Curriculum Vitae IRA ALAN WEINSTOCK (Date: May 1, 2015...

Ira A. Weinstock, CV, page 1 Curriculum Vitae IRA ALAN WEINSTOCK (Date: May 1, 2015) ADDRESS Ben Gurion University Department of Chemistry, POB 653 Beer Sheva, 84105 Israel Phone: 972-(0)8-647-2188 or 972-052-801-8048 E-mail: [email protected] Website: EDUCATION MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 1990, Ph.D., Chemistry 1985-1988 National Science Foundation Graduate Fellow Professor Richard R. Schrock, Advisor (recipient of the 2005 Nobel Prize in Chemistry) COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY 1986, M.A., Chemistry Professor Carlo Floriani, Advisor WILLIAMS COLLEGE 1980, B.A. (Magna Cum Laude), Chemistry 1979 Phi Beta Kappa POSITIONS HELD BEN GURION UNIVERSITY OF THE NEGEV (Beer Sheva, Israel) Associate Professor of Chemistry 2006 to present THE CITY UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK (City College Campus; New York City, NY) Associate Professor of Chemistry 2004 to 2006 U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE (Madison, WI) Team Leader 1997-2004 Research Chemist 1991-1997 SANDIA NATIONAL LABORATORY (Albuquerque, NM) Senior Member of Technical Staff 1990-1991 EDITORIAL BOARD ACTIVITIES Associate Editor, Israel Journal of Chemistry (IJC, Wiley) 2010-2015 Guest Editor, Special Issue of the IJC, entitled, “Frontiers in Metal Oxide Cluster Science” 2011 (Vol. 51, No. 2)

Transcript of Curriculum Vitae IRA ALAN WEINSTOCK (Date: May 1, 2015...

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Curriculum Vitae


(Date: May 1, 2015)

ADDRESS Ben Gurion University Department of Chemistry, POB 653 Beer Sheva, 84105 Israel Phone: 972-(0)8-647-2188 or 972-052-801-8048 E-mail: [email protected] Website: EDUCATION MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 1990, Ph.D., Chemistry 1985-1988 National Science Foundation Graduate Fellow Professor Richard R. Schrock, Advisor (recipient of the 2005 Nobel Prize in Chemistry) COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY 1986, M.A., Chemistry Professor Carlo Floriani, Advisor WILLIAMS COLLEGE 1980, B.A. (Magna Cum Laude), Chemistry 1979 Phi Beta Kappa POSITIONS HELD

BEN GURION UNIVERSITY OF THE NEGEV (Beer Sheva, Israel) Associate Professor of Chemistry 2006 to present THE CITY UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK (City College Campus; New York City, NY) Associate Professor of Chemistry 2004 to 2006 U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE (Madison, WI) Team Leader 1997-2004 Research Chemist 1991-1997 SANDIA NATIONAL LABORATORY (Albuquerque, NM) Senior Member of Technical Staff 1990-1991

EDITORIAL BOARD ACTIVITIES Associate Editor, Israel Journal of Chemistry (IJC, Wiley) 2010-2015 Guest Editor, Special Issue of the IJC, entitled, “Frontiers in Metal Oxide Cluster Science” 2011 (Vol. 51, No. 2)

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AWARDS AND HONORARY SERVICE • Scientific committee, FMOCS Symposium 2014: 3rd Frontiers in Metal-Oxide Cluster

Science (July 12-15, Val d’Oise, France) 2014 • Ben Gurion University, Faculty of Natural Sciences award for excellence in research 2013 • Organizing Committee for 2nd Congress of the Division of Inorganic Chemistry of the

European Chemical Society, Jerusalem, Israel 2013 • Scientific Committee for the 1st European Conference on Polyoxometalate Chemistry for

Molecular Nanoscience, Tenerife, Spain 2013 • Local Organizing Committee for the 11th Int. Symposium on the Activation of Dioxygen

& Homogeneous Catalysis Oxidation (ADHOC11), Jerusalem, Israel 2012 • Organizer (with Ronny Neumann) of International Workshop, “Frontiers in Metal Oxide

Cluster Science”, Institute for Advanced Studies, Jerusalem, Israel 2010 • Ben Gurion University, Faculty of Natural Sciences award for excellence in research 2009 • Invited session chair: Schulich Symposium, Technion, Haifa, Israel 2009 • USDA Shared Research-Unit Award 2004 • USDA Shared Research-Unit Award 2003 • Local Organizing Committee for the 8th International Symposium on

Activation of Dioxygen and Homogeneous Catalytic Oxidation 2002 • USDA Sustained Superior Performance Award 1998 • USDA Certificates of Merit (two) 1998 • National Group Honor Award for Excellence in Research (shared award) 1996 • USDA Certificate of Merit 1996 • Vice-Chair, Forest Service Corporate Strategic Planning Team 1996 • USDA Certificate of Merit (Research in the National Interest) 1995 • Polyoxometalate Task Group, TAPPI Bleaching Committee 1995 • USDA Sustained Superior Performance Award 1994 • USDA Certificate of Merit 1994 • USDA Certificate of Merit (Organization of Intl. Research Consortium) 1993 • USDA Certificate of Merit (New Process for Catalytic Oxidation) 1992 • National Science Foundation Graduate Fellow 1985-1989 • Magna Cum Laude (B.A. Williams College) 1980 • Phi Beta Kappa (Williams College) 1979 TEACHING EXPERIENCE Ben Gurion University of the Negev: Topics in Inorganic Chemistry (Graduate level) one semester; biannually Advanced Inorganic Chemistry spring semester Chemical Applications of Group Theory fall semester Organometallic Chemistry (50% responsibility) spring semester Average rank by students in top 10% The City College of New York, City University of New York: CHEM 325: Inorganic Chemistry (Advanced Undergraduate) fall, 2004 CHEM B1000: Inorganic Chemistry (MA program) spring, 2005 CHEM C0400: Inorganic Chemistry (MA program) fall, 2005 (received the highest rankings in the Dept. for all 3 consecutive semesters in 2004 and 2005)

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The Graduate Center of The City University of New York: CHEM 710 Chemical Applications of Group Theory (Ph.D. program) spring, 2006 Emory University, Department of Chemistry: CHEM 755: Topics in Theoretical Inorganic Chemistry spring, 1997 (50% responsibility) CHEM 350: Inorganic Chemistry fall, 2002 (for CHEM 350, received the 2nd highest rating of 18 courses taught in the Dept. that fall) Graduate and Undergraduate Research mentor for: Current students: Gal Gan Or (MSc candidate, Ben Gurion University) Marina Saganovich (MSc candidate, Ben Gurion University) Eyal Gadot (MSc candidate, Ben Gurion University) Shelly Sharet (Ph.D. candidate, Ben Gurion University) Sivil Kopelovich (Ph.D. candidate, Ben Gurion University) Alina Grego (Ph.D. candidate, Ben Gurion University) Offer Zeiri (Ph.D. candidate, Ben Gurion University) Alevtina Neyman (Ph.D. candidate, Ben Gurion University) Previous students: Moran Shaanan (MSc, Ben Gurion University, 2012) Ophir Snir (PhD, Ben Gurion University, 2012) Ayala Ziv (MSc, Ben Gurion University, 2009) Henry Tebba (MA, City College of New York, 2007) Gregory Rose (MA, City College of New York, 2007) Jennifer J. Cowan* (Ph.D, Emory University, 2002) Karthik M. Sundaram* (Honors Research, Emory University, 2002) Vladimir A. Grigoriev* (Ph.D, Emory University, 2001) Matthew Birchmeier * (Ph.D, ChemE, U. Wisconsin-Madison, 2000) Joshen Stangl* (M.S., ChemE, U. Wisconsin-Madison, 1996) *(In collaboration with Charlie G. Hill, Jr. at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Dept. of Chemical Engineering and/or Craig L. Hill at the Emory University, Dept. of Chemistry) Training of Post-Doctoral Associates dates Yizhan Wang (Ph.D. Jilin University, Changchun, PRC) 2013- Manoj Raula (Ph.D. Indian Association For The Cultivation of Science, Calcutta, India) 2012- Vijay Kumar, (Ph.D. from Indian Institute of Chemical Technology, Hyderabad, India)2011-2012 Yifeng Wang (Ph.D. from Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, PRC) 2008-2012 Israel M. Mbomekallé, (Ph.D. from Paris VI, France) 2005-2006 CURRENT SCIENTIFIC INTERESTS METAL OXIDE CLUSTER SCIENCE Specific topics: Inorganic synthesis, structure and reaction mechanisms Homogeneous catalytic oxidation Electron transfer Renewable energy and energy storage Supramolecular (host/guest) chemistry Metal-nanoparticles as structural building units

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Polyoxometalate-protected metal-oxide nanocrystals CURRENT RESEARCH COLLABORATORS Paul Kögerler (Prof. of Chem., University of Aachen, Germany) Louisa Meshi (Dr., Dept. of Mat. Eng., Ben Gurion Univ., Beer Sheva, Israel) Achim Müller (Prof. of Chem., University of Bielefeld, Germany) Francesco Stellacci (Prof. of Mat. Eng., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA) Carles Bo (Prof. of Chem., Institute of Chemical Research of Catalonia—ICIQ, Spain) Roberto Gobetto (Prof. of Chem., Univ. of Turin, Torino, Italy) RESEARCH SUPPORT Current and previous Israel Ministry of Science, Technology and Space (MOST) and the Italian Ministry of

Foreign Affairs Supramolecular Organization of Graphene-anchored Photosynthetic NanO-Arrays (SOGNO;

“dream” in Italian) (2014-2016; 81,750—Israeli PI) Israel Science Foundation (Individual; 248/09) “Supramolecular inorganic chemistry in water” (2013-2017; $285,000) Adelis Foundation (collaboration with Prof. Yaron Paz, Technion, Dept. of Chem. Eng.) “Nano-engineered composite materials for photocatalytic water splitting” (2012-2014: $50,000) Israel Science Foundation and Council of Higher Education Center of Research

Excellence (I-CORE; consortium, including researchers from the Israel Institute of Technology (Technion), the Weizmann Institute of Science and Ben Gurion University)

“Israel Consortium for Solar Fuels” (2011-2015: Weinstock Lab allocation = $130,000) German Research Foundation (in collaboration with Prof. Achim Müller, University of

Bielefeld, Germany) “Soluble Metal Oxide Frameworks: Transport of large organic guests through smaller subnanoscale pores and effects of nano-confinement on hydrophobic self-assembly and organic reactions” (2010-2012; $102,000)

Israel Science Foundation (Focal Initiatives in Research in Science and Technology, FIRST (“Bikura”); 948/2010) (with Dr. Louisa Meshi, BGU Dept. of Mat. Eng.)

