CURRICULUM VITAE of Prof. Hussain Al-Ahmad · CURRICULUM VITAE of Prof. Hussain Al-Ahmad . 2...

1 CURRICULUM VITAE of Prof. Hussain Al-Ahmad

Transcript of CURRICULUM VITAE of Prof. Hussain Al-Ahmad · CURRICULUM VITAE of Prof. Hussain Al-Ahmad . 2...




Prof. Hussain Al-Ahmad



1. Personal Details

2. Experience

3. Visiting Posts

4. Membership of Professional Institutions

5. Academic Responsibilities

6. Accreditations

7. Research and Scholarly Activities

8. Professional Activities

9. Teaching and Training Activities

10. Invited Seminars

11. Academic Consultancies

12. Computers and Software Skills

13. Membership of Committees

14. Competitions

15. Honors and Awards

16. Languages


1- Personal Details

Name: Prof. Hussain Al-Ahmad

Address: Khalifa University of Science, Technology and Research

P.O. Box 573

Sharjah, UAE

Nationality: British

Telephone: 0097155-6316418

Email: [email protected]

Current Position: Professor Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering

Khalifa University of Science, Technology and Research


Qualifications: B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering University of Basra, Iraq, 1976

M.Sc in Microwave Communication Engineering University of Leeds, UK, 1979

Ph.D. in Signal Processing University of Leeds, UK, 1984

Professional Affiliation: FIET, C.Eng, SMIEEE, MBCS, CITP, ASIS, FRPS

Areas of Expertise: Engineering Education, Image and Signal Processing,

Remote Sensing and Propagation



2.1 Full Time

Oct 2009 to date Professor

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Khalifa University of Science, Technology and Research, UAE

Jan.2012-Dec 2014 Program Chair, Electrical and Electronic Engineering Degree

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Khalifa University of Science, Technology and Research, UAE

Oct. 2009-Dec. 2011 Founding Head of the Electronic Engineering Department

Khalifa University of Science, Technology and Research, UAE

Feb.2001-Sept 2009 Professor

Etisalat University College, UAE

March 2000-Sept 2009 Founding Head of the Electronic Engineering Department

Etisalat University College, UAE

March 1996-Jan 2001 Associate Professor

Etisalat University College, UAE

March 1991-March 1996 Lecturer

Electronic Imaging and Media Communications Unit

Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering

University of Bradford, UK

Oct. 1986-July 1990 Assistant Professor

Department of Electronic Engineering

Faculty of Technological Studies, Kuwait

April 1986-Sept. 1986 Lecturer

School of Electrical Engineering

Leeds Beckett University UK

Aug. 1984-Feb. 1986 Research Fellow

Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Portsmouth University, UK

Oct. 1983-July 1984 Research Associate

Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Portsmouth University, UK

April 1979-Sept. 1983 Research Student

Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering

University of Leeds, UK


2.2 Part Time

Jan. 1991- Oct. 1995 External Lecturer

Department of Surveying

University of Salford, UK

Oct. 1984-Jan. 1985 Lecturer

Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Portsmouth University, UK

Oct. 1979-June 1983 Teaching Assistant

Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering

University of Leeds, UK

3- Visiting Posts July 2012 Visiting Academic

Satellite Technology Research Center

Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)


Sept 1993 & May 1994 Visiting Academic

Department of Electronics and Applied Physics

University of Umea, Sweden

Summer 1989 and 1990 Research Visitor

Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering

University of Leeds, UK

4- Professional Institutions

4.1 Membership

1. Fellow of the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET)

2. Chartered Engineer (C.Eng)

3. Senior member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE)

4. Member of the following IEEE societies:

Education - Signal Processing – Computer - Geoscience & Remote Sensing- Circuit &


5. Member of BCS The Chartered Institute for IT (MBCS)

6. Chartered IT Professional (CITP)

7. Accredited Senior Imaging Scientist (ASIS)

8. Fellow of the British Royal Photographic Society (FRPS)

4.2 Activities

1. Vice Chairman of the IEEE UAE section 2012 to date

2. Vice Chairman of the Middle East section of BCS The Chartered Institute for IT, 2006 to


3. Chairman of the IEEE UAE Education Chapter 2015-2016

4. Member of the Executive Committee of the IEEE UAE section, 2004 to date.


5. Chairman of the IEEE UAE Computer Chapter, 2008-2012.

6. Vice Chairman and founder member of the UAE IEEE Signal Processing and

Communication Chapter, 2005-2012.

7. Vice Chairman and founder member of the Computer Chapter at the UAE IEEE Section,


8. IEEE Student Counsellor, Faculty of Technological Studies, Kuwait, 1990.

9. Secretary and founder member of the IEEE Section in Kuwait, 1990

5- Academic Responsibilities

5.1 Khalifa University of Science, Technology and Research

Sept 2014 to date Member of the University Academic Council

Jan. 2015 to date Chairman of the Program Improvement Committee

Jan. 2012- Dec. 2014 Program Chair of the Electrical and Electronic Engineering Degree

Jan 2013- Sept. 2014 Chairman of the ECE Curriculum Committee

Sept. 2009-Dec. 2011 Founding Head of the Electronic Engineering Department

April 2011-Dec. 2011 Co-Chair of the Strategic Planning Community Sub-Committee

5.2 Etisalat University College

March 2000-Sept. 2009 Founding Head of the Electronic Engineering Department

Sept. 2007-Sept. 2009 Chairman of the Projects Committee

March 2000- Sept. 2007 Chairman of the Curriculum Committee

April 2001- Sept. 2001 Chairman of the Academic Planning, Quality and Standards


Sept.1998-June 1999 Final Year Coordinator

Sept. 1996-June 1999 Final Year Projects Coordinator

March 1996- Sept.1998 Digital Processing Theme Area Leader

Oct 1996- Sept.1998 Chairman of the Courses Development Committee

Oct 1996-Sept. 1997 Chairman of the Learning Resources Committee

March-Sept. 1996 Chairman of the Computer Resources Committee

5.3 University of Bradford

July 1995-March 1996 Course Leader, B.Sc degree in Electronic Imaging and Media


Oct.1992-March 1996 Leader of the DSP Research Group

Sept. 1991-March 1996 Postgraduate Laboratory Demonstration Coordinator

March 1991-March1996 Continuing Education Coordinator

March 1995-March 1996 Mentor for the PGCE in Higher Education

Teaching Learning & Development Unit

Oct. 1993-June 1995 Final Year Tutor

July 1991-June 1995 Time Table Coordinator

5.4 Faculty of Technological Studies

June 1989-June1990 Short Courses Coordinator

6- Accreditations 1. ABET, Electrical and Electronic Eng. Degree, Khalifa University of Science, Technology


and Research 2014.

2. UAE Ministry of Higher Education, Electrical and Electronic Eng. Degree, Khalifa

University of Science, Technology and Research 2008 & 2012.

3. UAE Ministry of Higher Education, Electronic Eng. Degree, Degree, Etisalat University

College 2005

4. IET (IEE), Electronic Eng. Degree, Etisalat University College, 2002 & 2007

7- Research and Scholarly Activities

7.1 Postgraduate Supervision

I have successfully supervised the following Master and PhD students:

a- Master Projects

1. Saeed Al Nuaimi, Design and analysis of algorithms for obtaining super resolution of

satellite images, Khalifa University of Science, Technology and Research, UAE, 2014

2. Amaar Al Muhairi, Monitoring Abnormalities in UAE’s seawater using image

processing algorithms, Khalifa University of Science, Technology and Research, UAE,


