Curriculum Vitae/menu... · 2018. 8. 28. · Curriculum Vitae MIKAEL ROSTILA, PhD, Professor, Head...

Curriculum Vitae MIKAEL ROSTILA, PhD, Professor, Head of Department, Director, Department of Public Health Sciences, Stockholm University Date of birth: February 4, 1977 Department of Public Health Sciences Stockholm University 106 91 Stockholm, Sweden Tel: +46 8 16 44 16 and +46 70 779 98 94 E-mail: [email protected] ACADEMIC DEGREES 2001 BSc in Sociology, Stockholm University, Sweden 2003 MSc in Sociology, Stockholm University, Sweden 2008 PhD in Sociology, Stockholm University, Sweden 2011 Associate Professor of Sociology (Docent), Stockholm University, Sweden 2014 Associate Professor of Public Health Science (Docent), Stockholm University, Sweden 2015 Professor of Public Health Science especially Social Epidemiology, Stockholm University, Sweden ACADEMIC POSITIONS 2002-2003 Research Assistant, Swedish Institute for Social Research (SOFI), Stockholm University 2003-2004 Research Assistant, Centre For Health Equity Studies (CHESS), Stockholm University/Karolinska Institutet 2004-2008 Doctoral Candidate, Centre For Health Equity Studies (CHESS), Stockholm University/Karolinska Institutet 2006-2008 Doctoral Candidate Position, Department of Sociology Stockholm University (SU) 2008-2014 Researcher, Centre For Health Equity Studies (CHESS), Stockholm University/Karolinska Institutet (70%) 2011-2013 Researcher, Department of Sociology Stockholm University (SU) (30%) 2014-2015 Senior Lecturer, Department of Sociology Stockholm University (SU) 2015-present Professor of Public Health Science, Department of Public Health Sciences, Stockholm University

Transcript of Curriculum Vitae/menu... · 2018. 8. 28. · Curriculum Vitae MIKAEL ROSTILA, PhD, Professor, Head...

Page 1: Curriculum Vitae/menu... · 2018. 8. 28. · Curriculum Vitae MIKAEL ROSTILA, PhD, Professor, Head of Department, Director, Department of Public Health Sciences, Stockholm University

Curriculum Vitae

MIKAEL ROSTILA, PhD, Professor, Head of Department, Director,

Department of Public Health Sciences, Stockholm University

Date of birth: February 4, 1977 Department of Public Health Sciences Stockholm University 106 91 Stockholm, Sweden Tel: +46 8 16 44 16 and +46 70 779 98 94 E-mail: [email protected]


2001 BSc in Sociology, Stockholm University, Sweden 2003 MSc in Sociology, Stockholm University, Sweden 2008 PhD in Sociology, Stockholm University, Sweden 2011 Associate Professor of Sociology (Docent), Stockholm University, Sweden 2014 Associate Professor of Public Health Science (Docent), Stockholm University, Sweden 2015 Professor of Public Health Science especially Social Epidemiology, Stockholm University, Sweden


2002-2003 Research Assistant, Swedish Institute for Social Research (SOFI), Stockholm University 2003-2004 Research Assistant, Centre For Health Equity Studies (CHESS), Stockholm

University/Karolinska Institutet 2004-2008 Doctoral Candidate, Centre For Health Equity Studies (CHESS), Stockholm

University/Karolinska Institutet 2006-2008 Doctoral Candidate Position, Department of Sociology Stockholm University (SU) 2008-2014 Researcher, Centre For Health Equity Studies (CHESS), Stockholm University/Karolinska

Institutet (70%)

2011-2013 Researcher, Department of Sociology Stockholm University (SU) (30%) 2014-2015 Senior Lecturer, Department of Sociology Stockholm University (SU) 2015-present Professor of Public Health Science, Department of Public Health Sciences, Stockholm University

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2013-2014 External expert, The National Board of Health and Welfare 2013-2014 Director of studies, Master of population health, Centre for Health Equity Studies, Stockholm

University/Karolinska Institutet 2014-2015 Director of the Bachelor and Mastersprogramme in Applied Social Research, Department of

Sociology (SU) 2015-2016 Assistant Director, Centre for Health Equity Studies, Stockholm University/Karolinska Institutet 2016-present Director, Centre for Health Equity Studies, Stockholm University/Karolinska Institutet 2018-present Head of department, Department of Public Health Sciences, Stockholm University


2006 (January-July) Harvard University, Department of Sociology, Cambridge MA 2010 (April-May) Harvard School of Public Health, Department of Society, Human development and health, Boston MA 2012 (August-September) Harvard School of Public Health, Department of Society, Human development

and health, Boston MA 2014 (July-August) Harvard School of Public Health, Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Boston MA


2010-2011 ‘Migrants social environment and health’, Post-doctoral research grant, Swedish Council for

Workinglife and Social Research (FAS), 1,360,000 SEK, PI Mikael Rostila 2012-2016 ‘Work life and health among people with foreign background – the effects of segregation,

status incongruence, and adverse work environment’, Swedish Research Council (VR), 5,015,000 SEK, PI Mikael Rostila

2017-2019 (2022) ‘Social determinants of health among people with foreign background: Individual and

societal perspectives’, Swedish Research Council for Health, Working Life and Welfare (FORTE), 9,000,000 SEK (18,000,000 SEK), PI Mikael Rostila

2018-2020 ‘A life course perspective on bereavement in childhood and health problems in adulthood’,

Swedish Research Council (VR), 3,600,000 SEK, PI Mikael Rostila

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CO-APPLICANT IN RESEARCH PROJECTS 2003-2008 ‘Welfare states, welfare services, and welfare outcomes’, Swedish Council for Workinglife and

Social Research (FAS), PI Johan Fritzell 2007-2011 ‘Social determinants of health – Sweden-Brazil comparisons’, The Swedish Foundation for

International Cooperation in Research and Higher Education (STINT), PI Johan Fritzell and Antonio Ponce de Leon

2009-2011 ‘Migrants health and the facets of ethnic segregation’, Swedish Research Council (VR), PI

Johan Fritzell 2011-2016 ERC Starting Grant ‘Individual life chances in social context – A longitudinal multi-methods

perspective on social constraints and opportunities’, European Research Comission (ERC), PI Jens Rydgren

