Curret Affairs Quiz 2015

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  • 8/16/2019 Curret Affairs Quiz 2015



    1. Identify the former judge of the Allahabad High Court who was appointed asthe Lokayukta of Uttar Pradesh on 1 !e"ember #$1%.a& 'irbadhra (umarb& 'ishesh )ri*ats"& +' ,amanad& 'irendra )ingh

    #. -hat is the amount of loan granted by the -orld ank on 1% !e"ember#$1% for Clean India Campaign/a& 1. illion U) dollars

    b& # 0illion U) dollars"& 1.% illion U) dollarsd& 1. 0illion U) dollars

    2. +ame the famous golfer who on 1% !e"ember #$1% was named as the3uropean 4our 5olfer of the 6ear.a& )e*e allesterosb& ,ory 0"Ilroy"& 'ijay )inghd& Henrik )tenson

    7. -ho on 1% !e"ember #$1% was appointed as the Chairman of Central oardof !ire"t 4a8es 9C!4&/a& Arun (umar :ainb& Anita (apur"& Anil (hannad& 'inita :aiswal

    %. ;our Indian bo8ers on 1% !e"ember #$1% were sele"ted by theInternational 

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    . 4e"h 0ahindra and 0ahindra and 0ahindra Ltd on 17 !e"ember #$1%a"Duired whi"h auto design Brm/a& Pakaal Ltdb& Pin"ar )rl"& Pininfarina )pAd& Polaris Industries

    1$. -ho was appointed as ;inan"e 0inister of )outh Afri"a on 17 !e"ember#$1%/a& !a*id *an ,ooyenb& Pra*in 5ordhan

    "& +hlanhla +ened& :a"ob Euma

    11. -ho was appointed as the +ational President of the Indian Institute of0aterials 0anagement 9II00& on 17 !e"ember #$1%/a&

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    d& ihar

    2. -hat is the rank of India in terms of Human !e*elopment Inde8 9H!I& as perHuman !e*elopment ,eport #$1% released on 17 !e"ember #$1%/a& 12$b& 121"& 12#d& 12%

    3.  4he United +ations 9U+& on 17 !e"ember #$1% released the Human!e*elopment ,eport #$1%. -hat was the title of the report/

    a& Human !e*elopment +e"essitiesb& )ustainable Human !e*elopment"& -ork for Human !e*elopmentd& A Progressi*e Human !e*elopment

    4. Union 5o*ernment on 17 !e"ember #$1% reDuested the )tates and Union 4erritories 9U4& to start an ser*i"emen.a& ) H (apadiab& L +arasimha ,eddy"& 5hulam Hasand& 6ogesh (umar )abharwal

    6. Identify the *eteran musi" "omposer who on 17 !e"ember #$1% washonoured with the Lifetime A"hie*ement Award by the -est engal 5o*ernment.

    a& Anil iswasb& Himangshu !utta"& appi Lahirid& )alil Chowdhury

    7. Identify the notable *iolinist who on 17 !e"ember #$1% was announ"ed asthe #$1 5enesis PriGe Laureate.a& ItGhak Perlmanb& )aul !a*ies"& :erry 5oodmand& 5a*yn -right

    8. Identify the golf player who on 17 !e"ember #$1% won the Asian 4our@s

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    gold in the %th +ational shooting "hampionship/a& 'ijay (umarb& 5urpreet )ingh"& Pemba 4amangd& A"hal Pratap )ingh 5rewal

    11. In whi"h "ity the %th +ational shooting "hampionship began on 1!e"ember #$1%/a& engalurub& Chennai"& Hyderabad

    d& +ew !elhi

    12. -ho of the following will "hair the task for"e that was "onstituted by0aharashtra 5o*ernment on 11 !e"ember #$1% for setting up an International;inan"ial )er*i"e Centre 9I;)C& in 0umbai/a& Poonam 0ahajanb& )wadheen (shtriya"& +itin (areerd& :ayant )inha

    13. In whi"h "ity the #th Conferen"e of )outhern Eonal Coun"il was held on1# !e"ember #$1%/

    a& 'ijayawadab& Chennai"& Hyderabadd& engaluru

    14. -hi"h multilateral agen"y in !e"ember #$1% released the report entitled)ho"k -a*es 0anaging the Impa"ts of Climate Change on Po*erty/a& International 0onetary ;undb& -orld ank"& -orld 4rade 9"& >9"& 11>9d&#>9a& ?>9a& 1#>9d&2>9"& >9d& 12>9a&

    7>9b& >9b& 17>9b&%>9b& 1$>9a& 1%>9d&

    1. +ame the 0as"ot of #$1 )outh Asian 5ames whi"h was un*eiled on 12!e"ember #$17.a& 4ikhorb& (arak"& )herad& !uria

    2.  4he logo and mas"ot of the 1#th )outh Asian 5ames games were un*eiled

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    on 12 !e"ember #$1%. 4he games will be hosted in

    a& (athmandu= +epalb& Hambantota and Colombo= )ri Lanka"& 5uwahati and )hillong= Indiad& !haka= angladesh

    3. +ame the Indian a"tor who was "onferred with the Padma 'ibhushan= these"ond>highest "i*ilian honour= on 12 !e"ember #$1%.a& Amitabh a"h"hanb& !ilip (umar

    "& 0anoj (umard& )hashi (apoor

    4. Constru"tion work on the 4API 5as Pipeline proje"t started in 4urkmenistanon 12 !e"ember #$1%. 4he proje"t will not "onne"t whi"h of the following"ountries/a& 4urkmenistanb& Afghanistan"& Indiad& China

    5. +ame the "ountry where for the Brst time female "andidates "ontested and

    won in muni"ipal "oun"il ele"tions on 12 !e"ember #$1%.a& )yriab& United Arab 3mirates"& )audi Arabiad& (uwait

    6. +ame the person who was appointed as the Ambassador to )audi Arabia on11 !e"ember #$1% by 0inistry of 38ternal AJairs.a& :ulio ,ibeirob& Ahmad :a*ed"& !atta Padsalgika

    d& ,akesh 0aria

    7. Identify the renowned agro>e"onomist and founder of )hetkari )anghatanawho died in 1# !e"ember #$1% in Pune.a& )harad :oshib& 'inay Hardikar"& 'inay !esaid& Pinaki Pawar

    8. Identify the :apanese shuttler who on 12 !e"ember #$1% won the 0en@ssingles at the -; -orld !ubai )uperseries Bnals.a& )ayaka 4akahashi

    b& (ento 0omota"& )ayaka )atod& Akane 6amagu"hi

    9.  4he 5o*ernment of India on 1# !e"ember #$1% signed 0emorandum ofUnderstanding for establishing three Indian Institute of Information 4e"hnology inwhi"h three "ities/a& 0umbai= !elhi and (olkatab& (olkata= Pune and Chennai"& ,an"hi= +agpur and Puned& +agpur= ,an"hi and ,aipur

    10. Identify the Indian>origin writer who on 11 !e"ember #$1% was de"laredas the winner of the prestigious )outh 3ast Asia -rite Award for )ingapore.

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    a& 5opal arathamb& 0uhammad AriJ Ahmad"& P (rishnand& :amaludeen 0ohamed )ali11. +ame the state that on 1# !e"ember #$1% "onstituted a task for"e underUnion 0inister of )tate for ;inan"e :ayant )inha for setting up an International;inan"ial )er*i"e Centre 9I;)C& in its "apital.a& 0aharashtrab& Andhra Pradesh"& 5ujaratd& !elhi

    12. -ho of the following on 12 !e"ember #$1% won the title in the ;IA AsiaCup "ategory in the CoJee !ay India ,ally= whi"h "on"luded in Chikkamagaluru=(arnataka/a& ,ahul (anthraj and "o>dri*er 'i*ek hattb& Lohitt Urs and "o>dri*er )hrikanth 5owda"& 5aura* 5ill and "o>dri*er 0usa )herif d& (arna (adur and "o>dri*er 'i*ek Ponnusamy

    13. In whi"h "ity the #1st Conferen"e of Parties to U+;CCC was held between2$ +o*ember and 11 !e"ember #$1%/a& Paris

    b& London"& 4okyod& +ew !elhi14. As per the Paris Agreement on Climate Change that was adopted on 1#!e"ember #$1%= how mu"h the de*eloped "ountries will raise annually to Bnan"e"limate "hange mitigation proje"ts by #$#$/a& #$$ billion U) dollarsb& 1%$ billion U) dollars"& 1$$ billion U) dollarsd& %$ billion U) dollars

    15. ;ollowers of whi"h religion on 1# !e"ember #$1% started "elebrating 1$>day long Losar festi*al in Ladakh religion/a& Hindub& Islam"& uddhismd& Christianity

    Answes1>9a& >9b& 11>9a&#>9"& ?>9a& 1#>9b&2>9b& >9b& 12>9a&7>9d& >9"& 17>9"&

    %>9"& 1$>9d& 1%>9"&1. -hi"h +ational Commission in its Annual ,eport #$17>1% presented on 11

    !e"ember #$1% "alled for making it a Permanent and )tatutory ody with Ci*il

    Court powers/

    a& +ational Commission for 0inorities

    b& +ational Commission for a"kward Classes

    "& 3Dual

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    a& 1$.

    b& .

