CUTGroup 10 - Build it! Bronzeville Final Report

CUTGroup 10 – Build it! Bronzeville In-person Test on June 25, 2014 1 Overview: For our tenth Civic User Testing session, we tested the Build It! Bronzeville app, which is a mobile game app that uses GIS technology to help residents guide development in their neighborhood as they complete quests (i.e. enhance safety, visual appeal, and foot traffic). Target Group: On June 20, 2014, we sent out an e-mail to all of our 764 CUTGroup participants. We asked them if they would be willing to test a neighborhood game app on June 25, 2014. When segmenting for our testers we were interested in: Android device users due to this test being in alpha testing stage and only available on Android devices A mixed group for all areas of Chicago, but with a focus of testers from around the Bronzeville area We were interested in having testers who play games, but were open to testers who did not play games regularly to gauge interest in the community element of Build it! Bronzeville Test Type: One-on-one proctor tests Testers used their own devices and answered questions proctors asked via a form Questions: How do users play games? How frequently? How would users feel about registering? How do people want to contribute in the game (check-ins/receipts)? Is there any hesitation with privacy when users are asked to share receipts? Do users see a community impact from this game? Do users enjoy this element? Is community involvement important to their game play? Are they having fun?


Smart Chicago Civic User Testing Group Test of Build it! Bronzeville, which is a mobile game app that uses GIS technology to help residents guide development in their neighborhood as they complete quests (i.e. enhance safety, visual appeal, and foot traffic).

Transcript of CUTGroup 10 - Build it! Bronzeville Final Report

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CUTGroup 10 – Build it! Bronzeville In-person Test on June 25, 2014



For our tenth Civic User Testing session, we tested the Build It! Bronzeville app, which is a mobile game app that uses GIS technology to help residents guide development in their neighborhood as they complete quests (i.e. enhance safety, visual appeal, and foot traffic).

Target Group:

On June 20, 2014, we sent out an e-mail to all of our 764 CUTGroup participants. We asked them if they would be willing to test a neighborhood game app on June 25, 2014. When segmenting for our testers we were interested in:

• Android device users due to this test being in alpha testing stage and only available on Android devices

• A mixed group for all areas of Chicago, but with a focus of testers from around the Bronzeville area

• We were interested in having testers who play games, but were open to testers who did not play games regularly to gauge interest in the community element of Build it! Bronzeville

Test Type:

• One-on-one proctor tests • Testers used their own devices and answered questions proctors asked via a form


How do users play games? How frequently? How would users feel about registering? How do people want to contribute in the game (check-ins/receipts)? Is there any hesitation with

privacy when users are asked to share receipts? Do users see a community impact from this game? Do users enjoy this element? Is community

involvement important to their game play? Are they having fun?

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CUTGroup 10 – Build it! Bronzeville In-person Test on June 25, 2014



6 testers participated in this CUTGroup test and gave us their feedback. Below are highlights from all of the questions.

Note: 1 tester, MBA Girl (#4) was unable to get the app to work on her device and could not participate in all of the questions.

About You Responses

What type of device are you using for this test?

Here is a list of devices used during this test:

Music Lover (#1): Samsung Galaxy 3 Mini Nathalie (#2): Moto X Casual gamer (#3): HTC MyTouch MBA Girl (#4): Samsung S4 Spoung45 (#5): Samsung Note 3

(Note: This device did not work, and tester used developer’s device to test app) Telephober (#6): Galaxy Ring

How often do you spend money at local businesses in the neighborhood you live in?

67% (4) - Multiple times in one week 17% (1) - Once a week 17% (1) - Once a month or less

What makes you choose to shop where you do?

3 out of 6 testers mentioned convenience being the main reason to shop. 2 out of 6 testers mentioned cost. 1 tester chose to shop based on variety of goods.

What games do you play on your mobile device?

2 out of 6 testers mentioned they like to play puzzle games. Here are some of the games that testers mentioned: Threes, Piano Tiles, Farmers vs. Zombies, Candy Crush, Angry Birds, Mobile Defense. 1 tester, Music Lover (#1), said they do not play any games on their mobile device.

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CUTGroup 10 – Build it! Bronzeville In-person Test on June 25, 2014


How frequently do you play games on your mobile device?

67% (4) – Everyday 17% (1) – 3-5 days a week 17% (1) – Never Out of the 4 testers who play games every day, 3 mentioned that they play as a time killer, and usually when they commute.

What makes you choose a particular game?

3 out of 6 testers choose a game based on if it is fun or “addictive.” Testers gave a lot of responses that included: ease of use on commute, how much battery life is used, social connection, price, and whether or not it is popular from others’ reviews.

Do you connect with social media on mobile games?

50% (3) - Yes 50% (3) - No

Why or why not?

Here are a couple of reasons testers decide to connect or not connect to social media:

Telephober (#6) likes to connect with social media because she likes to connect with friends who play the same games. MBA Girl (#4) does not connect with social media because she is concerned about privacy, and does not want the app to post about her game play.

What makes you decide to stop playing a game?

3 out of 6 testers decide to stop playing a game when there is nothing new or challenging in the game, and it becomes boring. 1 tester mentioned that they stop playing games when “characters are too kiddy and dumb.”

Was it easy to sign up?

MBA Girl (#4) could not get the app to work. Out of testers that could continue the test 100% (5) thought that signing up on the app was easy.

Why or why not?

While testers thought it was very easy to sign up, 2 testers made some suggestions to improve the app:

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CUTGroup 10 – Build it! Bronzeville In-person Test on June 25, 2014


Music Lover (#1) wanted the text to be bigger, and wished she could see the password as she typed in order to know she was entering it correctly. Telephober (#6) says “It would be nicer if it looked better instead of being a popup.”

On the homepage, what is the first thing you do?

100% (5) – Click “Play”

Any reason?

Nathalie (#2) says “If there’s no tutorial, I just try to figure it out on my own. Casual Gamer (#3) and Telephober (#6) says that they chose this option because “it’s right there.” Music Lover (#1) and Spoung45 (#5) both had trouble with the homepage since the keyboard got stuck open after signing up. Spoung45 was successful in removing it only by pressing the back button on his phone to get out of the game.

Choose “Level Select,” click the first level, and play! Tell us about your experience.

