Customer Saticfaction Maruti Suzuki Swift Project

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  • 8/17/2019 Customer Saticfaction Maruti Suzuki Swift Project




      Customer Satisfaction towards Maruti Swift



    Reg. No.09/100

    Submitted in the partial fulfillment of the requirement 

     For the award of 




    (Upperpalli, ‘X’ Roads, Rajendra nagar, Hyderguda pos o!!i"e,



  • 8/17/2019 Customer Saticfaction Maruti Suzuki Swift Project




    ) *ould li+e o an+ -Sa+oo R,),S Motors P-t, td, H.dera+ad/  !or giing e e

    opporuniy o do e proje" *i e. an+s o Mr, Su0ai1 )ac0a-a0a D,G,M, and s,

    Reet0u )o.a12 Mana3er#customer care  of Sa+oo group y proje" guide *o *as a ery

    elp!ul 2 in!oraie person o *or+ under. 3or is "oninuous superision and dire"ion, ) a

    ery grae!ul !or i.

    ) an+ o s. Sai Prasanna2 !acu1t. 4 institute of Com5uter 6 "usiness Mana3ement#

    Sc0oo1 of "usiness E7ce11ence 8IC"M#S"E9 *o is guide e !or a+ing is proje", and no

    only as is proje" elped e in learning a#ou anageen 4eri"es #u also enligened e

    on e oerall aspe"s o! ar+eing.

    ) also *is o e5press y sin"ere an+s o Mrs, Ritu :arar 8c0air Person9 6ro!. Mr, S, :arar

    8Princi5a19 6 Prof, Jitendra Go-indani 8Director9 of Institute of Com5uter 6 "usiness

    Mana3ement#Sc0oo1 of "usiness E7ce11ence 8IC"M#S"E9 !or giing e e opporuniy o

    leading is *or+ in e "opany. is as gien e e insig o! o* e arious eorei"al

    "on"eps are applied in an organi7aion. ) go e opporuniy o do a "allenging proje" in e

    -Maruti Ud.o3 imited/. e proje" is e iporan par o! y sudy and gies e a real

     pra"i"al e5posure o e "orporae *orld.

    Date Ran;eet Sin30

    P1ace # H.dera+ad &'

  • 8/17/2019 Customer Saticfaction Maruti Suzuki Swift Project



    ) ere#y de"lare a e proje" repor eniled =Customer satisfaction Towards Maruti Swift/

    is a *or+ undera+en #y e !or =Maruti Su>u?i India imited/ during e a"adei" year 

    8009$8011 and su#ied o e Institute of Com5uter and "usiness mana3ement  parial

    !ul!illen o! 6os raduae :iploa in anageen (6: a+ing Mar?etin3 as y


    ) is also an ;riginal and #ona!ied *or+ undera+en #y e in parial !ul!illen o! e


    e resul e#odied in is disseraion as no #een su#ied o any oer Uniersiy or 

    )nsiue !or any a*ard o! degree or diploa, and is is a resul o! y o*n e!!or and a as

    no #een "opied !ro any one.


    P1ace@@@@@@ Ran;eet Sin30

     Date# H.dera+ad 8&'

  • 8/17/2019 Customer Saticfaction Maruti Suzuki Swift Project




















    arui 4u7u+i is ar+e leader in uli uiliy ei"les in e )ndia !ro 800@. e oal sales

    nu#ers in 8009$10 ar+e a gro* o! 89 per "en oer las !inan"ial year. arui 4u7u+iAs oal

    sale in 8009$10 *as 98,1Cunis.

  • 8/17/2019 Customer Saticfaction Maruti Suzuki Swift Project


    :uring ar" 8010, arui 4u7u+i sold oal o! 9%,18@ unis, gro*ing 11 per"en oer ar"

    8009 ('%,CC9 unis. e ar" 8010 nu#ers in"lude doesi" sales o! 9,%@0 unis and e

    iges eer only e5pors o! 1%,%9@ unis. e preious iges only e5pors *ere in

    =ugus 8009 a 1&,'& unis.

    arui 4u7u+i is no* e5panding is produ"ion "apa"iy o rea" 18, %0,000 unis (1.8% illion

     #y 8018. )n ar" 8010, e "opany announ"ed an inesen o! Rs 1,00 >rore !or e5pansion

    o! e produ"ion !a"iliies #y 8.% la+ unis a is anesar plan.

    e ain o#je"ie o! e sudy is o +no* e =Customer satisfaction toward t0e Maruti

    Swift/ a ear "ar laun"ed #y arui 4u7u+i.

    e surey inoled gaering *ide in!oraion a#ou e "opany, is produ", "usoer 

    sais!a"ion o*ard 4*i! and ipa" o! arious "opeiie !irs on e "opany.

    3ro e in!oraion "olle"ed, arious aspe"s *ere ideni!ied #y e "opany, *ere ere is a

    needs o !o"us ore o iproe e e!!i"ien"y o! e ar+eing ea o! arui 4u7u+i


    e resear" *as "ondu"ed roug "olle"ion o! e priary and se"ondary daa. 4e"ondary

    daa *as "olle"ed roug isiing arious *e# sies, auoo#ile aga7ines and oer relia#le

    sour"es. 6riary daa *as "olle"ed roug a *ell !raed usoers are igly sais!ied *i e 4*i! :iesel odel .e "usoers are ready o pay eir 

    oney on e 4*i! !or #eer sais!a"ion .No* e presen ie e s*i! is going on e

    adan"e #oo+ing #e!ore % o C ons.

  • 8/17/2019 Customer Saticfaction Maruti Suzuki Swift Project


    arui 4u7u+i auooie as o in"rease is ar+e sare in e =8 segen "ar and in e

    de!ense purpose and also in 6Gs.

    )n e surey *e !ound a "usoers are no appy *i e 4*i! #a"+ glass #e"ause ey are

    una#le o "lear isi#iliy in e #a"+ side *en ey ae o need o! #a"+ gear due o e ery

    sall si7e o! #a"+ glass.

    >usoer is eoionally aa"en *i e s*i! due o eir sa!ey !eaures o! e s*i!. =nd

    ileage o! s*i! is also ajor par o! "usoer’s sais!a"ion. e "usoers #eliee a e

    4*i! is no "osly a""ording o eir !eaures. >usoers are in ery enusiasi" ood o see

    e ne* "ange in e 4*i!.


    Maruti Su>u?i India imited  is a pu#li"ly lised auoa+er in )N:)=. ) is a leading !our$

    *eeler auoa+er anu!a"urer in sou a =sia. 4u7u+i oor >orporaion o! apan olds a

  • 8/17/2019 Customer Saticfaction Maruti Suzuki Swift Project


    ajoriy sa+e in e "opany. ) *as e !irs "opany in )ndia o ass$produ"e and sell ore

    an a illion "ars. ) is largely "redied !or aing #roug in an auoo#ile reoluion o )ndia.

    ) is e ar+e leader in )ndia and on 1 4epe#er 800, arui Udyog *as renaed arui

    4u7u+i )ndia Iiied. e "opany ead

  • 8/17/2019 Customer Saticfaction Maruti Suzuki Swift Project



    )n 19%@, e goernen o! )ndia and e )ndian priae se"or iniiaed anu!a"uring pro"esses

    o elp deelop e auoo#ile indusry, *i" ad eerged #y e 19&0s in a nas"en !or.

    Be*een 190 o e e"onoi" li#erali7aion o! 1991, e auoo#ile indusry "oninued o gro*

    a a slo* pa"e due o e any goernen resri"ions.

