CUSTOMER DATAPLATFORM 2020:The Future ofMarketing and Sales


The future of Marketing and Sales

Cookies are old news

Google banishment of third-party data

Why is Google banishing third-party data

Meet the solution: Customer Data Platform

The pThe power of Customer Data Platform

What else can CDP benefit you?

The quality of CDP’s information

Why should you get a CDP solution right now























The future of Marketing and Sales is now and Customer Data Platform 2020 is here to prove it! Don’t fall behind: learn now how to keep up and reach for success.

Conceiving marketing as a live organism, it gets easier to realize how fast it changes, expands and reshapes its methodology. Even though marketing’s core remains the same, to thrive in the business world, it is crucial to adapt to its rules.

CuCustomer Data Platform (CDP) is your golden ticket and you are going to understand how it can revolutionize the way you market and make money. Especially now Google has settled a date to banish the use of third-party data on Chrome.

So, stay on and build up your arguments!


The future of Marketing and Sales

The biggest challenge in marketing and sales now is to serve unique experiences. There is no more room for those companies who want to insist on the basic or the traditional. The question in everybody’s minds should be “how can my brand offer customer support in a meaningful, human and relevant way?”

CuCustomers are attracted to new experiences. And when we say that, there is no need to interpret it as a groundbreaking disruptive moment. It is all wired to how are you going to relish those precious moments your customer spends with you.


Cookies are old news

CRM systems, survey forms, marketing campaigns, social media engagement, website records and live blogging are just some sources to obtain first-party data.

Second-party data

Second-parSecond-party data is obtained by a non-direct competing company, related to your market, through data exchange partnerships.

The goal here is to encourage cooperation between companies and to mutually enrich the amount of data about potential customers to generate insights that can leverage both businesses.


Google banishment of third-party data


Why is Google banishing third-party dataGoogle has announced the banishment of third-party data from its browser –– and most used worldwide ––, Chrome. They say it is possible to “sustain a healthy, ad-supported web in a way that will render third-party cookies obsolete”.

Long story short, Google wants to make internet experience a more private and secure environment for web users and still supportive for publishers and advertisers.

Their Their way to make it happen is stimulating the usage of data collected by the company itself instead of dry cold acquisitions.

Google wants companies to create a better browsing experience for their audiences, providing relevant content and, in return, getting the information they need.


Meet the solution: Customer Data PlatformThe way to achieve that level of personalization Google has settled is through Customer Data Platform or CDP.

CDP is a software capable of unifying several sources of data, quantitative and qualitative, from multiple touchpoints, and built a realistic, reliable and powerful buyer persona for your business.

With CDP theWith CDP there is no more need for second and third-party data, since now you have a highly organized profile with information from your CRM, customer registration, previous purchases, e-mails, social media, browsing and more, all in one single place.

HHaving the information required to establish a straight dialog with your audience structured like that, means your teams can focus on developing the best strategies and campaigns to sell and make money.

The power of Customer Data Through a CDP’s level of data organization, you have some exclusive features to improve your strategy and reach for better results.

Accessing real-time updates

Old marOld marketing practices simply don’t do or don’t have the right tools to update customer’s preferences and behaviors. It is fundamental to keep in mind that processes are constantly evolving.

WhWhat felt right yesterday, may not feel so right anymore today nor tomorrow. Through CDP, data is collected in real-time, making it possible to spot unique opportunities of conversion, upsells, cross-sells and more.


Learning from the customer

This is probably one of the most important benefits among others. Like we have said before, customers are constantly evolving. And since now it is possible to closely watch this process, we can also take some great lessons from it.

AnalAnalyzing their behavior and consumption data is the most appropriate way to come up with new ideas and solutions. Maintain it accurately to draw new conclusions about the possibilities to explore. That is how you keep the customer experience always fresh, capable of having great timing.

Creating advocate customers

ThThrough real-time updates and all the knowledge acquired from your customers on CDP, you will be able to turn them into loyal partners in business.

All the new possibilities, personalized experiences and one of a kind engagement you put out there, facilitate marketing efforts to create visibility for your product/service and brand.


What else can CDP benefit you?

CDP’s possibilities are endless. Here are some more of them:

• Increase the lifetime value of your customers;

• Create relevant engagement with your brand;

• • Develop customized journeys for each specific cluster of


• Perform marketing actions based on real-time data;

• Automatically update data with no need for manual


• Eliminate data silo (Data Duplication);

• Deliver messages using different channels adopted by your


The quality of CDP’s information Data control is now contained in one place with CDP. There's

no need to visit every single platform to neatly gather all

information and cross that large volume of data to finally

extract some relevant insights.

When it comes When it comes to data, there are uncountable amounts of

metrics that can be used to analyze customer satisfaction

and behavior regarding your products or services. In fact,

there are so many metrics that without a criterion to select

them, it becomes a complication instead of a facilitator to

your work.

With CDWith CDP, you have what you need on one screen. Anyone can

select whatever type of content they need, in whatever stage

of buyers’ journey they want, in order to create an A-List



Why should you get a CDP solution right nowSince Google announced changes to its third-party data usage

policy, the market has experienced more disorientation than reform.

Companies prefer to insist until the last moment of using this data

than to implement the change to start reaping better results today.

YYour competitors’ delay can increase your chance of adopting the

customer data platform in advance, a better understanding of how it

works and how it can benefit all the teams in your company. As a

result, you can use the software to increase your profits.

BBy itself, CDP is already the best alternative to revolutionize your

data management and increase your return over the investments

made. But beyond that, your company's future depends on this

change, as Google will no longer allow advertisements with cold and

unreliable data from third parties. is a cloud-based marketing platform for live experiences.

Our mission is to empower media companies to take back ownership

of their audience from social networks and grow their community in

their website.

WWe enable publishers, media and broadcasting companies to cover

events such as news, sports, finance and tech. Through a powerful AI

technology, is capable to aggregate, curate and distribute

content to any device, anytime, anywhere.