 1,, "’l’Ul{l ],N I 1N l’,, i,r,.’i:,iutt.g l:,.r I,,wll il,a~. Th,, ~4,,U, il

lili~ lllllll li, i~ her llll-ll llt~ II1~ oitl~li i’,,il.JAPAN, VARNISIt. t~,,,:~,l~ ’li~e /’l/6.n.’lt~t~:t Ililieit II,;,l

. - | ~lltililit’lit ¯~l Ill() ai. ,ltllili l,~Tl. :l’i,l,I

P int Brush0 of all lKinds. -..,o ,’,,,,,,,,,, ,,,r I,,.r w,,*,............................. Uliiitki~L.~. Atili l.i’lt~2~a-/ll.~+*-l~llioll--illtli~iOi4

.¯. L~ AI ....... ’ ......... ua tilii Iiollttiliii~iil lild t~liltll h,,r~lf Ih,tplrt ill irllll.I. ~lu. hl.llillmi ¯llnliuiiel~,l

llll.I ""{11 thil tl.t in-¢¯i,ct* I@ lh~’ til,.lll J,t[,’i"¯ A. G, C]li 8

l’rt~c= ~ low u tha lo~lal.

isc. ’1’o I~utiho Mi’ghtest faith intbu protestations of co[,perhead~ lilid ~oce~einn.isfl, mado 6fiI?-~o---g~t otlict~, i8 Imildiag o~, iqiiicks;ind. ~’ith iho oxcolltlon ut’.’~lr. Suluncrno Lihei’al rc publlc~n doo.~ re:ill

delusion. Thoy aro "]iyilol’riles and I[lllled.They know Well ,lot, and for tiio sako of

kaow thgt Mr.- Greek, y’s elen-

Southeru Statce, with no’ intorlhrcuoe’from then¯tion in hls behalf; that it niea’bs the

-t~fti6~l~-m ~-mhfi~n t ~ - ncutr¢ltze,theadCongroes ;

hinds t’.lllilig two t;~ per cent. in ov.ery.mar-kot. Tlio deniaeratio hiillionairo ~ho is wil;.

to rb*k this’ has- al~,]y ~ lielg~d---~

. t:i ennilgli tOpay l~ur times over for all ho levee oil tile ha"lionsl seeurltios, and lh~ll ~ a’dy laugh at¯th0ematl boodhoide,’s he has dilt,cd. - ,

Observe that I o aat as Mr. Gr-~lev’~ allldsunly the eo~porheads ol thu D’mocr,~ic p~ rty ;it i~" laosa hilk to ~ily he-has ~oiue,c th,; I)emo.0rlts. ¯ Snell li statemefi~ is an i,isuh to ¯ iiie

~h hos j,,i¢led

chilnge tiieir ba~6 aud~ltccept heartily the ra.sult-of-the-wir:--. All honor to~h el~. But their


ieml~, what ]lot.leo .Greeley is.is s kuew hini olii.)~ too wcl in tho

visioli to seo th. jusli6e of our~&useT-"Bdt he hover li*dl coari-i~id nnougti tocenfess hi:.fo,th,¯ It eveots-had e~-et-qivc:i-himthe l:ourage, ho novcr ,at~uld iiave’had lU’iin.fil’~io

-eu,,ugh-#.--l’i~k-auy-h~n~.f rr-nn -id, It. k~trlui-mnr by rlcturo aud purl,ose, ho hits llllll~iudevcu au II,

’ h6 woaid have been thoohieftimo.serverof his ag_e, I neve!’k’lie~ til[]!loW ony ofhi~

~-~l~tl Sll ileed~, alid uudls~rimhiatlng lisoVeil Io elltini that he wae a ~ilit, ero lnan.

byword With o8, thltt it, would ha ~ltt’o to It’liroau hi)on pureo tn tho ~antu room wiih hl,~, ; hntas lot any othor h~nesly, It(, one was evor wit-le~s euough to eOlillOel tho idea #[th his nanli,.

Mr, lqunincr trust~ hiin aa a ii Ill~thlie ah!di.

~’ou aed [ itnow woli whon allolitionist Wll.ll Oh,rm of reprooeh, liglr timidly hc hold up his

woiking abl,lit’il,nist~ who atood h! tGd treneheefrofa 18!0 to 1811U, Wi liog le trust t lo u,groto JJorlioo ’Grneley. I elill remntitber tlic IlilyWli~ll~lo alill hls.inlll~w.lLelmbltol~lld i u.ind lllll*crili,ll~ni ilpllli llielil l~ eertllhlat0~ ~ lhlit th’oywerol3ut Itholltl0111~l~, %_Vp ~ili g!vq_l!l!!tJu~t~ll0h il" ~ortlllolde wll, h a idear vonsl!iencn.Judged hy ihu llles of thn Tribm~ Itsull’~ theraiitlvor irii~ Uli hour when Iluraeo ~lrelily ililoid.havu heen Iru~ted wLth tho 011ru oi’lho bliioktu.I;’~ righl~. ..

~o illlld has 1;nnwn lmtter thiil h0 illi~r In-li, lliolut’lilre-liliHl!(’el llUd llr.eilnht-¥ SilCCl~llFOllr -- "-lif i]i~ tlilliVil, lilliis lll’othl, r llil,lh l,’l,r [iiloli,lflie ti~vlir had.s eoiir[vlhiii, l~lnli Colitrit~L. lll~.i~lrtailr lll’,lira of (Jrn, ’lJron I ~illi hhl fiillithh,Jllil( ii,ll¥. Nl~iil,vr hl~ II’,lll*l, l,-r hl, I,l#lliltj~ If lih~’ lxe,.li,lill. ~,~iltlil¯l ’ ~!~ill-~ li’,,ili ihv

ll.li|, II,,Ih :il,, ill, i,ilil~ll ,,I,,i well~l..d ~ illwilh i,?il:el,l * lll.lilll’lOll I * t!’l’tL, I") ill;hiLtli- lil, ~ ,,f Iti’, 71:/’:lit * I’, ,t .v,,,, wil’ ,’, I),ltLe h~¯liqVt’l lii"l~", I’~nil I~ ~ll~i, ¢ iHI llll~ I, Ui’i,s~ i ,I,,iA i~ltlli ,’lille , Jt (lft’l~ V ll’lil II IVt ’*’l y I,hliit Ih~,ili wlih II luii’Olli,,Uli~. ’11~ i~ ,,.l)ll~lltig olilf tlitl ill rl hii liu~ ih¢,i~a d,i)ilid.,l~l’ll’ I.~li~h Ivh,13 Ihu ~lllrllii; lilld h,ya1141!llltllll!eI~ ,p!.L,.,I .f’,,,i,i !1,. 7"’"bs ’4"u0i/’~ll+-*~ll!" I~_~l~i.~II,~rie,, tirl’~l,,y Iliinlltl ;ill:l .-iI’liVi,q I il~l lie i dlilit i~l’lill II. Ilut y, li iii,,[ I likl,il~ I~liew l itihloii illiltrtlir,i of lira I.~’:Jty’ iil’iilii Tll’~lll.¯

,i,l..illCl,. l,,d hll,lii(liili.~i, lq , ,i, iii~pllu

.i’ Ill , ’i ill ’l~ t llll I[lll L ~ i ,il I I" { i! ,I I: ’*l,*,’l’i I.il ’ I,,t,¯’. ~"!l ,’’, ~’l’ ~ h.I ~"i:

I .’ , i ,I It " , ,,,* ’t ,, t’ ~ ~ ll’i ililll II 1 h~h.,f ~,,h,l~,i ill d, r,:,~, u. ,.i i,i. ~ ri,~[ nl li,i ’.t l,lil~ i.

If ll~ ~tr. l~linlll6r ~ilv~, ~l ’, I i’vtl.), l~’n’* hh’liaio itboljll,,liiM/* Ii’itw i,lllllll~l II th,iI I liliIIIllilh Ihli’li Yl",ir% .~lt, ~-IiIiililf l,iii’dly ~ill. iil, hld hl!i’*] ,ili,I livltr tiliil fill) li~ully vii I, I,iilIrltlil I1.¯ 7’, ,’/,,,u, 7 I{oW llilt:li lillt, ,~li’, *~]llil-lit, r’~ fli~ii*t~ ht’ur~ hilil cx ~;lhlihl ai ]i’tl41h llllItiil ilill~ liii Ihu li i Ii| *’ ’ li, r ill lliiltFl!-~ till llu~~1 Oili fiil Illilii) il yfiir, th, ,, i, iliillh,,li .t iht!&,,Lt .l,~le;y nl4J{ll*,(tlil. [ at u ii, ql;:li,i I’ fl¯ * I li I1 lill,tl I lilO.l ililil~ lllnh lid ill I iVliii [il.a~l’,~ rl’ 1 i

I ll’l I lli~l ~’vi’lilili~ ti.ii I:-il~lit~liil hciitl ’ I II II,’,,,I. n’hd l,ilt i,il I,ivl~,. i. I,,, l~,*) -.r#tePrlilg .htfl npllrliivlllIl-oll,l-iqrld-ii ~- IL "1{~.lil*llt-,Itillll ,Jr #ll llt¯-tl dllll Ilill.~ tl rll I¢ tl tpr.i.o. My r,’volb,,.tt,,n,rlli,’,,, w¢llgr.ui,d~dI’,lllil*llilil. i* i’ll I¢,’.1, liillt I ]*,o1~ I,C Mr. PtiilUlilll ,i i,i. tlilU ul .%It illl~i, y ~i,ll lill,i.,litl*l liS-lilili#llliil lil. El i.li lliu i~li ~ lll.ll I i, il¥i,rlJ*lii olIhe ,<oliili~ ru Ih,l,~d~" il il,,i ~u .o.lleil’,,l csthtlt vl’ Ihe Tt’/!.,,,u li~lo a , upl,,,lt0," uf Ch.il’,ca I

...... . iI


hi h/ind, .in Kimsusilll-t61d mnTJ nati CoaTes,inn :

" Sir, (:tran I(rrest(~d tho~e twenty

withoot a loaded l.u~het at my h0d,-headl=~an;1never veliured into thh’ vilhlgo- uU;0sS ’t~llly.~i’med. ~iuee that siern iuterfcl~eoco "iiIN~irth .Cltrollnll i, eVeii ufar Off in Georgia, nleep.lintiwillk libotit as I~llfe, olirelesi, illt L Xr6o 118~fOU

y is elecled, I suppose, ~aid. I,lo ld those rovohrers ngaiu.’" ’-

~oathern- boast What- :that election means. I’ll uovnr risk living

Such ie the testimony of a loyal man iwthoSouth ! , That/show it looks la Georgi~l 1

I -h’~ve anot’]er interelst iu Or~at’a..naule .w~xs only o;

of’thn reat ~truggle b~itgVdndertdok to" own

od with it sink ~l.q All tho ~an:e:Co~ftiio war aro put beyond d~hate And a iloar ~eldlis left for the dil~cn,.sluu of thn’hihor m,,vement. ;’I’d;i uot count much 0ii the rect,gnitlon ~fft~nal; , *..nmvemerR by tho llepuhllcan "Cinvn/ltibn~

though I gratefully nppreeiato it.~’iltd t I ~i~o’ in . "~,

L’_old i.~ues-~nd the

lit cvcr thewar (

rV~li ~ s, i’otWo.shs~,l .Imvo be~ide~l &’of4he ! .’tb ~T-’q u~L’.l~tJ;i, ti. ’~’[Jt’+~’qlVt’tltillii ~’ll’+,lll,#d tJl~ir all

peace and ,~¢l~6rt fl~iiy t6 agitdto’fl/o grvitt" ,in-duetrial qocs ions i f:thn.day. Prnsidbnt 0r0n-"Icy mealis tho 8ea!idlil and wrilng]n Of

oailiiied ilr Waah~ngton, . ’ ": :" The ,ltd h!-~t !ine t,*/nlo o Mr. Sunincr’s letter

tl togi!lher in Ii lioslilc’tel igro I robbedI

trbdden ~nder Inot, dolbnoe.

~hhn with lln iota o£ the gllilj nf -, .- . .keopi,g allro the ~Slutratiea of rsoasP’ Re:

ly-t his-I)tillh-h al!-ne ver.sh ow n~li, ity;h undue preJndlee a’.’u nst’tho ’wolf. ’ t

hlak_alL=t!~e f~u[t =wlis.ca_the other. ,. "sido ................. "

Wo put aHlle with the seorn It dsser{~es thn’ ~

hisul, lla flied in llroa0hhtg to ¯llS t’orglveneesand rcoonelliatiuii; "Au 0"ri~onvilio ¯ult],lbby r,Prieoa ara ~tilt Ilvl.g 5orr~rs._Besldesr/ho ~"~

od all throll ~llat dreadgravel ofs0veu ,;:nito native Geo_rgi&a. lo~,nl. .mon~, - rnthleslll [u Lha arll

ilrod thousand } ,i sbl ohis areniouroed, fill wlthiu lllear, throutrhnqt hlil~.

g!oryl!ig [l! t_h~ titrooltios,- ~leall tlhll~ ka-Io the n,parulteled aieroy, the umitiorahlo gen-ero~ltff uf Iho liulhlnl-lilnotyonino ont of qvnryholldrod 0illifethtrafe eaidlois OllJliy to-day liltIhe rlkhll ti v Iad I,~foro t le war, Jelleraolt -,llilvl~ oiid Ilia’ fellow il~sii~ilis--tlie real ~alldrsof Audereonyille llnEt fttlih#-- -:- -- ’- --¯’----- ...... --

...... -L-.~ha me-nwt tTose-er~lel-eyes ........... =_l’hat lloro Io look Jill tortliro .

__/ .... Aud ilai dd no~" hiok "uii. wilr.’--.L ......

,llll llvli--iinhilrnled I lu i,~scelul llOsile~loa Ofi’wr¢ r’Ight lh,~ hlw i~lln Ix ve, fii~,llt hat of

liiLil’*i’, II,l’h" hl,ilii*’ uEi~i,’il, lilt FliVtfliluentwhh,,il hll,~ ~ i,lt’llli Itli.lli. , J. iilllll li~[ ii lli Iho,,,,, I,*; I Ihllik II,~il,i, I,, Iliil I.i’, ,,d vt mhiii~ll,iP!, ,I *hhl It II*’l’i’e~,¯l.l iil*d It~’ll,lllIll~ to l

lll’-aoh Ill ~llr~’lit t’¢,ii[iiiliilty II,’i dilty ol’fer-l.lti ll,sn] ¯ .

It,’,, d,, ll,=l~iVo, WO havu, for/,lven. Bu~.dilly lo lhe ilbi~,t Oild t,I Ihe I,e rio forbids ma tllill,. L l,uw.r ,o !liy hii.ls Wiil~oilt ull,lp ibtedr .wi..~.i~it~Llll~¢-I Lilh.iy--Lh.l.--laot.l-~l#~’lidl( Ir~l,Ill, , ilh3’. If ’,’,. f. il ill Ihl,i v ulh,i~wqldnlltlllil i !liiVo ,h.v.ycd II ,i lil.~ril I Ill I lll~ ~r illit[I,Ii hini dillihle ilofilii+uli,~. ,l wi~h lii 7 vilh’tlt¯oI ’, ’, I, h ’ii,I I I I,,,’l¯V i’ ll,r* ,l’ llllili I~lIWll tl) ’~I:i*l I I ’, ,1 I, . , i r i ,¯ i.:ed ilia’ liilvIC¢.

,li i , ; .I Jill ~I ,l,,llll .... i lli~tl lllO *ionleef.’, i’ > ~, ,,l I l ,, it iJIh tt , ill Ill iwlp IIN, il

’ 1< ’’~l’li’’’’,~ t,, I .~r ,I,kl l¯llr lll,inl.,i. V,,’l ,’;*lii, ,vi,q,lqtt’, I f,,, ~,]t. ,,r ,’lilili~ 1(" t/l’,’/d,,y lit ~l~’er¢~:l, lll;i’**fil,li,l~lli’lilel tlonolityiltir’lirllliel¯t~/--..bul i,r,lailiill fu-" dofollctl, ~oli

II lena it ~i l,,ll ilitl ~,liliv." , ¯ .

I[lil ¯li,lll [l,,Itl llt,:lll~ i’,lIwii, t~ I,tit lllid [IOlitllail.u I l’lle llliOl ii, ¯ h~or ~i, ,r ,, ’

~,,I,Iicr~ ^t ih. r~;ll (~all l,I Noveinhor. h,t nil"hlvll ~liill lid lii ltilmlcr Ill libl alnlo, ~ll dru.uliili iiuf l,Qill ~ritl’ua l~llli Wllr~e Ihilll i’uipt~t’erl~lAi,,lii.~i if o¥11r Ibelli We Clal) llllllldl wilhliill rcv~iii~rttil ulitllilel ~Vhell |lafllul ltl|tit,*titl¢illiii l,rlial’ al, dli ttitl l¯tiy," as Itla lllli ..b,’l,,r~ aliLI illi,ier liio StllllO i~rt.lit ~li~itl’llt. tO

I ;dr. tf,,, ~f:l-Tt:. - ..............................’It ’Iranl tl defeated,-I’nm not ,nre we ,hill

I~u lrlit.il ill thv U,lptiol, llartlol Ilte Nlilon’lri, lol,,ut llU I I’al~llil~ lois i.r lt~l lia~l hilt Viillil~ lllll¯ll li) e,,e t~Olli~fePll lull ot¯ 11 ll~f,i, aid la,li,o Wllll~ II,,li~v" ilitdr tuol. Lit uler I nlIMliwho wl.. iUl,l al’tltt [ho dlllltll¢ t’l,ttl for tjrtilil.

¯ WYatll;LhilUiLi.tt, S~ , I.~a~.gm#~ott~ Au~utt ll~ 18T3. .’ .....


Page 2: D cess:Ma ke r, =: ,:.---: WatChe · D cess:Ma ke r, =: ,:.---: WatChe ... r ~ ~ ...

the road

by tlm~male,the female ©’over leaving erally found in ~qome nar~wm auction"¯t’T,~ttereall’e. Itwas the Western make aits ne~’_- To_this s~rular ant am. I in- ~eet,: filled with’the heavy,~pungent, erty’of the-late Mr. Bl~mkiron spe~alty of this Class of traffic during.debtedfor servi~ rendered me peculiar odc~ofthedrug. Letdsenter Park,’near L0ndon, the greatest st~.k, thowarm bourn, and g~rantoet0’~e.

xa~er~o~dsA~y._.: " = ........... llver~huttem-~ud~fre~_meat:a~_~Aatem ....fimtbe- lined on beth Sld~ with couches con- On the .last dsy of the sale, July 26, marketsin as conditionea whffn

-tubes-are already-:aslcep-unde’r: th, ¯fo~r the New 0ore doubt, the of-thb kin&: -The-out-from

flue etockstate of oblivio~

¯ takes The.. ~ streteh~

trade..Americif,/C~iitmctor, and ~ff.r. Wdatller-

vcoUntry~ the sides are

them-on -or useful to the modern

At this

number of ~udi~.n -relics,_wh/ch I collected on the ant-moUnds.

