Customer Satisfaction Toward Truemove Customer Sevice

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  • 8/12/2019 Customer Satisfaction Toward Truemove Customer Sevice


    Program: MIMA International Marketing

    Course: EFO705 International Marketing Masters Thesis

    Supervisor: Jan Lwstedt

    Date: June 8th 2008



  • 8/12/2019 Customer Satisfaction Toward Truemove Customer Sevice


    Abstrac t

    Date: June 8th 2008

    Program: Master Thesis o! International Marketing

    Course Code: EFO705

    Supervisor: Jan Lwstedt

    Autors: "hokaew #oo$gra$e% 8&072'

    (aider )a*a A$$as% 820+0+

    ,un-anu.h "hutti/a% 7508'2

    Tit!e: "usto/er atis!a.tion toward TrueMo1e "usto/er er1i.e

    Pro"!em Stateme#t: (ow are TrueMo1e .usto/ers satis!ied with the .usto/erser1i.e ro1ided at TrueMo1e shos in 3angkok4

    Purpose: To e1aluate whether6 and how6 TrueMo1e .usto/ers are satis!ied or

    dissatis!ied with the .usto/er ser1i.e ro1ided at TrueMo1e shos in the 3angkok

    region with the hel o! e1aluation o! ser1i.e ualit- $- .usto/ers o! the sho

    Teor$ a#d Metods: The resear.h $ases /ainl- on uantitati1e /ethod9 that

    is uestionnaire /ethod The er1i.e :ualit- ;a whi.h ai/s to /easure the

    .usto/er satis!a.tion $- .o/aring their e

  • 8/12/2019 Customer Satisfaction Toward Truemove Customer Sevice



    The a..o/lish/ent o! this stud- is a .ontinuous result o! .ontri$utions $- indi1iduals

    whose .ontinuous hel and assistan.e during ea.h hase o! resear.hing ro.ess is greatl-are.iated $- the authors First o! all the authors would like to thank ,ro!essor JanLwstedt whose suer1ision had enlightened the authors with a lot o! knowledgea$lead1i.e and whose assistan.e had $een with the authors sin.e the 1er- !irst stes o!resear.hing until the end

    Euall- i/ortant is TrueMo1e "o/an-9 .onta.t erson Miss #an.hanawan ira-aAssistant ?ire.tor o! TrueMo1e whose de1otion had $een in rel-ing the inter1iewuestions gi1ing reuired in!or/ation and .onta.ting all TrueMo1e hos in 3angkokregion to distri$ute the uestionnaire Also the authors would like to thank Mr )at*iorno.hitha/kul9 "usto/er "orresonden.e o! TrueMo1e in .onta.ting with the authors !orreorting the uestionnaire result through TrueMo1e data$ase @ithout the assistan.e o!$oth the authors would !ind it i/ossi$le to !inish this stud-

    Also the authors would like to thank Ms risa/orn #oo$gra$e one o! authors /othersarti.ularl- !or assisting with the .onta.t with TrueMo1e through the a!oresaid ersonsThe assuran.e o! lots o! .onta.t in!or/ation and other /is.ellaneous rele1ant issues .ouldnot $e addressed without her hel

    The authors also are thank!ul to the oonent grous who had gi1en .onstru.ti1e.o//ents !or the i/ro1e/ent o! this aer As well as sharing great eni1ersit- had enhan.ed the learning e

  • 8/12/2019 Customer Satisfaction Toward Truemove Customer Sevice


    T ab le of Co nte nts

    C)APTER +: INTRODUCTION ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, +

    +,+ TrueMove: te Fo%a! Compa#$ ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, +

    ''' TrueMo1e 3a.kground '''2 TrueMo1es ,rodu.ts and er1i.e C

    ''C "usto/er er1i.e at TrueMo1e C

    +,- Mo"i!e Operator Mar(et i# Tai!a#d: A# Out!oo(,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.

    '2' Attra.ti1eness o! Mo$ile Oerator Market in Thailand &

    '22 An Outlook to the .urrent situations 5

    +,/ Pro"!em Stateme#t ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 0

    +,. Purpose ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1

    +,0 De!imitatio#s ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1

    +,1 Target Audie#%e,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2

    +,2 Stru%ture o3 te Paper ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2

    C)APTER -: 4ITERATURE REVIEW ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, +5

    -,+ Tai!a#d Mo"i!e mar(et 6 %ustomer satis3a%tio# ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, +5

    -,- Previous studies i# re!ave#t area,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ++-,/ Core teories dis%ussed ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, +0

    C)APTER /: MET)ODO4O78 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, +2

    /,+ Te Se!e%ted Topi% ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, +2

    /,- Te Cose# Teories,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, +2

    /,/ Data Co!!e%tio# o3 te Resear% ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, +9

    CC' ,ri/ar- ?ata '+

    CC'' Inter1iew '+

    CC'2 :uestionnaire '+

    CC'2a a/ling iDe 20

    CC'2$ a/ling Fra/e 20

    CC'2. the ?e1elo/ent o! :uestionnaire 2'

    CC'2d ?istri$ution o! :uestionnaire 22CC2 e.ondar- ?ata 22

    /,. )o' to a#a!$e ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, -/

    C)APTER .: T)EORETICA4 FRAMEWOR& ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, -0

    .,+ Servi%e ;ua!it$ 7ap,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, -0

    &'2 "usto/er E

  • 8/12/2019 Customer Satisfaction Toward Truemove Customer Sevice


  • 8/12/2019 Customer Satisfaction Toward Truemove Customer Sevice


    List of


    Figure +: The Three #e- ,ossi$le :ualit- Out.o/e: Page -9

    our.e% ;ho$adian ellar H Jones '++&

    Figure -: "on.etualiDation o! the Fra/ework: Page /5

    Figure /: Total )esondents Ender 20 earGOld Fe/ale and Male: Page /.

    Figure 0: The Esers Age $etween 2'G

    C0 Fe/ale and Male: Page


    Figure 1: The Esers Age $etween C'G

    &0 Fe/ale and Male: Page /1

    Figure 2: The Esers Age $etween &'G

    50 Fe/ale and Male: Page /2

    Figure 9: The Esers Age o1er 50 earG

    Old Fe/ale and Male: Page />

    Figure >: The Esers Age $etween 2'G

    C0 Fe/ale and /ale: Page .5

    Figure +5: The Esers Age $etweenC'G&0 Fe/ale and Male: Page .+

    Figure ++: The Esers Age $etween

    &'G50 Fe/ale and Male: Page ./

    Figure +-: The Esers Age o1er 50

    earGOld Fe/ale and Male: Page ..