3. Abdullah Bushahab, Algorithm development for forecasting, detecting and monitoring

fog events in the UAE using satellite imagery, Khalifa University of Science,

Technology and Research, UAE, 2010

4. Amani Ben Sewaif, Walsh functions for watermarking of digital images, Etisalat

University College, UAE, 2006

5. Ahmed Al-Gindy, Frequency domain techniques for colouring gray scale images,

University of Bradford, UK, 2004

6. Arfan Samha, Compression algorithms for still photographs and computer generated

images, University of Bradford, UK, 1997

7. Nidhal Ali, Frequency domain algorithms for colouring black and white images,

University of Bradford, UK, 1996

8. Emmanuel Damaskakos, Speech enhancement algorithms for reducing the background

noise, University of Bradford, UK, 1994

9. Samir Ammar, Frequency domain and pyramid techniques for image compression,

University of Bradford, UK, 1994

10. Ian Spittlehouse, A study of the relationship between RGB components and the

monochrome version of a colour image, University of Bradford, UK, 1994

11. Fahad Al-Faraj, Signal processors for ultrawideband radars, University of Bradford, UK,


12. Ali Al-Kulaibi, Adaptive digital recursive MTI filters for phased array radars, University

of Bradford, UK, 1993

13. Thamer Ali, Simulation of Channel multiplexing using Walsh functions, University of

Bradford, UK, 1993

14. Castory Ngowo, Doppler filters for phased array radars, University of Bradford, UK,


15. Bouajela Bennuba, The coefficient sensitivity of recursive MTI filters for phased array

radars, University of Bradford, UK, 1993

16. Ian Armstrong, Static and dynamic image compression using spatial techniques,

University of Bradford, UK, 1992

17. Khoo Chai, DSP algorithms for artificially colouring black and white photographs,


University of Bradford, UK, 1992

18. Abdulmoula Masaud, Simulation of carrier-free radars, University of Bradford, UK,


19. Lutfi Al-Basha, MTI processors for carrier-free radars, University of Bradford, UK,


20. Kamal Ahmed, Complex signal digital initialization processor, University of Bradford,

UK, 1991

b- PhD Projects

1. Fatma Taher, Early detection of lung cancer based on sputum colour image analysis,

Khalifa University of Science, Technology and Research, UAE, 2014

2. Alavi Kunhu, Design and analysis of robust and fragile multi-watermarking algorithms

for digital satellite images, Banasthali University, India, 2014

3. Taha Jassim, Wavelet techniques for watermarking colour images, University of

Bradford, UK, 2014

4. Kamal Ahmed, Algorithms for watermarking digital still images, University of

Manchester, UK, 2013

5. Ahmed Al-Gindy, Blind watermarking using transform domain techniques, University of

Bradford, UK, 2010

6. Jeedella Jeedella, Design and analysis of digital IIR filters using multiple frequency

initialization, to improve their transient response when processing a small number of

samples, University of Bradford, UK, 2008

7. Mohamed Elshebani, Digital clutter rejection processors for surveillance radars,

University of Bradford, UK, 1997

8. Mazin Musa, Optimum recursive MTI filters for phased array radars, University of

Bradford, UK, 1996

9. Bashar Ibrahim, Analysis and design of recursive filters with a finite number of samples,

University of Bradford, UK, 1996

10. Sarfraz Hussain, Velocity processors for ultrawideband radars, University of Bradford,

UK, 1995

7.2 Publications

7.2.1 Patent

H. Al-Ahmad & K. Ahmed, Complex initialisation processor for digital filters, UK Patent GB 2

264 413, 25th August 1993.

7.2.2 Refereed Conferences and Journals

1. H. Al-Ahmad & G.B. Lockhart, Performance of recursive digital MTI filters with

finite number of samples, IEE Proc. part F., UK, Feb. 1982, pp. 68-69.

2. E. Vilar, H. Smith, G.D. Jones & H. Al-Ahmad, CERS millimeter-wave beacon

package and related Doppler correction strategies. IEE Colloquium on CERS, UK,

1984, pp.10/1-10.

3. P.Banjo, H. Al-Ahmad & E.Vilar, Tropospheric amplitude spectra due to absorption

and scattering in earth-space paths. Proceedings of the International Conference on

Antenna and Propagation ICAP 85, UK, 1985, pp. 77-82.

4. H. Al-Ahmad, J. Austin & E. Vilar, Doppler frequency correction for the non-

geostationary communication satellite, Techniques for CERS and T-SAT, IEE


Colloquium on Low Noise Oscillators and Synthesizers, UK, 1986, pp.4/1.

5. H. Al-Ahmad & G.B. Lockhart, Bandwidth analysis of recursive filters for step scan

radars, Proceedings of the 1990 Gulf Digital Signal Processing Symposium, Kuwait,

1990, pp. C2/1-10.

6. Y. Al-Jalili, S. Al-Shariada & H. Al-Ahmad, An automatic modulation recognition

system, Proceedings of the 1990 Gulf Digital Signal Processing Symposium, Kuwait,

1990, pp. A2/1-14.

7. H. Al-Ahmad, S. Al-Shiraida & Y. Al-Jalili, Intelligent software for Doppler

correction in non-geostationary satellites. Proceedings of the 1990 Gulf Expert

Systems Symposium, Kuwait, 1990, pp. C1-C11.

8. H. Al-Ahmad & G.B. Lockhart, Digital covariance recursive filters for phased array

radars, Proceedings of the 1990 Bilkent International Conference on New Trends in

Communication, Control, and Signal Processing, Turkey, 1990, pp. 1560-1566.

9. H. Al-Ahmad & G.B. Lockhart, A novel design method of recursive filters with

optimum clutter rejection utilising initialisation. Proceedings of the 1990 International

Conference on Signal Processing, China, 1990, pp. 749-752.

10. H. Al-Ahmad & G.B. Lockhart, Optimum digital recursive filters for step scan phased

array radars, Proceedings of the 1991 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and

Systems (ISCAS), Singapore, 1991, pp. 440-443. (10.1109/ISCAS.1991.176368 )

11. H. Al-Ahmad & G.B. Lockhart, Bandwidth techniques for digital recursive filters

used in step scan radars, International Journal of Electronics, Vol 73, No.3, Sept. 1992,

pp. 539-547.

12. M. Musa & H. Al-Ahmad, Zero frequency initialisation of complex digital recursive

filters, Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Communication Theory

and Applications, UK, 1993, pp. 102-105.

13. F. Al-Faraj & H. Al-Ahmad, An MTI processor for ultrawideband radars, Proceedings

of the International Conference on Signal Processing Technology and Applications

(ICSPAT), USA, 1993, pp. 1238-1243.

14. M. Musa & H. Al-Ahmad, Complex digital IIR filters with a finite number of samples

for phased array radars, IEE SARAGA Colloquium on Digital and Analogue Filters

and Filtering Systems, UK, 1993, pp. 13/1-4.

15. D.P.Howson, H. Al-Ahmad & H. Kennedy, New education programs involving

computer graphics, Proceedings of the 1993 Eurographics Conference, Portugal, 1993,

pp. 97-103.

16. H. Al-Ahmad & G.B. Lockhart, Design and analysis of recursive filters with optimum

clutter rejection using zero frequency initialisation, International Journal of

Electronics, Vol 75, No.6, Dec. 1993, pp. 1099-1109.

17. M. Musa & H. Al-Ahmad, Analysis of digital IIR filters processing a finite number of

samples with single frequency initialisation, Proceedings of the IEEE International

Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), UK, 1994, pp. 521-524.

18. H. Al-Ahmad & B. Ibrahim, Optimum IIR filters with improved bandwidth for phased

array radars, Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and

Systems (ISCAS), UK, 1994, pp. 421-424. (10.1109/ISCAS.1994.408992 )

19. S. Hussain & H. Al-Ahmad, A velocity processor for ultrawideband radars,

Proceedings of the European Signal Processing Conference (EURASIP), UK, 1994,

pp. 556-559.

20. S. Hussain & H. Al-Ahmad, Analysis of a velocity processor for ultrawideband radars

with zero dc pulses, Proceedings of the International Conference on Signal Processing


Technology and Applications (ICSPAT), USA, 1994, pp. 1344-1349.

21. H. Al-Ahmad, D. P. Howson & A. Katrami, Multimedia in signal processing

education, Proceedings of the Conference on Computers and Hypermedia in

Engineering Education and Related Areas, UK, 1995, pp. 367-371.

22. S. Hussain & H. Al-Ahmad, An ultrawideband radar velocity processor with wavelet

transform, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing,

Circuits and Systems (SICSPCS), Singapore, 1995, pp. 151-156.