     = nu#er o! )ndian anu!a"ures appeared #e*een 190$19'0. apanese anu!a"urers enered

    e )ndian ar+e uliaely leading o e esa#lisen o! arui Udyog. = nu#er o! !oreign

    !irs iniiaed join enures *i )ndian "opanies. ieline o! )ndian auoo#ile indusryL

    M 1'9 3irs 6erson o o*n a "ar in )ndia $ r. 3oser o! /s >ropon reaes>opany, u#ai

    M 1901 3irs )ndian o o*n a "ar in )ndia $ asedji aa

    M 190% 3irs Foan o drie a "ar in )ndia $ rs. 4u7anne R: aa

    M 190% 3ia oors

    M 1911 3irs a5i in )ndia

    M 198& 3oraion o! ra!!i" poli"e

    M 198' >erole oors

    M 19&8 Hindusan oors

    M 19&& 6reier =uo Iiied

    M 19&% aa oors

    M 19& aindra oors

    M 19&' =so+ oors

    M 19&' 4andard oors

    M 19& 4ipani oors

    M 19'1 arui Udyog

    M 199& Roer oors

    M 199& er"edes Ben7

    M 199& ;pel

  • 8/17/2019 Customer Saticfaction Maruti Suzuki Swift Project


    M 199% 3ord oors

    M 199% Honda 4)?I

    M 199% Rea ?le"ri" >ar >opany

    M 199% :ae*oo oors

    M 199C Hyundai oors

    M 199 oyoa Jirlos+ar oors

    M 199 3ia oors (Re$?nry

    M 199' 4an oors

    M 199' isu#isi oors

    M 8001 4+oda =uo

    M 800@ >erole oors (Re$?nry

    3ollo*ing e e"onoi" re!ors o! 1991, e auoo#ile se"ion under*en deli "ensing and

    opened up !or 100 per"en 3oreign :ire" )nesen. = surge in e"onoi" gro* rae and

     pur"asing po*er led o gro* in e )ndian auoo#ile indusry, *i" gre* a a rae o! 1D

    on an aerage sin"e e e"onoi" re!ors o! 1991.

    e indusry proided eployen o a oal o! [email protected] illion people as o! 800C$ 0, *i"

    in"ludes dire" and indire" eployen. e e5por se"or gre* a a rae o! @0D per year during

    early 81s "enury. Ho*eer, e oerall "onri#uion o! auoo#ile indusry in )ndia o e *orld

    reains lo* as o! 800.

    )n"reased presen"e o! uliple auoo#ile anu!a"urers as led o ar+e "opeiieness and

    aaila#iliy o! opions a "opeiie "oss. )ndia *as one o! e larges anu!a"urers o! ra"ors

    in e *orld in 800%$0C, *en i produ"ed 8,9@,000/$ unis. )ndia is also largely sel!$su!!i"ien in

    yres produ"ion, *i" i also e5pors o oer C0 oer "ounries. )ndia produ"ed 8 illion

  • 8/17/2019 Customer Saticfaction Maruti Suzuki Swift Project


    yres in 8010. Fig. showing the 

    2010 the market share of automotive ompan! of ndia.


    )ndia’s "ar ar+e as eerged as one o! e !ases gro*ing in e *orld. e nu#er o! "ars

    sold doesi"ally is proje"ed o dou#le #y 8010, and doesi" produ"ion is s+yro"+eing as

    !oreign a+ers are seing up eir o*n produ"ion plans in )ndia. e goernen’s 10$year 

     plan ais o "reae a 1&% #illion auo indusry #y 801C.

    =""ording o "Jinsey, e auo se"or’s drie o lo*er "oss *ill pus ousour"ing. e auo

    se"or "ould #e *or @% #illion #y 801%, up !ro C% #illion in 8008. "Jinsey in+s )ndia

    "ould "apure 8% #illion o! is aoun. ;u o! &00 )ndian suppliers, '0 per"en ae e )4;

    9000 "eri!i"aeOe inernaional sandard !or

  • 8/17/2019 Customer Saticfaction Maruti Suzuki Swift Project




    >ar ar+e leader arui 4u7u+i )ndia Iiied sold a oal o! 10, 1',@C% ei"les in 8009$10. is is e

    !irs ie in )ndian auoo#ile isory a a "ar "opany as sold oer a illion unis in a !inan"ial year.

    is in"luded ', 0,90 unis sold in e doesi" ar+e, e iges eer #y e "opany in a !is"al. e

    e5por sales o! 1, &,%% unis in e year *ere e iges eer annual e5pors #y e "opany.

    e oal sales nu#ers in 8009$10 ar+ a gro* o! 89 per "en oer las !inan"ial year. arui 4u7u+iAs

    oal sale in 800'$09 *as 98,1Cunis.

    e doesi" sales in e !is"al, in =8 segen gre* #y 8@.' per "en *ile in e =@ segen e sales

    gro* *as @0.' per "en, as "opared o 800'$09

    e e5por nu#ers in e year *ere led #y =$sar. is !uel e!!i"ien "opa" "ar "lo"+ed oer 1.8 la+

    e5por sales in e !is"al. =$sar *as e5pored a"ross ?urope in"luding Unied Jingdo, 3ran"e, erany,

    )aly, Neerlands e". e ajor non$?uropean e5por ar+es are =lgeria, >ile, )ndonesia and

    neig#oring "ounries. 4ou =!ri"a, Hong Jong, =usralia and Nor*ay *ere ne* ar+es *ere arui

    4u7u+i "ars *ere e5pored during e year.

    Marc0 %&(& Sa1es 

    :uring ar" 8010, arui 4u7u+i sold oal o! 9%,18@ unis, gro*ing 11 per"en oer ar" 8009 ('%,CC9unis. e ar" 8010 nu#ers in"lude doesi" sales o! 9,%@0 unis and e iges eer only

    e5pors o! 1%,%9@ unis. e preious iges only e5pors *ere in =ugus 8009 a 1&,'& unis.

    T0e sa1es num+ers for Marc0 %&(& and t0e fisca1 %&&'#(& are as under

  • 8/17/2019 Customer Saticfaction Maruti Suzuki Swift Project


    Se3ment Mode1sIn Marc0 Ti11 Marc0

    %&(& %&&' C0an3e %&&'#(& %&&#&' C0an3e

    =1 '00 8C8 8&@0 [email protected] @@08' &9@'@ $@@.1D

    > ;ni, Gersa, ?e"oP 10'% C081 '0.CD 101@8% 9&' @0.0D


    =lo, Fagon$R,

    ?silo, 4*i!, =$4ar,


    %&C@ %%&1% $1.8D C@@190 %11@9C 8@.'D

    =@ 4X&, :Eire 10&%@ '%9% 81.CD 99@1% %98' @0.'D

    Tota1 Passen3er Cars K 8&C1 '.'D 'CC'%' 1&C%% 81.@D

    UG ypsy, rand Giara C 1@9& $%1.&D @9@8 &'9 $&.%D

    Domestic 'K& @'%% .D '090 881&& 80.CD

    E75ort 1%%9@ 11'1& @8.0D 1&%% 008@ 110.'D

    Tota1 Sa1es '(%K '%CC9 11.0D 101'@C% 981C 8'.CD

    LRit> 1aunc0ed in Ma. %&&'2 Grand Bitara 1aunc0ed Ju1. %&&' and Eeco 1aunc0ed in Januar. %&(&


    ;n ar" 8@, 8010, arui 4u7u+i rolled ou e one illion "ar o! e year 8009$10. is !ea a+es e

    "opany ino a ery sele" group o! glo#al auoa+ers *i su" olues.

    arui 4u7u+i is no* e5panding is produ"ion "apa"iy o rea" 18, %0,000 unis (1.8% illion #y 8018. )n

    ar" 8010, e "opany announ"ed an inesen o! Rs 1,00 >rore !or e5pansion o! e produ"ion

    !a"iliies #y 8.% la+ unis a is anesar plan.

    = spae o! ne* laun"es and produ" re!resens during 8009$10 elped e "opany o "lo"+ serling

     per!oran"e in e !is"al. ese in"luded arui 4u7u+i Ri7 (ay 8009, all$ne* rand Giara (ulyA09,

    ne* ?silo *i J$series engine (=ugA09, ne* 4X& *i GG engine and 4X& *i auoai" ransission

    (;"A09 and ?e"o (anuary 8010.


    T0e sa1es fi3ures for Ma. %&(& are 3i-en +e1owL

  • 8/17/2019 Customer Saticfaction Maruti Suzuki Swift Project


    Se3ment Mode1s

    In Ma. Ti11 Ma.A5ri1&' #

    Marc0(&%&(& %&&'

    C0an3e%&((( %&&'#(&


    =1 '00 8%%' 8@@C 9.%D &'1C &C'1 8.9D @@08'