~ valuable

the their stone implements a~d ornaments.small

lion,India~ib-’]~ad ~bliging

excitement is based upou i~ct, and borho0d~ of ancl~t’diamonds have been foffnd in the found it. The surrounding country waswhich the

fitoss-agate, jasper, obsidian,Fast decide wood, and, other rock:of like

since we left Presco~t~ ~ut

’since that time


"bowl of some kind of

in diameter

inches frem. onestem which is about

in diameter. Second-

hills heresway. On resohin determine ins ~e oplhm, which is.~ a semi-liquidwe eden the g~logical character of the country state,.having something the appearancefever had" s not I am in is to visit an ant-hill, and be- )f thick, dark-eolore~ molasses, aud

the I first~tes East at atLet it rage ! ,It will do this portion of’ construct-diamonds or no diamonds,ed from under the surface; now, how-

gard to the dlsoovery" of diamonds in it over the~n ne~er_be_’wrun from_those ]act them from And flame~ho aremmOW hero, nor from those in their selections, as they select inca- needle I/is .fingers,

be found in the neighbor- -~o-noware such as ~ill -hood.--When the-anthill is located-nb~ar-...... a-an-adventuresome nature a vein ofure many sp .ecimens of th? ore,in .w~th the rock of the yein,_the~aH-roc]~~

¯ ock in which the vein is into the form of aa one leaye his last will andte~ta- found. In~ a fo~z

an im~euse~pt~r~nce of

Atho|. the-finest stallio~f :. in th~ world,of" Hats off" was raised and the

a horse I .

was of nation

Athol was knocked .dow~ at.gumeas,~the moustr0us

sum ever paid forof it. the

;’filled withice" and mlt, piece~

the-’doorw arcthe same thickness, ~e double, .a~d

the car;

dust; an additional door of

od the_space between/the: two. doom isfilled with sawdust. Fastened to the

uartem of an incl~ in

wh~nI~ the meat isCar -.-~ ~-

~artors, _weigh~ agg, ega~

A ~r0oden rack extending

C~I.~ a distance holds the ~*er thesanay, bar- the flame~, c~u reach theWe shaR travel across this, two or¯ and moat 9f~theo~-rd~void the and nose.

alliance with 6them can ever di-minish the n~ty:for-pe~nal on- falls

ult/mate deeamiomin every case is indi:vidual. As each tree, though ~q~wing

in Arizonasometh~g now


Others, obeys, t¯ physical structure,

with others,cimilar


watehfalnesa and There aresome who seem to feel in ~K~ at me~:._

~sure-re~eased fromTbbh~gatlon if--the~y .dohaltreceive such aid, and #ome will pleadthe shv’rtcoming~ of othem ad an.excusefor their own.

We would

quality of t¯_ ~ble? and where are the

fad ? Mum’s the word !


valu0 the

~ be solicited to- ~-~ .... ±~ut~ill~then~ait. --

xrom spnng run from rift?~at~ barreis-a;day; -and t~ d/d/~.

writ reach 8~n Francisco soon.


’" aztec life--and from the

~r~hCient town 6 numberbricks, rimgln~ from

to two inches m thickness and

to decideof the brick as I found

overmuch criti~iscdj-sink mto:insignifi- meat from-swinging or res.ting agams~----: ......... oance,--The-f~mous Oladiateur, the-tri~- -the zinc. The Davm car requires about ~ "

umph of the French turf, was cold to a four tons0f ~co tmrender it a’perfeet icehis needle into the buyer at 7,900~ guineas, Man- box, and this is replenished at Detroit,


n~-chal0edony from con. and "their results can never be~omerato..It m the fin~t s~ortmcnt estimated. But not~Xl_the kh_td~ Ihave ever)asen,.and~theyme valuable, as nature produces no the exercise of

--t~ore beautiful ~edmens of iI~ve them as a single rose,, possession. It can ~,

’ ~d so on. to twenty reee~ in a sin ~nd .while We .gladly welcome what t, ~IXtster. . good from all sources, it can only be ms

:~I h~ve nollected somo_Jianee from the feeds_which-mutt-be digeet~l-before it" -R~w~t~Lth6’_’o~ntury_lflaiit:"aO oan~trulynoufleh~s. Materialbonc0ts

.mslled, which grows here extensively may. be conferred by simple gift, but¯ am~ laxge..It ~ ~tili~d by the native~ mental nd mor~l activities can only beam it yields an excellent food, while the sustained h~, their own ~’ exercise.]~exioans make from it a liquor, sharp Thoughts may be exchanged, but not

~.~md pungent, which intoxicates" very thought power; moral belp~and on-headily. ’. It produces a fibre which is couragement may be given, but virtuemanufactured into paper and olotlb cannot be transferred; responsibilitymaking Rat ou~e the meet useful plant cannot be shifted ....

’ t~tgrows on the Americas continent. The moat permanent good we can doIt matures in from five to seven’ to athem is to nourish this individualam~ like the ,, modern etxen~. To aid the physically desti-~d dies" ~too fair tUtff m~t effectively, food, fuel and

mxd gives room f clothing, are not nearly ~ ¯valuable asi~i its turn its ~ and steady, remunerative employment. To

. &tea Its flower ia educate a child, it is not half so’taper-if~ve ever "scan on this con!thanK tan! to instill large amounts of informa-I~ve also canes from the pale verde ahd ties. as ,to set his mind to work, too0ate" abe speeimens of the rose-cactus, bring out his mental powers, to etimu-

m esqult, and swarro~ 9r poeb-osetus, late his thoughhh and quicken his fsoul~IMt mentioned cactus grows to the tim. And ,in moral If re" especially in

height of forty feet, and a grove of the~n cities, where massm ere crowded to-ss¯tiered sparely over the ground has gethar, and men incline to leap upon~he appoanmee at a distance of irreg., each other, the beet lesson to enforce is,l~rly "arranged telegraph, poles The that virtue; to exist at all, must be strlct-fl~It of this cactus is o~dh~ ~rarro-- 17 individual.Ere©ousted as three syilabhah R-wa~ That which cannot stand ¯lone, butrbw--mad la very sweet sad ddioieaug I de’Lamds" on preps and supper!s, whichhave in my snugs, hen apiece of blanket ne/~chs ti/o coustamt spur of fear, and themany¯ted, from one of tim ~ ia Chi- .bribe.of reward to ensure iM activity, ie~m Valley. It is charted, as is the seed but the somblanse of virtue¢ and willmad greta I took from them, sad thus is onunble before temptation. A well-de-

ever excites admiration.

280, an average of . . each, while¯the entirethese, .198 mares and 63

sum,of 102,370 guineas, or~36;440~over half a million-doll~fs-iKa four days" sale.

The enormous’ which these:ani~

is be.ing.put u~onas a branch of national

s the

_carisbuilt withsides of charcoal and other in.

S-ix inches t~hick_and the~-is-of-/inc~theeame~as the Davis

in a ra~k-at-e~ch -"and above the racks are

which servesThere was to-retain :t conduit

~ce paid for Blair Athol(buf ifwas pipe carries off the water, none0f wl~ich-~in defence of that extreme valu- is allowed-to stand on the floor. A rack

wQl hold one tun and a-half of ice, ortun less th~n

and then

tdthbine~-IT MilS. .-. -

.~ communication with the plneries, and and louder it grew a~we gazed, until it~tdouhlelifoisthit~e~m; ’ To~’iXd mgny. letterfi- alrfia~y written, waslik’~’the noise 0f.mighty,irrecisti-

A twofold form wherein we dwell ; After I had visited all" .wko had hue- ble :waters,.sweeping toward: us.Th6’ -. -Audheavealt~eltisuo| so.tnmge,- ...... ihhabit~fits~f’fl~b-~l]~-gd-~wo~ ~-rou~-ed.Nor half ~o far M ttaeherl tell ; S of somef~t we dM~y tread

~get the etrong~ynof]~he]d-- pleasant to think of, took the alarm, and-~qed, helter-skelter,A prisoner in the p~tt~ 1~m1. __" -.............. cided-that I would not be the un.

- -" An~" Let Th~ ~11 on eaxth be don¢~__As3n~h~_hesven." h~ child IWhat ~s’~t b~t all parers In one.That eotfl ~d sense be reconciled ?- :-’-

__~ -: i~ter e¢omNo morn m thwaxt~g conflict strive ;

--An~ Nan wh o’le~at~xe-rls e ,.n.K~e~

And harmon~ever- ~awareV - - .....

-A slo~ that hath not been erow~ed.

¯ - - -. eowoe ,_

And reach for more thkn we can see ;?. - _ And, ~mees of our folded wtnge,

WslkP~ee:unconecio~13" ; " -2 .....

And dimly feel the day divine’

death shall face the double llfe,~dGod l~eU ~-aHg~v~ ue right :

--7:¯ =


I believe it, sir--I do,. indeed:I . Therenever was an evil that some

was--for me cribs#--.::-’ .. . - bat it is truth. ShalllI tell you why I

changed_my_mind ~- I don’t know as Lought to, for I am not much of a sto’ry-teller~I .can :balance an iaccount, orsoale a load of l~b~r-better--butI_will.

this time. how I wish I couldit and sa~

always may. I over to.Royalton’s,. and asked for Belle.

little, wnile the.servant broken awayfor. I n6ver had tip0k.eix~_ ~ith and more terrible became

mystery. -in he~ own home. I was even Ba~ the

her hand thrill-

effort ten thousand foresthow. lovely She a sheet of flame-,-’one

:: ¯ I dared not dwell upon sueh%houghts,so I stammered out the business that

Mr; Jackson

-~I-was~Aurprised, and she saw it,- .......----Yotfhavo-heen-led into "

more "but I than~

trouble on the " You must

how" these Words

Vtho. shown to us was used but- - .

cheered me.

; and apologizing for mytookmy leave~, very mudh

true, I had some.narro.w escapes fromtlio-fires which I found everywhere, thusprovingmy mother’s_fears not withoutfoundation. But, on

the first of a series of .mishaps-thatamf0rtunate ending to

,-however, was notso I anticipated ; forOur men on the way up, had erected aca-RWm-for-themselves; and a sort~ofsta-

.... I am in ’ of a other cabin, where I made

Most of the time there were two dollars in one’s.pocket is ~not a remark-inthe office--John Riohards, a son of able narcotic, especially when one is inone owners

fire, smoke and ~obbera :were-forgot-ton.

I no 8now-to sWas

obliged toshut mill about the 1stBeptember.reel idle¯ You know these

¯ and the-firm-decided~to~ putthe woods, if it Was early. 8o about¯ th-~ 4!h-or 5th--of-Septeihbe ,r~s-qot’-ofmen started. . " --i _

"’ .~ ~ John Richards wen!u-pie bo~ them ;.--- ..... and-to.be-fran~-as I always~wtmt ~.be,

I was glad when" John was out of mysight. There were t~vo or three reasonswhy I was glad. I~irSt, IcOn Riehards

do knew that I was awakened very cud.

light of the fires which had burned near-ervI-saw-a-man-et auding-in-th t -door.His face was toward mo--a black face itwas, too, 6~it~he-~her--/--a/~o%lly-~lb~--ed or natural, I oo’uld not say.

." If youd0n’t:Want to get burned iip,get out of ¯here r’ he said,

¯ bearing ~ the last degree, many .a that his words were. true--his wltrning~ wordy tilt havewe had; Again; he was On three sides’of the cabin-the¯ to a beautifnl

combustible,were only a few rods from where

scorching. I had ~o time to waste.-Thestranger was already on the move, ,as Iknow by the sound of his horse’s J~ooffails.. I was not far behind, I assureyou, for my faithfal horse seemed t~realize that wo wore in- .l, ~= ......- Tile--am-eke was ~b that Id6Uldnot see a rod ahead, but I struck outboldly, and a ride of half ~n hour tookme out of i~amediato danger, ’Phen, tbrthe first time since my awakonlng, Ithought of the money. ~ quickly clap-pod my hund to my breast-pocket. It~as emptJl., " ’’ Can yeu gueis my first wish P It was

that I had been loft to my fate in thatrude hut, for de©aft seemedpreforablo todishonor, These thougltts did not. re.nmin"wRh ate any length of time, how-ever, for, somewhere in advance of me,fleeing from his viotom, and from thedovouritig elenlont, was the robber. ’ Myonly desffe~ then, was, to overtake Idat,-n~t wrdllk out my vengeance Ou’ ]~aworthle~ eltroa~. ,

Putting the whip to my horse; I dash-ed on, nmking but littlq progro~, how-ow,r, for the way had never beo;t traveledbefore, unless by soma footm,m. Towarddayligllt the way improved, and soonalter sunrise I struck, a road. I nowmoved oil more r,q)idly. ]ly.frequentinquiries [ learned that I was on thetrack of the villain, but’some hours be-hind hiuh I was gainingon hin|, how-ever. A~ the day waued I heard of himmatrer and nearer, I hoped to overtakehi,u before dark, but faih.d.

I did uot d~pair. I kept on; andsomewhere between eight aud ntnao’clock, reached a village situat~.l on~ho borderofa bay, er the lake it~d£! could not tell whigh. I rode down to’.the bay to give my thinty hor~ a drink,but be had duly touched his lips to thew,,ter, when lie lifted np his head, turn-ed square round, and, with diiat~l eye~#welliug nostrils, and eli,.rated ~ttrs,

seemsresult is obtained by the breed-.! the r~ks; the :doors axe closed in the

tin themselves samemunner as in!he Davlhcar, andxce m rep~~

breed, or to that of a dozen caller, are justified in su

dainesur0 deasadsometimesto-eallour-~ "" ....~peesa parasol,-is far

t~an was supposed, andmarkbt. In ....

of Lak0 street, a .

between the outerwall and interior board lining, ts

and assoon as it is

¯ , at-once-loaded-and-start6d-eastward. ......A Workman~s T6wn. -. The adchtional expense of runnin~g a re-

Lord S~-~s- frigerator car from Chicago to Bostonis almht $30, at~cl~-~-~rb th0 sands as

are in periset8haftesbury Park Estate, which has can rcl on- been-acquired-by- the Artisans, Labor- them so when’ is its - out era, and General Dwellir rates on that ¯

icy 200 dwellings’. The ~ hide, and hoofs,

"driven--another nail into

Whennarcotic, the opium

is may. be increase of other means ofsorts, to his d ~i as his transportation by the extension bf rail.~ola¢~ ~ mr_ s pmson, ~ road lines, there_must.bemoro and more.while~it..comforta,.kiLls~him~_...Wo.hav~ demand-for-horseflesh, and ’that of thereason to dread the introduction ~f this in this

rum is a great cu~o" opium performs nob afterthe work of destruction quicker, and is all, asTeallTmore¢o~bedroaded_

¯ ’._.HOW to Eujo~-the CoUutry,It is frequently remar’. ~1 thatw

living in tl~e country take less exercise, "and tufter more from. ill. health, thanwomen living in cities. This~ is in-~

doubtedly, in a greatof the other.


~Othe destruction of houses by Railroad Review. - .... :ualnted with its uses. fled other* improvemen~ for . .the purpose’Of ena~01ing-v$orKih~n-fi~-to - ll~to-lAv~:$],2"ff0a-Year. ........... :suitable naable, erect dwolling~ combining fitness and

Under the" l~6ading of .... Householdrnin’g,’t] Weath- economy with the latest sanitary ira-Expcnse~," the New York. Times, has

ing~eSt po~Sand, k.frult~’walks,and become themselves caUed’-out a .long ltst~of--commonice~ .....

lay croci e early cour~ of a-statod-numl~er e tio~e, ellowlng how a middle.hum familythe gras is wet, .:dinary the paymeut of a.small add! may be maintained iu good houses’ and ’~r havin been d hrough On every estate purchased by the Corn- have every comfort, ou $1,200, Them ou th~ groum ~uly fit puny u ~uitable space wiIIboreservbdaafollowing plan strikes us as the mo~t

tbr the wash.tub. , . " a recreation ground, a co-op0rative store feasible an,[commonly practised :’-.Morning dre~ in the c, t] eheuld will be built for tho"espeeial beuefit of "Your inqairies are b~y far more num-

bs adapted to two things- ~1 ng and th0 tenants" and publi0 houses will be erolm, than the replies as tu the methodwMldng--~nd should therefore beeither absolutely forbidden, ’ of making both ends meet when keepipg ’ ’cut in the gymnastic ~IO" or made of .The Shaftesbt~ry Park F~tate (says the house or living ou a small salary or ih-. ’ .material that can be washed. The Londou Ti~) contains about forty .come. I l/ave for the past two y0a~ :gymnastic dress has acres, and is situated between the kept house with a wife, three children, "

aud the Southwesternand two servants o~ an incomo~ of lose :rcs0rving allpended in cart aud-about half way thau $1,200 perannum, and from pfi0so’nt~of_ clothing, It l~ tll( L- and the appoarance~ shall<In it again .this year,.adapted to ladiss.~vho Junction Stations ; and n My plan is this : I ependwhat I .need°’ doing their own world." the London, Chatham, and Dover Rail- to live well, keeping a monthly a0Count-This, indeed, is what every lady red-. way forms pa~t ot the architect’s design with the butcher, grocer, etc. ’ I lot the ..dent in the couutry should do. Useful for the future buildings, ~o ae to afford hills aceumulate.foru period of say twooccupation adds the greatest possible to th~ inhabitantst ~f. the projected months, and at this time the treasury iazest aud charm to country lifo, and is.a ,, city" all necessary faci~A~ies !or going empty, a~ad the bills considerable. Thenmore powerful rosterativo than modieiuo to and returning tram their labor. The (sad this is the great idea) my wife col-totheexhaustednervousandinteUeetaalhomms am to be ~hored~hly drained, lects the bills,mad goes, with tear~ in’fore~, constrnotod on sound prmciples and her eyes, tO her father, pleads .poverty,

The earth is wonderfully beantifid, wi.th good materl~ls, andwell-suppliedtalks the old gentleman out of ¯ cheek,Let us enjoy it instead of making iti with water, An~ple school u~oommod~,and.the cri~is~smet. The next time, tochafes!era of blue and gold mere whis- tion will be provided, and a hall for glvo him a rest, one of the two in0vitu,.’perlng galleries, reverberating to the h’0turesorpublio meetings wiU be built, hie well.off brothers-in-law is called insounds ofunneoessarywoe.---~ea~VJaa~.A~ shown in the lithographod ground requisition. Thisl yo~ will eeo, only

¯ plan exhibited on.Saturday, the reerea- happeus twice a year to e~oh and itIn the old. town records of Kit!cry, tLOU grounu IS l~id out too mush after don’t hurt them much, so we swing

Me., in a list of "marriages by the Ray. the fsehian of n flower garden ; but this along. The above is the only feasiblethefollowing record isanerrur which need no!be planIsee, andis, Iknow, the mcetoom. "

showing that the I carried out in au~ . man, in myget married nu-

~t is calm, cod to ¯ certain exto¯t, a in his speech, are to a bankamc~ tmamum~, yet firm bs tury sad salt aKo : ." 1q~8; Novemberbe of three kmds, for the acoommoda~count, and ualesa the sago brings

oommioua ’integrity .of purpo~ and 37~ l~oha~ Pinkhiun, of Dover, aged g5 tien not only of artimma, but alto of the him a couple" at least, of moneyedsdamdinma ot ~m. Inflated by uo’, van. .trod Widow M~try Welch, aged 96 " clerk chum ;" and each house is to form br°them-ia-law.~

la nt once humble" yet courage- The avore~ ~ ef the ~ w~s ¯ distinet and separate tenancy, fitted . . -2-" ¯to the tempted, yet rmo- ~ and ,I month~ when they staxt, with every seal!at] and dommtio con- Why is capital punishment li~e Longevil ~ life’,old emoullh to know better, vent.nee. ¯ . " ’ Bi’ma.eh .P Bsoa~mp it Is a summsa y rr~9or~

selfish, .but I really couldn’t help it.

however,, for l. insinuated... even to m dear~t friend, my. mother,

-that I cai~l aught for Belle Rayalton,: Bfft.I lovedher; and the idea’ tha~ John

¯ Riohards--or anyb~y¯ eh~ for. thatm~tter--would bear off the pri~e, evenbeib~a I ]{a~d-~t~e-d-thelist"~ a corn-

- -~tffo-F,~f~pgg~k’-uf’ to’ hi-y feelings,¯ ’ to say the least: Lastly, John Riohards

was my enemy. Wherefore, I could notfathofn, unless some act or’look of minehad betrayed my love. But he was myenemy, mad I t~as glad when lie was outof my eight.