  • 8/12/2019 Customer Satisfaction Toward Truemove Customer Sevice



    Cha pter 1: INTR!"CT IN

    Toda- the world is growing in an in.reasingl- raidG.hanging en1iron/ent

    3usiness /arket has $e.o/e /u.h /ore .o/etiti1e To .ature target

    .usto/ers as well as di!!erentiate !ro/ other .o/etitors /arketing is a ke- to

    .o/anies throughout the world

    er1ing .usto/ers well is at the heart o! /arketing as well as suorts a

    .o/an-s osition in nowada-s .o/etiti1e /arket Its i/ortan.e is as

    ?e//ing '+5' stated @hen ser1i.e ualit- i/ro1es .osts .o/e down and

    .usto/ers are ha- and tell other eole This $rings in /ore .usto/ers As a

    result ro!ita$ilit- i/ro1es6

    A .o/etitor in Thailands .o/etiti1e raidG.hanging /o$ile oerator /arket

    TrueMo1e9 the thirdGlargest /o$ile oerator .o/an- in Thailand now

    en.ounters with /ore di!!i.ulties in .aturing .usto/ers as well as striking

    /arket share , is no longer an e!!e.ti1e tool to .aturing .usto/ers

    Instead the trend .hanges to e/hasiDe on o!!ering a $etter ser1i.e >niue and

    di!!erentiated e

  • 8/12/2019 Customer Satisfaction Toward Truemove Customer Sevice



    "onglo/eration The $rand oerates along with other $rands within KTrue ;rou9

    o! whi.h all $rands in.lude TrueMo1e TrueOnline True=isions TrueMone- and

    TrueLi!e As to e

  • 8/12/2019 Customer Satisfaction Toward Truemove Customer Sevice



    three largest /o$ile oerators in Thailand True E

  • 8/12/2019 Customer Satisfaction Toward Truemove Customer Sevice



    As !or True ho in 3angkok .usto/er ser1i.e is ro1ided at the deart/ent

    stores and $uildings o! The Mall "entral Lotus 3ig " "arre!our Future ,ark

    )angsit Fashion Island I/erial a/rong ", Tower IT Mall Fortune Town

    ea.on uare and others

    For #iosks /ainl- .usto/er ser1i.e o! TrueMo1e is ro1ided at The Mall 3ig "

    "arre!our TO, and others eg IT Mal F& )o$inson 3angkok "entral @orld

    Ma$oonkrong and ,ower$-.entral

    "o/e lastl- to the ! o! this resear.h TrueMo1e shos in 3angkok TrueMo1e

    shos in 3angkok are ser1ed at '5 the deart/ent stores and & $uildings The

    deart/ent stores in.lude The Mall ga/wongwan The Mall )a/kha/haeng

    The Mall 3angkae The Mall Thara The Mall )a/kha/haeng C "entral ,inklao

    3ig " 3ang ,lee and )a/a 2 "arre!our "hangwattana "arre!our )at.hadaisek

    "arre!our ukai$an C "arre!our 3angakok and "arre!our 3ang$on Future

    ,ark )angsit and ea.on uare The $uildings in.lude Fortune Town

    @ongsawang Town "entre > "hu Liang $uilding and ing "haroen Market True

    "ororation nd

    1#( $obile perator$ark etin Th aila nd:An utlo ok

    1#(#1 Attracti%eness of $obile perator $arket in Thailand

    The /o$ile oerator /arket in Thailand is te/ting The new /o$ile hone

    su$s.ri$ers grew $- '8N in the !irst si< /onths o! 2007 regardless o! Thailands

    slow e.ono/i. growth 3- *ust during the !irst hal! o! the -ear the new

    su$s.ri$ers rise u to 7 /illion9 this is twoGthird o! the total !or the entire 200

    Finall- the industr- gained aro

  • 8/12/2019 Customer Satisfaction Toward Truemove Customer Sevice



    o! their .hildren and grand.hildren Mo$ile ser1i.e is in.reasingl- $e.o/ing a

    ser1i.e a..usto/ed to e1er-one !ro/ the age o! earl- ten until the retire/ents

    (en.e the authors set !or /o$ile oerator /arket in Thailand as the /arket o!

    interest True "ororation 2008

    1#(#( An utlook to the currentsituations

    In Thailand /o$ile oerator /arket TrueMo1e has $een the third a!ter AI9 !ull

    na/e KAd1an.ed In!o er1i.e the nu/$er one in the /arket and ?TA"9 !ull

    na/e KTotal A..ess "o//uni.ation the se.ond rese.ti1el- On another side

    the $rand re.edes K(ut.h and KThai Mo$ile the !ourth and the !i!th rese.ti1el-

    in the /arket To .o/ete with its .o/etitors TrueMo1e utiliDes its ad1antage

    o! .onglo/erate $rand to o!!er the .on1ergen.e li!est-le whose ad1antagessuorts the .usto/er the additional $ene!its o! internet ser1i.e insuran.e and


    The in!or/ation !ro/ Marketin!o 2008 indi.ates that sin.e the widesread o!

    te.hnolog- and tele.o//uni.ations the world has .hanged raidl- and

    strateg- is no longer the right strateg- to strike sales to .ature .usto/ers or to

    i/ro1e /arket share Instead ro/otion and ser1i.e ualit- ha1e rela.ed the

    i/ortan.e o! the strateg- Leading /o$ile oerator .o/anies in

    Thailand9 in.luding AI the nu/$er one in the /arket ?TA" the se.ond andTrueMo1e the third now .hange their trend to ! on ser1i.e ualit- er1i.e

    ualit- has $e.o/e an i/ortant /eans to .ature .usto/ers as well as retain

    the/ !or the reetiti1e ur.hase o! ser1i.e to the .o/anies Marketin!o 2008

    1#, *roble m + ta te men t

    The ro$le/ state/ent is @)o' are TrueMove %ustomers satis3ied 'it te

    %ustomer servi%e provided at TrueMove Sops i#

  • 8/12/2019 Customer Satisfaction Toward Truemove Customer Sevice


    /a- not $e !ull- i/le/ented -et and needs so/e i/ro1e/ents Also i! a

    .o/an- would e1aluate its own ser1i.e the understanding !ro/ the erse.ti1es

    o! .usto/ers is 1er- i/ortant Fro/ the erse.ti1es o! .usto/ers the

    assess/ent o! ser1i.e ualit- will not $e $iased @hat re!le.ted !ro/ the

    .usto/ers erse.ti1es .ould ro1ide a .han.e !or a .o/an- to i/ro1e its

    ser1i.e ualit- to the right dire.tion

    1#- *urp ose

    The authors ai/ is to e1aluate 'eter and o' TrueMo1e .usto/ers are

    satis!ied or dissatis!ied with the .usto/er ser1i.e ro1ided at TrueMo1e hos in

  • 8/12/2019 Customer Satisfaction Toward Truemove Customer Sevice



    The result o! this resear.h there!ore is li/ited to ai/ onl- to reort how

    .usto/ers assess9 in other words Khow .usto/ers are satis!ied with .usto/er

    ser1i.e ualit- ro1ided at TrueMo1e shos in 3angkok For /aking use o! the

    in!or/ation re!le.ted !ro/ this resear.h deter/ining what should $e i/ro1ed or

    de.iding the right set o! .oordinated a.ti1ities to /eet the .usto/er e

  • 8/12/2019 Customer Satisfaction Toward Truemove Customer Sevice



    trends !or TrueMo1e to de1elo its ser1i.e ualit- at the $est ossi$le (en.e

    $a.kground o! TrueMo1e "o/an- as well as /arket situations were gi1en $rie!