“The structural evolution of nano-ordered functional materials” (One of 14 awarded in Israel in 2010 from all disciplines of science and engineering) (2010-2013; $188,000)

ICL Specialty Products (through BGU’s office of technology transfer) “Bromine-based systems for industrial-scale energy storage” (2010-2013; $200,000) Israel Science Foundation (Individual; 248/09) “Soft inorganic materials: Solution-state studies of metal-oxide superstructures” (2009-2013; $260,000) Israel Science Foundation (New Laboratory Equipment; 1667/09) “Laboratory for soft inorganic materials” (2009; $53,000)

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Israel Science Foundation (Institutional Equipment; 1720/08) (with Dani Kost and Gabriel Lemcoff)

“Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Instruments” (2008-2010; $220,000) US-Israel Binational Science Foundation; 2008277) (in collaboration with Prof. Francesco

Stellacci, MIT Dept. of Mat. Eng.) “Electro-active cluster-anion domains in the organic-ligand shells of monolayer-

protected metal nanoparticles” (2009-2013; $152,000) Institute for Advanced Studies/Israel Science Foundation Conference (in collaboration

with Prof. Ronny Neumann, Weizmann Institute of Science) For an international workshop, entitled “Frontiers in metal-oxide cluster science”, held in Jerusalem, August 2010. (2009; $40,000) U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service “Glucose to H2 via POM-Controlled Electron Transfer in Water” (2004-2005; $90,000) Finnish Technology Development Center (co-PI) “Advanced Polyoxometalate Bleaching Technology” (2002-2003; $600,000) International Research Consortium on POM Delignification (co-PI; consortium included

the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, the Finnish Technology Development Center, the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Emory University, Helsinki Technical University, and 6 industrial partners). (1995-2004; $1,500,00)

U.S. Dept. of Energy, Office of Industrial Technology (initiator and co-PI) “Polyoxometalate Bleaching: An Energy Efficient, Oxygen-Based, Closed Mill

Technology” (1995-2001; $2,500,000) U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, National Research Initiative, Competitive Grants Program

“Oxidation of Lignin Structures by Polyoxometalates” (1993-1995; $260,000) INVITED TALKS International Conferences & Workshops (41) • Symposium on “Metal-oxo Clusters: Molecular Design from Monomers to Infinity,

Pacifichem 2105, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA (Dec. 15-20, 2015) • Workshop on POMs as Multifunctional Catalysts, Ulm Germany (July 31, 2015) • Israel Academy of Sciences: China-Israel Symposium in Nanotechnology, Jerusalem,

Israel (July 5-7, 2015) • 80th Annual Meeting of the Israel Chemical Society, Tel Aviv, Israel (Feb. 17-18, 2015) • FMOCS Symposium 2014: 3rd Frontiers in Metal-Oxide Cluster Science, Val d’Oise,

France (July 12-15, 2014) • Collaborative Conference on 3D Mateials Research (June 23-27, 2014 Incheon, S. Korea) • Ilse Katz Nanotechnology Day (May 29, 2014, Beer Sheva, Israel) • Frontiers in Inorganic Chemistry & Catalysis (Oct. 24, 2013, Rehovot, Israel) • 2nd Congress of the Division of Inorganic Chemistry of the European Chemical Society,

Jerusalem, Israel (July 7-11, 2013) (keynote speaker) • CREATE Water Thrust Symposium 2013, Beer Sheva, Israel (May, 2013) • BGU—Univ. of Chicago Workshop on the Science and Engineering of Water and its

Utilization, Beer Sheva & Sde Boker, Israel (May, 2013)

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• 1st Eur. Conf. on Polyoxometalate Chemistry for Molecular Nanoscience, (plenary lecture), Tenerife, Spain (May 16-19, 2013).

• Israel Science Foundation, Solar Fuels Workshop, Dead Sea, Israel (Feb. 25-27, 2013) • Frontiers in Metal-Oxide Cluster Science, Canary Islands, Spain (Nov. 18-22, 2012) • Workshop on the “Unique Properties of Water”, Rehovot, Israel (May 30, 2012) • Israel-China Meeting on Nanotechnology, Rehovot, Israel (March 28-29, 2012) • The 3rd International Nanotech. Conf. & Exhibition, Tel-Aviv, Israel (March 26-27, 2012) • Israel Center of Research Excellence (ICORE) Solar Fuels Workshop, Hosted at Ben

Gurion University (Feb. 21, 2012) • 77th National Mtg of the Israel Chemical Society, Tel Aviv, Israel (to be held February 7-

8, 2012) (plenary lecture) • Gordon Research Conference on Inorganic Reaction Mechanisms, Galviston, TX, USA

(March 6-11, 2011) • 76th National Mtg of the Israel Chemical Society, Tel Aviv, Israel (February 9-10, 2011) • 75th National Mtg of the Israel Chemical Society, Tel Aviv, Israel (January 25-26, 2010) • FIGIPAS (European Congress for Inorganic Chemistry), Palermo, Italy (July 1-4, 2009)

(plenary lecture) • Activation of Dioxygen & Homo. Catal. Oxidation (ADHOC), Venice, Italy (June 20-25,

2008) • Polyoxometalates in Chemistry and Nanoscience, ACS Symp., Boston, MA (Aug. 20,

2007) • 72th National Mtg of the Israel Chemical Society, Tel Aviv, Israel (Feb. 6-7, 2007) • Green Chemistry, Organized by Porter School of Env. Stud. Tel Aviv, Israel (June 7,

2007) • Winter School on Polyoxometalates, Chinese Acad. Sci., Shanghai, PRC (March 6, 2007) • Symposium on “Polyoxometalate Chemistry for Molecular Design and Nano-

engineering,” 2005 (Pacifichem), Honolulu, Hawaii, (December 15-20, 2005) • 9th International Symposium on Activation of Dioxygen and Homogeneous Catalytic

Oxidation, Cologne, Germany (July 25-29, 2005). • CECAM Workshop: Electronic Structure of Polyoxometalates, Lyon, France (July 11-13,

2005) • National Science Foundation, Inorganic Chemistry Workshop, Sedona, AZ (June 8-11,

2004). • 8th International Symposium on Activation of Dioxygen and Homogeneous Catalytic

Oxidation, Atlanta, GA (June 2-7, 2002). • Polyoxometalate Chemistry for Nanocomposite Design (symposium) at the Pacifichem

2000 Congress, Honolulu, Hawaii (December 14-19, 2000). • ACS Symposium on “Oxidative Delignification Chemistry. Fundamentals and Catalysis”

San Francisco (March 26-30, 2000). • Polyoxometalate Science, Center for Interdisciplinary Res., Bielefeld, Germany October

2-6, 1999). • Anselme Payen Award ACS Symposium, Anaheim, CA (March 21-25, 1999). • Florida Environmental Chemistry Conference, Palm Coast, FL (December 1-5, 1998). • Inorganic Chemistry Gordon Research Conference, Newport RI (July 19-24, 1998). • ACS Anselm Payen Award Symposium, New Orleans, LA (March 28,1996). • 1995 TAPPI International Environmental Conference, Atlanta, GA (May 10, 1995).

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Universities and Academic Departments (40) • Ariel University Center, Ariel, Israel (March 26, 2014) • Univ. of Colorado, Dept. of Chem. Eng., Boulder, CO. USA (Jan. 21, 2014) • Bar Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel (May 14, 2013) • Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel (Dec. 4, 2012) • Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel (June 15, 2011) • Weizman Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel (April 21, 2009) • Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel (April 1, 2009) • Ilse Katz Inst. for Nano and Mesoscale Sci. and Tech., Beer Sheva, Israel (Feb. 4, 2009) • Israel Institute of Technology (Technion), Haifa, Israel (May 4, 2009) • University of Tarragona, Tarragon, Spain, Dept. of Chemistry (March 5, 2008) • Tel Aviv University, Dept. of Chemistry (March 2, 2008) • Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel (June 19, 2007) • Ben Gurion University, Dept. of Chem., Beer Sheva, Israel (June 11, 2007) • Colorado State University, Dept. of Chemistry (August 30, 2007) • Ben Gurion University, Dept. of Chem. Eng., Beer Sheva, Israel (Oct. 31, 2006) • Ames Laboratory/Iowa State University (May 10, 2006) • University of Bielefeld, Bielefeld, Germany (February 20, 2006) • Graduate Center of the City University of New York, New York, NY (May 31, 2005) • Hunter College, NY, New York (April, 1, 2005) • University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI (October 25, 2004). • The City College of New York, CUNY (February 23, 2004). • Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI (February 9, 2004). • Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel (January 29, 2004). • Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel (January 27, 2004). • Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel (January 25, 2004). • Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel (January 22, 2004). • Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (January 20, 2004). • Emory University, Atlanta, GA (January 15, 2004). • Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel (July 24, 2002). • Helsinki Technical University, Helsinki, Finland (July 11, 2002). • Finnish Technology Development Center, Helsinki, Finland (July 12, 2002). • Finnish Technology Development Center, Helsinki, Finland (December 4, 2000). • Williams College Department of Chemistry (October 23, 1998). • Williams College Center for Environmental Studies (October 23, 1998). • Emory University, Atlanta, GA (March 7, 1996). • Auburn University, Auburn, AL (June 4, 1996). • Clark Atlanta University, Atlanta, GA (November 7, 1996). • Emory University, Atlanta, GA (May 5, 1994). • Institute of Paper Science and Technology, Atlanta, GA (May 6, 1994). • Emory University, Atlanta, GA (February 18, 1992). Government/Technical Association/Industry Conferences and Committees (17) • Evaluation Committee for University of Michigan – Ben-Gurion University Collaborative

Program on Renewable Energy Research (November, 2013)

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• Evaluation Committee for China-Israel Research Program, Israeli Ministry of Science, Culture and Sport, Tel Aviv (November 5, 2012)

• Review Committee for China-Israel Research Program, Israeli Ministry of Science, Culture and Sport, Tel Aviv (November 5, 2012)

• Evaluation Committee for the Israel Science Foundation, Institutional Equipment grants program, Jerusalem, Israel (2011).

