Customer contacts Call Centre to enquire about New Insurance Agent verifies customer with CV-1...

Customer contacts Call Centre to enquire about New Insurance Agent verifies customer with CV-1 verification CV-1 verificatio n successful? Yes No Agent presents available Insurance options Refers customer to Finrite Call Centre for New Insurance application Agent updates SSS ticklers & closes the call Advise customer of verification requirements & refers customer to Finrite and update SSS SSS

Transcript of Customer contacts Call Centre to enquire about New Insurance Agent verifies customer with CV-1...

Customer contacts Call Centre to enquire about New Insurance

Agent verifies customer with CV-1 verification

CV-1 verification successful?


Agent presents available Insurance options

Refers customer to Finrite Call Centre for New Insurance application

Agent updates SSS ticklers & closes the call

Advise customer of verification requirements & refers customer to Finrite and update SSS


Customer walks into Retail store to enquire about New Insurance

Agent verifies customer with CV-1 verification

CV-1 verification successful?


Agent presents available Insurance options


Customer signs & submits on-line application form in the store

Advise customer of verification requirements and update SSS

SSSAgent activates Insurance on SSS & supplies customer with Altech Autopage’s Terms & Conditions

Customer contacts Call Centre with regards to an Insurance query

Agent verifies customer with CV-1 verification

CV-1 verification successful?


Update on claim query?

FCR query?

Advise customer of verification requirements & refers customer to Finrite and update SSS


Agent establishes reason for call

Call Centre agents DO NOT advice on Insurance packages. They can only Remove or Change customer’s Insurance package to match the value of the deviceNo



No Yes

Refer customer to Finrite Call Centre for claims update & update SSS ticklers

Agent attempts to resolve queryQuery resolved?



Agent provides resolution, updates SSS tickler and ends the call

Standard query Escalation process



Customer walks into Retail store regarding an Insurance query

Agent verifies customer with CV-1 verification

CV-1 verification successful?


Update on claim query?

FCR query?

Advise customer of verification requirements & refers customer to Finrite and update SSS

Agent establishes reason for visit

Call Centre agents DO NOT advice on Insurance packages. They can only Remove or Change customer’s Insurance package to match the value of the deviceNo




Agent advises customer on escalation process & logs the request on SSS

Standard query Escalation process



Request is logged on Partner Portal / SSS work queue YesAgent

attempts to resolve query

Query resolved?


YesAgent provides resolution & update SSS tickler

Finrite agent investigates / attends to customer query

Supplies Retail store with feedback

Retail store to contact customer with feedback and updates SSS tickler

Customer contacts Altech Autopage’s Call Centre with regards to an Insurance query

Agent verifies customer with CV-1 verification

CV-1 verification successful?


Blacklisting successful?

Agent suspends (soft-bars) the line


Altech Autopage agent suspends (hard-bars) the line & Blacklists the device

No Yes


Agent advises customer of Blacklisting process & submits a Lost / Stolen log on SSS

Agent advises customer of the required verification & Blacklisting processes & update SSS

Supplies customer with claim’s document requirements, advise customer to report the incident with police and to contact Finrite Call Centre or Retail Store

Agent supplies customer with ITC reference number

Blacklisting process to follow

Insurance claim – Lost or Stolen device – Call Centre

Agent verifies customer with CV-1 verification

CV-1 verification successful?


Blacklisting successful?

Agent suspends (soft-bars) the line


Altech Autopage agent suspends (hard-bars) the line & Blacklists the device

No Yes


Agent advises customer of Blacklisting process & submits a Lost / Stolen log on SSS

Agent advises customer of the required verification & Blacklisting processes & update SSS

Supplies customer with claim’s document requirements, advise customer to report the incident with police and to contact Finrite Call Centre or Retail Store

Agent supplies customer with ITC reference number & Insurance claims forms

Blacklisting process to follow

Customer walks into Retail store regarding an to report Lost / Stolen device

Agent logs a Lost / Stolen claim with Finrite via Partner Portal / SSS work queue SSS

Insurance claim – Lost or Stolen device – Retail Store

Altech Autopage Call Centre Agent or Retail Store Agent advises customer of Blacklisting process & submits a Lost / Stolen log on SSS

Request logged onto SSS work queue

Device requires Whitelisting?



Blacklists device, update SSS with ITC reference number & notifies Finrite via email

Whitelisting request sent to relevant Network

Network actions request & responds back via email


Agent logs a Lost / Stolen claim with Finrite via Partner Portal / SSS work queue


Agent updates SSS tickler with case number

Insurance claim is accessed as per criteria checklist

Claim approved or rejected?


M&F notified for Final decision


Finrite phones customer to advise on claim rejection & closes the case

Provide Retail store with feedback via email

Retail store contacts customer with feedback


M&F notified for Final decision

Process claim & generate Sales order


Sales order is received by Brightpoint

Package is dispatched for delivery to customer’s preference

Finrite Call Centre agent contacts customer to arrange collection / delivery

Customer receives / collects device

Agent verifies customer with CV-1 verification

CV-1 verification successful?




Agent advises customer of the required verification process & update SSS

Agent updates SSS tickler with case number

Customer contacts Finrite Call Centre to supply case number Insurance claim is

accessed as per criteria checklist

Claim approved or rejected?RejectedM&F notified for

Final decision



Finrite phones customer to advise on claim rejection & closes the case

Provide Retail store with feedback via email

Retail store contacts customer with feedback

M&F notified for Final decision

Process claim & generate Sales order


Sales order is received by Brightpoint

Package is dispatched for delivery to customer’s preference

Finrite Call Centre agent contacts customer to arrange collection / delivery

Customer receives / collects device

Customer contacts Call Centre with an Insurance claim – Repairs

Agent verifies customer with CV-1 verification

CV-1 verification successful?


Supply customer with Insurance claim documents & advises customer to book device in at a Retail outlet


Agent advises customer of Repairs process

Agent advises customer of the required verification process & update SSS


Customer books device in at Retail store with Insurance documents

Agent verifies customer with CV-1 verification


Agent assesses device and books it in for repair on Vision

Courier collects devices for repairs

Repairs process to follow ….

Courier collects devices for repairs

At Brightpoint – Receive, sort & book device in to the specific repair centre and update Vision

Courier collects device & dispatches to specified repair centre

Repair centre receives & assesses device

Provide assessment & quote of repair

Provide assessment feedback / quote of repair (Finrite)

Economical to repair?

NoDoes claim meet replacement criteria?

RejectedM&F notified for final decision


Finrite agent to contact customer & advise of claim rejection


M&F notified for final decision


Sales order generated & sent to Brightpoint

Package is dispatched for delivery according to customer’s preference


Quoted repair approved? Approve


Repair centre carries out repairs on device


Device is dispatched for collection by courier

Device dispatched for collection …. Process

to follow ….