¯ John had.b6on gone nearly a month,when the firm received a letter fromhim, in which he stated that he hadfound a largo tract of pine land for sale.Th,~ ownerhad just be~n~ burned out,,¯mad Jo]m advised that I should come upwith a few tho~aad dollam, for a splen-

_.did bargMn could be made,¯ . The partners bald a consultation, and

finally decided that I should go up... Iwas to start immediately after dinner,on horseback. "

I kuew the road wall, and was some-what agquaintod with the few peoplewho had v0ntured to ~ettle in that wil-derness through which I had to pa~ ;therefore I apprehcnde~ no trouhlo,Not so with my mother, however. Bhotook aiurm at the first mention of thejourney. ,,

"I wish ~ou were *not going, Jec,she said, with a show of much anyiety. . ,

" Why, mother ?.... The fires, Joe. They arehurnipg ull

.... ~ vly~r the woods, attd ~ou have to camp~ut cue nt-~L ~- ....

I iaugh~i at her fears, f(rr I thoughtthem groundlv~h and she did not press’the subject further, The 16ak of anxie-¯ty r6m.dned on hvr f~ee, however, and Ilwomised to be very careful

I uhose to USe’ my OW~. h~trSe ; so, af-ter dinner, I went out to-0/e shtble auds~]dlcd Jim, and rode down to Lhe office.

William Maederr~’ -- ~ .% .

her arln8ward and

in=a_s~it _or

justices and

gentleman-from tl~o prisoncm’ pen

the bed and dt~: ’

:el/ihl-was ly~ng,-without=injuring ~an~OilS; .... , ..........

New York"has created’:wooden-Indian oimonths and L _

worst was yet to come~ ’, Louisa," he . aura.uteri -in aDumb with aw.o rather the-n fear,I -sbfb, heart-broken .tone, but n6 auswer

stood==-JusticeCox-conductod the examina--tiofi.:-Turning-to thi~ d6f6rmed-w~m~.heas~d~

"Wheredo you live i ~’ " "


the plgintiff’s answer. "He alwavstries to kick me in

,, houisa," cam0 iu louder tones from "him, andthe bar.~ouisa tmrned and~ot~ex husband’s as

She burst k~te team. Turnin

omilkman’ was feedi~


enougl~ did set’injure the :milkman..Ballard malt

in the woods.

~msnis doing

did realize _ ’,Please him aadqr bail to treat


don’t leavo mo here r’Were the

ear,that smote my- --

fire. I turned in-my fligh~.’-It and sentences ~ou to thea~ noon-day~a hot, sick- for one month."

William’s fortitudethe bask, but a stop began to weep, Two ofl~oem took him

trom_.tho_room, ~heIsawJohn Ri0hards,.begging of and forced him "~ r

hunchback wifc’and mother s", Oh; Joe I cn~ save- mc~-

moro-l .... -exelaimed~,Pleass-~ir,refused

back into that burning he~t ~ No morecould I. " ’

On~- noble

t~raed_withme, and togethex wo. drag-:John through the water into

A elergqpman on. his way to ohuro~" Yes, sir; pleaso-p~"him under one Su~ta- was over!a- "_ ~- ~-_~

Justice Cox turned to the -~arriviugattbe’~he

wmd was. T~ ’.f0rmor-Said ;the Court Hou~

not moreup to the bar-

to cry for "pa~aP’ Theby this tlmo I~een forced

ho felbthe cool water enveloping~him, i sidera~i’on of y-o~r -wifo_and. children"You have saved me from a h~rriblei the C~urt will~suspoud "ul~dgm_ent-on earadoath, and-I will repay you. Bend yotu"Then follo~ved a tableau euch as

want-to cogitate. : L . and:t e~py;",: h ~

There is a wh~t-fldd on!hebf =the+ Sun- J~i~hinTtivei,

~spoko : ..... with an are¯tim’stin-g-thO st smte~_

toa~s of genuine gTief in his eyca - bushels to the acre, gives tot~"’ Wflliam,’-’;said Just~ ice Cox,., in con- ~or 86,015 to~___


arm, and the family went will break down~ We must " " - ’ -I the room,An which that -our *brittle -is , :~- .......~

to not depend upon the swiit ride ,

but I : In New is n

ended it fashioned mother, a woman of the

~. but jewelled hands neverYou’ll not tell sc~So~-, Jo~" I said. old-fashioaed, moth; some utensils ot the kind,.... :By-this :time’the-heat was:-so- .intense-that we were forced to Wade or ~ break.

, g. faded chock. bat s little¯ was t pd~d~ ~ t] [ in and smoothed -tbno since in the-countryand never ~ ~- -oven reach-in-gout to )f snipe, and was assured that the~

to find another, and perhaps, an. easier us in yearning tenderness, when her dedin that, vi( He who gtv- ¯ ,’on0. ’ ..... was :hapt~scd.in’-thc peariy b~n bilg, and to hol~ .....Well, I know how we lived , m "

am, as you see, considerably scorched, tash’ioncd mother. It floats to.us ~ko earn of them.~t stiff.and, serei=but-~lu~te

a man, after all. There is John, ~ woodland, blossoms, music of our was over thein that bed in the ear- bu’t the that ~ame wan n~

Other faces will fade - Of all the dreary place, says Col Ou~.hesaid ms turned over a away and be hut hers will tie, dcllv~r me from the farm-hou~~new leaf, does not want any secrets~ shine on Until heaven’s ¯

................. OWn.B oll0~_t~,_ j u-st ~ earning up

the walk. They. put my bed here, so wander to ~ho old and house in’ the rear, scraggy trees neverthat I should be the tim!to see her when crossing the well-worn threshold, stand eared for, or no trees at all, nocheerin~she eaton, and’ the last when.,..~dae went once ~tol3Lin_tho low, quaint room, ~o shrubsh no n0atnCa~,ilo trimn0ss. ~ . ,away.-Isn’t she beautiful ? ’Ah I but hallowed’ by her. presence, how the feel- yet a lawn and trees an4 neatwMks au~!. __ : .’ __--:-~haLiLuothing to her goodnees.=-ghe- lag-of-childish inneeono0--and depend- l -- ’ ....has saved-Johnand-me~the,/~ say~, and "eno~*eo~nes over us;and w0- kneel down ap easant fence.don t ©o~t..a great~, .......They can be secured little by lilt}o,she is--my’prami~,d ’@ire. Do you blame in the’ molten ’ sunshine, streaming odd time~ and the expomso hardly felt,ms now for saying there never was an throughthowestexat window--just where Ai~d if the time comes when it is beet t~’ , ’evil that good did not spring out of it ? long years ago we kneel by ourmother’s

’ knee lisping "Our Father." . st.ll the ,farm, $50 so invested will ofkm,.......... ’ How many times when the tempter bring back ff~)0. ’ ’

’ Lm Down AND R~:sr.--Dr. H,dl says lur-od us on, the memory of them sacred ,The Missouri Legislature pa~d ~ .’the best medioitics in the world, more hem% that mother’s words, her ~ith very se~ ’ble bill at fife last session,eflieiont in the cure of diseM% than all and praycm, eared ns from plunging oireumst~nce in itself.worth noting. ~’the potencies of the matoria ’medics, are into the d’eop abym of sin ! Yearn hays pro.rides that all doom of ingressw~wmth,--rest, oleaulinem and-pure" idr. "i~/tt drifts between herand Us, cgre~ to and from--all-public soho~, .8can.persons make it u virtue to brave ’ huve not hidden from our sight houses and other public, building, anffdi~e, to ,,ke0p-iip" a~ long aa the bf her pUrb; Unb01/ifih love. ¯ also of all th0Mre~--/i~eifibly r¢0~i .....

hall~, churches, f~mtorios" with ~nore tlum ......emtmovo u foot or crook a fin . . . ~.. ....sometimes succeeds ; bht EXTRF, MES f~ Dlmss.-L-No surer ~ign cmploye~, and of all othersowers of lifo ar~ thereby so completelyof vulgarity exi~.ta than an inordiuate ~ or pl~ of public reso~~,xhsust~d that thd system has lest all low~ of shewy dress. Toilot$ovon when ’, where pe pie s ~ wont to a~ability to recuperate, and slow and tasteful as to color and style" denote, if’ semblo mU be ~o hung a~ to open cue-typhoid fever sets in, and carries the habitually rl0h and showy, mental vul- wardly from the audience rooms, hall~patient to ¯ premature grave. When- garity~ their trauslmrent -dodgu being, o~ workshop~of suohbuildingsorplz~e~,provtde~ that su0h doors may be hun~over walking or work is an effort, a warmby superficial material mean~ to impress on double-Jointed hinges, so as to opo~bed aml u cool room am the flat india- the beholder. The refined beholder ispousablo stel~ to a sure and speedy re- unfavorably impre~ed, suspecting eueh with equal eMo outwardly or inwardly.eovery. Instinct leads all beast~ and outward richness t~beamMk of inward The following items in¯’ 9onn~tio~birds to quietude and rest the very me- poverty, Hence, a prevalent fashion of with the fihorter.Tim~-and.Mor~.Mon~ymen! disease or wounds tmsedl the sys- oostlydrossingbotraysgeneralvu~garity,agitation have reaehed u~t " A. lunartom~ ’" The finest type of ladyhood recoils of- t~|egraphio dispatch ropoHs that tim

............. fended, front her mirror, if seeing he: self Man In the Moon ha~ shuck work. HeA~oTl[v.n Gas 8TOltY.--At a hotel in besilked, and befeathered, and beJewe led, re~te that eight hours a day am

Now York, recently,, an old gentlemanfor tt morning walk or drive. J~ho ~dll quite ~mough for such n clever follow f~same down stairs and inquired of the be simply elegant in her i~t’fi’i~ ind ~omshine in, and dselineeto ~ his bundleclvrk whether he had any tallow can- or out, as’in her manners, and will not af stie.ks any longer. This announce- "dice Bein¢ informed that he could b0 exhibit;either Itrths’one or-the m~t hu--mused-.-gnmt,,~ootmtsrnatton -supplied with tadl~w dil~ the old gen- the slightest effort to outvio her throughout the whole "of the 8olar 8ylb ’tlecma said: ’ ’ i box’. . tern?’ A report eon~ from Holland

"Then I wish you’d give me Some; I "=" that all the Dutch sleeks hare corn-want something 1tan blow out, for l’ve A lady teacher inquired of the nmm. messed striking. They are determinedbeen blasting away at that cussed iigger bers of a class ofjuveallm if an not to work more than twelve houmin my room till L’ve no wind left I’ could nsma the four seasons day. It Is be]levedh however, that th~¯ The clerk, by spasmodl6~ffort, kept thn chubby band of ~ five.year-old Oovemmant will deal with ~ offend-his oountammaoe and ordered a pound of raised, and promptly etme the auswer ere under the Winding.up act~ as e t~’ilqm

J8 ~ ~ Vtdips to room Nu. --. ’ I c pper, salt, viuogar~ and m~tar~ are not tllowed in Hollsn~."..._:.:~ -


Page 3: D cess:Ma ke r, =: ,:.---: WatChe · D cess:Ma ke r, =: ,:.---: WatChe ... r ~ ~ ...

-- -7. ._ ....... ~ ,. ¯ .. _ .

.................. :": .................. : ............~---: ............ "’ - ..................~ . ] - . ;’ - ’,. "-- Z: .. " -’ ; ...... .’--- ,

for PRi~SI.DENT, - ~ .-.,’"

~-, - " " :": - ’." OeJIliuoi,, . - -. as therep~utati-v~~fthe--llei~dbli~n

.. FOR-VtCE-i’IIEsi’61~T,~ . party,to advance the interests of the ha-

party._ =.’... ..... ,

Brown h

¯ =F~EC.T-OI~& " .~ ..... :

," ~Cll~tiTOr#. eha?acter, and.practice the manners Which.¯ ¯ Dts’~nl~: -.. " ....... ~Ught:vYi~revail-~m~lga Ch’~iiau i~o-

: ?.-Saimzx, H. GitA¢.¯ " = - 2; A- S ~LlVl.’to,~ro~. campaign slaould be talcea with great al-

3. 2~hos CLA~K, JR. i0wance." We know .that the personal;UOH~ :." AST=. ~- -

5..E.A. WALTOm and that both-hischaracter and the¯ 7 -()~t;4.vgg SPAVONE. - acter o! Henry Wihon are above reproach;

have been ~landered

Giiln of-5000¯ overl870cut off the

he Republican victory in Vermont on’

of victories in Octobercoalition

lmtty in Novembernext. TheDemocmte- knew they =coUld not. elect a single ~tale

:=-----oflleerand consequeni y g~ the Libcral~

tucked in his boats or Gra-lzto strong i]rink.

~ ¯¯believe -that ..... Th~-"~oj t_he Ul_ans" came Off come out tor Grant.¯ o

" tOCdiislst of 8 Liberals and 13 Demo-~t .... coneerned;:but -like a "straw it.=~rvos, - ’craet~e Liberals were so few-innum- show -which- way the~w.in& is blowing.

T~e .~7/~-q one 0f these ~url~,~_~b~ch_ ~ .........

~R-EA~ ...........lost in Apollo Hail, where they were ad- are detcrmin~ to bc on thewinning side.vertised to meet, so Louis Kuehnlo let The.remsons which the HeraM ~ves for " ..J

then sl~edaddled to the Democrats at Er-’! solved tho.prdnfal and shamel’eLIndian~ques-

teli’s Hall. Dr. stiilc Presided there, lion ; he.hls lynn n~ economicsl adman*s-


~b~:V.q’qffeo than---rti-osc-t)t Hi~-op~i----oH/er:-~A.~ii~mitte-e washut whether oar eauseis better than "~nfer,:" WhieE reported "all lovely hut


~-:::~.> ~i,V’ii i,,b~ vict0fy’Ui 1]uh it.J tY’a-

told.and wada ei,dle.~ alumiliation~toAt:-_lent.

live plant our standard on otir.p_lattor_m,.Wc point to the past record of our-eandi-

public record el both Grant and Wilzoni without stain or blot. General Grant,

" " ,g_o~L~Lthe rebellion tothe presellt hour, has been

character as a private citizen, a h~roicsoldier, or Wise statesman. Both-in warand in peace-hohas-bcen tried, afid-ndt- ¯ ¯toundwa,tmg. Henry .Wilson has beet,

a tried public servant tor thirty years..

..... " .... their own way and it there w~-a-sitadow and tis the "watchfotD-guafdian of_.lib.zrty

he ua-1 s’--~-d--ffo ~il7

they were in p~id-on tO make the mostin a united, indissoluble natio,,-

r,tl0n of o¢6i" o600 e,lmi,a t, nelirl,

.’~:- ,A ::}’,’U~. :;t tir::c...:- L,,,..~ 7.,, ;~. ,7,<. ,’- ’,~w a


l~r~oLatalLinter~tin~ the tbu.ltai,~ (,t’ ’tl) :9,l~ t,:,:.~t’,tte.,’ight ~.._dd.(’.tko.&.._Ca.~Lld~_..frJ.~ud~.deny_thi~ ? Ii’_.~o_We-.pC*lit them_to hi~

D~moerat and Liberal vet% unto after eolun,u el tim Trib,,t in tl,,~

... alI~Wflab]r~poH~inl fffet 10-eseape-your m~id/~that "the-pla~zrto-tmy-HARDWA~E.:~h u--~:.- ....


"Soittl/~r/ito time during t/9 progrc..,s of’ the.robe’-lion. lu Iris .9 American Co,,fliet". I,,~

oriah,td .Yiu~_iiad: und<’r;.louo .no chat;’ge.~

kdt+r-ol~-a~Eihe’~al,le doctrine whco lie speaks ¢,t’ Ih,.

oubvc.rfion 01’.th~internid polity.and the itcees,it

of leaving theState "&co to:enforce the

inhabitnnts Ily such’ means as the .j,ttlg-.ntdiit-iil’his own pCOlllO-shalli: pi’e~oribo.’:If iris Itingnago in .tim pa,~lll and his wed

digested view~ a.+ expres~ed-to-day,’taitlo-prove him-a ,ti,d0lo-nfC,tlhoun, thenthdr,~ I~-ntl.loreo t,l.lan~tuagt,..

])o the Atncrican peHdc want a Pre,ident i,i’lho pre,cnt ~tate of a|hirs whebelidves i’n Ihe right (5t ~cce.,.~ion? "l’bi,t~ tlto question to answer. It in folly tosay .that this State right~ doctrine wilnever rt’c’wcr lroin the blow it receivedIrntn the’hg’al mill*at,,, It lnt.,t rue’leer.

cd ; il.b tim only db~ttoct~’e phnk in.tileLib,~i’al tlii~VttUit:nI, It prbolldS tlt~ Vi,,"iItetivi, opposition to Gctieral Grant nmlt|io ]lelmblh;a,t ilar~y, and if m,t ¢’ff¢citi-ally rebuked in Noventl,er it .will againplunge the nation into a,other bloodycivil war. ¯

Thie we do ltnow of the pant, had Groelay been |~re~ident *aHead of Lincoln theU,dee Imuid bnve been destroyed, and ash~Inheldiig imn|bderaey weuhl have been~ab!l~e{. ]Re would have followed outhm ecru.lotions, us ~l,re.s,ed in.his editwritb, and i~rmittcd tim "wayward si~iel’.to depalt il pele~." Whllt he wonl,thale been in the pant, he nla.v be in thnI’utul~ if iniriu.l’d lilh,l,ower, l’e¢tir~ lot r.e~ ~ueh a teirfttl ri.k. ~f~ilsflail dcelrlne.~hleh supporla the Gr,dl,ymovement has already e~si the nation toomuch blood and treasure lor the peopleto placo its advocate ht the Prr~idendalchair, Let every loyal citizen, wlietherhe be Dem,lerlt or Republican, tit*ok ulIhis and lot6 .honda in ~avit,lt tire ltopliL-,’lie lenin m dr01t a e~lamily,


organs CXl 20,000,

¯ and areduction ot the Republican major-.lay to: 10,000 or 12,000,-" lgc ~iiie~tcd"

outthe, majority down as low

de~rease, is mo.qt gratifying. We quote

from the 7~’[bumi which-

The Green lgonntnin Sial* holds’her election,xt_~ aes~hiy, anal a_~ tho.firitin wMch a £tita.,ken. ~tas eSl,r¢tsiy fiomtnat~d sad- supported-

on the the Liberal plath, lm% tliq redo’It will I,e¯ li~g~rded with Ilre,ylni~r~.~¢. The Detaoeratlo’" .........i’6"fi¢~fl"Y6fiiii)i~ f If,’ i%l,i" "Iild ~" fti 7/ii;¥ffd ~ w-e

- "believe tllt~_hlbclnl veto will eo,l~id,lral,iy ex-- need twdnty thousand, lrso, tbere’reo be n,l

-lealnlnihle~lhmbtitl-te tile ltrl’~ddcntlal seniti, i;IIn0¢, li elmiler leeult In other 14tales Wlulld glt’t,tile l, iberol Party el, eel five millions of votes|n the Unit)n, toni, ling it to ell.one nltlro thantwo. third-, of the ].’,lectors.

