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    21M.611 Foundations of Theater

    4 Oct. 2011

    Twelfth Night Scene Reinterpretation

    Act I, Scene V


    *Noah: Feste -- MIT Super-senior, Course 21L

    *Brett: Malvolio -- MIT Freshman, infatuated with Olivia

    *Dhruv: Sir Toby Belch -- BU Senior, cousin of Olivia

    *Hannah: Maria -- MIT Junior, Course 16

    *Jessie: Olivia -- MIT Junior, cousin of Sir Toby, brother just dropped out of MIT

    *Nancy: Viola -- MIT Freshman, wanted to go through rush, became enamored with Orsino


    The scene is set in Burton 1, where Malvolio, Maria, and Olivia all live in the same suite.

    Feste lives down the hall . Maria and Olivia are best friends. Olivias brother just dropped out ofMIT (died), and Olivia has taken up working extra hard because of it. Malvolio and Olivia are

    working on PSets in their suite lounge.

    Viola is a freshman woman who thought Rush sounded like a lot of fun, and so dressed

    up as a boy. Viola intended to drop the disguise soon after, but quickly became infatuated with

    Orsino, the president of the fraternity where Viola is now a part. Orsino in turn is infatuated with

    Olivia, and sends Viola, his favorite new member, to go and woo her.

    The set is comprised of three main rooms; reading from right to left: a hallway, a suite

    study lounge, and Olivias bedroom.

    Character Background -- Malvolio:

    Malvolio is an incoming freshman from the greater Boston area who was the smartest inhis high school class. Especially when it comes to interacting with women, he is socially

    awkward and unsure of what to say or how to act. In these situations he tends to act superior

    and intellectual, behaving condescendingly to others in an effort to boost his own social status.

    Because of this, he had few friends in high school, and is running into a similar situation here at

    MIT. He likes Olivia because of her wit and intelligence, and sees an opportunity for himself in

    comforting her after her brother dropped out of MIT. In an effort to woo her, he is ultra-helpful

    and friendly, almost to the point of being subservient. Malvolio holds a strong dislike for Feste,

    for a few reasons, including: Feste is much more successful at getting Olivias attention and is

    typically the life of the party, making Malvolio jealous and threatened; Feste is a super-senior in

    a humanities major, earning Malvolios scorn.

    Malvolios primary objective in this scene, as throughout the beginning of the play, is to

    win over Olivias heart, leading to the sub-objective of trying to keep her away from Feste, or

    alternatively to make Olivia dislike Feste as much as Malvolio does. Malvolio returned from

    classes earlier in the day, saw Olivia working in the lounge alone, and jumped at the opportunity

    to work with her and try to make her feel better. And now I can edit this on the fly. Which is

    incredibly awesome.

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    Character Background - Olivia

    For our version of The Twelfth Night, Olivia is a junior at MIT and is attempting to get

    through her work for the night. She is anxious and a bit annoyed because she has just failed a

    test in an important class. Added to this, her brother has just been thrown out of MIT due to

    failing too many classes. She wants to focus, and swears she will not see anyone until shegraduates except for her suite mates, Malvolio and Maria.

    We changed some of the entrances for our staging. Initially, Feste enters the suite after

    talking to Maria in the hall. This is because Olivia is studying with Malvolio. Feste is another

    resident of the same dorm, and a friend of the group in the suite. He has been gone doing, well,

    they dont really know what and has ditched them for a time. Olivia is rather annoyed that he

    chose such an inconvenient time to make an appearance and initially really wants him to go

    away. At the same time, as all MIT students, she is looking from a distraction from both her work

    and bad mood which is why she is willing to let Feste talk once he offers some entertainment.

    Malvolio is a friend of Olivias but he is an over-eager freshman with a crush on Olivia, and while

    she finds him interesting, he is also far too over-eager for her tastes. She wants him to lighten

    up a bit and let her enjoy Festes company.

    When Maria enters, Olivia is exasperated that more people are bothering her. She

    wishes to get her work done, and while some distractions are acceptable this one is a surprise

    and she does not know what to expect. She wants to avoid it, especially if its from the Count

    Orsino a frat boy that has been hitting on her way too much. However, she wouldnt want

    anyone to have to deal with her Cousin Toby Belch, so she saves him.

    However, now that she has been forced to deal with the stranger at the gates in some

    way, she is intrigued. She wants to know what his business is. So she questions Toby as he

    passes through.

    Olivia then finds out that the man, woman Viola, will not leave and this intrigues her

    more, while simultaneously annoying her. She allows him entrance because she wants to seewho this headstrong man is, but she does not really want to deal with him. She disguises herself

    so she still has the opportunity to ward him off if she is not as interesting as she thinks. She

    wants to get information out of him, and find out what her deal is, and occasionally wants her to

    leave until Viola starts snapping back at her.

    Olivia starts giving in once she finds that Viola is not going completely by Orsinos word.

    She is amused and wants to outdo her. She wants to show off how pretty she is and be praised.

