Cuth's JCR Handbook 2015



Handbook for freshers' joining Cuthbert's Society in 2015

Transcript of Cuth's JCR Handbook 2015

1 2 WevealsosetupaFacebookgroupexclusivelyfor new lreshers so you guys can geL Lo know each oLher beforeyouarrlveandaskquesLlonsLoourfrlendly reps. Get involved here!C8 [CuLhs!C8 lorphoLos,lnformaLlon,LlckeLbooklngandmuch more, head over to our JCR website. Theres loads to exploreandawholesectiondedicatedtoFreshers Week 2013 make sure you check lL ouL! 8emember tolikeandfollowus,too,forallthelatestFreshers Week lnformation]groups]CuthsIreshers201S Cover deslgn by Parry !enklns 3 We|come! CongraLulaLlons on your exam resulLs and securlng your place aL uurham unlverslLy!My name ls Megan, Im a 3rd year hyslcal Ceography sLudenL and Im your vlce resldenL Lhls year. l have been creaLlng Lhls handbook over Lhe summer Lo glve you Lhe besL lnslghL posslble lnLo whaL ls ln sLore for you when you arrlve at Cuths. Theres a lot to take in so dont worry abouL rememberlng everyLhlng, [usL hang onLo your handbook as a polnL of reference for Lhe fuLure. As vlce resldenL, Im part of the Exec for Cuths !C8 and were here Lo help you ouL wlLh anyLhlng you need our conLacL deLalls are all ln here so please feel free Lo geL ln Louch. arL of my [ob ls Lhe sLash orders (Lhe college branded cloLhes as modelled Lerrlbly by myself above), and were running an order especlally for you all, so you can be kitted out in Cuths gear as soon as you arrlve. 1here are all klnds of lLems avallable - more deLalls on Lhe back page or go sLralghL Lo]shop1he mosL lmporLanL Lhlng Lo remember ls make Lhe mosL of every opportunity while youre here, it sounds clich but time really does fly.If you have any questions which arent answered here, please dont heslLaLe Lo ask! cuthberts.[cr-v|cepres| 4 Contents 1.Presidents Welcome3 2.Whos Who?9 3.Freshers Week 201518 4.laclllLles23 3.SporLs, SocleLles & CommlLLees31 6.LvenLs39 7.!C8 MeeLlngs42 8.Looklng AfLer ?ourself (& CLhers)43 9.1he 8lgger lcLure32 10. What? A Clossary36 11. 1he Songs39 3 Chapter 1 res|dents We|come Hello and welcome to Cuths!Im 8lch, and Ill be your JCR President for the comlng year. Pavlng spenL 4 years sLudylng for an Lnglneerlng degree, Im now staylng on an exLra year wlLh Lhe Lask of runnlng Lhe !unlor Common Room of St Cuthberts Society. This means youll see me around a lot this year, so do sLop me and say hello, and more lmporLanLly leL me know whaL we can do Lo make your college experlence even better. Im noL greaL wlLh names buL good wlLh faces, so Ill apologise now if I grin inanely at you but cannot recall your nameLets start with a few questions answered WhaL ls Lhe !C8? !C8 sLands for !unlor Common 8oom. uL slmply, Lhe !C8 organlses Lhe exLra-currlcular slde of your unlverslLy llfe: lL ls Lhe sLudenL body of Cuths which organises social events, sports teams and societies, Lhe welfare servlce and a varleLy of commlLLees Lo ensure you are represenLed ln Lhe besL posslble way. We also own, manage and flnanclally malnLaln faclllLles for students, youll hear more about Lhese soon. llnally, we feed back Lo Lhe unlverslLy and uurham Students Union regarding any suggestions you have to improve the student experience in Durham and Cuths. 6 LveryLhlng Lhe !C8 does ls run by sLudenLs, and Lhere are loads of opporLunlLles Lo geL lnvolved, lncludlng voLlng ln elecLlons, playlng ln sporLs Leams and socleLles and parLlclpaLlng ln commlLLees. ?ou could also run ln an elecLlon for a !C8 poslLlon, or volunLeer Lo work ln Lhe Llbrary Lhe cholces are endless! CeLLlng lnvolved really ls lncredlbly rewardlng, plus looks greaL on the CV, so Id recommend taking part in whichever area(s) youre interested in. Who runs Lhe !C8? You do! Cuths JCR is a democraLlc body and all declslons are made ln consulLaLlon wlLh sLudenLs, ofLen wlLh a voLe. 1hls means LhaL your oplnlon really does maLLer, so make sure your volce ls heard!1he !C8 LxecuLlve CommlLLee (Lhe Exec) are students voted in by the JCR Lo lead Lhe everyday runnlng of College - boLh ln Lhelr lndlvldual roles, and as a collecLlve body who represenL your vlews ln declslon-making. Youll meet them all in Freshers Week, and Lhelr conLacL deLalls are laLer ln Lhls book dont be afraid to get in Louch lf theres something they can do to improve Cuths, or for info on how to geL lnvolved.7 WhaL ls Lhe dlfference beLween Lhe !C8 and College? The JCR is an independent charity, run by volunLeer sLudenLs, almlng Lo represenL every sLudenL aL all levels wlLhln Lhe unlverslLy. We also Lake care of Lhe soclal llfe and sporLlng requlremenLs of our sLudenLs and provlde our own llsLenlng and welfare servlce. College refers to the staff and management structure of Cuths and ls governed by Lhe unlverslLy. College provldes accommodaLlon, caLerlng and housekeeplng lf you llve ln, offers pasLoral supporL Lo all sLudenLs, and organlzes Lalks, debaLes and careers evenLs.1he !C8 and College work very closely LogeLher Lo provlde you wlLh Lhe besL posslble experlence durlng your Llme aL unlverslLy.Whats the difference between a Society and a College? Cuths was originally founded ln 1888 by sLudenLs who dld noL llke Lhe rlgld sLrucLure of college llfe.Cuths performs the same role as all of Lhe oLher colleglaLe bodles you wlll llve, eaL and soclallse LogeLher, and be looked afLer on-slLe by full-Llme SocleLy sLaff buL we prlde ourselves on havlng lndependence of LhoughL and acLlon and always listening to our members (thats all of you).We also prlde ourselves on catering for everyones tastes and preferences and welcoming everyone no matter who they are or where theyve come from.As you can probably Lell, we are lmmensely proud of our herlLage, and hope LhaL you come Lo be so Loo! 8 Pow much does belng parL of Lhe !C8 cosL? The JCR levy is 50 per year. As an undergraduate, youll be billed this term for the JCR levy for all 3 or 4 years that youll be in Durham (dependlng on Lhe lengLh of your course). 1hls means you can pay lL now and never Lhlnk abouL lL agaln, excepL Lo appreclaLe all Lhe wonderful Lhlngs lL geLs you! 1hls levy funds Lhe Lwo gyms, llbrary, compuLer rooms, muslc room and Lhe vasL number of soclal evenLs, sporLs Leams and socleLles offered by Lhe !C8 - so its a small price Lo pay and were always working hard to ensure this is good value for money. Can l opL ouL of Lhe !C8? ?es, lf you wanL Lo. Send me an emall aLcuthberts.[cr-pres| and I will ensure youre not billed for the JCR levy. However, if you choose to opt out, youll miss ouL on Laklng advanLage of many of Lhe fanLasLlc opporLunlLy on offer, lncludlng voLlng ln !C8 elecLlons, runnlng for !C8 poslLlons and havlng a say ln how Lhe !C8 ls run.9 Chapter 2 Meet the Lxec Io Cowet & 1omIobosoo welfote Offlcets Hi, Im Jo and as your female welfare officer its my [ob Lo run campalgns, hand ouL safe-sex supplles (lncludlng condoms, lube, denLal dams, S1l LesLlng klLs and pregnancy LesLlng klLs), and provlde a confldenLlal llsLenlng servlce lf you ever need a chaL. l also am able Lo slgnposL you Lo Lhe correcL people Lo Lalk Lo lf you have a particular issue, so if you dont know where to go, Im your person.L|kes uogs, belLlng ouL 70s hlLs ln Lhe shower. D|s||kes re[udlce, when your blsculL breaks ln your hoL chocolaLe. cuthberts.[cr-fema|ewe| Pey everyone, l'm 1om, your male welfare offlcer for Lhls year. My [ob ls Lo llsLen Lo any problems you may have ln a comforLable, confldenLlal seLLlng , as well as belng avallable Lo hand ouL sexual healLh supplles. ?ou'll also see me runnlng varlous welfare campalgns durlng Lhe year.L|kes Cooklng, gulLar, noL belng called 1homas. D|s||kes Coffee, Woklng, belng called 1homas. cuthberts.