    >;ni, ersa,

    ?e"oP189%@ C19 0.0D 8@C0 1%@&@ %@.9D 101@8%


    =lo, Fagon$R,

    ?silo, 4*i!,

    Ri7P, =$4ar 

    C8C9 %@C0 1C.CD 11909% 100% 1'.&D C@@190

    =@ 4X&, :A7ire 10''@ C'8 C0.%D 80' 1@'&' %0.'D 99@1%

    Tota1 Passen3er Cars '&K &F' %,F (K' (KFFF' %,%

    UGypsy, rand

    GiaraP9C' 8'' [email protected] 1C'0 119@ &0.'D @9@8

    Domestic '&&F( & %,% (&& (KF% %,F &'&

    E75ort 181@& 90' @@.%D 8%1%' 1%9' %.%D 1&%%

    Tota1 Sa1es (&%( '% %,' ('%KK ((%& %, (&(K



    Indian award

     No. 1 in )niial Qualiy 4udy $ : 6o*er

  • 8/17/2019 Customer Saticfaction Maruti Suzuki Swift Project


    oal >usoer 4ais!a"ion $ N4 4udy

    >ar o! e Year $ B4 ooring

    >ar o! e Year $ >NB> =uo"ar 

    Bes Galue !or oney >ar $ >NB> =uo"ar

    Bes :esign and 4yling $ >NB> =uo"arGie*erAs >oi"e $ >NB> =uo"ar

    4all >ar o! e Year $ N:G 6ro!i

    :esign >ar o! e Year $ BB> op ear 

    >ar o! e Year ;erdrie

     Nu#er one preiu "opa" "ar in $ : 6;F?R )N:)= =6?=I 4U:Y 800

    Internationa1 Awards


    • R> >ar o! e Year $ =uooie Resear"ersA 2 ournalissA >on!eren"e

    • 800%$800C >ar o! e Year apan Kos 3unK $ >;Y

    • oo! :esign =*ard $ apan )ndusrial :esign 6rooion ;rgani7aion

    • >ar ie* o! e Year 800%$800C $ >ar ie*


    >ar o! e Year 800C $ B)B: e =sso"iaion o! =uooie ournaliss


    • 4aper i )ris >ar o! e Year 800C $ )ris ooring Friers =sso"iaion

    New :ea1and 

    • 3air!a5 =) 4all >ar o! e Year $ =U;>=R

    •  Naional Business Reie* 4all >ar o! e Year $ e Naional Business Reie*


    • 800% >ars guide >ar o! e Year $ >ars guide

  • 8/17/2019 Customer Saticfaction Maruti Suzuki Swift Project


    United )in3dom 

    • 800% >ar o! e Year $ >=R (=uoo#ile aga7ine


    •  N4 aser>ard >ar o! e Year 800% K4all >arK $ Ne* 4rai ies


    • 800% >G >;Y K?"onoi"al >arK $ >>G

    • oor 4o* >;Y KHa"#a"+K $ 800% 4angai )nernaional oor 4o*

    • os 6opular Ha"#a"+ >ar $ & >ang"un oor 4o*

    • 800% 4en7en ar+e >ar Ran+ing KBes :esignK $ 4en7en :aily

    • 800% >engdu ar+e >ar Ran+ing KBes :esignK $ >engdu ?"onoi" :aily


    arui 4u7u+i )ndia liied, a su#sidiary o! 4>, apan, is e leader in passenger "ars and

    ulipurpose ei"le (6Gs in )ndia, a""ouning !or alos %%D o! e oal indusry sales.

    e "opany !orerly +no*n as Maruti Ud.o3 1imited *as in"orporaed as a join enure

    (G #e*een goernen o! )ndia and 4>, apan on 8&  3e#ruary, 19'1.e !irs "ar *as

    rolled ou !ro is urgaon !a"iliy on 1& :e" 19'@.4in"e enS i as susained is leadersip

     posiion in e )ndian "ar ar+e.

    Fe, a arui 4u7u+i, "ele#raed 8C years o! "ar anu!a"uring in )ndia 8009$10. Haing

    a"ieed anu!a"uring e5"ellen"e in )ndia, *e are no* in e pro"ess o! enan"ing our R2:

    "apa#iliies o design and deelop "ars.

  • 8/17/2019 Customer Saticfaction Maruti Suzuki Swift Project


    )n 8009$10, e "opany sold 88,1&& "ars in e doesi" ar+e and e5pored 0,08@ "ars

    .>uulaiely, i as produ"ed and sold oer seen illion "ars .e oal in"oe o! e

    "opany !or 8009$10 sood a Rs. 81&,%@' illion (U4:&.&C #illionT 1U4:Rs.&'. Fe no*

    ai a selling %0,000 unis in e doesi" ar+e and e5poring 1@0,000 unis in 8009$10.

    arui 4u7u+i as a srong #alan"e see *i Reseres and 4urplus o! Rs.98, 00& illion 2

    de# e

  • 8/17/2019 Customer Saticfaction Maruti Suzuki Swift Project


    e "opany laun"ed a ne* odel =$4ar a ees sringen ?uropean sa!ey and eission

    regulaion. e "opany as e5pored oer %00,000 "ars so !ar.


    )n 8009$10, in asso"iaion *i undra 6or 4?E Iiied, e "opany ad se up e "opany

    ad se up e sae$o! $e ar !a"iliies a undra 6or ,ujara !or ?5por erinal o!!ers a

    -Roll ;n, Roll ;!!V(R;R; #er ,*i" speeds up e loading pro"ess and inii7es e

    "an"e o! daage o "ars. e "opany also as a 6re$:eliery )nspe"ion (6:) >enre a


    )n a !irs o! is +ind iniiaie, e "opany, in parnersip *i )ndian Rail*ays, as deeloped

    dou#le :e"+er rail *agons !or ransporing e5por "ars undra.

    MARUTI AND CRM:-  arui "reaed a land$ar+ in >R #y laun"ing a *e#sie !or 

    e "usoers in e year 199'.

     arui =uo >ard$$ =uo >ard #rings e "usoer all e adanages o! an inernaional

    "redi "ard in addiion o #ringing e "usoer an opporuniy.




    • Bigger nae in e ar+e

    • rus o! 6eople

    • arui Udyog Id. is e ar+e leader !or ore an *o de"ade.

    • Has a grea dealersip "ain in e ar+e.

    • Beer a!er sales seri"e

    • Io* ainenan"e "os o! ei"le

  • 8/17/2019 Customer Saticfaction Maruti Suzuki Swift Project



    • ?5pors are no a good.

    • Iesser diesel odels in e ar+e "opare o oers

    • lo#al iage is no a #ig


    • rea opporuniies o go glo#al *i su""ess o! 4*i! and 4X&=ll oer 

    • )nrodu"ion o! ore diesel odels. e diesel "ar segen is gro*ing.

    • ;pporuniy o gro* #igger #y enering ino #igger "ar ar+es

    • =lready a ar+e leader so grea opporuniy o #e e +ing o! ar+e in eery sage o!



    • 3oreign "opanies enering ar+eS so a #igger rea !ro N>s.

    • o e ar+e sare, as any #ig naes are "oing in e indusry

    • ere is ardly any diesel odels

    • Rs. 1 la+ Rs. 1.% la+ "ar  


    e "opany o!!ers a por!olio o! 1@ #rands, ranging !ro e people’s "ar arui '00 o esylis a" #a"+, 4*i!, 4X& sedan and lu5ury spor uiliy ei"le (4UG, rand Giara.

    ore an al! e "ars sold in )ndia *ear a arui 4u7u+i #adge. =s per e "lassi!i"aion #y e

    so"iey o! )ndian =uoo#ile anu!a"urers (4)=, arui 4u7u+i odels are "aegori7ed

    under e !ollo*ing eadsL

  • 8/17/2019 Customer Saticfaction Maruti Suzuki Swift Project


    =1 4egen (up o @&00 L arui '00

    =8 4egen (@&00 o &000 L =lo, ?silo, FagonR, =$sar, Ri7, 4*i!

    =@ 4egen (&000 o &%00 L :7ire 2 4X& 

    uly uiliy Gei"le (U= 4egenL ypsy 2 rand Giara

    uli 6urpose ei"le (6G 4egenL ;ni 2 Gersa

    8(9Maruti && #change your life: # arui '00 as gone #eyond jus #eing a "ar 

    S ) as rans!ored e lies o! "ounless people, #y #ringing e joy o! 

    ooring o illion a"ross e leng and #read o! e "ounry.

    8%9A1to# Let’s go:- =lo is a grea "o#inaion o! e"onoy, pra"i"aliy 2 syling, )

    e5epli!ies e #en"ar+ in #uild ,

  • 8/17/2019 Customer Saticfaction Maruti Suzuki Swift Project


    8F9  S$F$  Men are back:- Reoluionary ?uropean design ,*orld "lass -drie #y *ireV

    e"nology, os spa"ious in is "lass, seering ouned audio

    "onrols, a5iu ground "learan"e in is "lass ,ig on sa!ey *i dual air#ags, =ni$lo"+ 

    Bra+e syse (=B4 2 ?le"roni" ra"+ !or"e :isri#uion (?B: !eaure.

    89 GRAND BITARAL#%,F#Re1oaded# :isin"iely syled, e ird generaion rand Giara

    a+es ree de"ades o! 4u7u+i 4UG eriage o e ne5 leel. e

    Giara odel !irs i e road in apan in 19'' as a @$door par ie !our *eel drie (&F:.