    When Viola will not oblige, she quickly goes back to being completely cold and sending Viola


    Once Viola gives the speech on what she would do to woo Olivia, Olivia has been

    caught. She wants a man that will do all these insane things because theyre romantic. From

    there, she is trying to get Violas attention and drop hints that she should come back. She wantsto give her enough clues to come without outwardly saying so she is still proud. She sends

    Malvolio so that Viola might return. And then she wants to express her love and sort out her


    Character Background - Sir Toby Belch

    Toby is a senior at BU and is Olivias cousin. He loves to go out with his buddies and hit

    up bars in Boston and pickup girls. He has always had a liking for Maria, Olivias roommate. The

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    night of Viola arrival, Toby has hit up several bars and is pretty tipsy. His first objective is to see

    if he can hook up with Maria that night; he visits his cousin, Olivia, to disguise his true objective.

    On Olivias floor, Toby meets Viola but he doesnt really care about her presence or purpose.

    When Maria is ordered by Olivia to stop Toby from chatting with the unexpected guest, Toby

    sees it as an opportunity to flirt with Maria. But Maria quickly shoos him off the premises, not

    wanting to upset Olivia more than she already is. Toby is discouraged and decides to pass outon one of the beds in Olivias floor suite. While walking back to the beds, Toby sees Feste and

    Olivia. Toby also does not want to annoy Olivia further by seeming drunk because that might

    make Olivia more reluctant to invite him over on future occasions, lowering his chances to get

    with Maria. So he tries his best to be in control and seem normal while moving towards safe

    haven as quickly as he can.

    Character Background - Feste

    Feste is a super-senior from Washington state who is studying Literature. He is very well read,

    and quite smart; for example, he is able to effortlessly quote Latin phrases such as cucullus/

    non facit monachum (I.v.51-52). Incidentally, this citation is particularly prescient as Olivia will

    don a hood when speaking with Viola, indicating Festes wit. However, Feste frequently lets his

    desire to have fun come before his work explaining why he needs the extra semester to finish

    getting his degree. This also explains his choice in major: while he started out in a relatively

    technical major (electrical engineering), he made the decision to switch to a more enjoyable, but

    less practical major. Other students sometimes look down on Feste because of his carefree

    demeanor, perceiving him as less hardworking, while others deride his less rigorous choice in


    Feste also enjoys flirting with women (he is quite charming, but not extremely charming), and is

    particularly fond of Olivia, whom he does genuinely care about. However, he is not devoted to

    Olivia in the same way that Orsino is in love with Olivia. Instead, he is perfectly content to flirtwith other women. While he has many acquaintances and students enjoy having him around

    when they are in a good mood, he has relatively few close friends. Despite being quite witty, he

    is sometimes insecure or uncertain about his abilities. Festes mini-monologue, in which he

    exclaims Wit, ant be thy will, put me into good fooling, reveals this nervousness (I.v.30).

    However, he hides this insecurity and radiates confidence in his interactions with others. He is

    also quite good at gauging how others feel and adjusting his shtick accordingly. He lives on the

    same hall as Olivia, Maria, etc., but lives in a different suite. In the past Feste has spent much of

    his time in their suite. However, since Malvolio, a new freshman, moved in, Feste has spent less

    time in their suite, as he finds Malvolio to be childish and judgmental.

    For the past few years, Feste has cheered up Olivia and her suite in stressful times. However,after hearing about how Olivias brother has dropped out, Feste has decided to avoid Olivias

    suite for a week for two reasons: first, he feels that it might be smart to give Olivia her space,

    and second, by making Olivia miss having him around to cheer her up, it is more likely that she

    will reciprocate his affections. Maria acknowledges Festes typically positive effect on Olivia in

    the scenes opening lines (My lady will hang thee for thy absence (I.v.3)).

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    At the start of the scene, Feste has decided that it is time to visit Olivia to try to cheer her up and

    attempt to win her over. He encounters her best friend Maria in the hallway, who confronts him

    about his absence. Festes initial objective in their conversation (during Marias first line) is to

    gauge the mood of Olivias suite. Marias opening line answers Festes question. The rest of

    Festes interaction with Maria serves two main objectives: first, to enjoy himself by engaging in

    stimulating banter with Maria (even going so far as to flirt a little bit), and second, to justify hisown behavior. e.g. those that are fools, let them use their talents (I.v.14)). There is also an

    auxiliary objective in the back of Festes mind that if he wants to ultimately win Olivia over, he

    must have her best friend Marias approval.

    After Maria exits, Feste delivers a mini-soliloquy in which he wishes that his wit will serve him

    well when he approaches Olivia. His main objective here is to mentally prepare himself to meet

    Olivia. He delivers this monologue in a prayer-like manner, clasping his hands together at the

    line Wit. . .put me into good fooling (I.v.30). He then takes a deep breath after the monologue

    to prepare him to talk with Olivia.