    "& .$

    d& 1.

    3.  -hi"h "ountry on 11 !e"ember #$1% laun"hed its Brst U+)3C< iosphere

    ,eser*e Inle Lake/

    a& 0alaysia

    b& 4hailand

    "& 0yanmar

    d& 'ietnam

    4.  +ame the e>"ommer"e giant that on 11 !e"ember #$1% agreed to a"Duire

    the Hong>(ong based 11#>year old 3nglish +ewspaper )outh China 0orning Post.

    a& ;lipkart

    b& AmaGon

    "& eay

    d& Alibaba

    5. -hi"h two Ameri"an giants on 11 !e"ember #$1% agreed to "ombine the

    two "ompanies in an all>sto"k merger of eDuals/

    a& !uPont and !ow Chemi"al Company

    b& A+ Amro and A""enture

    "& ;ord 0otors and 5eneral 0otors

    d& 3M6 and )MP

    6.  Identify the famous author who on 1$ !e"ember #$1% was honoured withthe prestigious 0ailer PriGe for lifetime a"hie*ement.

    a& )alman ,ushdie

    b& Arundhati ,oy

    "& 0i"hael Hastings

    d& ,uth 5ruber

    7.  4he 5o*ernment of India on 11 !e"ember #$1% signed a proto"ol to amend

    double ta8ation a*oidan"e pa"t with whi"h "ountry/

    a& China

    b& :apan

    "& Indonesia

    d& ,ussia

    8.  -hi"h "ity on 11 !e"ember #$1% made it to the U+3)C

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    "& (olkata

    d& 'aranasi

    9.  -hi"h global software Brm on 11 !e"ember #$1% de"lared that it won the

    #$1% Aegis 5raham ell Award for de*eloping a solution for the Internet of


    a& 0i"rosoft

    b& )ymante"

    "& -ipro

    d& I0

    10. -ho on 11 !e"ember #$1% won the -omenNs %$m ,ie 2 Positions 5old at

    the %th +ational )hooting Championships/

    a& 4ejaswini )awant

    b& 3liGabeth )usan (oshy

    "& Anjum 0oudgil

    d& 5aayathri +

    11.  +ame the Indian "y"list who on 11 !e"ember #$1% be"ame the Brst Indian

    female "y"list to be ranked fourth in the -orld 3lite -omen ,anking for the

    %$$m time trial e*ent.

    a& 0anorama !e*i

    b& 0ahitha 0ohan

    "& !eborah Herold

    d& )unita !e*i

    12.  United +ations on !e"ember #$1% laun"hed the )ahel humanitarian

    appeal for #$1 with an outlay of 1. billion U) dollars. Against this ba"kdrop=

    identify the "ontinent in whi"h the )ahel is lo"ated/

    a& Afri"a

    b& Asia

    "& )outh Ameri"a

    d& +orth Ameri"a

    13.  +ame the "ountry that was on !e"ember #$1% asked to halt the torture

    of detainees and oppression of human rights a"ti*ists by United +ations

    Committee Against 4orture 9U+CA4&.

    a& China

    b& Cambodia

    "& Pakistan

    d& ritain

    14. A non>proBt organisation of whi"h "ountry in +o*ember #$1% laun"hed the

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    emergen"y shelter proje"t "alled )hanti +iwas 3mergen"y Housing 9)+3H& for

    senior "itiGens from the Indian and )outh Asian Communities/

    a& Australia

    b& +ew Eealand

    "& 5ermany

    d& :apan

    15. -hi"h "ountry a""ounted for the highest share of tourist arri*als in India in

    +o*ember #$1%/

    a& )ingapore

    b& 0auritius

    "& 4he United (ingdom 9U(&

    d& 4he United )tates of Ameri"a 9U)A&


    1>9d& >9a& 11>9"&

    #>9b& ?>9b& 1#>9a&

    2>9"& >9d& 12>9a&

    7>9d& >9"& 17>9b&

    %>9a& 1$>9b& 1%>9d&

    1. -hi"h of the following on !e"ember #$1% be"ame the Brst "ountry in the

    world to gi*e appro*al to use *a""ine against dengue fe*er/

    a& raGil

    b& India

    "& China

    d& 0e8i"o2. -hi"h agen"y on !e"ember #$1%# released 5lobal Illi"it ;inan"ial ;lows

    ,eport #$1%/

    a& 5lobal ;inan"ial Integrity

    b& 4ransparen"y International

    "& -orld ank

    d& International 0onetary ;und

    3. +ame the "ampaign laun"hed on the o""asion of Human ,ights !ay that was

    obser*ed a"ross the world on 1$ !e"ember #$1%.

    a& ;reedom from fear= spee"h= worship and want


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    "& :ordan

    d& raGil

    5. 4he International Cri"ket Coun"il on 1$ !e"ember #$1% announ"ed new global

    partnership with whi"h leading mobile telephone de*i"e "ompany/

    a& )amsung

    b& 0i"roma8


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    d& 'ietnam

    11. 9a& ?>9a& 1#>9a&

    2>9b& >9b& 12>9b&

    7>9"& >9b& 17>9"&

    %>9"& 1$>9a& 1%>9d&

    1. ,eal 3state 9,egulation and !e*elopment& ill= #$1% was appro*ed by Union

    Cabinet on !e"ember #$1%. -hi"h one of the following is not one of the

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    a& Co*ers both "ommer"ial and residential real estate proje"ts

    b& 3stablishment of ,eal 3state ,egulatory Authority in )tateU4s

    "& ,egistration of real estate agents with the Authority

    d& Ci*il Courts allowed to take matters deBned in the ill

    2. U!"In#$% &e% '( E#)*%+$'n %n# Rese%*, that was laun"hed in +ew

    !elhi on !e"ember #$1% will be "elebrated in whi"h year/

    a& #$1?

    b& #$1%

    "& #$1

    d& #$1

    3. -ho of the following was named as 2015 -es'n '( +,e &e% on

    !e"ember #$1% by 4ime 0agaGine/

    a& Angela 0erkel

    b& Abu akr Al>aghdadi

    "& !onald 4rump

    d& 'ladimir Putin

    4.  4he )upreme Court on !e"ember #$1% asked the Union 5o*ernment to

    operationalise the /%n$se# C$es Ines+$/%+$n/ A/en* CIA by

    a& 21 !e"ember #$1%

    b& 1 :anuary #$1

    "& 1 April #$1

    d& 1 !e"ember #$1

    5. -hi"h s"heme was in news in the Brst week of !e"ember #$1% for being

    a"knowledged by the 5uinness ook of -orld re"ords as the largest "ash

    transfer programme in terms of number of households/

    a& PAHAL

    b& 0+,35A

    "& eti a"hao eti Padhao

    d& I+)PI,3

    6. -hi"h "ity was "hosen to host the India A*iation 38hibition and Conferen"e

    3*ent #$1/

    a& engaluru

    b& Hyderbad

    "& +ew !elhi

    d& 0umbai

    7. -ho among the following on !e"ember #$1% temporarily relie*ed himself

    as the president of -orld Chess ;ederation/

    a& )epp latter

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    b& !omeni"o )"ala

    "& ,i""ardo ;ra""ari

    d& (irsan IlyumGhino*

    8. -hi"h "ountry on 7 !e"ember #$1% re>joined as a member of the

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    b& Asian Infrastru"ture In*estment ank

    "& +ew !e*elopment ank

    d& -orld ank

    14. -hat was the fo"us area of the Handbook of )tatisti"s #$1% released by

    the U+C4A! on !e"ember #$1%/

    a& ;oreign !ire"t In*estment

    b& )pe"ial 3"onomi" Eones

    "& 38ports M Imports

    d& Administrati*e ,eforms

    15. -hi"h of the following on !e"ember #$1% be"ame the 1$th "ountry to

    ratify Arti"les of Agreement of Asian Infrastru"ture In*estment ank/

    a& Austria

    b& 0ongolia

    "& Lu8embourg

    d& )ingapore


    1>9d& >9b& 11>9d&

    #>9d& ?>9d& 1#>9a&

    2>9a& >9"& 12>9a&

    7>9d& >9"& 17>9b&

    %>9a& 1$>9a& 1%>9"&

    1. Pune and ,ajkot on !e"ember #$1% be"ame the interim fran"hises in the

    Indian Premier League 9IPL& till #$1?. +ame the "ompany that owns Punefran"hise.

    a& +ew ,ising

    b& Inte8 0obiles

    "& Chettinad Cement

    d& A8is Clini"als

    2. Pune and ,ajkot on !e"ember #$1% be"ame the interim fran"hises in the

    Indian Premier League 9IPL& till #$1?. +ame the "ompany that owns ,ajkot


    a& A8is Clini"als

    b& +ew ,ising

    "& Inte8 0obiles

    d& Chettinad Cement

    3. +ame the "ountry who@s lower house of Parliament on !e"ember #$1%

    passed the 'isa -ai*er Program Impro*ement A"t of #$1% to amend the its *isa

    tra*el pra"ti"es.