Liberals of ’Vermont! hear In mind thai"though p nlhlorlty In your own State, yon ire infull accord re, tall ¯ Inl.jorlt) In tile Uuh;,, andthntevery vote you east io.mlirrew, thrlouh Itshould not ol,.~taldnl:le esmlid,tie, will iidlpowerlally 0h tim CllnVal8 Ill oth.r ~l,i}#$.--

¯ lweat¥ thou~luld ¥1ites f~,r ymlr ~tslo lil’llel t"’qulito lal /*’lie lllllli,,nl* ol w,ira ill ihe

Wi end Ihat-w.ntd-tnmtlnf t~o-lhhd~ ii~ Iho/~lelt.rs I,y the I’rleld~ vfOl’Oi]e’y llid ]]rowe. ]]ring out tiio~o iwinlyUloaleIRl ¥oles I

.. W.nll. tho ~0,000 did not l’ctlUlO t0

time’" ind" Mr. Grceloy is dccidedlytt d0wli |1} tl’m niouth " litc his’adherenta.

-Wd In’edict they ~’ill have atlditionlleauae when wo hoar what Main o has’done,on ~ou~s~. ....

The ~ll~it,,,,,~ not long ago advanled ll~Itroug evidence el General Grant ~ ufith-hem ler the Prei~denuy’ tha: he Led Ip-

poiuted J. F. B~iley to the po~itltm ot lutel’ul ¯lle~0nue Collector, bccausu ,thelatter had preve,~ ~. defaulter, It ~ew

......... uiii~fi,~-fi’MKi1’lley ,,,aS~mloi~tal o~/he m’ll~nt reeommeudal}ons of IJorao~Greeley, Sculler’ [i’onton end Theodor~~ilton. The ~li’me~ publbhea in lull ,he~lttenl of them lieetlemon linking lor Mr.]~illy’n appelelmen~. Thll expoeule

tim fra.~ i,l~.

l~J~S/,~r~o C~ven-t-ion by_-thTLibemh-I’,- 5:e :pal~. Alan, n c, t , s.

D~vid L:ll:e, . C. 3]..L’owei%Wil{ard Wright, T.K. "Reed,L. H. Ashloyi " .. J. G. UamvbeH’

Kinz, . P.T.Gee. W. Pressey, Calvin Wright,

TheL-e ~lemen are all Liberals, wc be-believe. 71~e see" no notice oi ally ap-pointed by t~6"D~-m~6~ats~-so it-must be

the Lib~rais-run~bc machine. That)oat,

how¯third did doit! didn’t they? Weunderstood-the_two conventions were -in.i q .,, 7fu.e but they seem to have refused.I]owever, .the :Democrats ap.polnted-to

~nventions L!a,,’t-Wedne,d,,two weeks precious {tow many will there

eve ry--way-t .i aJ, o_ p r-o~e:iI v .f-zho~.~oun t ry;_~u ha~ bor,..c: Lim:~f’(v;tl; ~imp]i. i:y, dignity.and l’cnor iu ;.,.~ s’=.ti,~:;--a edit: unr, rc:eadirggentleman. :,s ov~rv I~resi,lc,:. ~hoald be. Be.-bind this he ha~ made n ,l:’mcin our h~ztory

tiame kn~iwn t0a!t tho w.’;:id. * " ,

It’ ~eem~ that a;: i .,~-e i,, ~o ~er, a~.nSchurz’.s’yar_n abou~ being approached bythe .Administration, ann offered anyamount of pafro0agc if’ hc Would supportthe San- Dora*ago scheme, is based {ii~on

Impressionrr made upon- hismind, in a conversation with the Presi-dent. in tl letter explaining hialbeit,Pleasonton throws-a fling az the accuracy

isL~d grace fromoh67who cut

tr~cr at Wa~hiogtoe. Pleas0otou"s headis ver~;-~o~, and a reasonable amount ofhad blood may>Lbe expected. Iresills.Bill io his passion he would do well not

,g- .... ¯ k.,


large stock of OARx2IAGIJ tRIM~Ir/,Va~8POKEs, FE£L 0£~, HU]3B, &e. PUTTY

Don’t belie~’o.a


L:y~ in-t i.~-!,.t.:...- ot-al.C~l,larteo ,_,_

who wa~ no~ admitted tO his seat in Cor,-toz

p. Vance i~ a ~veehllen of

:,,t-,iit.-d tothe conn~el.~ of the ,Nataliut!--fblt;,,,.-bi ~-Alter-thi.~ di~]s

woahl have.be~ffi.no.more man ri~lltforVat,cote biv6i’u.4Ccd to the bo~orn of[l,,raeo--bzi he did’on. On tlle’ celiall,’ f; cl~. thi.~ ¢ the eamlmi,,t

fill’Ue whu hive been (.xtreme witr ~,~n,who have lest lu311perty and IlrnoH ill wehold dear filr rrint;iplc, t0¢/:~ ¢le,ifi~.o

Of H. d." to the.White ]Iouso.

" - " ~ fi-"$2- ..............

rated7 "We-oli’td6 it; ")lran~ rep led " We mist laoo here,~ent emen ; som~.iinltea w,¢re .dr$. a Id w’oao i #let Rno,~ hq,lnr, W.e" ullg, --I, aveadr,Ilk, lhil’t y.n tiko l,O¢tv ltlidiey ilyou can’t ~t’:-n~tbiilV eli .ll O7 eonr<,,we like the.poor. We ltli~ and sill itla liitle ,,lliakeV, li littl~ ,,el,r t0*aty of.iular. stir it a I -iiit, dri.k it, tad d iatu it.~Io in this lo ,an do, no h, lter. We willlike n lil¢l# i{rcalt#, iiid lit aclile of ihlis.ues le ill IovA, vote the ticket, buteur,¢ GroM~y."

Mid,ira thilk~ ~hs i~ mi~nnder~toodin regard In tile I~ht Ihis y,~lr, alid fall-nashua Hali~tiel showing why ~he 0ngl~tto tie: inelndell it; the llepnhlie~ln e~{ nn,,iIn tile Fall of 1870 it .Appears io, ill,’llnl,!icaa papt,, od¢,.¢al,d the. electilnlot Ii,uwn, now tbr~-iwa are ImpportingIlrlini lnd inll Wil.on, .rid only Oile. thvt¥~stlich~ POst] 8ehorI’s paper, i, la’ndt~reertAnt. The no-called Lib,.rtls o! fhi~~laln lit llrn>~iRt dO Ilflll alilollnl le ’nnt!pet cent nt the pitt#. The ,]lopnblioatiileily i~l Inotn flllally,united thin dllv inMi*~onri thin it has bean tel 12 yearv.l’lieyell,~t to liar# the D~In¢’rlts [m.,tenth a mAinrity el ~0 000 in-thd elm*nilE~lht. This hi ,Iriai,,ly H~milgillg anddemt, es to t,e rut on reeord.

~’TAyer ’.,,7. ~ nt-0 dlielrfi~sT:an-d;~7~0~~.i-((; li]~’-tlofii¥,;d-t;,, diem, l iiat u,t-Iiri’uleilqed villiauaare attempting to de-

ceive th,"ian~,’lrytly{ml~o~i’~g npoim .iholtiiheir war~Dle~ nlmtromn nnd~r o.~}milari-,y ~ll niull,. Ch6rryPe(-~i,r,iI LozengeS,lie. Ay,.r’, tr,+ehe’.,-Ayer’~-Pa..tih.s for(J,,.~;li~,])l?erry Peclolll C0u~l("Di’o-p-~,-A.v,,r’~ l:,:vor i, ttd Almc Cnrc, Dn Aycr’8

I,,,l{sn Iqll~, L,’.. {to., (noneo| lhielt llreel I)r, Ayel"t~ lltlitlfagloro er coml.;o.~i-ti,m) tire lq,eei,llt.n~ o| ’ibis villia,ly anddl’cril. They nell only d,’tr,iud Iho ~iokI,| rh¢,{r nl,mev Inlt ot thl,ir llt,ahh, ,)r h,’rec.l;’,:ry ,,# tl,,,ir h,’. h. t~!li,,h }~ IhrIlilirt: i,l~p,~rltint tTlill lli,ul,,~, l,’lOlil ,l~~-

laal.t:.~uaterleil.~the I,--#,h,-llr,+ i+rl,,x.r’l-’:d by I~w.whi,.h lho It .,,m, prqinllr~y cll-hircc~, i~at Ih,.t,, e~’l~i.n.~ s’unolhiw~ i hid,’

lira lliw, Olid llilrch ibOl,4 lilbi i,l~,;, e~

lliein,~l,l~.j~ hy rola,~,ni~ iii llil dt!ceivtal .b)

Iholn.--l)liver (N. It.) B,, It

q’be I i,:nburl~ Cm,,i, r,’~;i/ pvrtinonllyrculArks :

Tiiil Is ill,out the tim. ,I,’e~rdtnl lo ll{eCInrr,ql I!t the "rid." vll,le| wltl o ~.qTiy tlr,-’¢l ,y i ,~},i the While tloule ,lolld h, gin I-h,, seelii. "all its gflllid nr. ’ I Iii d.n’ll s,li,I I11 ,’.’laiiI Will glle illi lhil Ull,I e~ h,,prh,.~." W,- eh,,I ,Ih, lllt,,Io, rl~-c I~hlli ,ill e,,en lhil t I

l~Al.l,’ll ’ Vn(ilYAUI,! |I(’I/IAN lllAtR (’, hv,.I Iln~ lilt, -n ’1’ hi, h,n4. f.,r .t I.ll h.]llllWll nl,l plandl inllinlr Ih? tibl, ,*id ,,,)l r i ri,4 l llll I h,* i t’h- t . i ~,,1 - i’d s igd it file held nt all illiel#.* ~or I t~illii- lti,,,,I.,y ,Jr Iliili le I,a, ih- n,nl-i,.~l eheliee nf

~lr I,urpo,~. The te,.limony .t’ onr lilly- i, i,,~ ~l,.el~d. I’,’,,.s~ li,,,,ia I. c-ill,. ,¢, Re

Htiln, i.’l o’lnchll~ve I,i to its 1,allle ; i, lill i..llloit id,., , r ~s ~r---r.~-,*.~.. t’~, i.i ,,, II,,elIn at# p¢,rl~,nlllll a¢~l.ainled ,,ilh .’~.r,,l. oo ,,til ,lu, Fill. i,, n ~t.l.lt,rr.-nnd that

itu,-t, llew li-t-u~i b-.tl~ltl.I, ., Inl~l wi I nelOt ca,us where it ha.~i~-ee is,.d whh Ihe I’’ ,.lid, il’h,, ;I.,ekl, hit I’,.)ht,I Xthll;,.,beat tat re-ella. It wail r,,,Inre l~rl. hair A,id ,he,. In,~ i,* ,.,,i* .... ! the l,i I ,,,,d.tottll .rillinal eel,r, Ind I,,ate~ it lhl.li, y,a,,d in a h.ahhy oonllili,ln lhilc, I,,r cenihtrt hois d/lily rt’ccivinli frant thc in-head. ttoul,h.d wilh ds,~d;nff,,tr ally dl.- conlllrohcw, ibi,, ihlii+l,I, illi,a If&’. BUti al.¢l ot the,.elllp, it Aoim iit.¯ t.harni iu li., I’,rns i~ iiui I’, n,l.ll, ill/a, a.,I ,herorltlm-in~ Iht.m. Try it. and i,,u fill noi ’ ¯ "I,e di.isPllOioled.--1.oird/ (’uurl;rl lil, ly are other "i,,n tll~u l",ni,cy iu Ilie’K#J$-

~1 l~ I’+lillU ll~llle"

---, . ; ,..~ ............O

-tlll-hinds,-’l’c~,te.--We have ~il~6~n additiell

..... TtlI II_,l"-7 ......... i ........

....... . ..... -.--

fin,-e,/ortmeni:of FU/tNiTUItE;-Burelii,Mirrors, Lounge% Tables, lledslende, ~llt-

Ire0ses~ &o.l Ao. - We can,st be beaten in llllz

market, and if o,r friends consult *heir ~esghlterestl! they will hmxr__ln.-miad..the.OASIIs’roIt t.." of ltl. D. & J. ’¢?~ DI~PUI’, Ilammetl-,,,n. ~I. ". 41.1 .-,," ; .... " _] ......... -r. T. ii^i~s,.,s. ]]],:NAVY rrOaTi

T, T~ I~tal-nes& Co.,Boeoelllur to 13. A. H0[JDER & CO.,

¯ (,.Im;.*;o,i l)e,,I.rs

__Butter, Eggs, .~N~UNT~gT~ ,.llllIDUCill

N,l.l. 101 nnd 103 VINM 8~., Philadelphia.~..i~. 8poeJal attenthm Fold to eenslgnmenia

of ]qiUITd aud II F.Itltl Et4. ’ .-------%lt’AW~ll ~ -- ..__2_’._

fl or B smart Eewcls it Ihe l~ammonloi.Clelhhig Monutait0ry I. ielmsnee work Me’ll-,lay, ldUllt, :hid. Eilil |udueul0nls efferrd.[’;toady work sutll Chris*sis.

~AM’L ANDEilSON¯ Proprletor.

Eggs ! 0hi0k0n I Chi0k0nl 11 wlii buy e.,l ,ey ’a.b f,r lglf~ Chick*el.

I eill. l]llllll’ I ~JtiC inltil~rl I TtllIIhleel l’otal#ie.hi til.t Ill ¥¢li~laLh.a ill Ihe irnel Ilae, hi lhlir



i " Null~l II herehl’ glvl, n that the gnmll sleredt’ on my pl~mlzeallb,,ut fooryeariaKu by lllnesllk ¯ .

llohbs, laait I~l r.mo.o,i whhlo thirly doyAIromdatlor they wilt be~.l,ltq ply Cap,ansi,.f sterll, e. ’ IIRNJ, UOWLII~.lhlw.a~nte., A."T. 17, 187.% "

"t --~ .o

" :7~,!~>’ : ......"3"


__ _~ _--~_~-SAT’URDAY,

/’or vqe at hls l~ews siaad. Pe~gextra, copies eaa chain them Jot him at the

" ’~ameprieoa’~’~t o--a-r-bflieh~slngle eoliies 5%ts.- ’--. - -or 6 c_opies:for 25 cts.

.- lli~,Tho water supply

towli. ....... ¯ ’:. : ....

handed, and turning out abeul 400. pairs¯

: ~ Bowles and ,T~ckson are crecting

a bttildhg t0r tladLm0.rkot,_9-n Bell4vu%corner of Secoiad Street. "~?h@ will oc-cupy it next ’Saturday.

__ ]~~e_a~frce concerV-hy-tho-

{Union service~ at the Presbytc-

th eSy ~Tb~YiIi~~wo shallhave both of them in another

" sfiapo.

. Thooall

In-the-absence of Mr. -. Saxt0n_ the_m eet-

Elvins was chosen Ch.~irman:and J.B.Hl~lt; Soo’y.

The:warrant was¯read and ;he election~c w~ announced ~s in o~er. a.

_ _. ThequoAtjga._e.oncqr_njn.g._.h0w_t he j r u~+

brought up. --As-the trustees--were in-

motioa-was-mado to_lay.:tho quostion-j on-; no 1,5..

ms*ties to have the-

disdussion. The townSup& thonght$200would be-Siifl~oieht.. A mOtion to Jay iton.the fabl0 prevailed-69 t-6 23:- The propositi6n to. dose the Old andSouth ftammonton

)ostrich. The-Ied t hat~ l~i; y

_was.less than twelve ie_dach school _thathad been requested by residents" ot

-t~nd-the cont~l-~ch0bl: the trustees had

-books it apl)eared .that ttiere60 children on the scum side o! the

It,. 1L; enough ot thegn, would attend the-S~tith-tl~vl ti~o,.,tou school t@kec

fowu with coo el his wives ~ sliorz ,*me .~ugaged. ~ome ot’.the child,e,, tad ,v,,,ago. ilo dS.i2tC6;.adaco atiy of our be]lc~ ar three miiw to walk, and cun~quently

.to "go West." could tint attend m b,ld wcattier ; nc~r yDoPny has a curiosity in the shape all tiac residem~ of 8. fiammontou Iir.o-

vested against closing the ~ehbol; theyof a nail puller. Oall and nee it. The were pre.~.ut tO enter"¯their protest,, ann

h~.The .Demoo’at mentions that the

Republican Convention spent Lut fifteencents/or lager, ~whieh ace-cunts for~e

...... tieing_at_us not beta brou =ha h_omo on a

There is to bc sl Festival" held intho basement of the 3 al~l~ Landing M.

. ncxu week (cour~ days). Dinner will.be--provided ......................

_.l~!i~_Abo.uLt_hieg-fourt_hs of the__p_e~_P

=lll~.-Th~im~lio Boi!r tit.alia-.] n t ei~iie ~V;;

we exple~ted ourselves" asqoite: ready*o

.tongue in in its headi aswo had already

.ing~o--witne~ the ropros0ntation

Noycs were admirably eupported by the

formed=with remarkable correctnoss_s~i~" afirsr~berf6rmance~" ¯ -

devoted~oreepaee to him’than than~T-O~ " " " ......,ubjeet,u,man_w. eotill~d,0. Wi, e<~- C L2~.__-S. ~-]~-;_. S= ¯EIE - ....

upon ;Mr. B. enthufiestieally damned Us ...... - "............

~ Union Hall was crowded on Tues- ..... - - I-IA1V~IV~ONTON, N," tl. ’ ...............

-- ¯ - . . . .................... . ;o


,. . . , , ¯ . - . .


niGh, but school could, and ought be kep~scrod of the chilaren al-

must attend the Central must walktho abnve articles to the largest and cheapestth~ school, "~to~k this_ ~_ido_oL2_hiladelphia.LZAn _a~sort-"

to ki, ow why-me trd~ce~di-d n~t=~f i. nlent alwnys on hand.the house ; last winter he let the .teacher

" in his hbhso a part eL-the Tin Roollln done at the shortest noticethe .school house was In

such wretehed condition. - Mr. Wether- REPAIR.I2~G promptly attnaded. -- . -!-bee-moved-to-keep all-the schools o

which was,g voice.

