Curriculum Vitae - Social Klinger’s...

University of Minnesota, Morris Date: 5 April 2015 Open to U. Relations: / Curriculum Vitae Name: Eric Klinger Title: Morse-Alumni Distinguished Teaching and Distinguished Research Professor Emeritus of Psychology Campus Address: Division of Social Sciences 103 Blakely Hall University of Minnesota, Morris 600 East Fourth Street Morris, MN 56267 (320) 589-6200; Fax 589-6117; [email protected] EDUCATION College and University Education 1960 PhD, Psychology, University of Chicago 1954 AB Magna cum Laude, Social Relations, Harvard University EMPLOYMENT Professional Employment 2008-2010 Specialized Research Faculty, Institute of Transpersonal Psychology, Palo Alto, CA 2006- Professor Emeritus of Psychology, University of Minnesota, Morris 1969-2006 Professor of Psychology, University of Minnesota, Morris and (1978-2006 adjunctively) Minneapolis; full member of U. of Minn. Graduate Faculty 1962-2006 Coordinator of Psychology Discipline, University of Minnesota, Morris 1995 Visiting Professor, University of Konstanz, Germany (June-July) 1983-84 Visiting Professor of Psychology (Lehrstuhlvertreter), Ruhr University, Bochum, Germany 1962-69 Assistant to Associate Professor of Psychology, University of Minnesota, Morris 1960-62 Instructor, Department of Psychology, University of Wisconsin, Madison 1957-60 Clinical psychology trainee, Hines VAH and the Mental Hygiene Clinic Service of Chicago's West Side VAH 1957-60 Research associate, Association of American Medical Colleges Sabbaticals and Leaves of Absence 2001-02 Full year sabbatical (at Morris) 1996 Single quarter leave (at Morris) 1988-89 20% leave without pay to pursue writing 1984-85 Full year sabbatical, Bush Fellowship (at Morris)

Transcript of Curriculum Vitae - Social Klinger’s...

Page 1: Curriculum Vitae - Social Klinger’s Curriculum Vitae 5 April 2015 6 Klinger, E. (1987). Imagery and logotherapeutic techniques

University of Minnesota, Morris Date: 5 April 2015 Open to U. Relations: /

Curriculum Vitae Name: Eric Klinger Title: Morse-Alumni Distinguished Teaching and Distinguished Research Professor Emeritus of Psychology Campus Address: Division of Social Sciences 103 Blakely Hall University of Minnesota, Morris 600 East Fourth Street Morris, MN 56267 (320) 589-6200; Fax 589-6117; [email protected]


College and University Education 1960 PhD, Psychology, University of Chicago 1954 AB Magna cum Laude, Social Relations, Harvard University

EMPLOYMENT Professional Employment 2008-2010 Specialized Research Faculty, Institute of Transpersonal Psychology, Palo Alto, CA 2006- Professor Emeritus of Psychology, University of Minnesota, Morris 1969-2006 Professor of Psychology, University of Minnesota, Morris and (1978-2006

adjunctively) Minneapolis; full member of U. of Minn. Graduate Faculty 1962-2006 Coordinator of Psychology Discipline, University of Minnesota, Morris 1995 Visiting Professor, University of Konstanz, Germany (June-July) 1983-84 Visiting Professor of Psychology (Lehrstuhlvertreter), Ruhr University, Bochum, Germany 1962-69 Assistant to Associate Professor of Psychology, University of Minnesota, Morris 1960-62 Instructor, Department of Psychology, University of Wisconsin, Madison 1957-60 Clinical psychology trainee, Hines VAH and the Mental Hygiene Clinic Service of

Chicago's West Side VAH 1957-60 Research associate, Association of American Medical Colleges Sabbaticals and Leaves of Absence 2001-02 Full year sabbatical (at Morris) 1996 Single quarter leave (at Morris) 1988-89 20% leave without pay to pursue writing 1984-85 Full year sabbatical, Bush Fellowship (at Morris)

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1983-84 Leave without salary (Visiting Professor [Lehrstuhlvertreter], Ruhr University, Bochum, West Germany) 1981 Single quarter leave (University of Göttingen, West Germany) 1975-76 Half year sabbatical (Ruhr University, Bochum, West Germany) 1968-69 Full year sabbatical (at Morris) 1967 Single quarter leave (at Morris)

PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS AND HONORS Professional Organization Memberships American Psychological Association (Fellow, Divisions 1 and 8) Association for Psychological Science (Fellow) American Association for the Advancement of Science (Fellow) Society for Personality and Social Psychology (Fellow) Association for Research in Personality American Association for the Study of Mental Imagery (President, 1980-81) International Association for the Study of Dreams (2013--- ) Midwestern Psychological Association (Fellow) Minnesota Psychological Association Sigma Xi American Association of University Professors Professional Honors and Awards Henry A. Murray Award “for distinguished contributions to the study of lives” from the Society for

Personality and Social Psychology, 2005 Faculty Research Award, University of Minnesota, Morris, 2000 (first year award given) Member, Academy of Distinguished Teachers, University of Minnesota (1998---) Outstanding Teacher of Undergraduate Psychology Award (1st annual statewide awardee), Minnesota Psychological Association, 1990 Election to Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science "for trail-blazing studies of imagery and fantasy," 1986 Senior Research Fulbright to Ruhr University of Bochum, Germany, 1975-76 Horace T. Morse Amoco Award for contributions to undergraduate education, 1972 (See separate listing for grants.)

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TEACHING AND ADVISING Dissertations Supervised Waltman, M. (2009) Exercise and dating relationship patterns of university students: Associations with

mood and traits. Lee, J. (2005). Disordered eating symptoms and family communication in adolescent girls: A Latent

Growth Model (LGM) analysis. Parish, C. (2002). Mapping the lexical conscientiousness factor domain: Validation of a comprehensive

hierarchical model. Aureille, E. (1999). Information processing of threat cues as a function of anxiety and defensiveness. Haas, H. (1999). The factor structure of proverb endorsement: Implications for personality psychology. Kroll-Mensing, D. (1992). Differentiating anxiety and depression: An experience sampling analysis. Lawroski, N. (1989). Cognitive and emotional aspects of empathic process and their relation to personality traits and situational variables. Parks, C. W., Jr. (1986). Dimensions of thought in adulthood as a function of age, sex, position, and task complexity. Roberson, L. (1984). Development and validation of the Work Concerns Inventory: A measure of employee work goals. (With John Campbell; winner, Division 14 [Society for Industrial and

Organizational Psychology] S. Rains Wallace Dissertation Award, 1985) Rosenberg, D. (1984). The quality and content of preschool fantasy play: Correlates in concurrent social-personality function and early mother-child attachment relationships. Brunnquell, D. (1981). Magical thinking as a developmental and clinical phenomenon (With Auke

Tellegen). University of Minnesota, Morris Courses Taught Foundations of Psychology II (2000-current) Research Methods (1999) Professional Ethics in the Human Services (1977-2001) Helping Relationships (1982) Humanistic Psychology and Helping Relationships (1976-1978) *Faculty oversight of field experiences and internships (1972-78, 1985-current) *Empirical Investigations/Tutorial in personality (individual research) (continuous 1962-current) *Abnormal/Psychopathology (1963-current) *Personality (1963-current) Introductory general psychology (1962-1978, 1982, 1985-current, since 1969 in team) Inner experience and the incentive world (1973) Seminar on motivational aspects of depression (1972) Seminar on motivational antecedents of drug use (1971) Seminar on schizophrenia (1971) Persuasion and belief (1965-1970) History and systems (1967-1969) Learning (1963) Introduction to psychological statistics (1962-1963)

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Intermediate design and analysis of experiments: analysis of variance, Latin squares, trend analysis, analysis of covariance, selected nonparametric methods (1963-71) University of Minnesota, Minneapolis graduate courses taught Seminar on emotional and conative influences on cognitive processing (1987-2001) Seminar on Personality Systems Interactions (1997-99) Seminar on construct accessibility (1996) Seminar on betrayal and hate (1994) Seminar on daydreaming, 1991 Seminar on application of motivational, emotional, and cognitive concepts to clinical intervention, 1990-1991 Seminar on hate (1988) Clinical assessment sequence, TAT portion (1978-83) Clinical intervention sequence, imagery techniques portion (1978-82) Seminar on imagery techniques in psychotherapy (1980-83) Seminar on human psychological organization (1979-82) Seminar on dream organizations and related phenomena ("Beyond the Primary Process") (1979) Ruhr University, Bochum, Germany, courses taught Motivation I and II (1983-84) Seminar on motivational assessment (1983-84) Seminar on Problems in Motivation Theory: Motivation, Response Organization, and Imagery (1983-84) University of Wisconsin courses taught Introduction to clinical psychology (1960-62) Individual differences (1962) Practicum for psychotherapy and psychodiagnosis (1960-62) Intermediate design and analysis of experiments (1960-62) Human adjustment (1960-1962)

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Publications Books Klinger, E. (1971). Structure and functions of fantasy. N.Y.: Wiley. Klinger, E. (1977). Meaning and void: Inner experience and the incentives in people's lives.

Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. Klinger, E. (Ed.) (1981). Imagery: Concepts, results, and applications. New York: Plenum. Klinger, E. (1990). Daydreaming. Los Angeles, CA: Tarcher (Putnam). Cox, W. M., & Klinger, E. (Eds.) (2004). Handbook of motivational counseling: Concepts, approaches,

and assessment. Chichester, UK: Wiley. Cox, W. M., & Klinger, E. (Eds.) (2011). Handbook of motivational counseling: Goal-Based

Approaches to Assessment and Intervention in Addiction and Other Problems (2nd ed.). Chichester, UK: Wiley-Blackwell.

Chapters Klinger, E., Barta, S. G., Mahoney, T.W., et al. (1976). Motivation, mood, and mental events: Patterns

and implications for adaptive processes. In G. Serban (Ed.), Psychopathology of human adaptation (pp. 95-112). New York: Plenum. (R)

Klinger, E. (1978). Modes of normal conscious flow. In K. S. Pope & J. L. Singer (Eds.), The stream

of consciousness: Scientific investigations into the flow of human experience (pp. 225-258). New York: Plenum, 1978. (R)

Klinger, E. (1980). Therapy and the flow of thought. In J. Shorr, J. Connella, G. Sobel, & P. Robin,

(Eds.), Imagery: Its many dimensions and applications. New York: Plenum. (T) Klinger, E., Barta, S.G., & Maxeiner, M.E. (1981). Current concerns: Assessing therapeutically

relevant motivation. In P. C. Kendall & S. D. Hollon (Eds.), Assessment strategies for cognitive-behavioral interventions (pp. 161-196). N.Y.: Academic Press. (R)

Klinger, E. (1982). On the self-management of mood, affect, and attention. In P. Karoly & F. H. Kanfer (Eds.) , The psychology of self-management: From theory to practice (pp. 129-164).

Elmsford, New York: Pergamon.

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Klinger, E. (1987). Imagery and logotherapeutic techniques in psychotherapy: Clinical experiences and promise for application to alcohol problems. In W. M. Cox (Ed.), Treatment and prevention of alcohol problems: A resource manual (pp. 139-156). New York: Academic Press.

Klinger, E. (1987). The Interview Questionnaire technique: Reliability and validity of a mixed

idiographic-nomothetic measure of motivation. In J. N. Butcher & C. D. Spielberger (Eds.), Advances in personality assessment (Vol. 6; pp. 31-48). Hillsdale, New Jersey: Erlbaum. (R)

Klinger, E. (1987). Current concerns and disengagement from incentives. In F. Halisch & J. Kuhl

(eds.), Motivation, intention and volition (pp. 337-347). Berlin: Springer. Klinger, E. (1989). Emotional mediation of motivational influences on cognitive processes. In F.

Halisch & J. van den Bercken (eds.), International perspectives on achievement and task motivation (pp. 317-326). Swets & Zeitlinger. (T)

Cox, W. M., & Klinger, E. (1990). Incentive motivation, affective change, and alcohol use: A model.

In W. M. Cox (Ed.), Why people drink: Parameters of alcohol as a reinforcer (pp. 291-314). New York: Gardner.

Klinger, E. (1990). Katathymes Bilderleben und die neuere Vorstellungsforschung.

In E. Wilke & H. Leuner (Eds.), Das Katathyme Bilderleben in der Psychosomatischen Medizin (pp. 42-48). Bern: Hans Huber.

Cox, W. M., Klinger, E., & Blount, J. P. (1991). Alcohol use and goal hierarchies: Systematic Motivational Counseling for alcoholics. In W. R. Miller & S. Rollnick (Eds.),

Motivational interviewing: Preparing people to change addictive behavior (pp. 260-271). New York: Guilford.

Klinger, E. (1992). What will they think of next? Understanding daydreaming.

In G. G. Brannigan & M. R. Merrens (Eds.), The undaunted psychologist (pp. 143-154). New York: McGraw-Hill.

Klinger, E. (1993). Loss of interest. In C. G. Costello (Ed.), Symptoms of depression (pp. 43-62). New

York: Wiley. Klinger, E. (1993). Clinical approaches to mood control. In D. M. Wegner & J. W. Pennebaker (Eds.), Handbook of mental control (pp. 344-369). Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall. Klinger, E. (1994). On living tomorrow today: The quality of inner life as a function of goal expectations. In Z. Zaleski (Ed.), Psychology of future orientation (pp. 97-106). Lublin:

Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL. Klinger, E., & Murphy, M. D. (1994). Action orientation and personality: Some evidence on the construct validity of the action control scale. In J. Kuhl & J. Beckmann (Eds.),

Volition and personality: Action- and state-oriented modes of control (pp. 79-92). Göttingen, Germany: Hogrefe. (R)

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Klinger, E., & Kroll-Mensing, D. (1995). Idiothetic assessment: Experience sampling and motivational analysis. In J. N. Butcher (Ed.), Clinical personality assessment: Practical approaches (pp. 267-277). New York: Oxford University Press.

Klinger, E. (1995). Effects of motivation and emotion on thought flow and cognition: Assessment and findings. In P. E. Shrout & S. T. Fiske (Eds.), Personality research, methods,

and theory: A Festschrift honoring Donald W. Fiske (pp. 257-270). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum. (R) Klinger, E. (1995). Selbstverpflichtungs-(Commitment-)Theorien. In J. Kuhl (Ed.), Enzyklopädie für Psychologie, Vol. 4. Motivation, Volition, Handlung: Motivation und Emotion

(pp. 469-483). Göttingen: Hogrefe. Klinger, E. (1996). Emotional influences on cognitive processing, with implications

for theories of both. In P. Gollwitzer & J. A. Bargh (Eds.), The psychology of action: Linking cognition and motivation to behavior (pp. 168-189). New York: Guilford.

Klinger, E. (1996). The contents of thoughts: Interference as the downside of adaptive normal

mechanisms in thought flow. In I. G. Sarason, B. R. Sarason, & G. R. Pierce (Eds.), Cognitive interference: Theories, methods, and findings (pp. 3-23). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Klinger, E. (1996). Motivation and imagination. In T. Gjesme & R. Nygard (Eds.), Advances in motivation (pp. 269-284). Oslo: Scandinavian University Press. (Reprint of

Klinger, 1992/1994). Klinger, E. (1998). The search for meaning in evolutionary perspective and its clinical implications. In P. T. P. Wong & P. S. Fry (Eds.), The human quest for meaning: A handbook of

psychological research and clinical applications (pp. 27-50). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum. Klinger, E. (1999). Thought flow: Properties and mechanisms underlying shifts in content. In J. A. Singer & P. Salovey (Eds.), At play in the fields of consciousness: Essays in

honor of Jerome L. Singer (pp. 29-50). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum. Klinger, E. (2001). Holocaust influences on a refugee: Indirect (pervasive) and direct (now you see it, now you don’t). In Suedfeld, P. (Ed.), Light from the Ashes (pp. 221-247). Ann

Arbor: University of Michigan Press. Klinger, E., & Cox, W. M. (2004). Motivation and the theory of current concerns. In W. M. Cox & E.

Klinger (Eds.), Handbook of motivational counseling (pp. 3-27). Chichester, UK: Wiley. Cox, W. M., & Klinger, E. (2004). A motivational model of alcohol use: Determinants of use and

change. In W. M. Cox & E. Klinger (Eds.). Handbook of motivational counseling (pp. 121-138). Chichester, UK: Wiley.

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Cox, W. M., & Klinger, E. (2004). Measuring motivation: The Motivational Structure Questionnaire

and Personal Concerns Inventory. In W. M. Cox & E. Klinger (Eds.). Handbook of motivational counseling (pp. 141-175). Chichester, UK: Wiley.

Klinger, E., & Cox, W. M. (2004). The Motivational Structure Questionnaire and Personal Concerns

Inventory: Psychometric properties. In W. M. Cox & E. Klinger (Eds.). Handbook of motivational counseling (pp. 177-197). Chichester, UK: Wiley.

Cox, W. M., & Klinger, E. (2004). Systematic Motivational Counseling: The Motivational Structure

Questionnaire in action. In W. M. Cox & E. Klinger (Eds.). Handbook of motivational counseling (pp. 217-237). Chichester, UK: Wiley.

Cox, W. M., & Klinger, E. (2004). Motivational counseling: Taking stock and looking ahead. In W. M.

Cox & E. Klinger (Eds.). Handbook of motivational counseling (pp. 479-487). Chichester, UK: Wiley.

Fadardi, J. S., Cox, W. M., & Klinger, E. (2006). Individualized vs. general measures of implicit

cognition. In R. W. Wiers & A. W. Stacy (Eds.), Handbook of Implicit Cognition and Addiction (pp. 121-133). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Cox, W. M., Fadardi, J. S., & Klinger, E. (2006). Motivational processes and implicit cognition in

addiction. In R. W. Wiers & A. W. Stacy (Eds.), Handbook of Implicit Cognition and Addiction (pp. 253-266). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Cox, W. M., Klinger, E., & Fadardi, J. S. (2006). Motivational basis of cognitive determinants of

addiction. In M. R. Munafo & I. P. Albery (Eds.), Cognition and Addiction (pp. 101-116). Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.

Klinger, E. (2009). Daydreaming and fantasizing: Thought flow and motivation. In K. D. Markman, W.

M. P. Klein, and J. A. Suhr (Eds), Handbook of imagination and mental simulation (pp. 225-239). New York: Psychology Press.