2012-2014 ’Barn som anhöriga-hur många är det som berörs och vilka är konsekvenserna i ett

livsloppsperspektiv?’, National Board of Health and Welfare (Socialstyrelsen), PI Anders Hjern 2013-2015 ’Social anpassning och hälsa hos flyktingar som anlänt till Sverige som tonåringar-vad betyder

skolgång och mottagandekommun? (FAS), PI Anders Hjern

2013-2016 Social inequalities of health in Sweden and Brazil – aspects of time and space, The

Swedish Foundation for International Cooperation in Research and Higher Education (STINT), PI

Johan Fritzell

2015-2017 Sociala nätverk, hälsa och hälsobeteenden hos unga vuxna i Sverige: En panelstudie

(FORTE), PI Jens Rydgren

2015-2017 Kan socialt kapital förklara skillnader i psykisk hälsa mellan immigrantgrupper? En

mekanistisk ansats (FORTE), PI Karin Engström

2015-2018 Registerbaserad forskning om det svenskspråkiga samhället i Finland (Högskolestiftelsen i

Österbotten, Finland), PI Jan Saarela

2016-2017 Three worlds of trust: A longitudinal study of welfare states, life course risks, and social trust

(Riksbankens jubileumsfond), PI Jan Mewes

2016- Marginaliserade eller privilegierade? Språkgruppsskillnader i hälsa och ohälsa i Finland, Svenska

(Litteratursällskapet i Finland), PI Jan Saarela

2016-2018 Det sociala kontraktet, välfärdssystem, och socialt kapital, i ett socialt hållbarhetsperspektiv på

befolkningens hälsa (FORTE), PI Per-Olof Östergren.

2016-2016 Metoder och verktyg för sociala nyttoberäkningar inom kollektivtrafiken (Stockholms Läns

Landsting), PI Thomas Wimark.

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2005 Travel grant, RC19 annual conference in Chicago, FAS (12 800 SEK) 2005 Visiting scholarship at Harvard University: Social capital and health; individual and contextual

effects and mechanisms, FAS (70 500 SEK) 2009 Nominated for best doctoral dissertation prize in 2008, faculty of social sciences, Stockholm

University 2011 Awarded for exceptional efforts as an employee of Stockholm University by the principal of Stockholm University (pristagarmiddag) 2015 Author scholarship, Swedish Association of Educational Writers, SLFF (5000 SEK) 2017 Author scholarship, Swedish Association of Educational Writers, SLFF (10,000 SEK)



1. Rostila, M. (2008) Healthy Bridges. Studies of social capital, welfare, and health. Doctoral dissertation in sociology, Stockholm: Health Equity Studies no. 10, 164 pages.

2. Rostila, M. and Toivanen, S. (eds.) (2012) Den orättvisa hälsan. Om socioekonomiska skillnader i hälsa och livsläng. Liber, Stockholm, 372 pages. (first edition).

3. Rostila, M. (2013) Social capital and health inequality in European welfare states. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, 236 pages. 4. Rostila, M. and Toivanen, S. (eds.) (forthcoming) Den orättvisa hälsan. Om socioekonomiska skillnader i hälsa och livslängd. Liber, Stockholm, 400 pages. (second edition).

Articles in peer reviewed journals

5. Rostila, M. (2004) ’Vart tog det goda arbetet vägen?’, Arbetsmarknad och Arbetsliv 10(3);173-186. 6. Rostila, M. (2007) ‘Social Capital and Health in European Welfare Regimes – a multilevel approach’, Journal of European Social Policy 17(3); 223-239. 7. Rostila, M. (2008) ‘The Swedish Labour market in the 1990:s: The Very Last of the Healthy Jobs?’. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health 36(2); 126-134. 8. Rostila, M. (2010) ‘Birds of a Feather Flock Together – and fall ill? Migrant Homophily and Health in Sweden’, Sociology of Health and Illness 32(3); 382-399. 9. Rostila, M. and Saarela J. (2011) ‘Time does not heal all wounds. Mortality following the death of a parent’, Journal of Marriage and Family 73(1); 236-249.

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10. Rostila, M. (2011) ‘A resource-based theory of social capital for health research – Can it help us to bridge the individual and the collective facet of the concept? Social Theory and Health 9(2); 109-129. 11. Rostila, M. (2011) ‘The facets of social capital’, Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 41(3); 308-326. 12. Oliveira, A. J., Lopes, C. S., Monteiro Ponce de Leon, A., Rostila, M., Griep, R., Fahrstein, E. (2011) ‘Social support and leisure-time physical activity: Results from the Pró- Saúde study’, International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 26;8:77. 13. Rostila, M. and Saarela, J. and Kawachi, I. (2012) ‘Mortality following the death of a child: Evidence

from Swedish total population register data’, Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 66;927-933.

14. Rostila, M. Kölegård, M. and Fritzell, J. (2012) ‘Income inequality and self-rated health in Stockholm, Sweden. A test of the ‘income inequality hypothesis’ at two levels of aggregation’, Social Science and Medicine 74(7);1091-1098.

15. Rostila, M. and Saarela, J. and Kawachi, I. (2012) “The forgotten griever”: Mortality subsequent to the death of a sibling’, American Journal of Epidemiology 176(4);338-346. 16. Rostila, M. and Saarela J. (2013) ‘Invited commentary: Birth order and suicide in a broader context’, American Journal of Epidemiology 177(7);645-648. 17. Rostila, M. and Saarela, J. and Kawachi, I. (2013) ‘Myocardial infarction after the death of a sibling: A nationwide follow-up study from Sweden’. Journal of the American Heart Association 2:e000046; 1-9. 18. Rostila, M. and Saarela, J. and Kawachi, I. (2013) ‘Fatal stroke after the death of a sibling: A nationwide follow-up study from Sweden’. PLoS One 8;1-6. 19. Rostila, M. and Saarela, J. and Kawachi, I. (2013) ‘Suicide after the death of a sibling: A nationwide follow-up study from Sweden’. BMJ Open 3:e002618;1-7. 20. Dunlavy, A. and Rostila, M. (2013) Health Inequalities among workers with a foreign background: Do working conditions matter? International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 10:2871-2887; 6517-6533;2871-2887. 21. Oliveira, A. J., Rostila, M., Lopes, C. S. and Monteiro Ponce de Leon, A. (2013) ‘The influence of social relationships on obesity: sex differences in a longitudinal study’. Obesity 21(8);1540-1547 22. Saarela J., Finnäs, F. and Rostila, M. (2013) ‘Family effects on mortality risks at adult ages: Lessons from Swedish population register data on siblings’, Journal of Family Issues. 34(10); 1317-1334. 23. Rostila, M., Almquist, Y., Östberg, V., Edling, C. and Rydgren, J. (2013) ‘Social network characteristics and daily smoking among young adults in Sweden’. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 10(12);6517-6533.