3 out of 5 testers who played Level 1 felt like they did not get enough context: Music Lover (#1) is not normally a gamer, and she did not think that the level was very intuitive. She wanted to see a goal from the very beginning. Here are some of the questions she asked during the first level: “Why am I building buildings?” “[Do I] build a building to make a neighborhood better?” she was also not sure what the colored icons stood for. Casual Gamer (#3) did not think the tutorial is explanatory enough, and wanted to see a help option. He was interested in finding out how to get money and other special rewards. Telephober (#6) wanted to have a better explanation of building names. For example, she wanted to know what Mickey’s is and what it does within game. Telephober had a hard time with the first level, and the app froze twice.

3 out of 5 testers had difficulties with the display and clicking on the vacant lots. The vacant lots would not pop up once they were clicked for testers Casual Gamer (#3), Spong45 (#5), and Telephober (#6). Telephober wants the ability to rotate the screen or zoom in on levels.

What did you decide to build and was there any reason you built it?

3 out of 5 testers built buildings based on community needs. For example, Music Lover (#1) chose to put a firehouse next to a restaurant in case there is a fire. Spong45 (#5) chose grocery stores because they are needed in a neighborhood.

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CUTGroup 10 – Build it! Bronzeville In-person Test on June 25, 2014


Tell us what you thought about the graphics on this level.

Nathalie (#2) thought the graphic were “kind of cute” and it reminded her of the game, Roller Coaster Tycoon. Casual Gamer (#3) said that the lots that were behind buildings were hard to tap. “It was cheesy, but ok.” The rest of the testers thought that they looked ok or good, but noted that the graphics were basic and simple.

Go to Level 2, play and review this level. Tell us about your experience.

2 out of 5 testers started to understand more about the games and the levels: Music Lover (#1) noticed that money and people numbers were increasing. She also came across the fact that she could move the view and find more lots. Only a couple of testers were aware that you could move the screen around. Nathalie (#2) had a lot of her questions from the first level answered in this second level. She noticed that she needed to get her neighborhood beauty level up to 25, and she noticed the other menu options this level. Nathalie also saw that she was getting more money, but was not sure how the money was being generated. Overall, she completed the level easily.

3 out of 5 testers wanted a better explanation or tutorial for this level.

Casual Gamer (#3) was not sure what was needed to accomplish in this level. He was not aware that you could switch building menu screens. He also wanted a better understanding of how to earn money, and wanted a tutorial to carefully guide him through all of the information.

Spoung45 (#4) easily built buildings on this level, but quickly ran out of money. He was going to wait until the money generated before building the next building. He was not sure how money was generated, and never got to the gem store on his own.

Telephober (#6) did not see the level completion details for this level. Telephober compared this level’s graphics to the game, Cityville. Telephober wants the buildings better explained and the cost of each building to be more realistic.

What do you think the red, blue, and green icons represent?

2 out of 5 testers were not sure clear what the icons represented, and 1 of these testers, Music Lover (#1) thought that resources and amenities are more important than the businesses represented in this game. Here are some other responses:

Nathalie (#1): Red = Attractiveness, Blue = Public Safety, Green = Walkability (foot traffic to areas of commerce) Casual Gamer (#3): Police, hospital, schools

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CUTGroup 10 – Build it! Bronzeville In-person Test on June 25, 2014


Telephober (#6): Blue = Safety, Green = Nature, Eye = Beauty

Tell us what you thought about the graphics on level 2.

4 out 5 testers mentioned that they liked the graphics on level 2 better than the graphics on level 1. 2 of these testers mentioned that the graphics are more “realistic.” 2 testers also mentioned that it looks like “a game version of Google maps.”

Spoung45 (#5) mentioned that even though the level has better graphics, “what you build still looks simple and basic.” Nathalie (#2) thinks the lots are really unattractive – “I saw those as place that needed improving the most.”

Play level 3 and review this level. Tell us what you think.

Level 3 was the first level where the gem store was introduced to testers, although it was a feature accessible in earlier levels. Here are a few things testers pointed our during level 3:

Nathalie (#2) had a strong understanding of the purpose of the level, and starts off trying to build a fire department of police department to add to the safety, but noticed they were expensive. She started to build salons in order to generate money quicker. Nathalie did not get to the gem store quickly, and thought there was a lot of waiting to do. It would be best to bring up the gem store as soon as the user runs out of money. Casual Gamer (#3) wanted more encouragement for the player to know what to do during the level. He wanted to know how to get more money, and see more options for buildings. Spoung45 (#5) saw the gem store in an earlier level (2), and tried to send a picture but the app would get stuck and not complete this action. Spoung45 thinks the goal of the level is to make a nicer neighborhood/community to live in. Telephober (#6) noticed that this level is “bigger” (more lots) than the other levels. There was not enough information to lead her to the gem store.

Would you share receipts by taking photos in order to get gems?

60% (3) – Yes 40% (2) – No

Why or why not?

Here are responses from testers who said, “Yes” they were open to sharing receipt information. Telephober (#6) liked that it explains what sharing receipts helps the community and thinks that it is “totally worth it.” Nathalie (#2) was open to sharing receipts, but wanted to know more about the process

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CUTGroup 10 – Build it! Bronzeville In-person Test on June 25, 2014


Here are responses from testers who said “No” they would not be willing to share receipts:

Music Lover (#1) had difficulties due to the app getting stuck on sending data when it took a photo. Music Lover also said that this in-game benefit is “not fair” because it is about individual habits, and if kids want to play they would not have receipts for this benefit. Casual Gamer (#3) think it’s a “weird” option, and does not like the idea.

Would you check-in at local business to get in-game benefits?

80% (4) – Yes 20% (1) – No

Why or why not?

2 out of 5 testers said “Yes” they would check-in at local businesses to get in-game benefits because they are already FourSquare users and are familiar with checking in on a regular basis. 1 tester, Spoung45 (#5), thinks this option is a “little easier” than sharing receipts. Telephober (#6) said “No” because she usually plays games on trains. She thinks she might be more inclined to use the check-in feature if going to a sit-down restaurant.

Do you normally keep receipts on you?

100% (5) – Yes 0% - No

From what you know about these levels, how you would describe this game to your friend?

Music Lover (#1) would describe this game as “Edutainment – Educating and entertaining at the same time.” Music Lover thinks this game could prompt someone to think about neighborhood and about it does or doesn’t have.” She would be interested in seeing what resources some neighborhoods have, and how neighborhoods are interconnected.

