Current range Magazine

Current range English four magazine project


English projec

Transcript of Current range Magazine

Page 2: Current range Magazine

Index 2

To the Reader pag 3

pag 4 Catholic loses exclusivity in the classroom

pag 6 Tortuguero is waiting for you!

Biofuel pag 7

pag 8 Engineering

Funeral Tradition Tailandia pag 10


The best 3 beaches in Bocas del Toro, Panama pag 5

“Tomatina´s Fest” pag 13

pag 14 Dental plaque and oral hygiene

Sources Consulted pag 15

Page 3: Current range Magazine


To the Reader On this section the reader will be able to find some

trip recommendations that will be useful if they are

thinking on having vacations soon. They will find

information about the best places to visit, hotels,

rates and general information about every single

place. Nowadays most of the people who want to

travel prefer to check recommendations before to

visit a specific place. Writing this kind of articles the

reader must be able to see what they can expect to

see or to find on these places.

In our magazine you will find a number of issues that can help you to

catch both the national Field, so it is able to read written creations of

diverse topics for testing purposes. The sections are treated with the

utmost clarity and depth to the taste of all of you.

In advance, we hope to clarify the most satisfaction and hopefully

continue being faithful users of our magazine.


"Live as if you were to die

tomorrow. Learn as if you were to

live forever.“

Mahatma Gandhi

Also contains some articles about how to have a good oral hygiene,

some cultural articles and modern technological addictions.

The purpose of these articles is to provide information on current

issues, which in one way or another reader can help you in your daily

life, as well as cultural enrichment.

Page 4: Current range Magazine

4 National section

The religion classes are taught in

schools and public schools are no

longer exclusive to the Catholic faith.

Students who profess a different creed

should get lessons from someone who

has "proven ability".

For this, the Ministry of Public

Education (MEP) to change the

curriculum because they are now

focused on Catholicism.

So what sets the vote number 2023-

2010 of the Constitutional Court,

issued on August 24, 2011.

The high court also ordered that the

course of Religion has a second stage,

in which the contents are ecumenical,

ie attached to values and not focused

on any belief.

"An ecumenical or eclectic approach

that promotes tolerance, respect for

human rights and fundamental human

dignity, religious diversity, non-

discrimination on religious grounds,

understanding, understanding and

friendship among religious groups"

award established.

In the academic year 2010, of the

426,735 students enrolled in high

school, 43.3% (184. 776) Religion was

not, according to the latest statistics


Position. This decision of the

Constitutional Court is welcomed by

leaders of different religions, including


"We are not opposed to the second

stage (ecumenical education). The

Church accepts what the

Constitutional Court has established,

"said Bishop Vittorino Girardi.

The prelate himself expressed doubt

that other religions have educators to

take lessons.

Dyaláh Calderon academic vice

minister of MEP, said he believed that

the same current professors of religion

can impart those lessons.

However, leaders of evangelical and

Baptist churches say their

congregations have people ready for

such instruction

Author: Javier Chinchilla.

Catholic loses exclusivity in the classroom

Page 5: Current range Magazine

The best 3 beaches in Bocas del Toro,


Bocas Del Toro is an island located on the

Caribbean coast of Panama. This place is a

paradise compound of different islands where

you can find the best beaches that you had

ever seen before. Beaches in here have

clean water, excellent waves, a lot of marine

animals and a great landscape. Because of

my experience I will show you the best 3

beaches of Bocas Del Toro, let´s check every


My third place is for Cayos Zapatilla, it is

located in the middle of a protected

marine park, this is one of the island's

longest stretches of beachfront, and

probably the most crowded, but it's easy

to see why. The perfect white sand

beach is home to the best snorkeling



Bocas del Drago is my number two. It is about a 20-mile drive from town, although

on the $2 bus that means about an hour and 15 minutes. The beach itself is rather

narrow you can find a clear and calm ocean and you will be able to watch a lot of

starfish on the beach.

Here you have my number one

because of its nature and beauty. It is

Red Frog. This beach is named like

that because the high number of red

frogs that you can find around the

place. Red Frog Beach is set on the

North end of Isla Bastimentos. There's

a pretty perfect surf break nearby and

a long, mostly desolate stretch of

sandy beach.