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24. Almquist, Y., Östberg, V., Rostila, M., Edling, C. and Rydgren, J. (2014) ‘Friendship network characteristics and psychological well-being in late adolescence: Exploring differences by gender and gender composition’. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health 42;146-154.. 25. Olsson Berg, L., Rostila, M., Saarela, J. and Hjern, A. (2014) ’Parental death during childhood and school performance – a national cohort study. Pediatrics 133(4);682-689. 26. Rostila, M. and Fritzell, J. (2014) ‘Mortality differentials by immigrant groups in Sweden: The contribution of socioeconomic position’. American Journal of Public Health 104(4);686-695. 27. Rostila, M. and Saarela, J. and Kawachi, I. (2014) ‘Birth order and suicide at adult age: Evidence from Swedish population data’. American Journal of Epidemiology 179(12);1450-1457. 28. Rostila, M. and Saarela, J. and Kawachi, I. (2014) ‘”The psychosocial skeleton in the closet”: Mortality following the the death of a sibling from suicide’. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology 49(6);919-927. 29. Oliveira, A. J., Rostila, M., Saarela, J. and Lopes C. S (2014) ‘The influence of bereavement on Body Mass Index: Results from a national Swedish survey’. PLoS One 9(4);e95201:1-6. 30. Oliveira A. J., Lopes, C. S., Rostila, M. Ponce de Leon, A. C., Härter Griep, R., Werneck, G. L., and Faerstein, E. (2014) ‘Social support and leisure-time physical activity: Gender differences in a longitudinal study’. Revista de Saúde Pública 48(4);602-612. 31. Kondo, N., Rostila, M. and Åberg Yngwe, M. (2014) Rising inequality in mortality among working-age men and women in Sweden: a national registry-based repeated cohort study. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 68(12);1145-1150. 32. Manhica, H., Hjern, A., Toivanen, S. and Rostila, M. (2015) ‘Mortality in adult offspring of immigrants: A Swedish national cohort study’ PLoS One 10(2):e0116999:1-11. 33. Rostila, M., Saarela, J., Kawachi, I., and Hjern, A. (2015) ’Excess mortality around the anniversary since the death of a minor child: Causal effects of bereavement in a nationwide follow-up study from Sweden’ European Journal of Epidemiology 30(3):239-247. 34. Rostila, M. (2015) ‘Commentary: Childhood parental loss and adulthood health: Discussing the role of parental cause of death, child’s age at death and historical context’. Social Science and Medicine 131:190-192. 35. Auguer, N. Le Serbon E., and Rostila, M. (2015) ‘Leaving Sweden behind: Gains in life expectancy in Canada’. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health 43(4):340-347. 36. Manhica, H., Östh, J. and Rostila, M. (2015) ‘Dynamics of labor force participation of African migrants in Sweden – The contribution of specific country of birth and gender on employment success’. Nordic Journal of Migration Research 5(4):194-206. 37. Dunlavy, A., Garcy, A. and Rostila, M. (2016) Education-occupation mismatch and health among foreign born workers in Sweden. Social Science & Medicine 154:36-44.

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38. Manhica, H., Hollander, A-C., Almquist, Y. Rostila, M. and Hjern, A. (2016) ‘Schizophrenia in young refugees and intercountry adoptees in Sweden: a national cohort study. British Journal of Psychiatry Open 2: 6-9. 39. Saarela, J., Cederström, A. and Rostila, M. (2016) ‘Birth order and mortality in two ethno- linguistic groups: register-based evidence from Finland. Social Science & Medicine 158:8-13. 40. Miething, A, Almquist, Y.B., Östberg, V., Rostila, M., Edling, C. and Rydgren, J. (2016) Friendship networks and psychological well-being from late adolescence to young adulthood: A structural equation modeling approach. BMC Psychology. 11;4(1):1-11.

41. Berg, L, Rostila, M. and Hjern, A. (2016) ’Parental death during childhood increases the risk of depression in young adults – a national cohort study. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry. 57(9):1092-1098.

42. Rostila M., Berg, L., Arat, A., Vinnerljung, B. and Hjern, A. (2016) ’Parental death in childhood and self-inflicted injuries in young adults - a national cohort study from Sweden.

European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 25(10):1103-1111. 43. Straatman, V.S., Oliveira, A.J., Rostila, M. and Lopes, C.S. (2016) ’Psychological well-being, onset and persistence of insufficiently active and sedentary behavior in early adolescence: findings

from longitudinal ELANA study’. BMC Public Health 16:977.

44. Miething, A., Rostila, M., Edling, C. and Rydgren, J. (2016) The influence of social network characteristics on peer clustering in smoking: A two-wave panel study of 19- and 23-year-old Swedes. PLoS One 11(10): e0164611. 45. Manhica, H., Gauffin, K., Almquist, Y., Rostila, M. and Hjern, A. (2016) Hospital admission and criminality associated with substance misuse in young refugees - a Swedish national

cohort study. PLoS One 11(11):e0166066. 46. Miething, A., Almquist, Y., Östberg, V., Edling, C. and Rydgren, J. Rostila, M. (2016) ‘Friendship network trust and psychological well-being from late adolescence to young adulthood: A structural equation modeling approach’. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health 45(3):244-252. 47. Dunlavy, A. and Rostila, M. (2017) ’Arbetsmiljö och hälsa bland utrikesfödda anställda i Sverige’. Arbetsmarknad & Arbetsliv 23(1):46-65. 48. Johnson, C., Rostila, M, Forsell, Y., Engström K. (2017) ‘The role of social capital in explaining mental health inequalities between immigrants and Swedish-born: a population-based cross-sectional study’ BMC Public Health 17;117:1-15. 49. Honkaniemi, H., Bacchus Hertzman, J., Fritzell, J. and Rostila, M. (2017) ‘A systematic review of health inequalities in the Nordic welfare states by country of birth’ BMC Public Health 17(1):511. 50. Manhica, H. Gauffin, K., Almquist, Y., Rostila, M., Berg, L., Rodriguez Garcia de Cortázar, A., Hjern, A. (2017) Hospital admissions due to alcohol related disorders among young adult refugees who arrived in Sweden as teenagers - a national cohort study. BMC Public Health. 17(1):644.

