Custom brokerage Service l Stile Associates

Custom brokerage

Transcript of Custom brokerage Service l Stile Associates

Custom brokerage

The payment of tax, duties, and exercise which facilitates the communication between government agencies and importer and exporter.

Custom brokerage pays duty rates utilizing advance traffic engineering and elaborate exact data by using compliance assistance for imports enhance it helps you to mitigate regulation error and manages the risk.

Custom Brokerage Includes

oTransportation and exportoVessel transportation and exportoWarehouse entryoConsumption entryoTemporary import bondoCertificate of registration oImmediate transit

Transportation and export is related with goods shipped under custom bond from one country port to another port.

Ware house entry

Ware house entry is specialized for the goods which are entering to USA for temporary store without paying taxes and duties.

Temporary Import Bond

The commodities which are temporarily entered in a country for re-export to original country.

Certificate of Registration

We also provide a certificate of registration which are extend for foreign shipment for exporting from USA.

Goods are transported immediately under bond from one port to another.

Immediate Transit

Contact Us

Contact us today for Fast, Reliable and Risk free Custom Brokerage Service.

181 S. Franklin AvenueValley StreamNew York CityUSA 11581(516) 394-2100