Have you ever been in Bocas Del Toro? Do you agree with my top 3? If you don’t

you should visit this beautiful place soon. You will be able to enjoy heaven on the

heart. I recommend you this trip, I am pretty sure that you will enjoy it and love it as I


Tourism section

Page 6: Current range Magazine


Tortuguero is waiting for you!

Located on the Caribbean Coast Tortuguero is one of the

best options for a perfect travel in our country. It is one of

the most visited National Parks in our country because it

is a beautiful place with excellent landscapes, it is very

cheap and also reaching to the park may be a great


The park has incredible biological variety. On this park

you will be able to enjoy swamps, beaches and rainforest

that are part of a wonderful mix that will meet your all

expectations. A great plus is that you may find a high

number of animals like monkeys, turtles and jaguars.

There are a high number of places where you can stay if you want to

visit this beautiful place. You can choose between stay on the main

street near to the beach or stay on the mountain 15 minutes away of the

town. Your choice may be based on the kind of trip that you are looking

for! You can spend from $20 to $60 per night on a hotel in Tortuguero.

Very cheap!!

Reaching Tortuguero will be a great adventure. There are just two ways to reach this

place on boat or airplane. If you want to take a boat it may take around 45 minutes to

reach the town from The Pavona and the cost will be around $5. If you want to travel

on airplane the flight will be for around 40 minutes from San Jose and the cost will be

around $60. This service is provided by Nature Air a national company. You can

choose one according to your expectations and time.

Author: Teresita Montero jimenez

6 Tourism section

Page 7: Current range Magazine

With oil prices rising, the

devaluation of the dollar and the

strong impact that fossil fuels

have on the environment, there is

a new trend for the production of

renewable energy: biofuels. The

'biofuel' refers a material derived

from biomass, which takes its

energy from living organisms or

metabolic wastes. This source is

considered renewable because it

can be replaced as it is

consumed, because his use and

production is faster than that of

fossil fuels.

Biofuel Biofuel have three types of biomass: “Natural

biomass”, which is that which is completely natural

for some plants, “residual biomass”, which is what

occurs as a result of human activity, such as

garbage and sewage, and the “biomass induced”,

which is which is grown for energy. The lass

biomass is produced today in countries like Brazil

and the U.S., where it is used sugar cane and

corn, respectively, for the production of ethanol.

The most developed Biofuels in recent years are

ethanol, produced from sugar cane, corn,

sorghum, sugar beet and some cereals and

biodiesel produced from vegetable oils such as

jatropha and canola. These products are

converted into liquid or gaseous fuels through

biotechnology. Unfortunately, biofuels also bring

negative impacts; Because of this, food products

like corn and wheat to produce biofuels are

causing international prices of these grains

increased considerably in recent years.

Writing Javier Chinchilla T

Example uses of biofuel are, United Airlines, Boeing Airlines and Honeywell UPS. In a

few years ago, the aviation have developed the uses of biofuel example of that is than

1500 passenger flights long distances, operated with advanced biofuel, allowing for

sustainable growth and improve overall environmental performance.

According to the above, a third of the increase in prices of vegetable oils and grains is

due to biofuels. As you can see, there are subsidy policies for biofuels made by rich

countries guilty of distortion of food prices. But also the planet feels a great relief to stop

using fossil fuels, such as the airlines.

7 Writing section

Page 8: Current range Magazine



Nowadays, engineering careers are highly attractive to companies

because the young people that are studying that specific area have

had to develop their own skills by the time they are taking the major

and that is very important because the companies can take advantage

of very easily. In Fact, a study conducted by the National Council of

Rectors (CONARE) reveals that engineering careers are in the first

place as they offer more job opportunities right now, followed by

Business Administration, Economics and Accounting. Despite of all

the good labor that CONARE and the public universities are been

doing in order that freshman focus on engineering majors, 46% of

students who passed the entrance exam at the University of Costa

Rica (UCR) for this year marked as first choice a Social Sciences

major. Meanwhile, 22% chose engineering.

