C:Usersmbrown1AppDataLocalMicrosoftWindowsTemporary ......126ll266mm bullnooed kerb, bedded er, 26mm...

"'"" A bmd ooal in -=!dance with BS EN 13808 !!hol.jd be appiad (-40mm OF HRA 55110 C BURF 40/60 TO BS EN13106-4csn te wedQSm a- at the WCC Engr,...,,. diOOffllion when! roao la)U-Jt diellltes a more flElxillll la:,,ing maknill). Bin- ,.,,..,,.. 90mm AC2ll DENSE BIN 100/150 TO E!8 EN 13103-1 Ba•a 130mm AC32 DENSE BASE 100fl50TOBSEN1310B-1 belwoonill lxlund layars. Bond OOBI shill.id be appled at arateofspRllld of:- ~--- Su!>-b...., 225mm TYPE 1 GSB (CBR VALLE. 5% & ABO'vE) at 1 .....t 0.35 K9'ffl2 of""'klual blndorfor planed or mlled 8U- al l"'""t 02 Kglm2 msl!lJal bnder ID newly lald ,r overla~O exl•Hng asphal ~----- ;:~~~E CAPPING LAYER THINKNESS ., TIPE 1 GSB 225mm ,oo- ,oo- A band ocat In accoldance with BS EN 13IIO!I &ho!Jd be appled 2% ~- . ,~ ,oo- ,oo- RESIDENTIAL ROAD CONSTRUCTION Surface OOll'Se 50mm HRA 36/14 C SURF4(WOTOBS EN13108-4+ PCC 14'20 to PD 6618 c.a. (F't3V ID beoonf"rmed on eachparliwlaroile.J 150mm d\ipfree charmol adjacs,t 1o kerll. between!!! lxlund larera. Band coal ohoUd be appied al a rate ohpread '1f al least 0.36 Kgom2 of residual bln<Erfor planed or mlled surfaces Binder OOll'SEI 60mm AC20 DENSE BIN 100/150 TO BS EN 13103-1 BBS()20Cmlt laid in 2 layars AC32 DENSE Baoo 100/15010 BS EN131D--8-1 Sub-base 226mm TYPE 1 0SB (CBR VALLE 6% & ABOVE) at IMat 0.2 Kglm2 111aiWBI bndor ID """'IY laid er owrla.yi,g axia~ng asphol CBRVALUE 5%ANDABOVE 2%~5'1,. .,~ CAPPING LAYER THINKNESS ., TYPE 1 GSB 225mm ,oo- ,oo- wee 2020 1oo 03 Conc,-ete ~- pil'ling ID b9 laid i1 a Hanirg;,an,, pa!IGm B1 90 OOO'Qos within Iha caniagGway unless spacifiGd b)' the Engnetlr. 45 desn,, Hsrmgbono Ill utllsed mini head .- ..,;Ill are ID lie uoed. Blocks 1o bewlbyappr<l"i'<!d glilloline to no leos 111ant of origilal plan 1ize. Elle- to be 200 x 10Dmm TD 8S6717-1 with chamler<ld adga aoo ful 118i!lhl spaoor nitl& ..,loss apprc,,llOl. Folkl'Mng ~- of block laying _joi1I fililg to be ..,derlaken with nne •llc:a Mn:!. Specttmly de61gned lmMCrl[ wr,m al ..... blllekWOrt "' l>ll lalll Oi"eolly up ta the fnlm> '1f lM gut, grate or manhalo"""" b ti<, uud In ~eek paved cant,,gewal'9. wee 2020 1oo 04 bled< pavi1g le be ll!lid in a H-,VXO, pattam al 90 dagraes willin Iha canillgaway unle&& &pooified b)' Im Engh_.. r 45 dogma Henlngllona lo udll"811 ml"' head .- unit,; am to be """'1 Blockl! to be rut by appln'lf<ld gulllollm ID nc 1 ... than fa artglnal plan ....,_ BIOCI<& lo be 200 x 100nm TO 886717-1 will1 chWllferod edge end ful height opaoer ribs uni""" apprc,ed. FOlowlllll oompletlon ol block la-,11l!J Jolnl flllllll lo be undertaken with firN> sii::a ..n<I. Spe<:ificaly daaignad ironwork which oallcwa Okx:kwork ID be laid dlmctty '-" ta the Im.me of the guly gml8 or mmhole """"'"ta be U9lld r1 bloat P""'fld caniBgeway,,. wee 2020 300 01 ,oo- ,oo- INDUSTRIAL ROAD CONSTRUCTION NOTE: ro;;;;;;-- "'"" lo be malnllllnod Ill -hleular Cl"UHlng,,. 126ll266mm bullnooed kerb, bedded er, 26mm bed of 1:3 oemenl: sand mortar with 2ITm ,p,,cing b91wllon kerb• {n,o;mm..-,d .- cf opaceni} ,OOmm A band coat In ocaonlanoawlth BS EN 138DB aMu<I b9 Bppliad b&-n.!!!. Mund layars. Bond mat llhcukl b9 applied 111 a raB cf apree,:t or~ at least O.:lli Kg/rn2ofrasldual ~r-.lerflr planed er mlled 1urface1 at least 0.2 Kglm2 reslduol bh<lerto newly laid o,.....,rwy1ng exlslllll,I ""Ph•H - 80mm Conmata bl>Ct pa,,,ing ID BS8717:PART1 20tb:100mm <:OIOu" tlrindl& Bicek paving s!rlace .sealant ID be applied as di'ecled. 30nm aherp asnd ID BS 6717:PART3. Binder60rrml>C2JJ DENSE BIN 100/15010 BS EN 131CIS-1 BMB 131'imm AC'l2 DENSE BASE 100/1!51JTD BS EN 131111-1 SUb-baoe 225mm TYPE 1 GSB (CBR 1/ALUE S% 5.ABDIIE) CBR\IALUE 6%ANDABOVE 2%>5%. .,.. CAPPING LAYER THINQ\IESS "' oo~m TYPE 1GS8 225mm 150mm 15001m ,oo, 150mm Gully c""""g Frames muat:bepr<IYided-..1c<:e19:j withil a block~"'~- 8lnln Tegua DIOCk paving (Brilole) - Mol!Otaalo or •i"nl..- QPJll'<Nl!d - wil be con•I- a• an allarnallve Iii tho dioaetiondlheWCC Engineer. Base "'"""' shal not be punctured RESIDENTIAL ROAD CONSTRUCTION (BLOCK PAVING) 211rrwn - lace lo be mainlainod al -ieular....,.oinga. 12511255n'lll hi»t DB118r kllrll. b8dtl8d on 25mm b8d Of 1:3 csrnant: und mortar with 2mm spacing between kerb3 (rec:orrmend use <A space~). Abondaialin """""1ancewilh BS EN 13808 smu<t 11B npptlad betwaen .!!!. tl<lun<l la:yem. Bond o:rel ahould be appliad al a niB of opread of~ &I least D.35 Kg/m2cl"'rid'-"'I bir-.lerftr plomdermllndsurlaces &I laaol 0.2 Kglm:2 ,.,,ldual bh<llrlD newly lai:t orOYBrla)'ing -'ll aaphalt 00 m I& block piWilglo BS8717:PART1 200:,:100ITITI cdoorBrindl&. Block paving surfllca Slllilant kl ba applied BS dirwad. 