[cr-ma|ewe| 10 Mott colllos 1teosotetHi! Im Matt Collins, a third year physlclsL and your Lreasurer for Lhls year! l handle Lhe overall budgeL, whlch lncludes soclal evenLs, welfare, Lhe llbrary, and sporLs and socleLles, eLc. llnance CommlLLee asslsL me ln managing the budget. If youre eyeing up the finance industry, the !C8, or my [ob, Lhls commlLLee ls a greaL way Lo geL lnvolved wlLh Lhe running of the accounts. Let me know if youre interested and I hope you have a great Freshers Week! L|kes - Cuyllan chocolaLe. D|s||kes - lnefflclencles. Cuthberts.[ Ieooy lettls 5oclol cbolt Hi Im Jenny and the new Social Chair for Cuths. As Soclal Chalr l wlll be responslble for Lhe Soclal CommlLLee whlch organlses and runs evenLs, blg and small, for Lhe !C8. 1hese evenLs wlll lnclude Lhe Mlchaelmas 8all, Lhe leasL of SL Cuthberts, Cuths Day and variety of smaller evenLs Lo Lake place LhroughouL Lhe year. L|kes Pome baklng, experlmenLlng wlLh classlc Mary 8erry reclpes. D|s||kes - Finding out my shoe has a hole in it because Ive stood in a puddle and my sock ls soaklng 11 looteo 8tolo Ootteocb cbolt Pl everyone! Lauren here, your CuLreach Chalr Lhls year. l bulld Lhe CuLreach CommlLLee, we encourage a good relaLlonshlp beLween CuLh's and Lhe local communlLy Lhrough volunLeerlng and ouLreach pro[ecLs - we'd love Lo have you lnvolved! l also represenL Lhose LhaL llve ouLslde of college, so conLacL me lf you have any lssues and l wlll be happy Lo help. l am also responslble for organlslng college parenLs. L|kes- A can-do aLLlLude, poslLlve vlbes, pupples. D|s||kes- 1haL feellng afLer you've showered and you're noL qulLe dry, calorles. cuthberts.[ AoJy 5beppotJ 5potts & 5ocletles cboltHi Im Andy, as your Sports and Societies Chair I make sure all our college sporLs and socleLles run smooLhly. l provlde a llnk beLween College and unlverslLy SporL, and organlse Lhe college lreshers lair. Ill also be inviting you to [oln me ln Lrylng ouL every socleLy CuLhs has Lo offer and helplng you creaLe new ones.L|kes Spanlsh Cooklng, Surflng and CaLs. D|s||kes - CuesLlons abouL fuLure careers, and Lhe lack of leg room on publlc LransporL. cuthberts.[ 12 leellng smug abouL gambllng wlLh Lhe llbrary budgeL. 1oz 5ooJbot llbtotloo Pello new CuLhspeople! My name ls 1az and l wlll be your college llbrarlan Lhls year. 1he llbrary ls locaLed ln Pouse 8, provldlng a comforLable sLudy space and sLocked wlLh books for all sub[ecLs. My role ls Lo keep Lhe llbrary runnlng efflclenLly alongslde Lhe llbrarlan sLaff made up of oLher sLudenLs. lf you need books, Lhen flll ouL an order form and emall lL across Lo me and l can geL Lhem up on Lhe shelves for you! L|kes - SunseLs and long walks on Lhe beach. D|s||kes - unimaginative people who use clichs because theyre too lazy to think of anything original cuthberts.[cr-|| Iomes cocbtoo Students Union Rep Pello, l'm !ames and l'm your Senlor SLudenLs Union Rep for nexL year, meanlng LhaL l'll be represenLlng you aL Assembly, Lhe SLudenLs' unlon voLlng body, and maklng sure you're updaLed on Lhe fanLasLlc Lhlngs golng on Lhere. l'm also golng Lo be supporLlng and organlslng Lhe college unlverslLy challenge so keep an eye ouL for LhaL! L|kes Cllmblng. D|s||kes 8roccoll. 13 Ollle Ceotqe Ick cbolt ?ou know whaL everyone loves? uemocracy. My name ls Cllle Ceorge and l'm your !C8 Chalr Lhls year. lL ls my [ob Lo ensure LhaL !C8 meeLlngs are consLlLuLlonal, well aLLended and en[oyable. lf you fancy geLLlng lnvolved Lhen conslder runnlng for !C8 SLool (essenLlally my Covernance wlngman). L|kes A cheeky Nandos, sneezing, a good brunch.D|s||kes leeL, Crocs, sLyrofoam.cuthberts.[cr-cha| AsttlJ Mozzo-klccotJl - lotetootloool kep Pello! Im Astrid and Im your international rep! My duLles are Lo care for Lhe represenLaLlon and welfare of Lhe international students. Im here to make you feel welcome, safe and make sure you en[oy your time at Cuths. Im going to be organising evenLs LhroughouL Lhe year, and you can geL a say ln Lhem Loo! !usL [oln Lhe lnLernaLlonal CommlLLee. lor any quesLlons, suggesLlons for evenLs, or [usL a chaL, please drop me an emall. L|kes klLLens and cooklng.D|s||kes 8udeness, splders. cuthberts.[cr-|nternat|ona| 14

Otbet lmpottoot Ick Offlcets Mlke ueoolsoo 5eolot lotto week kepMlke is in charge of running FreshersWeek and Lhe posL appllcaLlon open days.L|kes MaLchlng cuLlery and that Minions songabout bananas. D|s||kes Low celllngs and havlng Lo revealpersonal lnformaLlon. 5om Iooes 5eolot ketotoloq Offlcet Sam organlses and runs all Lhe elecLlonsheld within Cuths JCR. L|kes urban oven and fooLball manager. D|s||kes Wlne and responslblllLy. klcb koot lteslJeot cuthberts.[cr-pres||kes uanclng, skllng. D|s||kes 1he sound of flngernalls scraplng on a blackboard. Meqoo ctoll vlce lteslJeot cuthberts.[cr-v|cepres| L|kes 8rownle 8ombers, plzza and a good nlghL ln llshLank (ask me). D|s||kes eople who chew loudly. 13 College SLaff ltof. llzobetb AtcblbolJ ltloclpolElizabeth is the Principal of Cuths, meaning that she oversees all College sLaff and acLlvlLles, as well as promoting Cuths throughout the unlverslLy and beyond, and sLraLeglcally developlng Lhe College. Per offlce ls upsLalrs ln House 12 and youll often see her at formals and oLher college evenLs. LllzabeLh dlvldes her Llme between Cuths and the English department, where she specialises ln Medleval llLeraLure.5botoo klcbotJsoo uepoty ltloclpol Sharon also has her offlce upsLalrs ln Pouse 12 and Lakes responslblllLy for alumnl relaLlons, dlsclpllne and communlcaLlons. She also asslsLs LllzabeLh wlLh Lhe sLraLeglc developmenL of Lhe college, and provldes a program of careers and skllls developmenL supporL by organlslng regular workshops and Lalks.ut lbll 8oltoo - Asslstoot ltloclpol (5toJeot 5oppott) hll Lakes care of sLudenL supporL and well-belng, provldlng pasLoral care for sLudenLs. Pe ls Lhe flrsL polnL of conLacL lf you are havlng any dlfflculLles wlLh llfe ln uurham: ln parLlcular lf you are sLruggllng wlLh academlc deadllnes, or encounLerlng problems ln College, he can help by llalslng wlLh your 16 deparLmenL and/or can puL you ln Louch wlLh unlverslLy speclallsL supporL servlces.cbtls llooemote 8otsot 1he 8ursar ls responslble for college flnances, as well as overseelng caLerlng, malnLenance and Lhe bars.You probably wonL have much conLacL wlLh Chrls, but its definitely worth knowing who he is! 5oe cole locllltles & AccommoJotloo Moooqet Sue ls ln charge of malnLalnlng college properLy and your Lenancy agreemenLs, so any accommodaLlon relaLed lssues geL dealL wlLh by her. lf you have any problems wlLh your accommodaLlon, Lhen leL elLher your cleaner or one of Lhe porLers know and Lhey wlll elLher reporL lL or do Lhelr besL Lo sorL lL ouL sLralghL away for you.nottlet kowet uevelopmeot Offlcet 1hls ls a sabbaLlcal poslLlon and ls currenLly held by ParrleL, who graduaLed from Cuths Lhls summer. She ls responslble for developlng alumnl relaLlons, and creaLlng opporLunlLles for currenL sLudenLs Lhere wlll be alumnl who can offer careers advlce, perhaps work experlence, or even make a donaLlon Lo college Lo help fund one of your lnLeresLs!1he college employs a number of sLaff lncludlng caLerlng and cleanlng sLaff, porLers and recepLlonlsLs who you wlll qulckly reallse are an integral part of life in Cuths. We expecL excellenL manners Lowards all members of boLh College and unlverslLy staff, and itll make your unlverslLy experlence a whole loL beLLer Loo, good manners cosL noLhlng!17 Durham Students Union Durham Students Union supports and represents all uurham unlverslLy sLudenLs, wheLher you are lnLeresLed ln [olnlng a unlverslLy wlde socleLy, would llke Lo geL lnvolved ln sLudenL represenLaLlon or are keen Lo bulld up your Cv wlLh Lralnlng and developmenL experlence.1he unlon ls led by Lhe presldenL, Mlllle 1anner, who was Cuths JCR presldenL lasL year (were very proud). Mlllle leads a Leam of sabbaLlcal offlcers who cover every aspecL of unlverslLy llfe, from academlc llfe, volunLeerlng, welfare and personal developmenL. 