As we know, studying an engineering major is not easy because it involves taking subjects such as

physics, chemistry and mathematics and not all students are ready to continue taking those subjects

that in high school were very difficult "to some".

In ULACIT there are different engineering major among them are: Electronic Engineering, Computer

Engineering, Occupational Health Engineering and Environment. Now we are going to explain a little bit

more about these majors.

In first place we have electronic engineering that is the responsible of the creation of every

electronic device. The most important product of this engineering is the microprocessors.

Those are the brain of some electronic devices like computers and cell phones; that

means they are an important part in these devices. Today, nanotechnology allows the

creation of nanomaterials that are used in electronics. This nanomaterials are more

resistant, flexible, effective and also with an excellent quality. In Switzerland, scientists

and electronic engineers are developing new microprocessors that are more efficient with

greater speed, multitasking, and increased memory, computing power, better functionality

and wireless connectivity.

Writing section

Page 9: Current range Magazine


In second place, we have computer

engineering that is the process of

analyzing and designing all hardware,

software, and operating systems for a

computer. For example, the

methodology for designing a good

computer system consists in a database

of the model called "UML". The UML is

the Unified Modeling Language, which,

is based on a series of steps leading to a

good analyst to create an efficient

program for the company or customers.

In addiction the methodology is raising

detailed analysis of "needs" of the client,

if a program is based on the needs, has

80% more likely to be successful. This

method divided the needs by level of

priority and uses, creating "use cases"

for each immediate need or high, thus

leading to a diagram of interaction

between software and the person. The

same "use case" can be used by several

people, and a person can use different

"use cases". Finally, to model the "use

cases" is selected IDE, which is the

platform where you plan to schedule, in

addition, one must choose the

programming language, making this very

important step for the success of


Last but not least we have Occupational

Health Engineering and Environment

that is defined as the set of measures

and actions that are aimed to preserve,

improve and repair the health of workers

in their workplace, this science should

also apply in every place and type of

work for the sole purpose protect the

health of people and prevent accidents

in the workplace.

The engineers must created an

Occupational Health program in which

are based in the planning, organization

and evaluation of the various activities in

the work both of hygiene, safety and

preventive medicine for the sole purpose

of maintaining and improving the health

of workers.

As we have seen there are different

kinds of engineering careers all of them

have different focus but the important

thing is that the person who study an

engineer career will develop a lot of

skills that will be very interesting for

companies inside and outside of our

country, this is one of the reasons why

my partners and I chose an engineering



Page 10: Current range Magazine


Writing section

Page 11: Current range Magazine

Funerals are practiced

differently around the world, in

the village of the Toraja called

“Tana Toraja” (Sulawesi Islands,

Indonesia) that is located

between mountains and

volcanoes, unlike the rest of the

world when a person dies in this

village, their funeral tradition is

very rare and peculiar.

The body is awakened through

black magic. This is done because

in Toraja the graves are located

on limestone mountains. In

addition, the cadavers walks by

their own and are guided by an

expert in black magic. However,

this practice has a ban, nobody

can speak or point at the body or

it falls and is unable to walk


This is a bit far from the reality

but may be because of this

isolation, survived one of its

oldest customs related to the

funeral rite. In their culture,

death and life are blended into a

series of rituals. Adults, at death,

to spend some time outdoors, in a

specific place and surrounded by

trees, traditionally believed to

purify the spirit mystic mode


This town has the custom of

burying their dead in "floating

graveyards", after going

through a process of

mummification involved in having

the body in the house itself for

about 3 days, which is still

considered part of the living,

located in the nearby mountains,

they build small traditional

houses where they leave water,

flowers and tributes. Here, once

placed in their coffins, they

carving a figure of wood or

stone, representing the deceased

and is put out of the coffin or

grave. This is normally practiced

in the rock tombs or graves

floating. After five years, they

remove the dead, they clean and

re-bury the corpse.