Casual Gamer (#3) referred to it as a “Chicago-based Catan type game.”

Spoung45 (#5) refers to a game called “Mobility” and describes it as “kind of like Farmville but you can build buildings like urban planning.”

Telephober (#6) says “It’s like you’re going through the parts of the neighborhood, and you’re fixing it up on the way. It’s like your build it bob in the city.”

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CUTGroup 10 – Build it! Bronzeville In-person Test on June 25, 2014


Did you think these levels were fun?

80% (4) – Yes 20% (1) – No

Why or why not?

Here are responses from testers who said “Yes” these levels were fun:

Music Lover (#1) thinks that the context draws you in, and would be interesting to those interested in urban planning. Nathalie (#2) says this game reminds her of other games such as Roller Coaster Tycoon, and Civilization. Nathalie does not comment that “The levels were sort of limiting… there’s not really a feedback loop from citizens.” She is not sure if she wants “Civilization level detail” on her phone, but “would like to know if residents are happy with two salons on the same block. Spoung45 (#4) thinks everything is pretty basic, and likes games that “grow as you go” and tutorials are good at the beginning but likes to figure things out. Telephober (#6) likes this game because it offers an addictive building exercise. She wanted some of the pieces of the city to decay, so she can keep coming back and playing.

Here are the responses from 1 tester who said “No”:

Casual Gamer (#3) did not think the levels were “understandable” or complete. He needs better guidelines and motivation.

This game wants to reward players with gems by spending at local businesses. Does that make you more inclined to play the game?

60% (3) – Yes 40% (2) – No

Why or why not?

Here are some responses from testers who said “Yes”: Music Lover (#1) was interested in this part of the game, and wanted to know “How do we define local? How do chains fit in?” Music Lover wants there to be a bigger benefit for more local stores vs. chain stores.

Nathalie (#2) is “always a little more motivated for real life consequences” and has never had an in-app purchase.

Here are some responses from testers who said “No”: Casual Gamer (#3) does not like the idea of sharing receipts with someone else.

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CUTGroup 10 – Build it! Bronzeville In-person Test on June 25, 2014


Spoung45 (#5) is not as interested because of the neighborhood, but likes the idea of having a strong connection to Chicago overall.

In what ways would you improve this app to make you want to play it?

Music Lover (#1) was curious as to why the game was set in Bronzeville. She always wanted to see how neighborhoods interact with each other and how money might be taken from one neighborhood to another.

Nathalie (#2) wanted to know more about the Bronzeville area, and to know whether or not these were actual blocks in Bronzeville. If so, she thought it would be better to see actual landmarks.

Casual Gamer (#3) really dislikes the receipt part of this game, and thinks that the game creators should “get rid of the creep receipt scanning issues.” He is also interested in more of a story behind the levels and the games. He is more interested in making money in the game as opposed to helping the community.

Spoung45 (#5) is not sure in what ways to improve the game. He wanted an option to sell buildings.

Telephober (#6) wants to add mini-games. Both Nathalie (#2) and Telephober (#6) wanted to know if the game kept running in the background, and if they would keep raising money.

Do you like the CUTGroup?

100% (5) – Yes 0% - No

Did you like this CUTGroup test?

80% (4) – Yes 20% (1) - No

Anything else to add?

Here are some responses from our testers: Music Lover (#1) said that “Anything that has a purpose, function, benefit… if I can input ideas I am interested in doing that”

Nathalie (#2) said that these tests “Make me a little more self-reflective user of apps on my phone.” Telephober (#6) would like to know when the app is finished, and added that she liked the logo.

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CUTGroup 10 – Build it! Bronzeville In-person Test on June 25, 2014


Conclusions How do users play games? How frequently? We learned that the majority of testers play games on a daily basis, and normally play while they are commuting. On average, testers had 3 game apps on their mobile devices. Two testers mentioned they like to play puzzle games, while other games that were mentioned include: Threes, Piano Tiles, Farmers vs. Zombies, Candy Crush, Angry Birds. Only 1 tester mentioned that they do not play any games on their mobile device due to a lack of time. When we asked testers if they liked to connect to social media, 3 testers (50%) said they connect with social media on mobile games, while the other 3 testers (50%) chose not to. Privacy was a main reason to not connect with social media, since testers do not want the app to post about game play on those outlets. 3 out of 6 testers (50%) mentioned that they stop playing a game when there is nothing new or challenging in the game.

How do users feel about registering? Two testers had problems connecting to the game on their app – MBA Girl (#4) was using a Samsung S4, while Spoung45 (#5) was using a Samsung Note 3. Spoung45 used the developer’s device to complete the test. All of the testers (5) who were able to complete the test thought that signing up on the app was easy. There were three recommendations from testers to make signing up easier or better:

• Text should be bigger • Password should be seen as she types and change to symbols • It would look better to be embedded in the screen rather than being a pop-up

After registering, two testers had an issue with their keyboard remaining stuck on the screen and having to close the app and restart.

How do users want to contribute in the game (check-ins/receipts)? Is there any hesitation with privacy when users are asked to share receipts? Testers prefer to contribute to the game by checking in at local businesses versus taking photos of the receipts. 3 out of 5 testers (60%) said they would share receipts by taking photos. 1 testers who did not want to share receipts thought this was a “weird” option, while another tester did not think this benefit was fair due to individual habits and if youth want to play they might have receipts to share. All of the testers said they normally keep their receipts on them.

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CUTGroup 10 – Build it! Bronzeville In-person Test on June 25, 2014


4 out of 5 testers (80%) would check-in at local businesses to get in-game benefits. Both testers who would not share receipts were willing to check-in at local businesses. 1 tester who did not want to contribute by checking in said it was because she normally plays games in transit.

Do users see a community impact from this game? Do users enjoy this element? Is community involvement important to their game play? The majority of testers liked the community improvement element of the game, but 2 testers wanted more context about why the game is set in Bronzeville and an understanding if the game levels match real, existing Bronzeville blocks.

“I always wanted to see how neighborhoods interact with each other and how money might be taken from one neighborhood to another.” – Music Lover (#1)

When Telephober (#6) saw the description for sharing receipts, she thought that sharing receipts would be “totally worth it” since it “helps the community.” Nathalie (#2), wanted not only to contribute to what gets built in a neighborhood but also hear feedback from residents:

“The levels were sort of limiting… there’s not really a feedback loop from citizens… I would like to know if residents are happy with two salons on the same block.”

