“Cut Me Some Slack”: Latency-Aware Live Migration...

“Cut Me Some Slack”: Latency-Aware Live Migration for Databases Sean Barker * Yun Chi Hyun Jin Moon Hakan Hacıgümü¸ s Prashant Shenoy Department of Computer Science, University of Massachusetts Amherst NEC Laboratories America, Cupertino, USA {sbarker,shenoy}@cs.umass.edu, {ychi,hjmoon,hakan}@sv.nec-labs.com ABSTRACT Cloud-based data management platforms often employ mul- titenant databases, where service providers achieve economies of scale by consolidating multiple tenants on shared servers. In such database systems, a key functionality for service providers is database migration, which is useful for dynamic provisioning, load balancing, and system maintenance. Prac- tical migration solutions have several requirements, includ- ing high availability, low performance overhead, and self- management. We present Slacker, an end-to-end database migration system at the middleware level satisfying these re- quirements. Slacker leverages off-the-shelf hot backup tools to achieve live migration with effectively zero down-time. Additionally, Slacker minimizes the performance impact of migrations on both the migrating tenant and collocated ten- ants by leveraging ‘migration slack’, or resources that can be used for migration without excessively impacting query la- tency. We apply a PID controller to this problem, allowing Slacker to automatically detect and exploit migration slack in real time. Using our prototype, we demonstrate that Slacker effectively controls interference during migrations, maintaining latency within 10% of a given latency target, while still performing migrations rapidly and efficiently. Categories and Subject Descriptors H.2.4 [Database Management]: Systems—Relational DBs ; H.3.4 [Information Storage and Retrieval]: Systems and Software—Distributed systems General Terms Design, Experimentation, Performance Keywords Cloud computing, database migration, multitenancy, control theory, PID controller * This work was done while the author was at NEC Labora- tories America. Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, to republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a fee. EDBT 2012, March 26–30, 2012, Berlin, Germany. Copyright 2012 ACM 978-1-4503-0790-1/12/03 ...$10.00 Tenant 1 Database Tenant 2 Database Tenant 3 Database Tenant 4 Database Workload 4 Workload 3 Workload 2 Workload 1 Figure 1: A multitenant database server with 4 tenants. 1. INTRODUCTION Modern cloud platforms are designed with the aim of compactly servicing many users on a large number of ma- chines. At the lowest level, cloud providers may simply lease raw machine time to customers (Infrastructure as a Service), or may provide a ready-to-use stack on top of the underly- ing hardware to customers (Platform as a Service). Cloud platforms are targeted not only to large customers requiring vast computing resources but also to smaller customers that do not require the full resources of even a single server. To increase resource utilization in the presence of smaller cus- tomers, providers employ multitenancy, in which multiple users or applications (server ‘tenants’) are collocated on a single server. Multitenancy is attractive both to the cloud provider, who is able to serve more customers with a smaller set of machines, and to customers, who do not need to pay for the full capacity of a server. Ideally, each tenant on a multitenant server is both unaware and unaffected by other tenants operating on the machine, and is afforded the same high performance it would receive on a dedicated server. 1.1 Database Multitenancy Database multitenancy is of particular interest due to the ubiquity of database-oriented applications. Nearly all web applications, analytic applications, or other types of data-intensive applications interact heavily with a database, which makes provisioning multitenant servers specifically for databases particularly attractive. A multitenant database server is essentially a specialized type of multitenant server in which all tenants are operating database applications on the server (typically interacting with other servers running application logic). This stands in contrast to other multi- tenancy approaches, such as provisioning a virtual machine (VM) for each tenant in which to run applications, which impose higher overhead. An example multitenant database server is depicted in Figure 1.

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“Cut Me Some Slack”:Latency-Aware Live Migration for Databases

Sean Barker†∗

Yun Chi‡ Hyun Jin Moon‡ Hakan Hacıgümüs‡ Prashant Shenoy††Department of Computer Science, University of Massachusetts Amherst

‡NEC Laboratories America, Cupertino, USA{sbarker,shenoy}@cs.umass.edu, {ychi,hjmoon,hakan}@sv.nec-labs.com

ABSTRACTCloud-based data management platforms often employ mul-titenant databases, where service providers achieve economiesof scale by consolidating multiple tenants on shared servers.In such database systems, a key functionality for serviceproviders is database migration, which is useful for dynamicprovisioning, load balancing, and system maintenance. Prac-tical migration solutions have several requirements, includ-ing high availability, low performance overhead, and self-management. We present Slacker, an end-to-end databasemigration system at the middleware level satisfying these re-quirements. Slacker leverages off-the-shelf hot backup toolsto achieve live migration with effectively zero down-time.Additionally, Slacker minimizes the performance impact ofmigrations on both the migrating tenant and collocated ten-ants by leveraging ‘migration slack’, or resources that can beused for migration without excessively impacting query la-tency. We apply a PID controller to this problem, allowingSlacker to automatically detect and exploit migration slackin real time. Using our prototype, we demonstrate thatSlacker effectively controls interference during migrations,maintaining latency within 10% of a given latency target,while still performing migrations rapidly and efficiently.

Categories and Subject DescriptorsH.2.4 [Database Management]: Systems—Relational DBs;H.3.4 [Information Storage and Retrieval]: Systemsand Software—Distributed systems

General TermsDesign, Experimentation, Performance

KeywordsCloud computing, database migration, multitenancy, controltheory, PID controller

∗This work was done while the author was at NEC Labora-tories America.

Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work forpersonal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies arenot made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copiesbear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, torepublish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specificpermission and/or a fee.EDBT 2012, March 26–30, 2012, Berlin, Germany.Copyright 2012 ACM 978-1-4503-0790-1/12/03 ...$10.00

Tenant 1Database

Tenant 2Database

Tenant 3Database

Tenant 4Database

Workload 4Workload 3

Workload 2Workload 1

Figure 1: A multitenant database server with 4 tenants.

1. INTRODUCTIONModern cloud platforms are designed with the aim of

compactly servicing many users on a large number of ma-chines. At the lowest level, cloud providers may simply leaseraw machine time to customers (Infrastructure as a Service),or may provide a ready-to-use stack on top of the underly-ing hardware to customers (Platform as a Service). Cloudplatforms are targeted not only to large customers requiringvast computing resources but also to smaller customers thatdo not require the full resources of even a single server. Toincrease resource utilization in the presence of smaller cus-tomers, providers employ multitenancy, in which multipleusers or applications (server ‘tenants’) are collocated on asingle server. Multitenancy is attractive both to the cloudprovider, who is able to serve more customers with a smallerset of machines, and to customers, who do not need to payfor the full capacity of a server. Ideally, each tenant on amultitenant server is both unaware and unaffected by othertenants operating on the machine, and is afforded the samehigh performance it would receive on a dedicated server.