    in!or/ation in this .hater9 !ollowed $- ,ro$le/ tate/ent ,urose o! tud-

    ?eli/itation o! the stud- and target o! this resear.h

    Capter T'o= @4iterature revie'B the need !or searate .hater arose a!ter

    the !a.t that literature re1iew is thorough and !or the readers erse.ti1e it

    needed a searate sa.e The literature sear.h has $een e

  • 8/12/2019 Customer Satisfaction Toward Truemove Customer Sevice



    Capter Seve#= @Re%omme#datio#B here the authors9 a!ter .on.lusion

    re.o//end /anage/ent ali.ations !or TrueMo1e hos in 3angkok that .ould

    i/ro1e .usto/er satis!a.tion as well as $ring in /ore otential .usto/ers

    Appe#di is the last .hater o! this aer (ere $oth uestionnaire9 English and

    Thai 1ersion and the o$*e.ti1es o! ea.h art o! it are resented 3esides the

    dire.t results !ro/ /ean and , are resented as well as eG/ail .onta.t with


  • 8/12/2019 Customer Satisfaction Toward Truemove Customer Sevice



    Chap te r (: Li terature Re% iew

    (#1 Thaila nd $ o bile mark et c usto mersa tis fa cti on

    First o! all a$out Thailand /o$ile /arket and .usto/er satis!a.tion Marketin!o

    indi.ated in its Thai /o$ile /arketing situation reort that the /o$ile /arketing

    trends in 2008 will $e e!!e.ted !ro/ the great i/a.t !ro/ the new regulation o!

    nu/$er orta$ilit- whi.h er/its one trans!era$le nu/$er al-ing !or e1er-

    oerating s-ste/ This oli.- allows .usto/ers to .hange their /o$ile oerator

    without .hanging their /o$ile hone nu/$er There!ore .usto/er ser1i.e will

    $e.o/e /ore signi!i.antl- i/ortant as in the .ase that the oerators .annot

    ro1ide an e!!e.ti1e and satis!ied ser1i.e .usto/ers .an instantl- swit.h $rand

    without an-/ore worr- to .hange their .onta.t nu/$er

    As !or the ne.essit- to reser1e the e

  • 8/12/2019 Customer Satisfaction Toward Truemove Customer Sevice



    (ill '++ said a$out .usto/er de.a- that the a1erage $usiness loses $etween

    '0 and C0 er .ent o! its .usto/ers ea.h -ear $ut o!ten dont know wh- the-

    were lost (ill .lari!ied that dissatis!a.tion is the !unda/ental reason !or .usto/er

    de.a- A .onsidera$le a/ount o! resear.h has $een undertaken in the area !or

    se1eral -ears !ound that there are .usto/er gas that o$stru.t .o/an- to /eet

    .usto/er satis!a.tion The o1erall ga whi.h results in dissatis!ied .usto/er is the

    ga $etween e

  • 8/12/2019 Customer Satisfaction Toward Truemove Customer Sevice



    The stud- utiliDed at .rossGse.tional sur1e- design to in1estigate ser1i.e ualit-

    er.etions and their .o/etiti1e anal-sis in the Thai tele.o//uni.ation

    industr- :uestionnaires were distri$uted utiliDing a .on1enien.e sa/ling !ro/

    walkGin .usto/ers at a ser1i.e .entre during Ma-GJune '+++ ti/e eriod In

    addition this stud- also was .ondu.ted under the sa/e natural en1iron/ent in

    whi.h e/lo-ees ser1i.e ro1iders nor/all- !un.tion thus o!!ering a greater

    degree o! realit-

    This stud- used a se1enGoint Likert s.ale range !ro/ strongl- agree6 7 to

    strongl- disagree6 ' to assess all !i1e di/ensions o! ser1i.e and .onsidered

    the /aAL s.ale as a

    starting oint !or assessing ser1i.e ualit- The !i1e original ser1i.e ualit-

    di/ensions showed i/ressi1e relia$ilit- and were surrisingl- in!luential The-

    also a..entuated that E)=:>AL does see/ to $e $etter suited !or ro.essG

    dri1en ser1i.e !ir/s eg tele.o//uni.ation $anking retailing health .are et.

    Further/ore !inding o! their resear.h indi.ated a distin.t i/ortan.e !or the

    ro.ess ase.ts o! a ser1i.e Tangi$le )esonsi1eness Assuran.e and


    In a stud- o! )-an air .usto/er satis!a.tion in weden

    Thanata1eerat and Jia*ia 2007 e/lo-s E=):>AL

    te.hniue to anal-De )-an airs !i1e di/ensions o! ser1i.e

    ualit- and .o/are the er.ei1ed ualit- with .usto/er


  • 8/12/2019 Customer Satisfaction Toward Truemove Customer Sevice



    de.ades $- se1eral resear.hers a.ross .onte

  • 8/12/2019 Customer Satisfaction Toward Truemove Customer Sevice



    The e

  • 8/12/2019 Customer Satisfaction Toward Truemove Customer Sevice



    ha1e de1eloed and tested a !or.e!ul /easure o! !i1e di/ensions% relia$ilit-

    resonsi1eness assuran.e e/ath- and tangi$les Measuring .usto/er


    For instan.e the arti.les K>nderstanding "usto/er E

  • 8/12/2019 Customer Satisfaction Toward Truemove Customer Sevice



    The e

  • 8/12/2019 Customer Satisfaction Toward Truemove Customer Sevice



    Chap ter ,: $2T3!L45

    ,#1 The +elected T op ic

    The authors de.ide to resear.h on customer satisfaction towards customer service

    at TrueMo1e as the authors see the i/ortan.e o! K.usto/er and K.usto/er

    satis!a.tion As .heuing E '+++ stated that "usto/ers are the li!e$lood o!

    an- organiDation @ithout the/ it loses its /eaning and urose6 and Qik/und

    @ and ?A/i.o M '+8+ suorted its i/ortan.e to /arketing that "usto/er

    satis!a.tion is the ai/ o! the /arketing A..ording to the /arketing an organiDation should tr- to satis!- the needs o! .usto/ers or .lients

    through .oordinated set o! a.ti1ities that at the sa/e ti/e allows the

    organiDation to a.hie1e its goals6

    Further/ore TrueMo1e is .hosen to stud- $e.ause o! reasons First o! all it is in

    the industr- o! /o$ile ser1i.e9 whose aroa.h to .usto/ers has $een su..ess!ul

    and whose nature is wellGknown as the i/ortan.e o! tele.o//uni.ation has

    sread !or so/e .onsidera$le ti/e e

  • 8/12/2019 Customer Satisfaction Toward Truemove Customer Sevice



    are .hosen9 ro1ided that their urose o! use is aroriate and .orresonds to

    the resear.h ro$le/

    As !or ;a Model its urose is as 3itner 2007 stated Sto deter/ine how well

    the ser1i.e /eeting or e

  • 8/12/2019 Customer Satisfaction Toward Truemove Customer Sevice



    ,#,#1 *rimar& !ata

    The ri/ar- data was .olle.ted $- two sour.es9 that are inter1iew and


    ,#,#1#1 Inter%iew

    ?ue to the ne.essit- to de!ining the sa/ling siDe o! the resondents ai/ed to $e

    distri$uted with the uestionnaire and the li/itations that no in!or/ation

    se.i!i.all- a$out the nu/$er o! TrueMo1es .usto/ers in 3angkok region

    ese.iall- li/ited to onl- the .usto/ers o! TrueMo1e hos .an $e !ound out $-

    se.ondar- the authors .onta.t TrueMo1e "o/an- to gain the

    knowledge o! the nu/$er o! TrueMo1e hos .usto/ers in 3angkok region

    To do so the authors .onta.t TrueMo1e through ersonal .onta.t with Miss

    #an.hanawan ira-a9 Assistant ?ire.tor o! TrueMo1e o! TrueMo1e 3angkok The

    .onta.t erson is in .harge o! ad/inistrating TrueMo1e hos in 3angkok region9

    there!ore is .onsidered a$le as well as relia$le to answer the reuired uestion

    .on.erning total .usto/ers o! TrueMo1e hos in 3angkok region as well as the

    a1erage .usto/ers er ea.h TrueMo1e ho er /onth in 3angkok region

    The inter1iew uestions were !irst eG/ailed to the .onta.t erson9 as it is

    .on1enient !or her to /anage the ti/e to answer (owe1er as so/e in!or/ationreuired are .on!idential o! the .o/an- $ut as the .onta.t erson well