    )n is se"ond aaar, e Giara "ae ared *i a sylis design, superior engineering and a ne*

    nae, e rand Giara. &aunhed in ndia on 1 st  4ul!, 200 

    89 BERSA 4 The joy of travelling together:- ?5perien"e e joy o! raelling ogeer. ?s, large sliding doors and !le5i#le seaing, e Gersa

    en"ourages !aily and !riend o enjoy long dries and gea*ays ogeer. )n spie o! #eing sospa"ious, is design allo*s !or easy aneuera#iliy in e "iy.

  • 8/17/2019 Customer Saticfaction Maruti Suzuki Swift Project


    89 S*I!T 4 You are the fuel: = ne* +ind o! "opuer "ar ,one a’s #ased on a !res approa"

    o design and deelopen, 4*i! deliers e +ind o! drier and

     passenger e5perien"e a pla"es i in a "lass o! is o*n and as rue *orld*ide appeal.

    89 OMNI 4A+ )am.a+i se 0ai sirf Omni +0ar ?a faas1a

    ;ni is ruly )ndia’s original 6= .oday i as aaila#le in !ie arians$% seaer, ' seaer,

    >argo, =#ulan"e 2 li

  • 8/17/2019 Customer Saticfaction Maruti Suzuki Swift Project


    8(&9 GPS )ING 4 There is a Gypsy in everyone:- Fi super# aneuera#iliy,

    aneuera#iliy, soo andling and ra* energy pa"+ed in o a

    slee+ ye rugged !rae, e ypsy Jing is e real adenure UG ,*eer plouging roug

    e dir+ ra"+s, "li#ing !orida#le errain or a+ing *ay roug e "iy ra!!i" .arui

    4u7u+i is proud o suppor e operaions o! our "ounry’s de!ense seri"es *i e ailor ade

    ypsy Jing .ypsy as proed is ele during de!ense operaion in e Hialayas and ar 


    8((9ESTIOL#Take a fresh vie of life:- e all ne* ?4)I; is a ne* landar+ in ers o! 

    design and e"nology, *i is all ne* aerodynai" design , ?silo ses

    e #en"ar+ and a+es ea" drie a !res ne* e5perien"e .>opleening is sylis loo+s

    are ne* ,"lassy and elegan ineriors a rede!ine "o!or .Fa’s ore ,e all ne* ?silo *i

    is adan"e J$series engine gies you in"redi#le po*er ea" ie you urn on e

    igniion.P &aunhed in %ugust,200

    8(%9 A#STAR - !top " #othing L$ :esigned o per!e"ion ,drien only o su""eed ,=$4ar as

    a+en oer e *orld. ade in )ndia o ee ?uropean sandards, e "ar sy#oli7es e

  • 8/17/2019 Customer Saticfaction Maruti Suzuki Swift Project


     #eginning o! a reoluion *i is uni

  • 8/17/2019 Customer Saticfaction Maruti Suzuki Swift Project


    SUB#### Bitara2 G.5s.

    C # ####C1ass Omani2 Bersa



    T0e a11#new Maruti Su>u?i Swift is fu11. 1oaded wit0 a ran3e of e7citin3 new features, Its a

    5erfect com51ement to .our e-o1-ed tastes and 1ifest.1e, And t0e +est wa. to ta?e .our

    dri-in3 51easure to a +rand#new 0i30 Euro5ean St.1in3, Ja5anese En3ineerin3 Dream#i?e


    e ne* 4*i! is a generaion di!!eren !ro 4u7u+i design. 4yled *i a "lear sense o! 

    us"ulariy, is one$and$a$al! #o5, aggressie !or a+es !or a loo+ o! sa#iliy, a sense a i

    is pa"+ed *i energy and ready o delier a dynai" drie. )s solid loo+ is "opleened #y an


  • 8/17/2019 Customer Saticfaction Maruti Suzuki Swift Project


    suspension !rae. You ge lo*er road noise and a greaer !eeling o! sa#iliy as you sail oer our 

    roads *i !eaer$ou" ease.

    Re-iews of swift

    Car India

    e 4*i! as ore an is !air sare o! sili"on liery under is oodWis inri"ae ne*or+ o!

     pro"essors "onrols eerying on e 4*i!.

    Auto India

    e 4*i! is really peppy in "iy ra!!i"/"ondiionsW e or

  • 8/17/2019 Customer Saticfaction Maruti Suzuki Swift Project


     Fa You *orry Fe *ouldn’ *an a. 4o *e go an

    oer$proe"ie #un" o! deail$o#sessed engineers o pa"+ e 4*i! *i preseraies. Ii+e a

    igly "ras*ory sru"ure a +eeps you sa!e. = "ollapsi#le seering "olun 3ron sea#el

     pre$ensioners *i load liiers, and energy a#sor#ing ri all around.

    ="ie sa!ey e"nologies in"lude dual !ron air#agsP, =nilo"+ Bra+ing (=B4P *i ?le"roni"

    Bra+e$!or"e :isri#uion (?B:P and a #ra+e$assis !un"ion, a inii7e driing a7ards. =ll

    o! ese a+e e 4*i! aongs e sa!es se o! *eels on e road oday. =nd you "an #e sure

    a’s no #y a""iden.

    $+ *$&&S$+, +$ :3%*# 

    :ual !ron air#agsP deploy in an insan o sield you !ro ar.

    i*%# S $+ ;=%(

  • 8/17/2019 Customer Saticfaction Maruti Suzuki Swift Project


    ?5ra se"uriy !or e "ar is proided #y i>=s, *i" a+e e "ar e!$proo!. Hi$e" !eaures

     Oli+e a #uil$in R3 ransponder in e +ey and an ele"roni" aueni"aion syseOadd up o

     pea"e o! ind.

     '>'S $+ #' ($%. &;# %&S$

    Headlap leeling allo*s !our leels o! #ea adjusen, depending on o* pa"+ed your "ar is.

    ) ensures opiu isi#iliy !or e drier and glare$less driing !or on"oing ei"les.


    )'*&' # 3%SS'+;'(S + #' ('%(

    Fiou eadlap leeling dei"e

    redu"ed reoe isi#iliy and in"reased glare ono on"oing ei"les.

    Fi eadlap leeling dei"e

    ;piu reoe isi#iliy and redu"ed glare ono on"oing ei"les.

  • 8/17/2019 Customer Saticfaction Maruti Suzuki Swift Project



  • 8/17/2019 Customer Saticfaction Maruti Suzuki Swift Project



    • Beer !uel "o#usion.

    • ;pii7ed NGH.


    • 6re"ise 2 leaner eissions.


    • >ooled e5aus gas re"ir"ulaion.

    • >leaner eissions.


    • Redu"ed engine i#raion.

    • iniu noise.


    • ?nironenally !riendly

    • ?asy o ainain.


  • 8/17/2019 Customer Saticfaction Maruti Suzuki Swift Project


     %utomati *limate *ontrol 



    =uoai" >liae >onrol andles e ? deparen *iou you eer inerening. Fa

    you ge is "onsan eperaure, *i" +eeps you "o!ora#le a all ies.

    (,% ) 4 SERIES

    1.2& -Series 3etrol 'ngine

    (,% )#Series 5etro1, 

    • Responsie =nd po*er!ul$adan"ed 1.8 lire,1C$ale J$4eries engine

    • rea 6er!orer $ a '% ps T C000 rp and 11@ N T &%00 rp, e ne* engine as

    iproed "opression raios and deliers #eer iniial and passing a""eleraion in "iy

    driing "ondiions !or 7ippier oera+ing.

    • Higly 3uel$?!!i"ien $ e 1C$ale lig*eig :;H> engine redu"es !ri"ion and

    iproes dura#iliy and !uel e"onoy o #e #es$in$"lass a 1.9& +plPP

    • ore >o!ora#le :ries $ = ore silen engine *i redu"ed i#raions. Io*er NGH

    (noise, i#raions and arsness proide an enan"ed drie !eel *i lesser drier 


  • 8/17/2019 Customer Saticfaction Maruti Suzuki Swift Project


    • Io*er ?ission Ieels $ B4 )G "oplian, e 4*i! is greener and e"o$!riendly.

    • Io* ainenan"e >os e ne* J$4eries engine eans longer oil "ange inerals

    and iproed spar+ plug li!e.


     %&&> S#': 


    e a"6erson sru in !ron aa"es e suspension lo*er ars, seering, gear#o5 and rear

    engine ouning o a suspension !rae (and no o e #ody, us raising andling and "o!or

    o a ne* ig.


    $&F + $&F7S *&$#+;?

    4ligly ?uropean, 4oe*a apanese, =nd sin!ully good loo+ing, No only a generaion

    di!!eren !ro 4u7u+i design, #u also e sape o! ings o "oe.