30mm sharp smd lo BS 6717:PART3 Blndar60mmAC20 DENSE BIN 100/1NJ TO BS EN 1310&-1 Base 1a5mm ACa:I DENSE BABE 100/160 TO BS EN 13108-1 s.ii-tiase 225mm TYPE 1 GSB (CBRVALUE 6% &ABOVE) CBRVALUE 5%ANDABO\IE 2%>5%. -2%. CAPPING LAYER THINKJIESS "' 350ITITI .,_ TYPE 1 GSB 225mm 150ITITI 160,rm NOTE 150mm Gully Cover & Frmles must bB pmvidad where lccBIBd wtthn II bmk p,r,ed camagewey. NOTE: 00mm TeguB block pll'llng (NekJralJ - Merahalla er silTilar "l'Pr<>Yed - wil be oa,si- as ..-, allmalM! al Iha diaa"llticn d Iha wee Engln1181". Tha l3eae COUl"M Bhell not be i:u,ctumd. RESIDENTIAL ROAD CONSTRUCTION (BLOCK PAVING - 125mm FACE) DETAIL OF IN-LINE UNCONTROLLED TACTILE PAVING CROSSING (AT JUNCTIONS) - F,;r furtlur detaila/layout,, pl-• ""°' lo WCC gl-idonce notes fi;r unDJnbulod ond conb'otledM1Ssl11!radlllles:~ As an alternative to 400 x 400 tactile slabs, 200 x 133 x 60 tactile concrete bled<. units to BS EN 1338 will be accepted If the location Is deemed sultable. WC£ Engineer should be consulted prlOr to installation to use and agree laying pattern. 255x125rrrn bUln<&l:I loarl> -"" on 25mm bad d 1:3 cei,ent: SiDI mortt wllh 2mm spaang between kerl,s (rec<>mmer,d u,e of •i-<=')- Min. ~m ,.__ 6rrrn up.tmd SECTION A-A THROUGH TACTILE PAVING CROSSING Whon diannal block& am ID be> nimovad, llll)laca with a step joint er ll!l!n·mbl ccnmtl! aoo 40nm of surflr.e cwr:aa ond 60mm oft-,<H"DJU""'- "'"' I.Where the EnQtneer deems !hill a 0mm kerb t;,c:,, ts """"""IV the BN 11st, must be replaoed with a 125 X150 CS lab. This l'Mllon should onlv lie Ulllsed on the hl!i1 side otasupen!l~~- 2. Cut pomg only ~e will writta, ofPUV'll fromtheWO::Engin...-. wee 2020 300 02 NITTE: DETAIL OF UNCONTROLLED TACTILE PAVING CROSSING (AWAY FROM JUNCTIONS) Faii.ui..-dl!bils/lill<lll1S pleaae refertDWU: gui:tanll!!notes flrurwntrclled..-.:1 contmlledcm;olngfacllljao. wee 2019 300 03 Footway A Section A Mlnlm.,m80lnln CIIJ!ISl'itll not lo exreed 1:12 1~i!~1~:7~~ ~ll;';ll;;;1~g_11=_!lt~~ll~u'.~~~II I BLII" tacllle IJifflr!;I - on 25mm bed '1f 1;6 C<rnl!nl: ""'1d mortar on 100mm of ST1 llln<JW! 111 100mm TIPE 1 QSB All NIM, karbf01nd111i<n< - 375ron, I 150mm r, straight aignments. - 525ron, x 150mm on """""' of 50m n,dll Ol"l"""- Ba::klng coraetefornsw_, - 22:;ron, Imm b!l.11 cf llerll in straight oli!J'UTl!llbl - 375ron, Imm ba.11 of ltarll on ,,...... d 51'.tm radii er laaa. Bath fwndelion end becking conc:m::, to 00 shJtteroa arrJ ,:an"1rucllld In ST4 with a mlnlnun 81u"" al 50mm and pok..- vlb11I111d. ~fo111d11Uans and hau1cl1. 12.5xl51)rm BUh~ kerb be:lded an 25mm ta:I of 1:3 cement: s1d mDt"tlr wlh 2mm spadr!;! betwea1 bdi!i (nDll'llmond used_,...). Mil. 3mm miX. 6mm upsl>n:I. Wh""' darn,al blod<s ""' ID be ...,,OV!!d, rep!~"" wlh a mpJont of 1'""1-mix C0l"o'.Ml! and 4!lmm of surfa::e course and 61Jirm of bin<H"OOII'""· SECTION A-A THROUGH TACTILE PAVING CROSSING As an alternative to 400 x 4-00 tactile slabs, 200 X 133 X 60 tactile concrete block units to BS EN 1338 WIii be accepted if the location is deemed suitable. wee Engineer should be consulted prior to installation to use and agree laying pattern. I.Where the Engineer deems that a OITITI kerb l'ilO::e ls ner.ess;:uy the BN kerb must be ...,1..,,.i with a 125 X 150 CS kerb. Thia ,_ ,h,iJd only bo utii!HJ on the tq, •ide er a •uperelE!Yated ~- 2. Cut pofflg only ~e wlh M1tten oppRJIIIII from tho ""Ill,_._ carriageway Footway Minimum BOOmm;~ -i-------------- Alignment of tactile paving slabs wee 2020 600 01 NOTE: Bolanlll localed lass than 1.tffl fmm the caniageway shall have reOettive red/ whilB tianding. Bolanls looB1ed greeter than 1.0m Imm the cani_,.y shall have a fDl<ld baidhg <A ccnaplcuruB ODIOII". surraoo ooursc 261ml ,,o;; DENSE BURF 100/"ISO TD B6 EN 13108-1 on each side of the crossing must align. 1 Minimum 1200mm. _______________ l LAYOUT OF UNCONTROLLED TACTILE PAVING CROSSING (AWAY FROM JUNCTIONS) NOTE: Far further details/layouts please refer ta WCC guidance notes far uncontrolled and controlled crossing facilities. Red/white reflectt.-e band "'°""" -red lcwardam,COTingtraffc. """' Bollard to b9 a111cted a mhlm,rn 45tfflm lh:rn canto-. wee 2020 600 02 G""""""te former.I Type GC3 - 7Brrm deep laid on compactw oub-bale with s 111120mm bllr«Jhg layer of emtl. steel ITIIISh mlrlar<l8m..