Klinger, E., & Cox, W. M. (2011). Motivation and the goal theory of current concerns. In W. M. Cox &

E. Klinger (Eds.), Handbook of motivational counseling (2nd ed.) (pp. 3-47). Chichester, UK: Wiley.

Cox, W. M., & Klinger, E. (2011). A motivational model of alcohol use: Determinants of use and

change. In W. M. Cox & E. Klinger (Eds.). Handbook of motivational counseling (2nd ed.) (pp. 131-158). Chichester, UK: Wiley.

Cox, W. M., & Klinger, E. (2011). Measuring motivation: The Motivational Structure Questionnaire,

Personal Concerns Inventory, and their variants. In W. M. Cox & E. Klinger (Eds.). Handbook of motivational counseling (2nd ed.) (pp. 161-204). Chichester, UK: Wiley.

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Klinger, E., & Cox, W. M. (2011). The Motivational Structure Questionnaire, Personal Concerns

Inventory, and their variants: Psychometric properties. In W. M. Cox & E. Klinger (Eds.). Handbook of motivational counseling (2nd ed.) (pp. 205-232). Chichester, UK: Wiley.

Cox, W. M., & Klinger, E. (2011). Systematic Motivational Counseling: From motivational assessment

to motivational change. In W. M. Cox & E. Klinger (Eds.). Handbook of motivational counseling (2nd ed.) (pp. 276-302). Chichester, UK: Wiley.

Cox, W. M., & Klinger, E. (2011). Taking stock and looking ahead: A toolkit for motivational

counselors. In W. M. Cox & E. Klinger (Eds.). Handbook of motivational counseling (2nd ed.) (pp. 610-624). Chichester, UK: Wiley.

Klinger, E. (2012). The search for meaning in evolutionary perspective and its clinical implications. In P. T. P. Wong (Ed.), The human quest for meaning: Theories, research, and applications (2nd ed.) (pp. 23-56). New York: Routledge.

Klinger, E. (Accepted by editor Nicola Baumann, 12/16/2014). The goal theory of current concerns and

its applications at year 45. In [5 editors], [Festschrift for Julius Kuhl]. Probably Berlin: Springer Verlag.

Cox, W. M., Klinger, E., & Fadardi, J. S. (In press, 4/05/2015). In N. Heather (Ed.), Nonconscious

Motivational Influences on Cognitive Processes in Addictive Behaviors. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.

Articles and Proceedings Gee, H. H., & Klinger, E. (1958). The study of applicants, 1956-57. Journal of Medical Education, 33, 49-58. Klinger, E., & Gee, H. H. (1959). The study of applicants, 1957-58.

Journal of Medical Education, 34, 424-435. Klinger, E., & Gee, H. H. (1960). The study of applicants, 1958-59.

Journal of Medical Education, 35, 120-133. Klinger, E., & Roth, I. (1961). Diagnosis of schizophrenia by Rorschach profiles. Transactions of the Sixth Research Conference on Co-operative Chemotherapy Studies in

Psychiatry and Broad Research Approaches to Mental Illness. Washington, D.C.: VA Dept. of Medicine and Surgery.

Feldman, S. E., & Klinger, E. (1963). Note on a shortcut for calculating the Fisher-Yates "Exact Test" in 2x2 contingency tables. Psychometrika, 28, 289-291. (T)

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Hetherington, E.M., & Klinger, E. (1964). Psychopathy and punishment. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 69, 113-115.

Klinger, E., Albaum, A. & Hetherington, E. M. (1964). Factors influencing the severity of moral judgments. Journal of Social Psychology, 63, 319-326. Klinger, E., & Roth, I. (1964). Rorschach color responses and the diagnosis of schizophrenia. Journal of Clinical psychology, 20, 386-388. Klinger, E., & Roth, I. (1965). Diagnosis of schizophrenia by Rorschach patterns. Journal of Projective Techniques and Personality Assessment, 29, 323-335. Klinger, E. (1966). Fantasy need achievement as a motivational construct. Psychological Bulletin, 66, 291-308. (T) Klinger, E. (1967). Modeling effects on achievement imagery. Journal

of Personality and Social Psychology, 7, 49-62. Klinger, E. (1968). Short-term stability and concurrent validity of TAT need scores: achievement, affiliation, and hostile press. Proceedings, 76th Annual Convention, APA,

157-158. Klinger, E. (1969). Feedback effects and social facilitation of vigilance performance: mere coaction versus potential evaluation. Psychonomic Science, 14, 161-162. Klinger, E. (1969). The development of imaginative behavior: implications of play for a theory of fantasy. Psychological Bulletin, 72, 277-298. Klinger, E., & McNelly, F.W., Jr. (1969). Fantasy need achievement and performance: a role analysis. Psychological Review, 76, 574- 591. Klinger, E. (1973). Models, context, and achievement fantasy: Parametric studies and theoretical propositions. Journal of Personality Assessment, 37, 25-47. Klinger, E., Gregoire, K.C., & Barta, S.G. (1973). Physiological correlates of mental activity: Eye movements, alpha, and heart rate during imagining, suppression, concentration,

search , and choice. Psychophysiology, 10, 471-477. Klinger, E. (1974). Utterances to evaluate steps and control attention distinguish operant from respondent thought while thinking out loud. Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society, 4, 44-46. Klinger, E., Barta, S.G., & Kemble, E.D. (1974). Cyclic activity changes during extinction in rats: A potential model of depression. Animal Learning and Behavior, 2, 313-316. Klinger, E. (1975). Consequences of commitment to and disengagement from incentives.

Psychological Review, 82, 1-25.

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Barta, S.G., Kemble, E.D., & Klinger, E. (1975). Abolition of cyclic activity changes following amygdaloid lesions in rats. Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society, 5, 236-238. Klinger, E., & McNelly, F.W., Jr. (1976). Self states and performances of preadolescent boys carrying

out leadership roles inconsistent with their social status. Child Development, 47, 126-137. Klinger, E. (1977). The nature of fantasy and its clinical uses. Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and

Practice, 14, 223-231. (T) Klinger, E. (1978). Implications of the flow of thought for literary

communication. Poetics, 7, 191-205. (T) Klinger, E. (1978). Dimensions of thought and imagery in normal waking states. Journal of Altered

States of Consciousness, 4, 97-113. Klinger, E., Barta, S.G., & Maxeiner, M.E. (1980). Motivational correlates of thought content frequency and commitment. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 39,

1222-1237. Hoelscher, T. J., Klinger, E., & Barta, S. G. (1981). Incorporation of concern- and nonconcern-related verbal stimuli into dream content. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 49,

88-91. Klinger, E., Barta, S.G., & Glas, R.A. (1981). Thought content and gap

time in basketball. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 5, 109-114. Klinger, E. (1981). The central place of imagery in human functioning.

In E. Klinger (Ed.), Imagery: Concepts, results, and applications. New York: Plenum. (T) Cox, W.M., & Klinger, E. (1983) Discriminability of regular, light, and near beer with and without ethanol. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 44, 494-498. Klinger, E. (1984). A consciousness-sampling analysis of test anxiety

and performance. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 47, 1376-1390. Bott, J., & Klinger, E. (1985-86). Assessment of Guided Affective Imagery: Methods of extracting quantitative and categorical variables from imagery sequences. Imagination, Cognition and Personality, 5, 279-293. (T, R) Klinger, E., & Cox, W. M. (1986). Motivational predictors of alcoholics' responses to inpatient treatment. Advances in Alcohol & Substance Abuse, 6, 35-44. Bock, M., & Klinger, E. (1986). Interaction of emotion and cognition in word recall. Psychological Research, 48, 99-106.

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Cox, W. M., Klinger, E., & Kemble, E. D. (1987). The effect of ethanol on activity level following reward shift. Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society, 25, 286-288. Klinger, E. (October 1987). The power of daydreams. Psychology Today, 21 (10), 36-39, 42, 44. (Translated and republished as follows: Klinger, E. (January 1988). Der Schritt aus der

Wirklichkeit. Psychologie Heute, 46-51.) (T) Cox, W. M., & Klinger, E. (1987). Research on the personality correlates of alcohol use: Its impact on personality and motivational theory. Drugs & Society, 1(4), 61-83. (T) Klinger, E., & Cox, W. M. (1987-1988). Dimensions of thought flow in everyday life. Imagination,

Cognition and Personality, 7, 105- 128. Johnson, T. L., & Klinger, E. (1988). A nonhypnotic failure to replicate mood-dependent recall. Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society, 26, 191-194. Cox, W. M., & Klinger, E. (1988). A motivational model of alcohol use. Journal of Abnormal

Psychology, 97, 168-180. (T) Cox, W. M., & Klinger, E. (1988). Enhancing alcohol-dependent veterans' motivation to recover. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 2, 53-58. (T) Parks, C. W., Jr., Klinger, E., & Perlmutter, M. (1988-89). Dimensions of thought as a function of age, gender, and task difficulty. Imagination, Cognition and Personality, 8, 49-62. Klinger, E., Bock, M., & Schneider, K. (1992). Are emotional effects of words mediated by lexical meaning? International Journal of Psychology, 27 (3 & 4), 118. (Abstract) Klinger, E., Felland, L. K., Muehl, M., Pagliarello, J., Palmer, D. A., Polusny, A., & Beyer, S. (1992). Studies of hate as a distinct reaction system. International Journal of

Psychology, 27 (3 & 4), 194. (Abstract) Nikula, R., Klinger, E., & Larson-Gutman, M. K. (1993). Current concerns and electrodermal reactivity: Responses to words and thoughts. Journal of Personality, 61, 63-84. Cox, W. M., Blount, J. P., & Klinger, E. (1993). Assessing the motivational basis for problem drinking. In F. Tongue & E. Martin (Eds.), Proceedings of the 36th International

Congress on Alcohol and Drug Dependence, Vol. 1. (pp. 635-637). Lausanne, Switzerland: International Council on Alcohol & Addictions.