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    a& United )tates

    b& United (ingdom

    "& India

    d& ;ran"e

    4. International !ay of Commemoration and !ignity of the 'i"tims of the Crime

    of 5eno"ide and of the Pre*ention of this Crime was obser*ed on

    a& !e"ember

    b& ? !e"ember

    "& !e"ember

    d& !e"ember

    5. -hi"h Indian ank on !e"ember #$1% announ"ed to mobiliGe % billion U)

    dollars from #$1% to #$#$ for "limate a"tion through lending= in*esting and

    raising "apital towards mitigation= adaptation and resilien"e/

    a& A8is ank

    b& H!;C ank

    "& 6es ank

    d& I!I ank

    6.  4he Union 5o*ernment and +ational 4e8tile Corporation on !e"ember

    #$1% signed 0emorandum of Understanding 90oU& to set up a 4e"hnology Centre

    94ool ,oom& at

    a& 'aranasi

    b& :aipur

    "& 0adras

    d& (anpur

    7. International Anti>Corruption !ay was obser*ed a"ross the world on

    a& 1$

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    b& Carolina 0arin

    "& Ehao 6unlei

    d& ao 6i8in

    10. Identify the Indian>Ameri"an entrepreneur who will be "onferred with the

    Uttar Pradesh ,atna Award on 7 :anuary #$1 at the inaugural UP Pra*asi !iwas

    in Agra.

    a& 'inod (hosla

    b& ,ohinton 0istry

    "& 0anu Prakash

    d& ;rank Islam

    11. +ame the Indian "ri"keter who on !e"ember #$1% be"ame the "o>owner

    of the Pro -restling League team= UP -arriors.

    a& 'irat (ohli

    b& 0) !honi

    "& Harbhajan )ingh

    d& ,ohit )harma

    12. In whi"h "ity the two>day Heart of Asia "onferen"e was inaugurated on

    !e"ember #$1% to enhan"e regional "ooperation on se"urity issues/

    a& Islamabad

    b& +ew !elhi

    "& !hakad& Colombo

    13. -ho among the following on !e"ember #$1% resigned as Lokayukta of


    a& 6 haskar ,ao

    b& )hi*araj Patil

    "& )antosh Hegde

    d& + 'enkata"hala

    14. Identify the drug maker. In the Brst week of !e"ember #$1% it be"ame Brst

    Indian "ompany to re"ei*e !5CI@s appro*al for hepatitis C drug/

    a& 5'( io

    b& Hetero !rugs

    "& !r ,eddy@s Laboratories

    d& Aurobindo Pharma

    15. -hi"h state go*ernmentunion territory on 2 !e"ember #$1% announ"ed

    *ehi"le rationing s"heme to "urb air pollution/

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    a& Chandigarh

    b& 4elangana

    "& +C4 of !elhi

    d& 0aharashtra


    1>9a& >9d& 11>9d&

    #>9"& ?>9d& 1#>9a&

    2>9a& >9a& 12>9a&

    7>9d& >9b& 17>9b&

    %>9"& 1$>9d& 1%>9"&

    1. Identify the "ountry with whi"h India parti"ipated in the bilateral maritime

    e8er"ise Indra +a*y #$1% whi"h "ommen"ed on ? !e"ember #$1% in


    a& ,ussia

    b& China

    "& :apan

    d& ritain

    2. +ame the person who was on ? !e"ember #$1% appointed as the Corporate

    President of

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    b& 4he anking Laws 9Amendment& ill= #$1%

    "& 4he Indian )tamp 9Amendment& ill= #$1%

    d& 4he Pre*ention of 0oney Laundering 9Amendment& ill= #$1%

    6. +ame the "ountry who@s Brst female -$e M$n$s+e :%$#'+%

    S+%);)% announ"ed her resignation on ? !e"ember #$1%.

    a& osnia

    b& Lithuania

    "& 3stonia

    d& Lat*ia

    7. +ame the ill that was introdu"ed in the Lok )abha to fa"ilitate and fast

    tra"k setting up of new nu"lear proje"ts in the "ountry on ? !e"ember #$1%.

    a& +u"lear )afety ,egulatory Authority ill= #$1%

    b& Atomi" 3nergy 9Amendment& ill= #$1%

    "& 4he Indian Atomi" 3nergy Coun"il 9Amendment& ill= #$1%

    d& 4he Ci*il Liability for +u"lear !amage ill= #$1%

    8. -hi"h of the following state on % !e"ember #$1% be"ame the Brst state of

    India to join the Union 5o*ernment@s U;w% D$s*' Ass)%n*e &';%n% 9U!A6&/

    a& :harkhand

    b& Andhra Pradesh

    "& ,ajasthan

    d& 5ujarat

    9. +ame the "ity that on ? !e"ember #$1% issued its Brst>e*er ,ed Alert on air>pollution ordering s"hools to "lose due to haGardous air Duality.

    a& eijing

    b& 4okyo

    "& !elhi

    d& Islamabad

    10. +ame the storm that in Brst week of !e"ember #$1% wreaked ha*o" in

    United (ingdom.

    a& Per

    b& !esmond

    "& !irk

    d& atta"k *i"tims under

    whi"h Duota/

    a& !isable

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    b& )o"ially ba"kward

    "& 3"onomi"ally ba"kward

    d& 0inorities

    12. Indian 5o*ernment on ? !e"ember #$1% announ"ed I":TE

    '/%e to monitor diJerent biomes a"ross the "ountry. In whi"h "ity it

    was announ"ed on the sidelines of C

    #1 of the U+;CCC/

    a& Paris

    b& London

    "& +ew 6ork

    d& 4okyo

    13. Identify the politi"al "oalition that won 'eneGuelan parliamentary ele"tion

    held on !e"ember #$1%.

    a& !emo"rati" Unity ,oundtable

    b& United )o"ialist Party of 'eneGueala

    "& Communist Party of 'eneGuela

    d& ;atherland for All

    14. Identify the multilateral agen"y. Its Eero ,outine ;laring by #$2$ Initiati*e

    was on ? !e"ember #$1% endorsed by 7% leading global oil "ompanies in Paris.

    a& International 0onetary ;und

    b& -orld Health 9b& 12>9a&

    7>9d& >9a& 17>9"&

    %>9a& 1$>9b& 1%>9d&

    1. 5AIL 9India& Limited in the last week of +o*ember #$1% laun"hed whi"h portal

    for monitoring the pipeline ,ight of Use 9,oU& through spa"e te"hnology/

  • 8/16/2019 Curret Affairs Quiz 2015


    a& hu*an>5AIL portal

    b& 53store portal

    "& (M: )atelite Portal

    d& )tar

  • 8/16/2019 Curret Affairs Quiz 2015


    b& )oils a solid ground for life

    "& Long Li*e 4he )oil

    d& )oils )ustains )o"iety and the 3n*ironment

    8. 4he owners of the world@s largest nu"lear "omple8 ru"e +u"lear 5enerating

    )tation plan on 2 !e"ember #$1% de"ided to spend Q.?2 billion U) dollars to

    refurbish si8 aging rea"tors to deli*er more power. -here is the largest nu"lear

    "omple8 lo"ated/

    a& ahamas

    b& Cuba

    "& Canada

    d& 0e8i"o

    9. -hi"h High Court on 7 !e"ember #$1% made the judgment that the married

    daughters of de"eased go*ernment employees are eligible for appointments on

    "ompassionate grounds in go*ernment jobs/

    a& 0adras High Court

    b& Allahabad High Court

    "& ombay High Court

    d& !elhi High Court

    10. +ame the *eteran !o*ish Israeli Politi"ian who died on 7 !e"ember #$1%/

    a& 6ossi )arid

    b& 6ishai Abdullah

    "& 6aako* )arood

    d& )hulamit Aloni


  • 8/16/2019 Curret Affairs Quiz 2015


    b& Panorami" Camera

    "& 2$ degrees Camera

    d& ', "amera

    14. -hi"h state on 7 !e"ember #$1% laun"hed the International festi*al on irds

    in a bid to promote state as an international bird>wat"hing destination/

    a& ihar

    b& !elhi

    "& Uttar Pradesh

    d& Haryana

    15. -hi"h "ountry on 7 !e"ember #$1% announ"ed a $ billion U) dollars

    pa"kage to Afri"an nations during the ;orum on China>Afri"a Cooperation


    7>9b& >9b& 17>9"&

    %>9"& 1$>9a& 1%>9d&

    1. India on 2 !e"ember #$1% signed a 0emorandum of Understanding on air

    ser*i"es with whi"h "ountry/

    a& ,epubli" of (oreab& 5ermany

    "& United )tates of Ameri"a

    d& ;ran"e

    2. -hi"h state on 2 !e"ember #$1% be"ame the Brst state of India to laun"h

    ,ota*irus *a""ination proje"t/

    a& Haryana

    b& Hima"hal Pradesh

    "& (arnataka

    d& 0aharashtra

    3. Identify the nationwide "ampaign for persons with disabilities laun"hed by

    Arun :aitley on 2 !e"ember #$1% in +ew !elhi.