  • 8/17/2019 Customer Saticfaction Maruti Suzuki Swift Project


    Fen *e pu ogeer e ne* arui 4u7u+i 4*i!, *e ade sure *e did noing *e ad eer 

    done #e!ore. Fe *aned o #uild a "ar a ade "ar$a+ers *a"+ eir designers and say,

    -Fy didn’ *e in+ o! aV

    4o *e did. =nd gae you a "ar a’s ore spa"ious, ore user$!riendly, ore re!ine, ore eye$

    "a"ing. = "opa" "ar a a+es all oers loo+s li+e aa’s #oys. )’s "ee+y. >i", Radi"al.

    >un+y 6uped$up >iseled, anali7ing. Haugy )paien, ani". )’s you

    #' SF#7S 3($F&' S #S S;+%#=('.

    Una#asedly sylis, *i a "lear sense o! us"ulariy, 6ronoun"ed #y "un+y *eels, #oldly!lared *eel ar"es and ires siing s

  • 8/17/2019 Customer Saticfaction Maruti Suzuki Swift Project


    = "ury, o$so$*ide #uper, 4apely a", Iaps a e5end !ro e soulder lines. a+es

    ?erying loo+s pa"+ed$in.

     %)%+*' 3-'3S S#''(+;

    6roides ore assis, redu"es "a#in noise and aids !uel e!!i"ien"y.

     ;'(, S( A &$'(, S(A

  • 8/17/2019 Customer Saticfaction Maruti Suzuki Swift Project


    e ino your os "o!ora#le driing posiion. Rea" e pedals *iou "raping. = @%

    eig adjusen and a 8&0 !ore$a! slide range are a your seri"eP.

     %+&' #$=# *%(' 

    = srong under#ody sru"ure. >lass$de!ining #ody rigidiy. =nd "uing$edge suspension. =ll

    allo* you o andle e 4*i! *i !eaer$ou" ease. Ieing you "ruise oer )ndian roads in


     &$)', S'%#.

    ere’s so u" pleasure ere, i’s alos edonisi". 4eas you "an adjus so you "an rael in

    syle and lu5ury. = glassouse "a#in a *raps around you, 4o you "an inera" #eer *i e

    das, +no#s, panels and e *ole "ar

  • 8/17/2019 Customer Saticfaction Maruti Suzuki Swift Project


    =n easy$on$e$eye insruen "luser, = o#i+e$syle a"oeer. =n illuinaed$ring

    speedoeer, !or #eer isi#iliy as you "oer iles, = ree$spo+e seering. = speri"al si!

    +no#. )’s spory all oer. =nd so e ouside doesn’ ge inside, ere are as any as 1 noise$

    redu"ing !eaures. =n inisi#le ‘:o No :isur#’ sign o e *orld ouside.

    SF# # 3&'%S=('.

    =n updaed sor$sro+e design, *i enan"ed si! lin+ages, gies you a !ir, oupled *i a soo driing


  • 8/17/2019 Customer Saticfaction Maruti Suzuki Swift Project



    e #oo a""oodaes pleny. 4o *en you drie up ino e ounains, #ring e ounains


     3=# # '(' 

    3or all a you "an ree#er O and eerying you "an’. ?en your lile dar+ se"res.

    $3'+ %#* '%S&>.

    =n ele"roni" ailgae opener is ideal *en your ands are !ull *i er luggage. ;r ay#e jus


  • 8/17/2019 Customer Saticfaction Maruti Suzuki Swift Project



    )’s a "ar a #e"oes a pary a#le. = de"+ "air, = gian sopping #as+e, = deliery ru"+. ;r a

    "o!ora#le #ed !or *o, 6er!e" o sa"+$up in, during ose long dries.

    Diesel Technology



    e ::i4 engine as *on e ‘)nernaional ?ngine o! e Year =*ardP’

    in ?urope. ::i4 is e superior >oon Rail :ire" )nje"ion

    e"nology a po*ers arui 4*i! :iesel.

    is !uure$ready engine is igly "opa" and in"redi#ly !uel e!!i"ien.

    ) is e liges engine in is segenP, generaes a "lass #eaing 190 N o! or

  • 8/17/2019 Customer Saticfaction Maruti Suzuki Swift Project


     per!e" #o !or "iy and ig*ay driing.



    is ne5 generaion ::i4 engine as a 1C ale "ylinder ead !or ore po*er and iger engine

    response leading o a sooer ride.

    ) #oass o! a "o#inaion o! ur#o"arger and )ner"ooler !or ig per!oran"e. ) as :ou#le

    ;er Head >asa! (:;H> !or pre"ise "onrol o! ales $ anoer !irs a deliers #eer !uel


    ) is e only engine *i a >ain :rie iing 4yse, *i" is ainenan"e$!ree !or e enire

    li!e o! e engine.

    ) is a "opa", lig$*eig and re!ined engine *i an =luinu Bed 6lae o ensure lo* noise

    and i#raion.


    e "o#inaion o! a 1C ale "ylinder ead and a % 4ep uli )nje"ion 4yse gies e!!i"ien

    "o#usion leading o "leaner eissions.

    Z)n =8 diesel segen




  • 8/17/2019 Customer Saticfaction Maruti Suzuki Swift Project


     Minimum Bi+ration

     C1ass "eatin3 Power

     En-ironment !riend1.

     Great Mi1ea3e

     Maintenance !ree



    Ta+1e s0ows t0at t0e Maruti Su>u?i 0as 1ar3er num+er of -ariet. in t0e se3ment A6" so

    t0e sa1es must +e 3ood in t0ese se3ments, "ut it is 1ac?in3 +e0ind its com5etitors in se3ment

    C2 D 6 E



     arui "aers o all segens and as a produ" o!!ering a all pri"e poins. ) as a "ar pri"ed aRs.1, ',000.00 *i" is e lo*es o!!er on road. arui ges 0D #usiness !ro repea #uyers

    *o earlier ad o*ned a arui "ar. eir pri"ing sraegy is o proide an opion o eery

    "usoer loo+ing !or up gradaion in is "ar. eir sole oie o! aing so any produ"

    o!!ering is o #e in e "onsideraion se o! eery passenger "ar "usoer in )ndia. Here is o*

    eery pri"e poin is "oered.

  • 8/17/2019 Customer Saticfaction Maruti Suzuki Swift Project


    4N;. BR=N: G=R)=N4 6R)>? )NHY:?R=B=:


    R=N: G)=R=


    = 1''&001

    8 =RU) 4X& GX) 0'C1

    EX) '199C&

    EX) '%8%&8

    @ 4F)3 :?E)R? I:) %C1&8

    E:) 01&9

    G:) C1C@@C

    IX) &'&8C

    EX) C8%80

    GX) %@0&89

    & 4F)3 GX) &%'99

    IX) &88%&&

    EX) %@91&

    I:) &98C&@

    G:) %&'@

    % F=;N R IX @@'C0

    IX) @C@@99

    IX :uo @%08'C

    GX) @'19

  • 8/17/2019 Customer Saticfaction Maruti Suzuki Swift Project


    GX) =B4 &1'&98

    C Y64Y 4(4o! o# %@8%@

    H(Hard o# %%111

    ;N) >argo 81&@8&

    >argo I6 8091C0

    % 4eaer 8&&008

    ' =RU) '00 4: 6) 19@%C'

    =/> ) 81%''0

    9 ?4)I; IX) @%1&&

    GX) &1@%

    IX @@11C8

    10 ??>; 4R @0C8&'

    % 4R 8'808'

    4R *i =/> @1'88%

    11 = 4=R IX) @%'90

    EX) &8&1'%

    GX) @'C'9&

    18 R)E ):) &'89&

    G:) %@8@C

    IX) &0&%%

    EX) %008@

    GX) &@C&'

    1@ =I; 4=N:?R: 8@1099

  • 8/17/2019 Customer Saticfaction Maruti Suzuki Swift Project


    IX) 8'0C&'

    IX 8C@0@C

    PRICE O! S*I!T

     n !derabad 

    Bariant Ex-showroom Price (Rs.)