    understands the ne.essit- to de!ine the sa/ling siDe telehone inter1iew was

    agreed Finall- the uestions .on.erning se.i!i. in!or/ation a$out total

    .usto/ers o! TrueMo1e hos in 3angkok region as well as the a1erage

    .usto/ers er ea.h TrueMo1e ho er /onth in 3angkok region were answered

    with the nu/ data9 under the agreement that the authors would use the

    information only to define the sampling size of questionnaire and NOT to reveal

    the number.

    ,#,#1#( 6uestionnaire

    In order to answer the .ore o! the resear.h ro$le/9 "usto/er atis!a.tion

    towards "usto/er er1i.e o! TrueMo1e hos in 3angkok region the in!or/ation

    !ro/ the .usto/er erse.ti1es la- an i/ortant role There!ore the authors

  • 8/12/2019 Customer Satisfaction Toward Truemove Customer Sevice



    de.ide to .ondu.t the uestionnaire inter1iew9 with the .loseGended uestions to

    .usto/ers o! TrueMo1e hos in 3angkok region

    ,#,#1#(a +ampling +i7e

    As !or sa/ling siDe Fisher 2007 e

  • 8/12/2019 Customer Satisfaction Toward Truemove Customer Sevice



    3- distri$uting through TrueMo1e hos in 3angkok region the rando/

    sa/ling te.hniue is .onsidered aroriate as the authors .ould gain the real

    knowledge o! whi.h target grou o! TrueMo1e hos .usto/ers in 3angkok

    region reall- are and whi.h de/ograhi. grous are /ore and less in roortion

    whi.h is .onsidered ad1antageous to /anage/ent o! TrueMo1e

    ,#,#1#(c the !e%elopment of 6uestionnaire

    The uestionnaire is de1eloed in a..ordan.e with the !ra/ework

    .onsisting o! the er1i.e :ualit- ;a and the E)=:>AL ?i/ensions

    In .onsidering an aroriate wa- o! designing a uestionnaire the authors are

    .on.erned with the intangi$le it!all o! /easuring satis!a.tion To eAL ?i/ensions and er1i.e :ualit- ;a The authors searate the

    uestionnaire into three arts as !ollowing

    ,art I% This art inuires a$out the general de/ograhi. and other in!or/ation o!

    the resondents eg age gender !reuen.- o! 1isiting TrueMo1e hos er

    /onth et. This art is designed !or the use o! /anage/ent ali.ation

    ,art II% This art is in the !or/at o! Likert .ales9 a !i1eGoint s.ale $etween

    strongl- agree and strongl- disagree !or the resondents to .hoose Fisher 200&

    5 The !irst 22 uestions in this Likert .ales !or/at are designed a..ording

    to E)=:>AL ?i/ensions to enuire a$out .usto/er e

  • 8/12/2019 Customer Satisfaction Toward Truemove Customer Sevice



    ga $etween .usto/er eAL

    ?i/ension !ro/ the .onsideration o! the resondents It is ai/ed to er!or/ as

    the .on!ir/ation o! art II as well as .onsideration o! .usto/er satis!a.tion

    As the target resondents are the Thais the uestionnaire is designed in two

    1ersions9 one in English and one in Thai The English 1ersion is .reated !irst as it

    is easier and /ore .on1enient !or the adatation o! the original !or/at initiated

    $- ,arasura/an Qeitha/l H 3err- '++' Then it is translated into Thai

    $e.ause o! the .onsideration that Thai 1ersion would ensure the .orre.t

    understanding o! the target resondents as well as .learer to the/ !or the interretation on the uestions The translated 1ersion was ro1ed

    $- #asetsart >ni1ersit- Language "enter as an author was a !or/er student o!

    the uni1ersit-

    >lti/atel- Johnson H irikit 2002 .on!ir/ed the aroriateness o! adating

    the uestionnaire that it is aroriate to $ase the /easure/ent o!

    ualit- with the use o! E)=:>AL s.ale in tele.o//uni.ations !ield @e

    .an re.o//end with so/e .on!iden.e the E)=:>AL s.ale as a starting oint !or

    a..essing ser1i.e ualit-6 Johnson H irikit 2002 Further/ore the E)=:>AL

    s.ale /entioned $- ;a$$ie H Oeill '++ while stud-ing ser1i.e ualit- in

    northern Irish hotel se.tor agree with the aroriateness o! the uestionnaire

    ,#,#1#(d !istribution of6uestionnaire

    The uestionnaire is distri$uted through TrueMo1e hos in 3angkok

    region9 with assistan.e !ro/ the .o/an- in .onta.t with the authors The

    distri$ution had $een taken within se1en da-s during Aril 2&th

    to C0th9 in Thai


    ,#,#( +econdar& !ata

    3e.ause o! the .onsideration that the !ull knowledge a$out the ! .o/an- its

    arental .onglo/erate its osition in Thailand /o$ile oerator /arket should $e

  • 8/12/2019 Customer Satisfaction Toward Truemove Customer Sevice



    i/le/ented in order to $est answer the resear.h uestion the authors de.ide to

    .olle.t all the /entioned data !ro/ di!!erent relia$le

    The /ain ones are through the data$ase o! Marketin!o.oth TrueMo1es o!!i.ial

    site and the o!!i.ial site o! True "ororation9 whi.h is TrueMo1es arental

    .o/an- Other re!erredGto generate the understanding o! TrueMo1es

    osition in Thailand /o$ile oerator /arket The- are assured to $e relia$le $-

    taking !ro/ the sites o! go1ern/ental organiDation ri1ate .o/anies renowned

    $usiness newsaer in Thailand and other related ones

    Further detail a$out the data$ase o! Marketin!o.oth and the sear.hed through

    we$sites .ould $e re!erred to the !or/er art o! Literature )e1iew For !urther

    detail the !ull list o! re!eren.e suorts the tra.k o! se.ondar- in!or/ation

    ,#- 3o w to a nal&7e

    The data .olle.ted a!ter resear.h will $e anal-Ded and resented using des.riti1e

    statisti.s @ith the hel o! Mean H Freuen.- !igures generated through ,9 a.kage !or so.ial .harts will $e used

    "ross ta$ulation o! the data would $e .ondu.ted to !urther esti/ate to 1isi$l-

    .o/e uon re1alent trends

    In addition )ating .ale will $e used to anal-De the result o! the eAL

    /odel is done $- .o/aring the A1erage with )ating .ale setting the

    interretation as !ollowing

    ,#-#1 Rating +cale to !efining the Interpretation

    The Average between

    4.21 5.00Opinion is the Most

    The Average between Opinion is at Much

  • 8/12/2019 Customer Satisfaction Toward Truemove Customer Sevice


    3.41 4.20

    The Average between2.61 3.40

    The Average between1.81 2.60

    The Average between1.00 1.80

    Opinion is Moerate

    Opinion is !ess.