Klinger, E. (1992/1994). Motivation and imagination. Psychologische Beiträge, 34, 127-142. (Reprinted in T. Gjesme & R. Nygard (Eds.)(1996), Advances in motivation (pp. 269-

284). Oslo: Scandinavian University Press.) Klinger, E., Man, F., Stuchlíková, I. (1997). Současné vybrané teorie motivace (Some contemporary

theories of motivation). Československá psychologie (Czechoslovak Psychology), 41, 415-428.

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Nikles, C. D. II, Brecht, D. L., Klinger, E., & Bursell, A. L. (1998). The Effects of current-concern- and nonconcern-related waking suggestions on nocturnal dream content.

Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 75, 242-255. Man, F., Stuchlíková, I., & Klinger, E. (1998). Motivational structure of alcoholic and nonalcoholic

Czech men. Psychological Reports, 82, 1091-1106. Stuchlíková, I., Klinger, E., & Man, F. (1998). Dotazník motivační struktury - srovnávací studie českých

a amerických studentů (Motivational Structure Questionnaire--Comparative study of Czech and American students). Československá psychologie, 42, 206-217.

Klinger, E. (2000). Daydreams. In A. Kazdin (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Psychology. NewYork: Oxford University Press/American Psychological Association. Klinger, E. (2000). Commitment. In A. Kazdin (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Psychology. NewYork: Oxford University Press/American Psychological Association. Cox, W. M., Gutzler, M., Denzler, M., Meltsen, S., Florin, I., & Klinger, E. (2001). Temptation,

restriction, and alcohol consumption among American and German college students. Addictive Behaviors, 26, 573-581.

Cox, W. M., Schippers, G. M., Klinger, E., Skutle, A., Stuchlíková, I., Man, F., King, A. L., & Inderhaug, R. (2002). Motivational structure and alcohol use of university students with

consistency across four nations. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 63, 280-285. Cox, W. M., & Klinger, E. (2002). Motivational structure: Relationships with substance use and

processes of change. Addictive Behaviors, 27, 925-940. Cox, W. M., Heinemann, A. W., Miranti, S. V., Schmidt, M., Klinger, E., & Blount, J. (2003). Outcomes

of Systematic Motivational Counseling for substance use following traumatic brain injury. Journal of Addictive Diseases, 22, 93-110.

Klinger, E., Murphy, M. D., Ostrem, J. L., & Stark-Wroblewski, K. (2004-2005). Disclosing daydreams

versus real experiences: Attitudes, emotional reactions, and personality correlates. Imagination, Cognition and Personality, 24, 101-138.

Sellen, J. L., McMurran, M., Cox, W. M., Theodosi, E., & Klinger, E. (2006). The Personal Concerns

Inventory (Offender Adaptation): Measuring and enhancing motivation to change. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 50, 294-305.

Sellen, J. L., McMurran, M., Theodosi, E., Cox, W. M., & Klinger, E. (2009). Validity of the offender

version of the Personal Concerns Inventory with adult male prisoners. Psychology, Crime and Law, 15, 451-468.

Klinger, E., Henning, V. R., & Janssen, J. M. (2009). Fantasy-proneness dimensionalized: Dissociative

component is related to psychopathology, daydreaming as such is not. Journal of Research in Personality, 43, 506-510.

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Klinger, E. (2011). Response organization of mental imagery, evaluation of descriptive experience

sampling, and alternatives: A commentary on Hurlburt’s and Schwitzgebel’s (2007) Describing Inner Experience? Journal of Consciousness Studies, 18, 92-101.

Klinger, E. (2013). Goal commitments and the content of thoughts and dreams: Basic principles.

Frontiers in Psychology, 4, doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2013.00415. Cox, W. M., Fadardi, J. S., Intriligator, J. M., & Klinger, E. (2014). Attentional bias modification for

addictive behaviours: Clinical implications. CNS Spectrums, 19 (3), 215-224. (Available on CJO 2014 doi:10.1017/S1092852914000091.)

Cox, W. M., Klinger, E., & Fadardi, J. S. (2015). The motivational basis of cognitive determinants of

addictive behaviors. Addictive Behaviors, 44,16-22. Reviews, Commentaries, and Miscellaneous Klinger, E. (1957) Review of P. Lafitte, The person in psychology:

Reality or abstraction. New York: Philosophical Library. Gee, H.H., & Klinger, E. (1960). Absence of social desirability factor in the Allport-Vernon-Lindzey Study of Values. American Psychologist, 15, 459. (Abstract) (R) Klinger, E. (1967). Review of J. L. Singer, Daydreaming (Random House,

1966) for Contemporary Psychology, 12, 78-80. Klinger, E. (1967). Modeling effects on achievement imagery. AV Communication Review, 15, (Summer), 224-225. (Research Abstract) (R) Klinger, E. (1972). Review of S. Feshbach and R. D. Singer,

Television and Aggression. American Scientist, 60, 510-511.

Klinger, E. (1977). Review (Briefly Noted) of Mary M. Watkins, Waking dreams (Interface, 1976). Contemporary Psychology, 22, 475.

Klinger, E. (1977). Personology for beginners. Review of D. Diggins & J. Huber, The human personality (Little, Brown, 1976). Contemporary Psychology, 22, 904-905. Klinger, E. (1979). The expanding science of consciousness. Review of

A.A. Sugerman & R. E. Tarter (Eds.), Expanding dimensions of consciousness (Springer, 1978). Contemporary Psychology, 24, 585- 586.

Klinger, E. (1980). Imaginal processes: A glimpse of the promised land. In M. Mahoney (Ed.), Psychotherapy process: Current issues and future directions. New York: Plenum. Klinger, E. (1980). AASMI: A vision of its future. Imagery: Bulletin of the American

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Association for the Study of Mental Imagery, 3, (3), 2-3. (Other) Klinger, E., & Kemble, E.D. (1982). Generality and specifics in psychobiological theory of emotions. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 5, 437-438. (Comment) Klinger, E. (1983). Foreword. In J. Shorr, Psychotherapy through imagery (2nd Ed.). New York: Thieme-Stratton. Klinger, E. (1983). Issues in learning theory and imagery: The Bugelski model. Journal of Mental Imagery, 6, 39-42. Klinger, E. (1984). Thinking about action. Review of M. von Cranach

et al., Goal-directed action. (Academic Press, 1982). Contemporary Psychology, 29, 321-322. Klinger, E. (1985). Missing links in action theory. In M. Frese & J. Sabini (Eds.), Goal-directed behavior: The concept of action in psychology. Hillsdale, New Jersey: Erlbaum. Klinger, E. (1985). An imagery sampler. Review of J. E. Shorr et al., Imagery: Theoretical and clinical applications, Vol. 3. (Plenum, 1982). Contemporary

Psychology, 30, 59-60. Klinger, E. (1986, winter). Large lectures on a small campus: General

psychology at UMM. Focus, 5. (Other) Klinger, E. (1989). Goal-orientation as psychological linchpin: A commentary on Cantor and Kihlstrom's "Social Intelligence and Cognitive Assessments of Personality." In T. K. Srull &

R. S. Wyer, Jr. (eds.), Advances in Social Cognition (Vol. 2; pp. 123- 130). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.

Gollwitzer, P., Klinger, E., Schneider, K., & Weinert, F. (1990). Heinz Heckhausen (1926-1988). American Psychologist, 45, 1268. (Obituary) Klinger, E. (1992). Commentary on Kuhl's theory of self-regulation. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 41, 135- 138. Klinger, E. (1993). The more things change... Psychological Inquiry, 4, 289-291. (Commentary on Caspi & Moffitt, "When do individual differences matter? A paradoxical

theory of personality coherence.") Cox, W. M., Klinger, E., & Blount, J. P. (1995). The Motivational Structure Questionnaire. Appendix

in J. P. Allen (Ed.), Assessing alcohol problems: A guide for clinicians and researchers (pp. 399-411). NIAAA Treatment Handbook Series 4. NIH Publication N. 95-3745. Bethesda, MD: National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism.

Cox, W. M., Klinger, E., Fuhrmann, A., & de Jong-Meyer, R. (1995). Fragebogen zu gegenwärtigen Anliegen (FGA). German adaptation of the MSQ. Manuscript. University of Münster, Germany.

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Blount, J. P., Cox, W. M., Heinemann, A. W., Klinger, E., Langley, M., Miranti, V., Ridgely, M., & Schmidt, M. F. (1995). Substance abuse as a barrier to employment following

traumatic brain injury. (Includes training manuals for Systematic Motivational Counseling and Skills Based Substance Abuse Prevention Counseling, as well as project final report.) Chicago: Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago.