23. M. Musa & H. Al-Ahmad, Minimax optimisation of IIR digital filters with a finite

number of samples and utilising initialisation, Proceedings of the IEEE International

Conference on Signal Processing, Circuits and Systems (SICSPCS), Singapore, 1995,

pp. 174-177.

24. S. Hussain & H. Al-Ahmad, An ultrawideband radar velocity processor for on-board

tracking of space debris, Proceedings of the European Conference on Circuit Theory

and Design (ECCTD), Turkey, 1995, pp. 867-870.

25. B. Ibrahim & H. Al-Ahmad, Design and analysis of digital IIR filters with optimum

bandwidth for phased array radars, Proceedings of the IASTED International

Conference on Signal and Image Processing (SIP), USA, 1995, pp.500-503.

26. B. Ibrahim & H. Al-Ahmad, Analysis of digital IIR filters with maximum usable

bandwidth for phased array radars, IEE SARAGA Colloquium on Digital and

Analogue Filters and Filtering Systems, UK, 1995, pp. 11/1-5.

27. M. Musa & H. Al-Ahmad, Optimisation of complex recursive digital filters operating

in the transient mode, IEE SARAGA Colloquium on Digital and Analogue Filters and

Filtering Systems, UK, 1995, pp. 16/1-5. (10.1049/ic:19951460 )

28. M. El-Shebani & H. Al-Ahmad, Rejection processor for step scan radars operating in

narrow band clutter environment, Proceedings of the International Symposium on

Digital Signal Processing (ISDSP), UK, 1996, pp. 51-55.

29. M. Musa & H. Al-Ahmad, Design of digital IIR processors with improved ripples for

radar applications, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Digital Signal

Processing (ISDSP), UK, 1996, pp. 133-137.

30. B. Ibrahim & H. Al-Ahmad, Coefficient sensitivity of digital IIR filters with optimum

bandwidth for phased array radars, Proceedings of the International Symposium on

Digital Signal Processing (ISDSP), UK, 1996, pp. 138-143.

31. K.C. Khoo, H. Al-Ahmad & M.S. Abou-Naaj, An algorithm for colouring black and

white images, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Digital Signal

Processing (ISDSP), UK, 1996, pp. 175-180.

32. G. Baker, C. Reeve & H. Al-Ahmad, Digital signal processing algorithms for

converting video into animation, Proceedings of the International Symposium on

Digital Signal Processing (ISDSP), UK, 1996, pp. 181-186.

33. B. Ibrahim & H. Al-Ahmad, Coefficient sensitivity of improved IIR filters with zero

frequency intialisation, Proceedings of the International Conference on Signal and

Image Processing (SIP), USA, 1996, pp.198-202.

34. S. Hussain & H. Al-Ahmad, A Wavelet velocity processor for airborne ultrawideband

radars, Proceedings of the International Conference on Signal and Image Processing

(SIP9), USA, 1996, pp.126-130.

35. M. Musa & H. Al-Ahmad, An equivalent non-recursive filter for a complex recursive

filter with its associated non-zero frequency initialisation processor, IEE SARAGA

Colloquium on Digital and Analogue Filters and Filtering Systems, UK, 1996, pp.7/1-

4. (10.1049/ic:19961268)


36. H. Al-Ahmad & M. Musa, An equivalent FIR filter for IIR processors with non-zero

frequency initialization, Proceedings of the Intelligent Applications of Communication

Systems Conference, UAE, 1997, pp. 178-181.

37. N. Ali, H. Al-Ahmad, M. Abu Naaj & M. Al-Mualla, An enhanced frequency domain

algorithm for colouring monochrome images, Proceedings of the Intelligent

Applications of Communication Systems Conference, UAE, 1997, pp.130-133.

38. A. Samha, M. Abu Naaj, H. Al-Ahmad, Compression algorithms for still images and

computer generated graphics, Proceedings of the Intelligent Applications of

Communication Systems Conference, UAE, 1997, pp.27-31.

39. H. Al-Ahmad & K. Ahmed, A novel technique for initializing digital IIR filters with a

finite number of samples at a single frequency, IEEE Trans on Circuit and Systems,

PartII, Vol. 44, No.5, May 1997, pp.417-420. (10.1109/82.580859 )

40. H. Al-Ahmad & M. Abou Naaj, Using Digital Arts in Signal Processing Education,

Proceeding of the GITIS Conference, UAE. 2000, pp.124-128.

41. H. Al-Ahmad & A. Al-Qayedi, Innovative Methods for Delivering Image Processing

Courses, International Conference on Millennium Dawn in Training and Continuing

Education, Bahrain, 2001, pp. 245-249.

42. H. Al-Ahmad & A. Al-Qayedi, A new web-based approach in delivering signal

processing courses by utilizing digital art, Proceedings of the IEE Symposium on

Engineering Education, UK, Jan. 2002, pp. 20/1-4. (10.1049/ic:20020101 )

43. R. El-Khazali, M. Al-Mualla, & H. Al-Ahmad, Fractional Infinite Impulse Response

Filters, International Conference on Simulation and Modelling , UAE, 2002, pp.142-


44. H. Al-Ahmad & R. El-Khazali, A New technique for initializing digital IIR filters at

two frequencies, Proceedings of the 10th IEEE International Conference on

Electronics, Circuits and Systems (ICECS), UAE, Dec. 2003, pp. 64-67.


45. A. Bin Sewaif, H. Al-Ahmad & M. Al-Mualla, Digital image watermarking using

Walsh-coded handwritten signatures, 5th Middle East Symposium on Simulation and

Modelling, UAE, 2004, pp.175-179.

46. A. Ben Sewaif, M. Al-Mualla, & H. Al-Ahmad, Walsh-Coded signatures for robust

digital image watermarking, Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE Region 10 Conference -

Analog and Digital Techniques in Electrical Engineering ( TENCON), Thailand, Nov.

2004, pp. 431-434. (10.1109/TENCON.2004.1414449 )

47. A. Ben Sewaif, M. Al-Mualla, & H. Al-Ahmad, 2 D Walsh coding for robust digital

image watermarking, Proceedings of the 4th IEEE International Symposium on Signal

Processing and Information Technology (ISSPIT), Italy, Dec. 2004, pp. 302-305.


48. J. Jeedella, H. Al-Ahmad & M. Al-Mualla, Optimum bandwidth IIR notch filters with

multiple frequency initialization, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on

Electronics, Circuits and Systems (ICECS), Tunisia, Dec. 2005, pp. 1-4.

(10.1109/ICECS.2005.4633427 )

49. J. Jeedella, H. Al-Ahmad, M. Al-Mualla & J. Noris, Design and analysis of second

order IIR notch filters with double frequency initialization, Proceedings of the IEEE


GCC Conference, Bahrain, March 2006, pp1-6. (10.1109/IEEEGCC.2006.5686232 )

50. J. Jeedella, H. Al-Ahmad, M. Al-Mualla & J. Noris, An equivalent FIR filter for an

IIR filter with double frequency initialization, Proceedings of the IEEE ISCCSP

Conference, Morocco, 2006.

51. J. Jeedella, H. Al-Ahmad, M. Al-Mualla & J. Noris, Improved transient frequency

response of IIR filters with multiple frequency initialization, Proceedings of the IEEE

International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems (ICECS) , France, Dec.

2006, pp.740-743. (10.1109/ICECS.2006.379895 )

52. J. Jeedella, H. Al-Ahmad, M. Al-Mualla & J. Noris, Design and analysis of transient

IIR filters with multiple frequency initialization using equivalent FIR filters,

Proceedings of the ISSPA Conference, UAE, Feb. 2007, pp1-4.

( 10.1109/ISSPA.2007.4555433 )

53. A. Al-Gindy, A. Tawfik, H. Al-Ahmad & R. Qahwaji, Enhanced DCT based

technique with shuffle scheme for robust image watermarking of handwritten

signatures, Proceedings of the ICCCP Conference, Oman, 2007.