• International Advisory Committee for Nanoscience in Israel, Israeli Ministry of Science, Culture and Sport, Tel Aviv (January 11, 2010)

• American Forest & Products Association/Technical Association of the Pulp & Paper Industry, Liaison Meeting, Madison, WI (May 2-3, 2005).

• American Forest & Products Association/Technical Association of the Pulp & Paper Industry, Liaison Meeting, Madison, WI (May 11-12, 2004).

• University of Montana/National Renewable Energy Laboratory/USDA research coordination meeting, Madison, WI (August 19, 2003).

• American Forest & Products Association/Technical Association of the Pulp & Paper Industry, Liaison Meeting, Madison, WI (April 30, 2002).

• Emory University, Office of Technology Transfer (March 15, 2000). • Department of Energy/Agenda 2020 Progress Review, Washington, D.C. (June 3, 1999). • Degussa Corporation (presented at Emory University; October 27, 1998). • Osram Sylvania, Inc. (at Emory University; September, 1997). • TAPPI Pulp Bleaching Committee, Nashville, TN (October 27, 1996). • Pulp and Paper Industrial Liaison Conference, Madison, WI (May 3-4, 1995). • Technology Transfer National Workshop, Madison, WI (November 9, 1994). • Pulp and Paper Industrial Liaison Conference Madison, WI (April 12-13, 1994). • Biopulping Consortium Semi-Annual Meeting, Madison, WI (October 26-27, 1993). • Pulp and Paper Industrial Liaison Conference, Madison, WI (April 27-28, 1993). • Forest Products Research Conference, Madison, WI (November 1993). OFFERED PRESENTATIONS (since 2009) • American Chemical Society, 249th National Meeting, Denver, CO, USA (March 22-26,

2015) • The 32nd Israel Vacuum Society Conference, Herzliya, Israel (Sept. 8, 2014) • 2010 Genter Symposium on Proton Mobility in Chem. & Biol., Tiberia, Israel (Feb. 7-12,

2010). • Twelfth European Symposium on Organic Reactivity, Haifa, Israel (Sept. 6-10, 2009). NEWS REPORTS and HIGHLIGHTS 34. Publication 65 was selected as a “Hot Paper” by the editors of Angewandte Chemie. 33. Publication XX was selected by Alan L. Balch (Assoc. Editor of Inorg. Chem.), for

inclusion in a 2014 Am. Chem. Soc. Virtual Issue on “Inorganic Cages & Containers”. 32. Inside-back cover of Ang. Chem. Int. Ed. Eng.,“” (2013, publication XX). 31. Very Important Article (VIP) in Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. Eng.,“” (2013, publication XX). 30. Vera Köster,“” (2013, publication XX). 29. Michael Gross, “Pores for Thought” (October, 2013, publication XX).

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28. Stu Borman,“Flexible Porous Capsules Catalyze Reaction”, in Chemical & Engineering News, Science & Technology Concentrate (2012, publication 60).

27. Inside cover of Dalton Transactions (2012) (publication #56). 26 Front cover of Inorganic Chemistry, in which article #57 (see publication list below)

issues 1 14 (July 16) 2012. 25. Jennifer Newton, “Cryo-TEM Reveals POM-Nanoparticle Interactions”, write-up in

Dalton Trans. Blog, (Royal Society of Chemistry) April 27, 2012. 24. Article in Dalton Trans. (2012) (publication #56) was selected by the editors as a “Hot

Article”, and featured prominently on their website at the Royal Society of Chemistry. 23. Front cover of Dalton Trans, 2010, 39 (27) (July 21, 2010), in conjunction with an

invited “Perspectives” article (publication # 47, below). 22. Michael Gross, “Nanocapsules: Encapsulated fat droplets” Chemistry in our time

(Wiley; German language), 2010, 44, page 6 (in conjunction with publication #45, below).

21. Michael Gross, “Flexible Pores Open Wide”, Chemistry World (Royal Society of Chemistry) March 19, 2009.

20. Stu Borman, “Inorganic Pores Maintain Flexible Attitude”, Chem. & Eng. News, 2009, 87 (14) 26-27.

19. Front cover of J. Am. Chem. Soc (issue 18, May 13, 2009), in conjunction with JACS, 2009, 131, 6380. (First JACS cover from Israel.)

18. JACS Image Challenge #47 ( 17. Multi-media presentation on JACS, 2009, 131, 6380 on the Journal’s website (JACS

Beta Extended Podcast). 16. David Bradley,“Going Cellular”,, (John Wiley & Sons), April 1,

2009. 15. “Paper-making Process Reduces Pollution” Clean Water Action Council (CWAC) News

May 2002. 14. Helen Pearson, “Clean sheet for paper making” Nature (Nature news), 8 November

2001. 13. Jessica Gorman, “Chemists try for cleaner papermaking” Science News, 2001, 160 (19),

292. 12. Selected by the editors of Chem. & Eng. News for inclusion in the “top 10 advances in

chemistry in 2001”: see cover story by Stu Borman, 2001, 79 (50) 45-56. 11. Maureen Rouhi, “Water Chemistry by Design” Chem. & Eng. News (News of the

Week), 2001, 79 (46), page 5. 10. Andrew Wood, “Catalytic Oxygen Delignification”, Chemical Week, November 14,

2001. 9. Lidia Wasowicz, “Papermaking may take on cleaner look” United Press International,

Inc. (UPI), November 8, 2001 (wireservice dispatch). 8. Mairin B. Brennan “Paper”, Chem. & Eng. News, 2000, 78 (33), page 42. 7. Robert F. Service, "Chemists self-assemble in southern California." Science, 1999, 268

(5210), 500-501. 6. “Wood to paper without pollution” Green Chemistry (Royal Society of Chemistry),

June, 1999, page G66.

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5. Mairin B. Brennan “New Age Paper and Textiles”, Chem. & Eng. News, 1998, 76 (12), 39-47.

4. “Polyoxometalates: They delignify efficiently, etc.” Alkaline Paper Advocate, October 1995, 8 (3).

3. “Papermaking: Chemists skip chlorine”, Chemical Week, April 19, 1995, page 66. 2. “Pulp whitening without chlorine”, Chemical Engineering, May 1, 1995, page 19. 1. “Bleaching paper without chlorine”, USA Today, June 1, 1995. PUBLICATIONS (H index = 22) Peer-Reviewed Articles (published and “in press”). Corresponding authors are underlined. Publications since last promotion are preceded by an asterisk (*). IF = Impact Factor; JR = Journal Ranking. 1. Weinstock, I. A.; Floriani, C.; Chiesi-Villa, A.; Guastini, C. “Bimetallic

Organotransition-Metal Tautomers of a Chiral Enolate. Preparation of [(η5-C5H5)Fe(CO)(PPh3)C(CH2)O-(Cl)Zr(η5-C5H5)2] and [(η5-C5H5)Fe(CO)(PPh3)C(O)CH2-Au(PPh3)]. X-ray Crystal Structure of [(η5-C5H5)Fe(CO)(PPh3)C(CH2)O(Cl)Zr(η5-C5H5)2]” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1986, 108, 8298-9. IF = 9.109; JR = 11/144; times cited by others = 29

2. Schrock, R. R.; Weinstock, I. A.; Horton, A. D.; Liu, A. H.; Schofield, M. H.

“Preparation of Rhenium(VII) Monoimido Alkylidyne Complexes and Metathesis of Acetylenes via Rhenacyclobutadiene Intermediates” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1988, 110, 2686-7. IF = 9.109; JR = 11/147; times cited by others = 37

3. Weinstock, I. A.; Schrock, R. R.; Williams, D. S.; Crowe, W. E. Labile, Reactive

Bis(imido)Rhenium(V) Complexes” Organometallics 1991, 10, 1-2. IF = 3.9, JR = 6/43; times cited by others = 24

4. Weinstock, I. A.; Schrock, R. R.; Davis, W. M. “Rhenium(VII) Monoimido Alkylidyne

Complexes. The Importance of Face Selectivity in the Metathesis of Acetylenes via Rhenacyclobutadiene Intermediates” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1991, 113, 135-44. IF = 9.109; JR = 11/147; times cited by others = 43

5. Schwartz, R. W.; Bunker, B. C.; Dimos, D. B.; Assink, R. A.; Tuttle, B. A.; Tallant, D.

R.; Weinstock, I. A. “Solution Chemistry Effects in Lead Zirconate Titanate Thin-Film Processing” Integrated Ferroelectrics 1992, 2(1-4), 243-54. IF = 0.3, JR = 215/247; times cited by others = 31