-,1 to BS 44113 Rel A183. C:'ID c:mc:rolll with 1Drrm ma,ci"mm •111-ltl size plac:ed arcurid fonnors aid mll!lli end IBWIIDd kl tops a-fformers. Mer 48-l'l<lurs mBlt GXjlO&<l formers and fl l',jth topSail Appnn,<>d gm•• mix ID ba added at am,aoo "l'Jnlf'iale lllego. E,penrion joinls to ba il'ICOIJICll"Bb! 81 11ln opecilgo and conailll '1f 25mm p,....oaked ...rtWOOOlller. GLASDON NEOPOLITAN 150 BOLLARD IMPACTOPOL GRASSCRETE GC3 600X600X76 DETAIL (FOR HEAVY DUTY USAGE) wee 2020 600 03 ~ual la)'CIJts ID be dlsc:uaad with wee .,,,l)IICl<r I §ECTIQN A-A PIANYIFW MULTIPLE ARRANGEMENT OF LTTILITY BOXES WITHIN FOOnNAY GENERAL DETAIL NB. Allllmatl\lll gmund m~brnmiant m"111od• \OIi be ca1151damd by Iha wee Englmar. Seo Standon:I Detail wee 201g 2ao OB f~r &tandard raaidenlial uoega . wee 2020 600 04 L ll u 270mm & 600mm SIGN SIZE LED ILLUMINATED BOLLARD BASE LIGHT & DUCT CHAMBER DETAILS wee 2020 200 01 50x150rm,E8Nwll1 20mm ""9land Binder oour,e 80mm AC20 Den•e BIN 100/150TO BS EN 13108-1 Base ocurse 100mm AC32DenseBase 100/150 TO BS EN 13106-1 l!IJ!>-b091! 150rrrn TYPE 1 GSB 2DDDIWI A bond mat In EICOOl'danoewttli BS EN 13808 ohaLMI be applied between!!! lxlurrJ layen,. Bend ooat sllcl.ld bo applied at a ra18 l>f spread of:- at llsasl 0.35 Kg/ln2cfN1oid"'I bimlll"ltr plamdormllad1urlaees IIIOTI:: All h<li.:<iilal surf=• Ill be ledt ooeilld K170 HAPAS appro.ed. The above diagram is "'P"""'"tmtve onl\l, aclUBI layem d eidstlng om"1nalon may wny. lntmaoe betv,,,en """"'rrop:,- layers ID b& prapon,d by •aw culling a varlicel face ID EIXiil~ng layers. at l89al 0.2 Kglm2 raoi<lual bi'H'.l<rlD IIOWly laid orOY11daylng -Ill aophalt FOOTWAY CONSTRUCTION wee 2020 200 02 ,ore 5DX150EBN 3~m lflarpfOln:I In BS 8717 Part3 BhderCOl.lrse 100mm AC20 Dens~ EIN 10~1501!1 BS EN 13103-1 Conc:r<lbl bl><:k.paving ta be lai<I in a Harrngtx>n8 patl9m at 00 d&gAMl9 v.ilhin Iha Cfl'ri&g<May untow1 opacili<ld by Iha wee Engineer. Block9 lo be cul byan ..,prove:1 gliloli-le lo no 1 .... lhwl¾oflheorign&I pl.., oi<e. Block9 lo be200x 10tfflm to BS6717-1 with cl1ammred edge an:! ful height apaMr nib!; unle,;i; appmvetl. Following car(lli3tlon <A block la,_;ing joill fling io to be ..,dertakm wih file oilica ...-.:1. 200Dmm Fal1-i)§ BLOCK PAVED FOOTWAY CONSTRUCTION wee 2020 200 03 601111-U 20lnln EF 2000mm 125mm x255mm 8N kerb. 20mm kerbupatend. Binder course 00mm AC20 Dense BIN 100/150TDBS EN 131111-1 Beoe OOU'3e 1Otfflm AC32 Denoe BASE 100/150 TO B8 EN 13108-1 Sul>-baae 200mm Typo, 1 GSB NOTE: Thickness may vary depending l.p<lll CBRvaUIIB CBRVALUE 5%ANDABOVE ,. ,.,. ·"· CAPPING ~YER TI-IINKNESS '" aOOmm ,00mm VEHICULAR CROSSING CONSTRUCTION 1:12 FALL 1:38 Bituminrus road oonatruclion A bond ooat 11 acooroancewlth BS EN 13B08 ahoL.id be> appli<>d l><>lwoQn J!! OOW'ld loy,n. Sand oolli """'-Id b9awlad ata rate a opre&d ol:- 81io.ast D.31i Kg/m2drooi<hllbinderb- l)laood orrrilkld surfaces at l&ut 0.2 Kg/m2 111!!1dual binder to n'1Wly laid or """dayng <Od&Ung asphal Kerb tnanoitian louiclalicn ta be ohultl!red ~nd oan"1ruclm In ST4 oanomm an:! p:,ker vl>rBtad. Lower foundolion ta have minimum 24-hour cuing bafcrll '-!'I"'' fuun:twon is pculOO. 16 dcMal bar KERB FOUNDATION TRANSITION 20mm KEFI.B UPSTA/',D. Binder coun,o 6tfflm AC20 De""" BIN 100/150 ta BS EN 13106-1 Be811 course 100mm AC32 DM811 Bes& 100/150toBSEN 13103-1 Bub-- 200mm Typ,, 1 GIBB NOTE: Thldcn- lTlll.f vary deper«Jing upon CBR wluea CBR\1/\LUE 5%ANDABOVE 2%~ 5%. CAPPING LAYER Tl11NKNESS ., 35llmm TYPE 1 GS8 ,,,- 151lmm 150mm -~. 600mm FALL 1:36 200mm ALTERNATIVE VEHICULAR CROSSING CONSTRUCTION 1:40 NOTE: 1:40 opeoification rruot only be used where there is lhe possi:liity a-fvehioles groundi111 with fW'ivBte l>od<fall. Appn:Mlll rru,rl be obtliMd trom wee Hi(trwey Engineer. wee 2020 200 05 15Dx 50 EBN Kerl> 20,rm Upstand FDOTWAY 2.ClmwtDTH 255x 12510 150 X 125 DL1 14 15Dx50EBNK..-b 20mm Upatand VEHICULARACCEBB 200 x 50 EF Karil 255x 125 BNwlth2amm Kerblllca THE 1:40 F<XJTWAYCROSSFALL SHOULD BE MAINTAINED "THROUGH THE VEHICULAR CROSSING POINTS & THE REAR EDGIN0 ADJUSTED ACCORDINGLY. 200 X 50 EF Kerb Biluninous road oorurtruclion A bonda>al:lnacc:onja,cewlth BS EN 13800 ohoUd be appled between &II bollid !eyers. Bond o:rel ohould be appied al a rate a-f spread of:- at 1&""1: 0.35 Kglm2 '1f rooidual bind..- for plamdermllkldrurfaca5 at le"91:0.2 Kg/m2 residual bindertn newt, lai<I orOYBrla)'ilg<N<iliti111 ru;phalt Kerb tranaitiln foundslian IIl be ahulllln!d ..x:t oonabuchK:I in ST4 cmcmle md pok..- vllmllld. L°'""' folrdlltlCln lo hlMI milim,rn 24-hoLr curilg blllora upperfwr«Jelion l)Dll'lld. KERB FOUNDATION TRANSITION 1SOxSOEBNl<Brb 2Cmm Upetand 255x 12510 150x 125 DR1 PLAN 150 X 50 EBN K..