    Opinion is at the !east.

  • 8/12/2019 Customer Satisfaction Toward Truemove Customer Sevice


    Cha pter -: T3 2R2TICAL FRA$28R9

    -#1 +er%ic e 6 ualit& 4a p

    The ga /odel is a use!ul !ra/ework !or understanding ser1i.e ualit- in an

    organiDation E1en though there are se1eral gas e

  • 8/12/2019 Customer Satisfaction Toward Truemove Customer Sevice


    -#1#( Customer 2pectations of +er%ice

    A..ording to Qeitha/l 3itner and ;re/ler 200 .usto/er e

  • 8/12/2019 Customer Satisfaction Toward Truemove Customer Sevice


    and @hite 200& as the result o! the di/ensions6 (en.e the !i1e di/ensions

    are the ke-s to /easure and e1aluate e

  • 8/12/2019 Customer Satisfaction Toward Truemove Customer Sevice


    ,arasura/an '++' stated that although relia$ilit- is the /ost i/ortant

    di/ension in /eeting .usto/er e

  • 8/12/2019 Customer Satisfaction Toward Truemove Customer Sevice



    "#erceive $ua%it&'

    ,"E"#rior (usto)er


    A,: "Actua%#rocess$ua%it&'

    AO: "Actua%Outco)e$ua%it&'

    Figure +: Te Tree &e$ Possi"!e ;ua!it$ Out%ome

    our.e% ;ho$adian eller H Jones '++& er1i.e ualit- .on.ets and /odels6International *ournal o! ualit- H relia$ilit- /anage/ent6 1ol'' no + &CG

    ,rior .usto/er e

  • 8/12/2019 Customer Satisfaction Toward Truemove Customer Sevice



    -#- Con ceptual i7ation ofTh eor &




    C )esonsi1eness& Assuran.e5 E/ath-

    Figure -: "on.etualiDation o! the Fra/ework

    Finall- the authors de.ide to .ondu.t the resear.h o! /easuring and e1aluating

    .usto/er satis!a.tion9 !ro/ .usto/er erse.ti1es towards TrueMo1e .usto/er

    ser1i.e ro1ided at TrueMo1e shos within 3angkok region through the

    !ra/ework o! "usto/er ;a and the Fi1e ?i/ensions o! er1i.e The a$o1e

    /odel o! Fra/ework o! This )esear.h resents that the Model o!

    "usto/er ;a is used in this resear.h in the $roader sense o! /easuring

    .usto/er satis!a.tion $- e1aluating the $alan.e $etween e

  • 8/12/2019 Customer Satisfaction Toward Truemove Customer Sevice




    Chap ter .: F IN! IN4+ ANAL5+I+

    .#1 TotalR es p on dents

    Totel Respondents












    Le%el of Customer 2pectation and *erception



    Figure 3: Total Respondents Expectation and Perception

    .#1#1 Reliabilit&

    For the total resondents the !irst riorit- eAL Likert .ale art o! the

    uestionnaire distri$uted re1eals that .usto/ers are.iate an- ser1i.e to $e

    er!or/ed right at the lanned ti/e and duration @hen .usto/ers ha1e an-

    ro$le/s the .usto/ers wish !or TrueMo1e hos sta!! to $e s-/atheti. and

    reassuring in ser1i.e In addition all the re.ords at TrueMo1e is e

  • 8/12/2019 Customer Satisfaction Toward Truemove Customer Sevice



  • 8/12/2019 Customer Satisfaction Toward Truemove Customer Sevice


    #e- ,ossi$le :ualit- Out.o/e '++& 50 this indi!!eren.e as the- are in the

    sa/e le1el o! Kthe Most $- the )ating .ale .ould $e .al.ulated as ,"E U ,:9

    that is ,rior "usto/er E

  • 8/12/2019 Customer Satisfaction Toward Truemove Customer Sevice


  • 8/12/2019 Customer Satisfaction Toward Truemove Customer Sevice


    Other riorities are si/ilar to what *ust /entioned9 that is the .usto/er are not

    -et satis!ied As e

  • 8/12/2019 Customer Satisfaction Toward Truemove Customer Sevice


    For the other E)=:>AL ?i/ensions in.luding Assuran.e E/ath-

    )esonsi1eness and Tangi$le $oth /ale and !e/ale rated their /ean s.ore !or

    the e

  • 8/12/2019 Customer Satisfaction Toward Truemove Customer Sevice


    and C85 !or /ale As seen the er.etion /an !alls to the KMu.h Le1el )ating

    .ale As this .an $e .al.ulated as ,:,"E9 as de!ined a$out Kthe the Three #e-

    ,ossi$le :ualit- Out.o/es $- eller and Jones '++& 50 it .an $e .on.luded

    that .usto/er satis!a.tion is atKuna..eta$le

    Likewise the other di/ensions in.luding )esonsi1eness Tangi$le Assuran.e

    and E/ath- .ould $e anal-Ded9 as nu/ data resented $- the grah

    a$o1e as Kuna..eta$le9 gi1en that the /ean s.ore o! e

  • 8/12/2019 Customer Satisfaction Toward Truemove Customer Sevice


    s.ore !all at 59 Kthe Most Le1el $- the )ating .ale is higher than the er.etion

    /ean o! C+CC !or !e/ale and C85 !or /ale9 the KMu.h Le1el )ating .ale

    @hat is 1er- outstanding !or this grou o! .usto/ers is that the e

  • 8/12/2019 Customer Satisfaction Toward Truemove Customer Sevice


    .#(#. *repaid "sers@ Age o%er . 5ear@ Female and $ale

    Figure 9: The Esers Age o1er 50 earGOld Fe/ale and Male

    For ,reaid "usto/ers age o1er 50 -earGold there is no /ale resondent !or this


    As !or !e/ale .usto/ers )elia$ilit- si/ilar to all !or/er grous is rated as the

    !irst riorit- An-how .usto/ers are not -et satis!ied as the- rate their

    satis!a.tion as Kuna..eta$le9 that is ,:,"E as e

  • 8/12/2019 Customer Satisfaction Toward Truemove Customer Sevice



    .an $e .al.ulated !or Kthe Three #e- ,ossi$le Out.o/es o! eller and Jones

    '++& as ,:,"E

    A!ter all the .usto/er satis!a.tion !or al/ost all the E)=:>AL ?i/ensions !or

    !e/ale .usto/ers age o1er 50 -earGold whi.h use reaid ser1i.e s-ste/ is

    Kuna..eta$le The onl- e

  • 8/12/2019 Customer Satisfaction Toward Truemove Customer Sevice



    For ,ostaid users age 2'GC0 -earGold $oth !e/ale and /ale users rate

    )elia$ilit- as their !irst riorit- The result rese/$les the total oulation

    Moreo1er the result shows that their satis!a.tion towards this di/ension is

    .al.ulated as Kuna..eta$le% as their e

  • 8/12/2019 Customer Satisfaction Toward Truemove Customer Sevice



    The result !or ostaid users age $etween C'G&0 also si/ilar to the total

    resondent in ter/ o! !irst riorit- in whi.h )elia$ilit- rank as !irst rank a$o1e all

    ser1i.e di/ensions Further/ore the result shows that their satis!a.tion towards

    this di/ension is .al.ulated as Kuna..eta$le% as their e

  • 8/12/2019 Customer Satisfaction Toward Truemove Customer Sevice



    ha1e 1ariet- needs and er.etions and should $e se.iall- treated $- the

    .o/an- to kee the/ satis!- and lo-al.