1.1 Database MultitenancyDatabase multitenancy is of particular interest due to

the ubiquity of database-oriented applications. Nearly allweb applications, analytic applications, or other types ofdata-intensive applications interact heavily with a database,which makes provisioning multitenant servers specifically fordatabases particularly attractive. A multitenant databaseserver is essentially a specialized type of multitenant serverin which all tenants are operating database applications onthe server (typically interacting with other servers runningapplication logic). This stands in contrast to other multi-tenancy approaches, such as provisioning a virtual machine(VM) for each tenant in which to run applications, whichimpose higher overhead. An example multitenant databaseserver is depicted in Figure 1.

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Tenant 1 Service

Tenant 2 Service

Tenant 3 Service


(a) stable

SLA ok

Tenant 1 Service

Tenant 2 Service

Tenant 3


(c) overloaded

SLA Violations





Tenant 1 Service

Tenant 2 Service

Tenant 3



(b) workload change

SLA ok

Figure 2: SLA violations due to dynamic workloads: (a) astable multitenant database server, (b) a tenant’s workloadchanges, and (c) the server becomes overloaded.

1.2 Service Level AgreementsDatabase multitenancy introduces its own challenges. In

order to maximize profits, providers wish to pack many ten-ants onto each server. On the other hand, tenants wish tobe guaranteed a certain level of performance, typically asspecified by service level agreements (SLAs). An SLAmay specify metrics of guaranteed service, such as systemuptime and query latency. From the service provider pointof view, these competing goals (packing many tenants andsatisfying the SLAs) must be balanced against each othergiven the resources of the multitenant server.

Each tenant database imposes a resource footprint, con-sisting both of data (e.g., the size of the database) as well asa workload (e.g., queries per second). The resource footprintof each tenant is dynamic — data may be added or deleted,and the amount of load imposed by the tenant may changeover time. This can lead to resource hotspots such as shownin Figure 2, where a previously stable server becomes over-loaded and begins incurring SLA violations. Such a situationis undesirable both to the provider (who pays a monetarypenalty) and to the tenant (who experiences unacceptableperformance degradation). Additionally, it is important tonote that violations may occur not only for the problem-atic tenant but for other tenants on the server as well, whomay begin experiencing problems even they do not have anyworkload changes themselves.

1.3 Database MigrationTo prevent a system overload as shown in Figure 2c from

happening, a practical solution is to proactively move oneor more tenants to another machine, once tenant workloadchanges are detected (Figure 2b). Such a technique is calleddatabase migration, and refers to entirely relocating thetenant to an alternate machine. Database migration canbe used not only to alleviate hotspots on a heavily loadedmachine but also to consolidate multiple tenants onto a rel-atively idle server, thereby freeing extra servers that may beshut down or re-purposed for other uses.

However, the benefits of migration come with severalcosts. Assuming a conventional shared-nothing architec-ture [10] (in which each machine has one or more dedi-cated disks), the unavoidable cost is that of copying thetenant’s data to the target machine. In addition, migrationhas other costs such as SLA-related costs (e.g., SLA penaltydue to system downtime and unacceptable query latency)and human-related costs (e.g., costs for experienced DBAs).

Tenant 1 Service

Tenant 2 Service

Tenant 3 Service


Tenant 1 Service

Tenant 2 Service

Tenant 3 Migration

Tenant 3 Service

Before Migration During Migration

SLA Violations

SLA ok





Figure 3: A hotspot caused by migration.

Therefore, in order to minimize these costs, a database mi-gration solution must make judicious decisions such as whento migrate, which tenant to migrate, where to migrate, andfinally how to migrate. In this paper, we focus on the finalquestion: how to migrate databases in an efficient way.

We believe a practical migration solution for multitenantdatabase systems should achieve the following objectives:

Zero System Downtime. If the migration requires shut-ting down the server before moving it, then all queriesrouted to the migrating tenant will be either signifi-cantly delayed or lost. This is clearly undesirable tothe migrating tenant.

Controlled Tenant Interference. The resource over-head of migration (such as reading from disk, consum-ing network bandwidth, and processing overhead) mayhave a negative impact on the rest of the tenants, evenif a hotspot did not exist beforehand. This possibilityis depicted in Figure 3, in which processing the migra-tion itself creates a hotspot and therefore tenant SLAviolations. This impact must be controlled so as toremain within acceptable limits.

Minimum Human Intervention. The migration shouldbe both fast and automatically managed. Human in-tervention is both costly and less responsive to chang-ing system conditions during migration than an auto-mated system.

1.4 ContributionsIn this paper, we present Slacker, a system for per-

forming rapid database migrations in such a way that mini-mizes the costs of migration mentioned above, namely, sys-tem downtime, tenant interference, and human intervention.Slacker is a component of our comprehensive data manage-ment platform for the cloud, CloudDB [11]. Our primarycontributions are fourfold:

1. We present and evaluate a technique for performinglive (zero-downtime) database migration using stan-dard database backup tools. While other techniquesfor live database migration have been proposed [8, 10],our approach is unique in that it operates on off-the-shelf database systems using readily available open-source tools. Our approach does not require modifica-tions in the database engine and can be implementedcompletely outside of a database product.

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2. We present the idea of ‘migration slack’, which refersto resources that can be used for migration withoutseriously impacting workloads already present on thedatabase server. We demonstrate the existence of thisslack and show how it can be used to minimize inter-ference through the use of migration throttling.

3. We present an automated algorithm for performing thelive migrations in Slacker within available migrationslack. Our approach is based on the use of a PIDcontroller and represents a novel application of controltheory to this domain. We demonstrate the efficacy ofthis approach in Slacker and show that it is effectivein managing migrations in a wide variety of scenarios.

4. We present a full prototype implementation and ex-perimental evaluation of our end-to-end system. Wedemonstrate that our system maintains database querylatencies within 10% of the designated target, whileachieving higher overall migration speeds than naivemigrations at equivalent latencies.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In Sec-tion 2, we present the architecture and building blocks inSlacker. In Section 3, we demonstrate the existence of mi-gration slack, and discuss the use of throttling to performmigrations with minimal interference. In Section 4, we applycontrol theory to the idea of migration slack to present analgorithm for efficiently performing migrations using avail-able slack within the Slacker framework. An evaluation ofour approach is presented in Section 5, parameters and nat-ural extensions are discussed in Section 6, related work issummarized in Section 7, and we conclude in Section 8.

2. SLACKER ARCHITECTURESlacker is implemented as a middleware that sits atop

one or more MySQL tenants. Each server running an in-stance of Slacker operates a single server-wide migrationcontroller that migrates MySQL instances on the server be-tween other servers running Slacker. In addition to migrat-ing existing tenants, the middleware is also responsible forinstantiating (or deleting) MySQL instances for new ten-ants. Each Slacker node operates in an autonomous fashionand only communicates with other nodes for the purpose ofmigrating tenants. An example Slacker cluster with threenodes is depicted in Figure 4.