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51. Rostila M., Berg, L., Saarela, J., Kawachi, I. and Hjern, A. (2017) Experience of sibling death in childhood and risk of adult mortality: a national cohort study from Sweden. American Journal of Epidemiology. 185(12):1247-1254. 52. Manhica, H., Almquist, Y., Rostila, M. and Hjern, A. (2017) ‘The use of psychiatric services by young adults who came to Sweden as teenage refugees: a national cohort study’. Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences. 26(5):526-534. 53. Miething, A. Rostila, M., Rydgren, J. (2017) Access to occupational networks and ethnic variation of depressive symptoms in young adults in Sweden. Social Science & Medicine 190:207-216. 54. Juarez, S. and Rostila, M. (2017) ‘Non-European migrants often have similar or better health than natives’ Sociologisk Forskning 54(4):323-327. 55. Straatman, V.S., Almquist, Y., Oliveira, A.J., Rostila, M. and Lopes, C.S. (2018) ‘Cross-lagged structural equation model for reciprocal relationship between health determinants and body bullying in adolescence’ PLoS One 17;13(1):1-16. 56. Finnäs, F., Rostila, M. and Saarela, J. (2018) ‘Separation and reproduction following the death of a child: A nationwide follow-up study from Finland’ Population Studies 72(1):41-51. 57. Rostila, M., Mäki, N. and Martikainen, P. (2018) ‘Does the death of a child have an effect on parental use of psychotropic medication?’ PLoS One 2;13(5):e0195500. 58. Juarez, S., Drefdahl, S., Dunlavy, A., Rostila, M. (2018) ‘All-cause mortality, age at arrival, and duration of residence among adult migrants in Sweden. A population-based longitudinal study’. SSM Population Health. 31;6:16-25. 59. Johnson, C., Rostila, M. Ponce de Leon, A., Forsell, Y., Engström, K. (2018) ‘Neighbourhood ethnic heterogeneity, social capital and psychological distress in Sweden’ Health & Place. 52: 70-84. 60. Honkaniemi, H., Rostila, M., Kauppi, M., Virtanen, P., Lipiäinen, L., Pentti, J., Kivimäki, M., Vahtera, J. (2018) ‘Trajectories of antidepressant use before and after the loss of a family member: Evidence from the Finnish Public Sector Study’. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics. 87(4): 246-248 61. Dunlavy, A., Juarez, S. & Rostila, M. (forthcoming) ‘Unemployment status and risk of all-cause mortality among native- and foreign-origin persons in Sweden: An open cohort study from 1993-2009’ European Journal of Public Health. 62. Hiyoshi, A., Kondo, N. and Rostila, M. (forthcoming) ‘Increasing income-based inequality in suicide mortality among working-age women and men, Sweden, 1990-2007: Is there a point of trend change?’ Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. 63. Saarela, J. and Rostila, M. (forthcoming) ‘Mortality after the death of a parent in adulthood: a register- based comparison of two ethno-linguistic groups’. European Journal of Public Health.

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64. Rostila, M. (2007) ‘Social capital and Health in the Swedish Welfare State’, in J. Fritzell & O. Lundberg (eds.) Health Inequalities and Welfare Resources – Continuity and change in Sweden. Policy Press, Bristol, Pp. 157-178.

65. Rostila, M. (2012) ‘Ensam är inte stark: Om sociala nätverk, socialt kapital och hälsa’, in M. Rostila & S. Toivanen (eds.) Den orättvisa hälsan. Om socioekonomiska skillnader i hälsa och livslängd. Liber, Stockholm.

66. Rostila, M. and Toivanen, S. (2012) ‘Den orättvisa hälsan’, in M. Rostila & S. Toivanen (eds.) Den orättvisa hälsan. Om socioekonomiska skillnader i hälsa och livslängd. Liber, Stockholm. 67. Rostila, M. and Hjern, A. (2012) ‘Invandring och ojämlikhet i hälsa’, in M. Rostila & S. Toivanen (eds.) Den orättvisa hälsan. Om socioekonomiska skillnader i hälsa och livslängd. Liber, Stockholm. 68. Rostila, M. and Toivanen, S. (2012) ‘Vägar till en rättvis hälsa’, in M. Rostila & S. Toivanen (eds.) Den orättvisa hälsan. Om socioekonomiska skillnader i hälsa och livslängd. Liber, Stockholm. 69. Rostila, M. (2013) ’The social capital of welfare states and its significance for population health’, in Kawachi, I., Takao, S. and Subramanian, S.V. (eds.) Global perspectives on social capital and health. Springer, New York. 70. Rostila, M. (2013) ’The social capital of welfare states and its significance for population health’, in Kawachi, I., Takao, S. and Subramanian, S.V. (eds.) Global perspectives on social capital and health. [Japanse transaltion] Springer Verlag GmbH & CoKG, The English Agency (Japan). 71. Rostila, M., Nygård, M., and Nyqvist, F. (2015) ‘The role of welfare states and social capital for self-rated health among older Europeans’, in Forsman, A. and Nyqvist F. (eds.) Social capital and health among older people: the meaning of community and context. Springer, New York. 72. Rostila, M. (2015) ‘Gøsta Esping-Andersen: Welfare regimes and social inequalities in health’ In Collyer, F. (ed.) The Palgrave Handbook of Social Theory in Health, Illness and Medicine, Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke. 73. Rostila, M. (2015) ‘Barn som förlorar en förälder: Konsekvenser för hälsa och dödlighet’. In Järkestig-Berggren, U., Magnusson, L. and Hanson, E. (eds.) Att se barn som anhöriga – om relationer, interventioner och omsorgsansvar.Pp. 133-154 NKA Barn som anhöriga 2015:6. 74. Hjern, A., Berg, L., Rostila, M., and Vinnerljung, B. (2015) ’Barn som anhöriga: hur går det i skolan?’. In Järkestig-Berggren, U., Magnusson, L. and Hanson, E. (eds.) Att se barn som anhöriga om relationer, interventioner och omsorgsansvar. Pp.117-132 NKA Barn som anhöriga 2015:6. 75. Honkaniemi, H., Wimark, T., Juarez, S., Lagerqvist, M., & Rostila, M. (2017). Social hållbarhet i kollektivtrafiken. In: Thomas Wimark (Ed) Metoder och verktyg för sociala nyttoberäkningar i kollektivtrafiken. Kulturgeografiska institutionen, Stockholms universitet.