54. J. Jeedella, H. Al-Ahmad, M. Al-Mualla & J. Noris, Minimization of the maximum

error between the steady state and transient frequency responses of IIR filters using

initialization, Proceedings of the IEEE ICSPC Conference, UAE, Nov. 2007, pp. 245-

248. (10.1109/ICSPC.2007.4728301 )

55. A. Al-Gindy, H. Al-Ahmad, A. Tawfik & R. Qahwaji, A new blind image

watermarking of handwritten signatures using low-frequency DCT coefficients,

Proceedings of the IEEE ICSPC Conference, UAE, Nov. 2007, pp.1367-1370.


56. A. Al-Gindy, H. Al-Ahmad, A. Tawfik & R. Qahwaji, A new blind image

watermarking technique for dual watermarks using low-frequency DCT coefficients,

Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and

Systems (ICECS), Morocco, Dec. 2007, pp. 538-541. (10.1109/ICECS.2007.4511047 )

57. J. Jeedella, H. Al-Ahmad, M. Al-Mualla & J. Noris, A new method for initializing

real second order IIR notch filters, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference

on Electronics, Circuits and Systems (ICECS), Morocco, 2007, pp. 800-803.

(10.1109/ICECS.2007.4511112 )

58. A. Al-Gindy, H. Al-Ahmad, R. Qahwaji & A. Tawfik, A novel blind image

watermarking technique for colour RGB images in the DCT domain using green

channel, Proceedings of the Mosharaka International Conference on Communications,

Computer and Applications (MICCCA), Jordan, 2008, pp 26-31.

59. J. Jeedella, H. Al-Ahmad, M. Al-Mualla & J. Noris, Design of transient second-order

IIR filters with optimum frequency responses, Proceedings of the IEEE International

Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems (ICECS), Malta, Aug-Sept. 2008,

pp1171-1174. (10.1109/ICECS.2008.4675067 )

60. A. Al-Gindy, H. Al-Ahmad, R. Qahwaji & A. Tawfik, Watermarking of colour

images in the DCT domain using Y channel, Proceedings of the IEEE/ACS

International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications, Morocco, May

2009, pp1025-1028. (10.1109/AICCSA.2009.5069457)


61. A. Al Muhairi, H. Ghedira, H. Al-Ahmad, A. Dawood and M. Al-Mualla, Exploring

the potential of MODIS visible and thermal channels in monitoring and assessing the

impact of desalination plant discharges in the Arabian Gulf, IEEE IGARSS

Conference, South Africa, July 2009, pp 357-360. (10.1109/IGARSS.2009.5417776)

62. A. Al-Gindy, H. Al-Ahmad, R. Qahwaji & A. Tawfik, A frequency domain adaptive

watermarking algorithm for still colour images, Proceedings of the International

Conference on Advances in Computational Tools for Engineering Applications

(ACTEA), Lebanon, July 2009, pp186-191. (10.1109/ACTEA.2009.5227925 )

63. A. Al-Gindy, H. Al-Ahmad, R. Qahwaji & A. Tawfik, A new watermarking scheme

for colour images captured by mobile phone cameras, International Journal of

Computer Science and Network Security, Vol. 9 No. 7, July 2009, pp248-254.

64. K. Ahmed, H. Al-Ahmad & P. Gaydecki, A blind block based DCT watermarking

technique for gray level images using one dimensional Walsh coding, Proceedings of

the International Conference on Current Trends in Information Technology (CTIT),

UAE, Dec. 2009, pp 1-6. (10.1109/CTIT.2009.5423140)

65. J. Jeedella, H. Al-Ahmad & M. Al-Mualla, Design of IIR filters for a limited number

of samples with optimum dynamic frequency responses, Proceedings of the IEEE

ISSPIT Conference, UAE, Dec. 2009, pp 430-435. (10.1109/ISSPIT.2009.5407556 )

66. A. Al-Gindy, H. Al-Ahmad, R. Qahwaji & A. Tawfik, A high capacity digital

watermarking technique for the authentication of colour images, Proceedings of the

IEEE ISSPIT Conference, UAE, Dec. 2009, pp 37-42. (10.1109/ISSPIT.2009.5407475 )

67. L. Weruaga & H. Al-Ahmad, Frequency-selective autoregressive estimation in noise,

Proceedings of the IEEE ICASSP Conference, USA, March 2010, pp 3854-3857.


68. A. Al Muhairi, H. Ghedira, H. Al-Ahmad & A. Dawood, Using medium and high

resolution satellite images in monitoring water quality surrounding the discharges of

desalination plants in the UAE, Proceedings of the IEEE IGARSS conference, USA,

July 2010, pp 612-615. (10.1109/IGARSS.2010.5650965)

69. A. Bushhab, H. Ghedira, K. Mubarak, H. Al-Ahmad & A. Dawood, Combining MSG

thermal channels with meteorological data for fog forecasting and mapping over desert

areas in the UAE, Proceedings of the IEEE IGARSS conference, USA, July 2010, pp

3530-3533. (10.1109/IGARSS.2010.5652447 )

70. K. Ahmed, H. Al-Ahmad & P. Gaydecki, A New Algorithm for watermarking images

captured by mobile phone cameras, Proceedings of CTITA International Conference

on Trends in Information Technology and Applications, UAE, 2010.

71. A. Al Muhairi, H. Ghedira, H. Al-Ahmad & A. Dawood, Using remote sensing

satellites for water quality monitoring in the UAE, Proceedings of the IEEE GCC

Conference, UAE, Feb. 2011, pp 67-68. (10.1109/IEEEGCC.2011.5752634)

72. A. Bushahab, H. Ghedira, K. Mubarak, H. Al-Ahmad & A. Dawood, Characteristics

and properties of United Arab Emirates fog events, Proceedings of the IEEE GCC

Conference, UAE, Feb. 2011, pp 71-72. (10.1109/IEEEGCC.2011.5752632)

73. K. Ahmed, H. Al-Ahmad & P. Gaydecki, 1-D Walsh coded watermarking techniques

for colour images using the Y channel, Proceedings of the IEEE GCC Conference,


UAE, Feb. 2011, pp 299-302. (10.1109/IEEEGCC.2011.5752534)

74. J. Jeedella & H. Al-Ahmad, An algorithm for watermarking mobile phone colour

images using BCH code, Proceedings of the IEEE GCC Conference, UAE, Feb. 2011,

pp 303-306. (10.1109/IEEEGCC.2011.5752532)

75. F. Taher, N. Werghi & H. Al-Ahmad, Extraction of sputum cells using thresholding

techniques for lung cancer detection, Proceedings of the 8th IEEE International

Conference on Innovation in Information Technology (IIT), UAE, March 2012, pp 36-

41. (10.1109/INNOVATIONS.2012.6207770)

76. J. Jeedella, H. Al Ahmad & O. Al Shehhi, Watermarking mobile phone colour images

with Reed Solomon error correction code, Proceedings of the 16th IEEE Mediterranean

Electrotechnical Conference, Tunisia, March 2012, pp 375-378.


77. C. Donner, N. Werghi, F. Taher & H. Al-Ahmad, Cell extraction from sputum images

for early lung cancer detection, Proceedings of the 16th IEEE Mediterranean

Electrotechnical Conference, Tunisia, March 2012, pp 485-488.

(10.1109/MELCON.2012.6196478 )

78. K. Ahmed, H. Al-Ahmad & P. Gaydecki, A new algorithm for watermarking colour

images using the green channel, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on

Networked Digital Technologies (NDT), 2012, Part II pp 302-311.

79. C.H. See, R.A. Abd-Alhameed, S.W.J. Chung, D. Zhou, H. Al-Ahmad, and P.S.

Excell, The design of a resistively loaded bowtie antenna for applications in

breast cancer detection systems, IEEE Trans on Antenna and Propagation, vol.

60, no. 5, May 2012, pp 2526-2530. (10.1109/TAP.2012.2189730 )

80. F. Taher, N. Werghi, H. Al-Ahmad & Rachid Sammaouda, Lung cancer detection by

using artificial neural network and fuzzy clustering methods, American Journal of

Biomedical Engineering, vol. 2, no.3, June 2012, pp 136-142.

81. T. Jassim, H. Al-Ahmad, R.A. Abd-Alhameed & A. Al-Gindy, A block based wavelet

algorithm for watermarking still colour images captured by mobile phone cameras,

Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Information Science and Digital

Content Technology, Korea, June 2012, pp 287-292.