2.1 Database BackendSlacker interacts with MySQL backend databases using

InnoDB tables. Our multitenancy model is process-level —that is, each tenant collocated on the server is provided adedicated MySQL daemon listening on a dedicated port.Each tenant has full control over its daemon and is free tocreate arbitrary databases, tables, and users. Adding a ten-ant creates a new data directory containing all MySQL data,including table data, logs, and configuration files. Similarly,deleting a tenant simply stops the server process and deletesthe tenant’s data directory. From Slacker’s perspective, eachtenant is simply a directory containing all data and a corre-sponding MySQL process. Slacker is transparent to tenants,who need not be aware of Slacker at all and simply interactdirectly with their MySQL server on the assigned port.

Our choice of process-level multitenancy rather than asingle, consolidated database server (housing all tenants)

mysqld mysqld


migration controller

mysqld mysqld

mysqld mysqld

migration controller

mysqld mysqld

migration controller

Server 1 Server 2

Server 3

Figure 4: The Slacker architecture.

has two primary advantages. The first is increased isola-tion between tenants, since each database server treats itstenant on a best-effort basis. This prevents situations suchas buffer page evictions due to competing workloads — weavoid any situations in which buffer allocations overlap bynever overprovisioning memory. The second is ease of engi-neering, since resources belonging to each tenant are cleanlyseparated on the server. These advantages come at the costof modest per-tenant memory overhead and decreased maxi-mum throughput relative to a consolidated DBMS [6]. How-ever, we consider such a tradeoff worthwhile, since the flex-ibility in database migration is our main focus. We discussother multitenancy levels in Section 6.

2.2 Tenant ManagementSlacker itself is implemented as a Java framework to cre-

ate, delete, and migrate database tenants. The migrationcontroller on each server monitors all tenants located on themachine and manages any in-progress migrations. Tenantsare represented by globally-unique numeric IDs, which areused to issue commands to Slacker (such as ‘migrate tenant 5to server XYZ’). Communication between Slacker migrationcontrollers occurs in a peer-to-peer fashion using a simpleformat based on Google’s protocol buffers [17]. Migrationsare performed on-demand by connecting to another controlnode and initiating the migration of a specific tenant.

For customer applications, communication with a spe-cific tenant database requires only knowledge of the machineon which the tenant is located and the tenant ID, since thedatabase port is a fixed function of the ID. This approachis only problematic after a migration is performed, since thetenant no longer resides on the original server. This issuecan be resolved cleanly by issuing an ARP packet advertisinga new IP address (as in [12]) — in our prototype, we sim-ply resolve the issue by adding a lightweight frontend serverthat maintains an up-to-date mapping of tenants to servers.Machines issuing queries to a given tenant register with thefrontend to receive updates when the tenant migrates.

2.3 Migration FrameworkSlacker provides two forms of migration. The first is a

standard ‘stop-and-copy’ migration, while the second is alive migration making use of live backup tools. We overvieweach method below.

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2.3.1 Stop-and-CopyStop-and-copy is the simplest form of migration, and

simply consists of shutting the database server down (or oth-erwise freezing it, as with a global read lock), copying thedata to the target source, and restarting it. For MySQL, oneway to do this is by exporting all data with a tool like mysql-dump, copying the resulting file, and importing it into the tar-get server. This approach is very slow, however, largely dueto the overhead of reimporting the data [9]. In Slacker, weavoid this by taking advantage of per-process multitenancy,which cleanly separates the data files for each tenant. Toperform a stop-and-copy, Slacker simply acquires a read lockon the tenant database, performs a file-level copy of the ten-ant data directory to the target machine, then starts a newMySQL instance on the target server pointing to the copieddata directory. Since the data stays in the internal formatused by MySQL, no importing or exporting overhead is in-volved in this approach (the same approach has also beenapplied at the level of virtual machine disks, such as in [4]).Once the new server is running, it is immediately up-to-date(since no write queries have executed on the source in themeantime) and begins handling the tenant workload, whilethe source tenant may be deleted.

The obvious downside of stop-and-copy is the downtimeresulting from stopping the server. As verified in our ownexperimentation, the length of this period is proportionalto the database size, and during this period, no queries (orat least, no queries that modify the data) may be executedagainst the database. Due to this serious limitation, we donot further consider the stop-and-copy solution here.

2.3.2 Live MigrationIn comparison with stop-and-copy, live migration per-

forms the migration without interrupting the server, allow-ing it to continue serving clients while the migrations pro-ceeds. To implement live migration in Slacker, we make useof Percona XtraBackup [24], which is an extended, open-source version of the commercial MySQL Enterprise Backupprogram. Mainly for the purpose of hot backup, XtraBackupproduces a consistent-in-time snapshot of the database with-out interrupting transaction processing. Slacker leveragesthis hot backup function to obtain a consistent snapshot foruse in starting a new MySQL instance.

Note that while our prototype is specific to MySQL (viaXtraBackup), equivalent hot backup functionality exists inmost modern databases, such as Tablespace Hot Backup inOracle and similar functions in Microsoft SQL Server andPostgreSQL. These tools could easily be used to implementSlacker for another DBMS, as our design has minimal re-quirements of the backup tool besides liveness.

Migration in Slacker is performed in three steps. Inthe initial snapshot transferring step, Slacker streams thesnapshot generated by XtraBackup to the target server on-the-fly, then prepares the snapshot on the target while thesource continues to service queries. During preparation,XtraBackup applies crash recovery against the copied data.

Due to the time spent preparing the snapshot, once thetarget server is running, it may be somewhat behind thestill authoritative source server. To handle this, in the deltaupdating step, Slacker applies several ‘rounds’ of deltas fromthe source to the target by reading from the MySQL binaryquery log of the source tenant. Each delta brings the targetup-to-date at the point where the delta began executing,

then the subsequent delta handles queries executed duringthe application of the previous delta.

Once deltas are sufficiently small, in the handover step,a very brief (well under 1 second in all experiments) freeze-and-handover is performed in which the source is frozen, thefinal delta is copied, and the target becomes the new au-thoritative tenant. It is worth mentioning that XtraBackupcan perform its own deltas during snapshotting — our ownsnapshots are only employed to avoid downtime while thesnapshotted tenant is prepared for use on the target server.

Our snapshot-delta-handover approach is similar to theVM migration technique employed in [12], which also dis-cusses some edge cases such as workloads with very highwrite turnover. Their solutions to these issues equally applyto migrations in Slacker.

In practice, applying deltas usually represents only avery small portion (a few seconds) of the entire migrationprocess. In the following, we focus on the initial snap-shot transfer, which is by a large margin the most time-consuming step in Slacker.

3. MIGRATION SLACKDatabase servers have a finite amount of resources with

which to serve queries. In a multitenant database server,available resources are shared among all tenants on the server.Furthermore, resources must be sufficient for tenants to achievetheir SLA guarantees (such as certain percentile latencies;e.g., the 95th percentile of queries has a max latency of 1second). Assume a physical server has fixed resources Rand is servicing n tenant workloads consuming resourcesT = {T1, T2, . . . , Tn}. Assume that there exists a resourceusage threshold R0, where R0 ≤ R, such that for the serverto reliably satisfy its SLA, it must be the case that:

f(T1, . . . , Tn) ≤ R0, (1)

where f() is the function that maps the resource usage of allthe tenants to the total resource usage.

