Cypruscreek Digital | Video



The video chapter of our protfolio.

Transcript of Cypruscreek Digital | Video

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Video Production

A shot by shot breakdown of our 2009 demo reel.Pages 16-27

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Video ProductionProject: 2009 Demo Reel

Our 2009 demo reel was fun. It gave us an opportunity to look back on all our projects and select our favorites to show to the world. It showcases some of the best work we’ve done for clients, and a few personal projects as well.

Here is a shot by shot breakdown of our demo reel, and a little glimpse into all the work that went into each one.

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Project: “Inside Islam” Intro

This shot was made for an intro to a miniseries about the life of a former radical Muslim. It was built in After Effects, taking advantage of it’s native 3D support and particle effects, with stock footage of stormy clouds for the sky. To match the show’s fire themed graphics we also added some severe color correction to give the shot it’s fiery mood.

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Project: “The Lamb of God” Video Billboard

This series of shots is from a video billboard we made for Brenda Angel, who we worked with before on her personal site and the Sculpt America Foundation’s website. The subtle movement in the clouds is hand animated, as is the timing of the lightning flashes. It was an interesting challenge to find ways to grab people’s attention without using audio.

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Project: “Gujarat Crusade” Graphic

This graphic was made for an evangelist’s healing crusade to Gujarat, India. It was made in After Effects using real satellite images, and includes features like lights from major cities visible on the night side of the planet. The rotation starts in North America and ends over India, where it zooms in to Gujarat. In the final product, this of course transitioned back to the video.

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Project: “Fun With Physics”

Taken from a personal project in which a boy attempts to do some backyard physics experiments while his friend keeps insisting he can throw a rock faster than the speed of light. This shot is of the rock hurtling through space and time as it nears light speed. When it achieves it’s goal the rock is transformed into energy, blasting off into space.

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Project: “Inside Islam” Chapter Intro

This is one of the many chapter intros made for the “Inside Islam” Miniseries. It features a similar sky to that of the opening shot and has the same fiery color grading. The shot fades in from black, the text is suspended in 3D space in front of the clouds and a camera slowly approaches it before a blinding flash takes us into the chapter.

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Project: “Inside Islam” Book Ad

Before “Inside Islam” was a miniseries it was an autobiographical book by Reza Safa. This promo was completely animated in After Effects. It’s one of a series of book ads, each one featuring different color grading to tie in with the book’s cover. As a disclaimer: Those are the client’s words not ours, and we don’t necessarily agree with everything our clients say, obviously.

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Project: “Vancouver Persian Conference” Promo

This promo was made for a Persian conference in Vancouver. All of the graphics were made in Illustrator and animated in After Effects. Originally made in English, it was then translated and re-animated in Farsi text. Starting at the title, a line flows down, hitting live video of the speakers and turning them into illustrations.

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Project: A TBN Nejat TV Graphic

This graphic was made for TBN Nejat TV’s Month of Prayer for Iran. Nejat is a Farsi language station broadcasting into Iran, eventually this text was translated into Farsi. The host was filmed on a blue screen from two different angles, then we created a 3D set in After Effects and rendered two angles that matched the camera placement of the original shots.

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Project: A TBN Nejat TV Satellite Promo

This promo was made for TBN Nejat TV’s annual fund rasing promo. It starts with an aerial shot of the Nejat studio, then the camera pulls out, flying through clouds and past a satellite into space, where Nejat’s two satellites are shown broadcasting to the major Farsi speaking populations all over the world.

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