Klinger, E. (1996). Theories of thought flow: Points of kinship and fertile contrasts.

In R. S. Wyer, Jr. (Ed.), Advances in social cognition (pp.107-120). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum. (A commentary on Martin, L. L., & Tesser, A. Some ruminative thoughts. Same volume.)

Fadardi, J. S., Cox, W. M., & Klinger, E. (2006). Life Enrichment and Advancement Programme

(LEAP): A Self-Help Manual for Reducing Your Need to Drink. Bangor University (Wales, UK): Unpublished treatment manual.

Klinger, E. (2006). Conceptual framework and issues for a goals-oriented treatment perspective: A commentary on “Where do we go from here? The goal-perspective in psychotherapy.” Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice, 13, 371-375.

Klinger, E. (2006-2007). Review of the book [McBride. D., & Schmorrow, D. (2005). Quantifying

Human Information Processing (New York: Lexington Books/Rowman & Littlefield)]. Imagination, Cognition and Personality, 26, 163-166.

Klinger, E. (2007). Class schedule study of UMM faculty teaching loads. Focus on Faculty, 9 (2), Web

Publication at Klinger, E., & Cox, W. M. (2010). Vorwort (Foreword). In B. M. Schroer, A. Fuhrmann, & R. de Jong-

Meyer, Zielaktivierung und Zielklärung im psychotherapeutischen Prozess (ZAK) (pp. 7-8). (Goal activation and goal clarification in psychotherapeutic process (ZAK).) Tübingen, Germany: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Verhaltenstherapie (German Society for Behavior Therapy).

Klinger, E., Sevincer, A. T., & Oettingen, G. (2014). Zielablösezyklus. (Incentive-disengagement cycle). In M. A. Wirtz (Ed.), Dorsch Lexikon der Psychologie (Dorsch Lexicon of Psychology) (16th edition, p. 1698). Bern, Switzerland: Hans Huber.

Klinger, E. (2013). Adaptive functions and default nature of undirected thought, bliss or not: correcting

some misconceptions. Religion, Brain and Behavior, DOI: 10.1080/2153599X.2013.826725, 236-239.

Conference Papers and Presentations Gee, H.H., & Klinger, E. (1960). Absence of a social desirability factor in the Allport-Vernon-Lindzey Study of Values. Annual Convention of the American Psychological

Association. Klinger, E. (1963). Eliciting achievement fantasy with motion picture

stimuli. Annual Convention of the Midwestern Psychological Association.

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Klinger, E. (1968). Short-term stability and concurrent validity of TAT need scores: Achievement, affiliation, and hostile press. Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association.

Klinger, E. (1969). Instigation and symbolism in dreams, play, and fantasy. Presented as part of a symposium entitled "Dreams, daydreams, and the stream of thought: Their adaptive

role in cognition and personality," J. L. Singer, Chairman. Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association.

Klinger, E., Barta, S.G., & Kemble, E.D. (1974). Cyclic activity changes

during extinction in rats: A potential model of depression. Annual Convention of the Midwestern Psychological Association.

Klinger, E., Barta, S.G., Mahoney, T.W., et al. (1975). Motivation, mood, and mental events: Patterns and implications for adaptive processes Presented as part of the Kittay

Scientific Foundation's Third International Symposium entitled "The Psychopathology of Human Adaptation," New York, April 6-8, 1975. Published in G. Servan (Ed.)(1976). The psychopathology of human adaptation (pp.95-112). New York: Plenum.

Klinger, E. (1975). The nature of fantasy and its clinical uses. Presented as part of a symposium entitled "Imagery approaches in psychotherapy: Theoretical

and clinical implications," J. L. Singer, Chair. Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association.

Klinger, E. (1975). Chair and discussant for symposium entitled "Structure in Play and Fantasy." Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association. Klinger, E. (1978). Thought flow and literary communication. Presented as part of a symposium entitled "Personality, Situation, and Motives in Aesthetic Production and

Response," C. Martindale, Chair. Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association.

Klinger, E., & Barta, S.G. (1978). Mental Imagery in situ: Properties

and dimensions. Presented as part of a symposium entitled "Describing consciousness: Randomly sampling the stream of thought," A.T. Beck, Chair. Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association.

Klinger, E., Barta, S.G., & Glas, R.A. (1979). Thought content and gap time in basketball. Presented at Symposium on Sport Psychology, University of Minnesota, Duluth. Klinger, E. (1980). The central place of imagery in human functioning.

Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of Mental Imagery, Minneapolis. Klinger, E. (1981). Determinants and structure of thought flow. Presidential address, Annual meeting of the American Association for the Study of Mental Imagery, New Haven, CT. Klinger, E. (1982). The psychology of thought flow. Departmental colloquium, University

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of Pennsylvania. Klinger, E. (1982). Imagery and fantasy in everyday life and in therapy.

Keynote address, Minnesota Undergraduate Convention, Mankato, MN. Klinger, E. (1982). Imagery and fantasy in everyday life. Invited

address, American Association for the Study of Mental Imagery, Los Angeles. Cox, W. M., & Klinger, E. (1982). The effect of alcohol on activity level following reward shift. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Minneapolis. Klinger, E. (1983). The Interview Questionnaire technique: Reliability

and validity of a mixed idiographic-nomothetic measure of motivation. Eighth International Congress on Personality Assessment, Copenhagen.

Klinger, E. (1983). Motivation und Denkverlauf (Motivation and the flow of

thought.) Institut Colloquium, University of Marburg, Germany. Klinger, E. (1983). Motivation und Denkverlauf: Untersuchungen und Meßverfahren (Motivational effects on the stream of consciousness: Investigations and assessment techniques).

Max-Planck-Institut für Psychologische Forschung, Munich, Germany. Klinger, E. (1984). Katathymes Bilderleben und die neuere Vorstellungsforschung (Guided Affective Imagery and recent research on imagery). Conference in honor of Prof. Hanscarl

Leuner's 65th birthday, University of Göttingen. Klinger, E. (1984). Bedingungen des Denkverlaufs (Determinants of Thought Flow). Colloquium of the Psychologisches Institut, University of Bielefeld, Germany, 1984. Bock, M., & Klinger, E. (1984, 1985). Zur Interaktion von Emotion und Kognition. Paper read at the annual meeting of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychologie (German Society for

Psychology), Vienna, 1984, and Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen (Meeting of Experimental Psychologists), Wuppertal, Germany, 1985.

Bott, J., & Klinger, E. (1985). Assessment of Guided Affective Imagery: Methods of extracting quantitative and categorical variables from imagery sequences. Paper presented at the

World Congress on Mental Imagery, San Francisco, June, 1985. Klinger, E., & Cox, W. M. (1985). Dimensions of thought flow in everyday life. Invited paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Los Angeles. Parks, C., Klinger, E., & Perlmutter, M. (1985). Properties of thoughts as a function of age, gender, and task difficulty. Invited paper presented at the annual meeting of the American

Psychological Association, Los Angeles. Cox, W. M., & Klinger, E. (1986). Enhancing alcohol-dependent veterans' motivation to

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recover. Paper presented as part of a symposium, "Nontraditional Approaches to Treat Alcohol-Dependent Veterans," W. M. Cox (Chair), at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Washington, D. C.

Klinger, E. (1986). Keeping your mind on your work: Research on thought flow. Paper presented as part of a symposium, "Recent research on cognition and affect: Implications for I/O

psychology," L. Roberson (Chair), at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Washington, D. C.

Cox, W. M., & Klinger, E. (1986). A motivational intervention for

alcohol dependence. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Chicago.

Cox, W. M., & Klinger, E. (1987). A motivational model of alcohol use: Treatment applications. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Southeastern Psychological

Association, Atlanta, Georgia. Klinger, E. (1987). Emotional mediation of motivational influences on cognitive processes. Paper presented at the 2nd biennial international Workshop on Achievement and Task

Motivation, Castle Ringberg, Germany. Klinger, E. (1987). Vermittelt Emotion zwischen Motivation und Kognition? (Does emotion mediate between motivation and cognition?) Paper presented at a colloquium of the

Psychology Department, University of Bielefeld, Germany. Cox, W. M., & Klinger, E. (1987). An incentive-motivational intervention for problem drinking. Paper presented at the Fourth International Conference on Treatment of Addictive

Behaviors, Bergen, Norway. Cox, W. M., & Klinger, E. (1987). How nonchemical incentives affect the motivation to use alcohol. Paper presented at the symposium, "Motivational Determinants of Alcohol Use," at

the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, New York. Klinger, E. (1987). What people think about and when they think it.

Invited paper presented as part of the symposium, "What People Think About," at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, New York, 1987.

Klinger, E. (1987). Thought flow. Psychology Department colloquium,

Mankato State University, Mankato, MN, November. Cox, W. M., & Klinger, E. (1988). Assessing and changing alcoholics'

motivational structure. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Society for Personality Assessment, New Orleans, LA, March.

Klinger, E. (1988). Emotional mediation of motivational influences on

cognitive processing. Paper read at a colloquium of the Department of Psychology, University of Illinois, Champaign, IL, April 14.

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Klinger, E. (1988). Some motivational and emotional factors in

directing cognitive processing. Invited paper read at the annual meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, April 28.