    =RU) 4F)3 IX) (BH=R= 4=? )G F2%%2F=RU) 4F)3 GX) (BH=R= 4=? )G F22(F

    =RU) 4F)3 GX) (BH=R= 4=? )G F)H =B4 F22''

    =RU) 4F)3 I:) (BH=R= 4=? ))) F2'(2(%

    =RU) 4F)3 I:) B4 )G F2'%2FF

    =RU) 4F)3 G:) B4 )G 2%'2&'

    =RU) 4F)3 EX) (BH=R= 4=? )G 2K'2(F

    =RU) 4F)3 G:) F)H =B4 B4 )G   2F2F

  • 8/17/2019 Customer Saticfaction Maruti Suzuki Swift Project



     M)*+T, !,FT .s /Y+#'), G(T0 

    ‘ 'ven if the Swift had no engine, people would bu! it C and that7s beause of its outrageous

    onept-ar looks.7 

    D#he ;etE sores highl! on pratialit! it is spaious, omfortable, has a good boot and man!

    user-friendl! touhes.7 

    MARUTI SU:U)I S*I!TIis pri"e (e5$so*roo, Hydera#ad Rs &.0&$%.0 la+

    op speed 1&+p

    0$C0+p %.88se"

    0$100+p 18.89se"

    Jpl 1@.'% (oerall

    3or 4yling, alue !or oney

    =gains 4all #oo and rear sea


    Iis pri"e (e5$so*roo, Hydera#ad Rs &.&$%.@C la+

    op speed 1&&+p

    0$C0+p %.C1se"

  • 8/17/2019 Customer Saticfaction Maruti Suzuki Swift Project


    0$100+p 1&.&se"

    Jpl 18.&%(oerall

    3or 4pa"e and pra"i"aliy

    =gains )nerior ar o! e Year 800% O and asnA ad

    a u" su""ess, priarily #e"ause i *as e !irs o! a +ind, e Rs %.0 la+ "ar *iou a


    Hyundai’s ried e5olling e "ar As iruesL is neier$oo$#ig$nor$oo$sall si7e, is spa"e and

     pra"i"aliy, is re!ineen and sopisi"aion, #u sales reained lu+e*ar. en, along "aearui *i e ja77y lile 4*i!, and go 81,000 #oo+ings *iin a *ee+. =nd en i i+ed e


    F+(L (FF,1,(#1Y 


    )n any o! our lu5ury "ar ess, *e say e!!i"ien"y !igures arenA oo #ig a dealS ere, o*eer,

    ey ean eerying. =nd no

  • 8/17/2019 Customer Saticfaction Maruti Suzuki Swift Project


    TorQue to wei30t 11.&%+g per one 11.8@+g per oneInsta11ation 3ron, ranserse, !ron$*eel


    3ron, ranserse, !ron$*eel

    drieConstruction =ll aluinu =lloy ead and "as iron

     #lo"+ "ore

  • 8/17/2019 Customer Saticfaction Maruti Suzuki Swift Project







    %nd Krd Ft0 t0

    @.@ %.C $ [email protected] %.8 .@ [email protected] %.0 .8 10.%$ %.% .@ 11.&

    %nd Krd Ft0 t0

    @. %.@ '.& [email protected] %.0 .1 10.&@.C &.' C.' 10.91&.& %.& .8 18.0

    !ue1 Econom.

    Cit. 8?519 11.% 10.&Hi30wa. 8?519 1C.8 1&.%

    *HEES 6 TRES

    *0ee1 si>e 1& 5 %.%$in" C.0 5 1%$in"Made of  =lloy 4eelT.res 1'%/0 R1& u#eless 19%/C% R1% radial



    !ront 811 Genilaed dis"s Genilaed dis"sRear 800 drus :rus

    A"S 4andard *i ?B: (only inEXi

    ;pional *i I4 arian




  • 8/17/2019 Customer Saticfaction Maruti Suzuki Swift Project



    1+**(#T M)*+T, !+0+4, ,#',) LT' %.ariant 

    Mode1 Swift BDi Mode1 Swift Di

    Mode1 Swift :7i Mode1 Swift B7i 8A"S9

    Mode1 Swift B7i Mode1 Swift 7i

     'iscontinue5 /Y+#'), M3T3* ,#',)% .ariant 

    Mode1  Get> G$ Mode1  Get> GS

    Mode1  Get> GBS

  • 8/17/2019 Customer Saticfaction Maruti Suzuki Swift Project



    By e ie e larger ne* )ndi"a is ou, e aa$3ia ie$up *ill #e going !ull role. aa *ill

     #orro* engines !ro 3ia *i, you guessed i, e 1.@ lier ulije #eing e engine o! "oi"e.

    orougly lo"ali7ed, "eaply asse#led and ery "apa#le, i *ill gie e ne* )ndi"a/ )ndigo

    !aily a uge leap !or*ard as !ar as oerall a#iliy is "on"erned.



    e "opany is an auori7ed dealer o! arui Udyog Iiied (UI !or sale o! is enire

    range o! oor ei"les. ) is also auori7ed o seri"e 2 repair all arui "ars and also deal

    in spare pars o! arui "ars.

  • 8/17/2019 Customer Saticfaction Maruti Suzuki Swift Project


    RJ4 oor *as esa#lised in e year 199S

    e #usiness is anaged under e a#le

    leadersip and guidan"e o! r.Ginay 4a#oo,

    anaging :ire"or. Fi an e5perien"e o! oer 

    ree de"ades in reail sales and seri"e, i oo+ 

    r. 4a#oo jus ree sor years o se up is

    dealersip, sin"e en e gro* as #een


    e dealersip as also *on any a*ards and a""olades under e leadersip o! r. 4a#oo,

    i as also go )4; 9001 "eri!i"aion. Ginay 4a#oo *as one o! e ea e#er o! group

    o! C :elegaes *o isied apan on sudy our o! used "ar #usiness in apan. He srongly

     #eliees a a"ieing "usoer delig is e single os iporan !o"us o! e group. e

    group enjoys ery ig saus in e so"iey and #usiness *orld...



    = presen e group operaes 8 (*o sae o! e ar so*roos lo"aed in e ear o! e

    "iies o! Hydera#ad 2 4e"undera#ad, ey ae ill dae sold a *opping %0,000 "ars e

    group as % !ull !ledged arui =uori7ed *or+sops spread in all !our poins o! e "iy

  • 8/17/2019 Customer Saticfaction Maruti Suzuki Swift Project


    e Uppal *or+sop as *on e a*ard as e #es ar+eed *or+sop *ile e

    4oajiguda so*roo *as adjudged as e #es arui so*roo in )ndia.


    RJ4 as a srong #ase o! ( 1a?0 sais!ied "usoers !ro all *al+s o! li!e. ;ur ission

    saeen o proide a "onenien, assle !ree auoo#ile pur"ase and o*nersip

    e5perien"e !or our "usoers. =nd e os "os e!!e"ie and ara"ie !inan"ial seri"es

     pa"+ages o all our "usoers, in all e ar+es *e operae in. Fe ani"ipae our "usoersA

    need and delier innoaie and ousanding produ"s and seri"es o eir delig.


    RJ4 !irly #eliees a eployees are one o! e ain sour"e o! sreng !or e

    organi7aion. ) as as any as %00 pro!essionals *or+ing dire"ly 2 indire"ly a all leels.

    e uan resour"es anageen a RJ4 see+s o "reae a "orporae "ulure *ere alues

    su" as K>oninuous )proeenK and KRespe" !or 6eopleK are !ully re!le"ed in all


     e "opany a+es a5iu "are o ensure sa#iliy o! eployen and sries o iproe

    *or+ing "ondiions.

    =ll eployees are en"ouraged o gie suggesions o iproe e e!!i"ien"y or *or+ing

    "ondiions. ey are also appropriaely re*arded !or e sae. us RJ4 see+s o progress #

    epo*ering is eployees.


    = dedi"aed !ully pro!essionally anaged organi7aion *i independen"e o! *or+ing.

    • ?5e"uie :ire"orL Pramod Manud0ania, 3>=, >arered =""ounan, loo+ing

    a!er oer all adinisraion and operaion.

    Gi"e 6residen (6roje"sL Anand C0oad0r.a+ing "are o! ne* 6roje"s,rue Galue Business.

    • 4enior eneral anager 4eri"eL Mr, N ) Pate1

    loo+ing a!er all e !ie *or+sops seri"ing a#ou &000 "ars a onenera

  • 8/17/2019 Customer Saticfaction Maruti Suzuki Swift Project


    • anager (6roje"sL Mr, Sameer 2 

    loo+ing a!er 4raegi" ar+eing a"iiies, ne* 6roje"s, arui :riing 4"ool.

    • eneral anager (4paresL Mr, Ra-i Mantri

    • e eneral anager 4alesL Mr, "0ar3a-, 4ales

    • Awards

    M "est new 5roduct 1aunc0

    M O-era11 5roduct mi7 sa1es

    M "est mar?etin3 for wor?s0o5 faci1it.

     o analy7e e "usoer sais!a"ion o*ards e Maruti Swift  in Hydera#ad

    *i a spe"ial re!eren"e o e ari 4u7u+i oors.

    o +no* e srengs and *ea+nesses o! e arui =Swift/.