6. Weinstock, I.A. “Use of the Term "Bleaching" in the Context of Virgin and Secondary

Fibers” Progress in Paper Recycling (now: TAPPI Journal) 1993 (November) 89-91. 7. Weinstock, I. A.; Atalla, R. H.; Agarwal, U. P.; Minor, J. L.; Petty, C. “Fourier

Transform Raman Spectroscopic Studies of a Novel Wood Pulp Bleaching System” Spectrochim. Acta, Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 1993, 49A(5-6), 819-29. IF = 1.8, JR = 19/40; times cited by others = 12

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8. Weinstock, I.A.; Atalla, R. H.; Reiner, R. S.; Moen, M. A.; Hammel, K. E.; Hill, C. L.; Houtman, C. J. “A new environmentally benign technology and approach to bleaching kraft pulp. Polyoxometalates for selective delignification” New. J. Chem. 1996, 20, 269-275. IF = 2.6, JR = 38/144; times cited by others = 50

9. Sonnen, D. M.; Reiner, R. S.; Atalla, R. A.; Weinstock, I. A. “Degradation of Pulp-

Mill Effluent by Oxygen and Na5[PV2Mo10O40], a Multi-Purpose Delignification and Wet Air Oxidation Catalyst” Ind. & Eng. Chem. Res. 1997, 36, 4134-4142. IF = 2.1, JR = 30/134; times cited by others = 27

10. Weinstock, I. A.; Atalla, R. H.; Reiner, R. S.; Moen, M. E.; Hammel, K. E.; Houtman,

C. J; Hill, C. L.; Harrup, M. K. “A New Environmentally Benign Technology for Transforming Wood Pulp into Paper. Engineering Polyoxometalates as Catalysts for Multiple Processes” J. Mol. Cat. A: Chem. 1997, 116, 59-84. IF = 2.9, JR = 44/127; times cited by others = 65

11. Weinstock, I. A.; Hammel, K. E.; Moen, M. A.; Landucci, L. L.; Ralph, S.; Sullivan,

C. E.; Reiner, R. S. “Selective Transition-Metal Catalysis of Oxygen Delignification Using Water-Soluble Salts of Polyoxometalate (POM) Anions. Part II. Reactions of α-[SiVW11O40]5- with Phenolic Lignin-Model Compounds” Holzforschung 1998, 52, 311-318. IF = 1.3, JR = 3/23; times cited by others = 36

12. Weinstock, I. A.; Atalla, R. H.; Reiner, R. S.; Houtman, C. J.; Hill, C. L. “Selective

Transition-Metal Catalysis of Oxygen Delignification Using Water-Soluble Salts of Polyoxometalate (POM) Anions. Part I. Chemical Principles and Process Concepts” Holzforschung 1998, 52, 304-310. IF = 1.3, JR = 3/23; times cited by others = 35

13. Weinstock, I. A. “Homogeneous-Phase Electron-Transfer Reactions of

Polyoxometalates” Chem. Rev. 1998, 98, 113-170. IF = 33, JR = 1/144; times cited by others = 182

14. Weinstock, I. A.; Cowan, J. J.; Barbuzzi, E. M. G.; Zeng, H.; Hill, C. L. “Equilibria

Between α and β Isomers of Keggin Heteropolytungstates” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1999, 121, 4608-4617. IF = 9.109; JR = 11/144; times cited by others = 53

15. Kim, G-S.; Zeng, H.; Rhule, J. T.; Weinstock, I. A.; Hill, C. L. “Synthesis, X-ray

Structure and Hydrolytic Chemistry of the Highly Potent Antiviral Polyniobotungstate A-α-[Si2Nb6W18O77]8-” Chem. Commun. 1999, 1651-1652. IF = 5.8, JR = 17/144; times cited by others = 10

16. Birchmeier, M. J., Hill, C. G. Jr., Houtman, C. J., Atalla, R. H., Weinstock, I. A.

“Enhanced Wet Air Oxidation: Synergistic Rate Acceleration upon Effluent Recirculation” Ind. & Eng. Chem. Res., 2000, 39, 55-64. IF = 2.1, JR = 30/134; times cited by others = 12

17. Grigoriev, V. A.; Hill, C. L.; Weinstock, I. A. “Role of Cation Size in the Energy of

Electron-Transfer to 1:1 Polyoxometalate Ion Pairs {(M+)(Xn+VW11O40)}(8-n)- (M = Li, Na, K)” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2000, 122, 3544-3545. IF = 9.109; JR = 11/144; times cited by others = 57

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18. Grigoviev, V. A.; Hill, C. L.; Weinstock, I. A. “Polyoxometalate Oxidation of Phenolic Lignin models” In Oxidative Delignification Chemistry. Fundamentals and Catalysis, Argyropoulos, D. S., Ed.; ACS Symposium Series 785, 2001, Chapter 18, pp 297-312. IF = NA, JR = NA, times cited by others = 6

19. Atalla, R. H.; Weinstock, I. A.; Bond, J. S.; Reiner, R. S.; Sonnen, D. M.; Houtman, C.

J.; Heintz, R. A.; Hill, C. G.; Hill, C. L.; Wemple, M. W.; Geletii, Yu. V.; Barbuzzi, E. M. G. “Polyoxometalate-Based Closed Systems for Oxidative Delignification of Wood Pulp Fibers” In Oxidative Delignification Chemistry. Fundamentals and Catalysis, Argyropoulos, D. S., Ed., ACS Symposium Series 785, 2001, Chapter 19, pp 313-326. IF = NA, JR = NA, times cited by others = 6

20. Geletii, Y. V.; Bailey, A. J.; Cowan, J. J.; Weinstock, I. A.; Hill, C. L. “Highly

Efficient and Stable Catalyst for Peroxynitrite Decomposition” Can. J. Chem. 2001, 79, 792-794. IF = 1.4, JR = 63/144; times cited by others = 12

21. Cowan, J. J.; Bailey, A. J.; Heintz, R. A.; Do, B. T.; Hardcastle, K. I.; Hill, C. L.;

Weinstock, I. A. “Formation, Isomerization and Derivatization of Keggin Tungstoaluminates” Inorg. Chem. 2001, 40, 6666-6675. IF = 4.4, JR = 5/43; times cited by others = 23

22. Grigoriev, V. A.; Cheng, D.; Hill, C. L.; Weinstock, I. A. "Role of Alkali-Metal Cation

Size in the Energy and Rate of Electron Transfer to Solvent-Separated 1:1 [(M+)(Acceptor)] (M+ = Li+, Na+, K+) Ion Pairs" J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2001, 123, 5292-5307. IF = 9.109; JR = 11/144; times cited by others = 77

23. Weinstock, I. A.; Barbuzzi, E. M. G.; Wemple, M. W.; Cowan, J. J.; Reiner, R. S.;

Sonnen, D. M.; Heintz, R. A.; Bond, J. S.; Hill, C. L. “Equilibrating Metal Oxide Cluster Ensembles for Oxidation Reactions Using Oxygen in Water” Nature, 2001, 414, 191-195. IF = 36.1, JR = 1/57; times cited by others = 56

Highlights: Selected by the Editors of C&E News as one of top 10 advances in

chemistry in 2001, featured in C&E News, “News of the Week”, discussed in Nature “News and Views”, and reported in Techline, Science News, and by United Press International (UPS).

24. Cowan, J. J.; Hill, C. L.; Reiner, R. S.; Weinstock, I. A. “Dodecatungstoaluminic Acid

and its Mono-Lacunary and Mixed Addendum Derivatives” In Inorganic Syntheses, Coucouvanis, D., Ed. 2002, 33, 18-26. IF = NA, JR = NA; times cited by others = 7

25. Weinstock, I. A.; Grigoriev, V. A.; Cheng, D.; Hill, C. L. “Role of Alkali-Metal Cation

Size in Electron Transfer to Solvent-Separated 1:1 [(M+)(POM)] (M+ = Li+, Na+, K+) Ion Pairs” In Polyoxometalate Chemistry for Nanocomposite Design, Yamase, T. and Pope, M. T., Eds., New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, 2002, 103-127. IF = NA, JR = NA; times cited by others = 3

26. Neiwert, W. A.; Cowan, J. J.; Hardcastle, K. I.; Hill, C. L.; Weinstock, I. A. “Stability

and Structure in α- and β-Keggin Heteropolytungstates, [Xn+W12O40](8-n)-, X = p-Block Cation” Inorg. Chem. 2002, 41, 6950-6952. IF = 4.4, JR = 5/43; times cited by others = 17

27. Weinstock, I. A.; Barbuzzi, E. M. G.; Sonnen, D. M; Hill, C. L. “An Environmentally

Benign Catalytic Polyoxometalate Technology for Transforming Wood Pulp into

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Paper” In Green Chemistry: Advancing Sustainability through Green Chemistry, Lankey, R.; Anastas, P. and Williamson, T., Eds., ACS Symposium Ser. 823, 2002, 87-100. IF = NA, JR = NA; times cited by others = 2

28. Agarwal, U. P.; Weinstock, I. A.; Atalla, R. H. “FT-Raman Spectroscopy for Direct

Measurement of Lignin Concentrations in Kraft Pulps” TAPPI Journal, 2003, 2, 22-26. FT = 0.8, JR = 8/23; times cited by others = 12

29. Kim, G.-S.; Zeng, H.; Neiwert, W. A.; Cowan, J. J.; VanDerveer, D.; Hill, C. L.;

Weinstock, I. A. “Dimerization of A-α-[SiNb3W9O40]7- by pH-Controlled Formation of Individual Nb–µ-O–Nb Linkages” Inorg. Chem. 2003, 42, 5537-5544. IF = 4.4, JR = 5/43; times cited by others = 12

*30. Yokoyama, T.; Chang, H.-M.; Reiner, R. S; Atalla, R. H.; Weinstock, I. A.; Kadla, J.