Klinger, E. (1988). Motivation and emotion in the flow of imagery and

cognition. Invited keynote address to the annual meeting of the American Association for the Study of Mental Imagery, New Haven, CT, June 18.

Klinger, E. (1988). The nature of mental imagery and its implications

for vocal identity. Invited address to the 8th Annual Interdisciplinary Conference on the Use and Care of the Human Voice: From Speech to Singing, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, July 14.

Cox, W. M., & Klinger, E. (1988). Motivating alcoholics for a nonalcoholic lifestyle: An experiential workshop. Two invited workshops held at the 31st Annual Institute of Alcohol and

Drug Studies, University of Texas, Austin, July 28. Cox, W. M., & Klinger, E. (1988). Motivational counseling for alcoholics. Symposium paper presented as part of a symposium on "Motivational Factors in Recovery from Alcohol

Problems," Mark S. Goldman, Chair, at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association, Atlanta, Georgia, August.

Klinger, E. (1988). Guided Affective Imagery. Invited symposium paper presented as part of a symposium on "Imagery and Its Applications" at the 24th International Congress of

Psychology, Sydney, Australia, August 29. Klinger, E. (1988). What is the role of motivation in cognition? Invited symposium paper presented as part of a symposium on "Motivation and Volition" at the 24th International

Congress of Psychology, Sydney, Australia, August 29. Cox, W. M., Klinger, E., Blount, J. P., Thaler, D., & Thurmond, B. (1989). Concurrent validity of the Motivational Structure Questionnaire for Alcoholics. Poster session paper

presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, New Orleans. Klinger, E. (1989). Motivation and imagination. Invited keynote address to the 3rd biennial international Workshop on Achievement and Task Motivation, Bochum, West Germany,

October 2. Klinger, E. (1989). The power of daydreaming. Invited lecture in the "Lectures at Lunch" series to the St. Paul Chamber of Commerce, St. Paul, MN, December 8. (Sponsored by

Continuing Education and Extension.) Klinger, E., Murphy, M. D., Ostrem, J. L., & Stark, K. S. (1990). Disclosing daydreams: Attitudes, emotional reactions, and personality correlates. Paper presented at the annual meeting

of the American Association for the Study of Mental Imagery, Lowell, MA, June 15.

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Klinger, E. (1991). Daydreaming and the way our minds flow. Invited public lecture at University of Minnesota Hospitals "Food for Thought" series, Minneapolis, March 20. Klinger, E. (1992). Daydreaming: Emerging knowledge about naturally occurring imagery. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Study of Mental

Imagery, Montreal, May 30. Klinger, E. (1992). Emotional mediation of cognitive influences on cognitive processing. Paper presented at the Nags Head Conference of Affect and Cognition, Highland Beach, Florida,

June 5. Bock, M., Klinger, E., & Schneider, K. (1992). Are emotional effects of words mediated by lexical meaning? Paper presented at the 25th International Congress of Psychology, Brussels,

Belgium, July 21, 1992. Klinger, E., Felland, L. K., Muehl, M., Pagliarello, J., Palmer, D. A., Polusny, A., & Beyer, S. (1992). Studies of hate as a distinct reaction system. Paper presented at the 25th

International Congress of Psychology, Brussels, Belgium, July 24, 1992. Cox, W. M., Blount, J. P., & Klinger, E. (1992). Assessing the motivational basis for problem drinking. Paper presented at the 36th International Congress on Alcohol and Drug

Dependence, Glasgow, Scotland, August, 1992. Klinger, E. (1992). Some evidence for the intertwining of motivational and emotional factors in cognitive processing. Colloquium address at the Center for Research in Learning,

Perception, and Cognition, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, October 22, 1992. Cox, W. M., Klinger, E., Schippers, G. M., Skutle, A., Blount, J. P., Laberg, J. C., Bursell, A. L.,

Inderhaug, R., Kalkman, J., & van Leeuwen, B. (1993). Motivational structure and alcohol use among American, Dutch, and Norwegian college students. Paper presented at the 6th International Conference on Treatment of Addictive Behaviors, Santa Fe, New Mexico, January 10-14, 1993.

Klinger, E. (1993). Emotional influences on cognitive processing, with implications for theories of both. Paper delivered at the Conference on Motivation and Action, Ringberg Castle,

Rottach Egern, Germany, July 12-16, 1993. Bauer, D., Blount, J. P., Cox, W. M., & Klinger, E. (1994). Two motivational clusters of

alcoholics. In W. M. Cox & D. Bauer (Chairs), Alcoholic typologies: Recent advances in research and treatment. Symposium at the 102nd Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, August, 1994, Los Angeles.

Crowe, P. A., Cox, W. M., Blount, J. P., & Klinger, E. (1994). Relationships among

perceived alcohol facilitation and treatment outcome. Paper presented at the 102nd Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, August, 1994, Los Angeles.

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Klinger, E. (1994). Systematic Motivational Counseling: Conceptual basis. Lecture presented at workshop "Integrating Substance Abuse Interventions to Maximize Vocational

Rehabilitation outcomes for People with Traumatic Brain Injury," May 19-20, Chicago, Illinois. Bauer, D., Blount, J. P., Cox, W. M., & Klinger, E. (1994). Two motivational clusters of alcoholics. Paper presented at the symposium, "Alcoholic Typologies: Recent Advances in

Research" (W. M. Cox and D. Bauer, Co-Chairs), at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Los Angeles.

Crowe, P. A., Cox, W. M., Blount, J. P., Klinger, E., & Bauer, D. (1994). Relationships

among perceived alcohol facilitation and treatment outcome. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Los Angeles.

Bauer, D., Cox, W. M., Blount, J., & Klinger, E. (1995). Motivational factors as predictors of treatment outcome. Paper presented May, 1995, at the Annual Conference of the

Research Society on Alcoholism, Steamboat Springs, Colorado. Bauer, D., Cox, W. M., Blount, J. P, & Klinger, E. (1995). Cognitive functioning as a predictor of alcoholics' treatment outcome. Paper presented at the 23rd annual meeting of the

International Neuropsychological Society, Seattle, WA, February, 1995. Klinger, E. (1995 May 20). Motivation und Emotion: Ihr Wesen und ihr Verhältnis.

Invited keynote lecture, Symposium on Motivation in Memory of Klaus Schneider, Bochum, Germany.

Heinemann, A. W., Schmidt, M. F., Miranti, V., Cox, W. M., Langley, M., Ridgely, M.,

Klinger, E., & Blount, J. P. (1995). Effectiveness of two substance abuse treatments for adults with traumatic brain injury. Paper presented in June, 1995, at the 72nd annual meeting of the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine, in Arlington, Virginia.

Klinger, E. (1995 July 10). Motivation und Emotion: Theoretische Überlegungen und

deren Anwendung. Departmental colloquium, University of Konstanz, Germany. Heinemann, A.W., Schmidt, M., Miranti, S.V., Cox, W. M., Ridgely, M., Klinger, E., Blount, J. (1995). Effectiveness of two substance abuse treatments for adults with traumatic

brain injury. Paper presented at the 103rd annual convention of the American Psychological Association, New York, New York, August, 1995.

Klinger, E. (1996). Microinfluences of protoemotional reactions and motivation on cognitive processing. Invited colloquium of the Center for Research in Learning, Perception, and

Cognition, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, April 4. Klinger, E., Goetzman, E., Hughes, T., & Seppelt, T. (1996). Microinfluences of protoemotional reactions and motivation on cognitive processing. Invited paper delivered at the

annual meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, May 4.

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Stuchlíková, I., & Klinger, E. (1996). Are test anxiety and motivational structure related? Paper presented at the 17th International Conference of the Stress and Anxiety Research Society,

July 5-7, Graz, Austria. Klinger, E., Goetzman, E., Hughes, T., Seppelt, T., Leppink, D. F., & Peterson, T. A. (1996). Exploring protoemotional involvement in word processing. Invited paper delivered at

the symposium on "Emotion and Cognition: Effect on Word Processing" at the quadrennial meeting of the International Congress of Psychology, August, Montreal.

Klinger, E. (1997). Gegenwärtige Anliegen: Abenteuer eines motivationales und volitionales

Konstruktes (Current concerns: Adventures of a motivational and volitional construct). Invited colloquium talk, Department of Psychology, University of Osnabrück, Germany, July 7.

Klinger, E., Man, F., & Stuchlikova, I. (1997). Current concerns theory related to anxiety

and alcohol use. Paper delivered at the 18th International Conference of the Stress and Anxiety Research Society, Düsseldorf, Germany, July 14.

Stuchlikova, I., Man, F., & Klinger, E. (1997). Motivational structure in low and high state-oriented alcoholics. Paper delivered at the 18th International Conference of the Stress and

Anxiety Research Society, Düsseldorf, Germany, July 14. Man, F., Stuchlikova, I., & Klinger, E. (1997). Relationship between the Motivational

Structure Questionnaire and the Freiburg Personality Inventory among alcoholic and nonalcoholic samples. Poster delivered at the 18th International Conference of the Stress and Anxiety Research Society, Düsseldorf, Germany, July 14.

Klinger, E. (1997). Motivational and emotional effects on mental imagery. Lecture at the

19th Annual Conference of the American Association of Mental Imagery, Madison/Middleton, Wisconsin, August 22.