-1:l 20mm Upatand <= 1:40SP~TlONMll!IT0t.l.YBELISEDWOERE THSIIEIOTHSPOOOIOBTY<:f'vaua .,..,Ll<DINBmm "' VATE 81\0l<FALL IIPPROVN. MUSTOE 00T"1NSDFROM Hlllh"mYEMlHER 255x125HB ......_ _______________ ....... 255I125HB 255x12510100x1250l1 ,.,,... 18 DOWEL BAR 18DDWELEIAR ELEVATION PLAN OF ALTERNATIVE VEHICULAR CROSSING CONSTRUCTION 1:40 wee 2020 200 06 50mm x 150mm EBN with 20,rm upstald high8ida Binder C0U""' 75mn /'C2fJ DENSE BIN 100/150 to BBEN 13103-1 aid bri<ing ofWlllling 00111118. SUt>-base 150mm TYPE 1 GSB A twlnd IXlltlln ncoonlamewlth BS EN 13808 ohould be applied - !!! bound lsyeni Bond COIi! 5h01Ja b9 appled Ill II mffi of stY"OO of·- at lo"51 0.35 Kglm2 <A 1116iaual binder for plsnad <r !Tilled Olffll0EI& at lea!II 0.2 Kg/m2 reJiduel brider to nBWly laid er overlfftlng IOOll1ng asphalt wee 2020 200 01 NB. ~IA- level al-wire-to be IIUBh wih-lalbacktJfEF-. FOOTPATH & DIVORCED FOOTWAY CONSTRUCTION 2000mm 30mm sharp sand tc l!S6717 PaM l Bhdarcourse 100mm ACa:I DENBE BIN 100/150toBBEN 13103-1. Sub-base 200mm TYPE 1 GSB """' Coninota blOck pevi1g le b9 laid i1 a h'"1'i'lJbOM peHBm Bl 90 angrBBII unl'"'8 apeci1iBct b)I Iha Mgilflllr. lkl<:kll tn bB wt by approoed guilloline lo no 1e.. tta, tm DrigiMI pt.., size. Bl><:ks 1o be 200 x 100ITITI lo BS6717-1 with ctartered edge nncl liJI 11111111! """"""nils unlagr; -""""'· Folklwhg """llle!lon of bl- laylngJoht fflllng IIl be umerlakm wll1 fineoiica""""'. BLOCK PAVED FOOTWAY VEHICULAR CROSSING CONSTRUCTION 1:12 wee 2020 200 oa 125mm x 255mm BN kerbwllh 20mm upoti:r,d. Fell 1:36 ,~;;-m-;:;-00 HB~ ~-.--.-~-. 16DOWELBAR BII.minrus roed ,:anstrucfim. KerD trar1smon lilundatiDn ID be shuttar<ld and oanstruci..:t h ST4 conmrte and pol«< vibrated. Lower lcurrJll11on ta have mlnlrrun 24-hrur wrt,g t>sfnrto UJIIB" lwndaticn p:,umd. 12:5mmx255mm "- 1B DOWEL BAR KERB FOUNDATION TRANSITION 2000111111 UPIIC Grass Remoroement cei1.11ar PaVer In ,1e11 wltn topSOI and seeang csoo spe<:111Ga1100). DelaH or spoollc morula<:tumr I opecin'.:<rlirn to be ffflVi<l<ld ID wee of!ic:erlcr epfffl"el prior to ir-..tiollotian.Gm.. nainkremienl p~ rrnst b9 obi• IIl accamroodala velicu9r lcalllngo '-" to 20 tor,,..,._. Sub-base 150mm TYPE 1 • OvarBII a:118ln.n::ti0n mayt>B reviaed depe,dam up:,n llJlll'OVfld ll'IOrulactinn inBIBIIBlion -la. STANDARD DETAIL 2019 600 02 SHOULD BE CONSIDERED WHERE EXCESSIVE OVER-RLff\llNG OR l.AR0ER VEHICLES AFI.E THOU0HT TD BE AN ISSUE. T~I I seeding must aoooro wtlh specnc:atlon staled balaw. AA app'°"'d tren81ocaleo, non-residual herbi<:id& ohal bB appli&d for 1ollll WNd control to......,. to b9 gruo -d or 1lrled B1 laeol 7 days befu"' ini~el cullivlltion wnrk!;.ThEI lclkrt.lng n11dum of Med (er •lmlir •Pfll"M!(IJ ohal be uoeo to produca a low mahmnanca verge grua &I a op-a rBla '1f 3ilglm2. Nry &raaa wtid1 fai tn goorinata within one month shell be ro--ooeo:IGd. 30% Ch-9 Fe9WB VERGE/ MARGIN CONSTRUCTION 30% Blender Craet:ling Rad Feccue 20% Smooth stalk&d Meadow GmM 10% HardFeowe 10% BrowntapBM: wee 2020 600 05 """" 1. All di"ne""icnl am i1 millimalrllll ..,Issa •hownolharwl"" 2. Lorge baaa steel pDSI: gal\lanlled to EN1451. 3. Plllnl B19n malnlenmee numlllr 1.5m above grourd. 4. Soe d-awing no TSA 2 fer lwndatD1 detail and duel reqliremanl&. 5. Al aaBWB, dill' lo be slainl&Ba •- (br,.... mrth ocmw} 6. See drawing C:W01 f~ wi-'i1g detailo. 7. Tho table belc,w spedte,; the lantam type>,_.,.; dopondenl upon th<> ~WI '1f algn. SpoclflcaUan for eacl1 lanlam typ, ls given in Chepler 11 Tnrffic Si1J1• MlnJHI. 8. Si{11 Pootd,.,.-opening mu81 b9 erec:18d awe;r from oncomiig lraflic. LED ILLUMINATED SIGN GENERAL DETAIL wee 2020 600 01 - - - I mo ,., 000 . "00 / V {' iiiiif "ii'iiiiit _ .. __ _ " \ - Gro..,d -- - - - Ughdng Unit Blmmonsl!J1• UJA/1.UB LED or other app-c,,ed Lightilg llllt PECU set at 36 Lux. L.anlllm ~e l!Be - 7 & - "51!Jl11><"1yp8 channol ldp!I (er slmllarapproved) - - - - .. - .. GENERAL CUT OUT WIRING ARRANGEMENT FQR LIGHTING COLUMNS AND ILLUMINATED SIGNS wee 2020 600 06 Tll"f shalloomplywilh 893969. .............. - ......... ----- --~ ... --·- -----·- ...... _____ _ 'lllrJlll:IIIII' ·11a'Y"&lllf&f&&- .. ILLUMINATED SIGN INSTALLATION DETAILS 1worcestershire County Hall Spetchley Road Worcester WR52NP Not To Scale DRAWING TITLE. 2020 wee STANDARD DETAILS SHEET 1 OF 2 This map is reproduced from Ordnance Survey material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office © Crown copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. Worcestershire County Council, 100015914. For reference purposes only. No further copies may be made.