._. -t_ 7 ." ~ _ %. , ....... ;


-of.thoAate~t_styles,.always on-hand. . .

tt.ii, "_ .. . - --f __

All the.different v.u;¢ Ijes :lud .q’,Jes Ly lho i’,oIn-l~ hm:.dredwelght or bare’el.


"Persons can obtain e.v2r3 thing in tLis ling from a complete s6t to-a singio article.

ITLY CAdH BUSIMESS I" nm able to sell Gods at a small ,rotlt. A!

Tin and Sheet-Iron Ware, LAEOE 8T0I E STOI%E, text th0 1 i176ad Station,

oc~ screw to the heaviest building, hard- tor the r ureha~e of’.books agreed to. ... -- -". )-. ~~-~:-~’:- ....- --ware.- ............ --- .~£-he~repm:t"et trusteen--f,,r the-yeai; cad- " ---~ ~ oF -FI~.E

ing Aug. 31 ]872, wlz then lead. :..

95° to 55?.Sul/seripiionS to new house, p]zeed in

.this aeet i~ placeoforder~ dr~wn onSchu61.Fend,

...... cr-&iTt~bi3~-,iclj~yllall,,l%e~(layeye~iag.

tall)ore an ’,

howcvcr, was as grcaz a t,,iiuto a~ its pro"................. toffpe-at- the-Bo~to u-J ubitee.---de~hvut~

be nailed hereafter.

meat market bdiiding on tile corner, It* d

20 x DO h. Thiswill ~ivo the corner ofBellevue and ]~]gg }larbor a bitter ab-

T. eannot st’cure compliments iakttrebuffa aodqire tha,,ktul. Tha ,l, mr,lalappcara to belongto

t~r~__.. ~hank~L/oLtlmAa~_do _ / )’ .......... .. vor; ao_agali ..................

Al~ lllilw ! ltill I Illll t.

~l[t’, 1:]dater .’--Pcrkllit m.e:.-throngh’ thmflu¯ill In statlt ltn inter,st*tit incilb, nt iliot

.- oot, urrc~ at-my hou,e na lllo evening otSepl. 4 in,t: Myself.lind wito w,.ro vh-ilcd by tha o periltive:~ of the Iota ?’ llam-mouton Cc-opcrltivn Shoo (lomvl.y,’*’it ,ntall@., witli a iolotiter [l}aill, wliil

itolc UOon oul quiet ~:,’l 8~er¢.l), ,~,~,1stelhilily that w~ ll~Iti tiillerl elii,nty tlysnrl, rim. Oar tlbhl ,il,~. h adnd wiik shtrefre~llments whi~ our h’hlnda br, aghdl,and we’h~l nothlug ta ale [tat aeeopL’tklaattention an,l be nntertainad.

qlll9 j’_lr~¯t.nurpri~ wg~ thllowed by a ~¢t;-_end. muro iiverwllohning l}mu t[Io othi+r.My old euil~loyeo~ pro,enlcd too, tttr0n~h

. their_t*p,lkeswtllUlUl, Mi~ Ellli llnrltmwhn noe,,Ollililielt Iho gilt Wilh li nilnllittle ~p.~cll. #illi A blAtillt’ll’ll.,W’l’ IlOl,llIllADID I!101’¢ 0A¢’¢I, imarhig Ihe follol~-ing in~r{pi},lli ht~anlihilly eligrllwt, l :it i~ir¢~##tl[rd fl) *], /I, ~])elICt’r, lti; [~t t/It"

lulol/e,,a of llcrtllltilnlflnl (~0. J. {,0, 171’pt,

4r~ i ~72."I taktl tlli~ .plmrluttity Iotla whnt iny

emoti.nl nn.thin ne0~stml wouht not I, or-llltl--lU elliiOn ,* iny Ililh~t henrlloJt Ihanklt

to those many l;iends |t,r tills i’Xl)rn-,*itlnol thoh" tell id,,ntll; liail tr vnd~li’p. I I al

, thv# hart tleimm,.l Inn Wtlllhy tl[ tqinh A

token .fth.ir di~ilit~’re~ll.l i’~tl’{il0, willbu Io nlo a t!lilll~e ill hlst}nt~ p]eamlrt~ luidgraihtl,lo 1 ~hall gr,llllll, wilh Iiies du-

% tin~ #ilh inoro t:,llil’;ll,1 f.i" linvhlg lhis lu.-sllrllnoo o|’thi~ cnlllbl,.n;,~ Ill Ibo-c withwhom [ hav~l lal~lr.,I and beeq a~.-oeiatl.diiia bu,itie~,s cat,,,eily :l~t wch’an ill ~ociallate.

In elpre~nhig niy tll~il multhnenls lhAvo t, Irlrt, lt.v iI. ih,.hi llt ~llr~, ~pi.licer,who. whb Iny~eil, fullynltllrelli~t~f ih.kinll |enllng which [~ro,nilivd t,lir lri~,,da1o thus honllr us. *.J..

~, l~.-t41’t~vtit/ ,

20 3r

.$2~07.-~2-v - --q,. ..,:... ~ .

Teaelers’ waga~, _ . _ I1792 50_F~s}, I,~2 !d~tila;ng.flrls,_.~w_epilig,21:., ................... S~ O~.~ull irialsndca,’a kin, 20 ~#1Iteeair~ of Ik)aSel, . ~6 8~

...... 19 00}Jatalee now in.hands of Tree.% ?:;


II t:;t l; .~l li l’kt’t


.... 617F. SAXTON, Di~t..Cl,,rk.AfiCe the reV.ting the meeting- adjourl.

ed wilhoue takirKection upnn ft.

a’t On;ca-Hall 8unthiy mort,-ing, at 10~. tnqmrnrstruth arc *,viand to bo p’re~eo~ without

361~--.....J~-_A-maa-uad~_~0icth]llg<.I.! lliuli’ veda water,0 *nit f.l~llr being killed ia llttamllti~g Io

l~lK on ths care whihl in. hlotioa, al Jhis-plnee,~l’tt~sda# evcilng, [|O had beenpuioff by. the coi,h~otnr’but v,a~i detorlniilllto-"lllo or-dilfl" --He wnaflnallY-lUtt- onholrtl aad I~.’k, ,I nllt............................

II IOlkt’lt Oill It#K.OuR l)lfitSlglOl’, Olt ~t ,]’13LLt

{rltllRD#i’~n~lli~. I,v I)hl I~le,s, A, M,,D.. an,hor,,f"(Jllr ftirlt," cir., ~2’.~

[ ttiladelphil, flItl, Mi(ll’,lltt. | llt,li, i air of |it~lt elar.~ ~llb.erilltiun i~ 3101."

It is a Ti, il l,l~l.url to get hold ccnn-~’ie,lally, Ill u plale, p,.~til;al, o.u.lll,m-sei,e book t]lIR bel¢l"ol hs ¢li%.,y pansm tha evk[ont dos gl tll its n~thor, the~i,od .f b.~ fi~llow nlan (~,1 ~tmzan. t~oL- rhfi/eq%iii-r ths , d ~I1 thi stck~ -.~s~nd-un.-happiness hi our mhl~t htm a wnak tlige,-lillii I~l" iul llrillie I’liiSP. Thh liein~~ol[-0vidolt fwt, oar oll{y woider {. I hi, |It I/io¢ik lik.t "’(I.ir Dhtel¢l’oa " hasn’t b ,.~writtea Iolg llgli. ~law ihil h liM Ill.O.,do.t¢ we lifo ghl,i it Illiltl Ho well thl o

’ iilind hy ~l p-p.llr, pla~lt{aai and IoltyIniln Qt ,invT’,ieod])ill|~l,.is. H¢,areh Iheellnlllry ovqr, and you can*or llld a lalI

hl.ill,r mlhed I;ir Ih. iisk, Ilis adlii,.r.~aro .unlbl..rnd b# ihon.<lnda aild will liM-i~mlo gladly li mlw I~l~lll fi’ftal I, is iI~lt~h,-I’ttl i~n .i I)lir Jolly li’rlold s [’tliltlt I’ i~llfll0rilllI*.ly unknuln i o iigreit lalt.’t 01our relult.r.’l, t~l we earne.~ly al1,,i’,~ oi0illint tlVlllV enn itr illem Ill Ilil’lq~S withl,iiI

t~la.,’, a 0t.ll)Y tlf l liis {nvaMablo h.ok. W*holi, il will II,i{ckly hlko Iho llhl¢~lt t,l tlo" ]),,ml,.tio ~ll,.tlh~h,n" li,~ a hiiullt!hl,ldb ml, t,lr it will leiru ylin how Ill io riow}ihonl Ull!,lle;li,~ in nln.t I’lil~t:~l. It wlilh,al:h ~,liii lulw IO avoid i,r i’¢inqllt,r bil-ioli+.lU.S~ nrid i{Y.llCll~,hi, iiilll ttli’/ll li worldid’l, Xl~Om*,’-auil ir, ullllh~, It i~olves lileu.,ihh.in ,,f ch,:il, Iivh,~., nnd il~, iiihll-ni,ililin ,ll~tl rcl,i,{l,l,.t iliu tlio rt,~llll lit"tililiy yi.llis’l.I tqiuly, I,y llill lli,l.t t’Uil-Ill’el and I,t,pralurwt-iter Oll health inAn, erie~ t~.-da£. ’ .

. ’ ..... ’ , , . .’, ......



Our Wagon runs to all.

& NOTIONS,wonhl invlt~! sp*~.ial ailention to tht{r Ilne s¢i~c,k .......

": ~ty, llre~i~ (]tl,ll|et -lnd .lll’liwa ~uslil.iGIrili’ lilid Childrtla’s ilotll

" tie-elyGIo’,’l~l, Slallglttrl~ ,lle.,

Men’s ~,od ~oy~’ llO()T~ lind SI101,I~, I.adics’and MDses" BOOTS, SHOE8 and GAITERS~ ~eleets,t exl)resaly for theii Iorgt-sioek constantly on hand.



ni 87 1.L....-_ ..... ¯. ....

CranberryLandsSituate ncnr

A, 61, CL£11.Hlullleaton, 0¢#i, tp, ’71.


el llii ]lituldll--

O¢Ilitlll slid Plain

llvorlfrlmim, mad H&a, Ib~,

~lt3~DI~t Pi.~gl~, Bird3,lie., . Ic., Ii’&c.


Ji lllflT’ltllglq~t. "q, In eMllng the attonihni of l’hANTllll~ Io h{s larle ~uul llirieMeok of liill lll,,Itl I boge leilve to Inthnite lhlll,,liinglo tim i,e~l fivorahle leman far llhint{trowih~ ht OOliihlcnllly helinvlre the stock willbl ,fl,an,I flllly I~lllld to ooylhin I hsreloflirl,,il%,Id by him.., ,

I,~t~mdt~t,d ]L).u~¯ ’]C’i~o(..io

TI~ Pllltlis arl "ln,.ited to glvo ihesl a o~lll.lletsw, l, llrll, Pllrk’~ llaain, Dried ]lelL Mwli-eril~ (Jo¢llltll i eli. Iil priell io suit thl iilltl {thl,y kAvo ill


a.lol ot liltlll~l ][lidll {;lllltlilllllf. S].’IT~,d lilll, {}!’21, 111.1. til,.ehil atle,itt,m give.}o ihln dllllnr tlnenl,

i’LOIl~lll dll WEIRD OV AI,L KINI~4c(In|lllntl]l 0a bled,


i’rlcee M LOW ae thn I,,woat. "All srth,lei inld

¯ I 1t~ i)4-; I’L~ (t,.it II the lltlllltsl av IrKTllli ami dnchlnenll, lalt-

libli fur llibl pnrllolli, otll llgl ot Yltteal atlelalid heel b,~lll replllldll Imnillllnlol,

, ¯ ..~- .~-- <

IlelllhQIll~ attd Willdow IPlmnlll.A,, ozlen~iv¢, n,n,,rtu),~t;t ,,I’ rare and rhoh,*

kin,l~ adal,teil tu whidew tinltnr..

LONIHtN N U lll, lEilY,rrammonton, ~’ ff

0,it,. lff I I till, - .... &t-if

ni UUIt 8TOltl will b,, guariuite~d aa rellle.. ’A,Ivlem frulli LolidOll Inrorlll hlnl,thmn alul ilontod.~ii Ill t~ Ii¢i-i fine ii,liilT.

Andemo .s .,.

Now 8tore, Bellevue Ave,,

" I "I i i

. , l

¯ nnd adJolnlnI the land,of’i.hellmni,noliton Cranberry and

Improvement Association,

’rhsie .lands .lir’~ elnang lholl~;I,Jt iu the l~gtittO."

havleK all fan,lilies for

FIoodhIg lilid ]llrlllUillg,

(north lllde, near It*rio.,)

aro esally ind ehsallll el enred end


Lau,le shown free ef eallenee and ell iufetmlith, n tliVeli by

(2. F. ~Illi-LEll./II~I,Lb’VUI~ AVE,, ]IAMMONTON, ~,J.

IHdiards’ "Crnnhesly elid lie 0111ture,"lia| fril oil reeeipt 0f stnmp.

]~ag C,u, pot "V¢’ea,virigill,lie OS Colteli wilrp of various i]itt.lmi.,

,W’ith new mleliinery byItAMUBI, BII)(|W IkY,

’ N.la ltolid, ala~r O14 lllmmolitn.Alle it&t{ 0Ai%PET for InN.


Muek ;to get hut eu shntell from lu©k bed. InqAlreof . ~’ ’ M. O. 8WIYT,

.Mahi ;Road, lllinill*.atonl Anl, lll?l. , ~l |

........ *"~-_" :’;" "~r ........

¯ t’ia’e lltillilrletl ill Plellltltll, a n...... ?.larlll.aild--careflilITeeleet~l atoek-ef.Tl~A~ohelel vlrlcty.-oI_tht_blliiLlii..thl ti.lrklt.:llua. ¯ - ¯ - In tllv .................--Bll,¢k, Orlll and Japml. COI{’YEBS--Itlo,shalli of Tell, Ooffl~ Siigllrs, 19plow, Soap,., - ...................................-- ; ;l,l ttulra Imd Ju.i’it 81*giles of varh, us gr,llles Htaroh, ]nd{ge, dke, Thl phie¢l I. buy is al

t’ I~AMM0N,l,., --,. c. is,l,o,TOWN OF T0NM,011Mitl. Jloney, &e,, &e. ii*tsnd te d*~li . ,. . ............. ."

_A.rJP_l!tiI.O_iN___~_’l~ ~i. T X O

Page 4: D cess:Ma ke r, =: ,:.---: WatChe · D cess:Ma ke r, =: ,:.---: WatChe ... r ~ ~ ...

so far a~ we

~g " vicinity.

a painingIt is a constant

¯ th~seeond22ad the waves the most remarkable aerolites¯that has

whichthese is the ease andthe life.

I)ne of

.B~m~barluL the use of salt, i~Indeed, it b~ ne’ver "He flav6rs his food,

.8ue&.~ a.pieee.bf rook~dt_.a~ if jt wet6 ....,-and wlii~h ~s~’~till- sugar.. ~ "’

and it may not. prove-cocoon-to --’AT6-sff-o-nger.mark of a~e6:iI According to Captain

was ÷etixruiag from of salt from the of theM.

to -tain in eooiety wmon hsaLouisiana se’me of the planters are rb- stroy himself.if,hi s request into elsbse~e~oh ,_onCe_of which ’ that hc

and -has been¯

and prophetic dally manners and bdBe f¯ : ,e~. it has no insect ghastly Lmile, and frightened stare, he classes. ~V~nat the better as heeT~mte~; its fibre isless bulk~ muttered~ . Classes in England are fenced, like a terrific

-and-turned away;~partly ward a huge fiery ball that._ prices. - At present the - la an-hour ~ eartB but a fewr0ds¯from where be wasEngland for $240 per ton ,of 2000 was~~~ed~e are no common parlors where all m~y standing, with a deafening detonationpounds, or eightandthree-quartercenta. People near-at "han~[ i meet--no common railroad cars. An and ashock like.an earthquake. Cap-per pound. : " " splash in the .water, and word Were English family travels like ’an ~sland tail-Scott owns tobeing badly fright-Ramie, or Chinese grass, is a plant of to the wuiting’wife at home that her. surrounded by water, orus if geniilifted ened, and for a few moments stood me~-the neftle family which growespontano- hapless husband had committed suicide. UP the house and took xt from place to tionlees, completely at a 10ss to accountdualy in British India, China, Java, and In the’ morningthe river Wasdragged place. The family, whole and compact, for what had happened.. In the mean-

forms its commercial ~roduct til-a-weekTol- everywhere and~ kceRs by itself, ti~a " noise.came-

the salt of the ~c~ovenantof-Go-d.-T~he-Grceks end-Re’mass-also-u~dsalt__ -"

in their saCri~cial cakes; and it is stillused in th-e~n-vie~f the Latin church

ony of baptism put intochild’s mouth, while the priest ¯say~, Receive the salt of wisdom, and mayit be a propitiation to thee for eterna’Llife., - - -

Everywhere, and .almost alwayf, in-deedi it had’begs emblemat-

ner~t~e f~dm, mad when exposed" to View by separation from the husk

presen~ a bfilli~t pearl-white lust/e/This fibre is longer and more uniform than-

also has the the

resole can be~m the seed/fi’om cuttings from the

.When the stems are ripe and browt

remains which,-to there.latices only, had a semblane~

funeral came next,


with the be~t~h familie~ and see no more ofth~h-if’~ne were anywhere else.