3 out of 5 testers (60%) said they would be more inclined to play the game if players are rewarded by spending at local businesses. Casual Gamer (#3) really disliked the receipt part of this game, and thought that the developers should “get rid of the creepy receipt scanning issues.” Casual gamer is interested in a story behind the levels and making money in the game versus to helping the community. When testers were asked what they decided to build, 3 out of 5 testers (60%) built building based on community needs. By adding more context to each level about the neighborhood in connection with other neighborhoods through Chicago, and an understanding of real lot vacancies in the neighborhood would provide users a well-rounded understanding of each level and the purpose of the game in general.

Are users having fun?

4 out of 5 testers (80%) thought the levels were fun, and were reminded of other games such as Cityville and Roller Coaster Tycoon. Testers preferred more realistic graphics seen in level 2 over the very basic and simple graphics in level 1. Music Lover (#1) describes this game as “Edutainment – Educating and entertaining at the same time.” She likes that this game could prompt someone to think about their neighborhood and about what it does and doesn’t have.

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Tester #: 1

Tester Profile (given by tester): Music lover

Did a Proctor fill out this form? Yes Which device are you using for this test? Samsung Galaxy 3 mini

How often do you spend money at local businesses in the neighborhood you live in? Once a week What makes you choose to shop where you do? Convenience What games do you play on your mobile device? None How frequently do you play games on your mobile device? None What makes you choose a particular game? Don't have time Do you connect with social media on mobile games?


Why or why not?

What makes you decide to stop playing a game? Don't have time

Review of the app:

Was it easy to sign up?

Yes Why or why not?

Text a little small; would be nice to see the password as you are type

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On the homepage, what is the first thing you do? Click "Play"

Any reason?

Home page got stuck with keyboard Choose "Level Select," click the first level, and play! Tell us about your experience. Not sure about where the first level is, did not notice the 1 to start playing. More context, not a gamer but did not see the intuitive. Wanted to see goal. "Build a building a neighborhood better" "Why am I building buildings? Not sure what to do here --could not see lots. Not sure what the colored icons stand for "not enough money" is spelled incorrectly (spelled enouch) did not notice the money at the top of the screen Like the tutorials about gems and gem stores (gives context) -- thinks would draw more people in -- one of the first things you saw: it's easy to do -- biased in urban studies "your leaders" - representatives might be better What did you decide to build and was there any reason you built it? Built things based on what she thought was important in the neighborhood-- what a community needs-- firehouse next to a restaurant (in case there is a fire) Tell us what you thought about the graphics on this level. Basic, simple -- did not get sense that had to fill the entire block to complete that part of the neighborhood "Why am I doing this?" Go to level 2, play and review this level. Tell us about your experience. Lots of lots for sale "Where is the best place to build?" "Now I see what the badges are about" Had trouble clicking the lots that were clustered (few different times on this level) Very thoughtful -- thinking about money she has and the various benefits Could move the screen -- found more lots! Noticed that money and people numbers were increasing "I don't know why that is happening" "How do I earn more money?" -- remembers reading something but not sure about the gem connecting turning into money Do a good deed = you get resources -- pay it forward, prosperity pass, karma kit Community center, library: non-revenue generating to take photos of a pass What is Mickey's? -- restaurant, diner Things purpose of game is to make people thing are more civic minded Building the block as you want to see it What do you think the red, blue, and green icons represent? Icons were not understood at the beginning in level 1 During tutorial: did not agree, did not see many businesses when arriving Before talking about aesthetics, safeties and sustainability being important Resources and amenities is very important Challenges in building in Bronzeville Tell us what you thought about the graphics on level 2. Much better - game version of Google maps where you can see the buildings

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Play level 3 and review this level. Tell us what you think. Saw gem store tutorial in first level Would you share receipts by taking photos in order to get gems? No

Why or why not?

Got stuck on sending data when accidentally took a photo; "It's not fair" --it's about individual habits, exception if family had kids wanted to play

Would you check-in at local businesses to get in-game benefits? Yes

Why or why not?

Belly, yelp and other check-ins, brag about where you are; "Our neighborhood, our business wants to help you and the neighborhood"

Do you normally keep receipts on you? Yes From what you know about these levels, how would you describe this game to your friend? Edutainment - Educating and entertaining at the same time Could prompt someone to think about their neighborhood and about what it has and doesn't have "Adopt a neighborhood" - resource rich neighborhoods how neighborhoods are interconnected Did you think these levels were fun? Yes

Why or why not?

Context draws you in Urban planning interest Might play again

This game wants to reward players with gems by spending at local businesses. Does that make you more inclined to play the game? Yes

Why or why not?

How do we define local? How do chains fit in? Points for chain vs local store

In what ways would you improve this app to make you want to play it? Screen had a number 1, why did we choose this spot? Let's take a look at your neighborhood Fun to do own neighborhood, play game Interested in how neighborhoods interact with each other and take

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money to other neighborhoods Graphic from that area is reflective Wanted to see a cartoon version of google maps to know what is already there Transit stops, "pressure representatives" Do you like the CUTGroup? Yes Did you like this CUTGroup test?


Anything else to add? "Anything that has a purpose, function, benefit... if I can input ideas I am interested in doing that."

2014-06-25 17:22:41

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Tester #: 2

Tester Profile (given by tester): Nathalie

Did a Proctor fill out this form? Yes Which device are you using for this test? Moto X

How often do you spend money at local businesses in the neighborhood you live in? Multiple times in one week What makes you choose to shop where you do? Combination of my exp in those shops and value What games do you play on your mobile device? Threes, Panio Tiles (puzzle games and relaxing zen games) How frequently do you play games on your mobile device? A lot, 3-5 days a week What makes you choose a particular game? Ease of use on commute, how much I enjoy the game, how much battery life it uses up Do you connect with social media on mobile games?


Why or why not?

I used to, I don't play any games right now that requires that What makes you decide to stop playing a game? If I'm hitting a point where there's nothing new or challenging

Review of the app:

Was it easy to sign up?

Yes Why or why not?

Really easy,

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On the homepage, what is the first thing you do? Click "Play"

Any reason?