    .#,#- *ostpaid "sers@ Age -1B.@ Female and $ale

    Figure ++: The Esers Age $etween &'G50 Fe/ale andMale

    )elia$it- rese/$les its sa/e rank in this .usto/ers grou with .onsidera$le ga

    $etween e

  • 8/12/2019 Customer Satisfaction Toward Truemove Customer Sevice



    re/arka$le that in the )esonsi1eness di/ension the er.ei1ed ualit- e1en !all

    lower in to K/oderate le1el $- li.ker s.ale C25 whi.h show larger ga or /ore

    Kuna..eta$le le1el9,:,"E9 as de!ined $- ender and Jones '++&

    For the whole i.ture ostaid .usto/ers in this age grou ha1e high e

  • 8/12/2019 Customer Satisfaction Toward Truemove Customer Sevice



    !ull likert s.ale 5 in ter/ o! e

  • 8/12/2019 Customer Satisfaction Toward Truemove Customer Sevice



    .#. C o n clusion of Fin din gs A n al&sisfor

    $a na ge m entA pplication

    All the results o! .ross ta$ulation oint out that relia$ilit- regardless o! age grou

    and /ethod o! ser1i.e a-/ent ie reaid or ostaid is regarded as the /ost

    i/ortant ser1i.e di/ension howe1er the di!!eren.e $etween e

  • 8/12/2019 Customer Satisfaction Toward Truemove Customer Sevice



    Capter 1: C ON C4US ION

    In1estigating .usto/er satis!a.tion towards TrueMo1e "usto/er er1i.e ,ro1ided

    at TrueMo1e hos in 3angkok region through the !ra/ework o! E)=:>AL

    /odel as to /easure ;A, 59 whi.h is used to deter/ine the ga $etween the

    .usto/ers e

  • 8/12/2019 Customer Satisfaction Toward Truemove Customer Sevice



    Chapter 0: R2C $$2N!ATIN+

    0 #1 ' ring ab out reliabil it& in s& stem s a nd routines

    As the !indings suggest that regardless o! age and gender o! .usto/ers nearl- all

    o! the/ ut relia$ilit- highest on agenda the reasons !or this .hoi.e need to $e

    in1estigated thoroughl- $e.ause it .ould $e linked to o1erall /arket .on!usion or

    dissonan.e the .usto/ers !eel with tele.o/ oerators or with the a/ount o!

    /ind $oggling and .on!using o!!ers and regulations asso.iated with those o!!ers

    and a.kages howe1er we .an onl- se.ulate a$out the reasons unless ro1en

    true through !urther resear.h

    True/o1e .an i/ro1e relia$ilit- $- $ringing a$out s-ste/s .hange /aking da-

    to da- routines and tasks /ore uni!or/ and transarent !or its .usto/ers so that

    .usto/ers know what the- are getting is !air and relia$le $e.ause an-

    !lu.tuations in .ause relia$ilit- da/age

    The routines .ould $e /ade s-ste/ati. so that the sta!! .an easil- gras the true

    essen.e o! ser1i.e and tr- to i/le/ent it uni!or/l- when the- are !a.ed with

    1ar-ing situations )elia$ilit- dwindles when sta!! doesnt know what to do in

    un!oreseen or uniue situations there!ore s-ste/ati. eas- routines .ould hel

    sta!! to deal with those situations a/i.a$l- or erhas in1ol1e the hel or other

    sta!! in .ases o! e

  • 8/12/2019 Customer Satisfaction Toward Truemove Customer Sevice



    Modern organiDations .ondu.t grou a.ti1ities to in.rease .ohesi1eness a/ong

    e/lo-ees and to in.rease their well$eing and instill assion a$out their

    .o/an- a series o! worksho sessions .an $e .ondu.ted where the sta!! .an $e

    taught in so/e $asi. skills that .an ser1e as relia$le signal o! ser1i.e at

    TrueMo1e TrueMo1e ser1i.e ideals need to $e de!ined and i/le/ented

    uni!or/l- a.ross all its shos to assure ualit- in ser1i.e o!!ering

    0 #, +p ecia l custom er group s re ui re sp eci a l ser% ice

    As we ha1e seen !ro/ our stud- that one se.ial grou o! .usto/ers e

  • 8/12/2019 Customer Satisfaction Toward Truemove Customer Sevice



    R2 F2R2NC2 +

    Anal-sts "on!eren.e 2008 /edia release True "ororation Thailand & Mar.h

    Anderson '++5 KMeasuring ser1i.e ualit- at a uni1ersit- health .lini.International *ournal o! health.are ualit- assuran.e =ol 8 no 2 C2GC7

    )etrie1ed Aril '& 2008 !ro/ E/erald insight data$ase

    At A ;lan.e Its 3etter Together nd )etrie1ed Aril '2 2008 !ro/

    h tt% PP ww w t ru e . or . oth P engPa$outPa$outXhistor-X200*s

    3err- L ,arasura/an A Qeitha/l = and Adsit ? '++& KI/ro1ing ser1i.e

    ualit- in A/eri.a% lessons learned The A.ade/- o! /anage/ent E

  • 8/12/2019 Customer Satisfaction Toward Truemove Customer Sevice



    (argra1e 200& KLuring Fi.kle Thai enders the wall street *ournal '&

    (a1e -ou e1er used this K"ut er1i.e o! TrueMo1e nd )etrie1ed Mar.h '0

    2008 !ro/h tt% PP t o i.s t o . k a n t i . o / P / $ k P t o i. s t o . kP200/-0-T5/85/33-T5/85/33.h t / l

    (ill '++ (and$ook o! "usto/er atis!a.tion Measure/ent >ni1ersit- ress

    "a/$ridge ;reat 3ritain

    (ill and Ale

  • 8/12/2019 Customer Satisfaction Toward Truemove Customer Sevice



    ,arasura/an A =alarie A Qeitha/l A Leonard L and 3err- L '+85KA

    .on.etual /odel o! ser1i.e ualit- and its i/li.ations !or !uture resear.h

    Journal o! /arketing =ol &+ &'G50

    ,arasura/an A Qeitha/l A and 3err- L '+88 KE)=:>AL% A MultileGIte/

    .ale !or Measuring "usto/er ,er.etions o! er1i.e :ualit- Journal o! )etailing

    1ol& '2G&0

    ,arasura/an A Qeitha/l A =alarie A and 3err- L '++0 ?eli1ering :ualit-

    er1i.e The Free ,ress ew ork

    )ei.hheld F and asser E '++0 KQero de!e.tions% ualit- .o/es to

    (ar1ard $usiness re1iew =ol 8 ete/$$er C0'G7

    )eiden$a.h E and andi!er 3 '++0 KEAL aroa.h Journal o! health "are Marketing

    =ol '0 ?e.e/$er &7G55

    .hlesinger L and (eskett J '++' KThe ser1i.eGdri1en ser1i.e .o/an-

    (ar1ard 3usiness )e1iew =ol + ete/$$er 7'G8'