If this does not hold, then the server is overloaded andwill begin incurring SLA violations (resulting in dissatisfiedcustomers and costs to the cloud provider). Migration canbe used as a tool for distributing all tenants between serverssuch that Equation (1) holds. A migration process involv-ing the server (either an incoming or an outgoing tenant)adds an extra workload — largely disk I/O for reading orwriting data, but also including processing overhead, net-work throughput, and so forth. If the server is handling amigration process with corresponding workload M , then werequire the following:

f(T1, . . . , Tn,M) ≤ R0. (2)

That is, the additional migration process should not bringthe server to an overloaded condition.

Finally, given the constant resource allocation R0 anda set of point-in-time workloads T , we can define the cur-rent migration slack S as the resources we can allocate tomigration without incurring violations:

S = argmaxm

{s.t. f(T1, . . . , Tn,M = m) ≤ R0} . (3)

As a simplified but illustrative example, assume CPU isthe critical resource and that CPU usage is additive (i.e.,f(T1, . . . , Tn,M) =

∑ni=1 Ti +M), which has been observed

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Txn Latency (ms)

Time (180 seconds in total)

Baseline Time SeriesBaseline Average (79 ms)

(a) Baseline, no migration






Txn Latency (ms)

Time (281 seconds in total)

4M Throttle Time Series4M Throttle Average (153 ms)

(b) Migration throttled at 4M/sec






Txn Latency (ms)

Time (164 seconds in total)

8M Throttle Time Series8M Throttle Average (410 ms)

(c) Migration throttled at 8M/sec






Txn Latency (ms)

Time (130 seconds in total)

12M Throttle Time Series12M Throttle Average (720 ms)

(d) Migration throttled at 12M/sec

Figure 5: Transaction latency over time with no migrations (a) and under different migration rates (b)–(d).

in previous studies [7]. Then we have for the migration slack

S = R0 −n∑


Ti. (4)

There are many challenging issues in measuring migra-tion slack, such as identification of the critical resource, mon-itoring of that resource, and derivation of the resource usagemodel (specifying the f() function). Fortunately, it turnsout that we do not have to explicitly identify and model theslack. Since we mainly care about the impact of the mi-gration on system performance (e.g., query latency), we canindirectly observe and exploit available slack.

3.1 Migration ThrottlingWe illustrate the slack by showing the system perfor-

mance under different migration rates. The technique weuse to control M (the cost of each migration) is throttling,or limiting the rate of transfer. Since the majority of theresource cost in migration is from reading, writing, or send-ing a large amount of data (roughly equal to the size of thedatabase), we can effectively limit the workload of a migra-tion by simply limiting the rate of data transfer.

In Slacker, we implement throttling by employing theLinux utility pv, which allows for limiting the amount ofdata passing through a Unix pipe. To throttle a live mi-gration, we stream the output of XtraBackup (the databasesnapshot) into a pv process that limits the transfer rate ap-propriately, before passing the stream to the nc utility (orssh if security is desired), which actually transfers the dataacross the network to the target machine. Since XtraBackuponly processes the database as quickly as allowed by pv, thisstrategy effectively limits the resource usage of both CPUand I/O (both network and disk). Finally, pv allows forchanging the throttling rate of an existing process, whichallows us to dynamically change the throttling speed on asecond or even sub-second level granularity.

3.2 Slack Case StudyHere we present a case study that demonstrates both the

existence of migration slack as well as the ability of throt-tling to exploit it. Our performance focus is transaction-level latency, which is a common SLA metric in real systems[21]. We examine a fundamental case — a server with asingle tenant and client workload, running a migration ofthat tenant to a second server. The workload consists of amix of read and write queries against a 1 GB database —we defer a more thorough discussion of our benchmark andexperimentation framework to Section 5.

First we execute the workload against the tenant with-out any migration — this provides us with a baseline per-formance measure. A time series of transaction latencies(averaged over a sliding 3 second window to provide mod-est smoothing) is shown in Figure 5a. The baseline latencyfluctuates around a mean of 79 ms, mostly depending onthe amount of disk I/O that transactions are incurring vsthe number of cache hits. However, it is clear from the over-all trajectory that latency is flat and that performance isstable around the average latency.

Next, we rerun the experiment while simultaneously mi-grating the tenant and observe how its performance changes.Using Slacker, we perform a live migration to a second ma-chine and throttle the transfer speed, first to 4 MB/sec.While performing the migration, we execute the same work-load against the migrating tenant as before. The results ofthis run are shown in Figure 5b. Average latency increasesmodestly from 79 ms to 153 ms, but remains stable overall.For example, despite the brief latency blips present, this runsatisfies an SLA specifying a max 500 ms latency in the 99thpercentile. Thus, with such an SLA, we can say that thismigration speed is below the available migration slack.

Next, we increase the migration speed to 8 MB/sec andrepeat the experiment, the results of which are shown inFigure 5c. Average latency again increases from 153 ms to

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Txn Latency (ms)

Time (95 seconds in total)

16M Throttle Time Series16M Throttle Ave (20254 ms)

Figure 6: Transaction latency with a 16 MB/sec migration.

410 ms, and the magnitude of the brief latency peaks againincreases, but latency is still fairly stable overall. As before,whether this new speed falls within available slack dependson the application SLA. For example, while this no longersatisfies the more restrictive 500 ms, 99th percentile SLAmentioned in the 4 MB case, a slightly relaxed SLA such as1000 ms latency in the 90th percentile is still satisfied.

If we increase the speed yet again to 12 MB/sec, thesame trends continue. As shown in Figure 5d, average la-tency again increases significantly to 720 ms, but even morenotable are the large peaks and valleys, which swing between200 ms and upwards of 1500 ms multiple times during theroughly 2 minute migration. At this migration speed, the to-tal resource usage is very close to the server capacity, result-ing in a query backlog during short-lived traffic bursts thatrecovers during the relatively idle periods between bursts.

Finally, we increase the speed once more to 16 MB/sec.As seen in Figure 6, this migration speed results in an over-capacity server that can no longer handle the steady-statequery load over time. As a result, transactions queue fasterthan they can be serviced, causing latency to continuouslyincrease until migration completes. This is a definitive signthat slack is exceeded, and violations are guaranteed to oc-cur under any reasonable SLA.

3.3 Slack TradeoffsAs demonstrated in the previous section, it is straight-

forward to identify an upper bound on the resource allo-cation that can be dedicated to migrations — this is thepoint at which latency steadily increases, indicating that thedatabase is overloaded and cannot maintain both its work-loads and migrations. However, as previously discussed, thisis not necessarily the slack that should be used, since remain-ing under this limit presents a tradeoff between migrationspeed and transaction performance, including both averagelatency and latency stability. This tradeoff is demonstratedin Figure 7, which plots the average transaction latency andstandard deviation of Figures 5a through 5d. This under-scores the conclusion that increasing the migration speedincreases both average latency and latency instability.