If there's no tutorial, i just try to figure it out on my own Choose "Level Select," click the first level, and play! Tell us about your experience. MLK/Pershing Rd complete... I noticed right away that the display isn't optimized for my screen. When I was trying to build by buildings wasn't quite facing where I thought I could tap to select them. Now I'm seeing them fine. I finished the level pretty easy, but now i see I have money. What did you decide to build and was there any reason you built it? I built a grocery store because it was the top one, I don't know what Mickey's is - a liquor store. Didn't notice the little numbers on the bottom changed or not. Tell us what you thought about the graphics on this level. They're kinda cute. I'm curious to see what more there is. I think it reminds me of roller coaster tycoon. Go to level 2, play and review this level. Tell us about your experience. (I have to log in again) Cool, I'm going to have those numbers explained to me that I was wondering about before. I see I need to get my neighborhood beauty level up to 25. I see a new menu that I hadn't noticed before. (Like the arts, parks, city facilities. Because they were faded out I didn't notice them. If they were brighter, I might have noticed them more. I'm going to go big and do a chalk for peace. I have 12 to go, so I'll do 3 modern statues. (She noticed she's getting more money, but isn't sure what's generating it) Alright, I made it to 25 beauty points... Like that the tutorial took me through the 3 areas.. I like that I could see that I had a budget, what things would cost. I thought it was pretty easy. There wasn't too much variation for the choices I could make (if I really wanted to get as much beauty points since there were only a few options.. I wouldn't have clicked around to non-arts things) What do you think the red, blue, and green icons represent? (I was thinking it was pink) Red = Attractiveness Blue = Public Safety Green = Walkabiity (foot traffic to areas of commerce.. which I didn't think about but it does make sense.) Tell us what you thought about the graphics on level 2. The lots looked really unattractive - I saw those as placing needed improving the most. I think they fit with what I saw on level one. Play level 3 and review this level. Tell us what you think. Starting with 3, 5, and 9...(it cuts off) (She's looking around at options, a lot of vacant land but not all that unattractive) It looks like a Fire Department or Police Department would really add to safety,

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but they're really expensive. I'm just going to put a CPD in for now. (It already looks like I'm making more money putting down the CPD.) The salon graphic looks like it's facing the other building, not sure if people can get to it. (Puts down grocery store.. but doesn't have enough $) I put another salon so that I can make more money more quickly. (Noticed that it was generating income pretty quick.) (Has to wait for cash inflow.) Wants to zoom out but can't. (She wants to see everything all at once.) (Realizes that if she waits for 5k, she can build the Mickeys first.) (She asks if this runs in a background? So, if I shut it off will I still make more money?) [This process takes a bit. She decides to build another Mickeys to make money come in more quickly) (Once that's done, she'll put in the Chalk for Peace) Improvements: There's a lot of waiting that I have to do. If there were something else I could be doing while waiting for funding that would be good. I keep wanting to tap on the orange people meter to see how it's changing (she's expecting it to do something) (She buys Police Department) Now's she's broke again. She realizes she still doesn't have a grocery store. [Testers note: this would have been a good time to bring up gems in-test.] (Buys a park as soon as she gets enough money, she's just a little bit off from her goal... she's 1 off) Just now noticed the gem store after trying to buy something w/o enough fun. Would you share receipts by taking photos in order to get gems? Yes

Why or why not?

I mean, I would be curious to see how long the verification take place, is it an automated process? Hows it verified? I'd want to see how it works in higher up levels. I don't know if there's much more to do in the game. Not getting resident feedback

Would you check-in at local businesses to get in-game benefits? Yes

Why or why not?

I already am a regular foursquare user, I think I would

Do you normally keep receipts on you? Yes From what you know about these levels, how would you describe this game to your friend? Note: She only keeps work receipts, if she was doing this for the game - she'd take a picture then toss the receipt. I'm in a real life neighborhood (she's from Logan Sqaure). "Its up to you to decide where things go. I don't know if I'm the Alderman or the Developer of if there's a particular role I'm playing. It's a game where you are developing the community. (Not sure if she has to go to Bronzeville to use the receipts to unlock new things.) Did you think these levels were fun? Yes

Why or why not?

Reminds me a lot of Roller Coaster Tycoon, Civilization. Has always liked building games, like to see the numbers move up. The levels

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were sort of limiting... there's not really a feedback loop from citizens. Not sure I'd want super Civilization level detail on my phone, but would like to know if residents are happy with 2 salons on the same block.

This game wants to reward players with gems by spending at local businesses. Does that make you more inclined to play the game? Yes

Why or why not?

I think I'm always a little more motivated for real life consequences - has never had an in-app purchase. Felt bad if she pays to unlock a level or cheat through the level. The other thing that comes to mind is the level up app. I've only used it once or twice.. not enough reason to use it w/o some discount system.

In what ways would you improve this app to make you want to play it? Tapping the gem thing and people thing to see what they were. I was expecting something. I'd be curious to see be able to navigate the whole area. (I think I took a picture and I encountered a bug) I thought the startup was really easy - I still want to know if it runs in the background. (Would wait a few days to get a big amount of money.) I'm not sure if I'd like notifications or not. Not sure what else.. Wonders if these are actual blocks in Bronzeville? Would be cool to see the actual landmarks. Do you like the CUTGroup? Yes Did you like this CUTGroup test?


Anything else to add? "Made me a little more self-reflective user of apps on my phone. I've done a couple of email ones. I like being part of it.)

2014-06-25 18:03:43

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Tester #: 3

Tester Profile (given by tester): casual gamer

Did a Proctor fill out this form? Yes Which device are you using for this test? HTC MyTouch

How often do you spend money at local businesses in the neighborhood you live in? Multiple times in one week What makes you choose to shop where you do? conveinence What games do you play on your mobile device? farmers vs zombies, wordputs How frequently do you play games on your mobile device? everyday, time killer What makes you choose a particular game? Social connection, Do you connect with social media on mobile games?


Why or why not?

Social interaction What makes you decide to stop playing a game? They're really dumb. Characters are too kiddy and dumb.

Review of the app:

Was it easy to sign up?

Yes Why or why not?

3 steps of easiness

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On the homepage, what is the first thing you do? Click "Play"

Any reason?