82. K. Ahmed, H. Al-Ahmad & P. Gaydecki, Watermarking of images captured by

mobile phone cameras using 2-D Walsh coding in the Y-channel, Proceedings of the

8th International Conference on Information Science and Digital Content Technology,

Korea, June 2012, pp 227-230.

83. F. Taher, N. Werghi & H. Al-Ahmad, A thresholding approach for detection of

sputum cell for lung cancer early diagnosis, Proceedings of the IET Image Processing

Conference, UK, July 2012, pp 1-6. (10.1049/cp.2012.0442)

84. N. Werghi, C. Donner, F. Taher & H. Al-Ahmad, Segmentation of sputum cell image

for early lung cancer detection, proceedings of the IET Image Processing Conference,

UK, July 2012, pp 1-6. (10.1049/cp.2012.0433 )

85. K. Ahmed, H. Al-Ahmad & P. Gaydecki, Robust image watermarking using two

dimensional Walsh coding, Proceedings of the IET Image Processing Conference, UK,

July 2012, pp 1-5. (10.1049/cp.2012.0435 )


86. F. Taher, N. Werghi & H. Al-Ahmad, Sputum image detection and extraction for lung

cancer early diagnosis, Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on

Information Science, Signal Processing and their Application, Canada, July 2012, pp

864-869. (10.1109/ISSPA.2012.6310675)

87. N. Werghi, C. Donner, F. Taher & H. Al Ahmad, Detection and segmentation of

sputum cell for early lung cancer detection, Proceedings of the IEEE International

Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Sept-Oct 2012, USA, pp 2813-2816.


88. K. Ahmed, H. Al-Ahmad & P. Gaydecki, 1-D Walsh coded watermarking techniques

for colour images using the Y channel, American Journal of Signal Processing, Vol.2

No.5, Dec. 2012, pp 139-144.

89. F. Taher, N. Werghi & H. Al Ahmad, Automatic sputum color image segmentation

for lung cancer diagnosis, KSII Transaction on Internet and Information System

(TIIS), Vol. 7, No.1, Jan. 2013, pp 68-80.

90. T. Jassim, R. Abd-Alhameed & H. Al Ahmad, A new robust and fragile watermarking

scheme for images captured by mobile phone cameras, Proceedings of the

International Conference on Communication, Signal Processing and their Applications

(ICCSPA), UAE, Feb. 2013, pp 1-5. (10.1109/ICCSPA.2013.6487230 )

91. A. Kunhu & H. Al-Ahmad, Multi watermarking algorithm based on DCT and hash

functions for color satellite images, Proceedings of the Innovation in IT (IIT)

Conference, UAE, March 2013. (10.1109/Innovations.2013.6544389)

92. T. Jassim, R. Abd-Alhameed & H. Al Ahmad, A new robust and fragile watermarking

scheme for colour images captured by mobile phone cameras, Proceedings of the

International Conference on Modelling and Simulation, UK, April 2013, pp 465-469.


93. F. Taher, N. Werghi, H. Al-Ahmad, Early lung cancer detection by using a histogram

technique based on Bayesian classification, Proceedings of the BCS International IT

Conference, UAE, March-April 2013, pp 33-36.

94. S. Al-Shehhi, M. Al-Muhairi, D. Abuoeida, H. Al-Ahmad, N. Werghi & A. Kunhu,

Combined watermarking algorithm based on DCT and hash function for gray satellite

images, Proceedings of the BCS International IT Conference, UAE, March-April

2013, pp 37-40.

95. A. Vivekanand, N. Werghi, H. Al-Ahmad, A survey on posterior capsule

opacification quantification systems, Proceedings of the BCS International IT

Conference, UAE, March-April 2013, pp 49-52.

96. K. Ahmed, H. Al-Ahmad & P. Gaydecki, Robust grey-scale image watermarking

using two dimensional Walsh coding, Information Engineering, Vol. 2, June 2013, pp


97. F. Taher, N. Werghi, H. Al-Ahmad, C. Donner, Extraction and segmentation of

sputum calls for lung cancer early detection, Algorithms, Vol. 6, August 2013, pp512-


98. F. Taher, N. Werghi, H. Al-Ahmad, Segmentation of sputum color image for lung

cancer diagnosis based on mean shift algorithm, Proceedings of the IEEE AFRICON


Conference, Mauritius, Sept. 2013, pp 1-6. (10.1109/AFRCON.2013.6757679)

99. A. Kunhu & H. Al-Ahmad, A new multi watermarking algorithm based on DWT and

hash functions for color satellite images, Proceedings of the IEEE International

Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems (ICECS), UAE 2013, pp 429-432.


100. A. Vivekanand, N. Werghi, H. Al-Ahmad, Automated image assessment of posterior

capsule opafication using Holder exponents, Proceedings of the IEEE International

Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems (ICECS), UAE 2013, pp 538-541.


101. F. Taher, N. Werghi, H. Al-Ahmad, Comparison of Hopefield neural network and

mean shift algorithm in segmenting sputum color images, Proceedings of the IEEE

International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems (ICECS), UAE 2013,

pp 649-652. (10.1109/ICECS.2013.6815498)

102. A. AbouAlaml, R.A. Abd-Alhameed, K. Al-Ansari, H. Al-Ahmad, C.H. See, S.M.R

Jones & J.M. Noras, Statistical Analysis of refractivity gradient and parameter in

the Gulf region, IEEE Trans on Antenna and Propagation, vol. 61, no. 12, December

2013, pp 6250-6254. (10.1109/TAP.2013.2279999)

103. W. Alakk & H. Al-Ahmad, A new watermarking algorithm for still colour images,

BCS International IT Conference, UAE, March 2014, pp 1-5.


104. T. Jassim, H. Al-Ahmad & R. Abd-Alhameed, Two levels block based wavelet

watermarking algorithm for still colour images, BCS International IT Conference,

UAE, March 2014, pp1-5. (org/10.14236/ewic/bcsme2014.9)

105. S. Al Nuaimi, H. Al-Ahmad & M. Al-Mualla, Design and Analysis of 2D sub-

optimum filters for sharpening interpolated satellite images, proceedings of the IEEE

Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference, Lebanon, April 2014, pp 488-492.


106. S. Al Nuaimi, H. Al-Ahmad & M. Al-Mualla, 2D sub-optimum filters for sharpening

interpolated satellite images by optimizing the structural similarity index measure,

Proceedings of the IEEE/IET International Symposium on Communication Systems,

Networks and Digital Signal Processing (CSNDSP), UK, July 2014, pp 668-672.


107. W. Alakk, A. Kunhu & H. Al-Ahmad, A new watermarking algorithm for scanned

grey pdf files using DWT and hash function, Proceedings of the IEEE/IET

International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks and Digital Signal

Processing (CSNDSP), UK, July 2014, pp 690-693. (10.1109/CSNDSP.2014.6923915)

108. A. AbouAlmal, R.A. Abd-Alhameed, S.M.R Jones, H. Al-Ahmad, New Approach for

predicting vertical refractivity profile in low troposphere in subtropical region, 9th IET

International Conference on Computation in Electromagnetics (CEM), 2014 pp 1-2


109. A. Vivekanand, N. Werghi, H. Al-Ahmad, Multi-scale roughness approach for

assessing posterior capsule opacification, IEEE International Journal of Biomedical

and Health Informatics, vol. 18, no. 6, November 2014 , pp 1922-1931.



110. A. AbouAlmal, R.A. Abd-Alhameed, S.M.R Jones & H. Al-Ahmad, New Approach

for and algorithms for the analysis of vertical refractivity profile below 1km in a

subtropical region, IEEE Trans on Antenna and Propagation, vol. 62, no. 12,

December 2014, pp 6501-6505. (10.1109/TAP.2014.2360550)

111. S. Makhmasi, F. Taher, H. Al-Ahmad & T. McGloughlin, A novel multiple

watermarking algorithm for patient identification and integrity control, Proceedings of

the 17th UKSIM-AMSS International Conference on Modelling and Simulation, UK,

March 2015, pp 310-315.