Another interesting point about

this ritual is the burial that is

saved for the children who still

do not have their teeth out. For

the Toraja this children still

being part of the cycle of nature,

because they didn't lived a long

life. These young are introduced

inside a tree, in an upright

posture, filling the hole with eggs

as an offering.

In conclusion, the Toraja believes

that the dead have a way of life

contrary to the living ones. For

this reason culture marks the

departure of their loved ones.

Torajas say that the dead walk

upside down, talking backwards,

and lost crops mean food for

the dead.

Funeral Tradition Tailandia 11

Page 12: Current range Magazine

Nowadays people spend most of the time

in touch with technology, such as cell

phones, internet, video games, T.V., social

networks, exercising and shopping and

every day technology is better.

The technology creators think that if they

create new technology they will win more

money but behind all this so many people

are becoming addicts.

So, what is an addiction? In my opinion it is

when a person depends of something. For

example an activity that affects the quality

of people´s life.

Even though the technology simplifies our

lives; for example, we can now use the

Internet for homework which make us

spend a lot of hours in front of the

computer then obviously we prefer to

surf the internet rather than using books.

In some cases people as much time they

spend on the internet it is better for them

because they think that it is necessary for

them. I think that in future the tablets will

be replacing books.

Teenagers overused social networks like

Facebook or twitter to interact with

friends, to communicate with his family

who live far, but it also has some cons, for

example, people spend much time in front

of a computer, social networks limits face

to face conversations, now people prefer

to chat provoking many people addicted to

this, they check their accounts many times

a day for long hours.

Cell phones are very necessary, but

sometimes they can become an addiction,

it is very common to see young people

texting all day using words in an incorrect

way or creating new ways to write a word

which affects spelling or grammar because

people tend to cut the words and then do

not write well.

Another case is video games and T.V, these

are forms of entertainment, but children

become violent, because all they are about

war and violence, they develop a violent


Exercising can also become a problem for

some people. Some people can become

addicted to exercising and on this way

spend a lot of hours on a gym every day. It

is a disease and it is called Vigorexia.

Vigorexia has some good aspects like that

people get relax, self-steam improvement,

prevent cardiovascular diseases, help with

mental health and improves physical

condition. It also has consequences like

muscle damage, obsession, Anorexia,

bulimia, use of hormones (Steroids) and

this affects our body.

In conclusion people have a stressful life at

work or at home, now everything is

working with technology.

The solution is to live in harmony, with a

comfortable style of life, balancing work

with leisure, maybe people can practice

some recreational

activities like swimming,

football, going to the

beach or hanging out with

friends occasionally,

instead of being in front of

a computer or in a mall

buying things.


Writing section

Page 13: Current range Magazine

“Tomatina´s Fest”

Tomatinás Fest has a rich and varied history. Maybe you have not hear

about it, but it is an important and popular tradition that had been taking place for the

last 60 years, it had been attracting young people around the world and every year most

of them are taking part of it.

It starts in Buñol since 1944 or 1945. Basically it is a tomato fight, but has been a strong

tradition. The origin of this event is not clear, but there are some people who said that it

was based on local food fight among friends during these years. There are some other

theories like a volley of tomatoes from bystanders at a carnival parade and a practical joke

on a bad musician, but nobody is able to confirm the origin of The Tomatina. There is one

popular theory that states that it was created because the city was attacked with

tomatoes during a town celebration. Even though the reason of this tradition is a mystery

it has been enjoyed every year and repeated year after year on Spain and it is one of the

most popular traditions around the world.

The event consists on a weeklong festival that features music, parades, dancing, and

fireworks. On the night before the tomato fight, participants of the festival compete in a

paella cooking contest. It is held on a Wednesday at the end of August every year. At

around 11 a .m., the first event of the Tomatina begins. A ham is placed upon a cockaigne

pole (a large, greased pole), and the tomato fight can begin only when someone is able to

climb to the top and bring it down. People struggle against each other, climbing atop one

another, in order to be the one to pull down the ham. With this victory, the tomato-

throwing begins. Spain citizens and people who come from the rest of the world come to

fight with thousand of over-ripe tomatoes in the Buñol streets. It is enjoyed for around

30,000 people even though there are not many accommodations for the participants.