F.; “Polyoxometalate Oxidation of Non-Phenolic Lignin Subunits in Water: Effect of Substrate Structure on Reaction Mechanism” Holzforschung, 2004, 58, 116-121. IF = 1.3, JR = 3/23; times cited by others = 9

31. Botar, B.; Geletii, Y. V.; Kögerler, P.; Musaev, D. G.; Morokuma, K.; Weinstock, I.

A.; Hill, C. L. “Asymmetric terminal ligation on substituted sites in a disorder-free Keggin anion, [β]-SiFe2W10O36(OH)2(H2O)Cl]5-“ Dalton Trans., 2005, 11, 2017-2021. IF = 3.6, JR = 7/43; times cited by others = 13

32. Geletii, Y. V.; Hill, C. L.; Bailey, A. J.; Hardcastle, K. I.; Atalla, R. H.; Weinstock, I.

A. “Electron-exchange between α-Keggin tungstoaluminates, and a well-defined cluster-anion probe for studies in electron transfer” Inorg. Chem. 2005, 44, 8955-8966. IF = 4.4, JR = 5/43; times cited by others = 8

33. Geletii, Y. V.; Weinstock, I. A. “Ionic-strength dependence of electron-transfer

reactions of Keggin heteropolytungstates: Mechanistic probes of O2 activation in water” Submitted (by invitation) to a special Issue on “Activation of Dioxygen and Homogenous Catalytic Oxidation”, in J. Mol. Cat. A. Chem., 2006, 251, 255-262. IF = 2.9, JR = 44/127; times cited by others = 3

34. Sundaram, K. M.; Neiwert, W. A.; Hill, C. L.; Weinstock, I. A. “Relative energies of

alpha and beta isomers of Keggin dodecatungstogallate” Inorg. Chem., 2006, 45, 958-960. IF = 4.4, JR = 5/43; times cited by others = 17

35. Mbomekallé, I.-M.; Bian, F.; Tebba, H.; Müller, A.; Weinstock, I. A. “Electrocatalytic

reduction of O2 by a Cu(II)-substituted electron-rich wheel-type oxomolybdate nanocluster” J. Cluster Sci., 2006, 17, 333-348 (special issue in honor of Achim Müller). IF = 1.0, JR = 31/43; times cited by others = 0

36. Botar, B.; Geletii, Y. V.; Kögeler, P.; Musaev, D. G.; Morokuma, K.; Weinstock, I. A.;

Hill, C. L. “The true nature of the iron(III) γ-Keggin structure in water. Catalytic aerobic oxidation and chemistry of an unsymmetrical trimer” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2006, 128, 11268-11277. IF = 9.109; JR = 11/147; times cited by others = 62

37. López, X.; Weinstock, I. A.; Bo, C., Sarasa; J. P.; Poblet, J. M. “Structural evolution in

polyoxometalates: A DFT study of dimerization processes in lindqvist and keggin cluster anions” Inorg. Chem., 2006, 45, 6467-6473. IF = 4.4, JR = 5/43; times cited by others = 8

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38. Geletii, Y. V.; Hill, C. L.; Atalla, R. H.; Weinstock, I. A. “Reduction of O2 to

superoxide anion (O2•–) in water by heteropolytungstate cluster-anions” J. Am. Chem.

Soc. 2006, 128, 17033-17042. IF = 9.109; JR = 11/147; times cited by others = 17 39. Geletii, Y. V.; Gueletii, A.; Weinstock, I. A. “Electron capture and transport by

heteropolyanions: Multi-functional electrolytes for biomass-based fuel cells” Submitted by invitation to J. Mol. Cat. 2007, 262, 59-66. IF = 2.9, JR = 44/127; times cited by others = 45

40. Hill, C. L.; Delannoy, L.; Duncan, D. C.; Weinstock, I. A.; Renneke, R. F.; Reiner, R.

S.; Atalla, R. H.; Han, J. W.; Hillesheim, D. A.; Cao, R.; Anderson, T. M.; Okun, N. M.; Musaev, D. G.; Geletii, Y. V. “Complex catalysts from self-repairing ensembles to highly reactive air-based oxidation systems” C. R. Chimie 2007, 10, 305-312. IF = 1.6, JR = 53/147; times cited by others = 8

41. Weinstock, I. A. “Outer-sphere oxidation of the superoxide radical anion” Inorg.

Chem., 2008, 47, 404-406. IF = 4.4, JR = 5/43; times cited by others = 4 42. Carr, R.; Weinstock, I. A.; Sivaprasadarao, A.; Müller, A. Aksimentiev, A. “Synthetic

ion channels via self-Assembly: A route for embedding porous polyoxometalate nanocapsules in lipid bilayer membranes” Nano letters, 2008, 8, 3916-3921. IF = 12.2, JR = 2/63; times cited by others = 16

43. Neyman, A.; Meshi, L.; Zeiri, L.; Weinstock, I. A. “Direct imaging of the ligand

monolayer on an anion-protected metal nanoparticle through cryogenic trapping of its solution-state structure” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2008, 130, 16480-16481. IF = 9.109; JR = 11/144; times cited by others = 10

44. Ziv, A.; Grego, A.; Kopilevich, S.; Zeiri, L.; Miro, P.; Bo, C.; Müller, A.; Weinstock,

I. A. “Flexible Pores of a Metal-Oxide-Based Capsule Permit Entry of Comparatively Larger Organic Guests” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2009, 131, 6380-6382. IF = 9.109; JR = 11/147; times cited by others = 23

Highlights: Highlighted on the cover of the Journal (cover art), and in Chemical & Engineering News, Chemistry World, and See also, JACS Image Challenge and the first “enhanced” Cover-Art Podcast on JACS Beta.

45. Schäffer, C.; Bögge, H.; Merca, A.; Weinstock, I. A.; Rehder, D.; Haupt, E. T. K.;

Müller, A. “A Spherical 24 Butyrate Aggregate with a Hydrophobic Cavity in a Capsule with Flexible Pores: Confinement Effects and Uptake-Release Equilibria at Elevated Temperatures ” Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2009, 48, 8051-8046. IF = 12.7, JR = 5/147; times cited by others = 9

46. Wang, Y.; Neyman, A.; Arkhangelsky, E.; Gitis, V.; Meshi, L.; Weinstock, I. A. “Self-

assembly and structure of directly imaged inorganic-anion monolayers on a gold nanoparticle” J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2009, 131, 17412-17422. IF = 9.109, JR = 11/147; times cited by others = 19

47. Wang, Y.; Weinstock, I. A. “Cation mediated self-assembly of inorganic cluster-anion

building blocks” Dalton Trans. (Invited Perspectives Article), 2010, 39, 6143-6152. IF = 3.6, JR = 7/43; times cited by others = 5

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Highlights: Highlighted on the front cover of the journal. 48. Wang, Y.; Zeiri, Y.: Gitis, V.: Neyman, A.; Weinstock, I. A. “Reversible binding of an

inorganic cluster-anion to the surface of a gold nanoparticle” Inorg. Chim. Acta (Invited article for a special issue in honor of Achim Müller), 2010, 363, 4416-4420. IF = 1.9, JR = 21/43; times cited by others = 1

49. Snir, O.; Wang, Y.; Tuckerman, M. E.; Geletii, Y.V.; Weinstock, I. A. “Concerted

Proton-Electron Transfer (CPET) to Dioxygen in Water” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2010, 132, 11678-11691. IF = 9.109, JR = 11/147; times cited by others = 6

50. Snir, O.; Weinstock, I. A. "Electron Transfer to Dioxygen by Keggin

Heteropolytungstate Cluster Anions" In Complexity in Chemistry and Beyond: Interplay Theory and Experiment, Nato Advanced Research Symposium, Hill, C. L.; Musaev, D. G.; Müller, A.; Eds.; Springer, 2012, Dordrecht, Netherlands. IF = not available, JR = not available; times cited by others = 0

51. Petina, O.; Rehder, D.; Haupt, E. T. K. Grego, A.; Weinstock, I. A. Merca, A.; Bögge,

H.; Szakacs, J.; Müller, A. “Guests on Different Internal Capsule Sites Exchange with Each Other and with the Outside” Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2011, 50, 410-414. IF = 12.7, JR = 5/147; times cited by others = 7

52. Snir, O., D.; Wang, Y.; Weinstock, I. A. “The Reduction of Dioxygen by Keggin

Heteropolytungstates” Israel J. Chem. (special issue—“Frontiers in Metal Oxide Cluster Science”, Weinstock, I. A. Ed.) 2011, 51, 247-258. IF = 0.8, JR = 89/147; times cited by others = 0

53. Schäffer, C.; Todea, A. M.; Bögge, H.; Cadot, E.; Gouzerh, P.; Kopilevich, S.;

Weinstock, I. A.; Müller, A. “Pore and Interior Properties of a Metal-Oxide-Based Capsule Softened: Substituting 60 Oxide by 60 Sulfide Ligands” Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2011, 50, 12326 –12329. IF = 12.7, JR = 5/147; times cited by others = 4

54. Neyman, A.; Wang, Y.; Sharet, S.; Varsano, N.; Botar, B.; Kögerler, P.; Meshi, L.;

Weinstock, I. A. “Polyoxometalate-Directed Assembly of Water-Soluble AgCl Nanocubes”, Chem. Comm. 2012, 48, 2207 – 2209. IF = 5.8, JR = 17/147; times cited by others = 1

55. Wang, Y.; Zeiri, O.; Neyman, A.; Stellacci, F.; Weinstock, I. A. "Nucleation and Island

Growth of Alkanethiolate Ligand Domains on Gold Nanoparticles" ACS Nano, 2012, 6, 629-640. IF = 9.962, JR = 5/64; times cited by others = 5

56. Sharet, S.; Sandars, E.; Wang, Y.; Zeiri, O.; Neyman, A.; Meshi, L.; Weinstock, I. A.

"Orientations of Polyoxometalate Anions on Gold Nanoparticles " Dalton Trans. 2012, 41, 9849-9852. IF = 3.6, JR = 7/43; times cited by others = 1

Highlights: Selected as a “Hot Article” by the editors, written up in Dalton Trans. Blog

by Jennifer Newton, and highlighted on the inside cover of the journal. 57. Wang, Y.; Zeiri, O.; Sharet, S.; Weinstock, I. A. " Role of Alkali-Metal Cation Size in

the Self-Assembly of Polyoxometalate-Monolayer Shells on Gold Nanoparticles " Inorg. Chem. 2012, 51, 7436-7438. IF = 4.4, JR = 5/43; times cited by others = 0

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Highlights: Highlighted on the cover of the front journal (cover graphic); issue 14, July 16, 2012.