Mortensen, W., E., LaPointe, N. E., Anderson, M. A., & Klinger, E. (1999). Goal-related cues elicit more positive early evoked potentials than other cues. 14th Annual Red River Psychology

Conference, March 26, Moorhead, MN. LaPointe, N. E., & Klinger, E. (1999). Delineating early ERP responses to concern-related and nonconcern-related words. Paper presented at the Minnesota Undergraduate Psychology

Conference, Carleton College, May 7, Northfield, MN. Cox, W. M., Klinger, E., Schippers, G. M., Skutle, A., Stuchlikova, I., Man, F., Bursell, A. L., &

Inderhaug, R. (1999, June-July). Alcohol use and motivational structure of American, Czech, Dutch, and Norwegian college students. Poster presented at the Joint European Conference of the International Association of Cross-Cultural Psychology and the International Test Commission, Karl-Franzens-Universität, Graz, Austria.

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Klinger, E. (1999). The search for meaning: An evolutionary perspective with clinical implications. Paper presented at the 107th Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association as part of the symposium, “The Quest for Personal Meaning,” Prem S. Fry, Chair, in Boston, MA, August 21, 1999.

Klinger, E., LaPointe, N. E., Perrine, S. J., & Yang, P. (2001). Brain discrimination of goal-related cues

begins within 100 milliseconds of stimulus onset. Poster presented at the 2nd Annual Meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, San Antonio, Texas, February 2, 2001.

Glasner, S.V., Cox, W.M., Klinger, E., & Parish, C. (2001, April). Motivational

structure as a predictor of post-treatment drinking in a male alcoholic sample. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Addiction Medicine (Los Angeles, CA).

Klinger, E., LaPointe, N. E., Perrine, S. J., & Yang, P. (2001). Brain discrimination of goal-related cues

begins within 100 milliseconds of stimulus onset. Poster presented at the symposium Mind and Emotion: From the Molecular to the Cultural, hosted by the Center for Cognitive Sciences, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, May 17, 2001.

Klinger, E. (2001). Life, death, and the pursuit of goals: Effects of goal pursuits on cognitive-processing

priorities and emotional experience. Talk given at the Personality Research Brownbag, Department of Psychology, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, Oct. 5, 2001.

Klinger, E. (2001). Life, death, and the pursuit of goals. Invited lecture as part of the lecture series “Life

goals, evolution and mood” produced by the Evolution and Human Adaptation Program, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Oct. 9, 2001.

Klinger, E. (2001). Depression: Nature's way of telling you to slow down. Invited lecture to Grand

Rounds, Department of Psychiatry, University of Michigan Medical School, Ann Arbor, Oct. 10, 2001.

Klinger, E. (2003). Systematic Motivational Counseling: An Empirically Grounded, Theory-Based

Approach. Invited lecture, University of Wales at Bangor, August 8. Klinger, E., Perrine, S. J., Goetzman, E. S, Hughes, T, & Bock, M. (2004). Emotional and Motivational

Factors in Word Recall. Poster presented at the 5th Annual Meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Austin, TX, January 30.

Fadardi, J. S., Cox, W. M., & Klinger, E. (2004). Do executive cognitive functions predict attentional bias for substance-related stimuli? Poster presented at the 12th Iranian Researchers Conference

in Europe, University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology, UK, July 2-3.

Shamloo, Z. S., Cox, W. M., Klinger, E., &. Fadardi, J. S. (2004). Are personality subtypes and response patterns related to substance abusers’ motivational structure? Poster presented at the 12th Iranian Researchers Conference in Europe, University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology, UK, July 2-3.

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Klinger, E. (2004). Systematic Motivational Counseling: An empirically grounded, theory-based approach. Workshop presented at the University of Minnesota, Morris, September 20.

Klinger, E., Henning, V. R., & Janssen, J. M. (2005, January). Examination of a scale for fantasy-

proneness. Poster presented at the 6th Annual Meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, New Orleans, LA.

Klinger, E. (2005). Systematic Motivational Counseling: An empirically grounded, theory-based

approach. Workshop presented at the annual meeting of the Minnesota Social Services Association, Bloomington, March 16.

Klinger, E., Cox, W. M., Fadardi, J. S., & Shamloo, Z. S. (2006). Regulatory implications of

motivational structure for control of alcohol use. Paper presented as part of the symposium Motivational Self-Regulation in Goal Engagement and Goal Disengagement at the annual preconference of the Association for Research in Personality, Palm Springs, CA, January 26, 2006.

Klinger, E.,& Cox, W. M. (2006). Introduction to the Symposium: Motivational Counseling for Addictive

Behaviors: Concepts, Approaches, and Idiothetic Assessment. Symposium presented at the 111th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, New Orleans, August 10, 2006.

Klinger, E.,& Cox, W. M. (2006). Nature and psychometric properties of the Motivational Structure

Questionnaire and Personal Concerns Inventory. Paper presented as part of the symposium Motivational Counseling for Addictive Behaviors: Concepts, Approaches, and Idiothetic Assessment at the 111th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, New Orleans, August 10, 2006.

Cox, W. M., Klinger, E., & Shamloo, Z. S. (2006). Systematic Motivational Counseling. Paper presented as

part of the symposium Motivational Counseling for Addictive Behaviors: Concepts, Approaches, and Idiothetic Assessment at the 111th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, New Orleans, August 10, 2006.

Klinger, E. (2006). Goals, emotions, and motivational structure: determinants of cognitive processing

and self-regulation. Invited Henry A. Murray Award Address presented at the 111th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, New Orleans, August 12, 2006.

Klinger, E. (2007). Goal Pursuit as Organizational Core for Cognitive Processing, Emotion, and

Action; and Differences with Age. Invited Colloquium Talk at the Max Planck Institute for Human Development, February 6, 2007.

Kim, P., Klinger, E., & Mielke, A. M. (2007, April). Expectancy, personality traits and commission of

minor crimes: moderating and mediating effects of anticipated pleasure. Poster presented at the annual Undergraduate Research Symposium, University of Minnesota, Morris.

Kim, P., Klinger, E., & Mielke, A. M., & Kim, D. (2007, April). Expectancy, personality traits, and

commission expectancy, personality traits, and commission of minor crimes: Anticipated pleasure as a mediator. Poster presented at the annual Minnesota Undergraduate Psychology Conference, St. Olaf College, Northfield, MN.

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Kim, P., Klinger, E., & Mielke, A. M., & Kim, J. M. (2007, May). Expectancy, personality traits, and

commission expectancy, personality traits, and commission of minor crimes: Anticipated pleasure as a moderator. Poster presented at the annual Stanford Undergraduate Psychology Conference, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA.

Klinger, E., Gambrell, J. L., Cox, W. M., Fadardi, J. S., Stuchlíková, I., & Man, F. (2007, May). Age

Differences in Motivational Structure. Poster presented at the annual convention of the Association for Psychological Science, Washington, DC.

Klinger, E. (2007, July). Implicit and explicit measures of motivation: Conceptual issues, traditional

options, and idiothetic approaches. Symposium presentation as part of the invited symposium, Implicit and Explicit Motivation I: Conceptual issues, 10th European Congress of Psychology, Prague, Czech Republic.

Cox, W. M., Fadard, J. S., & Klinger, E. (2007). Techniques for Restructuring Motivation. Symposium

presentation as part of the invited symposium, Implicit and Explicit Motivation II: Conceptual issues, 10th European Congress of Psychology, Prague, Czech Republic.

Klinger, E. (2007, July). From needs to goals to motivational structure: Evolution of concepts, findings,

and conceptual problems. Invited State of the Art Talk, 10th European Congress of Psychology, Prague, Czech Republic.

Klinger, E. (2007, October). Participant in Roundtable, Daydreaming, night-dreaming, and stimulus-

independent thought. Philoctetes Center, New York. (

Klinger, E., Kim, P., & Mielke, A. (2008, Feb.). Accounting for engagement in minor crimes: Risk

moderates effects of value, pleasure mediates effects of trait aggression. Poster presented at the Annual Conference of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Cox, W. M., Klinger, E., &. Fadard, J. S. (2008, July). Motivational Restructuring: Theory, measurement,

applications. Symposium presentation as part of the invited symposium, Motivational Structure, I. Stuchlikova (Chair), 29th International Congress of Psychology, Berlin, Germany.

Klinger, E. (2008, July). A goal-theory view of Sehnsucht/Longing. Presentation as part of the symposium. The

Psychology of Sehnsucht (life longings): Connections with related psychological fields, D. Kotter-Grühn (Chair), 29th International Congress of Psychology, Berlin, Germany.

Klinger, E. (2008, July). Discussant, invited symposium, Motivational Structure, I. Stuchlikova (Chair), 29th

International Congress of Psychology, Berlin, Germany. Klinger, E. (2008, July). Discussant, invited symposium, Self-regulation and personal goals in different

domains, Katariina Salmela-Aro (Chair), 29th International Congress of Psychology, Berlin, Germany.

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Klinger, E., & Cox, W.M. (2012). A goal theory view of alcohol Abuse: Assessment and Treatment Approaches.

Presented as part of the symposium Alcohol Intake: Seduction and Self-Regulation, G. Oettingen & P. M. Gollwitzer (Chairs), Annual Meeting of the Society of Experimental Social Psychology, Austin, Texas, October 27.