1hls Leam llalses wlLh Lhe unlverslLy, colleges, local communlLy and Lhe naLlonal unlon of SLudenLs, Lo represenL our sLudenLs.Lvery course ln Lhe unlverslLy has an elecLed course rep who ls responslble for represenLlng you on academlc maLLers, wlLh lssues abouL your course, academlc supporL, lecLurers or sLudy space. 1hls allows academlc sLaff members Lo ldenLlfy whaL ls worklng well and whaL problems mlghL exlsL, Lo ensure poslLlve changes are made. The Cuths Union Rep is !ames, who ls asslsLed by 3 !unlor unlon 8eps. lf you have any quesLlons abouL Lhe unlon or runnlng as a !unlor 8ep, you can emall hlm on cuthberts.[ lor furLher lnformaLlon abouL Lhe unlon, vlslL,]durhamSU or|]durhamSU 18 Chapter 3: Freshers Week WehavebeenworklnghardLhlssummerLomakesureyour Freshers Week is the besL welcome we can glve you. Theres a huge varleLy of evenLs, so Lry and geL lnvolved wlLh as much as you can flL ln,youonlygetoneFreshersWeeksodontmissout!1heonly Lhlngwellsayis,ifyou wanttodrink,drink(sensibly).If youdont wanttodrink,dontdrink.YouwontbejudgedaLallandyoull have a fanLasLlc Llme elLher way.kemembertobr|ng:beddlng(noLprovlded),compuLer/lapLop, laundrybag,blackLle(moreonLhlslaLer),klLchensLuff(crockery, cuLlery, uLenslls eLc.), lu, sporLs klL you mlghL need, and fancy dress! A wotJ ftom oot lotetootloool kep to tbose of yoo ottlvloq ftom obtooJ: Moving can be really scary, I know! But youll be fine. Before arrlvlng you should have your reglsLraLlon, enrolmenL and general university stuff done. If you cant manage lL, we should be able sort it out once youre here, but lL wlll be much slmpler lf you arrlve prepared and have all of Lhls compleLed. ?ou may also wanL Lo open a bank accounL, for Lhls, make sure LhaL you have 2 pleces of phoLo lu wlLh you, your uCAS accepLance leLLer and proof of address. Youll be emailed more details closer to the time but Lhese documenLs are Lhe very bare m|n|mum. uurlng your LranslLlon week (before uk sLudenLs arrlve), Lhere wlll be Lalks for you about how things work here, how to register for the doctors and having lots of fun with events that well organise for you before Lhe sLarL of lreshers Week.Cant wait to meet you all!AsLrld 19 Your week planned out Weve tried to pack Freshers Week with as many things as possible, boLh ln Lhe dayLlme and laLer (evenlng evenLs wlll sLarL around 8pm). AfLer Lhese have flnlshed, well take those of you who would like to go ouL lnLo uurham. Lach college goes Lo a speclflc place each nlghL whlchmeansLhevenuesonlyleLlncerLalncollegeseachnlghL,so pleasesLlckwlthus.Theresnotmuchpointwanderingtoanother venue where your wrlsLband wont get you access that night!Sunday 4th Cctober Move-lo.lfyoureaninternationalstudenthopefullyyoullbe niceandsettledbynow.IfyoureaUKstudentthisisthedayyou wlll move lnLo your home for Lhe nexL year, exclLlng stuff! Youll be greeLed by our lreshers 8eps (lreps) who wlll help you moveln Lo your room either on the Bailey or at Parsons Field.wbltet-sblttpotty.lnLhe eveningwellgatheryouallln LhebarforaparLy.1hewhlLeL-shlrL parLy ls fab forhelplng you geL Lo know your fellow lreshers. Basicallywhathappensisyoull beglvenawhlLeL-shlrLwhlch youwearLoLhebar,where youllbeprovidedwithloadsof felLLlpspens.1heldealsfor yourwhlLeL-shlrLnoLLosLay whlLeforlong!1hlslsgreaLfor geLLlngLoknowpeopleasyou 20 meeLoLherswhocanslgnyourshlrL,drawsomeLhlngrelaLedLo your course, whaLever you feel llke (keep lL clean people). Lveryone lslnanewplacewhlchisbothscaryandexcitingbutyoullbe surprlsedhowqulcklyLhelcelsbrokenandyousLarLLorecognlse loLs of faces.Monday Sth Cctober colleqe welcome 1olk. As wlLh a Lyplcal Monday mornlng, Lhe weeksLarLswlLhsomeLhlngsllghLlylessfunLhaLwhatwevegot plannedforLheresLofLheweekbuLlLlssLlllverylmporLanL.?ou haveaLalklnLheCalmanLearnlngCenLre(onLheSclenceslLe) whlch sLarLsaL 10am. Itll justgiveyou an overview of Durham life, helpfuladvlceonllvlnglnunlverslLyaccommodaLlonandoLher useful lnformaLlon. Dont worry abouL geLLlng losL, Lhe lreps wlll be on hand Lo Lake you Lo where you need Lo be.nottylottetolqbt.Thats right! Monday night is dedicatedtoeveryonesfavouriteboywizard.Come LoLhebardressedasyourfavourlLePcharacLer,a randomwlLch/wlzard/hlppogrlff,whaLeveryoullke. Itllbeamagicalnight.Thatsmeas MadEyeMoody on the right Ive done this before AlternativelyWellhaveaParryoLLerfllm maraLhon runnlng ln 8rooks !C8 aL Lhe same Llme so lf yourenotfeelinglikeenteringthewizardingworld LhaLparLlcularevenlng,feelfreeLocomewaLchlL from a muggle perspecLlve. 21 1uesday 6th Cctober 5coveoqet boot. Tuesday daytime will play host to Cuths first ever scavenger hunt. Meet in Cuths Library on the 8alley ([usL down from Pouse 12) aL 2pm.1oqo olqbt. A sLaple of any Cuths Freshers Week, 1uesday nlghL ls 1oga nlghL aL 8rooks 8ar. 1he usual approach ls Lo fashlon your Loga from a bedsheeL (l wore shorLs and L-shlrL under mine, I didnt quite trust the safety pins). If you google how to make a toga Lhere are endless posslblllLles. Alternatively1here wlll be a pub qulz runnlng ln Lhe 8alley 8ar from 7pm. If you dont have anyone to be on a team with that night, [usthead down to the bar and well soon find you some other quiz bralns! Wednesday 7th Cctober lboto/mottlcolotloo.OnWednesdayyoullbehavingyour photo taken as an entire Cuths yeargroup.ItllgoupinHouse 12andyoullhavetheoption Lo buy your own copy. AfLer Lhe phoLo ls maLrlculaLlon, whlch ls yourofflclalenLrylnLoLhe University.Itsashort ceremony held ln Lhe caLhedral, 22 youdonthavetodoanythingbutlistendontworry!Thedress codelsloungesulLs,youmaywearagownlfyoullkebuLLhlsls compleLely up Lo you.lotmol. On Wednesday evening youll experience your first Cuths formalwhereyoullbeservedalovelymealinthedininghallin House12.ThedresscodeisblacktieandthethemeisANightat theMovies(thinkJames8ond,CaLsby,LhaLklndofLhlng).AfLer thattherellbethingsgoingoninthebarandcasinogamesinthe !C8. 1hursday 8th Cctober Newcostle Joy ttlp. 1hursday ls preLLy acLlon packed. 1here ls a newcasLledayLrlprunnlnglnLheafLernoon.MeeLlnelLherofLhe Lwo bars aL 2pm and Lhe lreps wlll Lake you from Lhere. ?ou can buy aLralnLlckeLLonewcasLlelnadvancelfyoullkebuLitsnotreally necessary.lrommymemorylLcosLsabouL7reLurnwlLhouLa rallcard on Lhe day and someLhlng llke 3.40 lf you have a rallcard.5opetbetoolqbt.Calllng all superheroes (or supervlllalns lf you haveanevllalLer-ego)!1herewlllbeasuperheroshowdownln 8rooksbar,dlsgulseyoursecreLldenLlLyandcomedownforsome superhero-lnsplred fun. AltetootlvelylorLhoseofyouwhofancysomeLhlngmore chllledLhanwearlng youunderwearonLheouLslde, Lherewlllbea movle nlghL ln Lhe !C8 ln Pouse 12. 1here wlll be popcorn (as long as the supervillains havent stolen it all). 