    a& A""essible India 0o*ement

    b& Campaign for !isability 3mployment

    "& !isability ConBdent Campaign

    d& A""essible India Campaign

  • 8/16/2019 Curret Affairs Quiz 2015


    4. +ame the te8tile "orporation of India that on 2 !e"ember #$1% signed

    Integrity Pa"t with 4ransparen"y International India.

    a& Handi"rafts M Handlooms 38ports Corporation 9HH3C&

    b& +ational Handloom !e*elopment Corporation 9+H!C&

    "& :ute Corporation of India 9:CI&

    d& +ational 4e8tile Corporation 9+4C&

    5. +ame the state that on 2 +o*ember #$1% passed the 0LA 9)alaries=

    Allowan"es= Pension= et"& 9Amendment& ill= #$1% that seeks around 7$$ per"ent

    hike in the salaries of the 0LAs.

    a& (arnataka

    b& !elhi

    "& 5ujarat

    d& ihar

    6.  4he Brst India International )"ien"e ;esti*al 9II);& began on 7 !e"ember

    #$1% at

    a& II4>0umbai

    b& II4>!elhi

    "& II)">angalore

    d& I)0>!hanbad

    7. 77th +a*y !ay was obser*ed in India ona& 2 !e"ember #$1%

    b& 7 !e"ember #$1%

    "& 2$ +o*ember #$1%

    d& 1 !e"ember #$1%

    8. +a*y day is "elebrated e*ery year to "ommemorate the su""ess of whi"h

    operation of Indian +a*y that was "arried out during the 1?1 Indo>Pak war

    a& friendly poli"y to en"ourage rural youth to parti"ipate in

    farming so that migration to urban areas "an be "urbed.

    a& Aruna"hal Pradesh

    b& 0aharashtra

  • 8/16/2019 Curret Affairs Quiz 2015


    "& 4amil +adu

    d& Uttar Pradesh

    10. Union Cabinet on # !e"ember #$1% appro*ed ,egional Centre for

    iote"hnology ill= #$1% to gi*e legal status to an already established institution.

    In this "onte8t= identify the "ity in whi"h the "entre e8ists/

    a& ;aridabad

    b& 0umbai

    "& Chennai

    d& Hyderabad

    11. A broad "oalition of #$ organisations on # !e"ember #$1% announ"ed

    Paris Pa"t on -ater and Climate Change Adaptation. It was announ"ed on the

    sidelines of whi"h C

  • 8/16/2019 Curret Affairs Quiz 2015


    in"reased to by the ,I on 2 !e"ember #$1%/

    a& %

    b& ?%

    "& %

    d& %%


    1>9a& >9b& 11>9b&

    #>9b& ?>9b& 1#>9"&

    2>9d& >9a& 12>9d&

    7>9d& >9b& 17>9a&

    %>9b& 1$>9a& 1%>9b&

    1.  4he Union Cabinet on # !e"ember #$1% ga*e its appro*al for signing of a

    0emorandum of Understanding in the Beld of water resour"es management

    between India and whi"h "ountry/

    a& Israel

    b& 5ermany

    "& 4urkey

    d& :apan

    2. -ho on # !e"ember #$1% was ele"ted as the new )peaker of the ihar

    Legislati*e Assembly/

    a& )adanand )inghb& 'ijay (umar Chaudhary

    "& :itan ,am 0anjhi

    d& Uday +arayan Choudhary

    3. Identify the *eteran industrialist asso"iated with the Chettinad 5roup of

    Companies who died on # !e"ember #$1% in Chennai.

    a& Annamalai Chettiar

    b& )igappi Aa"hi

    "& 0A0 ,amaswamy

    d& 0,0 ,amanathan Chettiar

    4. Pulin (umar= who on +o*ember #$1% was "onferred with the I+A 5eneral

    Counsel of the year #$1% > ,etail Award= is 5roup )enior Legal and Complian"e

    !ire"tor 9India& of whi"h multinational shoe manufa"turer/

    a& ,eebok

    b& +ike

    "& Puma

  • 8/16/2019 Curret Affairs Quiz 2015


    d& Adidas

    5. -ho was sworn>in as the 72rd Chief :usti"e of India 9C:I& on 2 !e"ember


    a& :usti"e 4irath )ingh 4hakur

    b& :usti"e H L !attu

    "& :usti"e PL Panagariya

    d& :usti"e ,ajendra 0al Lodha

    6.  4he Union Cabinet on # !e"ember #$1% appro*ed the rehabilitation

    pa"kage and upgradation of infrastru"ture of the angladeshi en"la*es and

    Coo"h ehar distri"t. 4he Coo"h ehar distri"t is lo"ated in whi"h Indian state/

    a& ihar

    b& Uttar Pradesh

    "& -est engal

    d& Assam

    7.  4ata )ons Ltd on # !e"ember #$1% tied>up with whi"h international bank for

    its funding and branding in se*eral "ountries a"ross the world/

    a& International 0onetary ;unds

    b& Industrial M Commer"ial ank of China Limited

    "& -orld ank

    d& 3uropean Central ank

    8.  4he International !ay for the Abolition of )la*ery was obser*ed globally onwhi"h date/

    a& # +o*ember

    b& 2$ +o*ember

    "& 1 !e"ember

    d& # !e"ember

    9. +ame the (oodiyattom and +angiarkoothu artist who died on 1 !e"ember


    a& 0argi )athi

    b& Ar"hana +andakumar

    "& (alanilayam (aladharan

    d& Aparna +angiar

    10. Ari"ent= a U)>based produ"t engineering Brm= on 1 !e"ember #$1% tied>up

    with whi"h Indian "ompany to laun"h Ari"ent 3mployability Programme/

    a& +ass"om ;oundation

    b& ,elian"e ;oundation

    "& Indian !e*elopment ;oundation

  • 8/16/2019 Curret Affairs Quiz 2015


    d& Eakat ;oundation of India

    11.  4he !elhi !e*elopment Authority 9!!A& was on 1 !e"ember #$1% awarded

    with whi"h award for adopting te"hnology to ser*e the publi" better and using

    resour"es eR"iently through mobile appli"ations/

    a& +ational Award for e>5o*ernan"e

    b& -eb ,atna Award

    "& 3>India Award

    d& 4he manthan Award

    12. -hi"h of the following states was on 1 !e"ember #$1% de"lared as drought


    a& 0adhya Pradesh

    b& (arnataka

    "& :harkhand

    d& 4amil +adu

    13. President Pranab 0ukherjee on #$ )eptember #$1% ga*e his assent to the

    Labour Laws 9Amendment& ill #$1% of whi"h state/

    a& 5ujarat

    b& 0adhya Pradesh

    "& Aruna"hal Pradesh

    d& (erala

    14.  4he Union Cabinet on # !e"ember #$1% appro*ed signing and ratiB"ation

    of Proto"ol for amending the !ouble 4a8ation A*oidan"e Con*ention 9!4AC& withwhi"h of the following "ountries/

    a& raGil

    b& Iran

    "& :apan

    d& ,ussia

    15. International !ay of Persons with !isabilities was obser*ed a"ross the

    world on 2 !e"ember #$1% with the theme

    a& )ustainable !e*elopment 4he Promise of 4e"hnology

    b& ,ights of Persons with !isabilities A"tion in !e*elopment

    "& A *oi"e of our own

    d& In"lusion matters a""ess and empowerment for people of all abilities


    1>9a& >9"& 11>9"&

    #>9b& ?>9b& 1#>9"&

    2>9"& >9d& 12>9a&

    7>9d& >9a& 17>9"&

    %>9a& 1$>9a& 1%>9d&

  • 8/16/2019 Curret Affairs Quiz 2015


    1. Identify the "ity in whi"h the 0ission Inno*ation was laun"hed on 2$

    +o*ember #$1% by world leaders for a""elerating "lean energy re*olution.