Transcript of C:Usersmbrown1AppDataLocalMicrosoftWindowsTemporary ......126ll266mm bullnooed kerb, bedded er, 26mm...

Page 1: C:Usersmbrown1AppDataLocalMicrosoftWindowsTemporary ......126ll266mm bullnooed kerb, bedded er, 26mm bed of 1:3 oemenl: sand mortarwith 2ITm ,p,,cing b91wllon kerb• {n,o;mm..-,d


A bmd ooal in -=!dance with BS EN 13808 !!hol.jd be appiad

(-40mm OF HRA 55110 C BURF 40/60 TO BS EN13106-4csn te wedQSm a-at the WCC Engr,...,,. diOOffllion when! roao la)U-Jt

diellltes a more flElxillll la:,,ing maknill).

Bin- ,.,,..,,.. 90mm AC2ll DENSE BIN 100/150 TO E!8 EN 13103-1

Ba•a 130mm AC32 DENSE BASE 100fl50TOBSEN1310B-1

belwoonill lxlund layars. Bond OOBI shill.id be appled at arateofspRllld of:- ~--- Su!>-b...., 225mm TYPE 1 GSB (CBR VALLE. 5% & ABO'vE)

• at 1.....t 0.35 K9'ffl2 of""'klual blndorfor planed or mlled 8U-• al l"'""t 02 Kglm2 msl!lJal bnder ID newly lald ,r overla~O exl•Hng asphal ~----- ;:~~~E CAPPING LAYER THINKNESS., TIPE 1 GSB


A band ocat In accoldance with BS EN 13IIO!I &ho!Jd be appled

2% ~­. ,~ ,oo-,oo-


Surface OOll'Se • 50mm HRA 36/14 C SURF4(WOTOBS EN13108-4+ PCC 14'20 to PD 6618 c.a. (F't3V ID beoonf"rmed on eachparliwlaroile.J 150mm d\ipfree charmol adjacs,t 1o kerll.

between!!! lxlund larera. Band coal ohoUd be appied al a rate ohpread '1f ~ al least 0.36 Kgom2 of residual bln<Erfor planed or mlled surfaces

Binder OOll'SEI 60mm AC20 DENSE BIN 100/150 TO BS EN 13103-1

BBS()20Cmlt laid in 2 layars AC32 DENSE Baoo 100/15010 BS EN131D--8-1

Sub-base 226mm TYPE 1 0SB (CBR VALLE 6% & ABOVE)

• at IMat 0.2 Kglm2 111aiWBI bndor ID """'IY laid er owrla.yi,g axia~ng asphol CBRVALUE 5%ANDABOVE 2%~5'1,..,~


wee 2020 1oo 03

~ Conc,-ete ~- pil'ling ID b9 laid i1 a Hanirg;,an,, pa!IGm B1 90 OOO'Qos within Iha caniagGway unless spacifiGd b)' the Engnetlr. ~ 45 desn,, Hsrmgbono Ill utllsed mini head .-..,;Ill are ID lie uoed. Blocks 1o bewlbyappr<l"i'<!d glilloline

to no leos 111ant of origilal plan 1ize. Elle- to be 200 x 10Dmm TD 8S6717-1 with chamler<ld adga aoo ful 118i!lhl spaoor nitl& ..,loss apprc,,llOl. Folkl'Mng ~- of block laying _joi1I fililg to be ..,derlaken with nne •llc:a Mn:!.

Specttmly de61gned lmMCrl[ wr,m al..... blllekWOrt "' l>ll lalll Oi"eolly up ta the fnlm> '1f lM gut, grate or manhalo"""" b ti<,

uud In ~eek paved cant,,gewal'9.

wee 2020 1oo 04

~ ~ bled< pavi1g le be ll!lid in a H-,VXO, pattam al 90 dagraes willin Iha canillgaway unle&& &pooified b)' Im Engh_.. r 45 dogma Henlngllona lo udll"811 ml"' head .-unit,; am to be """'1 Blockl! to be rut by appln'lf<ld gulllollm

ID nc 1... than fa artglnal plan ....,_ BIOCI<& lo be 200 x 100nm TO 886717-1 will1 chWllferod edge end ful height opaoer ribs uni""" apprc,ed. FOlowlllll oompletlon ol block la-,11l!J Jolnl flllllll lo be undertaken with firN> sii::a ..n<I.

Spe<:ificaly daaignad ironwork which oallcwa Okx:kwork ID be laid dlmctty '-" ta the Im.me of the guly gml8 or mmhole """"'"ta be U9lld r1 bloat P""'fld caniBgeway,,.

wee 2020 300 01



NOTE: ro;;;;;;-- "'"" lo be malnllllnod Ill -hleular Cl"UHlng,,.

