Cutlery industry in pakistan

[email protected] • BBA(IT)


Cutlery industry in Pakistan ,Its a Research basedproject(presentation)

Transcript of Cutlery industry in pakistan

[email protected]


Group Members

• Rao Zeshan 030740-042

• Asad Raza sayed 060904-005

• AB.Rehman Akbar

• Ibrar Husain 042805015

• Zaheer-ud-deen babar 083705-073

Safety Razor Blades

Letter Openers

Sets of Assorted Articles containing atleast One Article Plated with Precious Metal

Forks ,sponns



Scissors, Talilors' Shears & Similar Shears and Blades Therefor

Pencil Sharpeners & Blades Thereof

Erasing Knives

Paper Knives

Knife Blades

Manicure or Pedicure Sets & Instruments (Including Nail Files)

Pruning KnivKnives

Other Sets of Assorted Articles

Table Knives

Fish Knives


• Discovery of Stainless Steel (Henry Brearley 1913)

• Evolution of the cutlery industry

• Development of cutlery industry in Pakistan 

• A Culture based industry


• Wazirabad, Nazimabad and Allahbad in Gujranwala district

• 300 units present in this region

Production and capacity utilization

• Almost 25,000 people are associated directly with this sector

• capacity utilization is only 30 to 40 percent

• 90 percent of these products are sold locally

Cutlery exports

Cutlery imports

Comparison b/w Imports and exports

Raw material

• Local (Gujranawala, Lahore)

• Imported (America ,China )

Production process

Production process..cont

Production process….cont

Scrap utilization

Technological level

• Traditional style of manufacturing

• No technology According to world View


• Cost plus pricing

• China is price leader

Government policies and incentives

Problems faced by industry

• Labor problems (bonded labor)

• Health Hazard

• Obsolete technology

• Brand Development

• Inconsistent government policies

Future prospects (after WTO)

• SMEDA , TDAP and other organizations are working

• WTO is a bad thing for Third world