    a& London

    b& +ew 6ork

    "& Paris

    d& +ew !elhi

    2.  4he International 0onetary ;und@s 9I0;& elite reser*e "urren"y basket went

    up to what number with in"lusion of Chinese 6uan into it on 2$ +o*ember #$1%.

    a& 4hree

    b& ;our

    "& ;i*e

    d& )i8

    3. -hat was the theme of the -orld AI!) !ay that was obser*ed on 1

    !e"ember #$1%/

    a& Eero 4oleran"e to AI!)

    b& A"hie*e sustainable goals to end epidemi" by #$2$

    "& 5etting to Gero= 3nd AI!) by #$2$

    d& 4he time to a"t eradi"ate AI!) is now

    4. -hi"h initiati*e was laun"hed by India and ;ran"e jointly on 2$ +o*ember


    a& 0ission Inno*ation

    b& International )olar Allian"e

    "& Anti"ipate= Absorb= ,eshaped& 4ogether -e 5o

    5.  4he United +ations "limate "hange "onferen"e 9C

  • 8/16/2019 Curret Affairs Quiz 2015


    #$1 in whi"h "ountry/

    a& 4urkey

    b& )yria

    "& Afghanistan

    d& IraD

    8.  4he Legislati*e Assembly of whi"h stateU4 on 1 !e"ember #$1% passed

    three major edu"ation bills that aim at reining in pri*ate s"hools/

    a& 0aharashtra

    b& Uttar Pradesh

    "& 4amil +adu

    d& !elhi

    9. +ame the renowned *iolinist who will be awarded with the )angeet

    )amman at the I4C )angeet )ammelan #$1% whi"h will "ommen"e on 7

    !e"ember #$1% in (olkata.

    a& Ambi )ubramaniam

    b& Lakshminarayana )ubramaniam

    "& :ohar Ali (han

    d& +andini 0uthuswamy

    10. Identify the renowned sarangi player belonging to )ainia 5harana who

    died on 2$ +o*ember #$1% in +ew !elhi.

    a& Ustad )abri (han

    b& Ustad undu (han

    "& Allah ,akhad& )abir (han

    11. In whi"h "ountry the se"ond season of the International Premier 4ennis

    League was inaugurated on 1 !e"ember #$1%/

    a& )outh (orea

    b& China

    "& :apan

    d& Australia

    12. -hi"h Latin Ameri"an "ountry on 1 !e"ember #$1% announ"ed that it is

    fa"ing the longest re"ession sin"e the 12$s/

    a& Argentina

    b& Chile

    "& Columbia

    d& raGil

  • 8/16/2019 Curret Affairs Quiz 2015


    13.  President Pranab 0ukherjee on 1 !e"ember #$1% ga*e assent to ;a"tories

    9Amendment& ill= #$1% to allow women to work in night shifts. -hi"h of the

    following state legislatures passed the bill/

    a& (arnataka

    b& 0aharashtra

    "& 4elangana

    d& (arnataka

    14.  -ho among the following on 1 !e"ember #$1% assumed the presiden"y of

    the ,oyal )o"iety in London/

    a& )ir 'enkatraman ,amakrishnan

    b& Professor (amal awa

    "& Professor Ajay )ood

    d& Professor :ohn (uriyan

    15. y what per"entage India grew between :uly and )eptember #$1% making

    it the fastest growing e"onomy in the world/

    a& ?.7

    b& .7

    "& %.7

    d& 7.7


    1>9"& >9a& 11>9"&

    #>9"& ?>9"& 1#>9d&2>9"& >9d& 12>9b&

    7>9b& >9b& 17>9a&

    %>9b& 1$>9a& 1%>9a&

    1. Identify the former Indian test "aptain. He resigned as "hief mentor of

    0umbai Indians IPL team/

    a& Anil (umble

    b& )oura* 5anguly

    "& ,ahul !ra*id

    d& )a"hin 4endulkar

    2. Identify the fo"us area of 0ission Inno*ation that was laun"hed by world

    leaders on 2$ +o*ember #$1% in Paris/

    a& 4a"kling terrorism

    b& Clean energy

    "& Illegal migration

    d& +atural !isasters

  • 8/16/2019 Curret Affairs Quiz 2015


    3. -ho among the following led the formation of reakthrough 3nergy

    Coalition on 2$ +o*ember #$1% to redu"e demand for fossil fuels/

    a& ara"k

  • 8/16/2019 Curret Affairs Quiz 2015


    d& India@s 5lobal Polio 3ndgame )trategy

    9. +ame the Polish professional footballer who on 2$ +o*ember #$1% was

    awarded with four separate oR"ial 5uinness -orld ,e"ords "ertiB"ates/

    a& ;ran"k ,ibSry

    b& 0ario 5TtGe

    "& ,obert Lewandowski

    d& :oshua (immi"h

    10. -hi"h mo*ie on 2$ +o*ember #$1% bagged the 5olden Pea"o"k Award for

    the est ;ilm at the 7th International ;ilm ;esti*al of India/

    a& )ealed Cargo

    b& 3n"la*e

    "& Cinemawala

    d& 3mbra"e of the )erpent

    11. -ho on 2$ +o*ember #$1% be"ame the newly ele"ted President of urkina


    a& 6a"ouba Isaa" Eida

    b& ,o"h 0ar" Christian (aborS

    "& 0i"hel (afando

    d& laise CompaorS

    12. Leader of whi"h global "onglomerate "ompany on # +o*ember #$1% was

    awarded with the Lifetime A"hie*ement Award at the annual Asian usiness

    Leadership ;orum 9AL;& )eries in !ubai/

    a& Hinduja rothers

    b& :eJ eGos

    "& Anand 0ahindra

    d& Adi 5odrej

    13.  +ame the senior Indian Information )er*i"es 9II)& oR"er and Additional

    !ire"tor 5eneral 9+ews& in All India ,adio who retired from ser*i"e on 2$

    +o*ember #$1%.

    a& Anil (umar amba

    b& !+ 0ohanty

    "& Pratima !ikshit

    d& Aditi !as ,out

    14.  4o re*iew defen"e "ooperation between the two "ountries= Chief of the

  • 8/16/2019 Curret Affairs Quiz 2015


    Army )taJ 5eneral !albir )ingh )uhag is on a B*e day oR"ial *isit to whi"h


    a& )ri Lanka

    b& 0yanmar

    "& China

    d& angladesh

    15. +ame the "ountry that on 2$ +o*ember #$1% refuted ChinaNs "laims o*er

    islands in the )outh China )ea= during week>long pro"eedings at an arbitration

    "ourt in 4he Hague.

    a& Philippines

    b& :apan

    "& 0alaysia

    d& )ingapore


    1>9a& >9b& 11>9b&

    #>9b& ?>9a& 1#>9a&

    2>9d& >9a& 12>9b&

    7>9"& >9"& 17>9a&

    %>9a& 1$>9d& 1%>9a&N'ee 2015

    1. ,$*, %'n/ +,e (''w$n/ s+%+een+s %e *'e*+ w$+, ese*+ +'

    )ses $n In#$%<

    a& 4ur and Urad are rabi "rops.b& )tate owned ;CI are the only institutions in*ol*ed in the pro"urement of


    "& Higher 0)P has resulted in in"reased produ"tion of pulses in general.

    A& ALL

    & a and b

    C& b and C

    !& +one

    == B)s$ness ==

    2. $+, ese*+ +' N%+$'n% -,%%*e)+$*% -$*$n/ A)+,'$+ *'ns$#e

    +,e (''w$n/ s+%+een+s

    a& +PPA is an organiGation of the 5o*ernment of India whi"h was established=

    inter alia= to B8 re*ise the pri"es of "ontrolled bulk drugs and formulations and

    to enfor"e pri"es and a*ailability of the medi"ines in the "ountry.

    b& 4he organiGation is also entrusted with the task of re"o*ering amounts

    o*er"harged by manufa"turers for the "ontrolled drugs from the "onsumers.

    "& It also monitors the pri"es of de"ontrolled drugs in order to keep them at

    reasonable le*els.

    ,$*, %'n/ +,e %'e /$en s+%+een+s %e *'e*+

  • 8/16/2019 Curret Affairs Quiz 2015


    A& a and b

    & a= b= "

    C& b and "

    !& " and a

    3. As ''se# *%$ne+ 'ne+% '$* $n In#$% w$ e #e+e$ne#

    % *'$++ee $n +,e ()+)e. ,$*, %'n/ +,e (''w$n/ s+%+een+s $s

    *'e*+ e/%#$n/ +,e *'$++ee<

    a& Committee will ha*e B*e members in whi"h the go*ernment will nominate twomembers and the ,I one e8pert= besides two of its oR"ials the

    !eputy 5o*ernor and the e8e"uti*e dire"tor

    b& ,I 5o*ernor will ha*e *eto power in the "ommittee.