126ll266mm bullnooed kerb, bedded er, 26mm bed of 1:3 oemenl: sand mortar with 2ITm ,p,,cing b91wllon kerb• {n,o;mm..-,d .- cf opaceni}


A band coat In ocaonlanoawlth BS EN 138DB aMu<I b9 Bppliad b&-n .!!!. Mund layars. Bond mat llhcukl b9 applied 111 a raB cf apree,:t or~

at least O.:lli Kg/rn2ofrasldual ~r-.lerflr planed er mlled 1urface1 at least 0.2 Kglm2 reslduol bh<lerto newly laid o,.....,rwy1ng exlslllll,I ""Ph•H


80mm Conmata bl>Ct pa,,,ing ID BS8717:PART1 20tb:100mm <:OIOu" tlrindl& Bicek paving s!rlace .sealant ID be applied as di'ecled.

30nm aherp asnd ID BS 6717:PART3.

Binder60rrml>C2JJ DENSE BIN 100/15010 BS EN 131CIS-1

BMB 131'imm AC'l2 DENSE BASE 100/1!51JTD BS EN 131111-1

SUb-baoe 225mm TYPE 1 GSB (CBR 1/ALUE S% 5.ABDIIE)

CBR\IALUE 6%ANDABOVE 2%>5%. .,..


"'~~m oo~m

TYPE 1GS8 225mm 150mm 15001m

,oo, 150mm Gully c""""g Frames muat:bepr<IYided-..1c<:e19:j

withil a block~"'~-

~ 8lnln Tegua DIOCk paving (Brilole) -Mol!Otaalo or •i"nl..- QPJll'<Nl!d - wil be con•I- a• an allarnallve Iii tho dioaetiondlheWCC Engineer.

Base "'"""' shal not be punctured


~ 211rrwn - lace lo be mainlainod al -ieular....,.oinga.

12511255n'lll hi»t DB118r kllrll. b8dtl8d on 25mm b8d Of 1:3 csrnant: und mortar with 2mm spacing between kerb3 (rec:orrmend use <A space~).

Abondaialin """""1ancewilh BS EN 13808 smu<t 11B npptlad betwaen .!!!. tl<lun<l la:yem. Bond o:rel ahould be appliad al a niB of opread of~

&I least D.35 Kg/m2cl"'rid'-"'I bir-.lerftr plomdermllndsurlaces &I laaol 0.2 Kglm:2 ,.,,ldual bh<llrlD newly lai:t orOYBrla)'ing -'ll aaphalt

00 m I& block piWilglo BS8717:PART1 200:,:100ITITI cdoorBrindl&. Block paving surfllca Slllilant kl ba applied BS dirwad.

30mm sharp smd lo BS 6717:PART3

Blndar60mmAC20 DENSE BIN 100/1NJ TO BS EN 1310&-1

Base 1a5mm ACa:I DENSE BABE 100/160 TO BS EN 13108-1

s.ii-tiase 225mm TYPE 1 GSB (CBRVALUE 6% &ABOVE)

CBRVALUE 5%ANDABO\IE 2%>5%. -2%.


"' 350ITITI.,_ TYPE 1 GSB 225mm 150ITITI 160,rm

NOTE 150mm Gully Cover & Frmles must bB pmvidad where lccBIBd wtthn II bmk p,r,ed camagewey.

NOTE: 00mm TeguB block pll'llng (NekJralJ - Merahalla er silTilar "l'Pr<>Yed - wil be oa,si- as ..-, allmalM! al Iha diaa"llticn d Iha wee Engln1181".

Tha l3eae COUl"M Bhell not be i:u,ctumd.



(AT JUNCTIONS)-F,;r furtlur detaila/layout,, pl-• ""°' lo WCC gl-idonce notes fi;r unDJnbulod ond conb'otledM1Ssl11!radlllles:~

As an alternative to 400 x 400 tactile slabs, 200 x 133 x 60 tactile concrete bled<. units to BS EN 1338 will be accepted If the location Is deemed sultable. WC£ Engineer should be consulted prlOr to installation to use and agree laying pattern.

255x125rrrn bUln<&l:I loarl> -"" on 25mm bad d 1:3 cei,ent: SiDI mortt wllh 2mm spaang between kerl,s (rec<>mmer,d u,e of •i-<=')-

Min. ~m ,.__ 6rrrn up.tmd


Whon diannal block& am ID be> nimovad, llll)laca with a step joint er ll!l!n·mbl ccnmtl! aoo 40nm of surflr.e cwr:aa ond 60mm oft-,<H"DJU""'-

"'"' I.Where the EnQtneer deems !hill a 0mm kerb t;,c:,, ts """"""IV the BN 11st, must be replaoed with a 125 X150 CS lab. This l'Mllon should onlv lie Ulllsed on the hl!i1 side otasupen!l~~-2. Cut pomg only ~e will writta, ofPUV'll fromtheWO::Engin...-.

wee 2020 300 02




Faii.ui..-dl!bils/lill<lll1S pleaae refertDWU: gui:tanll!!notes flrurwntrclled..-.:1 contmlledcm;olngfacllljao.

wee 2019 300 03


A Section A


CIIJ!ISl'itll not lo exreed 1:12

1~i!~1~:7~~~ll;';ll;;;1~g_11=_!lt~~ll~u'.~~~II I

BLII" tacllle IJifflr!;I - on 25mm bed '1f 1;6 C<rnl!nl: ""'1d mortar on 100mm of ST1 llln<JW! 111

100mm TIPE 1 QSB

All NIM, karbf01nd111i<n<

- 375ron, I 150mm r, straight aignments.

- 525ron, x 150mm on """""' of 50m n,dll Ol"l"""-

Ba::klng coraetefornsw_,

- 22:;ron, Imm b!l.11 cf llerll in straight oli!J'UTl!llbl - 375ron, Imm ba.11 of ltarll on ,,......d 51'.tm radii er laaa.

Bath fwndelion end becking conc:m::, to 00 shJtteroa arrJ ,:an"1rucllld In ST4 with a mlnlnun 81u"" al 50mm and pok..- vlb11I111d. ~fo111d11Uans and hau1cl1.

12.5xl51)rm BUh~ kerb be:lded an 25mm ta:I of

1:3 cement: s1d mDt"tlr wlh 2mm spadr!;! betwea1 bdi!i (nDll'llmond used_,...).

Mil. 3mm miX. 6mm upsl>n:I.

Wh""' darn,al blod<s ""' ID be ...,,OV!!d, rep!~"" wlh a mpJont of 1'""1-mix C0l"o'.Ml! and 4!lmm of surfa::e course and 61Jirm of bin<H"OOII'""·


As an alternative to 400 x 4-00 tactile slabs, 200 X 133 X 60 tactile concrete block units to BS EN 1338 WIii be accepted if the location is deemed suitable. wee Engineer should be consulted prior to installation to use and agree laying pattern.

