Customer Service Level 2 60134240 - LD Training Services … ·  · 2018-01-09(NVQ/QCF) Customer...


Transcript of Customer Service Level 2 60134240 - LD Training Services … ·  · 2018-01-09(NVQ/QCF) Customer...

Page 1: Customer Service Level 2 60134240 - LD Training Services … ·  · 2018-01-09(NVQ/QCF) Customer Service Intermediate Apprenticeship Level 2 These qualifications are aimed at experienced
Page 2: Customer Service Level 2 60134240 - LD Training Services … ·  · 2018-01-09(NVQ/QCF) Customer Service Intermediate Apprenticeship Level 2 These qualifications are aimed at experienced



Components Diploma inCustomerServiceLevel2,FunctionalSkills -MathLevel1,EnglishLevel 1, Employment Rights and Responsibilities (ERR) [Optional unit orInstructus SkillsWorkbook]and Personal Learning and Thinking Skills (PLTS)[All6havebeenmappedtotheMandatoryunits]

AwardingBody EDEXCEL

Overview Industryrecognisedcertificationforexperiencedserviceproviders

Duration 12monthsminimum

Requirements To complete this qualification, candidates must achieve 45 Credits from achoiceofunitsspecialisingwithinyourservicesector.

Delivery In-companyprogrammeforindividualsandgroups

Assessment Observation, discussion, personal statement, supporting documentation,portfolioofevidence,onscreentesting.

LearnerSupport Learningmaterial,allworkplacebased

Progression Level 3 Diploma in Customer Service Apprenticeship or job roles such asCustomerSupportOfficer,TeamLeaderorSupervisor

Fees Subjecttoeligibility

Page 3: Customer Service Level 2 60134240 - LD Training Services … ·  · 2018-01-09(NVQ/QCF) Customer Service Intermediate Apprenticeship Level 2 These qualifications are aimed at experienced



GroupA-MandatoryUnits QCFlevel Credit

DeliverCustomerService 2 5

UnderstandCustomers 2 2

PrinciplesofCustomerService 2 4

UnderstandEmployerOrganisations 2 4

ManagePersonalandProfessionalDevelopment 2 4

GroupB–OptionalUnits QCFlevel Credit

CommunicateVerballywithCustomers 2 3

CommunicatewithCustomersinWriting 2 3

GroupC–OptionalUnits QCFlevel Credit

DealwithIncomingTelephoneCallsfromCustomers 2 3

MakeTelephoneCallstoCustomers 2 3



2 2

ProcessInformationaboutCustomers 2 3

ExceedCustomerExpectations 2 4

CarryoutCustomerHandovers 2 3

ResolveCustomerServiceProblems 2 5

DeliverCustomerServicetoChallengingCustomers 2 3

DevelopCustomerRelationships 2 3

SupportCustomerServiceImprovements 2 3



2 3

UseSocialMediatoDeliverCustomerService 2 3

Page 4: Customer Service Level 2 60134240 - LD Training Services … ·  · 2018-01-09(NVQ/QCF) Customer Service Intermediate Apprenticeship Level 2 These qualifications are aimed at experienced

GroupC–OptionalUnits(Cont.) QCFlevel Credit

ResolveCustomers’Complaints 3 4

Gather,AnalyseandInterpretCustomerFeedback 3 5

SupportCustomersUsingSelf-serviceEquipment 2 3

ProvidePost-transactionCustomerService 2 5

GroupD–OptionalUnits QCFlevel Credit

HealthandSafetyProceduresintheWorkplace 2 2

ManageDiarySystems 2 2

ProvideReceptionServices 2 3

ContributetotheOrganisationofanEvent 2 3

BuddyaColleaguetoDeveloptheirSkills 2 3

EmployeeRights&Responsibilities 2 2

DevelopWorkingRelationshipswithColleagues 2 3

PrinciplesofEqualityandDiversityintheWorkplace 2 2

ProcessingSalesOrders 2 2

MeetingCustomers’AfterSalesNeeds 2 3

HandlingObjectionsandClosingSales 2 3

DealwithIncidentsthroughaContactCentre 2 7

CarryoutDirectSalesActivitiesinaContactCentre 2 5

NegotiateinaBusinessEnvironment 3 4

BespokeSoftware 2 3

Page 5: Customer Service Level 2 60134240 - LD Training Services … ·  · 2018-01-09(NVQ/QCF) Customer Service Intermediate Apprenticeship Level 2 These qualifications are aimed at experienced