A servant ~re~a compartment-car for

the Htes of .hospitality; and noodb~. was mo~e solemn than that.-which we~

full fifteen rain- sworn ui~on bread and salt.. To sprinkl~the meat with salt waste drive away_" i]~1, ~r,~-~Ee ~ of ....

iL A~ was--In this she might.have reached an early i t i and too bet to-be- removedspun into fine gr~ve~herseH,being wholly unused to=: iexsevere toil, but for the Chivalry, Of a retirement of ’~ h: ;i

pear in mydter~ous=shadows.- wasfilled was secured, and may nowbeof~endc whq-~ffter exerting .himself¯to ....o rain en~ployment for her, allowed his "The fifteen hundred gentlemen and seen at the . office. It has muckinteresti to assume l ladies, who were~. making Congress Hall

, name of the first husband ; not no better. There .w~-no flash" a~/in until recalledby dazzle, no predominance of sh6ddy

- - - ~’Intelllgent -~onkeys; - ---a revelation of the last week,¯ all Wasquiet, easy, geuia[, ....The American family cf Professor Copy deseribes aThe person whose final’ refusal of the’best class was th

on business lately, and was’ startled al~ floticin in the fea~

an humbleau

ed-by two

means sooneror lathr to z- out the nails,, unhookis so .much. the exlircssion of chara

t advanced toward him; with several of these.littlesaluting him by name. c~ay without

from search of food

where and but the knot,

Thts piqu~nt~ little air of entire by cutting and drawing out the~si )n a~id/ability to look any that hold tho flap for the buckle.in the fd’ee’~ is one of the pecu, then used the strap in a novel

our young-ladyhood¢ and was accustomed to-.catclwhen-veiled - by perfect modest,

we saw m-’~i~-ev~ the poker is handed him, h9taste. The or-

that be- with

or even ’,ou _t~. annually, according to elimaf~.and the ricime~ of the soil, The ramie The dead

t ex~m_the_old_rod Porth~nd

ths.~ o.no planfiu~.lasts foryears. CitIt_i&.mtm~_.that for strength,ductility,, lustre, and Other qualities do- accuse himair, hie m light textile fabrics, ramie however, to his former. ....preaches silk more than and

~, ~ d to. this day nothing m morc~spill the salt ..... : -.


had, made the assault of~Tarshal menaced Mm ia-front,ordered th~ plan-to be entirely-changed. But the ~iiffioulty was to de.-

in the f0llowing-manne .r~Doffing his cooked hat and it

sa.if about to order :garose

_which-was I

of Piston’s

ton "was heard "

commander, and Will notattac--~]n-fo-roo tttitil he has astern]ned,the meaning of these cbeera" This willgive time for the sixth divisiom te comeup, and we shall beat him." It turnedout’as he anticipated. Scull, naturally

.labor=is-reqt" prept~’e it for market, while so far ae it former home. His wile must procure a

lute been introduced in’ this divorce from him, and’have her ’seconditself ¯ ¯good sense this is as it wee h,

..... all his other )onthful associ- the by, is in a much more of intelligence which must have boon..-,., ...... oonalfio~e-ol-taoorr believe.that " f ................................................. ¯ ..... This was stratoLLT. :Not the strategy........... .. _ per ~ tic-as though ~e hint eoomin~ way ~atxit was or punted by ome monkey, mUco 1~o......... :.~-~m:=omture. .........ass ’proves-prOfitable-wrier.-- . -’~ ........................ .. tm’ee’-- years ago,~" whe~ ~ the deufi-- to" ....................’er or enos, ~rat" ’ ;type .....0~ ......malumats" of beoke, bdt thd etr~I/Ogy df geni//S, dn:~"¯ e ve~ ~:_~_.e_na~mP,tea. "~’ne moe.t . o ~dea of t ~dde, ~s sugget :ed by of "Paris sat as ~ queen, and had possess the hands necessary for its ac- gendered and executed in the sam~......... ~ ~?~ra~a~m~rxer~;nowover, to -his friend’s-imp thive ~ply to ] is-last ,-~orrew: --It ba~ not-now tli~t complishmcnt.--Whother originated by moment,----Thezerls-no-~uch ~ thing laid-very tmperteeuy prepared, me fibre be- disgraceful imnt rtunit I , ~a~i tak n such sera~-,, wild hi-h’ fi.w~ a;- ,h,,t Jack, or b some ancestor of the threat down in Jomini. The idea was born el’

’~ "’ ing generally mixed with fra mc~tsof ahol ~ ~ v~7, .. , ~ - .a --, ...... Y.tim ou’~ hark ~-hi^~ ~.~,,-~g~ ~ ..... .d upon his o.on~o~on~, that.only a quantity of }mgie and t~e~and furhe- who used vines for the same purpose, the occasion and.carried out on the in-

.......... . ~ -- - ~ ....... ~..~ .... -X~- euuuen hope .co atng to aim ashe was low that was at one time the desolatin~ cannot he readily ascertained. .... stant.~:- --LLeg-eauco-ana--tesseus--i~--meroaume .~revaringto~h n~_-tTR~-thod~r]Lwater feahiom Toilets of modestcolom an~ Aftera.puuiahment’thdanimalw0uld . ~ ..... " .~ "¯ " ..... : ~v~ae.[~_ii- ¯is-y~bably t hei’esu!t,of -~’ad~-n~pte~.~ m i~:e~t a heayy stake harmon’~mg shades of one color have 0nly exert himself in,his way when ,tot " Capers dr Lightning: ’

~Xl~oe~Tot~ea~?°gW.tnuio~tie~o into tho rido instead, and then fly for- taken the place of the startling con- watched; ,as noon as an eye’ wM direct,-.,...... ~ ever xrom tno scenes st nis past ign orn. trusts and theatrical fashions that once ca to him no woum cease. In this he Tile lightning cuts up some queerp revemenm wilt uoubtless be made iu iny and despair It was well for those obtained,’ and there have been few ill ~ displayed distrust. He also usually ex- capers sometimes, and a narrow cseapt,, tho.pre~entAmperfe~t moth_otis of p~: he lef~ bch’~nd that the body of some stances of vulgar over-dressin~ In" hibited the disposition to accuaIulatc to from death is told by one of tlle Con-parmg.tno nero, when reducers will deadstran r castu b h’ a ~" " ¯ -- ,¯ ~li~o m~h ht~.|,~, ,,~. ¢^. ,~.~:_ . .~e ,.. p y.t I o w vas,wae deed, nothing has been more suu£rcstbd be quite superior to hunger. ]?hus he nectieut papers. "The electric fluid e,t-..... a-~- .v. u,.. suos ueutt~ taxou xor hm own and v~ alwa s a re at al~ ....... .~,~F.’~’~’~ .... eq .. ]~ , by the who’[e tone of drtss, atr, anti y pp pri ed I the food withiu tered at the window of a room in tit,

~t~v’ ~ ?hu°~ u*m~ety ~na~ vemre contlrmed hm mortal departure. Front manner among the hundreds who reach before beginning to eat. When second story, ~;hore a boy lay iu bed,y years avopaseea, ramto may no- DMIes .by stage to Kelton, &nd from throagedonzhalla or sat at our tables different pieces were offered to hint, he but not asleep. It ’leaped across th,¯ e0me essex too. moe~ tmpormnt pro- thence by rail to Ohicago, he had studs than the idea of culture and refinement transferred the first to his hind feet to roost to the wall, crossing the bed whereuuom ox too country, pill~.’mage into a new .~lifo~a lifo of Quiet case, self possession, and used make room for :nero ; then. filled his the boy lay, attd tore both the sheet’-on ........ ~.--~ . rigid self-control, peuit~noo, and honest..breeding l~vo marked the tone or’ so- month and Imads, and ’concealed per- tlm bed into fragments, sdo~ching omr’¯ _ leach the Women to Save. ifhumble, toil ; in which, under a -new dety, ’ . ¯ . tions behind him. With tt’ largo prose blully t but leaving the boy unharmed. .-.-~.:._=,_~,~__::=:,, , .... ; " ’ name, and’farfremallthethooneowas " " * iuhishauds, hewould ~iektho andof.... re n ~.n ~rwt A saving woman ¯ . ’ I . ~ It ripped lath and- plastering frot~ tim

............. ".. - . . or ever again shall be, he has deter- a 4~ ...... o, .... I..~...’-~r.._ ~.,__ his ut|tsterciean before nsta Ins own wall mid eeattere~ them till over theaG15nonoauoxtnolalnllVlStnovorvDos~ , ~. -- ... ~ . . --#~-o--~ --.v~ .~.,u o.&.~owa~u g ,¯ - -.. mmea tO spentt toe rcmaiuaer el aa s a d t 7 ~ ¯ which he was sure of. ....~vin~ be~k cetabhshed--one reeetwn ..... ~ ......s ............ Y l n Sta es, and a portton of Now Ye’re, ~mnt. Then it descended to the .lowe,¯¢letmalte~_ daily~ and honvl,~" ,.;,h ..... ....~ vuuuueasou. ~ mm ,n tats worm, aatu ~eveais the fact that t tl ,~ a~,,h, .... ;. /leer, and’into a closet’ snt,shing alarge,- --~ ..... -" ~ ::"~-’:~ .. stove to merit rehabitation in the world eatudl- abnnd,mt t-n --~" -t,Y~.;;~’~t~ HOW ][11’ GOT OVElt --In Scotland quantity of crockery. ’ It hurled two~y maeume to maria o I~ "A’~0 luea ~ 7 ..... a,atocsins s they have n,~rrow, open d:tches theof saving ~ a pleasant one, and i! the "You ne ...... tree over, where being loa~od with this .......... Y lamps from a ,nantel-pieco in the kiteh-~^--~ ..... ~.~ :_~.:~_ ’~. _. .... . ou no~ reproved ourseil ,or taulo u L Alnn~ tha ]tnd~ ¢ .... eall sheep-ursine ~ lUaU was rltnug a.uu,_a .uu,~ ---,-n ,, a, ouoe. my- ., . ~ , . ~.. . s . fr_t ............. ,,,,at , , ¯ ; . eu across the room, overturned nnll" " O ~ ’ o ..... a

, . L O worus Ol ot~ lie SUllen, wneu ) ¯ ¯ * #AonKe one ua #tcroun asheo ) mstaro,would cultivate and ad Y Tro to Iou hkeo te tt ,s I 1hare to it, an~ el f y pe , nearly the ’ . muashed a dock ou the’other ~ilie of thethus when thtw we-- n ....... # t, Iris d riend spoke regretfully of them, same as in ~nneetieut’ tb~ ..~t~ ~..." and w~mn Mr, ~onkoy canto to a sheep- chimnay, end then separated into thre,

¯ w-uldv ......be is-in3 1~ ~ .......;eunuauon el’ " a wf°a they only warne~ me m tnno of are loaded.." Golden. oweets~’. ’ m.s-~" ’~ dram, he would not go over it. .S° the bolts, two of whi0h went down" through¯com~tent eecurtt~ i.. a o~---- "---- h t must hays been my end If they deeder~ for dtl a barrel a~,~ "..-,~h ..... uan rode~, hits b~k a short d~sta|tee, a brick llea~th into, the Cellar, while n¯bud id3eRer in a ra~uv day ~h~ w~,,,,., out st been s~d lust as they were, and are scares, even at that rat~ ~ .... nd turned him around, and puf the third went out at the side of the house,

" ~ .......... then " o ’ ..... y’¯~7".a whip to him, thinking, of ooures that ripping tha boards in pieces The bewho tees to her own house, has a lal~i ¯ ’. ,armors are leeum~, them out to thetr .~ ~ ,_ :; _ .. ,. . . ¯ y,---- a" -’ k v_ ~ ¯ -- -._ .~_ _.._ t ¯ tile uonKoy, goln as ias~q wonll| nan }field to save in The beet way to ma~e .......

, ’. _. ~ . au ~uante tt ta ~,uo attm~. ~. tarlto ...... [g , J _ 1 wtid with fear, .~camo rnnning down¯ . . - -- *. ..... ~ . IttSMEDY ¥OR Jt OIg0N BY .IVY.--Tlto d.,&lw~ ~.f.~J ,..-.---~- -- ¯ ,.~ ~ "~ an0 uram uegore no ever gnew it. lint etair~ entirely naked, and don’t reeol-~er oomprsnena tt I, to Keep an account ~’-t ~med’- "-’; ...... ~-- ; ,n. ~ ............. , s~w~, tu tuau L~noae . ~ .. ¯ , ,

.............. ~At ~11 anent ........14~l._t.lvu.u, ....nu~ t~e *u ¯ .Y our soy. purees :a SSta"~O’r’~Itdtuld ~oen_mr inmt~ ....dehverabh’ m" Oetober no~ so.. ua taey C~ttilt%. antt waen the lest whether be took off hi~ night-shirtone woman Sn "-nt~l~ -- ’~ " 7 . sweet sprats of intro, llatho the parts at an~ -.rice a~ ..... ,, _ L.___~, ,. , ’ donkey.got to the dram he stopped all his:self, or whether the ligktntng tookS ~ /altols/Asuean0wmucn

a " Jp ¯ t~wvg& mueM[rell t~ iS a ¯ 1_ .t ............ fleeted f,~e]y with this fluid three or m-,~t v~ ¢.~.,~.1M .~a .h .... ;.- ,, r.t. of a sudden, and the man went over Mr it off/br Mut. He wus unharmed, netil~’. Where from" one to, two tho_u~ndfour t!mos, a any, and the next. morning, to mid’e, dlin~. ’* nrosneet.__ ,of au ab__da:..tJack s heml. No sooner ]tad he touched octet stunned. He enid that he lay

’ ’ umL~ruJ:~ ..........’*re exFe~ue~J-~ am~uatt -~ ....,~ncre~-Ymsearccty any trace of pomou wtll be nroduct. ...............of ~id~, ~ th..m.,h.~.. .......U.U the ground than he t Ul~, and looking "cuddled" down into the ~l (tt largt,Lehanoeto,Bveeomethlh. lfY~ -n.~., fou~,d. Ifthabl~ttarsbe brohen, eo ae ................................. Mr.-Donkey-stmtg~t in the facv,-be ~elttherbed),withthoclotbeedrawn ep....... ’ to ow be nitro to o----- . ,, .is msde. Let the house- "fe taka tim , au , t ¯ ,, peuetrnte the cutt- ~, ........ ¯ ¯ , , mild, Very weel pttched; but then how over hi~,head eo that he could not re:t,;aM,~+..,~,.;+..a.~’~w~;~e..t~aiZ~ e~o,a emote appucation will be aufli. ,~um~u.TO.Tltm.rol~r.--(Xcung.temy areyagoi~toget~owtryersel’F’ thellghtuieg, andthattherewaeanoim,~"~’,_~’~"__’~_~_’_"’~_;’~’_."’~’T’~."y cionL Thospint~ofnltremav be ore- oltnoperlott)~’,Amt eo yea wish to " ’ as if semo one had fln~l a cannSuiuhi~¯ , uoum um uuuur~---wnere Us- ’ " "" ma BtO~ ehF Wol san ou wash ’ ¯’ ’ e^~ ’.~.m~"~-~t i + t._.~.~.~ ...... pared by diuolvmg one part of nitrous . rry . .. l, y , The SL Louis Gh,be telis tts~!adere ears, that there was burning heat and a~, ~’~mo~t "a -~i~m~n~of ~um’s other in 8 p~da ether of common ales- ~ron, sweep, l.na 13ab!~,darn stocking,, that "Louisville ntul~, after Ikm’~t~,geaeral.tnmbling up of everything, and-~r7 .. P, P. K vance, hol ’. getup i, ooauinu0rs? Xl yohcan, I’ll thocountenaaceofftheirdrivor~ea]mly thathothoughtbe[~adstaid~hereabeut~ut s moral obug~uon that reefs upon " ~ .... marry you. No old.fashioned men for haul.the cort~e to an undnrtaker’e shop, i long t~ugh, and sn he went downIt]to womm~ M w.li u the ~ S re to s and re to s ~wr~ ,,¯ . pe peak spa peed. . " - ’ " where it can be att~,ndod t,~ " stsdrs."

. -v¯



reinforcements, and did not attack un-til too late.----Had ho struck’ at.thexight ..........mome~t-~owbuld-hav-e--won an otmy

fruit did~OW" lOUS manner: -

f~und’to profit to the ~br . :-£ long stat~;-fi~l¯rubber noose at one~rl~er. ....

The "morai" Of all this-is, -that _~rUit2 end; which could, be loosened- or tig.ht~

i.~id a, ppetite for

a~opting the Vf~OXR

Dr: Walker

t ha~’-ig- was anfree from- the obj~tiofis


-s’etoutstrawberfies-or:-plant b mfruit ~.ith a similar .eontrivanc~he_.tail_~aa

a~d the snake being thusfair securely held, Wa~ lifted out.of the box

whether in poor . head and nervous



the vital" ma-


exmnine, trod for agencies and circulars,

l- tO

made from th~

the Great Blood ]

results,No Porson’ean take these Bltter~ accord-

directlon.% and r~malu

means, ned the vitM~organs po|ul

fruit-raising the prineipal avenue to suc-cess is in the direction of th0 production~f first-class fruit.-


..... ~~~WL .~The first uisite-in-the~f diet is a regularHere, again, ibwls grassneed ~o attention ;up, the daily provision of it islute. necessity, though mbst beginners

. .~re ignorant of it. We well remember,our

phial was heldt~ re oeivo~he drops as they oozed slowlyout through trio poisen’fang~ Twentydropswas the average quantity yieldedfrom each snake. " "

The venom is of straw color, thick and’_ ln_ooI~istency,

why; fi~o buff Cochin cock is readily soluble fffl ’1whose ouiyfauit’ waaa strong vulture- but’ is precipitated by stronghook was, i~ particular, greatly regret- the precipitate being redissolved by theted. An~e’xperienced friend let us into addition of a little water. Its toxico-th~ secret and after that we" h~1 no

narroweflected on hlsdaughtnr by the nsc of John-

projected while the after son’s ARodyn~-Liulment. The whqlv-spineOperation Was performed. Its " became dls~tsed, she lost the use of her Ihmb%

and fixed, and was rounded pp like n bow, Incon~@quence of takln~ cold nRer having bcco

well ........ .... =___ -. __

We pledge ORr reputation ou the assertiontb.at any odueated physieiau, aRer ~,eareful ex-aminaflmrxffths recilie, will say that l’arsbt~’sPurgative 1’ills possess more merit thau .anyother pill n,;~v offered for e.ale.


., andtheskin made soft and smooth by using the

,, made by CASW~LL,.HAZARD & CO., New York. -It is moreconvenient . and easily applied_other remedies, a~0iding_ the trouble of

flagstones. The wing. The symptoms produced in all¯ ural grOSs is a large_ turf thrown in cases were very similar.

daily to each four or five hens ; and even --in~wnS it is often possible to procure " Letters. - -

" " children a

Mooth Billou~ Att~ck~ of thue solons et

If you desire’rosy cheeks and a complexionfair, and free frgm Ptmphs, BJolches .andEruptions, puriff your blood by taking Dr. --hess, ralBs ( the ¯.Pierce:s Golden. bledlcal Discovery. It has Chest and Side, Bleedingno cqua[.Jbr_this_purpos ." ’ 596_. at the Lungs, Liver¯ Complaint/&c. -


Per Fomnlo Corn~arrled or single, at tho dawn OI

, turn of life, these Tonic Bitters’ display, aminflueuce that a marked improvem’entt is aoon’ pert, ep.-

For asit| "Chronln ighe~t-matlam anti Gbut.Remilleol. and |nl

been most ~, iwo esuied-bF" .geocrpily produced by derange.. "

TilK GREAT REMEDY FOIl Purgative U well


li~l. merlt of acl4us or Inflam.and in Bilio~ ....

--~’oF-SkinTyDhlemses,-E~upt~ons,--Tetter, S~t;¯ clans to be rite most Rellnble Preparatlo0 ever - Rheum, Blotches, Spot~4 Pimples, Pustules, Boil~ Car- .

Introduced for~the "RELIEF’aud CURE of ill ¯ ba~clce, Ring-womtl~Scald-Head, SoreEyes, Eey- "olpela~. Itch, Scurfs, Discolorations of tim Skin, Humeri

CO~-~TSand Di ....... f the Skin, of whatever name or nature, .LUNG ........ , .od c..,.d o,,t o, ,,,. ,.,,m ,n.

This well-known bem~ is offcrt~d to the Bitter& One boa e lu ¯ ’e-the m o s t.luorodulo mt4~-tlulil-~

publlc, ..... ~ratlve-effeet~- ¯" l’o-rty" years, hnd ~V]teu resorted to.’lu seadou, ~leanee lhe ’Vltlated


foul ; the blood "pure, aaa the neam~ vr the system vH]l follow.