    A& a only

    & b only

    C& oth

    !& +one

    == In#$% An# '# ==

    4. A"S,%%% $s % /') e%+e# +' w,$*, %'n/ +,e (''w$n/<

    A& A terrorist group working in Afri"a.

    & A trade group in -est Asia.

    C& A group related to human rights.

    !& A group Bghting insurgen"y

    == E*''/ ==

    5. A($*%n :$'ns (% )n#e w,%+ *%+e/' $n Re# :$s+ )$s,e# IUCN<

    A& 3ndangered

    & Criti"ally 3ndangered

    C& 'ulnerable

    !& +one of the abo*e






    == In#$% %n# '# ==

    1. ,$*, %'n/ +,e (''w$n/ $s *'e*+ w$+, ese*+ +' n)*e%

    s)$es /')<

    a& It is a 7 member "ountries body body "on"erned with redu"ing nu"lear

    proliferation by "ontrolling the e8port and re>transfer of materials.

    b& India is a member to +)5.

  • 8/16/2019 Curret Affairs Quiz 2015


    A& a only

    & b only

    C& oth

    !& +one

    == N%+$'n% ==

    2. $+, ese*+ +' n'+$*es $ss)e# $n+e'> w,$*, %'n/ +,e

    (''w$n/ $s *'e*+<

    a& International noti"es are the main instruments of international poli"e "o>


    b& ,ed "orner noti"e "an be issued only against a person who has "ommitted an

    oJen"e whi"h is an Ve8traditable oJen"eV under the Indian 38tradition A"t= 1#.

    "& CI is the nodal agen"y for the "oordination with interpol.

    d& ,ed "orner noti"e was issued against 5angster Chhota ,ajan.

    A& a= b and "

    & b= " and d

    C& b and " only

    !& All

    3. C'ns$#e +,e (''w$n/ s+%+een+s %n# ?n# ')+ w,$*, %'n/ +,e

    %e *'e*+<

    a& 3ase of doing business inde8 is published by -orld ank.

    b& India@s ranking in this year report is 12$.

    A& b only

    & a only

    C& both

    !& none

    == B)s$ness %n# E*'n' ==

    4. C'ns$#e +,e (''w$n/ s+%+een+s %n# % +,e *'e*+ '+$'n.

    a& 3ight Core se"tor industries "omprises 2 per"ent of inde8 of industrial


    b& 4he

  • 8/16/2019 Curret Affairs Quiz 2015


    == N%+$'n% ==

    1. A'n/ +,e e'w en+$'ne# s+%+een+s w,%+ ('s +,e %+ '(

    *''e%+$e (e#e%$s<

    a& !i*ision of fun"tions among the "entre and states.

    b& In*o"ation of Arti"le 2% without the appro*al of state go*ernment.

    "& Cooperation between the "entre and state while de"iding about issues

    mentioned in list 2 of se*enth s"hedule.

    A& a= b

    & b= "C& "= a

    !& All

    2. In % $# +' *,e* +,e %w %n# '#e s$+)%+$'n e*en+ Me/,%%% $/,

    *')+ ,%s '#ee# (' $een+%+$'n '( AFS-A $n %+$*)% %e%. M%

    +,e n%e '( +,%+ %e%.

    a& 5aro hills

    b& (hasi hills

    "& :aintia hillsd& +one of the abo*e

    == In#$% %n# w'# ==

    3. S%+ $s%n#s %e %+ '( w,$*, '*e%n se%<

    A& 3ast China sea

    & )outh China )ea

    C& Indian o"ean

    !& +one of the abo*e

    == B)s$ness An# E*'n' ==

    4. $+, e(een*e +' +e% '#)*+$'n w,$*, %'n/ +,e (''w$n/

    s+%+een+s %e *'e*+<

    a& India is the largest produ"er of tea

    b& India "onsumes 7$ per"ent of the total world produ"tion of tea.

    A& a only

    & b onlyC& both

    !& none







    == N%+$'n% ==

  • 8/16/2019 Curret Affairs Quiz 2015


    1. $+, ese*+ +' s+%w )n$n/ w,$*, %'n/ +,e (''w$n/ $s *'e*+<

    a& )traw burning is a pra"ti"e used for burning agri"ultural residue after "utting

    the "rop.

    b& ,e"ently +54 announ"ed a Bne of ,s. #=%$$ to ,s. 1%=$$$ on farmers found

    indulging in straw burning.

    A& a only

    & b only

    C& oth

    !& +one

    2. C'ns$#e +,e (''w$n/ s+%+een+s %n# % +,e *'e*+ 'ne<

    a& 5)A4>1% is a "ommuni"ation satellite whi"h will repla"e I+)A4>2A= 7.

    b& 5)A4 >1% will be own along with )audi ArabiaNs Arabsat>adr>?.

    "& It will not help in na*igation system of 5A5A+.

    A& a= b

    & b= "

    C& "=a

    !& All

    3. ,%+ $s IM-RINT" In#$% ';e*+<

    A& It is a pan>II4 and II)" joint "ollaboration to de*elop a blueprint for resear"h of

    immediate rele*an"e to so"iety reDuiring inno*ation= dire"t s"ientiB" resear"h

    into identiBed areas.

    & It is an initiati*e for the prote"tion of IP, in India.

    C& It is an initiati*e to in"rease the a""ountability of press in India.

    !& +one of the abo*e

    4. In w,$*, '( +,ese *')n+ ee/en* w%s '*%$e# e*en+.

    A& 0aldi*es

    & Afghanistan

    C& Ukraine

    !& angladesh






    == N%+$'n% ==

    1. ,$*, %'n/ +,e (''w$n/ %e +,e #$s+$*+s w,$*, %e %+ '( $'+

    ';e*+s M$*'s'(+ $n In#$% +' '$#e 'w"*'s+ In+e"ne+ +' $%/es

  • 8/16/2019 Curret Affairs Quiz 2015


    a& 'aranasi

    b& )rikakulam

    "& Indore

    A& a= "

    & b="

    C& a=b

    !& All

    == In+en%+$'n%==

    2. ,$*, %'n/ +,e (''w$n/ $s *'e*+ w$+, ese*+ +' #$s)+e# Z,)$


    a& It is part of sparty island

    b& China= Philippines and 'ietnam all "laim o*er its jurisdi"tion.

    A& a only

    & oth

    C& b only

    !& +one

    == E*'n' ==

    3. ,$*, %'n/ +,e (''w$n/ $s *'e*+ w$+, ese*+ +' '# B'n#s>

    e*en+ s+%+e# +,e 'enen+> (' /'# 'ne+$s%+$'n<

    a& 4he onds will be for a tenor of eight years= with an e8it option from the %th


    b& uyer will not be allowed to pur"hase less than two grams>worth of bonds and

    not more than %$$grams>worth per person per Bnan"ial year.

    "& It "an only be pur"hased by indi*iduals residing in India.A& a= "

    & a= b

    C& " only

    !& All

    4. ,$*, %'n/ +,e (''w$n/ $s *'e*+ e/%#$n/ e*en+ %)n*,e#

    UDA& s*,ee<

    a& Under this s"heme states shall take o*er ?% per "ent of dis"om debt as on

    )eptember 2$= #$1% o*er two yearsb& %$ per "ent of dis"om debt shall be taken o*er in #$1%>1 and #% per "ent in


    A& a only

    & b only

    C& oth

    !& +one


  • 8/16/2019 Curret Affairs Quiz 2015







    == N%+$'n% ==

    1. ,$*, %'n/ +,e (''w$n/ s+%+een+s %e *'e*+ e/%#$n/ Sw%*,,


    a& ItNs rate would be # per"ent.

    b& It would be "harged additional on in"ome ta8.

    "& It will be appli"able from the start of Bnan"ial year #$1>1?.

    A& a= b

    & b= "

    C& All

    !& +one

    2. ,$*, %'n/ +,e (''w$n/ s+%+een+s $s *'e*+ e/%#$n/ T%ns-%*$?* %+nes,$<

    a& It is agreement between 1# "ountries for the impro*ement of trade.

    b& 4PP will "o*er 7$ per "ent of the global "ommer"e.

    "& China is part of this deal.

    A& a= b

    & b="

    C& "=a

    !& a only

    3. C'ns$#e +,e (''w$n/ s+%+een+ %n# % +,e *'e*+ '+$'n.

    a& In"rease in repo rate will in"rease the money supply in the e"onomy.

    b& ,I has "onsistently in"reased repo rates last year to Bght ination.

    "& Present repo rate is B8ed at .?% per"ent.