Because it's there and it's telling him to Choose "Level Select," click the first level, and play! Tell us about your experience. Level 1 tutorial is really tiny. Building menu not popping up when he taps the brown lands. He wishes it remembered the login information instead of having to log in each time he enters the app. Tutorial isn't explanatory enough. Needs a help option! Have a tutorial more pronounced and what's the point to be explained. He wants to know how you get coins and special rewards. Needs better explanation of the tutorial levels. What did you decide to build and was there any reason you built it? Only had 3 choices, so he picked two of the three. Tell us what you thought about the graphics on this level. Hard to tap, the lots were behind buildings. It was cheesy, but ok. Go to level 2, play and review this level. Tell us about your experience. Needs a better explanation of what's happening and what you need to accomplish in each level. Level 2 froze his phone again. He needed to force close it to restart it. Needed to force close the app. Tutorials don't explain that you can switch building menu screens. Wants to know how you are earning money. He wants the tutorials to carefully guide him through all of the information at the beginning. Needs more context of what to do. What do you think the red, blue, and green icons represent? Police, hospital, schools Tell us what you thought about the graphics on level 2. Looks like google maps minimized. Likes the realistic view better than the level 1 graphics. Play level 3 and review this level. Tell us what you think. He would like to see more encouragement for the player to know what to keep doing for the level. He would like to know how he's getting more money. He'd like more options for building. Would you share receipts by taking photos in order to get gems?

Why or why not?

It's just weird. Doesn't like the idea

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No Would you check-in at local businesses to get in-game benefits? Yes

Why or why not?

Because he already uses four-square and is comfortable with that type of action.

Do you normally keep receipts on you? Yes From what you know about these levels, how would you describe this game to your friend? Chicago based catan type game. Did you think these levels were fun? No

Why or why not?

They weren't really understandable. Not fully complete. He wouldn't use it as is. It would be better if it worked on his phone. Needs better guidelines and motivation.

This game wants to reward players with gems by spending at local businesses. Does that make you more inclined to play the game? No

Why or why not?

Doesn't like the idea of sharing receipts with someone else.

In what ways would you improve this app to make you want to play it? Get rid of the creepy receipt scanning issues. It needs more story behind the levels and game itself. Tutorials made him feel like he was working against himself. Cares more about making money in the game as opposed to helping the community. Do you like the CUTGroup? Yes Did you like this CUTGroup test?


Anything else to add? Would like better follow up for when the apps are launched or moving along down the line.

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2014-06-25 18:39:40

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Tester #: 4

Tester Profile (given by tester): MBA Girl

Did a Proctor fill out this form? Yes Which device are you using for this test? Samsung S4

How often do you spend money at local businesses in the neighborhood you live in? Once a month or less What makes you choose to shop where you do? More variety, more things to choose from, the brands What games do you play on your mobile device? Car games, flappy bird, candy crush How frequently do you play games on your mobile device? everyday (commuting, breaks in between classes) What makes you choose a particular game? I look at it to see if it's popular or not ( and the prices) Do you connect with social media on mobile games?


Why or why not?

Privacy (Doesn't like the app posting) What makes you decide to stop playing a game? Get tired of it.

Review of the app:

Was it easy to sign up?

No Why or why not?

App non-functional

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On the homepage, what is the first thing you do? N/A

Any reason?

N/A Choose "Level Select," click the first level, and play! Tell us about your experience. (Had difficulty getting game to come up.) Samsung =! phone What did you decide to build and was there any reason you built it? N/A Tell us what you thought about the graphics on this level. N/A Go to level 2, play and review this level. Tell us about your experience. N/A What do you think the red, blue, and green icons represent? N/A Tell us what you thought about the graphics on level 2. N/A Play level 3 and review this level. Tell us what you think. N/A Would you share receipts by taking photos in order to get gems? N/A

Why or why not?


Would you check-in at local businesses to get in-game benefits? N/A

Why or why not?


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Do you normally keep receipts on you? N/A From what you know about these levels, how would you describe this game to your friend? N/A Did you think these levels were fun? N/A

Why or why not?


This game wants to reward players with gems by spending at local businesses. Does that make you more inclined to play the game? N/A

Why or why not?


In what ways would you improve this app to make you want to play it? N/A Do you like the CUTGroup? Yes Did you like this CUTGroup test?


Anything else to add? Game would not work - Ended Test

2014-06-25 18:46:33

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Tester #: 5

Tester Profile (given by tester): Spoung45

Did a Proctor fill out this form? Yes Which device are you using for this test? Samsung Note 3 did not work -- now using Josh's device

How often do you spend money at local businesses in the neighborhood you live in? Multiple times in one week What makes you choose to shop where you do? Close What games do you play on your mobile device? Angry birds, mobile defense, metal slug How frequently do you play games on your mobile device? Everyday train on transit What makes you choose a particular game? Fun Do you connect with social media on mobile games?


Why or why not?

What makes you decide to stop playing a game? Tired of it - gets boring

Review of the app:

Was it easy to sign up?

Yes Why or why not?


Page 28: CUTGroup 10 - Build it! Bronzeville Final Report

On the homepage, what is the first thing you do? Click "Play"

Any reason?

Keyboard was stuck but back button worked to remove it Choose "Level Select," click the first level, and play! Tell us about your experience. Briefly read directions, built buildings immediately Had trouble clicking the vacant lot, didn't pop up first What did you decide to build and was there any reason you built it? Need grocery stores in a neighborhood Tell us what you thought about the graphics on this level. Looks good, basic and classic graphics old computer game style - fall out Go to level 2, play and review this level. Tell us about your experience. Moves through the screen Finds other items to select "I live a block away from a Jewel" Police station next to grocery store Pays attention to the money and chooses item based on cash value Runs out of money -- checks to see if money goes up. Feel like you have to wait. Patient person Directed him to choose establishment to get to gem store What do you think the red, blue, and green icons represent? Tutorial was implemented in this version. Thoroughly read through first two icons but not third. Tell us what you thought about the graphics on level 2. Buildings have better graphics, but what you build looks simple and basic Play level 3 and review this level. Tell us what you think. Reached Gem store in level 2 because ran out of money. Continues to send... got stuck Likes the receipt... "better than kids buying thousands of dollars on the app" Thinks the goal of the level is to make a nicer neighborhood/community to live in References game, "Mobility" to make game run as efficiently Would you share receipts by taking photos in order to get gems? Yes

Why or why not?


Would you check-in at local Why or why not?