23 Ir|day 9th Cctober Aftetoooo88O.Werekeepingeverythingcrossedforgood weaLher Lo have a 88C aL 8rooks. lf lL ralns you can all slL ln Lhe !C8 and Ill likely be stood at the barbie in my raincoat. uv/90s5lleotulsco.1heSllenLulsco wlllbelnLhedlnlnghall.?ougeLapalrof headphonesonwhlchyoucanfllck beLweenLhreechannelsLoflndsomeLhlng Lo boogle Lo. As for outfits, were going for ablasL-from-Lhe-pasLfeelwlLh90saLLlre.lfyouhaveanyLhlng neon-coloured or some uv palnL, wear lL, Lhe brlghLer Lhe beLLer.AlternativelyIf you dontfancy the disco therell bepizza and boardgamesdownatBrookssotheresstillsomethingfunLogeL lnvolved ln. Saturday 10th Cctober FreshersFair:GetdowntothedininghallforCuthsFreshers lalr ln Lhe afLernoon (Llme 18C, keep an eye on Lhe webslLe) where maLLer whaL your experlencelevel,socleLleswlllbegladLolnclude you.CollegeLeams/socleLlesaregreaLforLrylngsomeLhlngnewor dolngsomeLhlngyoureallyenjoy(evenifyoudontthinkyoure thatgreatatit). Tryanythingthattakesyourfancy,ifitsnotwhat you expected you dont have to carry on, and if its even better than you thought it would be youll meet loads of new people and have a greaL Llme.24 2ooolqbt.Were opening a zoo in Brooks bar on Saturday!How lovely!1hebesLblLlsallouranlmalswlllbeyouguys.uressupas whaLever anlmal you llke and come add Lo the zoos fine collection of species.AlternativelyIfyourenoLfeellng verywllJ(anlmals,Lhewlld,geLlL?)Lhen were golng Lo be maklng a mural ln. Dont worryifyourenoLanamazlngarLlsL,[usL come along and palnL someLhlng onLo Lhe board. Therell be a really chllledvlbeandyoucan[usLhaveagoodchaLandgeLLoknow people whlle you palnL. Sunday 11th Cctober Meetloqs.Sunday is the last day of Freshers Week (very sad) so were putting on some chilled activities seeing as youll probably be prettytiredbynow.YoullhaveameeLlngwlLhyourmenLorwho looksoutforyouduringyourfirstyearandjustmakessureyoure geLLlngonok.leasemakesureyougoLoyourmeeLlngoLherwlse yourmenLorwlllgeLlonelywalLlngforyou.AswellasmenLor meetingsyoullgetatasteofwhataJCRmeetingislikewlLhLhe mock meeLlng (keeps your eyes peeled for deLalls). Parentsevening:Dontworry,thisismorefunthanthe parents evenings at school. This is the night you meet your college parenLs.1heresLlsklndofupLoLhem(andyouofcourse).lor example,lhadmychlldrenandafewcollegefamlllesroundaLmy house lasL year for nachos and a chlll ouL Lo wlnd down.23 Chapter 4: Iac|||t|es When youre a member of the JCR means you can use any of our facilities, completely free of charge. Youre a member of Cuths for your enLlre Llme aL Lhe unlverslLy so you can sLlll come back and use everything, even when youre not a fresher anymore! Icks 1he !unlor Common 8oom also refers Lo a physlcal space. We have two Common Rooms in Cuths, one on each site. The Common 8oom on Lhe 8alley ls locaLed ln Pouse 12 and ls a space Lo soclallse and chlll ouL ln, as well as belng havlng dally newspapers. 1he Parsons Field Junlor Common 8oom ls ln 8rooks Pouse nexL door Lo Lhe bar and has a 1v and sound sysLem and a pool Lable (Lhe besL one ln Lhe unlverslLy) from whlch all Lhe money goes back ln Lo Lhe !C8. 1be 8ots Being part of Cuths means that you have access Lo Lwo bars, one on Lhe 8alley and one ln 8rooks Pouse, Parsons Field. The bars are a real soclal centre in Cuths and Lhe prlces are very reasonable.26 !"# %&'(#) %&* and beer garden are aL 12 SouLh 8alley. 1he 8alley bar ls always buzzlng and a musL for any soclal. 1hroughouL Lhe year Lhe bar plays hosL Lo regular evenLs, from !C8 meeLlngs and acousLlc nlghLs, Lo CkLoberfesL, Lurovlslon and Cuths uay. Also, you can flnd Lhe laLesL llve sporL belng shown on our huge pro[ecLor 1v. %*++,- %&* ls locaLed down aL arsons lleld and ls a loL more chllled ouL, perfecL for a quleL drlnk or as an alLernaLlve place Lo geL some sLudylng done. 8rooks has 1vs, a darL board and a pool Lable and ls Lhe perfecL place for a Lake away. 1here are regular pub qulzzes and llve sporL, as well as oLher llLLle evenLs. All proflLs from Lhe bar are relnvesLed lnLo Lhe college and Lhe !C8 so every penny you spend goes Lo a good cause you! The bars are fully staffed by Cuths students and its a great way to get involved and meet new people. lf you're lnLeresLed, waLch ouL for an emall ln Lhe flrsL few weeks wlLh deLalls on how Lo apply. kaLherlne lone 8ot 5tewotJ nlkkl 8ows Asslstoot 8ot5tewotJ 27 Cuths llbtoty As well as Lhe Maln Llbrary, all Lhe colleges ln uurham have Lhelr own llbrarles. Cuths Library is in on Lhe ground floor of Pouse 8 and ls Lhe only one run enLlrely by sLudenLs.When you arrive youll receive your campus card whlch works as you llbrary card Loo. Opeoloq boots Weekdays 11 am 8 pm Weekends12 noon 6 pm uurlng exam perlods Lhe openlng hours are exLended so keep an eye ouL for Lhose deLalls ln Lhlrd Lerm. 8ook kepoests As well as a wlde range of academlc LexLs, Lhe Llbrary also has flcLlon and fllms and if theres a book you need for your course LhaL Cuths doesnt have, Lhen you can [usL ask 1az and she can order lL ln. 1he Llbrary also has several desks whlch are a greaL place Lo sLudy. ?ou can requesL a book by golng Lo Lhe llbrary secLlon of and uslng Lhe onllne requesL for or by emalllng 1az on cuthberts.[cr-|| note on your campus card: 1hls ls your unlverslLy lu. lL allows you Lo borrow llbrary books, use unlverslLy prlnLers and access certain facilities. Its best to always have lL wlLh you. 28 looos ooJ floes All Lhe loan Llmes ln CuLhs Library are three weeks but Main Llbrary books can someLlmes have much shorLer loan Llmes so make sure you geL Lhem back on Llme.Cverdue books are charged aL 20p per day laLe, wlLh a maxlmum cap of 3 on any book. lf you wanL Lo Lake a book ouL over Lhe holldays, make sure you remember Lo renew lL onllne oLherwlse youll face some serious fines when you get back! wotkloq lo tbe llbtoty 1he Llbrary ls sLaffed by sLudenLs so if youre interested ln a [ob, geL ln Louch wlLh 1az. loooJty Theres a Laundry room on both sites with washing machines and dryers. Youll be glven a fob wlLh your keys whlch you can Lop up wlLh money uslng Lhe machlnes ln 8rooks 8ar or Lhe 8alley !C8.kyle-looqley Moslc koom We have a muslc room ln lonLeyn Court at Parsons field which is sound proofed and equlpped wlLh drum klL, plano, mlcrophone, amps, muslc sLands and varlous percusslon lnsLrumenLs. 1hls can be booked ouL for pracLlce, [usL vlslL Lhe offlce ln 8rooks !C8.!ohn SomerLon ls our acLlng muslc room manager unLll elecLlons Lake place ln Lhe flrsL !C8 meeLlng of Lerm so lf you have any quesLlons emall [ 29 Cteeo Mocbloe Creen Machlne ls Lhe name we glve Lo all our tech within Cuths. We own sound and llghLlng equlpmenL, as well as sllenL dlsco equlpmenL. We use Lhls for our own evenLs and also renL lL ouL Lo oLher colleges Lo brlng ln some cash.If youre interested in getting involved wlLh Lhls (no experlence necessary!) Lhen please do geL ln Louch, [usL leL me know on cuthberts.[cr-v|cepres| compotet kooms 8oLh slLes have a compuLer room compleLe wlLh neLworked Cs meanlng you can access your unlverslLy flles, as well as prlnLers and scanners. 1here are slgns up ln boLh rooms Lelllng you who Lo conLacL lf you have any problems. coofeteoce 5olte We have our very own Conference SulLe ln Pouse 8, [usL behlnd Lhe library. In there, theres a huge Lable, fancy chalrs and an lnLeracLlve whlLeboard. ?ou can book Lhls room ouL for meeLlngs or group sLudy. ConLacL 8lch Lo book lL ouL. 30 uotk koom We have [usL lnvesLed ln updaLlng Lhe phoLography dark room ln college whlch ls avallable for anyone Lo use. lf you have any quesLlons [usL drop Marlam an emall: mar| All posL ls senL Lo elLher 8alley or arsons 8ecepLlon and lefL ln Lhe plgeon holes ln Lhelr respecLlve !C8s. arcels are kepL ln Lhe Reception Offices and youll need your campus card to pick them up. Cyms We have a cardlo gym ln 8efounders House on Parsons Field, whlch has Lreadmllls, cross Lralners and rowlng machlne amongsL oLher Lhlngs. 1he welghLs gym ls on Lhe ground floor of Pouse 8. ln order Lo use Lhe gyms youll need an lnducLlon whlch can be arranged by geLLlng ln Louch wlLh uan, our gym manager, on 1eools coott Cuths has its own tennis court that you can use completely free of charge. Its located just off the riverside path behind Pouse 12. ?ou can book lL ouL by conLacLlng 8ecepLlon.. 31 Chapter S: Sports, Soc|et|es & Comm|ttees 5potts & 5ocletles Theres a whole range of differenL sporLs and socleLles boLh wlLhln Cuths and the wider University. The following is a list of all the clubs in Cuths, more societies can be found on the Students Union webslLe. Iost some of oot spottloq soccesses 2014/15 8oaL Club boasLs fasLesL college vllls ln Men's Senlors, Women's Senlors, Men's novlce and Women's novlce compeLlLlons. 8admlnLon -Men's A Leam wenL undefeaLed and Women's A Leam were [olnL champlons. Pockey Women's A Leam were [olnL champlons. 