58. Wang, Y.; Weinstock, I. A. “Polyoxometalate-Decorated Nanoparticles” Chem. Soc.

Rev. 2012, 41, 7479-7496. IF = 26.6, JR = 2/147; times cited by others = 0 59. Besson, C.; Schmitz, S.; Capella, K. M.; Kopilevich, S.; Weinstock, I. A.* and Kögerler,

P.* “A regioselective Huisgen Reaction Inside a Keplerate Polyoxomolybdate Nanoreactor” Dalton Trans. 2012, 41, 9852-9854. IF = 3.6, JR = 7/43; times cited by others = 1

60. Kopilevich, S.; Gil, A.; Garcia-Ratés, M.; Avalos, J. B.; Bo, C.; Müller, A.; Weinstock,

I. A.* “Catalysis in a Porous Molecular Capsule: Activation by Regulated Access to Sixty Metal Centers Spanning a Truncated Icosahedron” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2012, 134, 13082-13088. IF = 9.109, JR = 11/147; times cited by others = 1

Highlights: Highlighted by Stu Borman in Chemical & Engineering News, in a Science

& Technology Concentrate entitled, “Flexible Porous Capsules Catalyze Reaction”, and selected by Alan L. Balch (Assoc. Editor of Inorg. Chem.) for inclusion in a 2014 Am. Chem. Soc. Virtual Issue on “Inorganic Cages & Containers”.

61. Wang, Y.; Zeiri, O.; Meshi, L.; Stellacci, F.; Weinstock, I. A.* “Regioselective

Placement of Alkanethiolate Domains on Tetrahedral and Octahedral Gold Nanocrystals” Chem. Comm. 2012, 48, 9765-9767. IF = 5.8, JR = 17/147; times cited by others = 0

62. Zeiri, O.; Wang, Y.; Neyman, A.; Stellacci, F.; Weinstock, I. A.* “Ligand-Shell

Directed Assembly and Depolymerisation of Patchy Nanoparticles” Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2013, 52, 968 –972. IF = 12.7, JR = 5/147; times cited by others = 0

63. Grego, A.; Müller, A.; Weinstock, I. A.* “Stepwise-Resolved Thermodynamics of

Hydrophobic Self-Assembly” Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2013, 52, 8358 –8362. IF = 12.7, JR = 5/147; times cited by others = 0

Highlights: Highlighted as a VIP article and on the inside-back cover of Ang. Chem. Int. Ed., Volume 52, Issue 32 (2013), by Vera Koester in a Chemistry Views article entitled, “First Stepwise Observation of Hydrophobic Self-Assembly” (July 1, 2013), and by Michael Gross in a Chemistry & Industry article entitled, “Pores for Thought” (October, 2013).

64. Zhang, M.; Weinstock, I. A.*; Wang, Y.* “Electrocatalysis by Polyoxometalate-

Protected Gold Nanoparticles” J. Cluster Sci. (Special issue in memory of Louis Nadjo and Roland Contant), 2014, 25, 771-779.

65. Raula, M.; Gan Or, G.; Saganovich, M.; Zeiri, O.; Wang, Y.; Chierotti, M. R.; Roberto

Gobetto, R.; Weinstock, I. A.* “Polyoxometalate Complexes of Anatase-TiO2 Cores in Water” Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2015, in press.

Invited Editorials

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1. Hill, C. L.; Weinstock, I. A. “On the Trail of Dioxygen Activation” Nature 1997, 388,

332-333. IF = 36.1, JR = 1/57; times cited by others = 40 2. Müller, A.; Weinstock, I. A. “Frontiers in Metal-Oxide Cluster Science”, Introduction

to a special issue of the Israel J. Chem. (Guest Editor, I. A. Weinstock), 2011, 51, 176-178. IF = 0.8, JR = 89/144; times cited by others = 0

Invited book chapters 1. Hill, C. L.; Duncan, D. C.; Hecht, E. A.; Weinstock, I. A. “Homogeneous Catalyzed

Selective Oxidations Based on O2 or H2O2: New Systems and Fundamental Studies,” 5th International Symposium on Activation of Dioxygen and Homogeneous Catalytic Oxidation, Barton, Derek H. R., Martell, Arthur E., and Sawyer, Donald T., Eds., Plenum Press, New York, 1993, 71-83.

2. Weinstock, I. A.; Minor, J. L.; Atalla, R. H. “Non-Chlorine Bleaching of Wood Pulps Mediated by Heteropolyoxometalates,” 5th International Symposium on Activation of Dioxygen and Homogeneous Catalytic Oxidation, Barton, Derek H. R., Martell, Arthur E., and Sawyer, Donald T., Eds., Plenum Press, New York, 1993, 487.

3. Snir, O.; Weinstock, I. A. “Electron-transfer reactions” in: Physical Inorganic Chemistry: Applications, Vol. 2, Chapter 1, A. Bakac, Ed., Wiley, New York, NY, 2010.

4. Wang, Y.; Weinstock, I. A. “Self assembly and structures of polyoxometalate monolayers on metal and metal-halide nanoparticles”, Polyoxometalate Chemistry: Some Recent Trends (World Scientific Series in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology); F. Secheresse, Ed. 2013.

U.S. Patents (first name listed is the primary inventor; related PCT applications are not included): 5. Weinstock, I. A.; Hill, C. L. U.S. Patent 5,302,248, April 12, 1994 (date issued)

“Oxidative Bleaching of Wood Pulp by Vanadium-Substituted Polyoxometalates.” Times cited by others = 25

4. Weinstock, I. A.; Hill, C. L. U.S. Patent 5,552,019, September 3, 1996 (date issued),

“Oxidative Delignification of Wood or Wood Pulp by Transition Metal-Substituted Polyoxometalates”. Times cited by others = 13

3. Atalla, R. A.; Weinstock, I. A.; Hill, C. L.; Reiner, R. S. U.S. Patent 5,549,789, August

27, 1996 (date issued), “Oxidation of Lignin and Polysaccharides Mediated by Polyoxometalate Treatment of Wood Pulp”. Times cited by others = 8

2. Weinstock, I. A.; Hill, C. L. U.S. Patent 5,695,605, December 9, 1997 (date issued),

“Oxidative Delignification of Wood or Wood Pulp by Transition Metal-Substituted Polyoxometalates”. Continuation of US 5,552,019.

1. Weinstock, I. A.; Hill, C. L. U.S. Patent 5,824,189, October 20, 1998 (date issued), “Oxidative Delignification of Wood Pulp or Fibers Using Transition Metal-Substituted Polyoxometalates”. Continuation of US 5,552,019.

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Articles in published “proceedings” volumes (many in support of outreach efforts on

behalf of Industry Partners in a Government/University/Industry consortium funded by the U. S. Dept. of Energy, Office of Industrial Technology):

21. Springer, E. L.; Atalla, R. H.; Weinstock, I. A.; Ahmed, A.; Bond, J. S.; Reiner, R. S.

“Delignification of High Kappa Number Soda-ODiMAQ Pulps With a Polyoxometalate,” TAPPI Pulping Conference, Seattle, WA, U.S.A., Nov. 4-7, 2001, 1025-1030.

20. Reiner, R. S.; Weinstock, I. A.; Atalla, R. H.; Bond, J. S.; Sonnen, D. M.; Houtman, C. J. “Thermodynamically Stable, Self-Buffering Polyoxometalate Delignification Systems.” 11th Intl. Symposium on Wood and Pulping Chemistry, Nice, France, June 11-14, 2001, 349-352.

19. Springer, E. L.; Atalla, R. H.; Weinstock, I. A.; Ahmed, A.; Bond, J. S.; Reiner, R. S. “Delignification of High Kappa Number Kraft and Soda-Anthraquinone Pulps with a Polyoxometalate,” TAPPI Pulping/Process and Product Quality Conference, Boston, MA, U.S.A., Nov. 5-8, 2000, 122-129.

18. Balula, M. D. L. S.; Cavaleiro, A.; Carapuca, H.; Grigoriev, V. A.; Hill, C. L.; Weinstock, I. A. “Electrochemical Studies of Polyoxometalates,” Chianti Conference, Siena, Italy, July, 2000 (page numbers not available).

17. Atalla, R. H.; Weinstock, I. A.; Bond, J. S.; Reiner, R. S.; Houtman, C. J.; Reichel, S. E.; Sonnen, D. M.; Hill, C. G.; Hill, C. L. “The Third Generation of Polyoxometalates: The Basis for a Commercially Feasible Closed-Mill Delignification Technology,” TAPPI Pulping/Process and Product Quality Conference, Boston, MA, U.S.A., Nov. 5-8, 2000, 113-121.