As a summary, in the previous case study, we presented aset of experiments demonstrating the existence of migrationslack using throttling. We observe that increasing migra-tion speed via throttling significantly increases the demandon the server, resulting in decreased database performance.Above a certain migration speed, the server is overloadedand latency becomes unbounded (a hard upper bound onslack). Beneath this threshold, determining actual slack tobe exploited presents a tradeoff between migration speed anddatabase performance, both in terms of average transaction









0 4 8 12 0









Txn Latency (ms)

Duration (s)

Migration Speed (MB/sec)

Average LatencyMigration Duration

Figure 7: Trading off migration speed and workload perfor-mance while still (depending on SLA) within slack.

latency and the stability of this latency. The particular re-quirements of an SLA (e.g., acceptable latency levels) mustbe considered when determining the ‘optimal’ level of slackto exploit for migration.

However, note that while the total resource capacity R0

is fixed, T is not since tenant workloads may change overtime, even during the process of migration. This meansthat in order to maintain Equation (2), we must be able toadjust M on-the-fly. The method of adjusting M is a keycomponent of Slacker and is discussed below.

4. ADAPTIVE DYNAMIC THROTTLINGHere we apply the idea of migration slack to performing

actual migrations in Slacker. We do so with the use of an au-tomated, dynamic throttle, which allows us to (a) determinethe speed of migration appropriate to the level of slack, and(b) adjust the speed of migration as the level of slack changesin real time. Control of the migration speed is managed bya proportional-integral-derivative controller (or PIDcontroller), which is a widely-known feedback mechanism incontrol theory. We detail our controller design in this sectionand evaluate its performance within Slacker in Section 5.

4.1 Dynamic ThrottlingThe workload evaluated in Section 3 was effectively static

— as a result, the migration slack was also static. However,real workloads are rarely static, where there may be bothlong-term shifts and short-term bursts. Example causes ofdynamic workloads include: day-to-day traffic patterns, e.g.,diurnal periods of high activity (long-term), flash crowdsresulting in a rapid increase and subsequent decrease indatabase traffic (short-term), increased background work-load due to an incoming tenant migration or newly addedtenant database (both short-term and long-term).

A well-chosen fixed throttle is a sound approach for astatic workload. However, for a dynamic workload, any op-timal migration speed may become suboptimal in the longterm. If the server workload increases, the previous throt-tling speed may exceed the new level of slack, while if theserver workload decreases, the migration may take longer tocomplete than necessary. Similarly, short-term burst duringthe duration of a migration process may render a pre-fixedmigration speed inappropriate.

Our solution to this issue is using a dynamic throttlerather than a fixed throttle. By adjusting the migrationspeed on-the-fly, we can follow a changing level of migrationslack while maintaining both high overall migration speedand consistent workload performance.

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D Kdde(t)


ErrorSetpoint OutputKi

� t





MigrationWorkload Σ

PID Controller


Multitenant Database


current transaction latency (feedback)

Figure 8: The architecture of the PID controller based dy-namic migration in Slacker.

4.2 Throttle ControlGiven the ability to dynamically vary the throttle, we

still need a technique to actually set and adjust the throttleappropriately. Furthermore, it is important this techniquebe as automated as possible — that is, we do not wantto require an operator such as a database administrator tomanually control the migration speed. For controlling thethrottle speed, we employ an automated technique based ona proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controller.

4.2.1 PID Controller OverviewA PID controller [13] is a well-known algorithm in control

theory for driving a system actuator such that the systemstabilizes around a particular setpoint. At a high level, aPID controller operates as a continuous feedback loop that,at each timestep, adjusts the output variable (the actuator)such that a dependent variable (the process variable) con-verges towards a desired value (the setpoint value). A sim-ple example of a PID controller application is maintainingthe temperature in a room. In such a scenario, the outputvariable is the amount of heat applied (e.g., run a heaterat 25% or 50% strength), the process variable is the cur-rent room temperature (e.g., 65 ◦F), and the setpoint is thedesired room temperature (e.g., 70 ◦F).

A block diagram of a PID controller is shown in thedashed box in Figure 8. At each timestep, the current pro-cess variable is compared against the desired setpoint. Thenew output of the controller is determined by three compo-nents of the error (the degree to which the process variabledoes not match the setpoint): a proportional, integral, andderivative component (scaled by parameters Kp, Ki, andKd, respectively). Roughly speaking, P corresponds to thecurrent error, I corresponds to the past error, and D cor-responds to the predicted future error. The output of thecontroller at time t with error e is given by the sum of thethree components:

out(t) = Kpe(t) +Ki

∫ t


e(τ)dτ +Kdde(t)


The design, behavior, and tuning of general PID con-trollers is a broad area in itself — we mention several rele-vant references in Section 7.

4.2.2 PID Controller for MigrationWe apply a PID controller to the problem of database

migration in the following way (illustrated in Figure 8). As






Server Load / Migration Speed

Under SlackAt Slack


r Sla


Setpoint Latency

Figure 9: Consuming slack with a PID controller.

discussed previously, the controller is in charge of determin-ing the proper migration speed, so the output variable is thethrottling speed adjustment (either speeding up or slowingdown). For the process variable and setpoint, one approachcould be to target available slack (e.g., a setpoint of zerounused slack). However, this approach would require calcu-lating slack directly, a nontrivial problem in itself. Instead,we use current transaction latency as a indicator of availableslack. The intuition behind this is as follows. As we increasethe migration speed, the total server load similarly increases.So long as the migration remains under the available slack,average transaction latency will increase only modestly asthe migration speed increases. However, around the pointat which all slack is being used, latency will begin to displaymore significant increases. If we increase migration speedpast this, slack will be exceeded and latency will increasevery rapidly.

Thus, in order to ensure that we are using most slackwithout exceeding it, we configure our PID controller totarget a certain average transaction latency. As shown inFigure 9, the process variable is the current average trans-action latency, and the setpoint is the target latency. Thesetpoint indicates an efficient use of available slack whilestill maintaining acceptable query performance. Thus, thebehavior of the PID controller is to ramp up the speed of mi-gration until transaction latency is close to the setpoint, thenmaintain that latency over time by adjusting the throttlingspeed as necessary. In other words, using the illustration inFigure 9, we observe the transaction latency (the y value)and try to stay in the acceptable region (along the red curvewhile staying within the green circle), which is achieved bydynamically controlling the migration speed (the x value).

The controller will avoid migrating so fast as to causeunacceptable performance (as determined by the setpoint),but will aggressively migrate as fast as possible so long asthe current level of performance is within acceptable levels.Of course, the efficacy of this approach depends heavily ona suitable setpoint setting. More specifically, the setpointmust be high enough to consume most available slack, butlow enough to maintain reasonable performance. We presentexperiments demonstrating the importance and effects of thesetpoint in Section 5.