1ennls A Leam wenL undefeaLed. CrlckeL Men's A Leam reached Lhe season flnale undefeaLed before flnlshlng runners up. looLball Women's A Leam were knockouL cup flnallsLs. res|dentContact A|t Socuom 8obsond.L.robson[ Art Soc|etyMarlam PayaLcuLhberLs.arL[ 8adm|ntonCharloLLe SLockcuLhberLs.badmlnLon[ 32 8asketba||Charalambos 1heodorou charalambos.Lheodorou[ 8|g 8andPugh Crawshaw cuLhberLs.blgband[ 8oat C|ubAllle MaclarlanecuLhberLs.boaLclub[ 8ody Cond|t|on|ng8ebecca 8owsonr.[.rowson[ Cheer|ead|nglaye SewellcuLhberLs.cheerleadlng[ Cho|rLoulse Coodgerloulse.goodger[ C||mb|ng!ames CochrancuLhberLs.cllmblng[ Chr|st|an Un|on8alph Wader.s.c.wade[ CkACAS!ames Slmpson[.m.s.slmpson[ Cr|cketnlck Woollheadnlcholas.woollhead[ DartsCampbell MacLeodcampbell.macleod[ Dodgeba||uanlelle Pyded.a.[.hyde[ DramaLlzzle LlLone.k.elLon[ Iem|n|sm 1az SandharLarandeep.sandhar[ Football (mens)uan CarLer danlel.carLer[ Iootba|| (womens) Lleanor SLephenseleanor.sLephens[||Charlle SLeelecharles.sLeele[ nockeyAmella[ M|xed Lacrosselsla Mcuougalllsla.mcdougall[ Netba||Llly 8oulLerl.c.boulLer[ hotographyAmy SLockdaleamy.sLockdale[ oo|SLeven LlllssLeven.ellls[ (mens)Cus AnLhonyaugusLus.anLhony[ Rugby (womens)uanlelle Pyded.a.[.hyde[ kounders18C, could be you! Squashhll urcellphlllp.purcell[ Sw|mm|ng1om PlckllngL.m.hlckllng[|e 1enn|s!ames Peald[ames.heald[ 1enn|s8osanna Walkerrosanna.walker[ U|t|mate Ir|sbeeLmma Callaghane.l.callaghan[||eyba||!ames CochrancuLhs.volleyball[

33 New Soc|et|es If theres something youd like to do that we dont already have a socleLy for, you can make a new club! ?ou [usL need Lo geL ln Louch wlLh Andy Sheppard. All you need ls 13 people who are lnLeresLed ln [olnlng, andLhen you can Lake lL Lo a !C8 meeLlng and geL lL made offlclal - you can even be glven a budgeL! Cuths Freshers Fa|r Cur lreshers lalr wlll Lake place on SaLurday afLernoon ln Lhe dlnlng hall ln Pouse 12. All Lhe sporLs, socleLles and commlLLees wlll have a sLand and you can ask Lhem anyLhlng you like and sign up to taster sessions and mailing lists. Theres also always o lot of cake.Union Freshers Fair As well as college socleLles Lhere are also nearly 200 dlfferenL unlverslLy wlde socleLles. !usL llke ln college, lf none of Lhe exlsLlng groups lnLeresL you, you can seL up your own! The Union Freshers Fair takes place ln Lhe SLudenL unlon on Wednesday 7Lh and 1hursday 8Lh CcLober. 1here wlll be d|fferent Cuths Ultimote ltlsbee 1eom 34 sta||s on each day so Lry Lo make lL Lo boLh! l would recommend slgnlng up Lo as much as you can youll never get an opportunity Lo Lry so many new Lhlngs, and Lhere are freebles Loo.1eam Durham 1eam uurham ls Lhe organlsaLlon LhaL runs all unlverslLy sporLs Leams and also arranges college sporL, lncludlng plLch hlre and lnLercolleglaLe leagues. Some of you may be dolng pre-season training before term starts but therell be try outs you can sign up for durlng Lhe Freshers Fair too, dont be scared of trying out for Lhe unl Leam! Med|a a|at|nate Lhls ls Lhe offlclal sLudenL newspaper and its always looking for new wrlLers, edlLors and onllne conLenL managers. keep an eye ouL for vacancles and also Lhe free coples whlch are handed ouL ln !C8s and all around uurham.1he 8ubb|e Lhe 8ubble ls a fully onllne newspaper wlLh regular arLs and culLure feaLures. Theyre always looking for new writers are edlLors so keep an eye ouL for vacancles.urp|e kad|o 1hls ls Lhe sLudenL radlo sLaLlon and has someLhlng for everyone. Look ouL for Lhelr sLand aL Lhe unlon lreshers lalr! DS1 uurham SLudenL 1heaLre. 1here are loads of dlfferenL LheaLre companles ln uurham LhaL you can 33 geL lnvolved ln and uS1 ls Lhe blg dog, so slgnlng up Lo Lhem wlll mean you are senL lnformaLlon abouL audlLlons from all Lhe unlverslLy LheaLre companles. commlttees As has already been hlnLed aL, Lhere are several commlLLees whlch help to keep Cuths running smoothly. Youve already heard about the Executive Committee but theres oh so much more I|nance Comm|ttee llnance CommlLLee conslsLs of Lhe 1reasurer (MaLL) and 9 oLher reps. They approve (or dont) Lhe budgeLs of sporLs, socleLles and oLher commlLLees, as well as provldlng floaLs for evenLs and counLlng up all Lhe cash afLerwards. 1hls looks parLlcularly good on a Cv! Soc|a| Comm|ttee 1hls ls our largesL commlLLee wlLh several speclflc roles, all led by Lhe Soclal Chalr (!enny).1here are Lhree Ceneral 8eps from each year, as well as a ubllclLy, Sponsorshlp and hoLography Cfflcers who are ln charge of Lhe more promoLlonal Lasks. Lach blg evenL also has lLs own manager, elecLed aL Lhe sLarL of LhaL Lerm (in October well be looklng for our Mlchaelmas 8all manager lL could be you!) Roller disco at Cuths Day 2015 36 ue-stressing before exams at the Cuths welfote loppy uoy Stand|ng Comm|ttee Peaded by Lhe Senlor 8eLurnlng Cfflcer (S8C) Sam SLandlng CommlLLee also lncludes Lhe !C8 Chalr (Cllle), Lhe !C8 SLool (Lhe Chairs second in command), and Lhree !unlor 8eLurnlng Cfflcers (!8Cs) who help ouL wlLh elecLlons - Lhe returning bit ln S8C and !8C means Lhey reLurn elecLlon resulLs raLher Lhan Lhey are reLurnlng Lo uurham. 1he CommlLLee meeLs before each !C8 meeLlng (ChapLer 7) and has Lhe power Lo alLer or veLo any moLlons puL forward. We|fare Comm|ttee As well as 1om and !o, our Welfare Cfflcers, Lhere are also an AsslsLanL Male and AsslsLanL lemale Welfare Cfflcers. Welfare CommlLLee ls also home Lo Lhe LC81C 8ep and SWu 8ep (SLudenLs WlLh ulsablllLles Servlce), as well as several campalgn Leam members. Campalgn Leam members help Lo generaLe campalgn ldeas and run Lhese campalgns. 1hey are selecLed Lhrough lnLervlews, keep an eye on your emalls Lo flnd ouL how Lo apply.Cutreach Comm|ttee CuLreach CommlLLee ls home Lo all Lhlngs communlLy based, lncludlng volunLeerlng, fundralslng, local communlLles and college parenLs. Its led by Lauren, our CuLreach Cfflcer, and on her 37 commlLLee slLs an SCA 8ep (SLudenL CommunlLy AcLlon) who ls elecLed Lhrough SCA, as well as Lhree !unlor uuCk 8eps who are elecLed ln Lhe flrsL !C8 meeLlng of Lerm. 1he uuCk 8eps are responslble for sLaylng lnvolved ln all Lhlngs charlLable and maklng sure Cuths raises as much money as it can.Lnv|ronment Comm|ttee 1he LnvlronmenL CommlLLee ls led by our LnvlronmenL 8ep, 1ablLha, and several reps. They are there to make sure Cuths is operating in Lhe mosL envlronmenLally frlendly way posslble and Lo ralse awareness of particular issues. If youre interested in getting lnvolved, conLacL 1abby: cuthberts.env| 8oard of 1rustees As an lndependenL charlLy, we have a 8oard of 1rusLees Lo ensure everyLhlng we do ls helplng Lo furLher our charlLable alms. 1here are 3 SLudenL 1rusLees who slL on Lhls board and LogeLher Lhey have ulLlmaLe power over every declslon made wlLhln Cuths JCR. 38 Chapter 6: Lvents lotmols What |s a forma|? lormals are usually held every Lwo or Lhree weeks in Cuths dining hall. 1lckeLs are greaL value and you geL a 3 course dlnner served aL the table. Its a great excuse to get dressed up and theres often a Lheme, Lhls years have lncluded Parry oLLer, 8urns nlghL, Shakespeare and lalr1rade. Dress codes For formals the dress code will either be Lounge Suits or Black Tie, and it will specify which one on the email invitation. Cuths isnt a compulsory gowned* college so you can wear one lf you wanL buL l cant say Ive ever seen anyone wear a gown Lo a Cuths formal*Cowns here are referrlng Lo Lhe academlc black cape-y Lhlngs raLher Lhan ball gowns. Some colleges requlre sLudenLs Lo wear gowns aL maLrlculaLlon and formals buL we dont. A good example of Lounge SulLs aL MaLrlculaLlon 39 Lounge su|ts 1hls ls your bog sLandard regular sulL and Lle, and Lhls wlll be Lhe dress code for maLrlculaLlon and Lhe formal on Lhe Wednesday of lreshers Week. 1he phoLo opposlLe shows a nlce loL of sLandard lounge sulL geL up. lor Lhe ladles Lhls means dresses or oLher smarL cloLhes buL noLhlng Loo fancy, you probably wouldnt wear a full lengLh dress for example.8|ack 1|e lor Lhe genLlemen Lhls means dlnner [ackeLs and bow Lles (noL necessarlly black ones), and dress shlrLs - some wear cummerbunds Loo (we sell Cuths branded cummerbunds, bow Lles and cuffllnks). 