CVFM Annual Report 2011

Community Voice FM Annual Report CVFM Radio - “Community Voice For Middlesbrough” Thank you to our Funders and Sponsors Y/E 2011 We here at CVFM Radio would like to take this opportunity to thank all the people and organisations who have contributed to the success of the radio station. This includes all the volunteers, sponsors and funders, who have made Community Voice FM possible. With the continued support of the Community, local Businesses, Statutory and Voluntary organisations we seek to continued this growth of the radio station. Welcome to Community Voice FM’s Annual Report 2011. This year has seen us complete our second year of 24 hour per day broadcasting. CVFM has delivered a range of programming which includes an eclectic mix of music, news, views, documentaries and drama designed to serve the needs and interests of the Middlesbrough community. As a community radio station we are regulated by Ofcom and every year we have to meet commitments which are laid down in our radio licence. Our key commitments include: Speech output will include news, discussions on local issues, interviews with local decision makers, documentaries, faith based programmes and work by local writers. Output will be broadcast in English as well as other community languages. The station will target in particular those geographical communities and communities of interest in Middlesbrough which are most marginalised and suffer the most disadvantage. The station will provide a minimum of 30 training places per year, recruited openly from all sections of the community, although targeting those who have little or no previous experience of radio. The station will encourage people from all backgrounds to come together, share positive experiences, build a greater understanding between individuals and create new support networks to strengthen links within the community. The station will aim to have a permanent bank of 50 active volunteers at any one time. Volunteers are encouraged to explore issues which are of interest to them and their community. The following report will demonstrate how we are meeting these commitments. None of this would be possible without the contributions of our staff team and our committed band of volunteers, and we thank all of them. CVFM Board of Directors


Annual Report presenting highlights from the Y?E 2011

Transcript of CVFM Annual Report 2011

Community Voice FM

Annual Report CVFM Radio - “Community Voice For Middlesbrough”

Thank you to our Funders and Sponsors

Y/E 2011

We here at CVFM Radio would like to take this opportunity to thank all the people and organisations who

have contributed to the success of the radio station. This includes all the volunteers, sponsors and

funders, who have made Community Voice FM possible. With the continued support of the Community,

local Businesses, Statutory and Voluntary organisations we seek to continued this growth of the radio


Welcome to Community Voice FM’s Annual Report 2011. This year has seen us

complete our second year of 24 hour per day broadcasting. CVFM has delivered a range

of programming which includes an eclectic mix of music, news, views, documentaries

and drama designed to serve the needs and interests of the Middlesbrough community.

As a community radio station we are regulated by Ofcom and every year we have to

meet commitments which are laid down in our radio licence. Our key commitments


Speech output will include news, discussions on local issues, interviews with local decision

makers, documentaries, faith based programmes and work by local writers.

Output will be broadcast in English as well as other community languages.

The station will target in particular those geographical communities and communities of

interest in Middlesbrough which are most marginalised and suffer the most disadvantage.

The station will provide a minimum of 30 training places per year, recruited openly from

all sections of the community, although targeting those who have little or no previous

experience of radio.

The station will encourage people from all backgrounds to come together, share positive

experiences, build a greater understanding between individuals and create new support

networks to strengthen links within the community.

The station will aim to have a permanent bank of 50 active volunteers at any one time.

Volunteers are encouraged to explore issues which are of interest to them and their


The following report will demonstrate how we are meeting these commitments. None of this would be possible without the contributions of our staff team and our committed band of volunteers, and we thank all of them.