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76. Hjern, A., Berg, L., Rostila, M., and Vinnerljung, B. (2013) ’Barn som anhöriga: hur går det i skolan?’, Centre for Health Equity Studies and NKA Barn som Anhöriga 2013:3. 77. Arnberg, F., Bergh Johannesson, K., Bondjers, K., Nilsson, D., Rostila, M. and Ängarne-Lindberg, T. (2014) ’Utvärdering av Barntraumateamet i Norrköping’, NKA Barn som Anhöriga 2014:2. 78. Hjern, A., Arat, A., Rostila, M., Berg, L. and Vinnerljung, B. (2014) ’Hälsa och sociala livsvillkor hos unga vuxna som förlorat en förälder i dödsfall under barndomen’, Centre for Health Equity Studies and NKA Barn som Anhöriga 2014:3. 79. Finnäs, F., Rostila, M. and Saarela, J. (2015) ‘Separation and reproduction following the death of a child: A nationwide follow-up study from Finland’ Stockholm Research Reports in Demography 2015:5. 80. Hjern, A., Berg, L., Arat, A., Klöfvermark, J., Manhica, H., Rostila, M. and Vinnerljung, B. ’Children as next of kin in Sweden’, Centre for Health Equity Studies and NKA Barn som Anhöriga 2017:2.

Other articles in Swedish

81. Rostila, M. and Saarela J. (2011) ’Att förlora en förälder dödar: Vården måste ta större

ansvar även för anhöriga’, Läkartidningen 14(108); 813. 82. Rostila, M. and Toivanen S. (2012) ’Medicinska framsteg inte tillräckligt för bättre hälsa’, Dagens Arena. 83. Rostila, M. (2013) ’Bättre sociala relationer i socialdemokratiska samhällen’, SVD Brännpunkt 2013-03-09. 84. Rostila, M. (2013) ’Sociala relationer är inte bara allmän tillit’, SVD Brännpunkt 2013-03-14. 85. Rostila, M. (2013) ’Orättvis fördelning av hälsa’, Fria Tidningen 2013-10-03.

Published conference abstracts

86. Engström, K., Johnson, C & Rostila, M. (2014). Can social capital explain mental health inequalities between immigrant groups? [Conference abstract] European Journal of Public Health 24;suppl:57-58 87. Rostila, M., Berg, L., Saarela, J & Hjern, A. (2015). Sibling death in childhood predicts mortality in young adults – a Swedish national cohort study. [Conference abstract] European Journal of Public Health 24;suppl:53. 88. Kondo, N., Rostila, M. & Åberg-Yngwe, M. (2015) Increasing trends in suicide mortality of working- age men and women durng and after the early 1990s economic recession in Sweden: A national registry-based repeated cohort study. [Conference abstract] International Journal of Epidemiology 44; suppl 1:i12.

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89. Rostila, M., Berg, L., Arat, A., Vinnerljung, B & Hjern, A. (2016) Sibling death in childhood and self- inflicted injuries in young adults – a national cohort study from Sweden. [Conference abstract] European Psychiatry 33;suppl:S755.

90. Rostila, M., Berg, L., Saarela, J. & Hjern, A (2017). Experience of sibling death in

childhood and risk of psychiatric care in adulthood[Conference abstract] European Journal of

Public Health 27;suppl.

91. Dunlavy, A., Juarez, S., Tovanen, S. and Rostila, M. (2017). Migration background characteristics and the association between unemployment and suicide[Conference abstract] European Journal of Public Health 27;suppl. 92. Juarez, S., Dunlavy, A. & Rostila, M. (2018). All-cause mortality, age at arrival, and duration of residence among adult migrants in Sweden: A population-based longitudinal study. [Conference abstract] European Journal of Public Health 28;suppl. 93. Juarez, S., Honkaniemi, H., Dunlavy, A., Aldrige, R., Barreto, M, Katikireddi, V & Rostila, M. A systematic review of evaluations of the health impacts of migration-oriented public policies. [Conference abstract] European Journal of Public Health 28;suppl. 94. Miething, A., Rostila, M. & Rydgren, J. (2018) Lacking occupational network contacts: an explanation for the ethnic variation of depressive symptoms in young adults in Sweden. [Conference abstract] European Journal of Public Health 28;suppl. 95. Dunlavy, A., Juarez, S. & Rostila, M. (2018) The impact of migration characteristics on the relationship between employment status and suicide: a longitudinal study of native- and foreign-origin persons in Sweden. [Conference abstract] European Journal of Public Health 28;suppl. Submitted articles

96. Miething, A., Rostila, M., Edling, C. and Rydgren, J. ‘Associations between men’s and women’s dieting patterns and peers’ weight-control behaviors in late adolescence and early adulthood (R&R). 97. Dunlavy, A., Juarez, S. & Rostila, M. “The impact of migration background characteristics on the association between unemployment and suicide: A longitudinal study of native- and foreign-origin persons in Sweden” (R&R). 98. Straatman, V.S., Almquist, Y., Oliveira, A.J., Veiga, G.W., Rostila, M. and Lopes, C.S. Stability and reciprocal relationship between physical activity and sedentary behaviours in Brazilian adolescents: longitudinal findings from a school cohort study. 99. Berg, L, Rostila, M., Arat, A. and Hjern, A. ’ Parental death in childhood and violent crime in youth – a Swedish national cohort study. 100. Rostila, M., Berg, L., Saarela, J., Kawachi, I. and Hjern, A. Experience of sibling death in childhood and risk of psychiatric care in adulthood: a national cohort study from Sweden. 101. Manhica, H., Berg, L., Almquist, Y., Rostila, M., Hjern, A. Labour market participation among young refugees in Sweden and the potential of education: a national cohort study (R&R).

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102. Miething, A. and Rostila, M. ‘In policies we trust: The role of interpersonal trust for educational inequalities in depressive symptoms in European welfare states’.

PRESENTATIONS (a selection)

2003 Doctoral Seminar, Helsinki. Title: Vart tog det god arbetet vägen?. 2004 The Swedish Sociological Association, Stockholm. Title: Vart tog det goda arbetet vägen?. 2004 ECSR summer conference, Trento. Title: Social Capital and Health in the Swedish Welfare State. 2004 CCWS/ESPAnet Young researchers conference, Alborg. Title: Social Capital and Health in the

Swedish Welfare State. 2004 Doctoral Seminar, Copenhagen. Title: Social Capital and Health in the Swedish Welfare State. 2005 Doctoral Seminar, Stockholm. Title: Social Capital and Health in European Welfare Regimes. 2005 Aage Sorensen Memorial Conference, Harvard-Oxford-Stockholm, Cambridge, MA. Title: Social

Capital and Health in European Welfare Regimes. 2005 Re-theorizing Welfare States: Restructuring States, Restructuring Analysis (RC19 annual

conference), Chicago. Title: Social Capital and Health in European Welfare Regimes. 2005 Assessing ten years of sociological research (ECSR annual conference), Paris, 25-26 November.