4.2.3 PID Controller ImplementationWe implement the controller design shown in Figure 8

in Slacker to manage migration speeds. The input to thecontroller at each timestep consists of the current averagetransaction latency over a small sliding window of time. Thesize of the sliding window provides some useful smoothingto stabilize the controller input, since individual transac-

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tion latencies can vary significantly. We empirically found3 seconds to be a reasonable window size, with a 1 secondtimestep. In other words, once every second, the controlleris given the average transaction latency over the past 3 sec-onds (this is the current ‘process variable’ value) and outputsthe new throttling speed as a percentage of the maximumpossible throttling speed.

Since the integral component of the controller takes pasterror into account, problems can occur if the process vari-able is far from the setpoint for an extended period. This caneasily happen in Slacker if the server is not heavily loadedto begin with — it may be the case that, even running themigration at full speed, transaction latencies stay well un-der the setpoint. We prevent an accumulation of past error(known as ‘integral windup’) by employing a PID velocityalgorithm — this is an alternative form of the classical al-gorithm that outputs a delta rather than an absolute valueat each timestep and does not use a sum of past errors, thusavoiding integral windup.

We manually tune the three parameters of the controllerscaling the three error components (Kp, Ki, andKd in Equa-tion 5). We found that relative to Kp, Ki needed to berelatively small and Kd relatively large owing to the slowreaction speed of transaction latency to a change in the mi-gration speed. A larger Kd and smaller Ki serve to bothslow the rate of change in the migration speed and help pre-vent overshooting the ‘correct’ speed, stabilizing the overalllatency and reducing the degree of oscillations.

5. EVALUATIONWe evaluate the performance of Slacker using our dy-

namic throttling technique on a live testbed. We have threeprimary migration objectives:

1. Workload performance. First, we want Slackerto maintain acceptable workload latencies while per-forming simultaneous migrations. In the context ofSlacker’s dynamic throttling, this means that latenciesdo not significantly exceed the setpoint latency.

2. Migration speed. Second, we want Slacker to achievea high migration speed by making efficient use of avail-able migration slack. However, this should be subjectto (1), so that we minimally impact workload perfor-mance.

3. Flexibility. Finally, we want Slacker to gracefullyhandle a dynamic workload. We should be able toquickly and efficiently adapt to a new workload envi-ronment without significantly degrading (1) or (2).

To compare dynamic migrations with a simpler baseline,we also evaluate migrations in Slacker using a fixed throttle.For this, we manually set the throttle at the start of migra-tion and do not adjust it for the duration of the migration.

5.1 Experimental FrameworkOur experimental setup consists of a testbed running the

Slacker prototype and a database benchmark used as clientworkloads during evaluation. We overview each piece below.

5.1.1 Prototype TestbedOur testbed consists of quad-core 2.4 GHz Xeon servers

with dedicated local disks running CentOS 5.6 and Linux



migration controller


migration controller



Workload 1


d 2

Workload 3

YCSB Instance 1

YCSB Instance 2

YCSB Instance 3


Figure 10: The Slacker/YCSB evaluation framework.

kernel version 2.6.18. Our database backend consists of mul-tiple instances of MySQL 5.1.57, while Slacker itself runs onJava 6 and uses XtraBackup 5.1 for database snapshottingduring migration. Each MySQL instance is provided a dedi-cated block of memory to prevent competition between ten-ants. During evaluation, the primary Slacker server initiatesmigrations of local tenants to a second Slacker server, whilea third server executes benchmark workloads (discussed inthe following section) against the primary and/or secondaryserver. All three servers are connected via gigabit Ethernet.

The PID controller operates as a module within Slackerduring migration, and continuously tunes the speed of mi-gration by interacting with pv processes spawned by Slacker.

5.1.2 Tenant Database BenchmarkFor benchmarking tenants during migration, we employ

a heavily modified version of the open-source Yahoo CloudServing Benchmark (YCSB) [5]. YCSB was originally devel-oped for benchmarking key-value stores rather than tradi-tional relational databases, so we begin with a version aug-mented for transactions used in [8] and [10]. Each trans-action consists of a serial set of basic database operations(SELECT, UPDATE, INSERT, etc.) selected from a presetoperation distribution. Our primary benchmark workloadconsists of 10-operation transactions issued to a 1 GB pre-populated database. Each operation is selected at randomwith 85% reads and 15% writes applied to random tablerows. Since disk I/O (particularly random I/O) is both themost difficult resource to partition and often a particularlystressed resource in databases, we set the InnoDB buffer sizeto only 128 MB to ensure a high degree of disk activity.

We further modify the YCSB benchmark by replacingthe included closed workload generator with an open work-load generator [20]. Rather than coupling query generationto query completion (in which a new query arrives each timeone completes), we instead generate queries according to aPoisson distribution with mean inter-arrival time λ. By ad-justing λ, we control the query arrival rate and thus theworkload intensity sent to the database. We fix the work-load multiprogramming level (MPL) at 10 and queue re-quests that arrive but cannot be immediately serviced by anavailable client thread. The latency of a transaction is sim-ply the sum of the time spent in queue and the transactionexecution time at the database (in practice, the queue timeis minimal unless the server is heavily overloaded).

For benchmarking a multitenant server, we create a sep-arate database for each tenant, then run multiple paral-lel instances of our benchmark (one benchmark per tenant

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5 10 15 20 25 30

Txn Latency (ms)

Average Throttle Speed (MB/sec)

fixed throttleslacker (setpoint latency)

(a) Fixed throttling rate vs. Slacker







5 10 15 20 25 30

Txn Latency (ms)

Average Throttle Speed (MB/sec)

fixed throttleslacker (setpoint latency)

slacker (actual latency)

(b) Setpoint vs. achieved latencies in Slacker

Figure 11: (a) Latency with varying fixed throttling rate vs. dynamic migration speed with varying setpoints and (b) achievedlatencies compared to setpoint latencies.

database). Each benchmark is entirely independent and canhave its own query arrival rate, operation distribution, andso forth. An example of the complete evaluation framework(with three tenants) is shown in Figure 10.

5.2 Baseline PerformanceTo establish baseline performance, we first run the bench-

mark workload with a variety of fixed throttles ranging from5 MB/sec to 30 MB/sec. This is similar to the case studypresented in Section 3.2, although the migration slack is dif-ferent owing to a lower query arrival rate and smaller buffersize. While the workload is running, we migrate the tenantto a second server and record the transaction latency duringthe migration. The results are shown in Figure 11a (the redcurve). As expected, latency is both low and stable at lowthrottling speeds, and increases as the throttle is increased.Around 25 MB/sec, migration slack is exceeded, and latencyvariance (that is, the severity of latency spikes) increasesdramatically, followed by strictly increasing latency as trans-actions queue.