I.Where the Engineer deems that a OITITI kerb l'ilO::e ls ner.ess;:uy the BN kerb must be ...,1..,,.i with a 125 X 150 CS kerb. Thia ,_ ,h,iJd only bo utii!HJ on the tq, •ide er a •uperelE!Yated ~-2. Cut pofflg only ~ewlh M1tten oppRJIIIII from tho ~ ""Ill,_._

carriageway Footway



-i--------------Alignment of tactile paving slabs

wee 2020 600 01

NOTE: Bolanlll localed lass than 1.tffl fmm the caniageway shall have reOettive red/ whilB tianding. Bolanls looB1ed greeter than 1.0m Imm the cani_,.y shall have a fDl<ld baidhg <A ccnaplcuruB ODIOII".

surraoo ooursc 261ml ,,o;; DENSE BURF 100/"ISO TD B6 EN 13108-1

on each side of the crossing must align. 1

Minimum 1200mm.

_______________ l



NOTE: Far further details/layouts please refer ta WCC guidance notes far

uncontrolled and controlled crossing facilities.

Red/white reflectt.-e band "'°""" -red lcwardam,COTingtraffc.

"""' Bollard to b9 a111cted a mhlm,rn 45tfflm lh:rn canto-.

wee 2020 600 02 G""""""te former.I Type GC3 - 7Brrm deep laid on compactw oub-bale with s 111120mm bllr«Jhg layer of emtl. steel ITIIISh mlrlar<l8m..-,1 to BS 44113 Rel A183.

C:'ID c:mc:rolll with 1Drrm ma,ci"mm •111-ltl size plac:ed arcurid fonnors aid mll!lli end IBWIIDd kl tops a-fformers. Mer48-l'l<lurs mBlt GXjlO&<l formers and fl l',jth topSail Appnn,<>d gm•• mix ID ba added at am,aoo "l'Jnlf'iale lllego.

E,penrion joinls to ba il'ICOIJICll"Bb! 81 11ln opecilgo and conailll '1f 25mm p,....oaked ...rtWOOOlller.



wee 2020 600 03

~ual la)'CIJts ID be dlsc:uaad with wee .,,,l)IICl<r I




NB. Allllmatl\lll gmund m~brnmiant m"111od• \OIi be ca1151damd by Iha wee Englmar. Seo Standon:I Detail wee 201g 2ao OB f~r &tandard raaidenlial uoega .

wee 2020 600 04




wee 2020 200 01

50x150rm,E8Nwll1 20mm ""9land

Binder oour,e 80mm AC20 Den•e BIN 100/150TO BS EN 13108-1

Base ocurse 100mm AC32DenseBase 100/150 TO BS EN 13106-1 l!IJ!>-b091! 150rrrn TYPE 1GSB


A bond mat In EICOOl'danoewttli BS EN 13808 ohaLMI be applied between!!! lxlurrJ layen,. Bend ooat sllcl.ld bo applied at a ra18 l>f spread of:-

at llsasl 0.35 Kg/ln2cfN1oid"'I bimlll"ltr plamdormllad1urlaees

IIIOTI:: All h<li.:<iilal surf=• Ill be ledt ooeilld K170 HAPAS appro.ed. The above diagram is "'P"""'"tmtve onl\l, aclUBI layem d eidstlng om"1nalon may wny. lntmaoe betv,,,en """"'rrop:,- layers ID b& prapon,d by •aw culling a varlicel face ID EIXiil~ng layers.

at l89al 0.2 Kglm2 raoi<lual bi'H'.l<rlD IIOWly laid orOY11daylng -Ill aophalt


wee 2020 200 02



3~m lflarpfOln:I In BS 8717 Part3

BhderCOl.lrse 100mm AC20 Dens~ EIN 10~1501!1 BS EN 13103-1

Conc:r<lbl bl><:k.paving ta be lai<I in a Harrngtx>n8 patl9m at 00 d&gAMl9 v.ilhin Iha Cfl'ri&g<May untow1 opacili<ld by Iha

wee Engineer. Block9 lo be cul byan ..,prove:1 gliloli-le lo no 1.... lhwl¾oflheorign&I pl.., oi<e. Block9 lo be200x 10tfflm to BS6717-1 with cl1ammred edge an:! ful height apaMr nib!; unle,;i; appmvetl. Following car(lli3tlon <A block la,_;ing joill fling io to be ..,dertakm wih file oilica ...-.:1.




wee 2020 200 03 601111-U 20lnln EF 2000mm 125mm x255mm 8N kerb.

20mm kerbupatend.

Binder course 00mm AC20 Dense BIN 100/150TDBS EN 131111-1

Beoe OOU'3e 1Otfflm AC32 Denoe BASE 100/150 TO B8 EN 13108-1

Sul>-baae 200mm Typo, 1 GSB NOTE: Thickness may vary

depending l.p<lll CBR vaUIIB



'"aOOmm ,00mm


FALL 1:38

Bituminrus road oonatruclion

A bond ooat 11 acooroancewlth BS EN 13B08 ahoL.id be> appli<>d l><>lwoQn J!! OOW'ld loy,n. Sand oolli """'-Id b9awlad ata rate a opre&d ol:-

81io.ast D.31i Kg/m2drooi<hllbinderb­l)laood orrrilkld surfaces at l&ut 0.2 Kg/m2 111!!1dual binder to n'1Wly laid or """dayng <Od&Ung asphal

Kerb tnanoitian louiclalicn ta be ohultl!red ~nd oan"1ruclm In ST4 oanomm an:! p:,ker vl>rBtad. Lower foundolion ta have minimum 24-hour cuing bafcrll '-!'I"'' fuun:twon is pculOO.

16 dcMal bar


20mm KEFI.B UPSTA/',D.

Binder coun,o 6tfflm AC20 De""" BIN 100/150 ta BS EN 13106-1

Be811 course 100mm AC32 DM811 Bes& 100/150toBSEN 13103-1

Bub-- 200mm Typ,, 1 GIBB NOTE: Thldcn- lTlll.f vary

deper«Jing upon CBR wluea

CBR\1/\LUE 5%ANDABOVE 2%~ 5%.