    A& a= b

    & b only

    C& " only

    !& b= "







    == N%+$'n% ==

  • 8/16/2019 Curret Affairs Quiz 2015


    1. $+, ese*+ +' e*en+ e*'en#%+$'n '( > w,$*, %'n/ +,e

    (''w$n/ s+%+een+s %e *'e*+<

    a& ,ed meat is "ar"inogeni".

    b& Pro"essed meats are the major "ulprit= and are a Class>1 "ar"inogen.

    A& a only

    & b only

    C& +one

    !& oth

    == B)s$ness ==

    2. ,$*, %'n/ +,e (''w$n/ $s +,e %+es+ *'%n +' e%*, 300 $$'n

    #'%s $n %e+ *%$+%$%+$'n<

    A& 4ata motors

    & ;a"ebook

    C& Apple

    !& AmaGon

    == In+en%+$'n% ==

    3. ,$*, *')n+ ,%s een e*en+ #e*%e# E'% (ee <

    A& )yria

    & Congo

    C& )ierra Leone

    !& +one of the abo*e





    == N%+$'n% ==

    1. C'ns$#e +,e (''w$n/ s+%+een+s %n# % +,e *'e*+ %nswe.


  • 8/16/2019 Curret Affairs Quiz 2015


    2. ,$*, %'n/ +,e (''w$n/ $s *'e*+ e/%#$n/ N'n '$(e%+$'n


    a& 4he 4reaty represents the only binding "ommitment in a multilateral treaty to

    the goal of disarmament by the nu"lear>weapon )tates.

    b& A

    !& Arti"le 77

    Ans C

    == In+en%+$'n% ==

    2. C'ns$#e +,e (''w$n/ s+%+een+s %n# % +,e *'e*+ %nswe

    e/%#$n/ e%+ '( As$% *'n(een*e.

    a& Countries parti"ipating in the Heart of Asia Pro"ess in"lude Afghanistan=

    AGerbaijan= China= India= U)A= U.(. among others.

    b& 3*ery year "onferen"e is held at diJerent "ountries. 4his year "onferen"e will

    be held at +ew !elhi.

    "& 4he United +ations= 4he 3uropean Union also support the pro"ess.

    A& a= b

    & b="C& All

  • 8/16/2019 Curret Affairs Quiz 2015


    !& C only

    Ans !

    == E*'n' ==

    3. C'ns$#e +,e (''w$n/ s+%+een+ %n# % +,e *'e*+ %nswe.

    A& 5)4 is a ta8 regime to separate state ta8es from "entral ta8es.

    & 5)4 will ha*e no impa"t on "as"ading eJe"t of ta8es.

    C& All major Central and )tate ta8es will get subsumed into 5)4 whi"h will redu"e

    the multipli"ity of ta8es= and thus bring down the "omplian"e "ost.

    !& +one of the abo*e

    Ans C





    == In+en%+$'n% ==

    1. C'ns$#e +,e (''w$n/ s+%+een+s

    1. As of #$1%= there are two permanent non>member obser*er states at the

    United +ations the Holy )ee and Palestine.

    #.Currently U+ has 1 member states

    ,$*, '( +,e %'e s+%+een+s $s%e +)e

    1.only 1

    #.only #2.neither 1 nor #

    7.both 1 M #

    2. C'ns$#e +,e (''w$n/ s+%+een+s T$es $/,e E#)*%+$'n %n$n/

    1.4he 1#th edition of the annual rankings released by N4imes Higher 3du"ationN

    has the Indian Institute of )"ien"e in the un>ranked #%1>2$$ "ategory and the

    Indian Institute of 4e"hnology ombay in the 2%1>7$$ "ategory.

    #. -ith 1? institution on the list= India is now at par with its ,IC "ounterpart


    ,$*, '( +,e %'e s+%+een+s $s%e +)e

    1.only 1

    #.only #

    2.neither 1 nor #

    7.both 1 M #

    3. )%n Dee'en+ In#e #ee'e#

    1.0ehboob Ul> HaD#.Alinar

  • 8/16/2019 Curret Affairs Quiz 2015


    2.Paul )tigletG

    7.:ohn +ash

    4. C'ns$#e +,e (''w$n/ s+%+een+s

    1. India is the worldNs third>largest emitter of greenhouse gases

    #. U.+. summit on "limate "hange will be held in Paris in !e"ember #$1%

    ,$*, '( +,e %'e s+%+een+s $s%e +)e

    1.only 1

    #.only #

    2.neither 1 nor #

    7.both 1 M #

    5. C'ns$#e +,e (''w$n/ s+%+een+s %')+ Ne%s new *'ns+$+)+$'n

    1. swears by the prin"iples of federalism= se"ularism= parliamentary demo"ra"y

    and republi"anism.

    #. +epal will be di*ided in nine pro*in"es

    ,$*, '( +,e %'e s+%+een+s $s%e +)e

    1.only 1

    #.only #

    2.neither 1 nor #

    7.both 1 M #

    6. C'ns$#e +,e (''w$n/ s+%+een+s

    1. 4he ,eser*e ank had granted in>prin"iple appro*al to 11 appli"ants= in"luding

    !oP= in August to set up payments banks.#. As per ,I guidelines= payments banks would oJer a limited range of produ"ts

    su"h as demand deposits and remittan"es

    ,$*, '( +,e %'e s+%+een+s $s%e +)e

    1.only 1

    #.only #

    2.neither 1 nor #

    7.both 1 M #

    7. *'ns$#e +,e (''w$n/ s+%+een+s

    1.,ajasthan tops the table in solar "apa"ity addition with the state "ontributing

    1=1?% 0- "apa"ity.

    #. 5ujarat is ranked number three in solar "apa"ity addition

    ,$*, '( +,e %'e s+%+een+s $s%e +)e

    1.only 1

    #.only #

    2.neither 1 nor #

    7.both 1 M #

  • 8/16/2019 Curret Affairs Quiz 2015


    8.T,e s$/n$?*%n+ *'ns+$+)+$'n% %n#% +,e *,%+e A*+ '( 1853 $s (' =

    1. It established Indian legislati*e "oun"il


  • 8/16/2019 Curret Affairs Quiz 2015


      A C !

    a& % # 2 1

    b& 2 7 % 1

    "& 2 # % 1

    d& % 7 2 1

    Q.13. ,$*, 'ne '( +,e (''w$n/ %$ $s n'+ *'e*+ %+*,e#<

    1& 11 A"t F !iar"hy of the "entre

    #& 11 A"t F Portfolio system2& 12% A"t > i"ameralism

    7& 1%2 A"t F 5o*ernor 5eneral of India

    a& 1=2=7

    b& #=2=7

    "& 1=#=7

    d& 1=#=2

    Q.14. C'ns$#e +,e (''w$n/ s+%+een+ %')+ +,e In+e$ 'enen+

    19461& 4he members of the interim go*ernment were members of the

    *i"eroy@s 38e"uti*e "oun"il

    #& 4he 'i"eroy "ontinued to be the head of the "oun"il

    2& !r.,ajendra Prasad was designated as the *i"e>president of the "oun"il

    C'e*+ $s =

    a& 1 only

    b& # only

    "& 1= #

    d& 1=#=2

    15. C'ns$#e +,e (''w$n/ s+%+een+s

    1. 4he ,eser*e ank of India notiBed that foreign portfolio in*estors 9;PI& will be

    able to hold up to ,s 1. lakh "rore worth of go*ernment se"urities from

  • 8/16/2019 Curret Affairs Quiz 2015




    17. C'ns$#e +,e (''w$n/ s+%+een+s %')+ A)n/ S%n S)) !$

    1. )he won the +obel Pea"e PriGe

    #.)uu (yi formed the +ational League for !emo"ra"y party in 0yanmar

    ,$*, '( +,e %'e s+%+een+s $s%e +)e

    1. only 1

    #. neither 1 nor #

    2. both 1 M #

    7. only #

    18. T,e E)'e%n Un$'n %)n*,e# % new 'e%+$'n +' $n+e*e+ e'e

    s)//es 'n +,e Me#$+e%ne%n Se% $n %n eJ'+ +' ,%+ +%K*$n/ %n#

    een+ 'e #e%+,s %$# E)'es 'n/'$n/ $/%n+ %n# e()/ee *$s$s.