5.3 Dynamic Slack UtilizationNext, we perform the same migration using Slacker’s dy-

namic throttle controlled by the PID controller. Here, wedo not set the throttling speed at the start of migration, butsimply let the PID controller adjust the speed on-the-fly andrecord the average throttling speed over the entire durationof migration1. We run the dynamic migration using latencysetpoints ranging from 500 ms to 5000 ms in 500 ms incre-ments (recall that the setpoint is the latency targeted bythe PID controller). The results of these tests are shown inFigure 11a (the lower curve).

As the setpoint is increased from 500 ms (the left-mostSlacker point), the average throttling speed increases dra-matically at first – from 6.1 MB/sec at 500 ms to 12.6MB/sec at 1000 ms, then gradually to 18.7 MB/sec at 2500ms. This is because the lowest setpoints are not significantlyabove the baseline transaction latency — as a result, throt-tling must be very conservative to maintain the setpoint la-tencies. However, once the setpoint is increased past around3500 ms, the throttling speed stops noticeably increasing.This is a good indication that this observed limit (roughly23 MB/sec) is a near approximation of the true migrationslack (corroborated by the results of the fixed throttle), and

1For the PID controller parameters, we use Kp = 0.025,Ki = 0.005, and Kd = 0.015. We discuss these parametersin Section 6.

this slack is effectively captured by a setpoint of around 3500ms. Lower setpoints do not capture quite as much slack butwill result in lower latencies (since the controller will by def-inition act more conservatively).

In summary, increasing the setpoint results in higher mi-gration speed to a point, since it provides a buffer againstquery bursts. However, this ultimately provides only dimin-ishing returns, since migration speed will never exceed theavailable slack. This demonstrates that Slacker is able to op-erate within the available slack regardless of the particularsetpoint latency.

5.4 Latency MaintenanceFinally, we examine how closely Slacker achieves (does

not exceed) the setpoint latencies. Figure 11b adds a thirdline showing the actual latency (and standard deviation)achieved for each of the setpoints. We observe that theachieved latencies is very close to the setpoint latencies — inall cases, the difference is less than 10%. This demonstratesthat Slacker’s PID controller is able to effectively match thedesired transaction performance without overshooting andpotentially causing SLA violations. Furthermore, we seethat the latency variance is lower in the case of Slacker thanin the case of a fixed throttle of the same overall speed —this demonstrates that at a given migration speed, Slackerboth decreases the average latency during migration and sta-bilizes latency as well, since the dynamic throttle respondsto query and/or resource usage bursts by temporarily de-creasing migration speed.

















Transfer Rate (MB/sec)

Latency (ms)

Time (143 seconds in total)

throttling speedtransaction latency

setpoint latency

Figure 12: Throttle and latency time series (1000 ms set-point latency).

The reactivity of the PID controller to the workload be-havior is shown in Figure 12, in which we show a time series

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0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 0







70Txn Latency (ms)

Throttle (MB/sec)

Time (second)

fixed latslacker lat


(a) Dynamic workload result







0 10 20 30 40 50Ave Txn Latency(ms)

Time (second)

fixed throttleslacker (5 tenants)

slacker setpoint

(b) Multitenant result

Figure 13: (a) Slacker performance under dynamic workloads. (b) Slacker performance in a multitenant database server.

of the dynamic throttling speed during the 1000 ms setpointmigration. Alongside the throttling speed, we plot the scaledlatency of current transactions and the controller setpoint.It is evident that the throttling speed is roughly an inverseof transaction latency. During brief bursts of high latency(such as near the start of migration), Slacker decreases mi-gration speed, sometimes even pausing migration entirely toallow the database to recover. Similar, during periods oflow latency (such as in the middle of migration), Slackercapitalizes on the opportunity to increase migration speed.

In summary, Slacker achieves actual transaction latencieswithin 10% of the target setpoint latencies, while achievingsignificantly higher migration speeds at these latencies thanwhen operating with a fixed throttle. Slacker also reduceslatency variance compared to a fixed throttle operating atthe same average speed. This demonstrates Slacker’s ef-fectiveness at exploiting periods of lower activity to speedmigration and maintaining performance during periods ofhigher activity by slowing migration.

5.5 Dynamic WorkloadsAnother important aspect of Slacker’s dynamic throttle

is its ability to adapt not just to short-term workload varia-tions, but to longer-term variations as well. To evaluate this,we begin a migration and workload as before, then increasethe query arrival rate by 40% after one minute (while themigration is still in progress). We run this experiment bothwith Slacker and a fixed throttle that achieves an equivalentmigration speed and plot the results in Figure 13a.

Before the workload increase, both approaches achieverelatively stable latency. Afterward, however, the amountof slack is significantly decreased, and only Slacker is ableto respond. In the case of the fixed throttle, performancerapidly degrades as the database is unable to handle boththe migration and the new workload, and requests begin toqueue. In the case of Slacker, migration speed is simply de-creased to fit within the reduced slack, and latency is main-tained close to the setpoint (1500 ms) while the migrationcompletes.

In summary, we see that a fixed throttle may performpoorly in the presence of a changing tenant workload byfailing to adjust to a new level of slack. In contrast, Slackerquickly adapts to a changing workload and maintains thedesired level of performance while continuing the migration.

5.6 Multitenant MigrationsAlthough our experiments have focused on migration in

a single-tenant environment, there is nothing in Slacker that

is specific to this scenario. For a multitenant environment,Slacker simply computes latency averages across all tenantdatabases, including those both involved and not involved inmigration. This approach assumes that SLAs are assignedper-server (as opposed to per-tenant), but this is not a par-ticularly unrealistic assumption. We evaluate a 5-tenant sce-nario by creating five tenant databases and running five in-dependent workloads, one to each of the tenants. The totalserver workload (the sum of the individual tenant workloads)is the same as before. We then migrate only a single ten-ant, while the other four continue to execute their workloadsand are oblivious to the migration taking place. The aver-age performance across all tenants (for both Slacker andthe equivalent fixed throttle) is shown in Figure 13b. Asin the single tenant case, we see that Slacker performs well— latency is maintained close to the setpoint, and absolutelatency is significantly below the fixed throttle case.

6. PARAMETERS AND EXTENSIONSIn this section, we discuss appropriate settings of param-

eter values as well as several natural extensions to Slackernot previously discussed.

Choosing the Setpoint LatencyOne important parameter in Slacker is the transaction la-tency setpoint, As shown previously, a lower setpoint resultsin a longer migration duration, which may suggest usinga setpoint equal to the maximum value allowed under theSLA. However, there are two risks in such a greedy setpoint.First, as we have shown in the previous section, higher set-points do not expedite the migration process beyond a cer-tain point due to the limited availability of migration slack.Increasing beyond this point simply increases oscillations –this ‘knee point’ effect is illustrated in Figure 9 as well asempirically observed in Figure 11. A second risk is that,as shown in Figure 11b, higher setpoints generally result inhigher variance in transaction latencies during the migra-tion. This is undesirable since high variances will degradeperformance in terms of percentile latencies.

