Curiositas Inducit Cognitionem

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Transcript of Curiositas Inducit Cognitionem

  • 8/11/2019 Curiositas Inducit Cognitionem


    The Curio Cabinet College of Hermetic ArtsCuriositas Inducit Cognitionem

    Fundamentals of Western MagicWaning Year Semester 07/14-01/15

    Presented By: J.A. Doyle, Wizard of GrandGrand Rapids, Michigan

    (616)[email protected]

    Description:This course is designed for those who feel the undeniable pull towards things of an occult,magical, or spiritual nature and have the impetus to turn that curiosity into knowledge. Foundedupon on the ancient wisdom of the Western Mystery Tradition stemming from Mesopotamia andEgypt, continuing through Greece and Rome to the rest of Europe and the New World, this

    course will focus on the Hermetic, Orphic, Neo-Platonic, Solomonic, and Sabbatic schools ofmagical philosophy. During this 26-week (6 month) course, students will learn not only practicaloccult rituals and methods, but will also be exposed to Empedoclean Physics, AncientCosmology, the Kabala, Magical Time-keeping, Magical Herbalism, Basic Divination,Classification of Spirits and how to work with them. A succinct way to begin building thefoundation of any personal spiritual or magical practice based upon the teachings of the WesternMysteries.

    Course Objectives:To present the Student with sufficient information over a 26-week period to establish thefundamentals of the Western Mystery Traditions, the goal of instruction being to provide

    practical experience as well as theoretical knowledge.

    Tuition Fees:$520 full tuition, $20 per class session

    Materials Required:1) A Black-covered Journal & adequate, long-lasting writing utensils2) A copy of The Kybalion: Definitive Edition (ISBN: 978-1585428748)3) A blade, preferably double-edged with a black handle, but a pocket-knife will do4) A wooden rod, measuring approx. from the crook of ones elbow to the tip of the longest



    A cup, preferably goblet or chalice-shaped and made of glass or non-toxic metal6) A disk or plate, preferably made of a natural material such as stone, china, or metal7) A ring of symbolic nature, simple or decorative-a most important magical tool8) A mortar & pestle made of soap-stone or similar9) A heat-proof, pot-like container to serve as a cauldron10)A Tarot Deck, preferably the Rider-Waite Deck11)A skyring tool such as a black mirror, a crystal ball, a special bowl and ink, ect. 12)A white, natural, linen Tau-robe

  • 8/11/2019 Curiositas Inducit Cognitionem


  • 8/11/2019 Curiositas Inducit Cognitionem


    11)The Magical Calendar: Lecture on Lunar, Solar, and Planetary time-keeping for ritualpurposes, Introduction to Practical Astrological Theory

    12)The Holy Decad: Lecture on the history & meaning of the Tetrakys & Kabala13)Etheric Anatomy: Lecture on the correspondence between the Body and the Cosmos14)Barbaroi Logoi: Lecture on Magical Linguistics, Sigillum, and Characters


    Ars Pharmakiea: Lecture on the historical & practical use of herbs for magic, Experimentwith crafting incense, oils, potions, & dressing candles.16)Spirit of Place: Lecture on the Spiritual Presence of the Land17)The Mighty Dead: Lecture on the Ancestral, Wandering, Hungry, and Enlightened Dead,

    a Dumb Supper communion will be held after lecture18)Hierarchies of Heaven & Hell: Lecture on Pre & Post-Biblical Spirits19)Gods of Many Lands: Lecture on Deity, devotional rites, and cultural context20)The Magical Assistant: Lecture and Experiment on the Familiar Spirit21)Divination 101: Lecture on omens, dreams, visions, signs, patterns, & methods22)Tarot in Brief: Lecture on the history & use of Tarot, its correspondences and value23)The Shewstone: Lecture & Experiment on Skrying


    Theurgia & Goetia: Lecture on the history and methods of the Ouranic and Kthonicschools of spirit-work25)Evocation of a Spirit: Experiment lead by the Instructor, but performed by the Class,

    wherein a Spirit is unanimously chosen and evoked for communion 26)Initiation Ceremony: Instructor performs a private ceremony with each student to mark

    their graduation from this course

    Date Topic of Discussion Experiment Materials




    07/04/14 Intro to Western Magic Book Why do I want to

    do Magic?07/11/14 Powers of the Sphinx Book How do I relate tothe Powers?

    07/18/14 Hermetic Principles Breathing &Mindfulness

    Book, TheKybalion

    Meditate, Breatheregularly

    07/25/14 Powers of Love & Strife The Calyx Rite Book Practice Calyxregularly

    08/1/14 Powers of Fire Fire Attunement Book, Knife Embody Fire

    08/8/14 Powers of Air Air Attunement Book, Rod Embody Air

    08/15/14 Powers of Water WaterAttunement

    Book, Cup Embody Water

    08/22/14 Powers of Earth EarthAttunement

    Book, Disk Embody Earth

    08/29/14 The Magic Circle Rite of theMagic Circle

    Book, Ring &Elemental Tools

    Practice MagicCircle regularly

    09/5/14 The 7 Heavens Rising throughthe Spheres

    Book Practice Risingregularly

    09/12/14 The 8 Sphere Book Cast your ownHoroscope

  • 8/11/2019 Curiositas Inducit Cognitionem


    09/19/14 The Magical Calendar Book Make a Calendar

    09/26/14 The Holy Decad Book Chart the Kabala

    10/3/14 Etheric Anatomy 3 SoulsAttunement

    Book PracticeAttunementregularly

    10/10/14 Barbaroi Logoi Book Create a PersonalName & Sigil

    10/17/14 Ars Pharmakiea Herbalpreparations

    Book, Mortar &Pestle, cauldron

    Create an originalrecipe

    10/24/14 Spirit of Place Genius LociContact

    Book Practice Contactregularly

    10/31/14 The Mighty Dead Dumb Supper Book AncestorDevotional

    11/7/14 Hierarchies of Heaven & Hell Book Spirit Devotional

    11/14/14 Gods of Many Lands Book Deity Devotional

    11/21/14 The Magical Assistant Spell for a



    Elemental Tools

    Regular Familiar

    work11/28/14 Divination 101 Book Find a favorite!

    12/5/14 Tarot in Brief Tarot Spreads Book, Tarot Daily Reading

    12/12/14 The Shewstone Skrying Session Book, Mirror Practice Skrying

    12/19/14 Theurgia & Goetia Book Study a Spirit,create a Lamen

    12/26/14 Evocation of a Spirit Rite ofEvocation

    Book, All Tools,Lamen, Robe

    Fasting untilInitiation

    1/2/15 Initiation Ceremony Initiation Book, All Tools,Robe