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businesses to get in-game benefits? Yes

it's a little easier

Do you normally keep receipts on you? Yes From what you know about these levels, how would you describe this game to your friend? Refs game "Mobility" Kind of like farmville, but build buildings like urban planning Did you think these levels were fun? Yes

Why or why not?

Probably Sort of, wishes money would raise Everything is pretty basic Likes games that grow as you go, "tutorials are good at the beginning" but tries to figure things out

This game wants to reward players with gems by spending at local businesses. Does that make you more inclined to play the game? No

Why or why not?

Not very interested because of neighborhood, might not be connected to the spending Likes the idea of having a stronger connection to a neighborhood or Chicago

In what ways would you improve this app to make you want to play it? Not sure Change something, sell a building if something has worked out Would be interested in unlocking more buildings More of retro gamer... classic game Do you like the CUTGroup? Yes Did you like this CUTGroup test?


Anything else to add? Not really

2014-06-25 18:56:34

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Tester #: 6

Tester Profile (given by tester): Telephober

Did a Proctor fill out this form? Yes Which device are you using for this test? Galaxy Ring

How often do you spend money at local businesses in the neighborhood you live in? Multiple times in one week What makes you choose to shop where you do? cheap What games do you play on your mobile device? puzzles/ brain teasers/ rpg How frequently do you play games on your mobile device? everyday What makes you choose a particular game? addictiveness Do you connect with social media on mobile games?


Why or why not?

for my friends who play the same games What makes you decide to stop playing a game? when too much time has elapsed

Review of the app:

Was it easy to sign up?

Yes Why or why not?

It would be nicer if it looked better instead of a popup

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On the homepage, what is the first thing you do? Click "Play"

Any reason?

It was right there. Choose "Level Select," click the first level, and play! Tell us about your experience. Would like to rotate the screen or zoom in for the levels. First level didn't work at all, froze the app more than twice. Wants mickey's to tell her what it does. Better explanation of building names. What did you decide to build and was there any reason you built it? She was thinking about what the community needed instead of gameplay elements. Tell us what you thought about the graphics on this level. Looked okay for an alpha version of the game. Looked like monopoly houses. Go to level 2, play and review this level. Tell us about your experience. Wish she could build grass or change the tiles to a different bottom. Would like to rotate the map as an option. Didn't see the level completion details for this level. Understands the population graphic and money graphic. She's pretty excited about the game, she wishes there were people walking around. Thinks its a lot like cityville. Wants a better explanation of what the stores are. She thinks about placement in relation to other buildings when she places new buildings. She wants the tiles of the game to respond to touches more efficiently. The cost of each building should be relatively realistic. What do you think the red, blue, and green icons represent? Blue = safety, green = nature, eye = beauty Tell us what you thought about the graphics on level 2. Level 2 looks like the city, semi-realistic, and she likes that it looks like this. She prefers this version of graphics as opposed to level 1 graphics. Wants to know why the background is black instead of some other realistic colors or a map of what block you're looking at. Play level 3 and review this level. Tell us what you think. It's bigger than the other levels already. First thing she likes to do is get safety of each level up. Not enough information to lead her to the gem store. Would you share receipts by taking photos in order to get gems?

Why or why not?

It explains what it does to help the community and she thinks that its

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Yes totally worth it! Would you check-in at local businesses to get in-game benefits? No

Why or why not?

Usually plays games on trains. If she is going to a sit-down restaraunt then she would be more inclined to use the check-in feature.

Do you normally keep receipts on you? Yes From what you know about these levels, how would you describe this game to your friend? It's like you're going through the parts of the neighborhood, and it's like you're fixing it up on the way. It's like you're build it bob in the city. Did you think these levels were fun? Yes

Why or why not?

It's because it offers an addictive building excercise. Doesn't want it to drain the battery. Wants pieces of the city to decay. Change the placement of where the buttons are, move the three buttons on the bottom to the top. She needs a reason to keep coming back. If it decays she'd come back and play again.

This game wants to reward players with gems by spending at local businesses. Does that make you more inclined to play the game? Yes

Why or why not?

She likes that it's asking what you want in your community just by taking pictures of receipts.

In what ways would you improve this app to make you want to play it? Add different parts of gameplay, add mini-games or have it always running so it keeps bringing in cash for the levels. Do you like the CUTGroup? Yes Did you like this CUTGroup test?

Anything else to add? She'd like to know when its finished. She definitely likes the logo on

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Yes the splash screen. she wants to see it going to other cities and better description of the apps.

2014-06-25 19:36:59

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Tester #:

Tester Profile (given by tester):

Did a Proctor fill out this form? Yes Which device are you using for this test?

How often do you spend money at local businesses in the neighborhood you live in? What makes you choose to shop where you do? What games do you play on your mobile device? How frequently do you play games on your mobile device? What makes you choose a particular game? Do you connect with social media on mobile games?

Why or why not?

What makes you decide to stop playing a game?

Review of the app:

Was it easy to sign up?

Why or why not?

Page 35: CUTGroup 10 - Build it! Bronzeville Final Report

On the homepage, what is the first thing you do?

Any reason?

Choose "Level Select," click the first level, and play! Tell us about your experience. What did you decide to build and was there any reason you built it? Tell us what you thought about the graphics on this level. Go to level 2, play and review this level. Tell us about your experience. What do you think the red, blue, and green icons represent? Tell us what you thought about the graphics on level 2. Play level 3 and review this level. Tell us what you think. Would you share receipts by taking photos in order to get gems?

Why or why not?

Would you check-in at local businesses to get in-game benefits?

Why or why not?

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Do you normally keep receipts on you? From what you know about these levels, how would you describe this game to your friend? Did you think these levels were fun?

Why or why not?

This game wants to reward players with gems by spending at local businesses. Does that make you more inclined to play the game?

Why or why not?

In what ways would you improve this app to make you want to play it? Do you like the CUTGroup? Did you like this CUTGroup test?

Anything else to add?

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Tester #:

Tester Profile (given by tester):

Did a Proctor fill out this form? Yes Which device are you using for this test?

How often do you spend money at local businesses in the neighborhood you live in? What makes you choose to shop where you do? What games do you play on your mobile device? How frequently do you play games on your mobile device? What makes you choose a particular game? Do you connect with social media on mobile games?

Why or why not?

What makes you decide to stop playing a game?

Review of the app:

Was it easy to sign up?

Why or why not?