CVFM Board of Directors

“Pleased to

sample the

delights of

your studio


You’re a fun


Aidy Wells

Local Choice Our speech output includes local, regional, national and international news – there is a particular focus on this as part of our community shows but news items also feature across the schedule. There have been many opportunities for discussion with local policy makers including local councillors, MPs, candidates in the mayoral elections, representatives for and against AV, local service providers and a range of voluntary and interest groups who have been invited in to the station for interviews and discussions. Our faith based programming has focussed on discussions between people of different faiths, specifically Muslims, Sikhs and Christians, developed and supported through funding from Faiths in Action. Poetry and storytelling including work by local writers has featured regularly as part of our weekly ‘Literary Loiterings’ programme. Our output includes broadcasts in French, Spanish, Punjabi, Urdu, Farsi, English, Pashtu and Mirpuri. We have run a number of projects which target those who are most marginalised and disengaged. Our Women's Voices project (winner of best community project at the North East Minority Ethnic Achievement Awards 2010) brought women of different

faiths and backgrounds together to explore issues of common interest and to develop radio programming around these issues. We worked in partnership with the BME Network and a number of support agencies to engage women, including refugees and those seeking asylum, who faced particular difficulties for example domestic abuse or drug

and alcohol problems – we gave them a voice. We worked with Middlesbrough Primary Care Trust to deliver the Redundancy Health Programme which aims to alleviate the impact of mental health issues on people who have been made redundant by providing training, support and a voice on radio for beneficiaries.

Muslim Sufi Music Community Event live on CVFM

Guests from Sikh Community promoting Nagar Kirtan 2011

“Well done,

onwards and

upwards for





Great News.”

Stu White

Local Democracy on CVFM

Global Choice We are involved in a pre-release project with the local prison which gives offenders skills, experience and support to assist them on their release. We delivered a Harmony Initiative Young Voices project which was aimed at young Muslim teenagers. Giving them an opportunity to explore issues of faith, and to present through radio a more positive and balanced view of the Muslim community than is often otherwise the case in mainstream media. During this year the station has provided training opportunities for 367 local people. This includes short courses on recording, editing, vox pops and jingles and more substantial training in radio broadcasting skills and peer mentoring.

We provide training for voluntary groups to learn how to develop promotional broadcasts for their organisations.

We have a bank of 93 volunteers; they are involved in a range of activities including broadcasting, editing, researching, producing, reporting, script writing, mentoring, reception, administrative support, marketing and organising events.

A Comic Relief funded Golden Voices Project, aims to give people over 60 years old voice through the medium of radio, providing an opportunity for older people to contribute to decision making process. The project aims to become a vehicle for playing a more active role in civic society. The project aims to train Senior Media Mentors who can pass on their skills to their peers, by making taking radio production and broadcasting into the community. This will builds skills, confidence and opportunities for socialisation amongst the older population leading to positive and fulfilling lives.

Golden Voices

“My little bro

presents a

show on


Voice FM

and I love it

so so much,

keep up the

good work.


Voice FM is

the best!”



DJ Trev with Soul Music on CVFM Radio

CVFM Board members with Councillor Tracy Harvey

Volunteers presenting the Golden Hour Live

Financial Information

CVFM offers bespoke advertising and sponsorship packages to suit all budgets and requirements, we can produce your advert in a number of languages including English, Urdu, Punjabi, and Farsi to offer you a tailored effective solution for promoting your product, service or business.

National research has shown that sales increase by over 9% when companies use radio to advertise their product and services. In Britain, the average person listens to over 22 hours of radio a week; this is why radio advertising is such a cost effective way of promoting your business or Services to new customers.

For a tailored advertising and sponsorship opportunities to engage the diverse communities in Middlesbrough, please contact Idrees Rashid on 01642 688799/07984183833 or Email: [email protected]

Advertising and Sponsorship Opportunities

Community Voice FM 83 Borough Road Middlesbrough TS1 3AA Tel: 016420 688104


Total Income: £53,289 Total Expenditure: £61,233

Despite a difficult funding environment for civil society organisations, Community Voice FM’s fundraising team has worked incredibly hard during this financial year to secure £53,289 from numerous grant funders for our community focused projects, which support the delivery and output commitments of the radio station.

The management team is currently developing a strategic development and funding plan to ensure that the organisation is in a financially stable position during this austerity period, in which public sector and charitable grant funders are under severe financial strain.

Community Voice FM is keen to diversify, placing greater effort and focus on becoming a service provider. We are currently exploring ways to monetise the community radio platform with a view of developing an advertising and programme sponsorship model to support our social endeavours.






Chuhan & Singh Chartered Accountants