Title: Social Capital and Health in European Welfare Regimes. 2006 Doctoral seminar at Department of Sociology of Harvard University. Title: Social Capital and

Health in European Welfare Regimes. 2006 Invited seminar at Harvard School of Public Health. Title: Income Inequality and Health in the

Swedish Welfare State. 2007 Social, cultural and economic determinants of health: international perspectives for global action (1st

conference of the journal Public Health), Lisbon, 9-11 May. Title: Income Inequality and Health in the Swedish Welfare State.

2008 Invited seminar at Stockholm University Linnaeus Center for Integration Studies, SULCIS. Title:

Birds of a Feather Flock Together – and fall ill? Migrant homophily and health in Sweden. 2008 The 1st IMS/CHESS workshop: Health and Society, Rio de Janeiro, 8-10 December. Birds of a

Feather Flock Together – and fall ill? Migrant homophily and health in Sweden. 2009 Invited seminar at Aging Research Center, ARC, Karolinska Institutet. Title: Migrants’ social

networks and health. 2009 Vision 2030 – Framtidens seniorboende, MICASA. Title: Ensam är inte stark – Om social

gemenskap, social miljö, och hälsa. 2009 The 2nd IMS/CHESS workshop: Health and Society, Rio de Janeiro, 7-9 December. Title: Time does

not heal all wounds. Mortality following the death of a parent.

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2010 Invited scholary lecture at Harvard School of Public Health. Title: Migrants’ social environment and health in Sweden

2011 Invited lecture at Karolinska Institutet, Solna. Title: Läker tiden alla sår? 2011 Invited lecture at Karolinska Institutet, Huddinge. Title: Läker tiden alla sår? 2011 American Public Health Association (APHA), annual meeting, Washington DC. 31 October-3

November. Title: Mortality differentials by immigrant group in Sweden: The contribution of socioeconomic status.

2011 The 3rd IMS/CHESS workshop: Health and Society, Rio de Janeiro, 7-9 December. Title: Mortality

differentials by immigrant groups in Sweden – The contribution of socioeconomic position. 2011 Invited lecture at Centrum för klinisk forskning, Falun. Title: Läker tiden alla sår? 2012 Seminar at the National Board of Health and Welfare. Title: Hälsokonsekvenser av att förlora en

förälder 2012 CEREN Research Seminar, University of Helsinki. Title: Migrants’ social environment and health. Findings from two recent studies. 2012 Framtidsfokus, Sociala nätverk – möjligheter och begränsningar, Institute for future studies. Title: Hälsokonsekvenser av sociala relationer och socialt kapital. 2012 Höstmötet – konferens om välfärd och socialpolitik. Title: The psychological sceleton in the closet: Mortality after the death of a sibling from suicide. 2012 LIFEINCON seminar, Department of Sociology, Stockholm University. Title: Network characteristics and daily smoking among young adults. 2013 European Sociological Associations (ESA) annual conference, Crisis, critique and change, August 28-31, Torino, Italy. Title: Birth order and suicide at adult age: Evidence from Swedish population data. 2013 Traumadagen, Stockholm Waterfront Congress Centre September 5, Stockholm, Sweden. Title: Läker tiden alla sår? Sorg och trauma vid förlust av anhörig. 2013 Annual conference for The Swedish Intensive Care Society (SIS), November 14, Johannesberg, Sweden. Title: Läker tiden alla sår? Hälsokonsekvenser av att förlora en anhörig 2013 Psykisk (o)hälsa syd, November 27, Malmö, Slagthuset, Sweden. Title: Läker tiden alla sår? Sorg och trauma vid förlust av anhörig. 2014 Department of physical education and sports, Rural University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Title: Does time heal all wounds? Health consequences following the loss of a family member . 2014 Instituto de Medicina Social, State University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Title: Does time heal all wounds? Health consequences following the loss of a family member.

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2014 Division of Social Medicine and Global Health, Lund University, Malmö, Sweden. Title: Social capital, welfare and health. 2014 Matchpoints seminar (Keynote speaker), University of Aarhus, Aarhus, Denmark. Title: Social capital and health inequality in European welfare states. 2014 Tokyo seminar on Social Epidemiology, University of Tokyo School of Public Health, Japan. Title: Mortality following the death of a family member in a life course perspective in Sweden. 2014 Symposium: Tackling determinants, changing behaviours: Local and global perspectives on population health improvement, University of Auckland, New Zealand. Title: Mortality following the death of a family member. 2014 The 6th ISSC meeting, Waiheke Island, New Zealand. Title: Testing the anniversary reaction: causal effects of bereavement in a nationwide follow-up study from Sweden. 2015 Stöd till barn när förälder oväntat avlider, Norrköping. Title: Utvärdering av Barntraumateamet i Norrköping. 2015 SUDA seminar, Department of Sociology, Stockholm University. Title: Testing the anniversary reaction: causal effects of bereavement in a nationwide follow-up study from Sweden. 2015 Förening för familjecentralers främjande årliga konferens (keynote speaker), Svenska mässan, Gothenburg, Sweden. Title: Den orättvisa hälsan. 2015 The 7th ISSC meeting, Seoul, South Korea. Title: Social trust and psychological wellbeing: Testing causality using a structural equation modeling approach. 2015 Invited speaker, Seoul National University, College of Medicine, Seoul, South Korea. Title: Health consequences following bereavement: Evidence from Swedish total population registry data. 2015 European Public Health Association (EPH), annual meeting, Milano, Italy. 14-17 October. Title: Sibling death in childhood and mortality in young bereaved adults – a national Swedish cohort study. 2015 American Public Health Associattion (APHA), annual meeting, Chicago, USA, 31 October-4 November. Title: Parental death in childhood and self-inflicted injuries in young adults: A national Swedish cohort study. 2015 Plenary Speaker, The 2nd Annual Conference of the Swedish Network for International Health – Health Equity in an Unequal World, Stockholm, Sweden, November 20-21. Title: Health Inequalities Between Immigrant Groups in Sweden. 2016 Seminar at Stress Research Institute, Stockholm University. Title: Health consequences by bereavement in childhood and adulthood: f indings from Swedish total population data. 2016 The 8th ISSC meeting, Sapporo, Japan. Title: Birth order and mortality in two ethno-linguistic groups: Register-based evidence from Finland.