Therefore, to choose an appropriate setpoint, historic la-tency distribution trends, SLA flexibility, and the relativeimportance of rapid migration speed should all be consid-ered. For example, an environment in which migrationsmust be completed very quickly is more suited to an aggres-sively high setpoint, while an environment in which latencystability is most important is more suited to a conservativelylow setpoint.

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Choosing the PID ParametersThere are many standard approaches for choosing the pa-rameters for a PID controller. We mention several of theseapproaches in Section 7. In the implementation of Slacker,we began with a well-known approach, the Ziegler-Nicholsmethod [27], and applied some manual tuning on top of this.Slacker can easily incorporate more sophisticated controlmethods for these parameters, which may be used as drop-in replacements for the present fixed values. One modelis adaptive control, which has been used successfully in re-source management for virtual machines [18]. This allowsPID parameters to be learned online and adapted to thesituation in real time.

Throttling Both Source and TargetA simple variant on the multitenant migration provided bySlacker is one in which we consider both the source server(on which the tenant currently resides) and the target server(to which the tenant is moving). While we have focused onlyon the source server thus far, a migration similarly impactsthe target server and may interfere with preexisting tenants.

We have implemented a version of Slacker that accountsfor this case by considering transaction latencies on boththe source and target server — at each timestep, the PIDcontroller is simply provided the max of the source and tar-get latencies. This means that whichever server has theleast amount of slack will be responsible for determining thethrottling rate (and this may change during the course ofmigration). Similar results have been obtained with thisversion of Slacker but are omitted due to space constraints.

Other Multitenant Levels and Migration SolutionsIn this paper, we focused on the shared-server-private-instancelevel of multitenancy. Other levels are possible, such asshared-process and shared-database [22, 26, 9, 25]. Slackercan be easily extended to handle such sharing levels as longas appropriate hot backup tools are available – e.g., the Per-cona variant of MySQL offers table-level hot backup [24].

Slacker may also be used with other migration techniquesentirely, such as those proposed in [8, 10]. In particular, anymigration solution that permits throttling, and hence canlimit resource consumption by the migration process, canpotentially be substituted into the Slacker framework.


Migration TechniquesThe concept of migration in computer systems is an old one[19]. Process migration has seen limited practical use, how-ever, due in large part to dependencies on largely immobileresources, such as file descriptors and network connections[16]. The increasing prevalence of virtualization has resultedin renewed interest in migration at the virtual machine (VM)level. An early technique for migrating VMs in a ‘live’ man-ner was presented in [12], which proposed the use of iterative‘rounds’ of copying disk and memory deltas while the sourceVM continued to execute. Once the source and target wereclosely in sync, a brief handover occurs and the final deltais applied, resulting in minimal downtime. This basic tech-nique has been shown to be robust in real scenarios, and hasbeen implemented in the popular Xen VMM [2] as a way tomigrate tenant VMs.

Database MigrationSince VM migration is heavyweight, a substantial amountof work has also been done in migrating specific types ofapplications, such as databases. The basic ‘stop and copy’approach can be simply applied to a database by simplycopying data files to the target machine or using a tool suchas mysqldump [15]. This type of approach can also be ap-plied to dynamic database provisioning, such as in Dolly [4].More sophisticated database migration strategies that arelive include systems such as Zephyr [10] and Albatross [8].Zephyr’s technique transfers a minimal ‘wireframe’ of thedatabase and then pulls pages on demand from the source tothe target, while executing transactions on both the sourceand target, thereby avoiding any significant downtime.

Our work is differentiated from systems of these typesby focusing on the interference from migration both on themoving tenant and neighboring tenants. We also considernot only availability (i.e., minimizing downtime) but latencyguarantees as well with a dynamic workload. We are notaware of other works that extensively study these issues, par-ticularly when a full-speed migration may be harmful (eventhough availability is unchanged). Finally, since Slacker op-erates at the middleware level, it can easily be applied to anoff-the-shelf underlying DBMS.

Migration ThrottlingThrottling a migration to reduce interference from the mi-gration itself has been employed in a cursory manner but hasnot been extensively studied. The VM live migration ap-proach in [12] employs simple dynamic rate limiting but fo-cuses on minimizing copy bandwidth and strictly increases,hence ignoring the potential effects of a changing backgroundworkload. The wide-area migration approach in [3] usesa simple heuristic write throttle to handle write-intensiveworkloads, but only considers an availability SLA ratherthan also considering latency. The migration implementa-tion in Xen was extended in [14] to throttle the migratingtenant rather than the migration itself, thereby reducingbandwidth and the final downtime period. The tradeoff ofmigration speed with interference is mentioned briefly in [10]but not studied. Additionally, one issue with on-demandapproaches such as in [10] is that throttling is problematic,since slowing on-demand pulls exacerbates latency ratherthan mitigating it as in a throttled background transfer.

PID ControllersProportional-integral-derivative controllers have a long his-tory in industrial control systems, and are widely used inmany systems [13]. Common variants on the classical PIDcontroller include systems in which one or more of the com-ponents are left out (e.g., a P controller or a PI controller).Effective methods for tuning PID controllers are an activearea of work, with some methods dating back decades, suchas the well-known Ziegler-Nichols method [27]. A more re-cent overview of PID control system design and tuning isgiven in [1]. PID control systems are most often used insystems with physical actuator, such as maintaining pres-sure or temperature. In the database area, PID control hasbeen used in load shedding in stream databases [23]. We be-lieve that our work presents a novel use of PID controllersin conjunction with migration and system performance. Weare not aware of any other applications of PID controllersto problems in this space.

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8. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORKDatabase migration is an important technique to parti-

tion and consolidate databases and workloads in a multi-tenant server environment. However, migration itself canhave negative impacts on tenant performance, since it con-sumes resources that may be in use by tenant workloads.We formalize this issue as ‘migration slack’, and demon-strate how non-interfering migrations can be performed us-ing throttling to exploit the available slack.

Our complete end-to-end migration system, Slacker, in-telligently uses slack to perform rapid but safe live migra-tions using a dynamic throttle. The throttle is managed on-line by a PID controller that maintains acceptable latency ofdatabase transactions while simultaneously performing themigration. The controller also allows migration speed andacceptable query latency (e.g., as determined by a tenantSLA) to be traded off through the use of a target latencysetpoint, and is able to adapt to a varying workload envi-ronment while maintaining good performance.

Slacker currently operates with a multi-process modelof multitenancy, but we are working on extending this toother models, such as single-process (e.g., one MySQL dae-mon handling all tenants rather than just one). We are alsoconsidering other questions related to migration that maybe useful within a system like Slacker, such as when mi-grations are necessary, which tenants should be migrated,and where such tenants should be migrated to. These ques-tions are synergistic to the techniques focused on in Slacker,which provide an efficient and minimally disruptive methodof actually executing a given migration.

AcknowledgmentsWe thank Sudipto Das and Aaron Elmore for providing uswith their extension to the Yahoo Cloud Serving Bench-mark. This work was supported in part by NSF grantsCNS-1117221, CNS-0916972, and a gift from NEC.

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