    ,%+ $s +,e n%e '( +,$s 'e%+$'n


  • 8/16/2019 Curret Affairs Quiz 2015


    ,$*, '( +,e %'e s+%+een+s $s%e +)e

    1. only 1

    #. neither 1 nor #

    2. both 1 M #

    7. only #

    == M$s*e%ne')s ==

    22. C'ns$#e +,e (''w$n/ s+%+een+s

    1. +epal is a landlo"ked "ountry

    #. -orld population day "elebrated on 11th july e*ery year

    ,$*, '( +,e %'e s+%+een+s $s%e +)e

    1. only 1

    #. neither 1 nor #

    2. both 1 M #

    7. only #

    23. C'ns$#e +,e (''w$n/ s+%+een+s %')+ n'e $e

    1.+ational !ialogue Kuartet won this year@s nobel priGe for pea"e

    #. +ational !ialogue Kuartet is a 4unisian organisation

    ,$*, '( +,e %'e s+%+een+s $s%e +)e

    1. only 1

    #. only #

    2. neither 1 nor #

    7. both 1 M #

    == M$s*e%ne')s ==

    24. C'ns$#e +,e (''w$n/ s+%+een+s

    1.Art #$ of the "onstitution is related to Planning "ommission

    #.Art #11 of the "onstitution is related to +ational Human ,ights Commission

    ,$*, '( +,e %'e s+%+een+s $s%e +)e

    1. only 1

    #. only #

    2. neither 1 nor #

    7. both 1 M #

  • 8/16/2019 Curret Affairs Quiz 2015


    Ans1. 1#. 72. 17.7%.1.7?.1.d.d1$.111.#1#."12.a17."1%.21.#1?.21.11.2#$.2



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    1. only 1

    #. only #

    2. neither 1 nor #

    7. both 1M #

    4. C'ns$#e +,e (''w$n/ s+%+een+s

    1. ChinaNs middle "lass has o*ertaken the United )tates to be"ome the worldNs


    #. Ayatollah Ali (hamenei is the supreme leader of Iran

    ,$*, '( +,e %'e s+%+een+s $s%e +)e

    1. only 1

    #. only #

    2. neither 1 nor #

    7. both 1M #

    5. C'ns$#e +,e (''w$n/ s+%+een+s %')+ A($*%n Dee'en+ B%n 

    1. Af!= established in 17 and headDuartered in Abidjan= CWte d@I*oire

    #. its aimed to spur sustainable e"onomi" de*elopment and so"ial progress in itsregional member "ountries

    ,$*, '( +,e %'e s+%+een+s $s%e +)e

    1.only 1

    #.only #

    2.neither 1 nor #

    7.both 1M #

    == N%+$'n% ==

    6. C'ns$#e +,e (''w$n/ s+%+een+s

    1. Arti"le 77 of the Constitution do say that there should be a uniform "i*il "ode.

    #.Arti"le 17 is related to UP)C

    ,$*, '( +,e %'e s+%+een+s $s%e +)e

    1.only 1

    #.only #

    2.neither 1 nor #

    7.both 1M #

    Q.7. C'ns$#e +,e (''w$n/ s+%+een+s =

    1. In India 5!P is "al"ulated in the basis of fa"tor "ost of net +ational Produ"ts

    #. Pri"e of the produ"t at the produ"tion basis is known as fa"tor pri"e

    2. 0arket pri"e is always more than fa"tor pri"e.

    C'e*+ s+%+een+s %e L

    a. 1=#

    b. 1=#=2

    ". #=2d. 1=2

  • 8/16/2019 Curret Affairs Quiz 2015


    Q.8 A**'#$n/ +' !enes$%n s*,'' '( e*'n'$*s L

    1. A mis>mat"h between demand and supply pulls up pri"es is demand F pull


    #. A pri"e rise whi"h is the result of in"rease in the produ"tion "ost is "ost push


    a. 1 Corre"t

    b. # Corre"t

    ". both "orre"td. both in"orre"t

    9. T,e /'enen+s es'+ +' (''w$n/ '+$'ns +' *,e* $s$n/ $n%+$'ns

    1. 5o*ernment go on to in"rease the produ"tion to mat"hing the le*el of demand

    is short term measure.

    #. 4ighter monetary poli"y to "ool down either the demand F pull or "ost push

    ination by "utting down money supply in the e"onomy.

    a. 1 Corre"t

    b. # Corre"t". both "orre"t

    d. both in"orre"t

    Q.10 C'ns$#e +,e (''w$n/ s+%+een+s %')+ e $n%+$'n L

    1. It is large and a""elerating

    #. In this ination= pri"es shoot up o*ernight

    2. 4he ,ussian e"onomy did show su"h ination after disintegration of the e8


    C'e*+ s+%+een+s %e L

    a. 1 and #

    b. # and 2

    ". 1 and 2

    d. all of the abo*e

    Q.11. C'ns$#e +,e (''w$n/ s+%+een+s %')+ +,e B'++ene* $n%+$'n L

    1. It takes pla"e when the supply falls and demand remains at the same le*el

    #. 4his "ould put in "ost>push ination "ategory.

    2. 4his also known as Xstru"tural ination@

    C'e*+ s+%+een+s %e L

    a. only 1

    b. 1 and 2

    ". # and 2

    d. 1 and #

    12. ,%+ %e +,e e%s)es +' s+en/+,en$n/ +,e $n(%s+)*+)% '

    $ns+$+)+$'n% %se*+s '( se*'n# /een e')+$'n

  • 8/16/2019 Curret Affairs Quiz 2015


    1. Credit deli*ery

    #. )torage fa"ilities

    2. 4ransport "onne"ti*ity

    7. 4ele"ommuni"ation

    %. Irrigation preparedness

    . 0arketing +etworks

    a. 1 = # =2 =7

    b. 1= 2= %=

    ". #= 2 =% =d. 1=#= 2= 7= %=

    13. N%+$'n% M$ss$'n 'n B%'' *'es %'' %n# %++%n w,%+ $s +,e

    #$Jeen*e e+ween +,e<

    1. ,attan is a palm= normally a "limber and solid while bamboo is a grass and

    typi"ally a hollow "ylinder

    #. All of the bamboo plant= from root to "ulm and lea*es is utiliGe in di*erse ways

    where as only stem of the rattan plant is used.

    In*'e*+ s+%+een+ $s %e =

    a. 1 only

    b. # only

    ". both

    d. none

    14. C'ns$#e +,e (''w$n/ s+%+een+s

    1 .,ajbhasha *ibhag "omes under the ministry of home aJairs

    #. promotion of rajbhasha is mention in Art #72

    ,$*, '( +,e %'e s+%+een+s $s%e +)e

    1. only 1

    #. only #

    2. neither 1 nor #

    7. both 1 M #

    15. C'ns$#e +,e (''w$n/ s+%+een+s

    1.tarapore "ommittee is related to "on*ertibility of rupees

    #.,I@s Bnan"ial year starts from 1st july

    ,$*, '( +,e %'e s+%+een+s $s%e +)e

    1. only 1

    #. only #

    2. neither 1 nor #

    7. both 1 M #

  • 8/16/2019 Curret Affairs Quiz 2015


    16. C'ns$#e +,e (''w$n/ s+%+een+s %')+ N%+$'n% In$+$%+$e 'n

    *$%+e Res$$en+ A/$*)+)e "

    1. 4his s"heme is laun"hed by Indian "oun"il of Agri"ulture resear"h

    #. 4he funding for s"heme is from 0inistry of Agri"ulture= 5o*ernment of India

    2. 4his s"heme "o*ers "rops only

    C'e*+ $s%e =

    a. 1 only

    b. #= 2

    ". 1= #d. 1= 2

    17. ,%+ $s s*'e (' +,e N%+$'n% -'/% (' '/%n$* '#)*+$'n<

    1. Politi"s for de*elopment and "ertiB"ation of organi" produ"ts

    #. +ational standard for organi" produ"t and pro"ess

    2. A""reditation of program to be operated by inspe"tion and "ertiB"ation


    7. CertiB"ation of organi" produ"ts

    C'e*+ s+%+een+s $s%e =

    a. 1= #= 2

    b. 1= #= 2= 7

    ". #= 2= 7

    d. 1= 2= 7

    18. C'ns$#e +,e (''w$n/ s+%+een+s %')+ N%+$'n% *)+)% ()n# =

    1. +C;@s primary mandate is to establish and nurture PPP in Beld of heritage


  • 8/16/2019 Curret Affairs Quiz 2015


    C. only #

    != neither 1 nor #

    20. C'ns$#e +,e (''w$n/ s+%+een+s

    1. Centre announ"ed a bonus of ,s. 2$$ a Duintal on the re*ised minimum

    support pri"e for tur= moong and urad dal 9lentils& for the marketing season of


    #. 4he minimum support pri"e for paddy was in"reased by ,s. %$$ a Duintal for

    the kharif marketing season of the Bnan"ial year.

    ,$*, '( +,e %'e s+%+een+s $s%e +)e

    A. only 1

    . oth 1 M #

    C. only #

    !. neither 1 nor #


    1.# 2.4 3.4 4.4 5.4 6.1 7. 8.* 9. 10.% 11. 12.# 13.# 14.1 15.2 16.* 17. 

    18. 19.# 20.#