Klinger, E. (2013). Dreams, daydreams, and mindwandering: Similar influences of goal commitments

on mental content. Paper presented at the symposium on Understanding the dream via understanding mental imagery, at the annual meeting of the International Association for the Study of Dreams, Virginia Beach, VA, USA, June 24.

Citation Statistics (Google Scholar) Cited Publications: at least 83 H-Index: 28

Grants Received Outside the University of Minnesota 1992-93 A. Skutle (Principal Investigator), W. M. Cox, E. Klinger, & J. Laberg, Universitetet i Bergen, Norway (NOK 10,000), "A Cross-Cultural Study of Motivational

Structure and Alcohol Use Among College Students" 1991-95 Extensively involved consultant, NIDRR Grant ($186,851), "Substance Abuse as a Barrier to Employment following Traumatic Brain Injury" to the Rehabilitation Institute of

Chicago, W. Miles Cox, Principal Investigator 1989-92 Coinvestigator, NIAAA Grant #ALCP-1/1-R21 AA08265 ($112,572), "Developing a Motivational Typology of Alcoholics," to the University of Health

Sciences/Chicago Medical School; W. Miles Cox, Principal Investigator 1973-80 NIMH Grant 1 RO1 MH24804 ($353,534), "Respondent Mentation and Responses to Life Situations" 1975-76 Fulbright Senior Scholar fellowship to develop theory on cognitive-motivational interface, Ruhr University, Bochum, Germany 1970-72 USOE Grant OEG-6-70-0011 (509) ($5,512), "Social Status Effects on Achievement Motivation" 1969-72 NSF Grant GS-2735 ($57,900), "Structure and Determinants of Fantasy" 1964-69 NSF Grants GS-458 and GS-1346 ($94,000), "Stimulus Determinants of Fantasy and Identification" 1953 Social Science Research Council Summer Undergraduate Research Training Fellowship

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Within the University 1972-91 University of Minnesota Graduate School and institutional support totaling $21,780 1980-82 (with W. Miles Cox) Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Program, U. of Minnesota ($6,600), "Current Concerns and Alcohol Consumption: Some Reciprocal Relationships 1961-62 University of Wisconsin Graduate School grant ($1800) for study of personality scale construction, item characteristics

SERVICE Statewide Service Paterson Award Committee (Minnesota Psychological Association), 1990, 1992 Psychology Articulation Committee, 1993-95 All-University Service Committees: Faculty Education Advisory Committee, 1999-2001 Training Subcommittee of the Grants Management Committee, 1998-99 Senate Committee on Research, 1989-95, 1997-2001 Committee to Evaluate the Director of the Office of Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action, 1990 Cambridge Exchange Scholarship Committee, 1990-91 Sexual Harassment Board, 1986-92 Bush Sabbatical Grants Screening Committee, 1985-86, 1991 Faculty Summer Research Grants Committee, 1979-81 Search Committee, Vice President for Academic Affairs, 1979-80 Single Quarter Leave Committee, 1976-78 University of Minnesota Press Committee, 1973-78 Ad hoc Committee on Faculty Accountability, 1973-75 Joint Subcommittee on Equal Opportunity for Faculty and Student Women, 1971-73 Senate Committee on Faculty Affairs, 1969-71 Ad hoc Advisory Committee to Review Sabbatical Policy, 1968 Senate Committee on Closed-Circuit Television, 1966-68 Senate Committee on Faculty Welfare, 1963-68 University Senate, elected member 1962-65, 1969-72; alternate, 1968-69, 1993-95

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UMM Service Committees: Committee to Review the Chair of the Division of Science and Mathematics, 2006 Assessment of Student Learning Committee, 1998-2001 Chancellor Search Committee (Chair), 1999-2000 Assessment of General Education Subcommittee of the Curriculum Committee and Assessment of Student Learning Task Force, 1997-98 General Education Committee, 1996-97 Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and Academic Dean Search Committee, 1994-95 UMM Grants Development Committee, 1992-2001 UMM Promotion and Tenure Committee, 1992-95 Division of Education Promotion and Tenure Committee (external member), 1992-96 Horace T. Morse-Alumni (formerly "-Amoco"/"-Standard Oil") Award Screening/Nominating Committee, 1973 (chair)-1978, 1991, 1994-96 Scholastic Committee, 1989-90 Curriculum Committee Subcommittee on Course Selection for New General Education

Requirements, 1987-88 New Directions Task Force, 1986-87 Carver (Director of Counseling) Evaluation Committee, 1986 Bush Sabbatical Grants Screening Committee(Chair), 1985-86 International Programs Committee (Chair), 1982-83 Ad hoc Committee on Student Recruitment, 1977-79 Committee to Evaluate the Academic Dean, 1976-77 Teaching Improvement and Evaluation Committee, 1976-78 Grievance Committee (elected member), 1976-78 Social Sciences Division Chairperson Review Committee (Chair), 1975, 1992 Classroom-Office Building User Committee (Chair), 1971-72 Morris Campus Planning Committee, 1969-73 Curriculum Committee, 1964-68 (Chair, 1965-68) Social Sciences Division Chairperson Selection Advisory Committee, 1967-68 Research Advisory Committee, 1964-66 Library Committee, 1962-64, 1981-82 Intercollegiate Athletics Committee, 1962-64, 1969-72 (Chair, 1963-64)

Professional Service Activities

Journal Manuscript Reviewer (49 journals) APA Journals (13) American Psychologist Developmental Psychology Emotion Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology Journal Manuscript Reviewer, APA Journals (Continued)

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Journal of Abnormal Psychology

Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology Journal of Personality and Social Psychology Motivation Psychological Assessment

Psychological Bulletin Psychological Review Psychology of Addictive Behaviors Psychology and Aging Other Journals (36) Academy of Management Review Addiction

Advances in Personality and Social Psychology American Journal of Psychology Behavioral and Brain Sciences Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice Cognitive Therapy and Research Consciousness and Cognition European Journal of Social Psychology

Frontiers in Perception Science Imagination, Cognition, and Personality International Journal of Behavioral Development International Journal of Psychology Journal of Applied Social Psychology Journal of Consciousness Studies Journal of Experimental Child Psychology Journal of Happiness Studies Journal of Mental Imagery Journal of Mind and Behavior

Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease Journal of Religion and Health

Journal of Research in Personality Merrill-Palmer Quarterly

Perceptual and Motor Skills Perception and Psychophysics Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin PLOS ONE Psychological Reports Psychological Science

Psychophysiology Public Library of Science

Review of Educational Research Journal Manuscript Reviewer, Other Journals (Continued)

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Review of General Psychology

Sociometry The Social Science Journal

Other Editorial Activities Book manuscript reviewer for Elsevier, Oxford U. Press, Psychology Press Associate Editor, Encyclopedia of Psychology (2000), Oxford University Press and American Psychological Association, 1996-99 Advisory/Editorial Board, Imagination, Cognition, and Personality, 1981--- Consulting Editor, Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 1978-82 Editorial Board, Journal of Mental Imagery, 1977-82 Biographic Listings American Men and Women of Science, 1961- Contemporary Authors, 1972- Dictionary of International Biography, 1973- International Authors and Writers Who's Who, 1977- International Scholars Directory, 1972- National Register of Health Service Providers in Psychology, 1978- Outstanding Educators of American, 1972- The Writers Directory, 1976- Who's Who Among Human Services Professionals, 1992- Marquis Who’s Who, 2006- Other Service Member, Scientific Advisory Council (Wissenschaftlicher Beirat) for the Max Planck Institute for

Psychological Research, Munich, Germany, 1985-97 Member, Committee for the Henry A. Murray Award for Contributions to Personology (APA Division 8), 1989-91 (Chair, 1990-91) Member, CIES Screening Committee for Senior Fulbright Scholars in psychology, 1982-83. Member, APA Division 8 Committee on the Advancement of Personality Psychology (1977-82)

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Licensure Licensed (before 1974 licensure legislation: Certified; 1974-92 Licensed Consulting Psychologist (the

highest classification); 1992---- Licensed Psychologist; Minnesota License No. C83 1974-92, No. LP1803 1992---

Public Service Activities Program Evaluation External program reviewer for the Psychology Department at the University of Massachusetts at Lowell,

March 2-3, 2006 Clinical Activity Consultancy with the Life Center, Stevens Community Memorial Hospital (now Stevens Community

Medical Center), Morris, MN, involving supervision of therapy and diagnostics as well as occasional provision of clinical services (1987-89);

Sporadic small-scale private practice of psychotherapy; Periodic grand rounds, VA consulting, in- service workshops, etc. Community Service Morris Intercity Transit Committee (Chair), 1993-94 (secured van service Morris to Twin Cities after

demise of bus service) West Central Minnesota Regional Five-County Transportation Needs Assessment Steering Committee, Stevens County representative, 1994-95 Other Consulting Activities Dissertation Committee, external member, Institute for Transpersonal Psychology, Palo Alto, CA, 2008-

2010 Consultant, Tibor Palfai’s NIAAA Project, Secondary Prevention of Alcohol Dependence and

Depression among College Students (2007-2010) External Examiner for two doctoral candidates, Bangor University, UK (2003-2007) External Examiner, University of Western Australia