2016 LO-seminar, Almedalen, Sweden. Title: Den ojämlika hälsan. Betydelsen av ekonomisk ojämlikhet, social klass, kön och etnicitet

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2016 Lecture, Att se barn som anhöriga, Landstinget Dalarna, Falun. Title: Läker tiden alla sår? Hälsokonsekvenser av att förlora en förälder eller ett syskon i barndomen. 2017 The 9th ISSC meeting, Stockholm, Sweden. Title: Experience of sibling death in childhood and risk of psychiatric care in adulthood: a national cohort study from Sweden.

2017 Symposium, Society for epidemiologic research, Seattle, USA. Title: Social capital and health in welfare states: How can social policy contribute to our understanding of promoting social

capital and health? 2017 European Public Health Association (EPH), annual meeting, Stockholm, Sweden. 1-4 November.

Title: Experience of sibling death in childhood and risk of psychiatric care in adulthood: a national cohort study from Sweden. 2017 Lecture, Linköping. Title: Läker tiden alla sår? Hälsokonsekvenser av att förlora en förälder eller ett syskon i barndomen. 2018 Lecture, Stockholm, Decuria. Title: Den orättvisa hälsan: Om socioekonomiska skillnader i hälsa och livslängd. 2018 Population Association of America (PAA), annual meeting, Denver, United States. 26-28 April. Title: Experience of sibling death in childhood and risk of psychiatric care in adulthood: a national cohort study from Sweden. 2018 1st World Congress on Migration, Ethnicity, Race and Health, Edinburgh, UK. 17-19 May. Title: All-cause mortality, age at arrival, and duration of residence among adult migrants in Sweden. A population-based longitudinal study. 2018 Symposium, The 10th ISSC meeting, Hvar, Croatia. 13-15 June. Title: Health inequalities by country of origin in Sweden.


Refree assignments in peer reviewed journals JAMA, Circulation, JAMA Psychiatry, American Journal of Epidemiology, International Journal of Epidemiology, Social Forces, European Sociological Review, Annals of Epidemiology, Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, Social Science and Medicine, SSM: Population Health, Sociology of Health and Illness, Journal of Marriage and Family, Occupational and Environmental Medicine, The Sociological Quarterly, European Journal of Public Health, Psycho-Oncology, Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, Revista de Saúde Pública, Journal of Happiness Studies, International Journal of Social Welfare, BMC Public Health, International Journal for Equity in Health, Arthritis Care & Research, Journal of Social and Personal Relationships

Other scientific review assignments

2011 Opponent, halftime seminar (Filip Fors), Department of Sociology, Umeå University 2012 External reviewer, thesis for doctor of philosophy (Mukesh Prasad), University of Southern


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2013 External reviewer of application to FORTE 2013 Member of the examinationboard (chair), thesis for doctor of technology (Maria Ljungren), Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) 2014 Faculty Opponent, thesis for doctor of medicine (Göran Henriksson), Department of Public Health Karolinska Institutet (KI) 2014 Opponent, Final seminar (Amber Beckley), Department of Criminology, Stockholm University 2014 Opponent, halftime seminar (Sara Kjellsson), Department of Sociology, Stockholm University 2015 External reviewer of grant of excellence application to The Icelandic Research Fund 2015 Reviewer of application for docentur in sociology (docenturansökan), Umeå University (Daniel Larsson). 2016 Reviewer of strategic research applications to Academy of Finland. 2017 Opponent, halftime seminar (Teolinda Toft), Department of Women’s and Children’s Health, Uppsala University 2017 Reviewer of application for lecturer in Health Sciences, Röda Korsets Högskola (Petter Tinghög). 2017 Reviewer of application for docentur in Health Sciences (docenturansökan), Röda Korsets Högskola (Petter Tinghög). 2017 Evaluation committee, thesis for doctor of medicine (Yongfu Yu), Department of Public Health, Aarhus University. 2017 Faculty Opponent, thesis for doctor of medicine (Kateryna Karinha), Department of Public Health and Clinical Medicine, Umeå University


Supervisor of PhD students 2012-2017 Andrea Dunlavy, Sociology (Stockholm University) 2013-2017 Hélio Manhica, Public Health Science (Stockholm University) (co-supervisor)

Ongoing supervisor of PhD students

2013 Charisse Johnson, Public Health Science (Karolinska Institutet) (co-supervisor) 2018 Helena Honkaniemi, Public Health Science (Stockholm University) 2018 Hua Chen, Public Health Science (Karolinska Institutet) (co-supervisor)

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Pedagogical courses

2007 UP1, University pedagogics for university teachers, 4.5 credits 2012 Supervision of Doctoral students, 4.5 credits

Courses in student administration 2013 Introduktion till utbildningsdokumentation i SISU och Ladok 2013 Kursplaner och utbildningsplaner, behörighet som redaktör alternativt beslutsfattare i SISU 2014 Introduction to NyA Webben

Teaching at basic levels 2004 Teaching: Health and Society, tutoring of first term students writing term papers, Department of

Sociology, Stockholm University (9 ECTS credits) 2005 Teaching: Health and Society, tutoring of first term students writing term papers, Department of

Sociology, Stockholm University (9 ECTS credits) 2007/2008 Tutoring 3 bachelors theses in sociology 2007 Guestlecturer at the public health programme at Sahlgrenska Academy, Gothenburg University 2013 Guestlecturer at the course “Stöd för barn och unga i sorg”, Ersta Sköndal Högskola 2014 Director of the second-level course ”Evaluation Methods” at Department of Sociology, Stockholm

University (4.5 credits) 2014 Director of the first-level course ”Basic Statistics 2” at Department of Sociology, Stockholm

University (6 credits) 2015 Guestlecturer at the course “Stöd för barn och unga i sorg”, Ersta Sköndal Högskola 2015 Director of the second-level course ”Evaluation Methods” at Department of Sociology, Stockholm University (4.5 credits) 2015 Director of the first-level course ”Basic Statistics 2” at Department of Sociology, Stockholm

University (6 credits) 2015 Examiner of 3 bachelor theses in sociology, Department of Sociology, Stockholm University 2016 Guestlecturer at the course “Stöd för barn och unga i sorg”, Ersta Sköndal Högskola

2017 Guestlecturer at the course “Stöd för barn och unga i sorg”, Ersta Sköndal Högskola 2018 Guestlecturer at the course “Stöd för barn och unga i sorg”, Ersta Sköndal Högskola