    .hneider and @hite 200& er1i.e :ualit-% )esear.h ,erse.ti1es age

    u$li.ations Thousand Oaks "ali!ornia

    el! J '++8 @h- "usto/er er1i.e is I/ortant to ou And Me )etrie1ed

    Mar.h '0 2008 !ro/ h t t %P P www s id e r o a d . o /P . s P . o l u / nC h t / l

    (ow to "reate a er1i.e :ualit- ur1e- nd )etrie1ed Aril '8 2008 !ro/

    h tt% PP ww wsur1 e -D .o/PhowtoPhowN20toN20$uildN20ser1i.eN20ualit-


    ri*u/a "hiarakul and ee.e 2007 Katis!a.tion and dissatis!a.tion in ser1i.e

    en.ounters )etail sto.k$rokerage and .ororate $anking in Thailand

    InternationalJournal o! 3ank /arketing =ol 25 o C '7CG'+& )etrie1ed

    Ma- '5 2008 !ro/ E/erald insight data$ase

    KThailand Mo$ile Oerator Market 2008 Thailand E.ono/i. )e.ord =ol'58 o

    '2& 825G+00 )etrie1ed Aril '2 2008 !ro/ Marketin!o ?ata$ase

    Thanata1eerat and Jia*ia 2007 K)-anair .usto/er satis!a.tion% A .ase stud- in

    weden Master thesis MBlardalen uni1ersit- retrie1ed Aril '8 !ro/ MBlardalen

    >ni1ersit- data$ase

    The three s.enarios e

  • 8/12/2019 Customer Satisfaction Toward Truemove Customer Sevice



    True E

  • 8/12/2019 Customer Satisfaction Toward Truemove Customer Sevice


  • 8/12/2019 Customer Satisfaction Toward Truemove Customer Sevice


    3 The e)p%o&ees o TrueMove ;hop appear in

    neat an nice c%othing

    5 4 3 2 1

    4 The brochures an re%ate )ateria%s atTrueMove ;hop are visua%%& appea%ing

    5 4 3 2 1

    5 hen TrueMove pro)ises to o so)ething

    b& a certain ti)e9 the& wi%% o so

    5 4 3 2 1

    6 hen a custo)er has a prob%e) TrueMoveshows sincere interest in so%ving it

    5 4 3 2 1

    / TrueMove ;hop peror)s the service right at

    irst ti)e

    5 4 3 2 1

    8 TrueMove ;hop provie their services at theti)e the& pro)ise to o so

    5 4 3 2 1

    TrueMove insists on error ree recors 5 4 3 2 1

    10 *)p%o&ees o the TrueMove ;hop te%%custo)ers e+act%& when services wi%% be


    5 4 3 2 1

    11 *)p%o&ees o TrueMove ;hop give pro)ptservice to their custo)ers

    5 4 3 2 1

    12 *)p%o&ees o TrueMove ;hop a%wa&s arewi%%ing to he%p custo)ers

    5 4 3 2 1

    13 *)p%o&ees at TrueMove ;hop never are toobus& to respon to custo)er re>uests

    5 4 3 2 1

    14 The behavior o the e)p%o&ees at TrueMove

    ;hop transcens con8ience in custo)ers5 4 3 2 1

    15 (usto)ers o TrueMove ;hop ee% sae in

    their transactions

    5 4 3 2 1

    16 *)p%o&ees at TrueMove ;hop arecontinuous%& courteous with custo)ers

    5 4 3 2 1

    1/ *)p%o&ees at TrueMove ;hop have the=now%ege to answer the custo)ers


    5 4 3 2 1

    18 TrueMove ;hop gives iniviua% attention totheir custo)ers

    5 4 3 2 1

    1 TrueMove ;hop have operating hoursconvenient to a%% their custo)ers

    5 4 3 2 1

    20 TrueMove ;hop have e)p%o&ees who givepersona% attention to custo)ers

    5 4 3 2 1

    21 TrueMove ;hop have custo)ers bestinterests at heart

    5 4 3 2 1

    22 *)p%o&ees o the TrueMove ;hopunerstan the speciic nees o their


    5 4 3 2 1


  • 8/12/2019 Customer Satisfaction Toward Truemove Customer Sevice





    #%ease give &our score base on &our service e+pectation at TrueMove shop. 1 )eans&ou strong%& agree with the state)ent whereas 5 )eans &ou strong%& isagree withthe state)ent.

    #%ease give &our score base on service &ou receive at TrueMove custo)er servicecenters. 1 )eans &ou strong%& agree with the state)ent whereas 5 )eans &ou strong%&isagree with the state)ent.

    No# 6uestions +








    1 TrueMove ;hop %oo=s resh an )oern 5 4 3 2 1

    2 The oice an surrounings o TrueMove;hop are visua%%& appea%ing

    5 4 3 2 1

    3 The e)p%o&ees o TrueMove ;hop appear in

    neat an nice c%othing

    5 4 3 2 1

    4 The brochures an re%ate )ateria%s atTrueMove ;hop are visua%%& appea%ing

    5 4 3 2 1

    5 hen TrueMove pro)ises to o so)ethingb& a certain ti)e9 the& wi%% o so

    5 4 3 2 1

    6 hen a custo)er has a prob%e) TrueMove

    shows sincere interest in so%ving it5 4 3 2 1

    / TrueMove ;hop peror)s the service right atirst ti)e

    5 4 3 2 1

    8 TrueMove ;hop provie their services at theti)e the& pro)ise to o so

    5 4 3 2 1

    TrueMove insists on error ree recors 5 4 3 2 1

    10 *)p%o&ees o the TrueMove ;hop te%%custo)ers e+act%& when services wi%% be


    5 4 3 2 1

    11 *)p%o&ees o TrueMove ;hop give pro)ptservice to their custo)ers

    5 4 3 2 1

    12 *)p%o&ees o TrueMove ;hop a%wa&s are

    wi%%ing to he%p custo)ers

    5 4 3 2 1

    13 *)p%o&ees at TrueMove ;hop never are toobus& to respon to custo)er re>uests

    5 4 3 2 1

    14 The behavior o the e)p%o&ees at TrueMove

    ;hop transcens con8ience in custo)ers

    5 4 3 2 1

  • 8/12/2019 Customer Satisfaction Toward Truemove Customer Sevice



    15 (usto)ers o TrueMove ee% sae in theirtransactions

    5 4 3 2 1

    16 *)p%o&ees at TrueMove ;hop arecontinuous%& courteous with custo)ers

    5 4 3 2 1

    1/ *)p%o&ees at TrueMove ;hop have the=now%ege to answer the custo)ers


    5 4 3 2 1

    18 TrueMove ;hop gives iniviua% attention totheir custo)ers

    5 4 3 2 1

    1 TrueMove ;hop have operating hoursconvenient to a%% their custo)ers

    5 4 3 2 1

    20 TrueMove ;hop have e)p%o&ees who give

    persona% attention to custo)ers

    5 4 3 2 1

    21 TrueMove ;hop have custo)ers bestinterests at heart

    5 4 3 2 1

    22 *)p%o&ees o the TrueMove ;hopunerstan the speciic nees o theircusto)ers

    5 4 3 2 1


    !iste be%ow are ive eatures pertaining to True custo)er service centre an the servicethe& oer. e wou% %i=e to =now how i)portant each o these eatures is to &ou when&ou eva%uate the service oere TrueMove custo)er service centre. #%ease prioriti?ethose ive eatures accoring to their i)portant in &our opinion.