Page 38: CUTGroup 10 - Build it! Bronzeville Final Report

On the homepage, what is the first thing you do?

Any reason?

Choose "Level Select," click the first level, and play! Tell us about your experience. What did you decide to build and was there any reason you built it? Tell us what you thought about the graphics on this level. Go to level 2, play and review this level. Tell us about your experience. What do you think the red, blue, and green icons represent? Tell us what you thought about the graphics on level 2. Play level 3 and review this level. Tell us what you think. Would you share receipts by taking photos in order to get gems?

Why or why not?

Would you check-in at local businesses to get in-game benefits?

Why or why not?

Page 39: CUTGroup 10 - Build it! Bronzeville Final Report

Do you normally keep receipts on you? From what you know about these levels, how would you describe this game to your friend? Did you think these levels were fun?

Why or why not?

This game wants to reward players with gems by spending at local businesses. Does that make you more inclined to play the game?

Why or why not?

In what ways would you improve this app to make you want to play it? Do you like the CUTGroup? Did you like this CUTGroup test?

Anything else to add?

Page 40: CUTGroup 10 - Build it! Bronzeville Final Report

Make $20 at an in-person test of a mobile game app.

Hi <<First Name>>

We've got a new opportunity for you to make money in the Civic User Testing Group(CUTGroup) by testing a game app.

This mobile game app lets residents develop their neighborhood as they completequests. This app is still in the early stages, and your feedback that will greatly impactthe design of the app.

Are you available for a 30-minute in-person test on Wednesday, June 25 between4:30 - 7:30 PM? If so, you qualify. Complete this form to start the process.

We are in the process of gathering responses, so we will be in touch to checkavailability and let you know if you have been chosen. We are looking for about 10testers for this test.

For your participation, you will receive a $20 VISA gift card. You'll also help makebetter software for Chicago.

Thanks for being a member of the CUTGroup! As usual, call or write with questions.

Remember: if you want to be a part of this test, please complete this form.


Daniel X. O'Neil(773) [email protected]

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Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License 2014 Smart Chicago Collaborative. unsubscribe from this list update subscription preferences

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Let us know when you could join us on Wednesday for this test.

Hi <<First Name>>,

Thanks for your interest in our CUTGroup test of a neighborhood game app. Now thatwe have our location nailed down, we'd like to know if you can still make it nextWednesday and, if so, what time you want. Here are the details:

Wednesday, June 25, 2014Between 4:30 - 7:30 PMChicago Bee Library3647 S. State Street

If you can still make it on this night, please let us know what time slot you wantby completing this form. For your participation, you will receive a $20 VISA gift card.

There are limited slots available for this night, and it's coming up fast, so pleaselet us know as soon as you can. We will get back to you with a confirmation ifyou are chosen to do this test.

If this location doesn't work for you, or if you just can't make it on this night after all, nobig deal. If you have any questions or comments, just hit "reply" and let me know whatyou think.

Remember: use this form to tell us about your availability.

Thanks for being a member of the CUTGroup!


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Page 43: CUTGroup 10 - Build it! Bronzeville Final Report

Daniel X. O'Neil(773) [email protected]

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Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License 2014 Smart Chicago Collaborative. unsubscribe from this list update subscription preferences

Page 44: CUTGroup 10 - Build it! Bronzeville Final Report

CUTGroup Test: Neighborhood Game AppIf you would like to participate in the next CUTGroup test, please complete this form. We will follow-up tocheck your availability.

Email *

Are you available for a 30-minute test on Wednesday, June 25between 4:30 - 7:30 PM? *

Select one

Do you have an Android device you can bring to this test? *

Select one

Android Phone

Android Tablet


If so, which type of device do you plan to bring? *

Do you play games on your phone? *

Select one

Approximately how many game apps do you have on your device? *

What is your favorite local store or business? *

Page 45: CUTGroup 10 - Build it! Bronzeville Final Report

CUTGroup 10: Build it! BronzevilleThanks for participating in our CUTGroup test of the Build it! Bronzeville, a mobile game app that allowsresidents guide development in their neighborhood as they complete quests (i.e. enhance safety, visualappeal, and foot traffic).

About youFirst, some preliminaries. Keep in mind that we are going to publish the results of this test, but will not associate yourname or email address with the results.

First Last

Name *

Email *

Give yourself a tester profile. *

What type of device are you using for this test? *

Multiple times in one week

Once a week

A few times every month

Once a month or less

How often do you spend money at local businesses in theneighborhood you live in?

What makes you choose to shop where you do? *

What games do you play on your mobile device? *

How frequently do you play games on your mobile device? *

What makes you choose a particular game? *

Do you connect with social media on mobile games? *

Select one

Why or why not?

Page 46: CUTGroup 10 - Build it! Bronzeville Final Report

App reviewLet's review the app!

What makes you decide to stop playing a game? *

Was it easy to sign up? *

Select one

Why or why not? *

Click gear icon

Click check mark icon

Click camera icon

Click "Play"

On the homepage, what is the first thing you do? *

Any reason?

Choose "Level Select," click the first level, and play! Tell us aboutyour experience. *

What did you decide to build and was there any reason you built it? *

Tell us what you thought about the graphics on this level. *

Page 47: CUTGroup 10 - Build it! Bronzeville Final Report

Go to level 2, play and review this level. Tell us about yourexperience. *

What do you think the red, blue, and green icons represent? *

Tell us what you thought about the graphics on level 2. *

Play level 3 and review this level. Tell us what you think. *

Would you share receipts by taking photos in order to get gems? *

Select one

Why or why not? *

Would you check-in at local businesses to get in-game benefits? *

Select one

Page 48: CUTGroup 10 - Build it! Bronzeville Final Report

Overall review of Build it! Bronzeville app!Almost done.

Why or why not? *

Do you normally keep receipts on you? *

Select one

From what you know about these levels, how would you describe thisgame to your friend?

Did you think these levels were fun? *

Select one

Why or why not?

This game wants to reward players with gems by spending at localbusinesses. Does that make you more inclined to play the game? *

Select one

Why or why not?

In what ways would you improve this app to make you want to play it?

Page 49: CUTGroup 10 - Build it! Bronzeville Final Report

Overall review of the CUTGroup experience


Do you like the CUTGroup? *

Select one

Did you like this CUTGroup test? *

Select one

Anything else to add?