  • 8/17/2019 Customer Saticfaction Maruti Suzuki Swift Project


    o +no* e per"epion o*ards e Brands a#ou e sales, seri"es, o!!ers o #uy

    arui 4u7u+i produ"s.

    o +no* e "usoers opinion a#ou arious "ars in Hydera#ad "iy.


  • 8/17/2019 Customer Saticfaction Maruti Suzuki Swift Project




    *o #road resear" eodologies "an #e used o ans*er any resear"

  • 8/17/2019 Customer Saticfaction Maruti Suzuki Swift Project


    =loug resear" design ay #e "lassi!ied #y any "rieria, e os use!ul one "on"ern e

    ajor purpose o! e inesigaion. ;n e #asis, resear" design "an #e "lassi!ied ino ree

    "lasses ?5ploraory, :es"ripie and >asual. )! no !oral design or sru"ure

  • 8/17/2019 Customer Saticfaction Maruti Suzuki Swift Project


    e daa reopany’s ?ployees.

    >opany 4raegy.


    (, E7terna1 Sources#

  • 8/17/2019 Customer Saticfaction Maruti Suzuki Swift Project


    )n!oraion *as gaered !ro aga7ines li+e =uo ?5po, >ar Ba7aar, and Business

    Forld 2 Business oday. Business dailies li+e e ?"onoi" ies, e Business Iine


     Ne*s 6aper li+e e Hindusan ies, Business 4andard 2 e >orporae ies.  =par

    !ro is in!oraion *as also a+en !ro inerne.


    a+ing ino a""oun e pra"i"al "onsideraions ( 4u" as ie lii, "os, e" e sudy a

    saple surey as e eans o! eans o! gaering priary in!oraion. = saple surey allo*s

    a reason o "on"enrae is aenion upon a relaiely sall nu#er o! people and en"e, o

    deoe ore ie and energy o ensure a e in!oraion "olle"ed !ro e is ore



    e !irs ing a a saple plan us in"lude is e de!iniion o! e populaion o #e

    inesigaion. e populaion sould #e de!ined as "learly as possi#le. e populaion "osen !or 

    e sudy, a+ing in o "onsideraion e o#je"ie o! e sudy is de!ined as, all e "usoer o! 

    !our *eeler.


    4aple design is e ear o! e saple planning pro"ess. = saple design inoles

    spe"i!i"aions o! e ype o! saple used, e appropriae sapling uni, and e saple si7e.


     e sudy use non pro#a#iliy sapling os o! e sapling in ar+eing resear" is non  

     pro#a#iliy in naure o! e arious non pro#a#iliy eods , "onenien"e sapling eod is

    used in is sudy raer an using a a#le o! rando nu#er as in pro#a#iliy sapling .

    "onenien"e sapling eans a e sapling uni are a""essi#le, "onenien and easy o

    easure. e adanage o! "oosing a non $pro#a#iliy sapling eods is a e sapling

    error *ill #e *en "opared o pro#a#iliy sapling.

  • 8/17/2019 Customer Saticfaction Maruti Suzuki Swift Project



    e sapling uni !ors e #asis o! e enire sapling pro"edure. ) is a *i" is a"ually

    "osen #y e sapling pro"ess. e sapling uni ay "onain one or ore populaion

    eleens. e sapling uni in e sudy "onsiss o! e priae eployees, goernen

    eployees, #usiness people and oers.


    e saple "onsis o! %0 "usoer sele"ed !ro e Hydera#ad using "onenien"e sapling

    eod. ;u o! e "usoers sele"ed !or e sudy, soe did no o*n !our *eeler and soe

    ad no responded *ell. Hen"e ey ad o #e repla"ed #y oer "usoers.


    a+ing e ar+e "ondiions ino "onsideraion e surey, *i" in"lude a

    saple o! %0, *as a respe"ie one.

    :ue o e liiaion o! span o! ie and liied resour"es surey *as "ondu"ed

    !or a period o! C *ee+s.

    e geograpi" region "oered !or e surey *as liied o e #oundaries o! e

    Hydera#ad "iy.

  • 8/17/2019 Customer Saticfaction Maruti Suzuki Swift Project


    4in"e e surey *as "ondu"ed a e ar+e lo"aliies and e person *o as

    o*ns a -arui 4*i!V

    )proper response !ro "usoers and #uyers, #u i *as inial.

    4"ieni!i" eods o! pos esing "ould no #e "ondu"ed.

    inial possi#le #ias in adinisraing e

  • 8/17/2019 Customer Saticfaction Maruti Suzuki Swift Project


  • 8/17/2019 Customer Saticfaction Maruti Suzuki Swift Project



    (, Se1ection of Maruti swift Mode1,

    Particu1ars No, of Res5ondents Percenta3e 89

    6erol 1' @C

    :iesel @8 C&

  • 8/17/2019 Customer Saticfaction Maruti Suzuki Swift Project


    Tota1 & (&&

    Source Primar. Data


    Here *e ae o !ind ou a a5iu alue o! :iesel odel in e ar+e a is C&D

    ou o! oal saple si7e so *e "an say a "urren s"enario o! e ar+e a5iu

    "apured #y :iesel odel "opare o 6erol odel. No* in presen ie "usoer pre!ers

    ore 4*i! :iesel odel.

    %, Inf1uencin3 features for t0e 5urc0asin3 5ower of t0e customer,

    Particu1ars No, of res5ondents Percenta3e 89

    6ri"e 1% @0

    6rodu" 3eaures 80 &0

    Brand 1&

  • 8/17/2019 Customer Saticfaction Maruti Suzuki Swift Project


    4eri"e ' 1C

    Tota1 & (&&


    Ana1.sis Here *e !ound a e produ" !eaure o! s*i! "ar is ore in!luen"ing !a"or 

    o pur"ase po*er o! e "onsuers. )n is "ar i is "lear a produ" !eaure is ery

    iporan !a"or !or e "onsupion leel o! e produ". 4o is is so*ing a D o! 

     produ" !eaure is ore an "opare o oers i.e. &0D. Hen"e, selling o! s*i! "ar is

    depending upon e produ"

  • 8/17/2019 Customer Saticfaction Maruti Suzuki Swift Project


    oal %0 100


    =#oe diagra so*s e iges alue o! dealer. Fere a dealer proides di!!eren

    *arranies, seri"es, "onenien"e, aaila#iliy and oer !a"iliies o e "onsuers *aeer 

    e *ans. 4o dealer is iporan ediaor !or deliering e goods and seri"es o e

    "onsuers. Here, dealer’s per"enage is greaer an o oers i.e. @CD.

    F, Im5ortant su33estions towards t0e Maruti Swift en3ine,

    Particu1ars No, of res5ondents Percenta3e 89

    Gery ood 10 80

    ood 1C @8

    =erage % 10

     No ood 11 88

    >an’ 4ay ' 1C

  • 8/17/2019 Customer Saticfaction Maruti Suzuki Swift Project


    Tota1 & (&&


    is "ar so*s e arious suggesions o*ards e arui s*i! engine. os o! e

    suggesions are good. ;n e oer and, os o! e "onsuers are sais!ied !ro i’s engine

    "apa#iliy. Hen"e, *e "an say a D arious !eed#a"+s o! e "onsuers regarding good is

    iger an "opare o oers i.e. @8D.

    ,Customer satisfaction toward mi1ea3e of Maruti Swift,

    Particu1ars No,of res5ondents Percenta3e 89

    Yes @0 C0

     No 80 &0

    Tota1 & (&&

  • 8/17/2019 Customer Saticfaction Maruti Suzuki Swift Project



    Here *e !ound a C0D "usoers are sais!ied *i e ileage o! s*i! and oer &0D

    "usoers are no sais!ied *i e ileage o! 4*i! ey ae di!!iren per"epion regarding

    e ileage o! s*i! .is "ar so*ing e ajoriy o! sais!ied "usoers, so *e "an say

    a "usoers are sais!ied *i ileage o! s*i!.

    ,Customer o5inion on Maruti Swift re1ated to safet. features,

    Particu1ars No, of res5ondents Percenta3e 89

    Gery ood 10 80

    ood 1 @&

    =erage 18 8&

    >an’ say 11 88

  • 8/17/2019 Customer Saticfaction Maruti Suzuki Swift Project


    Tota1 & (&&


    is "ar is so*ing a jus "usoer sais!ied *i e sa!ey !eaures o! s*i! #e"ause

    *en "usoer e5pe" ore sa!ey en "os o! s*i! #e""oe ig. 4o ere @&D "usoers

    are saies!ied *i sa!ey !eaures o! s*i! and only 80D are os sais!ied *i e sa!ey

    and 8&D aerage sais!ied *i e sa!ey !eaures reaining 88D are una#le o say a#ou e

    sa!ey !eaures o! e 4*i!.