    1.The appearance o the TrueMove@s ph&sica% aci%ities9 e>uip)ent9personne% an co))unication )ateria%s

    2. The TrueMove@s abi%it& to peror) the pro)ise service epenab%& anaccurate%&.

    3. The TrueMove@s wi%%ingness to he%p custo)ers an provie a pro)ptservice.

    4. The =now%ege an courtes& o the TrueMove personne% an theirabi%it& to conve& trust an conience.

    5. The caring9 iniviua%i?e attention TrueMove provies its custo)ers.

  • 8/12/2019 Customer Satisfaction Toward Truemove Customer Sevice


    A PPE NDI ? uests


    (usto)ers can trust sta o an e+ce%%ent custo)er service centre

    (usto)ers at the e+ce%%ent custo)er service centre wi%% ee% sae in their

    transactions with custo)er service sta

    ;ta o an e+ce%%ent custo)er service centre wi%% a%wa&s an continuous%&

    be po%ite

    ;ta at an e+ce%%ent custo)er service centre wi%% have the =now%ege to

    answer the custo)ers >uestions


  • 8/12/2019 Customer Satisfaction Toward Truemove Customer Sevice



    *+ce%%ent co)pan&@s custo)er service centre wi%% give iniviua% attentionto their custo)ers

    *+ce%%ent custo)er service centers wi%% have sta who give persona%attention to custo)ers

    *+ce%%ent custo)er service centre wi%% have opening hours convenient to

    a%% its custo)ers

    *+ce%%ent co)pan&@s custo)er service centre wi%% have custo)ers bestinterests at heart

    ;ta o the e+ce%%ent custo)er service centre wi%% unerstan the speciic

    nees o their custo)ers


  • 8/12/2019 Customer Satisfaction Toward Truemove Customer Sevice



    Ta"!e 1: 7e#der Per%e#tage o3 te Respo#de#ts

    7e#der Amou#t Per%e#tage

    Male 184 46.00

    Fe/ale 216 54.00

    Tota! 400 10000

    As shown $- Ta$le ' /ost o! the resondents are !e/ale9 totaling the a/ount o!

    2' eual to 5&N e.ond is /ale9 totaling the a/ount o! '8& eual to &

    These er.entages are .al.ulated !ro/ the total resondents o! &00

    Ta"!e 2: Amou#t a#d Per%e#tage o3 te Respo#de#ts C!assi3ied "$ Age


    Age Amou#t Per%e#tage

    20 -Po and >nder 7C 18.30

    3etween 2'GC0 27& 68.50

    3etween C'G&0 C7 .30

    3etween &'G50 'C 3.30

    O1er 50 -Po C 0.80

    Tota! &00 10000

    As shown $- Ta$le 2 /ost o! the resondents age $etween 2'GC0 -Po9 totaling

    the a/ount o! 27& eual to 850N The se.ond is the age range grou o! less

    than 20 -Po totaling the a/ount o! 7C eual to '8C0N The third is the age

    range grou $etween C'G&0 -Po9 totaling the a/ount o! C7 eual to +C0N And

    the last is the age range grou o! o1er 50 -Po9 totaling the a/ount o! C eual to

    080 N These er.entages are .al.ulated !ro/ the total resondents o! &00

    Ta"!e 3: Amou#t a#d Per%e#tage o3 te Respo#de#ts C!assi3ied "$ Pre

    Paid a#d PostPaid

    Servi%e T$pe Amou#t Per%e#tage

    ,reG,aid 18 4.50

  • 8/12/2019 Customer Satisfaction Toward Truemove Customer Sevice



    ,ostG,aid 202 50.50

    Tota! 400 100.00

    As shown !ro/ Ta$le C /ost o! the resondents uses ,ostG,aid ser1i.e9 totaling

    the a/ount o! 202 eual to 505N The se.ond is the resondents who use ,reG

    ,aid ser1i.e9 totaling the a/ount o! '+8 eual to &+50N These er.entages

    are .al.ulated !ro/ the total resondents o! &00

    Ta"!e 4: Amou#t a#d Per%e#tage o3 te Respo#de#ts C!assi3ied "$ te

    Freue#%$ o3 7oi#g to TrueMove sop

    Freue#%$ Amou#t Per%e#tage

    Less than ' ti/eP/onth 1 22.80

    12 ti/esP/onth 25 64.80

    34 ti/esP/onth 50 12.50

    Tota! 400 100.00

    As shown $- Ta$le & /ost o! the resondents go to TrueMo1e sho on.e or twi.e

    er /onth9 totaling the a/ount o! 25+ eual to &8N The se.ond is the

    resondents who go to TrueMo1e sho less than on.e a /onth9 totaling the

    a/ount o! +' eual to 228N And the last one is the resondents who go to

    TrueMo1e shos C to & ti/es a /onth9 totaling the a/ount o! '25N These

    er.entages are .al.ulated !ro/ the total resondents o! &00

    Ta"!e 0: Amou#t a#d Per%e#tage o3 te Respo#de#ts C!assi3ied "$

    Servi%es at TrueMove Sop

    Servi%e Amou#t Per%e#tage

    IM .ard ,ur.hasing 2/ 6.8

    ,ro/otion "hanging 83 20.8

    "all u/$er "hanging 185 46.3

    "redit )e!ill ,ur.hasing 164 41.00

    3illing ,a-/ent 205 51.30

    er1i.e Ad1i.e 223 55.80

    Tota! 400 10000

  • 8/12/2019 Customer Satisfaction Toward Truemove Customer Sevice



    VVA$le to answer /ore than one .hoi.e

    As shown $- Ta$le 5 /ost o! the resondents go to $u- IM .ard at TrueMo1e

    ho9 totaling the a/ount o! 27+ eual to +8N The se.ond is going !or

    ser1i.e ad1ising9 totaling the a/ount o! 22C eual to 5580N The third is $illing

    a-/ent9 totaling the a/ount o! 2059 eual to 5'C0N The !ourth is going !or.all nu/$er .hanging9 totaling the a/ount o! '85 eual to &CN The !i!th is

    going !or .redit re!ill9 totaling the a/ount o! '& eual to &'0N And the last

    ones are going !or ro/otion .hanging9 totaling the a/ount o! 8C eual to 8CN

    These er.entages are .al.ulated !ro/ the total resondents

  • 8/12/2019 Customer Satisfaction Toward Truemove Customer Sevice



    Fro/% k a n . h aw a n Xta - [ ho t/ a il. o /To% s a n n -X k a e w [ ho t / a il. o /

    ""% e lXw itt [ ho t/ a i l . o /

    u$*e.t% )E% Inter1iew :uestion% ,lease rel-

    ?ate% Mon '2 Ma- 2008 '8%08%00 \0700

    ?ear ong #eaw %

    The answer is"!ue ka

    :u est io n ' % (ow /an- .usto/ers does TrueMo1e ha1e throughoutThailand

    :& 2007 ,ost ,aid U '7758 u$s.ri$ers

    ,re ,aid U ''C2CC' u$s.ri$ers

    :u est io n 2 % (ow /an- .usto/ers does TrueMo1e ha1e se.i!i.all- in 3angkok regions4:u est io n C % (ow /an- are the a1erage .usto/ers er ea.h TrueMo1e sho er /onth in

  • 8/12/2019 Customer Satisfaction Toward Truemove Customer Sevice