112. A. Al-Shabili, B. Taha & H. Al-Ahmad, Super-resolution algorithm for satellite still

images, Proceedings of the International Conference on Information and

Communication Technology Research (ICTRC), UAE, May 2015, pp 45-48.

113. S. Al-Maeeni, F. Kalbat & H. Al-Ahmad, Logo embedding in grayscale images using

Turbo product codes, Proceedings of the International Conference on Information and

Communication Technology Research (ICTRC), UAE, May 2015, pp 93-96.

114. A. Mahmoud, H. Al Maharmeh & H. Al-Ahmad, A new watermarking algorithm for

scanned colored pdf files using DWT and Hash function, Proceedings of the

International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Research

(ICTRC), UAE, May 2015, pp 137-140.

115. M. Darweesh, M. Al Zubaidi & H. Al-Ahmad, Colorization of gray scale natural still

images using the low frequency DCT compoenets of the RGB channels, Proceedings

of the International Conference on Information and Communication Technology

Research (ICTRC), UAE, May 2015, pp 303-306.

7.2.3 Other Publications

1. H. Al-Ahmad, IEEE Kuwaiti Section Activities, IEEE Region 8 News, No. 90, May

1990, pp. 3.

2. H. Al-Ahmad, IEEE Kuwaiti Section Activities, IEEE Region 8 News, No. 91, August

1990, pp. 4.

3. H. Al-Ahmad, Communications and propagation in Kuwait, IEEE Antenna and

Propagation Magazine, Vol. 32, No.6, Dec. 1990, pp. 27.

4. H. Al-Ahmad, L Al-Basha and F. Al-Faraj, Simulation of one dimensional

ultrawideband radar, National Radio Science Colloquium, UK, 1993.

5. M.Musa & H. Al-Ahmad, Initialisation processors for phased array radars with

electronic scanning, 1994 National Radio Science Colloquium, 1994.

6. Al-Faraj & H. Al-Ahmad, Simulation of an ultrawideband radar system with zero dc

pulses, National Radio Science Colloquium, UK, 1994.

7. I have contributed and appeared in a BBC educational programme called Short Circuit,

March 1996.

8. M. Musa & H. Al-Ahmad, Recursive clutter rejection processors with optimum pass-

band characteristics for phased array radar with electronic scanning, National Radio

Science Colloquium, UK, 1997.

9. H. Al-Ahmad, Multimedia; Past, Present and Future, 1998 Conference on Multimedia

and Conventional Media, UAE, 1998.


10. H. Al-Ahmad, Signal Processing Love Letter, IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, Sept


11. H. Al-Ahmad, M. Al-Mualla & A. Al-Qayedi, The integration of signal processing and

multimedia research in undergraduate teaching and community service at Etisalat

University College, 4th Engineering Education Forum, UAE, 2006, pp.87-88.

12. H. Al-Ahmad, Café in Dubai, Dubai Time Out Magazine, Nov. 2007.

13. H. Al-Ahmad, She and I, Dubai Time Out Magazine, March 2008.

14. H. Al-Ahmad, Fairy Tale of an Academic, Dubai Time Out Magazine, June 2008.

15. H. Al-Ahmad, A Brief Encounter at Dubai Festival City, Dubai Time Out Magazine,

June 2009.

16. H. Al-Ahmad, Incorporating UAE Examples in Signal Processing Education, QS Maple

Conference, UAE, May 2014.

8- Professional Activities

8.1 Conference Organization

1. Chairman of the Programme Committee of the IEEE EDUCON, Global Engineering

Education Conference, UAE 2016.

2. Member of the Technical Programme Committee of IEEE ISSPIT, International

Conference on Signal Processing and Information Technology Conference, UAE,


3. Member of the Organization Committee of the Gulf Education Forum, UAE, 2015.

4. Member of the Technical Programme Committee of ICCSPA, International

Conference on Communication, Signal Processing and their Applications, UAE,


5. Chairman of the Technical Programme Committee of the International BCS

Conference on IT, UAE, 2014.

6. Member of the Technical Programme Committee of the Global Education Forum,

UAE, 2014.

7. Member of the Technical Programme Committee of IEEE ICECS2013, International

Conference on Electronic Circuits and Systems, UAE, 2013.

8. Chairman of the Technical Programme Committee of the International BCS

Conference on IT, UAE, 2013.

9. Member of the Technical Programme Committee of the Global Education Forum,

UAE, 2013.

10. Member of the Technical Programme Committee of ICCSPA, International

Conference on Communication, Signal Processing and their Applications, UAE,


11. Chair of the Publicity Committee for the IEEE International Conference on

Computer Systems and Industrial Informatics, UAE 2012.

12. Member of the Technical Programme Committee of the Fourth International

Conference on Networked Digital Technologies, UAE, 2012.

13. Member of the Steering Committee of ICITST, International Conference on Internet

Technology and Secured Transactions, UAE, 2011.

14. Member of the Technical Programme Committee of CTIT, International Conference

on Current Trends in Information Technology, UAE, 2011.

15. Chairman of the Technical Programme Committee of 6th IEEE GCC Conference,

UAE, 2011.


16. Member of the Technical Programme Committee of the International Conference on

Trends in Information Technology, UAE 2010.

17. Member of the Technical Programme Committee of IEEE ISSPIT09, International

Conference on Signal Processing and Information Technology Conference, UAE,


18. Member of the Technical Programme Committee of CTIT, International Conference

on Current Trends in Information Technology, UAE, 2009.

19. Member of the Technical Programme Committee of IEEE ICECS2009, International

Conference on Electronic Circuits and Systems, Tunis, 2009.

20. Member of the Technical Programme Committee of IEEE AICCSA09, International

Conference on Computers and Applications, Morocco, 2009.

21. Member of the Organization Committee of the Forum on Electronic Engineering

Education, UAE, 2008.

22. Member of the Technical Programme Committee of IEEE ICECS2008, International

Conference on Electronic Circuits and Systems, Malta, 2008.

23. Member of the Technical Programme Committee of IEEE WOSPA08, Workshop on

Signal Processing and Applications, UAE, 2008.

24. Chairman of the Technical Programme Committee of IEEE ICSPC 2007,

International Conference on Signal Processing and Communications, UAE, 2007.

25. Member of the Technical Programme Committee of IEEE ICECS2007, International

Conference on Electronic Circuits and Systems, Morocco, 2007.

26. Member of the International Programme Committee of IEEE AICCSA07,

International Conference on Computers and Applications, Jordan, 2007.

27. Member of the Technical Programme Committee of IEEE ISSPA07, International

Symposium on Signal Processing and Applications, UAE, 2007.

28. Member of the Technical Programme Committee of IEEE ICECS2006, International

Conference on Electronic Circuits and Systems, France, 2006.

29. Member of the Technical Programme Committee of IEEE ICECS2005, International

Conference on Electronic Circuits and Systems, Tunisia, 2005.

30. Member of the Technical Program Committee of the 5th Middle East Symposium on

Simulation and Modeling (MESM), UAE, 2004

31. Member of the steering committee of the IEEE ICECS conferences 2003 to date.

32. Co-Chairman of the Technical Programme Committee of IEEE ICECS2003,

International Conference on Electronic Circuits and Systems, UAE, 2003.

33. Member of the Technical Program Committee of the IEEE GCC Industrial Electrical

and Electronic Conference, Bahrain, 2003.

34. Member of the International Programme Committee of SIP2001, International

Conference on Signal and Image Processing. USA, 2001.

35. Member of the International Programme Committee of SIP2000, International

Conference on Signal and Image Processing. USA, 2000.

36. Member of the International Programme Committee of SIP99, International

Conference on Signal and Image Processing. Bahamas, 1999.

37. Member of the International Programme Committee of SIP98, International

Conference on Signal and Image Processing. USA, 1998.

38. Member of the International Programme Committee of the IASTED International

Conference on Computer Systems and Applications, Jordan, 1998.

39. Member of the International Programme Committee of SIP97, International

Conference on Signal and Image Processing. USA, 1997.


40. Member of the International Programme Committee, ISDSP97, International

Symposium on Digital Signal Processing, UK, 1997.