1radlLlonal (e.g. kllLs) or mlllLary dress can also be worn. lor Lhe ladles, black Lle means posh dresses - alLhough Lhey dont need to be full length gowns. lormals are less fancy buL for blgger evenLs people Lend Lo push Lhe boaL ouL more. MosL formals and blg evenLs need black Lle so buylng a cheap sulL wlll be cheaper Lhan hlrlng ln Lhe long run!5moll veots As well as formals, ln Cuths we arrange all sorts of small events, from forLnlghLly acousLlc nlghLs and !C8 meeLlngs ln Lhe 8alley bar, Lo a Lurovlslon parLy and Chlnese new ?ear. We also hosL regular talks and lectures from Cuths Postgraduates, SC8 members and guesL speakers Lhese evenlngs are a greaL way Lo meeL new (and exLremely lnLeresLlng) people.40 8lq veots lo tbe post we bove belJ tbtee lotqe eveots ooooolly, ooe lo eocb of tbe tetms. M|chae|mas 1erm - M|chae|mas 8a|| 1he ball ls usually hosLed aL an exLernal venue somewhere around uurham and ls Lhe perfecL excuse for everyone Lo dress up and have a lovely nlghL. lor example, ln 2014 we all headed off Lo PallgarLh Manor for a meal and Lhen en[oyed falrground rldes and llve muslc before headlng back Lo uurham ln Lhe early hours.Lp|phany 1erm - 1he Ieast of St Cuthbert 1he leasL daLes back Lo 1969 and ls besL descrlbed as Lhe 8alls mlschlevous llLLle broLher. lL ls held honour of SL CuLhberL and ls held within Cuths, whlch makes lL a blL cheaper and more casual you sLlll geL dlnner and enLs Lhough! Laster 1erm - Cuths DayLvery college has a day, buL ours ls by far Lhe besL (were bound to say LhaL). Cuths uay happens Lhe weekend before Lhe end of flnal Lerm ln !une (afLer exams), lts the day we all look forward to and every year lL draws back alumnl from days gone by. Its a day full of good muslc, food and drlnk, and mosL lmporLanLly wonderful company.All the events within Cuths are organlsed by our Soclal CommlLLee, so lf you fancy geLLlng lnvolved, make sure you come along Lo Lhe flrsL !C8 meeLlng of Lerm and run for a poslLlon! 41 Chapter 7: ICk Meet|ngs wbot tbey ote? !C8 meeLlngs happen Lwo or Lhree Llmes a Lerm ln Lhe bar and are a great way to get involved in Cuths. As youll know by now, the JCR is completely student run, and its in these meetings LhaL lmporLanL declslons are made. 1he meeLlng ls loosely spllL up lnLo Lwo halves: moLlons and elecLlons.Mot|ons can be submlLLed by any member of Lhe !C8 abouL something theyd like to change or introduce. Motions from last year ranged from proposlng new sporLs and socleLles, Lo decldlng how Lhe !C8 should spend lLs money. 1hese are all declslons LhaL affect you as an individual student hugely, so its very important youre in the bar and ready to vote!L|ect|ons Lake place ln nearly every meeLlng: poslLlons are adverLlsed aL leasL week ln advance and ln Lhe meeLlng all candldaLes husL (a shorL speech) for each role. 1here are loLs of poslLlons ln Lhe flrsL meeLlng of Lerm LhaL are almed aL lreshers - youll hear abouL Lhese soon! LlecLlons are elLher meLhod 1 or method 2 Method 1 e|ect|ons:you dellver a shorL speech ln Lhe meeLlng and produce a manifesto explaining why youd be good at the job and what youd do if you got it. The election then goes live online and all 42 Cuths students have a week Lo vote for which candidate theyd like Lo wln, and Lhe resulLs are announced ln Lhe bar afLer LhaL.Method 2 e|ect|ons: agaln you dellver a speech aL Lhe meeLlng, buL Lhe declslon abouL who geLs Lhe poslLlon(s) ls made Lhere and Lhen wlLh a show of hands, whllsL you walL anxlously ouLslde (noL as scary as lL sounds). 1bloqs yoo coo too fot. Method 1 os|t|ons .+-/0*&12&/# 3 4&/2*# Students 5#6 Lhey slL on Lhe LxecuLlve CommlLLee and help Lo represenL Lhe needs of posLgraduaLe and maLure sLudenLs wlLhln Cuths. 7/21#8/ !*2-/##- 9:;< sLudenL LrusLees are responslble for maklng sure we sLlck Lo our charlLable alms Lhey have ulLlmaLe power over any decisions made within Cuths Method 2 os|t|ons We|fare Comm|ttee: LC81C 8ep8epresenLs members of Lhe LC81C+ community within Cuths. SWu 8ep8epresenLs Lhe needs sLudenLs wlLh dlsablllLles.I|nance Comm|ttee: Ceneral rep (x9)AsslsL Lhe 1reasurer, glve oplnlon on moLlons relaLed Lo budgeLs. Stand|ng Comm|ttee: !C8 SLoolAsslsLanL Lo Lhe Chalr. !8C (x3)AsslsLanL Lo Lhe S8C. Cutreach Comm|ttee: 43 !unlor uuCk 8ep (x3)Work wlLh Lhe Senlor uuCk 8ep, aLLends cenLral uuCk meeLlngs, asslsL wlLh evenLs and promoLe fundralslng. ostgrad. Comm|ttee: Ceneral 8ep (x2)Represent postgrads within Cuths. Soclal 8ep (x2)Pelp Lo organlse posLgrad evenLs.lnLernaLlonal 8ep8epresenL lnLernaLlonal posLgrads ln Cuths. Soc|a| Comm|ttee: llrsL ?ear Ceneral 8ep (x3) Lnsures evenLs caLer Lo llrsL ?ear SLudenLs. 8all ManagerCrganlses Lhe ball alongslde Lhe Soclal Chalr. lormals ManagerCrganlses formals LhroughouL Lhe year. ubllclLy Cfflcerubllclse evenLs and produce publlclLy maLerlals. Sponsorshlp CfflcerSeeks ouL sponsorshlp for evenLs. hoLography CfflceruocumenLs ma[or evenLs and generaLes medla Lo publlclse fuLure evenLs.Students Union Roles: !unlor unlon 8epCommunlcaLe Lo oLhers whaL ls golng on ln Lhe unlon and advlse !ames on how Lo voLe ln assembly. Green Mach|ne 1echn|c|an 1eam: Creen Machlne Manager Leads Lhe Lech Leam, some experlence may be useful. Creen Machlne 1echnlclan (mulLlple) Pelps ouL wlLh seLLlng up and posslbly operaLlng equlpmenL aL evenLs. lf anyLhlng above Lakes your fancy Lhen please do [usL go for lL! Come along Lo Lhe flrsL !C8 meeLlng of Lerm (daLe yeL Lo be announced) and geL lnvolved.44 Chapter 8: Look|ng After ourse|f Whlle aL unlverslLy lL ls cruclal Lo look afLer your physlcal and menLal healLh, your belonglngs and Lhe people around you. 1he College and unlverslLy provlde a huge amounL of supporL and servlces and Lhey are Lhere Lo be used, all you need Lo do ls ask.ICk Serv|ces WlLhln college we have Lhe sLudenL Welfare Cfflcers and Lhe AsslsLanL rlnclpal who are your maln sources of supporL, as well as 24/7 porLer cover. hll 8olLon, our AsslsLanL rlnclpal, ls Lhere for any problem you may have blg or small. Pe ls parLlcularly helpful lf you are sLruggllng wlLh academlc commlLmenLs, be Lhey deadllnes or exams, so go sLralghL Lo hlm lf you need supporL or [usL advlce. Lmall hll on 1he !C8 Welfare Cfflcers, !o and 1om, are on call from 8am 8pm and as well as belng a non-[udgemenLal slgn posLlng servlce. 1hey also provlde Lhe Condom lalry Servlce you shouldnt feel embarrassed abouL asklng for sexual healLh supplles, buL Lhe Condom lalry has a supply of condoms, lube, and chlamydla LesLs (and much more!) whlch can be anonymously requesLed and lefL ln Lhe welfare plgeon hole for you Lo collecL, free of charge.Un|on Adv|ce Serv|ce 1he unlon offers free, confldenLlal and lndependenL guldance and supporL on a wlde range of lssues lncludlng flnance, accommodaLlon, colleges, conLracLs or anyLhlng else you may need help wlLh. ?ou can visit them in the Students Union building or contact them on dsu.adv| N|ght||ne nlghLllne ls a confldenLlal, non-advlsory anonymous phone servlce and can be conLacLed every nlghL durlng Lerm Llme beLween 9pm and 7am. 1hey also offer an lnsLanL messaglng servlce onllne, whlch, llke Lhe phone calls, ls compleLely anonymous. ?ou can also drop ln Lo Lhelr offlce whlch ls [usL behlnd Lhe uun Cow pub on Cld LlveL for a face Lo face conversaLlon, or lf you would llke any condoms or furLher lnformaLlon on anyLhlng.1helr phone number can be found on Lhe back of your campus card. Med|ca| keg|strat|on WlLh your welcome pack you wlll have recelved lnformaLlon on how to register with a local medical practice, and its strongly recommended LhaL you Lake Lhese sLeps Lo reglsLer. lf you have any concerns abouL your healLh or Lhe healLh of oLhers, conLacL hll 8olLon (ln offlce hours) or Lhe porLers (ouL of hours).In case of emergenc|es a|ways phone 999.When youre out and about uurham ls an lncredlbly safe clLy so theres really nothing to worry about buL Lhe followlng are [usL a few Llps Lo help you sLay safe! - Youll rarely need to get a taxi so when walklng home afLer a nlghL ouL, always walk home wlLh frlends. 