    ,Customer o5inion a+out 3ood com5etitor of maruti swift,

    Particu1ers No, of res5ondents Percenta3e 89

    i 80 1@ 8C

    i 10 9 1'

    Ri7 11 88

    e7 11 88

    )ndi"a C 18

    Tota1 & (&&

  • 8/17/2019 Customer Saticfaction Maruti Suzuki Swift Project



    Here *e !ound a 8CD is e iges alue so is indi"ae a i80 is e #es "opeiors o! e

    4*i! ,a!er a e7 and Ri7 are good "opeiors o! 4*i!. No* )ndi"a as "oe in ar+e

    *i di!!iren !eaures and lu5urious odel so i is also a good "opeior o! arui 4*i!. )n

    is "ar i10 go e 1' D so i indi"ae e i10 is also "opeior o! 4*i!.

    , !rom t0e consumer 5oint of -iew2 Price maintain +. t0e Maruti Su>u?i in

    t0e future

    Particu1ers No, re5ondents Percenta3e 89

    Yes 19 @'

     No 1% @0

    >an’ say 1C @8

    Tota1 & (&&


  • 8/17/2019 Customer Saticfaction Maruti Suzuki Swift Project


  • 8/17/2019 Customer Saticfaction Maruti Suzuki Swift Project



    Here *e !ound e "osoers are ery enusiasi" o *an "ange in e s*i! !or eir #eer 

    sais!a"ion i.e.%8D response #y e "usoers. =nd 8C D "usoers don’ *an o "ange in e

    4*i! , 88D "usoers are una#le o say a *ill #e "ange in e s*i! .

    Here ajoriy is saying a "usoers *an o "ange in e 4*i! as osely "usoers *an o

    "ange in e -Ba"+ lassV o! e 4*i! due o no "lear isi#le in #a"+ side *en drier apply

     #a"+ gear, #e"ause #a"+ glass si7e is sall. 4o "usoers *an lile #i iproeen in e

    4*i! "ar.

  • 8/17/2019 Customer Saticfaction Maruti Suzuki Swift Project


    (&, Customers freQuent1. c0an3e t0eir car,

    Particu1ers No,of res5ondents Percenta3e 89

    1$@ Years 1' @C

    @$% Years 11 88

    %$10 Years 1% @0

    ore an 10 Years C 18

    Tota1 & (&&


    Here *e !ound a os o! e "usoers are "anging eir "ar #e*een 1$@ year. Be"ause

    "anging any produ" is depend upon e oney as *ell as ie !a"or. Hen"e *e "an say a

    "onsuers "an no "ang eir "ar less an 1$@ years.


  • 8/17/2019 Customer Saticfaction Maruti Suzuki Swift Project


    "asin3 on t0e data 3at0ered from t0e customers 2 w0ic0 was ana1.>ed 2 t0e

    fo11owin3 o+ser-ations are made,

    Here *e !ound a e "usoers are !ully sais!ied *i e :iesel odel o! 4*i!. 4o

    no* is ie ar+e osely "apured #y e s*i! and #oo+ing o! s*i! adan"e going

    on .

    ajoriy o! e "usoers pre!!ering e s*i! due o e produ" !eaures. ey are !ully

    sais!ied #y produ" *i e de!!iren !eaures o! 4*i! .

    Here ajoriy o! e "usoers *ill #e #uy pre$o*ned "ar #y e dealers due o ey *an

    o rue alue o! e "ar.

    Here "usoers gae e good alue !or e 4*i! engine ey ae no any dou#

    regarding s*i! engine. a’s *y "osoers as !ully sais!ied .

    Fe !ound a ajoriy o! e "usoers are !ully sais!ied *i e ileage o! 4*i! "ar.

    ajoriy o! e "usoers said a *e are sais!ied *i e sa!ey !eaures o! e 4*i!

    so ey gae only good response .ey are saying a i! *e *an ery good sa!ey

    !eaure en "ar pri"e *ill #e also ig.

    ajoriy o! e "usoers pre!!ering e i80 and e7 as e good "opeiors o! e


    osely "usoers ope a arui *ill #e no i+e e pri"e in e !uure, i *ill #e a#le

    o ainain e pri"e o! e s*i! . 4oe o! e "usoers as ope a *en "os o! ra*

    aerial *ill i+e en pri"e *ill also i+e .

    >osoers are !ully enusiasi" o sa* soe ne* "anges in e !uure s*i! . ajoriy

    o! "usoers *an o soe "ange in e !uure , =s #a"+ side glass.

    osely "usoers "anging ere "ar #e*een 1$@ years.


  • 8/17/2019 Customer Saticfaction Maruti Suzuki Swift Project


    After ana1.>in3 t0e findin3s 2t0e fo11owin3 su33estions 0a-e +een 5re5ared ,Great

    care 0as +een ta?en in t0e ma?in3 t0ese su33estions for im5ro-ement of t0e

    customer satisfaction

    = "onsan urge o upgrade and +eep pa"e *i e "anging ies gies

    organi7aion e "opeiie adanages or "uing oer e "opeiion .

    e seri"e "enre us #e ready *i all ype o! spare par all oer e ie .

    )proe in e si7e o! #a"+ glass !or "lear isi#iliy in #a"+ side .

    )nrodu"e lo* insalen and lo* do*n payen s"ees o ara" ore people .

    4ais!y e5ising "usoers #y giing ore alue and o!!ers.

    4oe "osoer *an o "ange in e s*i! #a"+ lig as round sape .

    ere is eay deand !or arui 4*i! in e ar+e , so e supply as o #e

    iproed o ee e deand o! e "usoers .

    )nspe" e seri"ing "enrs "oninuosly so a ey ry o !ollo* rule and

    regulaions sri"ly ,and *ill sere e "ar on ie .

    ry o ainain reasona#le pri"e o! e s*i!, as is is e +ey !a"or !or 

    "usoers sais!a"ion o*ards 4*i! .

    =ll e "ars o! arui 4u7u+i us #e aaila#le in e ea" and eery so*roo.

    >opany us ry o ap e rural area *i e elp o! prin edia and oarding .

    )n eery organi7aion eployee #eaior sould #e grea, !or proiding #eer 

    "usoer sais!a"ion , 


  • 8/17/2019 Customer Saticfaction Maruti Suzuki Swift Project


     )fter analy6ing the interpretation an5 fin5ing the folloing conclusion ere

    ma5e: -

    =!er inera"ing *i e "usoers, ) !ound a ,"usoers are eoionally aa"ed *i

    arui 4u7u+i Brand . os o! "usoers are igly sais!ied *i arui 4*i!.

    arui 4u7u+i is giing ery oug "opeiion o is "opeiors li+e aa oor, Hyundai

    oor e".

    :uring y surey, ) !ound a 4*i! osly pre!!ering #y young age people in =8 segen

    "ar . ey are !ully sais!ied o*ards 4*i!.

    >usoers are no appy *i e #a"+ glass o! 4*i! due o ery sall si7e ey "an’ see

    easely in #a"+ side on #a"+ gear.

    arui su7u+i is proiding e "uoer sais!a"ion no only selling e "ars, and i *an o

     #ea eir "opeiors .

    e "opany is e +no*n o proiding e good seri"e and

  • 8/17/2019 Customer Saticfaction Maruti Suzuki Swift Project








  • 8/17/2019 Customer Saticfaction Maruti Suzuki Swift Project



    Name @@@@@@@@@@@, Mo+i1e


    Emai1@@@@@@@@@@@, Profession@@@@@@@@@@@,,

    Q1. Fi" odel o! arui 4*i! do you o*n

    a 6erol # :iesel


    Q.8. Fi" !eaure in!luen"ed you e os *ile >onsidering your 4*i! pur"ase


      6rodu" !eaure



    Q@. )! you plan o #uy a pre$o*ned "ar, roug *i" sour"e you *ould li+e o #uy

    roug aderiseen




    Q &. Your alua#le suggesion/>oens on arui 4*i! ?ngine



    Q.%. =re you appy *i e ileage o! your s*i!

    a Yes # No.

    Q.C Fa is your opinion on arui 4*i! relaed o sa!ey !eaures


  • 8/17/2019 Customer Saticfaction Maruti Suzuki Swift Project


    Q.. =""ording o you, *i" odel is a good "opeiion o 4*i! 2 Fy




    Q.'. :o you in+ arui 4u7u+i *ill #e a#le o ainain e pri"e o! 4*i! in !uure i! ere is

    i+e in "os o! ra* aerials


    . No.

    . >an’ say

    Q9=re you loo+ing !or any "anges in 4*i! !or #eer >usoer sais!a"ion.




    Q.10.Ho* !re