41. Chairman of the Technical Programme Committee, ISDSP96, International

Symposium on Digital Signal Processing, UK, 1996.

42. Chairman of the Technical Program Committee for the GSDSP90, Gulf Digital

Signal Processing Symposium, Kuwait, 1990.

8.2 Paper Refereeing

1. ICTRC Conference, UAE, 2015

2. ICCSPA Conference, UAE, 2014.

3. IEEE ICIP14 Conference, France, 2014

4. BCS IIT Conference, UAE, 2014

5. IEEE ICIP13 Conference, Australia, 2013

6. IEEE MWSCAS Symposium, USA, 2013

7. BCS IIT Conference, UAE, 2013

8. Global Education Forum, UAE, 2013

9. IEEE ICIP12 Conference, USA, 2012 10. Fourth International Conference on Networked Digital Technologies, UAE, 2012

11. IEEE ICIP11 Conference, Belgium, 2011

12. IEEE ICIP10 Conference, Hong Kong, 2010

13. IEEE ICIP09 Conference, Egypt, 2009

14. IEEE ISSPIT09 Conference, UAE, 2009

15. IEEE AICCSA09 Conference, Morocco, 2009

16. IFIP Wireless Days Conference, UAE, 2008

17. IEEE ICIP08 Conference, USA 2008

18. IEEE WOSPA Workshop, UAE 2008

19. IEEE ICECS2007 Conference, Morocco 2007

20. IEEE ICSPC2007 Conference, UAE 2007

21. IEEE AICCSA07 Conference, Jordan, 2007

22. IEEE ISSPA07 Conference, UAE, 2007

23. IEEE ICIP06 Conference, USA, 2006

24. IEEE ISCAS06 Conference, Greece, 2006

25. IEEE ICECS05 Conference, Tunis 2005

26. IEEE TENCON Conference, Australia, 2005

27. IEEE ICIP05 Conference, Italy, 2005

28. IEEE ICIP04 Conference, Singapore, 2004

29. IEEE MELECON Conference, Croatia, 2004

30. International Symposium on Control, Communication and Signal Processing, Tunisia,


31. IEEE ICECS03 Conference UAE, 2003

32. IEEE GCC Industrial Electrical and Electronic Conference, Bahrain, 2003

33. IEEE ICECS02 Conference, Croatia, 2002

34. IEE Proceeding Part F Radar Signal Processing, UK, 1993

9- Teaching and Training Activities

9.1 Undergraduate Teaching


2009 to date Khalifa University of Science, Technology and Research

1. Digital Image Processing

2. Multimedia

1996-2009 Etisalat University College

1. Image and Audio Processing

2. Real Time DSP Systems

3. Multimedia

4. Digital Signal Processing

1991-1996 University of Bradford

1. Image Processing

2. Multimedia

3. Digital Signal Processing

4. Telecommunications

5. Electronic Image

6. Image Systems

7. Images and Information

8. Digital Electronics

1986-1990 Kuwaiti Faculty of Technological Studies

1. Communication Theory

2. Communication Systems

3. Radio Engineering

4. Electronic Circuits

5. Electronic Devices, Basic Electronics

6. Computer Programming

1984-1985 Portsmouth University

Microprocessor Engineering

1979-1983 University of Leeds

1. Communication laboratory

2. Control laboratory

3. Digital Systems laboratory

4. Computer Programming laboratory

9.2 Postgraduate Teaching

2009 to date Khalifa University of Science, Technology and Research

Ph.D in Engineering

1. Multimedia Communication and Processing

2. Research Methods I

M.Sc in Electrical and Computer Eng.

Digital Signal Processing

1991-1995 University of Salford


M.Sc programme, IT in Construction


9.3 Curriculum Development

1. New syllabi for the Multimedia Processing and DSP Master Courses, Khalifa University

of Science, Technology and Research, UAE, 2012.

2. New Power concentration in the Electrical and Electronic Engineering Degree, Khalifa

University of Science, Technology and Research, UAE, 2012.

3. Revised syllabi for the credit based Electrical and Electronic Engineering Degree,

Khalifa University of Science, Technology and Research, UAE, 2012.

4. New syllabi for the new credit based Electronic Engineering Degree, Khalifa University

of Science, Technology and Research, UAE, 2008.

5. Syllabi for the E-Forensics course, M.Sc in Information Security programme, Khalifa

University of Science, Technology and Research, UAE, 2008.

6. New syllabi for the Multimedia Communication and Processing course, PhD

programme, Etisalat University College, UAE, 2007.

7. Restructured the 5 year programme into foundation year plus four year degree, Etisalat

University College, UAE, 2006.

8. New syllabi for the Matlab Programming and Simulink course, Etisalat University

College, UAE, 2005.

9. New Electronic Engineering Degree based on the US credit hour system with five

specializations (Digital Media, Digital Systems, Control, Microelectronics, RF), Etisalat

University project, UAE, 2003.

10. Revised syllabi for real time digital signal processing, image processing and multimedia

courses, Etisalat University project, UAE, 2003.

11. New syllabi for digital signal processing, audio & image processing, multimedia and real

time systems courses, Etisalat University College, UAE, 1998.

12. Initiated new degrees in Electronic Engineering and Computer Engineering based on the

British education model, Etisalat University College, UAE, 1996.

13. New syllabi for Electronic Images, Images & Information and Multimedia modules,

University of Bradford, UK, 1992.

14. New Electronic Imaging and Media Communication degree, University of Bradford,

UK, 1991.

15. Revised syllabi for Communications Systems and Communication Theory courses,

Faculty of Technological Studies, Kuwait, 1986.

9.4 Laboratory Development

1. I setup a new research lab (VSAP) at Sharjah Campus, Khalifa University of Science,

Technology and Research, 2012.

2. I updated the hardware in the Signal Processing lab, Khalifa University of Science,

Technology and Research, 2012.

3. I updated the software in the Signal Processing lab, Khalifa University of Science,

Technology and Research, 2009.

4. I updated the software and hardware in the Signal Processing lab, Etisalat University

College, 2006.

5. I obtained a design software package (Synopsys) free of charge for the Electronic labs at

Etisalat University College from Dubai Silicon Oasis, 2005.

6. I developed mini-projects for the Audio and Image Processing and Multimedia modules


at Etisalat University College, 2000.

7. I developed new Matlab experiments for the Digital Signal Processing module at Etisalat

University College, 1998.

8. I developed new Monarch software experiments for the Digital Signal Processing

module at the University of Bradford, 1992.

9. I setup the final year projects laboratory, University of Bradford, UK, 1993.

10. I setup the Electronic Images and Digital Signal Processing laboratories, University of

Bradford, UK, 1991.

11. I developed new hardware experiments for the Images & Information and Electronic

Image modules at the University of Bradford, UK, 1991.

12. I developed new hardware experiments for the Communication laboratory, Faculty of

Technological Studies, Kuwait, 1988.

9.5 Innovation in the Teaching Methods

I have pioneered the following techniques:

1. The use of digital arts in lectures and seminars

2. Teaching Multimedia to Engineering Students

3. The integration of research results in undergraduate teaching

4. Practical demonstrations that the students can relate to in signal and image processing.

5. Top Down approach in delivering technical modules.

9.6 Short Courses and Workshops

I have organized and lectured on the following:

1. Classroom management workshop, Abu Dhabi, UAE, 2012

2. How to advance your teaching career, Half day workshop, Sharjah, UAE, 2010

3. How to advance your teaching career, Half day workshop, Sharjah, UAE, 2008.

4. Information hiding and watermarking, Two days short course, Sharjah, UAE, 2007.

5. Multimedia in education, Half day workshop, Sharjah, UAE, 2001.

6. Multimedia for journalist, Half day workshop, Al-Ain, UAE, 1998.

7. Introduction to multimedia, One day short course in collaboration with Trusty Business

Machines Ltd., London, UK, 1995.

8. Morphing workshop, National Museum for Photography, Film and Television, Bradford,

UK, 1995.