Gratefal’ thouum~du proclaim VINSGAa BIT", the mo*t wonderful lnvlgorant that ever sustained

shears .or a Chaff

that butter, be

. r detecttan. ...... v the proprlet¢)rs/ -- " - "The latter hih~, eurely. ’wrote-rl.]/no’aI~sv,r~ RnLt,~.~--Warr~nted’to’rolel - DR. WISTAR’8 ~L$AM OF WILO-OHERRYmanaged for -he-di/t-69dr~Tth~g, with-6ase-gnd elo- -Rheumatic’ Al~lotions. Sprains, Neuralgia, etc. The

eightby thir- ounce. Seneca and the younger Pliny bosh the surest, and the qutokeet remedr for all "does trot Coufi and leavetAeBowelComplMnts..ReUef gun.steed or the mopey cause the ea#o With Moss

als0 excelled in this art, The Romans ref~nde~.

the products of tho farm~ butter is thomost liable to be tainted by noxious


,.little blood’fiowed out and was:"I ~I until it hadcommenced to

-’ smell. Tile result, was that the jar ofbutte~whioh I wasthen packing smelledand tasted like spoiled be0f. Another

,.. reader observes that there was aof few

whioh an offensive effluvium would bebo.m~.gn.tho_bre0zo_dire~tly to_tlm_m ~lk-room, when tho wind was in a certain

~ ult of which

disagrceeble odor coming-from-thatpond. Aa soou as thepond was draiuedwo had no more dmnagcd butter."

carried off from the soil nine, pounds oflime in twenty-five bushels of wheat,nine pound~: in fifty’ bueho~ of oa~and fifteen.pounds in thirty.eight bush-ole of barley. There are thirty-five,pounds of lime iu two tons of ryeone hundred andtwo tons of clover,forty pounds in twenty-five, tons ofturnips, and two hundred and seventypounds in nine tons of potatoes. Somesoils contain abnndanee of lime ibr athousand years, while other eoils requirean occasional aI~plication of lime as afort!lizer. , " , ’ . .

’ ]~OTATION IN. CROI’8.~ five ~: "n¯ rotsfinn.//do:if~ilia Eugldn 1, TOt ~

." , loamy, laud,’ is .." ,’ First year,roots;second, barley ; third and fourth, clover ;fifth, wheat. The advant,~ges of thesystem are, that the ]and gets a thorougholoaning, and a mellow eee~-bod is pre-ps’fed for the barley; and/, young sodts held to be, whenbroken up by a singleploughing, u good preparation for a

’ sound see,t-bed for the’ensuing wheatcrops. In the Wout~ root~ are not riti~lms a part of the i~tati,n" bat the eornerop should ba used for the same pur-pose that roots are in England--one ofwhich is, clearing the sell froln weeds.

BuTrl~B~IL1L--Persehn who have nothceu in the hubit of.drinking butter-milk consider it thsagreeable, because itis slightly avid~ in tone,Inches of thepre~-uce’6f lactlo avid.~’Thero ’is not.much nourisbmeut in buttermilk, butthe prepuce of the lsetie avid assists thedigestion bf any food taken with it.The Welsh Imasants almost live uponoat-cake and buttermllko Invalids auf.

" fering front ifidis~tlon will do well todrink buttermilk at meal time,

war en

then taken off, and carried

course, be perfectlyunwound; and soif it should fall into the hands of an en-

when wound _on the staffre 3slyer

ing.. ,

]~erod0tus ~f~]ls-of a cr~tel pr &rice re-sorted to, to convey secret ~.telligencdwith The head of a trusty mes-

/rod the ~riting wasskull.. Tais was not atran~ntitting news, for

cnou.gh to conceal thedestination

is that

secu.rc the posit!on of a letter-

’. time,’ tho"cheap postage makesletters valueless as" literary productions"lintin the "dear" old times, when one-fdlt-it- his-duty- to-’m-akO- hia-op~tlo-~tlitwenty-five cents, the letters were notonlylong nnd newsy, but worth keep-ing, and. the. lattera.-of_tho_pa~t,.pub.fished for our delight, fOrm one of- themoat Charming branches of Our lighterliterature. "The French, as a nation, arethe bent letter writers, and a woman,Madame Do Sevigne, is their bristar in that respect.ors can boast of Lad

Gray, Co’ and Barns have all die-

tguished the their letter~.

If you ~dsh to btiy or eell any Rail-rpadl]ond~, wrlto ~ Clmtt/~l~S W. ILls.eLf.It, No; 7 Wall Strect,-New York. ""

. TaLK AT TII~ Ton.vT,--l~very htdy’e mnldknewa tltat tile bewitcidng beings who pavntheir trlamphent way with conquered Iteart~,regard a spieudhl head of hulr the most effec.tire of uli womanly f~lnatlans. TI, ey believe,and they are right, that they san lasso ns ntaeybeaux with the lexsrlant rhtgleta attd glossy

¯ t,braids as thpy e.,e¢’ kill at eight with theirbeaatlttg cyee. l[eere In their *’toilet talk"amoco thentselvns attd with tltelr atteedaelezthe Innrlte dl lirel)~l~*tloes lot Lho Itttl’r are free-ly canvtmsed, nnd the latest rt~tult of this dle-cupolou seems to bu tile slntost unlverenladoptlun of Lyon’s KatAalrou as ao article bet-ter adapted topromote the ~rowth ned brauty

tt I,of the Chief Glory of Woman Ihae artyother at pressnt hefure life world, Tbny saythat without |rrlt~tlug the akin ufthe head itnradleatea dandraff~ and that It pnuetratea be-low the surface to the roots of Iht~ hair, ®a-dowiog them wllh new I|le attd vigor.

For bites of mosquitoes and other in-sects, I1UBNK~r-’s KALLISTON neutralizesthe poison almest l~stantaneouMy.

Use Dooley’s Ymat Powdel ifIlght~ Swe¢h wboiommo Bltcultt ! .~&c. Your grocer aellt It. Full welsl4"wgth.

___.~ve~t."i~dieatlo~ of dsbltit --mute appeal of Nature for medicinal Md to arrest the

tha’rosourees of tho heaUag artutuall~ met? Toa of~eo, unfortunately~ the drugs

mends dmstio purgutlves,.o~ mlnera| -salients, or’

potsonohs nlkaloid~, under each ctreumstaaoos, Is anally of the ailment and an enemy of tim patlen’L Who-

"e~er, on the contrary, eAvlsos the broken down anddeepondln~ sufferer to resort to that peerless invlg-

.stunt, Hoetettes’s Stomach Btttert, for aid and ©ore-’fort, lsa truo phllanthroplet. It ie earn to say that

given arid accepted without the happiest results¯From thethousands have been restored to vigor, health und

add altaraUve, All Its medi-ctanl Ingredi0nt~ are remarksblaoanatire propertio~,and lu combination foi’m an absolute species for In-dl~stlo~, llver ’¢0mplalnt, uervous sffeottons; rheurmatlem, Intermittent and remittent foyers, genertltad local Weakness, and every species ofdlsordur-ln-cldentto~’ehanKe-or-seasonur elinmt¢. The-stimulu-tire element of thts invaluable protontlve and reelora~tire is not aa impure ex01Utul, but the thoroughlyrt~tlfled assenee of sound rye,~dmitted hFall goodehomt~t~ ~ bo the most healthful of mxhllamlt~. --

. TO CONSUMPTIVES. "The adveri|eer, hav|ng bee:, perr~unently cured ol

that dryad dl~eare, 0onsumption, by a rumple remedr,i~ an~tous to make kuowu to his fellow sufferers thnmeans of cure. To all who desire Ih he wltl send a Iespy of the prcllerlplloa a~m|~. (~reo Of C urge), I Ithe dlrectlona for prnparlng anu u~lug lha tall|~, whlchlhey Will lh|d aSuea 4Juas tea Cossenrvlol~, AaTld-U A, l°InoSnnlTle, dfe, l’artlet wl~hh|g the pre~crlptlonwlU pleasa address

. I|ov. EDWABD A. WILI~0N,¯ ’ t 194 Penn eL. Witllamsburgh, N. Y,

¯ ~. vane0, Addrore LKTTA & CO., PittsbUrgh, Pa.

In Oermta~, Holland, Yrauce, or Great Brlla~[|t Ioohed¯ l~er and If|mulble coll~eteet by J.V. ¥|t U]IAUIt¥,

’ Attotmey at L~W, Oohtmbl~ tmne~ter Oo,, i’~

~OMETHINO N]~W,--gyery perJon sendh|R ak’/ inunped envelope, dlroetedto |hems01ve,, will rn-relvo u valuable present, which wtU be of servlcndartn~ llte. Addre~

]’It0¥. 8ALV0, Boz Sit/, Boston, Siam**

Tho Farmers’ Homo Journal,Farm and Live the

T sprelmsa nopl*s. Aseuts wLnUtd svurYAddress

IfABMXlta’ HOM~ JOURNAL,Leal~tun, Kentuckr,

|~ ~end at aaea Ior our OIr~ular. ~ugenle Hanafao-turinl 0o., I/’ Ifnitou St.. NeW Tork,

~l.o#PqFe MAUAglNM ]~UII ~JIIILDJLIN, tHJ."pEKBLY ILI,USTRATgD. Net~ ~ t~ ,tins la eu~.rcrd~ I~ ~md atoa~ for a mum p|o nnmber.

~ ~ Plllt WBICK am~ s~Su~ p~Id, Wa w~ 0¯ K~ -JHI II q Imlhtbta a~l~ut tn ever,/t~ouqtr In Ub# ’J-m~-’iUO, tdd~ Ii~aus Kivsa Wtas@o, IJ~"~P" w ~.Ld61dea Immu, N. V, ve OId~u~ III:___.

u¢ U~don tad W#rl& O, P,’lll~dw~r, rule, Ira,

Ham~pst,-u*rpt~n ~-ttm4z~ mm ~d wo:moa c~m

ueunt exercleo of thc.Toesl organs, will findthis the ONLY PREPARATION which will effect.

and Inatantaneously relleve thelr d/~onl-

. ... ,deposits fl~at breed these living monsters ofdixaae.No system ’of Medicine he vermifuges, eo anthelmha-ilie~vill free the-system front worms like thee Bittore. , ." . ," ’ ~ "

]}£eehanleal Diseases, Persons iusu~:h ns’Plumbere

or twice’a week.:a~ p reva~.g~=j..!,~_ ....;a~d EmteTn

of the Mississippl, Ohi~,|essee, Cumberland, Arkai|aas I. Colorado

Rtmember tha~ the Jl~s~ar’a tri,,g the Sunfme~has o,s the outside a.d el

~dE~am. There are alwaya mor,

the liver, a weakness and irritable statstnelhsm’appereare.fltlly beforepurcha~ng, of the dlomach

prise list eve~ p

dark-coloredaC the

exer|hig’ h|fluence



: the secretions Ofy function

, Whlte

Page 5: D cess:Ma ke r, =: ,:.---: WatChe · D cess:Ma ke r, =: ,:.---: WatChe ... r ~ ~ ...


P0i.~ts a tld .. ¯ :.,.-.=-FLATFORM- ,new Dol ~:’Y’ardeh tipple is defined ’ :- .. ......, .o~ TgE. ,.. ..- ::--. :...-

’ Th~ Spnug, fidld’.Rq~uld(mn admlt~i that asses.bled in ,~ational C~,nv~tion in the oilyGrs~¯Brown ~s_drunl/.at ~w: HaVen, ~f Philadelphi~,’%f~=the 5ih and. Oth days,

andk ~Ms-2h~:li6liif: .:~:i=-:-L;=::~r~taOWdq¢°m~ h~-.__== --= ~-So,e, 187Z, ;,gain de-ela{e~-]6ii faith, Upp


F/rst¯ - D nrtn

¯ ~d dealing justly with ti~eir neighbors¯"gteadily deereased~With ~trm hand the resultantdisorders of ¯ g~eat war.: and initiated ¯ wiseand humane policy -toward the=~ndlaias-:= Tl

perofliee, b~ids have not

H6n. Ja~. 51. Seovel was at Cape ~.y~esterdayt aud attracted a-greatat_tentioh. . p]~flaL l’~r~e~ ....

¯ . faction,

,h a vo~osed,~and-the honorLand.

record of the past is the party’spledge for the future,:~ We helieve the

pig wiiL~oLe~ue~._tl~ Government to anyparty or e0mbiuation ot : men composed chiefly


. ~’ee,,.d~ The recent amendments tO the Na-: ’.~. tha~ most men wouldlike to avbid, " tiered c0nstituti..n ~hould he.cordially sus-

Throdoro Tilton h~ing remarked that tairied-hce~trso-they-are-righti not merely tole-rated b. cause they area law, land should heJ=i. G: stands for "Honest Governments", carried, out aeeordinz to thcir-~’pirit--b~urs-

- ~omebody replies that T. IT. stan~ ~br priato legislation, the" enforcement of which"Too Thin." ’ Which i~ notLad. ’ . ~s,, safely be entrusted only’to the party that

- " " " " " ¯ " secured those amondmeuts.. Hint to Liberal organs about com-

ment of all civil, t’olitieal,.. /ion appears to be.in your favor, call it a at( ~hould be ostabli~lied ~d offeetu-

"key..note,’: .if it. proves :to:be .:again*~- ~:maiatained:through6ut~C Unionf hy cfll. you~ call it, a fraud. ’ " cleat and. approprL~te State and Federal legiso

of the ~lunt laiion~ Neither the law nor it~ adminietrstionts~rt miii a tlbn-ifi -r ee~-ee~ rGrant may be,all ] cltizens by reason

, creed, eolor~ o.r pre-arran Is) ~or0- : vious condition of.ser¢it de.:

~ An_old_lady bathiniz at ¯Long Braeeh, seek to maintain honorable peace with all ha-

" with liar spectacles ou,.but without¯her tinny, protecting its eitizeas everywi~ere~.and..

wig, Was-reeen!ly taken for Mr. Greeley,eyml,athising ~ith all peoples.who sttis’o for.

¯ "and drew a large crowd. " - grealer liberty, - , . / ¯ ’ ’ ." : :t’ifd~. Anysystem 0f the e~%’il ~erviee underSo much wool ha~ been u.g~d indee.ra- which the t.ubordinate posl/’iahs ofthd-G/~i’i

.- ¯ ling die Greeley ¯fans that Horsesdare men) are ooosidsrc,i rewaMs for mere" ¯ - l~ntlook:a:~heep in-th6 fa~,: 7- . 3’ d~ we, therefertJ i

¯_:_ - . : .......... : .................................................... ..... ,_,.... .._ ...... ......... . ...

.... - ............. -- ....... ._:_ ?./" ...... :.. / ...............¯ . . ¯

;:_:_~__:- :L - _._- " - " ¯ ........ - - - " .: . .::.::,..i-

¯ - T

. . ¯ . . ¯ . . .........

: :,= ........ , ..... ,

i---- =-.

........................................ ~ .... r ........"-" . - , . -, .;i¯,..t . ’

. ’ , .~ - _r~-..

.... . - -..:,_-.-:- _-’L" ~- :- . " ........... ’- ..... -. ....


". ..... -’:=:-L

. . :"" - ’" " - . -v -’;"~ ....... . ~’i- ,: " " --’:" - : .....

¯, ...... ... .., " ¯ _ .

=: : =_ ........ .=-:-: ......... : .... ........

-. , . .L__/-. ..... : ..... . ...................

. I.,D., " ’Ii~LICITOR IN CItlAN(]EIIli"of DEEDS, -, ~.as 0P~NEV AN ~ ;o ’I¢0RV]~RGINI.& &NEW JERSEY. -- near.his dwelling "in HAMMI I~.. .% .

- " VEYANCING~ writihg CONTRAOTS. &o.; &o._. ~. ...... ~ ..... He-will ¯laG act as agent for-the S&LE-AND

. TAXES/ Prompt attohtlon paid to

. , . . .. .... , . . - .

~Hammonton.BusifiessCard)s. : Hamm0nton:Business~Cax-d~." Calnden.~ Atlantlo R.B. i /, Regubliean vs. .Reform.". !! uever ,ve. taeta l,o.... OX AND allnR

- " "~" ~--- ...... : DOWN TRAINS.mlis~.

!~ON, ~. o .... ----.... i= -= .... ’ executed in

~e.~ Resldence on Central Avenu-% in tl~e PartiCular attaation given t,honse formerly oeeupled hy Dr. Bowl’s.


....... l~urnislire rspilirld=all(l-vai’nisked I ¯id midlrtolook iiki.llw.:j ~it’n nitl elll. " .

M. tl.. ROBINS0~,

__ ~/i/~e "Insuran"ee" Co,,0raers lor GRAINING trom ~11 p~ts21-tf OF BglDGETON, N J ~f the Ceanty promptly attended 1o. "

BUILDINO L OTS ............. ,,,,,r~or sale cheap. A. numher of desirabl* boil~ ~" J-; ~’~’~ Yt

- _ quire_oR ". ..... _ "" a. Drugs M6dioin s,

2~tf Hammauron, N.~.._ N. I~. Corunr Bellevue ~nd Railroad Ave’e ’¯ : ..... "l~lMga=l " Paints of’all eolors.groend inoil. Z1ne and

----~ --~ouso, N" J. and rural(had it Olass,_Raw aud Boiled Li,seed Oilin the best order, is prepared .to give ezeelleat Neatfoot Oil," Sewing Machine Oil," -Imrd. Oil,

¯ accommodations te Paragon 0il;’Spirits Tur.~entiqe. Beuzine, &o.)TKAVELEBS ll¢l~ BOARDE~8, &o. Alsu.Ayera’ and " " ,/ed idcd:eiaes, Do-

at reasonahle rates. " mastic Dye.,. an4 .It sat, a articles as are asually

~ood litllillllg ¯kept in ~ %untry Drug-Store."


¯oo..¯¯,, o.o,.ooij

Berlin....~ ....

Ancora ................ 11 315"5I"2-I1~27__

-Elw GO d==.:.~S.~, f. ~. .... 12 4B arbur...., .,......~,. _l 2

Atlantic arrive...o¯.;..d¯.. 2 5,UP TKAINS;

Absecon. ....... =J.~...~ .....Pomona .................... A,.

-Egg IIerh or.~..’.~ ...... ~.....

IIammonton ......... ........ :.WiusloW. ............... .,.....At~ora ...... ...¯ ..,;,.... ¯..,,...Waterford ............ :..; .....Atec ........................ ......

Ashland;.; ........... ; .........Haddonfield....~ .......... ;.,.Kaighn’s Si~ding.......~. .....Coopor’s Point ....... .....:~.Vine St ...... ~....~..