    In his interaction with Olivia, Feste has two (related) objectives: first, to make Olivia feel better,

    and second (and more importantly), to flirt with her. While Feste achieves the first in the scene,

    he does not end up achieving the second. Feste attempts his objectives through two main

    activities; he both engages in banter that justifies his own seemingly foolish behavior, e.g. Two

    faults, madonna, that drink and good counsel/ will amend and attempts to wow Olivia by

    proving her own foolishness, e.g. give me leave to/prove you a fool (I.v.39-40, I.v.53-54). Both

    of these activities end up working, as shown by Olivias laugh as she delivers the line What

    think you of this fool and when she describes fools as generous, guiltless/ and of free

    disposition (I.v.69, I.v.87-88). Malvolios disdain initially appears to be the main obstacle,

    however, Malvolio inadvertently helps Feste progress towards his objective by being so

    unpleasantly serious.

    Character Background - ViolaViola is a freshman at MIT who is considering majoring in political science. In order to

    participate in fraternity rush, she decides to dress as a guy (justifying it to herself as research

    into gender and power dynamics) and calls herself Cesario. There, at the fraternity, she meets

    and takes a liking to Orsino. In order to stay at the fraternity (and therefore close to Orsino), she

    decides to keep her guise even after rush ends. She of course knows about Orsinos infatuation

    with Olivia. She is willing to help set Orsino up with Olivia, believing this will help Orsino be

    happy, and so does not object when Orsino, having had Olivia reject all the other invitations

    from the other frat brothers, turns to her to try to woo Olivia on Orsinos behalf (Orsino is dimly,

    in a silly lovestruck manner, obeying Olivias injunction against seeing her himself). Viola hasnot met Olivia nor Olivias suitemates before, and thus does not know what Olivia looks like, nor

    is she immediately aware of the recent death of Olivias brother. We did not set Sebastians

    relationship to Viola, choosing to ignore it as he does not play a role in our scene.

    Thus, upon Violas entrance into the scene, she is attempting to play the part of the aggressive

    messenger, hoping to woo Olivia on Orsinos behalf, while almost entirely ignoring her jealous

    side. Having lived casually in a fraternity for a while now (her entertainment when she

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    apologizes for her rudeness), she nevertheless tries to act the part of a gentleman although she

    is by nature more jestful. Her primary objective is to get Olivia to agree to date Orsino, but her

    secondary objectives show themselves as the scene progresses.

    In particular, when Viola asks Olivia, Let me see your face, she both wants to see if Olivia is

    worthy of Orsino and to assess for herself what it is that has drawn Orsino so. As they converse,Viola learns more about Olivia, she feels more sympathy for Orsinos anguish and is slightly

    exasperated by how adamant Olivia is about not dating Orsino. Her objective, at this point, is

    less to play the polite gentleman who cannot be refused and more to bring Olivia back down to

    earth and make her acknowledge Orsino. She also draws upon snark to hide her own hurt

    feelings with regards to Orsinos affections. By this point, Viola has realized that Olivia is upset

    over her brothers death but thinks that Olivia is overdoing it. When she launches into one of

    her longest lines regarding how she would make the babbling gossip of the air / Cry out

    Olivia!, she is actually addressing Orsino in her mind, describing how she would court Orsino if

    she were willing to take the risk of moving beyond the frat buddies role she plays with Orsino.

    From her own (forcefully dampened) anguish Viola gives double meaning to the lines, You

    should not rest / Between the elements of air and earth, / But you should pity me!

    She leaves with her primary objective unfulfilled and a parting shot, calling Olivia fair cruelty,

    and is not appeased (and rather insulted) by Olivias offering of a Starbucks gift card to smooth

    the tensions between them.

    Character Background: Maria

    Maria is junior at MIT majoring in Aeronautics and Astronautics (course 16). She is rather clever

    school was something that she was always naturally good at. In this way, she is very similar

    to Malvolio, a smart MIT freshman who lives in her suite on Burton 1. Maria is best friends with

    Feste, an also clever, MIT super-senior who is majoring in Course 21L.

    Maria came from a suburb of Detroit and did not grow up with much money. However, even

    though she didnt attend a prestigious high school like many of her peers at MIT, she was able

    to prove her full academic ability by independently entering science fairs and mathematics

    competitions throughout her teenage years. As the scene opens, Maria runs into Feste in the

    hallway and asks where Feste has been. Feste is known for entertaining and cheering up Olivia,

    who also lives in her suite. Maria cares for Olivia because she is Olivias best friend. Olivia is

    upset because her brother recently dropped out of MIT. Marias objective in this opening scene

    is to figure out where Feste has been. Her overarching objective is to make sure that Olivia is


    Later, Maria enters the study lounge where Olivia is studying. Olivia is stressed and Maria does

    not wish to bother her, but she wishes to tell Olivia that there is a fine gentleman waiting for her

    outside. The fine gentleman is Viola, an MIT freshman is delivering a message on behalf of

    Orsino, an older fraternity brother who rushed Viola. Sir Toby Belch, a senior at BUT who likes

    Olivia, was keeping him at the entrance to the lounge. Marias objective in this scene, again, is

    to grant the wishes of Olivia (Give me my veil: come, throw it o'er my face, Olivia orders as

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    Maria rushes to grab a sweater for Olivia). She wants to make sure Olivias wishes are granted

    and that she is kept happy.