9. Multimedia in education, Half day course, Bradford, UK, 1995.

10. Introduction to multimedia, One day short course, Bradford, UK, 1994.

11. Introduction to image processing, One day short Course, Bradford, UK, 1994.

12. Introduction to digital signal processing, One day short Course, Bradford, UK, 1994.

13. Electronic imaging, Four days short course for Yorkshire Television, Bradford, UK,


14. Introduction to Satellite Communications, Kuwait, 1990.

15. Introduction to Digital Signal Processing, Kuwait, 1990.

10- Invited Seminars 1. Creative Applications of Signal Processing, Higher Colleges of Technology, UAE 2015.

2. Creative Applications of Signal Processing, Developments in e-System Engineering

(DeSE) Conference, UAE 2013.

3. Creative Applications of Signal Processing, KAIST University, Korea, 2012

4. Watermarking of Still Images, KAIST University, Korea, 2012


5. Creative Applications of Signal Processing, Bits-Pilani University, UAE, 2012

6. Creative Applications of Signal Processing, Al-Ghurair University, UAE, 2011

7. Creative Applications of Signal Processing, American University of Sharjah, UAE, 2011

8. The IEEE Computer Chapter and the Middle East Section of BCS The Chartered

Institute for IT, IT Networking Lunch, UAE, 2010.

9. The IEEE Computer Chapter and the Middle East Section of BCS The Chartered

Institute for IT, CTIT Conference, UAE, 2010.

10. The Role of BCS-ME in Enhancing the UAE Hi-Tech Economy, World Hi-Tech Forum,

UK, 2010.

11. The use of Digital Arts to Motivate Electronic Engineering Students, Forum on

Electronic Engineering Education, UAE, 2008.

12. Information Hiding and Steganography, Intelligence Support Systems World Conference

ISS07, UAE, 2007.

13. Watermarking: Introduction and New Developments, Invited speaker at the Middle East

IT Security Conference (MEITSEC), UAE, 2005.

14. Digital Arts in Engineering Education, Invited speaker at Edutainement, Sharjah, UAE,


15. Information Hiding: Steganography and Watermarking, Invited speaker at the Middle

East IT Security Conference (MEITSEC), UAE, 2004.

16. Guest Speaker at the IEEE GCC Industrial Electrical and Electronic Conference,

Bahrain, 2003.

17. Artistic Applications of Digital Signal Processing, American University of Sharjah,

UAE, 2002.

18. Artistic Applications of Digital Signal Processing, IEEE UAE Section, UAE, 2002.

19. Artistic Applications of Digital Signal Processing, UAE University, UAE, 2002.

20. Multimedia in Signal Processing Education, Sharjah University, UAE, 2002

21. Design and Analysis of IIR Filters with Initialization, American University of Sharjah,

UAE, 2001.

22. Towards Challenging and more Creative Environment at Etisalat University College,

UAE, 2001.

23. Multimedia and Copyrights, Sharjah, UAE, 1998.

24. Multimedia, Al-Ain, UAE, 1997.

25. Multimedia, Ajman University, UAE, 1996.

26. Multimedia and Communications Technologies for Teaching and Learning, Bradford,

UK, 1995.

27. Introduction to Multimedia Hardware and Software, University of Umea, Sweden, 1994.

28. Digital Signal Processing, University of Umea, Sweden, 1994.

29. Image Processing, University of Umea, Sweden, 1994.

30. Research at the Electronic Imaging and Media Communications Unit, University of

Umea, Sweden, 1994.

31. Teaching Methods at the University of Bradford, University of Umea, Sweden, 1994.

32. Digital Electronics, Bradford and Airedale College of Health, UK, 1993

33. Electronic Warfare, Ministry of Defense, Kuwait, 1989.

34. Digital Filters for Phased Array Microwave Radars, Public Authority for Applied

Education and Training, Kuwait, 1988.

35. Digital Filters with a Finite Number of Samples, Royal Radar and Signal Establishment,

UK, 1981.


11- Academic Consultancy

11.1 Ajman University

Academic advisor for the Faculty of Computing, UAE, 2005-2006.

11.2 Etisalat University

1. Member of Etisalat University Advisory Panel Committee 2003-2004.

2. Chairman of the Recruitment Committee, UAE, 2004.

3. Chairman of the Administration Committee, UAE, 2003-2004.

4. Chairman of the Design and Development Committee, UAE, 2001-2002

11.3 Arab Foundation for Science and Technology (ASTF)

Academic referee for ASTF research projects, UAE, 2006-2008.

11.4 British University in Dubai

Member of the advisory panel, Engineering College, UAE, 2006-2015.

12- Computer and Software Skills I am currently using PCs and the following software packages:

Matlab, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Premiere, Sound Forge, Microsoft Office, Moodle and


13- Membership of Committees

13.1 Khalifa University of Science, Technology and Research 1. Member of the ECE Promotion Committee 2014-2015.

2. Member of the ECE Curriculum Committee 2012-2015.

3. Member of the Programme Development Committee (PIC), 2012-2015.

4. Member of the ECE Advisory Committee 2011-2015.

5. Member of the Chairs Committee 2009- 2012.

6. Chair of the Research facilities Ad-hoc Committee 2011.

7. Member of the Teaching and Learning Symposium Committee 2011.

13.2 Etisalat University College 1. Member of Head of Departments Committee 2000-2009.

2. Member of the College Management Committee 2000-2009.

3. Member of the Advisory Panel Committee 2000-2008.

4. Member of Postgraduate Affairs Committee 2003-2009.

8. Member of the steering committee of Khalifa University project 2008.

9. Member of the Research Committee 1996-2001.

10. Member of the Academic Standards Committee 1996-2001.

11. Member of the Resources Committee 1996-1998.

12. Member of the Computer Resources sub-committee 1996-1998.

13.3 University of Bradford 1. Member of the validation committee of the Postgraduate Certificate in Radiographic and

Image Interpretation, Bradford and Airedale College of Health, 1995-1996.


2. Member of the Equal Opportunity Committee (Eng. Board of Studies) 1994-1996.

3. Member of the Courses Committee (Engineering Board of Studies) 1995-1996.

4. Member of the Engineering Board of Studies 1994-1995.

13.4 Kuwaiti Faculty of Technological Studies

1. Member of the Research Projects Evaluation Committee, Faculty 1988-1990

2. Member of the Curriculum Development Committee1986-1990.

14- Student Competitions 1. Member of the judging panel of the IEEE Student Day Competition, 2015, UAE.

2. Chairman of the organization committee of NDISC, National Digital Imaging Student

Competition, 2012, UAE.

3. Chairman of the organization committee of NDISC, National Digital Imaging Student

Competition, 2011, UAE.

4. Member of the Judging panel for the Senior Design Project Competition, IEEE UAE

Student Day, 2011, UAE.

5. Member of the Judging panel for the IEEE Engineering Students Ethics Competition,

2011, UAE.

6. Chairman of the organization committee of Cisco Flip Video University Challenge,

2011, UAE.

7. Chairman of the organization committee of NDISC, National Digital Imaging Student

Competition, 2010, UAE.

8. Chairman of the judging panel for the IEEE Engineering Students Ethics Competition,

2010, UAE.

9. Chairman of the organization committee of NDISC, National Digital Imaging Student

Competition, 2009, UAE.

15- Honors and Awards 1. Recognition award for services to the ECE department, Khalifa University, UAE, 2015

2. Recognition award from the IEEE GCC conference, UAE, 2011.

3. Recognition award from BCS The Chartered Institute for IT, 2010.

4. Recognition award from the Middle East Section of BCS, 2008.

5. Discretionary salary award, Etisalat University College, 2005.

6. Recognition award from the University of Sharjah for contribution to the IEEE ICECS

conference, 2004.

7. Recognition award from the IEEE GCC Conference, Bahrain 2003.

8. Recognition award from the Higher Colleges of Technologies for contribution to the

Edutainment Conference, Sharjah 2003.

9. Discretionary salary award, University of Bradford, UK, 1993.

10. Discretionary salary award, University of Bradford,, UK 1994.

11. PhD scholarship from the University of Basra to study in the UK, 1979.

12. M.Sc scholarship from the University of Basra to study in the UK, 1978.

13. Recognition award for being top graduate at the Faculty of Engineering, University of

Basra 1976.

16- Languages English, Arabic