1here arent llghLs beslde Lhe rlver paLhs and it really isnt safe to walk by the rlver ln 46 the dark; its worLh addlng an exLra 3 mlnuLes Lo your [ourney ln order Lo Lake a well-llL rouLe! - 8emember Lo Lake reasonable care wlLh your belonglngs when ouL for Lhe evenlng. lf you ever have anyLhlng sLolen, reporL lL Lo Lhe pollce as soon as you can. - lf youre drlnklng, be responslble, lL does no one any good lf you cant remember who and where you are! - Slmllarly, always keep an eye on your drlnk - geLLlng your drlnk splked ls exLremely rare buL lL can happen. LeL frlends and bar sLaff know lmmedlaLely lf you Lhlnk someLhlng ls wrong.- Cn Lhe occaslons when you do need Lo use a Laxl, always slL ln Lhe back behlnd Lhe drlver, and never be afrald Lo demand Lo be leL ouL lf you wanL Lo. When you geL ln a Laxl, remember Lo check Lhe drlver has hls Laxl llcense on dlsplay. lookloq oftet yoot mooey 1ext books Its recommended noL Lo buy all your books brand new and sLralghL away. ?ou mlghL noL need all of Lhem and any you do need can ofLen be found ln Cuths Library. Most college parenLs wlll 47 also be keen Lo sell Lhelr old LexL books on Lo you. lorgeL maLes rates, family rates are where its at. 1ransport 1ransporL ls exceedlngly cheap ln uurham as you can walk absoluLely everywhere and lf you ever need Lo go Lo SLockLon, you can Lake Lhe x1 bus Lhere free of charge by showlng your campus card. 1he one Lhlng l would recommend geLLlng ls a 16-23 rall card whlch ls 30 for Lhe year and Lhls glves you 1/3rd off all rall Lravel, so if youll be using the train often youll soon make your money back. Le|sure !usL abouL all lelsure acLlvlLles can be accessed Lhrough college free of charge, buL lf you fancy [olnlng a larger gym, Malden CasLle (Lhe unlverslLy sporLs cenLre) offers a blg membershlp dlscounL for uurham sLudenLs.Lmp|oyment If youre interested in geLLlng a [ob whlle ln uurham Lhere are several ones wlLhln Lhe unlverslLy, lncludlng Cuths bar, YUM cafes and the Alumni relations centre (you phone up former sLudenLs and ask Lhem for money). Make sure Lo brlng lu and your naLlonal lnsurance number as wlLhouL Lhese you wont get pald! 1he university recommends that students dont work for more Lhan 12 hours each week.48 I|nance 1roub|e - If youre having any problems with money, dont heslLaLe Lo geL ln Louch wlLh hll 8olLon. lookloq oftet yoot stoff no one wanLs Lo be burgled or lose valuable properLy, here are some guldellnes on whaL you should do - Always lock your wlndows and doors, even when youre only golng ouL for a mlnuLe - Dont leave valuables ln dlrecL vlew of Lhe wlndow. - Always use a blke lock, solld locks, such as a u-Lock are beLLer Lhan chalns. 8lke sheds are avallable ln college and its recommended you mark your blke wlLh your posLcode Loo - Mark your properLy wlLh your house number and posLcode, elLher by engravlng lL or uslng a uv pen. 1hls means LhaL lf anyLhlng does geL sLolen, Lhe pollce wlll be able Lo reLurn lL. Cnce youve done Lhls puL Marked Property sLlckers on your lLems ln a vlslble place as Lhls wlll also deLer burglars. 1hey are an effecLlve deLerrenL, and are avallable free from Lhe uurham ollce SLaLlon. - 1ake ouL lnsurance for any valuables you have check wlLh your parenLs, Lhelr lnsurance mlghL cover you whlle aL unlverslLy.Un|vers|ty Secur|ty 1he unlverslLy provldes a speclallsL SecurlLy Servlce. As a sLudenL you wlll have Lhelr proLecLlon and Lhey can be conLacLed 24 hours a day on 0191 3342222 49 lf you have a crlme commlLLed agalnsL you whlle on unlverslLy properLy, reporL all deLalls Lo SecurlLy ln addlLlon Lo Lhe ollce and SocleLy sLaff. Alwoys cotty yoot compos cotJ. lL ls noL only essenLlal for uslng many of Lhe Universitys servlces, lL ls also requlred under Lhe Universitys regulaLlons. 8e ready Lo produce your card lf requesLed by Lhe SecurlLy sLaff or oLher auLhorlsed persons. 1o get |n to any co||ege bar you w||| need to show a va||d campus card, as we|| as your ID.1be AJJtesses Parsons Field 1he 8a||ey SL CuLhberL's SocleLySt Cuthberts Society 8rooks Pouse 12 SouLh 8alleyCld LlveL uurham uurham uP1 3LL uP1 3! usefol cootocts Cuths kecept|on0191 33 43400 cuLhberLs.recepLlon[ orters (24/7)0191 33 43470 Un|vers|ty Secur|ty 0191 33 42222 1he o||ce0343 60 60 363 Un|vers|ty nea|th Centre0191 386 3081 30 ICk We|fare Cff|cer (lemale)07832341299(/cooJom lolty)cuLhberLs.[ ICk We|fare Cff|cer (Male)07883631927 (/cooJom lolty)cuLhberLs.[cr-malewelfare[ N|ght||ne0191 334 6444 D|sab|||ty Support0191 334 8113 dlsablllLy.supporL[ I1 Serv|ce DesklLservlcedesk[ 1oxl oombets Mac's 1axls0191 384 1329addy's 1axls0191 386 66628lll's 1axls0191 386 7430ulrecL 1axls0191 386 2002 1etm uotes lnducLlon week 3Lh CcL 2014 11Lh CcL 2014 Mlchaelmas 1erm12Lh CcL 2014 18Lh uec 2014 Lplphany 1erm18Lh !an 2013 18Lh Mar 2013 LasLer 1erm23Lh Apr 2013 24Lh !un 201331 Chapter 9: 1he 8|gger |cture As much as Cuths is fantastic, theres more to Durham life that just your college. Make Lhe mosL of your Llme here and be frlendly Lo all LhaL you meeL even if its just so they invite you to one of their college formalsCne of Lhe mosL lmporLanL Lhlngs Lo remember ls LhaL when you move ouL of college ln second year, you are sLlll a parL of lL and can use all the same facilities. It doesnt end there elLher even when you leave Cuths you can still come back to visit, its always lovely to see famlllar faces from years gone by aL all our blg evenLs.When you arrlve youll be asslgned college parenLs, Lhese wlll be second years who wlll mosLly be llvlng ouL of college ln uurham clLy, and Lhey are [usL llke your regular parenLs buL Lhey wont be waking you up ln Lhe mornlng Lo remlnd you Lo have breakfasL before lecLures. 1hey wlll usually do Lhe same sub[ecL as you and are Lhere for all your quesLlons wheLher abouL your course or [usL unlverslLy llfe ln general. 8efore long you Loo can flnd yourself a college spouse and conLlnue your college famlly llne by adopLlng chlldren of your own.coteets 1he Careers, LmployablllLy and LnLerprlse Servlce ls locaLed on Lhe ground floor of Lhe alaLlne CenLre and have a range of career maLerlals and advlce. urop ln for more lnformaLlon or conLacL Lhem dlrecLly on 1he Careers Servlce hosL a range of neLworklng evenLs and Lhere are also slmllar opporLunlLles wlLhln Cuths. Keep an eye on your emails for more information. 32 1be Otbet colleqes Cuths is one of 16 colleges located across the Durham City and SLockLon campuses. Any rlvalry beLween colleges ls ln good fun and you should always be respecLful Lo everyone you meeL, wheLher theyre from Cuths, the University, or the wider Durham population. 8emember - college bar prlces are preLLy sLandard across Lhe unlverslLy, greaL prlces wherever you go! Co|||ngwood 1hls ls one of Lhe hlll colleges, and has a falrly sporLy repuLaLlon. 1he bar ls huge and frlendly. Theyre one of Lhe largesL colleges ln uurham. GreyCrey ls also on Lhe hlll, Lhls Llme rlghL nexL Lo Lhe sclence slLe. MosL well known for Lhelr annual 8onflre nlghL flrework dlsplay agalnsL Lhe CaLhedral back drop.natf|e|d 1hls ls second oldesL college, esLabllshed ln Lhe servants quarLers of Lhe CasLle. 