16. Houtman, C. J.; Reiner, R. S.; Reichel, S. E.; Birchmeier, M. J.; Sullivan, C. E.; Weinstock, I. A.; Atalla, R. H. “Closed-Mill Delignification by Design Using Polyoxometalates,”TAPPI International Environmental Conference, Nashville, TN, U.S.A, Apr. 18-21, 1999, Vol. 2, 819-829.

16. Atalla, R. H.; Weinstock, I. A.; Reiner, R. S.; Houtman, C. J.; Reichel, S.; Sullivan, C.; Hill, C. G.; et al. “Recent Advances in Polyoxometalate-Based Delignification,” 10th International Symposium on Wood and Pulping Chemistry, Yokohama, Japan, June 7-10, 1999, 408-412.

15. Springer, E. L.; Reiner, R. S.; Weinstock, I. A.; Atalla, R. H.; Wemple, M. W.; Barbuzzi, E. M. G. “Delignification of Wood and Kraft Pulp with Polyoxometalates,” TAPPI Pulping Conference, Montreal, Canada, Oct. 25-29, 1998, Vol. 3, 1571-1583.

14. Weinstock, I. A.; Atalla, R. H.; Hill, C. L. “A Catalytic Aerobic Pollution-Free Technology to Convert Wood to Paper,” Proceedings of the 2nd World Congress on Environmental Catalysis. Miami Beach, FL, November, 1998.

13. Atalla, R. H.; Weinstock, I. A.; Reiner, R. S.; Houtman, C. J.; Sullivan, C.; Hill, C. G.; Hill, C. L.; “The Second Generation of Polyoxometalate Delignification Agents for Effluent-Free Bleaching,” 1998 International Pulp Bleaching Conference, Helsinki, Finland, June 1-5, 1998, Book 2, 455-460.

12. Atalla, R. H.; Weinstock, I. A.; Reiner, R. S.; Houtman, C. J.; Sullivan, C.; Hill, C. G.; Hill, C. L.; Wemple, M.; Cowan, J.; Barbuzzi, E. “The Second Generation of Polyoxometalate Delignification Agents for Effluent-Free Bleaching,” European Workshop on Lignocellulosics and Pulp, 5th, University of Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal, Aug.30-Sept. 2, 1998, 593-597.

11. Agarwal, U. P.; Atalla, Rajai H.; Weinstock, Ira A.. “FT Raman Spectroscopy: A Rapid, Non-Invasive Technique for Direct Measurement of Lignin in Kraft Pulp,” International Pulp Bleaching Conference, Washington, D. C., U.S.A., Apr. 14-18, 1996, Vol. 2, 531-535.

10. Weinstock, I. A.; Atalla, R. H.; Reiner, R. S.; Moen, M. A.; Hammel, K. E.; Hill, C. L.; Houtman, C. J. “Polyoxometalate Delignification of Kraft Pulp: Kinetics and Mechanism,” International Pulp Bleaching Conference, Washington, D. C., U.S.A., Apr. 14-18, 1996, Vol. 2, 481-483.

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9. Atalla, R. H.; Weinstock, I. A.; Hill, C. L.; Reiner, R. S.; Houtman, C. J. “Polyoxometalate Bleaching of Kraft Pulps: A Highly Selective Closed-Mill Technology,” International Non-Chlorine Bleaching Conference, Orlando, FL, U.S.A., March 24-28, 1996, Paper 9-3 (9 pages).

8. Weinstock, I. A.; Atalla, R. H.; Hill, C. L.; Reiner, R. S.; Houtman, C. J. “Highly Selective Oxidative Delignification of Kraft Pulp by Water Soluble Polyoxometalates,” 8th International Symposium on Wood and Pulping Chemistry, Helsinki, Finland, June 6-9, 1995, Vol. 1, 369-376.

7. Weinstock, I. A.; Atalla, R. H.; Reiner, R. S.; Moen, M. E.; Hammel, K. E.; Hill, C. L.; Houtman, C. J. “Polyoxometalate Bleaching of Kraft Pulp: A Highly Selective Closed Mill Technology,” 1995 TAPPI Pulping Conference, Chicago, IL, October 1-5, 1995, Book 1, 153-156.

6. Weinstock, I. A., Atalla, R. H, Reiner, R. S., Hill, C. L. and Houtman, C. J. “Polyoxometalate Bleaching: A Highly Selective, Closed-Mill Technology,” 1995 TAPPI International Environmental Conference, Atlanta, GA, May 7-10, 1995, Book 2, 1197-1199.

5. Weinstock, I. A.; Atalla, R. H.; Hill, C. L. “Highly Selective Oxidative Delignification of Kraft Pulp by Water Soluble Polyoxometalate Salts and Oxygen,” Third European Workshop on Lignocellulosics and Pulp, Stockholm, Sweden, August 28-31, 1994, 93-96.

4. Agarwal, U. P., Weinstock, I. A.; Atalla, R. H. “An FT Raman Study of Residual Lignin in Kraft Pulps,” 14th Intl. Conf. on Raman Spectroscopy, Kowloon, Hong Kong, August 22-26, 1994, 888-889.

3. Weinstock, I. A., Agarwal, U. P., Minor, J. L., Atalla, R. H. and Reiner, R. S. “FT Raman and UV-visible Spectroscopic Studies of a Highly Selective Polyoxometalate Bleaching System,” 1993 TAPPI Pulping Conference, Atlanta, GA, November 1-3, 1993, 519-532.

2. Weinstock, I. A., Springer, E. L., Minor, J. L. and Atalla, R. H. “Alternative Pathways in Non-Chlorine Bleaching,” Proceedings of the Non-Chlorine Bleaching Conference, Hilton Head, SC; February 10-12, 1993; Miller Freeman Inc., San Francisco, CA, 18.

1. Weinstock, I. A., Hill, C. L. and Minor, J. L. “Oxidative Delignification and Bleaching of Lignocellulosic Materials by Vanadium Substituted Polyoxometalates,” 2nd European Workshop on Lignocellulosics and Pulp, Grenoble, France, September 2-4, 1992, 33-34.

CONFERENCE ABSTRACTS (largely by students and post-doctoral research associates): • Snir, Ophir, Yifeng Wang, Mark E. Tuckerman, Yurii V. Geletii, Ira A. Weinstock “Concerted

Proton-Electron Transfer to Dioxygen in Water”, Abstracts of the EICC-1—First EuCheMS Inorganic Chemistry Conference, Manchester, UK, April 11-14, 2011.

• Kopilevich, S; Bo, C; Müller, A; Weinstock, I. A. “Catalysis within a soluble metal-oxide framework nano-reactor” Abstracts of the EICC-1—First EuCheMS Inorganic Chemistry Conference, Manchester, UK, April 11-14, 2011.

• Ophir Snir, Yifeng Wang, Yurii V. Geletii, Ira A. Weinstock, “Concerted Proton-Electron Transfer (CPET) to Dioxygen in Water” Abstracts of the 2010 Gentner Symposium, Maagan, Israel, February 7-12, 2010.

• Zeiri, O.; Wang, Y.; Neyman, A.; Stellacci, F.; Weinstock, I. A. “Electro-active cluster-anion domains in the organic-ligand shells of ���monolayer-protected metal nanoparticles” Abstracts of the 2nd International Nanotechnology Conference & Exhibition, Tel Aviv, Israel, November 8-9, 2010.

• Kopilevich, S; Müller, A; Weinstock, I. A. “Catalysis within a soluble metal-oxide framework nano-reactor” Abstracts of the 2nd International Nanotechnology Conference & Exhibition, Tel Aviv, Israel, November 8-9, 2010.

• Weinstock, I. A; Müller, A; Bo, C; Ziv, A; Grego, A; Kopilevich, S; Zeiri, L; Miro P. “Flexible Pores of a Metal-Oxide-Based Capsule Permit Entry of Comparatively Larger Organic Guests” Proceedings of the Twelfth European Symposium on Organic Reactivity (XII ESOR), Page 49, Haifa, Israel, Sept. 6-10, 2009.

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• Neyman, A.; Weinstock, I. A. “Polyoxometalate stabilized AgCl nanocrystals” Abstracts of the 73rd national meeting of the Israel Chemical Society, Jerusalem, Feb. 4-5, 2008.

• Ganini, A.; Müller, A.; Weinstock, I. A. “Ligand Exchange in a porous molecular nanocapsule” Abstracts of the 73rd national meeting of the Israel Chemical Society, Jerusalem, Feb. 4-5, 2008.

• Botar, B.; Geletii, Y. V.; Hill, C. L.; Weinstock, I.A. Musaev, D. G.; Morokuma, K. Selective O2-Based Epoxidation Catalyzed by Di-iron-Substituted Polyoxometalates. 13th International Congress on Catalysis, Paris, France, July 11-16, 2004.

• Geletii, Y.V.; Atalla, R. H.; Hill, C. L.; Weinstock, I. A. Electron Transfer from alpha-Keggin Anions to Dioxygen. 13th Int. Congress on Catalysis, Paris, France, July 11-16, 2004.

• Neiwert, W. A.; Weinstock, I. A. Keggin Polyoxonitridometalates: Molecular Models for Metal Oxynitride Materials. Abstracts of Papers, 55th Southeast Regional Meeting of the ACS, Atlanta, GA, Nov. 16-18, 2003.

• Weinstock, I. A.; Girgoriev, V. A.; Hill, C. L.; Giuletti, Y. Role of Cations in Electron Transfer to Cluster-Anion Acceptors. Abstracts of Papers, 55th Southeast Regional Meeting of the ACS; Atlanta, GA, Nov. 16-18, 2003.