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Teaching at advanced levels 2005 Course assistant, multilevel models, Institute for Future Studies 2008 Lecturer and co-director (together with Johan Fritzell) of the masters course ‘Social stratification:

Labour market, social policy and welfare states’ at CHESS, Stockholm University/Karolinska Institutet (15 ECTS credits)

2009 Guestlecturer at doctoral course ‘Welfare States in changing Europe’, Department of Sociology,

Stockholm University 2009 Director of the masters course ‘Social stratification and health’ at CHESS, Stockholm

University/Karolinska Institutet (7.5 ECTS credits) 2009 Guestlecturer at the Psychology Program at Karolinska Institutet 2010 Tutoring 1 master thesis in Public Health, Centre for Health Equity Studies (CHESS) 2011 Guestlecture at the masters course ‘Welfare state, social policy and health’, Centre for Health Equity Studies. 2012 Tutoring 2 master theses in Public Health, Centre for Health Equity Studies (CHESS) 2012 Examiner of 2 master theses in Public Health, Centre for Health Equity Studies (CHESS) 2013 Guestlecture at the masters course ‘Welfare state, social policy and health’, Centre for Health Equity Studies. 2013 Director (together with Ylva Almquist) of the masters course ‘Introduction to Master thesis in public

health’ at CHESS, Stockholm University/Karolinska Institutet (7.5 credits) 2014 Director of the masters course ‘Optional course’ at CHESS, Stockholm University/Karolinska

Institutet (7.5 credits) 2014 Director (together with Ylva Almquist) of the masters course ‘Master thesis in public health’ at

CHESS, Stockholm University/Karolinska Institutet (22.5 credits) 2014 Guestlecture at the masters course ‘Health Policy’, Division of Social Medicine and Global Health,

Lund University. 2014 Tutoring 1 master thesis in Public Health, Centre for Health Equity Studies (CHESS) 2014 Director of the master course “Introduction to the mastersprogramme in applied social research” at

department of sociology, Stockholm University (7.5 credits) 2015 Examiner of 1 master thesis in sociology, Department of Sociology, Stockholm University 2015 Director of the master course “Introduction to the mastersprogramme in applied social research” at

department of sociology, Stockholm University (7.5 credits) 2015 Guestlecturer at the Psychology Program at Karolinska Institutet

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2015 Guestlecturer at the masters course ‘Welfare state, social policy and health’, Centre for Health Equity Studies.

2016 Director (together with Sol Juaréz) of the masters course ‘Population health and health equity’ at CHESS, Stockholm University/Karolinska Institutet (7.5 credits) 2016 Examiner of 2 master theses in Public Health, Centre for Health Equity Studies (CHESS) 2016 Guestlecturer at the Psychology Program at Karolinska Institutet 2016 Guestlecturer at the PhD course “Public Health research- concepts and theories” at Karolinska Institutet 2017 Guestlecturer at the Psychology Program at Karolinska Institutet 2017 Guestlecturer at the masters course ‘Welfare state, social policy and health’, Centre for Health

Equity Studies. 2012 Examiner of 1 master thesis in Public Health, Department of Public Health Sciences, Stockholm

University Teaching at PhD level 2018 Director of the PhD-level course ”An introduction to Public Health Sciences” (together with Karl

Gauffin and Sol Juarez) at Department of Public Health Sciences, Stockholm University (7.5 credits)

Other teaching experience

1996-1997 Basic military and leadership training as a platoon leader in the Swedish army at Svea

Lifeguard 1997-1998 Sergeant in the Swedish army at Svea Lifeguard, instructing and teaching soldiers in basic

military training, over 1700 hours of teaching and instruction 2010-2012 organizer of CHESS internal work seminar series


2016-present Boardmember, Stress Research Institute, Stockholm University 2012-present Member of the International Society for Social Capital and Health Scholars (ISSC) 2013-present Member of the Europan Sociological Association (ESA) 2012-2014 Boardmember (elected staff representative), Centre for Health Equity Studies, Stockholm University/Karolinska Institutet 2012-present Boardmember (deputy) institutional board, Department of Sociology at Stockholm


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2011-present Member of the American Public Health Association (APHA) 2010-2012 Member of the reference group for “Framtidens arbetsplatser” 2008 Representative for members of the unemployment fund for graduates in Sweden, AEA (elected by

members of AEA) 2008-2010 Safety representative (substitute), Centre for Health Equity Studies, Stockholm University 2005 Vice president and treasurer, the doctoral council at Department of Sociology at Stockholm

University 2005 Board member, institutional board (doctoral student representative), Department of Sociology at

Stockholm University 2004-present Member of Research Committee on Poverty, Social Welfare and Social Policy (RC19) 2004-present Member of the Swedish Association of Behavioural Medicine 2004-present Member of The Network for European Social Policy Analysis (ESPAnet)

MEDIA APPEARENCE (a selection)

‘Morgonpasset’, Swedish radio P3, ’Social contacts and health’ ‘Tendens’, Swedish radio P1, ‘Unsolved crimes’ Dagens Nyheter, ’Trust is related to well-being’ Västerbottens Folkblad, ’Welfare causes trust’ Gomorron Sverige ’Loneliness and health’ Studio ett, P1, Swedish radio, ’Loneliness and health’ Arbeidsliv i Norden, ‘Hard to export nordic trust’ SVT, Rapport ’Svår förlust kan förkorta livet’ The journal Vårdfokus ’Ökad dödlighet hos barn som förlorar en förälder’ Nerikes Allehanda. ’Loosing a parent is fatal’ Memento ’Loosing a parent is fatal’ ‘SR International’, Swedish radio, ’Increased health differences among the population’ LO-tidningen ‘Health – A class issue’ Dagens ETC ‘Highly educated live longer’

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Kommunalarbetaren ‘Unfair health’ Norran ‘Increased inequalities in health and longevity’ SVT, Uutiset ‘Studera länge om du vill bli gammal’ Radio Sweden, P6 ’Increasing inequalities in health in the population’ Folkbladet ’Unik verksamhet snart i hela länet’ SVT, Östnytt ’Unikt team möter barn i kris’ Live Science ‘Younger siblings are more susceptible to suicide, study finds’ Hela Hälsingland (Hudiksvalls Tidning, Söderhamns-Kuriren, Ljusnan, Ljusdals-Posten) ‘Ensamhet gör dig sjuk’ Medicinsk Vetenskap ’Nyfiken på tillit: Lätt att rasera, svårare att bygga upp’