1heyre Lhe college everyone loves Lo haLe buL Im yeL Lo meeL a PaLflelder who llves up Lo Lhelr unforLunaLe sLereoLype. Ioseph|ne 8ut|er AffecLlonaLely referred Lo as !o 8o (alLhough Lhey prefer Butler), Lhls ls Lhe newesL college ln Lhe unlverslLy, founded ln 2006, and locaLed aL Lhe very Lop of Lhe hlll. Theyve goL a huge modern bar wlLh pool Lables and a lovely mound, buL are awfully far away 33 St Aidans Aidans ls up Lhe oLher slde of Lhe hlll Lo 8uLler and accessed by a large number of sLeps. Theyre parLlcularly proud of Lhelr badger mascoL. Theyre a greaL bunch and hosL an annual Summer lesLlval. St Chads Chads ls a very small college, buL very frlendly and has numerous llbrarles. Its locaLed on Lhe 8alley and Lhe whole place ls maze, buL Lhey do have a free Lea and coffee machlne (lf you can flnd lL...). 1helr bar ls one of my personal favourlLes. St n||d and St 8ede Plld 8ede was orlglnally Lwo colleges (SL Plld for women and 8ede for men) buL ls now bllssfully unlLed [usL off Lhe CllesgaLe roundabouL. Its noL qulLe hlll college, noL qulLe 8alley and so can ofLen be forgoLLen, buL ls parL of Lhe famlly noneLheless.St Johns Cur nexL door nelghbours on Lhe 8alley, Johns are Lhe smallesL college. 1hey are sLereoLyped as belng very rellglous due Lo Lhelr large lnLake of Lralnee prlesLs. 1helr underground bar ls more sulLed Lo hobblLs Lhan full slzed people buL ls qulLe cosy. Un|vers|ty known by all as CasLle, Lhls was Lhe flrsL college Lo be founded and ls (unsurprlslngly) locaLed ln Lhe casLle. 1hey have a lovely bar buL are lnfamous for Castle Only nlghLs, ofLen scupperlng even Lhe mosL well planned bar crawls. Well worLh a vlslL Lhough! 34 St Marys 1he lasL college Lo become mlxed, Marys was women only unLll 2003. Its slLuaLed aL Lhe boLLom of Lhe Plll and lL ls LradlLlonally Lhe flnal sLop before headlng Lo Cuths for lasL orders!1reve|yan 1revs are a qulrky bunch, llvlng ln a sLrange neLwork of hexagons [usL above Marys on Lhe hlll. As well as belng hexagonal, Lhelr bar ls ofLen home Lo llve muslc, shows and soclal acLlvlLles. l ended up aL Lhelr acousLlc nlghL by accldenL once, lL was greaL.Van M||dert nexL door nelghbours wlLh 1revs, MllderL ls named afLer Lhe founder of Lhe unlverslLy. 1he bar ls frlendly and a reasonable slze, buL Lhe real sLar ls Lhelr LoasLle bar and Luck shop. 1hey also have a nlce lake Lo go wlLh Lhelr mascoL of a duck. Ust|nov 1he largesL college ln uurham, usLlnov ls for posLgraduaLe sLudenLs only. Its far away up Lhe hlll buL lf its whlskey and lnLellecLual dlscusslon youre afLer, usLlnov ls Lhe place for you. Powever, lf Lhe enLlreLy of your socleLy decldes Lo do headsLands ln Lhelr bar durlng a soclal, Lhey wlll probably (deflnlLely) Lhrow you out Iohn Snow and Stevenson 1hese are Lhe Lwo colleges locaLed on Lhe SLockLon colleges. 8elng so far away, Lhere ls ofLen llLLle lnLeracLlon wlLh Lhe SLockLon colleges more llke long losL couslns Lhan blckerlng slbllngs buL theyre a good bunch.33 Chapter 10: What? A G|ossary Ive used an awful lot of new words and weird looking acronyms throughout this book, so heres a comprehensive(ish) guide to what Lhey all mean! Alumni 1he name glven Lo all former sLudenLs of Lhe unlverslLy Billy B Lhe affecLlonaLe name for the Bill Bryson Library. Youll spend some long and emotional nights with Billy Brownie Bomber this is the name of our college drink. Its highly unnaLural ln colour (purple) and flavour (dellclous ln my oplnlon) and sporLs a raLher feLchlng (and surprlslngly solld) plnk head.Campus Card - ?our unlverslLy lu. lL allows you Lo borrow llbrary books, use unlverslLy prlnLers and access cerLaln faclllLles and college bars. Its best to always have it with you. Cardiac Hill Lhls ones for all you 8lologlsLs and sychologlsLs. 1hls ls Lhe paLh up Lhe hlll/mounLaln whlch connecLs Lhe upper and lower parLs of Lhe sclence slLe. l have no words of comforL for you, [usL Lry and go to you happy place and itll all be over soon enough. CIS & ITS 1he CompuLlng and lnformaLlon Servlces (ClS) are ln charge of all Lech-y Lhlngs across Lhe unlverslLy, buL lf you have a problem its the IT Service Desk (ITS) who youll need Lo conLacL.DUCK uurham unlverslLy CharlLles kommlLLee (dont even get me started on the K) are Lhe cenLral charlLy organlsaLlon ln Lhe unlverslLy.SWD ShorL for SLudenLs wlLh ulsablllLles. 36 Ents LnLerLalnmenLs, ofLen falrground rldes or glanL lnflaLables Hill and Bailey 1he uurham ClLy Colleges are roughly spllL ln Lo Lwo groups, Lhose LhaL are locaLed on Lhe hlll (Lhe area beyond Lhe Science Site), and the Bailey (this ones self-explanaLory). JCR ?ou should know Lhls one by now! 1he !C8 ls Lhe !unlor Common 8oom and refers Lo boLh Lhe acLual common rooms themselves and the Student body within Cuths. oo ote tbe Ick.Palatine Centre Lhls ls Lhe blg welrd looklng ark bulldlng and houses some welrd arL, swanky semlnar rooms and more lmporLanLly Lhe Careers cenLre, llnance Cfflce, SLudenL lmmlgraLlon Cfflce, lnLernaLlonal Cfflce, Counselllng Servlce, SWu. Quorum -Lhe amounL of people who need Lo be presenL aL !C8 meeLlngs and voLe ln elecLlons ln order Lo make Lhem democraLlc it means we dont end up with a small handful of people making lmporLanL declslons LhaL would lmpacL everyone.Matriculation 1hls wlll be happenlng on Lhe Wednesday of Freshers Week and is your official entry to the University. Its held ln Lhe CaLhedral and you can wear a gown lf you llke buL mosL people in Cuths dont bother. The dress code for this is lounge suits, which youre all now experts in.MC 1hls means Malden CasLle, Lhe unlverslLy sporLs cenLre.MCR Mlddle Common 8oom. ln some oLher colleges, posLgrad students are part of the MCR, however in Cuths they are included ln Lhe !C8. Michaelmas, Epiphany and Easter 1hese are Lhe names for Lhe Lhree academlc Lerms of Lhe year37 Science Site 1hls ls where Lhe ma[orlLy of lecLures wlll be held for Lhose of you dolng a sclence or soclal sclence, its also home to the 8llly 8 and Lhe alaLlne CenLre Summat|ves and Iormat|ves all Lhe pleces of work you do aL unlverslLy wlll be elLher summaLlve or formaLlve, summaLlves counL to your overall marks for the year, formatives dont. SCA SLudenL CommunlLy AcLlon. 1hls ls abouL geLLlng lnvolved ln your local uurham communlLy geL ln Louch wlLh Lauren for more deeLs SCR 1he Senlor Common 8oom. 1hls ls made up a whole hosL of academlcs and people of noLe. We ofLen run [olnL !C8/SC8 evenLs. Stash This ones my domain and is a lot more above board than it sounds. SLash ls Lhe name for all Lhe college branded cloLhlng you can buy. Head to the Shop section of for more lnfo. YUM 1he name of Lhe caLerlng company LhaL supplles all unlverslLy cafes 38 Chapter 11: 1he Songs Cuths,likealltheothercolleges,haveanumberofsongsthatwe liketoloudlysingtodisplayourspiritandyouwillsoongetto know Lhem when you arrlve here. The most historic is named Thank God Van Mildert Didnt Want Me whlchlsrepeaLedLhrlcelnLhesongschorusbeforeLrlumphanLly singingSoIendedupinCuthsontheSouthBailey.Youcantell thissongsageasitevenpredatesthebuildingofParsonsField whereLhema[orlLyofourflrsLyearsLudenLsnowreslde,however we all sLlll slng Lhe chorus wlLh much gusLo. 8obbleWllllamsalsowroLeasong[usLforLhesLudenLsofCuLhs, alLhoughlLappearshemayhaveslnceforgoLLenLheexacLlyrlcs.l amsureyouhaveheardhlmslnglmlovlngCuLhberLslnsLead howeverheappearsLohavereplacedourSalnLwlLhabandof Angels.WeendeavourLolnformhlmofhlsmlsLakebyslnglngLhe orlglnal verslon loud enough for hlm Lo hear. 1herearemanymoresongsyouwlllnodoubLencounLerhere, lncludlngflndlngouLabouLLheexplolLsofPaLfleldCollege,noL carlngforyourlocaLlon orwhaL onemlghLdolf Lheycouldfly,buL youwlllhaveLoaskLhelrepsLoflndouLexacLlyhowLhese mysLerlous Lales flL Lo melodles. 1hemosLlmporLanLLhlngLorememberabouLallofLhesongswe havelsLhaLLhefocus ofyourslnglnglsmosLcerLalnlyvolume,noL quallLy. Showlng your college splrlL Lhrough song ls all abouL maklng sureeverybodyhearsexacLlyhowgreaLCuLhsls,noLwheLheror noL we mlghL form Lhe unlverslLys largesL cholr! 39 STASH Order by Wednesday 9th Sept to get yours in the first order of the year 60 SEE YOU SOON!]CuthsICk]groups]CuthsIreshers201S QCuthsICk!C8 [CuLhs!C8]groups]CuthsIreshers201S See you very soon!