This is a war were there are expected to be no winners, but where all have fun and it is

the reason why you should take some tips or suggestions into consideration.

Some of them are: Wear clothes that later you throw away as you will never get it clean

again, Bring goggles (or protect your eyes but don´t wear glasses). Tomato on your eye

can be really acid. Wear shoes that have a decent grip. Also you should behave yourself

and be responsible on the event so You must not take any bottles nor any kind of object

that could cause any incident, you must not tear T-shirts and be careful with lorries going

through the village. You may ONLY use tomatoes, and you are to squish them before

slugging them. Bottles, water bombs and the like are totally forbidden If you really want to

enjoy it please keep it in mind.

Writing section 13

Page 14: Current range Magazine

Dental plaque and oral hygiene

These two topics are very related en Dentistry. In this

report we are going to explain how to prevent plaque

and maintain a healthy mouth.

Plaque is a sticky film formed of many bacteria, saliva

and acids, that are located in teeth. The principal

cause of dental plaque is the food we eat, especially if

this food contains carbohydrates.

At first, plaque looks like a slim layer, kind of soft that is easy to remove with the

tooth brush. Then this layer looks like a hard layer that creates calculus,that the

only way of removing this is by visiting your dentist.

If the plaque is not eliminated, the bacteria cause the production of these and can

damage tooth enamel. It may also cause gingivitis or

periodontal disease “gum disease” which is an

inflammation or infection of the gums causing to get red

and swollen. If you have gingivitis and turns into

periodontitis (in serious stage) you could lose your teeth.

This is why good hygiene techniques are so necessary and

recommended by dentist.

Step one: use floss to remove food and germs between

teeth, step two: use a tooth brushing method that is recommended to you by your


It is according your age or disease.

Step three: Brush your tongue for a fresh feeling. There

are many options for tongue brushes.

Step four: Rinse with mouth wash without alcohol.

Some tips for this few steps: Use a tooth brush of soft

bristles and buy the recommend or proper brand.

We choose these two topics because there are important

in our career and are most common problems our patients

are going to have. We know about these topic and we consider that they are

important for our classmates and everyone know and practice for a good oral

hygiene and health in general.

Writing section 14

Page 15: Current range Magazine

Sources Consulted Biofuel


Amador Hidalgo, L., & Manuel Arjona Fuentes, J. (2009). Biocombustibles: oportunidades y riesgos de su

aplicación. Revista De Fomento Social, 64(256), 755-791.

Marín, E., Ciro Velásquez, E., & Cárdenas, E. (2011). Biocombustibles: búsqueda de alternativas. CES Medicina

Veterinaria & Zootecnica, 6(2), 118-123. Recovered from

Barrantes V. Luis A. (2012). Aerolíneas y líderes en tecnología limpia lanzan la Iniciativa de Biocombustibles Sostenibles.

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Booch, G. (2005). The unified modeling language user guide (2ª ed.).Estados Unidos: Pearson Educación.

Comité Paritario de Salud Ocupacional (COPASO). (s,f). Programa de Salud Ocupacional. Recovered from

Fieras de la Ingeniería. (January 24, 2012). “El inicio de los ordenadores con chips 3-D” R. Recovered from

La Nación. (2011). Los Jóvenes huyen de las carreras con más opciones de trabajo. Recovered from 02/ElPais/NotaPrincipal/ElPais2732041.aspx


Funeral Tradition Finlandia


Tomatina Fest


Tejiendo el mundo, “Los Toraja y los árboles de los niños muertos”.

toraja-y- los-arboles-de-los-ninos-muertos/ Recovered in July 29th, 2012

Los mundos de Hachero, “Viaje a Indonesia: en un entierro toraja en la isla de Sulawesi”. Recovered i

n July 29th, 2012

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Catholic loses exclusivity in the classroom

Page 16: Current range Magazine

English four magazine project

Authors :

Teresita Montero Jiménez

Javier Chinchilla Torres

The passion of a reader like this in

your mind. To keep her happy!

Remember to read our magazine