TYPE 1 GS8,,,-151lmm 150mm-~. 600mm

FALL 1:36


ALTERNATIVE VEHICULAR CROSSING CONSTRUCTION 1:40 NOTE: 1:40 opeoification rruot only be used where there is lhe possi:liity a-fvehioles groundi111 with fW'ivBte l>od<fall. Appn:Mlll rru,rl be obtliMd trom wee Hi(trwey Engineer.

wee 2020 200 05

15Dx 50 EBN Kerl> 20,rm Upstand


255x 12510 150 X 125 DL1


15Dx50EBNK..-b 20mm Upatand



200 x 50 EF Karil

255x 125 BNwlth2amm Kerblllca



200 X 50 EF Kerb

Biluninous road oorurtruclion

A bonda>al:lnacc:onja,cewlth BS EN 13800 ohoUd be appled between &II bollid !eyers. Bond o:rel ohould be appied al a rate a-f spread of:-

at 1&""1: 0.35 Kglm2 '1f rooidual bind..- for plamdermllkldrurfaca5

• at le"91:0.2 Kg/m2 residual bindertn newt, lai<I orOYBrla)'ilg<N<iliti111 ru;phalt

Kerb tranaitiln foundslian IIl be ahulllln!d ..x:t oonabuchK:I in ST4 cmcmle md pok..- vllmllld. L°'""' folrdlltlCln lo hlMI milim,rn 24-hoLr curilg blllora upperfwr«Jelion l)Dll'lld.


1SOxSOEBNl<Brb 2Cmm Upetand

255x 12510 150x 125 DR1

► 14 ►I PLAN

150 X 50 EBN K..-1:l 20mm Upatand



......_ _______________ ....... 255I125HB

~ 255x12510100x1250l1 ,.,,...




wee 2020 200 06

50mm x 150mm EBN with 20,rm upstald high8ida

Binder C0U""' 75mn /'C2fJ DENSE BIN 100/150 to BBEN 13103-1

aid bri<ing ofWlllling 00111118.

SUt>-base 150mm TYPE 1 GSB

A twlnd IXlltlln ncoonlamewlth BS EN 13808 ohould be applied - !!! bound lsyeni Bond COIi! 5h01Ja b9 appled Ill II mffi of stY"OO of·-

at lo"51 0.35 Kglm2 <A 1116iaual binder for plsnad <r !Tilled Olffll0EI& at lea!II 0.2 Kg/m2 reJiduel brider to nBWly laid er overlfftlng IOOll1ng asphalt

wee 2020 200 01

NB. ~IA- level al-wire-to be IIUBh wih-lalbacktJfEF-.



30mm sharp sand tc l!S6717 PaM l

Bhdarcourse 100mm ACa:I DEN BE BIN 100/150toBBEN 13103-1.

Sub-base 200mm TYPE 1 GSB

"""' Coninota blOck pevi1g le b9 laid i1 a h'"1'i'lJbOM peHBm Bl 90 angrBBII unl'"'8 apeci1iBct b)I Iha Mgilflllr. lkl<:kll tn bB

wt by approoed guilloline lo no 1e.. tta, tm DrigiMI pt.., size. Bl><:ks 1o be 200 x 100ITITI lo BS6717-1 with ctartered edge nncl liJI 11111111! """"""nils unlagr; -""""'· Folklwhg """llle!lon of bl- laylngJoht fflllng IIl be umerlakm wll1 fineoiica""""'.


wee 2020 200 oa

125mm x 255mm BN kerbwllh 20mm upoti:r,d.

Fell 1:36

,~;;-m-;:;-00 HB~



BII.minrus roed ,:anstrucfim.

KerD trar1smon lilundatiDn ID be shuttar<ld and oanstruci..:t h ST4 conmrte and pol«< vibrated. Lower lcurrJll11on ta have mlnlrrun 24-hrur wrt,g t>sfnrto UJIIB" lwndaticn p:,umd.





UPIIC Grass Remoroement cei1.11ar PaVer In ,1e11 wltn topSOI and seeang csoo spe<:111Ga1100). DelaH or spoollc morula<:tumr I opecin'.:<rlirn to be ffflVi<l<ld ID wee of!ic:erlcr epfffl"el prior to ir-..tiollotian.Gm.. nainkremienlp~ rrnst b9 obi• IIl accamroodala velicu9r lcalllngo '-" to 20 tor,,..,._.

Sub-base 150mm TYPE 1 ~

• OvarBII a:118ln.n::ti0n mayt>B reviaed depe,dam up:,n llJlll'OVfld ll'IOrulactinn inBIBIIBlion -la.


T~I I seeding must aoooro wtlh specnc:atlon staled balaw. AA app'°"'d tren81ocaleo, non-residual herbi<:id& ohal bB appli&d for 1ollll WNd control to......,. to b9 gruo -d or 1lrled B1 laeol 7 days befu"' ini~el cullivlltion wnrk!;.ThEI lclkrt.lng n11dum of Med (er •lmlir •Pfll"M!(IJ ohal be uoeo to produca a low mahmnanca verge grua &I a op-a rBla '1f 3ilglm2. Nry &raaa wtid1 fai tn goorinata within one month shell be ro--ooeo:IGd.

30% Ch-9 Fe9WB


30% Blender Craet:ling Rad Feccue 20% Smooth stalk&d Meadow GmM 10% HardFeowe 10% BrowntapBM:

wee 2020 600 05

"""" 1. All di"ne""icnl am i1 millimalrllll ..,Issa •hownolharwl"" 2. Lorge baaa steel pDSI: gal\lanlled to EN1451. 3. Plllnl B19n malnlenmee numlllr 1.5m above grourd. 4. Soe d-awing no TSA 2 fer lwndatD1 detail and duel reqliremanl&. 5. Al aaBWB, dill' lo be slainl&Ba •­(br,.... mrth ocmw} 6. See drawing C:W01 f~ wi-'i1g detailo. 7. Tho table belc,w spedte,; the lantam type>,_.,.; dopondenl upon th<> ~WI '1f algn. SpoclflcaUan for eacl1 lanlam typ, ls given in Chepler 11 Tnrffic Si1J1• MlnJHI. 8. Si{11 Pootd,.,.-opening mu81 b9 erec:18d awe;r from oncomiig lraflic.


wee 2020 600 01

- - -I

mo,., 000. "00


V {'

iiiiif"ii'iiiiit_.. ___

" \




Ughdng Unit Blmmonsl!J1• UJA/1.UB LED or other app-c,,ed Lightilg llllt PECU set at 36 Lux. L.anlllm ~e l!Be - 7 &-"51!Jl11><"1yp8 channol ldp!I (er slmllarapproved)

---- .. - ..


wee 2020 600 06


Tll"f shalloomplywilh 893969.


-.........-------~... --·------·-...... ______ • ■ lm"lrl'.L.'lll"-­

'lllrJlll:IIIII' ·11a'Y"&lllf&f&&­..I!"=-= ■...._



County Hall Spetchley Road Worcester WR52NP

Not To Scale



This map is reproduced from Ordnance Survey material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office © Crown copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. Worcestershire County Council, 100015914. For reference purposes only. No further copies may be made.