A.J #.. ,- m.~ a-91 8. )01111 61

8 444t (it

Io-I -8- o 5-0~. TT(10ft 9 3hi{ 7Eltl 9 052~ 7~I172 "9- 2 ~3fi 7"4

9 754~ 7~

tO 0 0 1;3 affairs so well that it crushes 0ut0.- ~; 6-2"/ - - ..................~0~ ~ ~2 --

[I ( ? 14

/l ecruA.M,


.M, 0ON %~,I

..... ~-47i 28 ~ 291 t 5¯ 41 ’, 441 ) 1:

56 21 J ) 2,07 41)1 ) ,191 i~n, ; 41

555 241 IOl )5’0 05 ;32 ",301 ; 0~

12 38 401 , I"017 ’42 o~i ,I!~-27 55 19i 3’,

:4~ 0;31 ’ 341 3!

7 e2 2O 21/I 8’,? t5 ;34 101 01

7 42 52 I 151 _2~i’57 6? .l 3oi ::

Wharf 9 00 a550 end 1100am, and300

10 00pro.

New/Jersey S’6uthern R. g.NEW ROUTm BETWESe

....Dr ess-Ma k_er _(With P-. O. RANDA’LL, JEW ELER,)

6’Z.///~K~ ~:.B~O C/t’,:.

¯ .gRNS for isle

..... &e. selcoted ktook el" llrelill

/_:_Watch os,: 7-C! 0c k% ....And Jewelry, for Sale and Repatred at

..... EI,OiSE O, R&NDALL’II "(~lark’s Bnlld.ing,)

H’AM-MONTON, N. J.A|SO, a choice asl~ortmont of l]louth¯Orgaol"~

¯ ~py-Gln#nla, ’Eteel.l#o(oed Epeetac?es, ",%’fly,)~’hlmSie~, &e., &o., for sale cheap for 0A81/~


" ...... .T" ¯. " " ¯ 2 . o -The sub,ember ts the only authorized ¯gent

q, t~is town for the saie .of Br~ndroth’s Ur-V.Pills Alleook’s porous Pins{era, and Johnson’s

;Anodyne Liniment. N.,E;’:eor. Bellevue and¯ It. R. Kvenues. . ~J. J. FA~.

~rToms River, Barue :atTuchorton, Atlantic City)-Vinela~d, Bridge’ on-Millvilte,~ Cape .May/T alad -’ allTEss toTw- tmSouthern b~ew Jersey. ~ i ¯~ummer Arr~n~emc,(t,,~Ado~ied Ju))e 22, 1872




Lea~.e.~ewYork--- ~,. .....

l’,oavo Bay Side¯ Bridgeton- _ Vinelnild

Winslow" ,}’anetienNor h IIammon.t0nAttica

IN T. lll,’; ’- -’.. Whithigs

"Bee-X-live/: Ln.g ranch.. arrive Now .York

4.00Leave Long Branch 8.37 6.01 "

10.11 7.43 Jk00

North ] 1.29 "8.55 8;20"Winslow Juncti0n

-~inoland " ]2.]0,9.40 9.45~ton

Ii.15 I0.35 11.15NORTIIWARD.

Pass Pass Ft"A .n. PM. A.if8.1)0 1.35 2.]0

¯ /L32 2.04 3.1)57.00..2.37.-4,00

_ 7.40 3.15"5.05¯ 7.45 3.18 5.10

8.00 3.$7 5.40¯ 8.58 4’$3 92710.33 0.95 )’45J2.30 8.00 4.0o

ho..doretg,od hes cpo,e,, a Barhor Sbcp I. ,, t,,,,sof 0nrri,goe. llcavy W.’ge",, &o, -----~I3"ABK’S BUILDING,

made or repaired, dlJ dMl~ ~iglg Ali~ dgl~l ~ Jgl JO~,

and is prepared to Cut ][alr, Shampoo, 8have, of all kinds, promptly often.led to, at Ibwest NI~WA[tK N.J., "&c.) In the best Innneer. - "eimh rutes, now treating luuoossfnlly

~t (;lean ~lbwe# to EverU Man! .~’t ItNITIIRE OF ALI, KINDS ItEPAIItED ...... ~2onatmxption,31ronloh:¢’ " .- =~-Ordera-reeelvod ..f()r-.~ T OTIIR E- F )’AM Eft-Open. e¢ory day,= Oa-Sunday:from’7-to-101nthe tnerniag~, t¯,d all dineases of the Throat and Lul*gs~ with..................... his -~ " " .

JOSEPII 001ST,(JOl~l)ound Modical Inhalatioes, (Jonenn-lla~umonton~ April 10, ’7’L 15 tf

’ Irlitt{d l¢()ou, and Cough ~yI’Ul).]llli’i)ig too rest’ten years Dr~ Oarptmter has

Irentud lilld (’ured thousands or canes of I]le-iibnvl-) n-nil.I dlsuitlltJs nlttl has now in hli liOS-~c~si01i eor!ll]c|l!O~ or cures from avery part ’o

tilt co.)larry. Tile INIIALATiON 1~ breatheddlreetly inlo,tlie hinge I soothing anll Lea iig

0il STUMPg o,er,,’ll,,"a.,od,,,rf,,ees, e,,to,,,gl.,ot,.,PI EE PUI~, I)l.e)d,i ilol)arls ’,’it,ll,ty o. It pl, rmelitcs oYery liSrt ol the systehl. T|iC eenHlllon s net

llavlnlvel, orvid the rllht to inilinf)lolurc i~i(I uilpleilS~)ut, lind lhe first Inhahllh)n ofloli glvostell this Fal,Orl’te Ma,,hl’,,. in Ilhe eonnllel ot very deeld¯,d roliof) imriloularly when there Is~slnden~’lhlrlhiglon, Oecan, Aillntle nnd Cille muuh" dlllh,ulty ot brelilhhi I, Umler lhe Inllu-Mayl I licrol)y give n(illeo t|ill [ ani l)rltiilrod elloe (if Iny relnedioe I tho oongh eOOll [zvliweto fill arders3tt foll|)wlng rntea: mielor I tile lllghl swo)tts cesuo the Ilootlo | lsh

,NO. 1 MA(I/INE, - llllil~.$O.- vanishes, nod whh Improving illgcetlon the i)a-

NO 2 "’ - ~.~J.~. ’ dent r~l, hlly gnhis etreugth,’a,d health Is ago n’./’/tale J/oshl’nei ~lfe ~[gdrro)ifed IO IJC ihe ~J~#."~,~.~" within IDle grasp, ix

" ill lhe tll,rk~t. . IIIl~ CONt21~N’~ RATED ]tOOl) rep (117"builds np’the most d-htlltato4i~athmt , l)i-oset t-For particulars send for circular.Ing tn li)o stotaaoh rood nil reedy tn be .(ss,inl-

G. W, PItESt’IEY~ ,, Isled Ibid. Ill’de h)lo good) rich, lleulliiy blood.lhimmonton, N.J. Inve,tor& blenufr, TIIF, COU(ii!HYl~Ul’lstuhetake atnlgh1,

to alh]vlate tlie cough alld o,iahle ihe i)atlo,t to


.......U N-DE BTAK E R][as m good Ite,rse nnd ~vlll attend to oalh for

Fnncrale In limnm0nton, or in the neigh-boring towns an~.v[lllagce.

of every itllls foretl]Isd i~1",Aort nna.~e, alsore(ale p r {eel,


Doff0 te’ord~ td waffanted tO glvl~ eat- _¯~ lafaetlon,

SaO~F_. _. :ON EO,~ ii~(~ltOlt.’AWr.~;~z)p(i,d~()iFIpt~’IIlaeke~lt i Uhopo)

llAMM O N’I’02~, ~VE W ,/A’R.~A }.¯-t::w005 ,Y,




~lWlltelles, Ciltekil dl Jewelry.liepalthlil (,f ell kl.ds, It) his line, done wllhi, eatneis jnd dlspateh, tqatlsfaeti(,n given endpfloes II reasonabln ns at nny other plqce.

~’psetul ,ttentlua ~llV¢,, to r¢],¢,irla 7 F/,ieWA TOl#l~)~. All,i, dealer hi

of ill khids.I0¥80 NOTIONS, VAl~t;l" ^IITIOLE8,

ll0tllHtY, OLOVIttt, le., it hliOLI~ tBT.AkN;D,

Southoi.,t sldu el /~ullevue A¥o.

htah),sleell,- Foil ~lJrect;,,,i .oao.l.oaaq ¢ilr~l(,,h/,./~ e,,.e/s¢ *,f

]iottl(, o~ AlttmltlvopAINTS] PAINTs~XI-I lg PLA.OE



Paint Brushes of all Kindsl1~ AT

A. Cl ’k’sEvertjth/n!! |larranted m l?q,r¢tented.

Prlqlsas low as the low)esi,.

]tflitileul;T Bt)ttle of ~oothhl~v d).’iltigu hlhillit~jit, i Ouo Bottle nl

.Atttl Ihcim)rrttaghj hihttlaltt Oue liottM Uoneentrate(l

i oo(l i One ]hittlu oi .(Jt)ngh #4yrltl)., , i

Prlee (if llos oi,wlliiliog relaedloi to lair rnenioethl 110 f two ioonlhs I 118 i three

Inilo Ih$1 ll~.~elit to any idlllell (J. 0o D, l)inil,hloll

conlainln I llrge llsi of pillclitlcared senl Ireo,Lllttors ntioqolry ninit oontl a (too dcll.,r tolarura lnlleer. AddrellI A. li. O^RPI~NTER, M, I)., Newark, N,J.

]Jr. Cirpe(ll(Pr’l GATAItlLIt ltglllDy willilvo lil~uledla1,e rolief au,I will ilfeol ¯ psrma-’neat earn In front one to lhroe mUliths, l’ri~oof remedy to Inet one me., $5; twu mus., SS;throe inoi.ill’a.

(]iAll[~l~Jl~ In all IIs forint sneeeslfnllytreated. 14cad f.r lie) of the eared i,.allents.

A, 11. I~ItPI~B’L’ER, M. D.; Newark, N. J.~3.1y

the lusel~,ea

and "ea6did" to party right or wroog, but

litioal worldff0m our place.f" oti~erv~{, who arolifelong Repubicans, arid w kolion... " " ’:: " with it, and became,." "

iu._power in:any_ country is-in-danl


exposed to e toand dissatisfied t~embers witllii~ to (tb,~ms:lves; tliey r cannot’ complain of-

- th0y 6uy thaLitia soIt is quite .unnecessary to ive that Ihey groan

io any danger at all of being.destroyed._ fts work wnll, and is strong 4 i organi-..... zation;-or do.they want-te-ki i )ecauseThis ’! pursb, nd honor~bla " ntino’rlty

insist that21ho I~,publiean ,pai:iy has done it is too eft’coting, too. stroug-to .live andtoo ~tiong to be controlled bythem ?. Tl~oits work so vei’y w.’ll in)he past that. itis fact is that they are- .wanting to 1011 anow uffeless and ought to die, as if when Stro~:g and suoeessthl party, and ih, tho

averl,ge a- eoulparatively~u/o~ifa’~:ty,- ’it has’ d0n0 its work well, aEd~ffO~ when- ~imply. be(nose, they i ate Geo~ral Grantit has done its workbadly that it should ~it|d they’are thus willing to so0 the i’aiN

the world, and it it has |ailed in any one battled for years, ~imply to gratity per-,lli~.in its great work, which It was SOl so~tll spite, qnd they are wii’,in~ to be’ aid~dbLthe unrepentanLrebels,-and-tho ....() do;~r-at-pr’~sent-exhibits-any-s~n/~ of ~-~l"St’cln~( " °

prit, ci~le which its lender,~ shay slinmetul work. -" .- The move of. I]le Democrats is"plaifi,adopt, then and not until then, will.there aey hope that through this division and."

be any plan.sable excuse for letting this this breach t.bey can again enter.great Darty be numS-.rod among the once done, where willthings of thn past; then and then col3;


]. - . -!~_._.- ... "., . ,. enl agalust

But it |s no more unreasonable to sup- .their ~,ilL, they thought io take :up one i

pos~-that th-is-attcmpt-to break up the who-iL;was s(rpp~sed-would be 6t-th’~ir- "- " -~

Party will be sueeessfhl, than that ~’e shall prltldil~l’es, . ’|’lmY_ holt from"_ thoT- - :_

rkther than acee G6neralgot "purity, honesty and refbt:m" by ,or of the

from shear crime nod unflfithfulne.~s,m,n)inee ot (the Cin0innatti partya.~"

These "" ltonorgbl0 G’entlemen/’ (the_ As for Mr. Grenloy we all know he is aa

prmeiples tor"years ia(themselv6s) from parly which h|ls )f~ens°nvbu~the-lnml

-deno-so vet r i.llli)-~- llil oJ.alm/~e~adenl...J.trllks his l~h rtples wilon lie’ ~aid

tha’detnoerati9 party which has done ~t) ia thn 7~ibu,ea tbw days after hi~ nest-very, very badly we skall torm_a Utlrty nation that hc "could have w~hed awiiiehw-iii-d-d, riiue]~ ~iii~’, Wifi0h. is say- %)0re decided p0sitiuu had been taken on

the tariff quoslior." ~ho ruformora sunk ,’i~’g t!iat by taking the di.sapl)ointgd .gad t ............... - .........heitDrtntYi)lue.wheu tits.9 fi#ffree t’taders .- -di~’atisfied-monibors-or-~g~l d6d-:~uc-- h.d to nontinato a "proLe6tionist" ande6sslul party, Whiah has the approval el the buro idoao# the" great unwashed "tho t,ntinn, and eombintng It with"the of the "old Dgtnogratiei}arty " throwi0~wurst eletuents el a very bad and-rol)el- np thctr hats Ior Mr. Groeley.,worklog,

we have thorightehnient, ’for hitu a,d vntin~f.r hin~, (huffs thn~

)ie will liOt hoe this trod -atid thgtth0yardl)a awarei~s,le? vt ¯ th0 |act. The "lib0ral ¯movameut"

party having been call- fitlirted with the er~-/ut.:_:’_

well and .ucees~ful~’and so much so that plus, they united on the one nmn. whoih,,ro rontai.~ nothing more’to be desired; thought he,hated Graet cno~ h to boat

chnnot now ietru~tit to do any( lle i)srties-£iid -a,d as in tlfff-luturd tlior~ll- bearinR-Gi, nTG r~KtT--~......... + .............Ions nlany other i~suos mid thin~s to be l)u|’s ally one aupi39so lot a moment+

. ’carried Ihreugh, Wh cannot enliertain tim that Ihore,is any pall’fOliO lnotivos iti the .’idea ot eummittin~t them tu u piffy~ wh u ~ m,vt!~|ut|t, or any ~lnoority .in the rup .... : ..ha~ been vu,’ees~ful. for, tlmy mtth~.Lht~vu I,Wt of’ the " D|,ngeratio ,party r Io its, . .-a now party whieh- is utitriedj ai~l" thii4 0terrlul rCtiomyll:~]|avo :~ -tho~. Liborih -- ’.==et,0binod with.au old, dnad, unsu~-oosst~l thnmsolvev’uny hdth in thoh’,-m~-ti-?- It

is well kflnwn he was sensitized a " ca- " ,atld unl)atriotio party which hits heoulastly," and was not th0.~.._0it~o of iihe .... , ,:tried and toulid wal|ling, atltl which has

always’rill)in hadly {h)r theyqriod [o break real re|!)rn|or~¢. %y as It nt,.t stn: ular that Iup the U.ien but did n.J.} x-x s~ntto any. utter tun nonnnation a veryThis "’ l,iboral Party " [s cox~ll ~s~d of pt~llnit)e.t r4nrtuor .hould wrim him to

all the di,~eorda,t, tli~al,poieled add dll~ a~k," it hergally w||s in lover of t~Iorm."W’o all knt)w that tho lllovtl’liont" wa~L..vit)as men or ilm Relmbliean lcarty (whil

ona ’M~ por~ona]~l~e, Joirmd by u |~wbuts leWthnsereallY.havehOlleSt.no voioound sineerein affair,)l adluht,tlte who w~ realif honnsVund hop~,d for . .(lead party of the ])tlnlocrata arid ilnre- refbr|u,~’but to tilltir listtl[iislluiel~ thep~ntant rebels, and trt)ni’this niixlUTo we aff,,ir was, as is gennrally the onla~’tlakenu|e add nnl7 east eomn hnnel~ty, rotbrut out o! their hands and managed bY i! lowand good goverili~ieiit, ¯ "01d wiro liul]br~," 861110’- i, wefit"

(Jan wo hopa this a,d il h61|hlg hav£ who,’thoy h:arned the result, and (~,yfahh to boliave ? 1 think nol. . openly declared the whol0 thint~ a ’ frill-

¯it S09tUa unpatriolicthat Irom’l)orsonh] urn." . " --"ptquo) individual nmbiuon nr Ironl (Jan any one pintnr~ the state,at affairswhatever eau,~e Ihst men who |(tvo heel silt, teoflth8 alter the election el Mr.s|t hmg idnntilh~d with the ~reat lte||uh i- |}r,.ele~ ? The absohtto ohsos that must,,(n parly,_ shuuhl comment, to do anything reign in ell the dopatttnents thron/~lloutwhich luight indireotly oausu thu tln.dit)l illu’ euuntry whuu Mr. Groeley rawardllt.ho inost ~uoe6~sltil iilirly whiuh has ecer hh " l)O;itleal brodlui’a " aa he liaa lirUIn-been eulhd inio exhtialioo ehioo tho o,mi- h~d to do, iilld whu havo’eineo 1881) b~e-dniolicuuient o| tliis Roi,ublie, but rathor livini Qn ,i hulks 0, . ¯..that tlmy ahould gutheraroulld t, ut)l(, d No l thts is not a COliSUmmation toit, ~,uata n i.t in ,Iho hour el trial, adding be whhed.--Lot us ~e tO It Ihat thetheir voice to its coutlciis, suggusii.g party now iu power il kept in and b

a ". y s

alnendnlenla correcting abusn~, rul’ort~- pl ClOg Iho right men In the rig|it plaena~’ing error),) and huntln~ out at|d eXl.,Si rulers the pruat.n*, I)ersotlalu. it.* prinoi-eorruptio|), I)urity’the parly aim by put- pals are all right) e|trreet its abu~e~, cur-t!oR tho ,)ig!’t iu.on iu the right i,laces tail ila oxpenuos, nluot good mea to re~..Illlt)l Illelr ~lnrerity tn lirh)cil)lcs ol wiiicli l"e#ent ~ou ill eonDl"en, ano[ t#le wol"/~ wl/([ihey mako such consi)ieuous i)rale~tti()ii, lal t~liy of accomplldimeat, hul to lot hi8huuld wo ~eo ihcm deiug thil wo would the ~o-mlllod "|{olorni parly uowIhave HOlliO laitli hi lhelu and would Ihiiik wuald be to rqll ba,.’k the tide ol pro;roeitthai thuy weru tho ohanil)il)iis nl iiriti:)il)les halt a c~ntui’~---i thoul(and, tlmoll ralhoi:hieh ,,,y ,,ro,e,. a.y ,a,,h,u ,,,o,u’ "=;":,’%:’ h.,. ,, .:,o ,h.....t)ers et II eliog to plrth, a wlllo it is hop°- ,h u u, .

" W, E.r~ ~AKItlgLI~1. ~.4y go,e heeutlsa they hud laitll in thul)rit)eiplea upon which that carry wan Pleutl,ant J/d/~, ~L 9,48(2, ,