• Yokoyama, T.; Kadla, J. F.; Chang, H.-M.; Weinstock, I. A.; Reiner, R. S. “Polyoxometalate Degradation of Non-Phenolic Lignin Model Compounds” Abstracts of Papers, 223rd ACS National Meeting, 2002, CELL-063.

• Cowan, J. J; Weinstock, I. A.; Hill, C. L. “Formation, Isomerization, and Derivatization of Keggin Tungstoaluminates” NATO Advanced Study Institute on Polyoxometalate Molecular Science, Tenerife, Spain, August 25-September 5, 2001.

• Grigoriev, V. A.; Weinstock, I. A.; Hill, C. L. “Role of Ion Pairing in the Thermodynamics and Kinetics of Polyoxometalate Redox Reactions” Abstracts of Papers, 221st ACS National Meeting, 2001, INOR-210.

• Hill, C. L.; Barbuzzi, E. M. G.; Wemple, M. W.; Reddy, J. S.; Cowan, J. J.; Sullivan, C. E.; Houtman, C. J.; Reichel, S. E.; Heintz, R. A.; Birchmeier, M. J.; Reiner, R. S.; Sonnen, D. M.; Atalla, R. H.; Weinstock, I. A. “Immortal Self-Buffering Catalytic Systems for Selective O2-Based Oxidation in Water: Wood to Paper Without Pollution” 17th Meeting of the North American Catalysis Society, Toronto, Canada, June, 2001.

• Grigoriev, V. A.; Weinstock, I. A.; Hill, C. L. “Oxidation of a Phenolic Lignin Model by a Polyoxometalate: Kinetics and Mechanism” Abstracts of Papers, 219th ACS National Meeting, March 26-30, 2000, INOR-372.

• Atalla, R. H.; Weinstock, I. A.; Houtman, C. J.; Bond, J. S.; Reiner, R. S.; Reichel, S.; Sonnen, D.; Hill, C. G., Jr.; Hill, C. L.; Wemple, M. W.; Cowan, J. J.; Barbuzzi, E. M. G. “Polyoxometallate-Based Closed Systems for Oxidative Delignification of Wood Pulp Fibers” Abstracts of Papers, 219th ACS National Meeting, March 26-30, 2000, CELL-175.

• Weinstock, I. A.; Barbuzzi, E. M. G.; Grigoriev, V.; Gueletii, Y.; Reichel, S. E.; Heintz, R.; Reiner, R. S.; Sonnen, D. M.; Houtman, C. J.; Atalla, R. H.; Hill, C. L. “Chemistry of Thermodynamically Stable Polyoxometalate Catalysts in Selective Delignification and Waste Mineralization” Book of Abstracts, 219th ACS National Meeting, March 26-30, 2000, CELL-174.

• Hill, C. L.; Grigoriev, V. A.; Weinstock, I. A. “Oxidation of a Phenolic Lignin Model by a Polyoxometalate: Kinetics and Mechanism” Abstracts of Papers, 217th ACS National Meeting, March 21-25, 1999, CELL-090.

• Reiner, R. S.; Weinstock, I. A.; Wemple, M. W.; Barbuzzi, E. M. G.; Cowan, J. J.; Sullivan, C. S.; Houtman, C. J.; Reichel, S. E.; Springer, E. L.; Heintz, R.; Sonnen, D. M.; Atalla, R. H.; Hill, C. L. “Closed-Mill Delignification Process Using Equilibrated Polyoxometalate Systems” Book of Abstracts, 217th ACS National Meeting, March 21-25, 1999, CELL-089.

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• Barbuzzi, E. M. G.; Hill, C. L.; Weinstock, I. A. “Selective Oxidation in Water by Self-Buffering, Equilibrating Polyoxometalate Solutions and Oxygen” 7th Intl. Symposium On Dioxygen Activation and Homogeneous Catalytic Oxidation, University of York, York, UK, July 19-23, 1999, 12.

• Weinstock, I. A.; Hill, C. L.; Barbuzzi, E. M. G.; et al. “New Aqueous Catalysts for Replacing Chlorine in Wood Pulp Bleaching” 3rd Annual Green Chemistry and Engineering Conference, Washington, D.C., U.S.A., June 28-July 1, 1999, 153.

• Weinstock, I. A.; Wemple, M. W.; Barbuzzi, E. M. G.; Reiner, R. S.; Cowan, J. J.; Sullivan, C. S.; Houtman, C. J.; Reichel, S. E.; Springer, E. L.; Heintz, R.; Sonnen, D. M.; Atalla, R. H.; Hill, C. L. “Delignification by Equilibrated Self-Buffering Solutions of Heteropolytungstates and Oxygen” Book of Abstracts, 217th ACS National Meeting, March 21-25, 1999, CELL-088.

• Barbuzzi, E. M. G.; Weinstock, I. A.; Cowan, J. J.; Wemple, M. W.; Hill, C. L. “Synthesis and Self-Buffering Properties of Equilibrium Solutions of Na6[AlVW11O40], a New Water-Soluble Oxidation Catalyst” Book of Abstracts, 216th ACS National Meeting, August 23-27, 1998, INOR-639.

• Weinstock, I. A.; Wemple, M. W.; Barbuzzi, E. M. G.; Cowan, J. J.; Reiner, R.S.; Sullivan, C. S.; Houtman, C. J.; Reichel, S. E.; Springer, E. L.; Heintz, R.; Atalla, R.H.; Hill, C. L. Homogeneous Catalytic Oxidation by Dioxygen in Water by Equilibrium Solutions of Heteropolytungstates” Book of Abstracts, 216th ACS National Meeting, August 23-27 1998, INOR-638.

• Birchmeier, M. J.; Atalla, R. H.; Hill, C. G., Jr.; Houtman, C. J.; Weinstock, I. A. “Enhanced Reactivity of Recalcitrant Species Formed During Wet Air Oxidation by Recirculation of Process Liquor” American Institute of Chemical Engineers, November, 1998.

• Cowan, J. J.; Weinstock, I. A.; Hill, C. L. “Kinetics and Thermodynamics of Isomerization of Keggin Tungstoaluminates” Book of Abstracts, 216th ACS National Meeting, August 23-27, 1998, INOR-477.

• Weinstock, I. A.; Wemple, M. W. ; Reiner, R. S. ; Reddy, J. S.; Sullivan, C. E.; Houtman, C. J.; Reichel, S. E.; Springer, E. L.; Heintz, R. A.; Cowan, J. J.; Barbuzzi, E. M. G.; Chen, Q.; Birchmeier, M. J.; Atalla, R. H.; Hill, C. L. "Metal Oxide Clusters as Stable and Functional Analogs of Ligninolytic Metalloenzymes" 2nd World Congress on Environmental Catalysis, Nov., 1998.

• Grigoriev, V. A.; Weinstock, I. A.; Hill, C. L. “Kinetics of Oxidation of Phenols by Polyoxometalates” Book of Abstracts, 216th ACS National Meeting, August 23-27, 1998, INOR-231.

• Cowan, J. J.; Weinstock, I. A.; Hill, C. L. “Aluminum-Based Keggin Polyoxoanions: Synthesis and Isomerism” Book of Abstracts, 214th ACS National Meeting, September 7-11, 1997, INOR-386.

• Chen, Q.; Hill, C. L.; Weinstock, I. A.; Reiner, R. S. “Catalytic Oxidation of Lignin Compounds by Multifunction Clusters” Book of Abstracts, 212th ACS National Meeting, August 25-29, 1996, INOR-405.

• Moen, M. A.; Weinstock, I. A.; Hammel, K. E.; Houtman, C. J.; Reiner, R. S.; Atalla, R. H. Polyoxometalate Delignification of Kraft Pulp: Kinetics and Mechanism” Book of Abstracts, 211th ACS National Meeting, March 24-28, 1996, CELL-221.

• Weinstock, I. A. “Energy-Efficient Bleaching of Wood Pulps by Vanadium-Substituted Polyoxometalates and Oxygen” Pulp and Paper Mill of the Future—An Information Exchange, Dept. of Energy (sponsor), Orono, ME, September 8-10, 1993.

• Weinstock, I. A., Agarwal, U.; Atalla, R. H.; Minor, J. L. “FT Raman Studies of a Polyoxometalate (Polyox) Bleaching System” 205th ACS National Meeting, March 28-April 2, 1993.

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• Weinstock, I. A.; Schrock, R. R. Metathesis of Acetylenes by Well-Defined Rhenium(VII) Alkylidyne Complexes” 197th ACS National Meeting, April 9-14, 1989.

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Research Foundation (Israel) MANUSCRIPTS REVIEWED FOR THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS (41 in all) American Chemical Society Accounts Chem. Res. ACS Catalysis ACS Nano Chem. Rev. Crystal Growth & Design Environ. Sci. & Tech. Ind. & Eng. Chem. Res. J. Chem. Eng. Data Inorg. Chem. J. Org. Chem. J.Am. Chem. Soc. Langmuir Nature Publishing Group Nature Communications Royal Society of Chemistry Chem. Comm. Chem. Soc. Rev. CrystalEngComm Dalton Trans. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. (PCCP) J. Mat. Chem.

Wiley Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Chemistry-European J. Chemistry-Asian J. Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. Israel J. Chem. ChemPhysChem ChemSusChem Int. J. Chem. Kinetics Elsevier Chem. Phys. Lett. Tetrahedron Lett. Water Res. J. Catalysis J. Electroanal. Chem. J. Mol. Catal. J. Mol. Structure Adv. Environ. Res. App. Catal. B, Environ. Catalysis Comm. Coll. & Surf. A: Physicochem. & Eng. Springer Catalysis Lett. J. Cluster Sci. Cellulose Others Canadian J. Chem. Holzforschung Books ACS Symposium Series CRS Press