Cure Your Own Back Problems In 30 Days! ·...

16 Email: [email protected] Special Report! Released at last! An exercise program so good it could help you… Cure Your Own Back Problems In 30 Days! With exercises so simple you can learn how to do them within minutes. It’s time to toss out the pills! And in as little as two “lazy” exercise periods a week, you could be PAIN-FREE! Even if exercise was something you last did as part of your Phys Ed class in high school. Dear Friend, If you’re over the age of 50 and concerned about your back health, I want to share some amazing news... Available now is the hottest “new” exercise trend in Hollywood! An exercise system that has been helping bed-bound individuals to top class athletes feel better and stronger for over 80 years… Even more exciting… this form of exercise could even help you… REVERSE The Back Issues You Already Have! Imagine a future without the constant nightmare worries of agonizing back- related problems”… one of the main reasons we’re forced to miss work, and precious friend and family time too... No more shuffling up and down the stairs, hunched over in excruciating painNo more straining to get in and out of your car… Instead you’ll feel the energy of your youth return as every muscle, tendon and ligament is strengthened and your body & mind balanced through simple and easy to do exercises. Finally, you can get back to doing all the activities you love again.

Transcript of Cure Your Own Back Problems In 30 Days! ·...

Page 1: Cure Your Own Back Problems In 30 Days! · 2019-03-10 · Email: Special Report! Released at last! An exercise Email: [email protected]

Special Report!

Released at last! An exercise program so good it

could help you…

Cure Your Own Back Problems In 30 Days!

With exercises so simple you can learn how to do them within minutes. It’s time to toss out the pills! And in as little as two “lazy” exercise periods a week, you

could be PAIN-FREE! Even if exercise was something you last did as part of your Phys Ed class in high school.

Dear Friend,

If you’re over the age of 50 and concerned about your back health, I want to share some amazing news...

Available now is the hottest “new” exercise trend in Hollywood! An exercise system that has been helping bed-bound individuals to top class

athletes feel better and stronger for over 80 years…

Even more exciting… this form of exercise could even help you…

REVERSE The Back Issues You Already Have!

Imagine a future without the constant nightmare worries of agonizing back-

related problems”… one of the main reasons we’re forced to miss work, and precious friend and family time too...

No more shuffling up and down the stairs, hunched over in excruciating pain… No more straining to get in and out of your car… Instead you’ll feel the energy of your youth return as every muscle, tendon and

ligament is strengthened and your body & mind balanced through simple and easy to do exercises.

Finally, you can get back to doing all the activities you love again.

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All the things you used to do… WITHOUT the worry of back pain creeping up

and spoiling your FUN. And if you’re taking over-the-counter drugs, you’ll discover how you may be able

to wean yourself off of them and enjoy a life free of the devastating health-wrecking side effects.

Not only could you save money, sleep better and have better health, but you could also look younger, feel stronger, with more energy than you’ve had in years.

In fact, you may actually...

Develop A STRONGER Body And Mind

As You Grow Older...

...instead of the terrifying opposite many seniors experience.

It’s amazing but true.

And in this brief report, you’ll discover the health restoring secrets of the rich and famous.

A secret that can help you stop and possibly even...

REVERSE Age-Related Back Issues!

You’ll also hear how – in just a matter of days – this secret can start to condition the body, balance the body, strengthen and slim the body without punishing the body-or drastically pushing your body limits. This program contains no rough bouncing movements, or harmful jarring of your joints.

Make this “Exercise Secret” part of your life and you won’t believe the difference it makes...

I’ll explain more in just a minute. But first, allow me to introduce Geraldine P. I met Geraldine in the early 2000’s, a lower back pain sufferer who wondered if

this program could work for her…

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I’ll let her tell you her story: I was doing an aerobics class when I felt a sharp pain in my lower back and had to stop, not slow down, but stop dead. It felt like someone had got a knife and was twisting it into my back. I found myself hunched over limping very slowly to my bag, not knowing what had just happened.

One minute I’m in full aerobic dance mode, the next I can hardly move and feeling really vulnerable. I got home, put ice on my back and went straight to bed worried, but hopeful I’d be fine in the morning.

But when I got up the next day the pain was still there and now my back felt really stiff as well. I called a chiropractor and went to get treated, 20 minutes later and 50 bucks lighter; I came out and felt a little better, but not great.

I went home and waited for the magic to happen.

But it never quite did, even after a few months, my back still hurt, felt weak and now kind of wobbly. To cope with the pain, I found myself having to take pain pills to get through the day.

But the pills only gave me temporary relief. And even while taking them I was worried the pain would return at any minute.

I was spending lots of money, but getting very little relief. The pain made sleep difficult, I was tossing and turning trying to find a comfortable position that didn’t hurt.

I just couldn’t relax.

And during the day be it sitting, standing or lying down, it all ended with the same result – PAIN.

I wanted to go out, but it was too painful. There I was night after night stuck at home eating junk, piling on the pounds. Life did not feel good. I was depressed and afraid of overdosing on my meds. Everything in my wardrobe felt too small. I’d always been an energetic person, but now that part of my life felt as if it was over.

One day I found myself wondering if I could have an accident of some sort that would hurt for a while, but somehow miraculously fix my back.

I was losing it. That’s when I knew I had to find a better way, but what?

That’s when I discovered the “Secret” of exercises that could transform and strengthen my muscles and all it took was...

One Small Change…

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Because, if you’re over 50, chances are your body isn’t as strong and efficient as

it used to be in your youth.

And you’ve seen your stamina, strength and energy

slowly seeping away more and more each year.

Suddenly (or at least it SEEMS like it came on all of a

sudden), you find yourself more and more fatigued by simple

things. Things that were darn near effortless in years past.

Like mowing the lawn or the weekly shop.

You need to sit and rest a lot more than ever before…

You can’t even make it through some days without a


At times you’re short of breath… just from talking!

And it seems to be getting harder and harder to do routine tasks and chores

around the house.

Even “sexual congress” with your spouse seems like too much effort.

Unfortunately for many people over 50, this often develops with aging. And the

truth is, it will likely continue to get worse and worse over time.

But you don’t have to accept it.

And now, that won’t be YOUR story.

Because thanks to this breakthrough in back management practices, it’s now

entirely possible to virtually...

“Age-Proof” Your Back!

But let me put any fears to rest. This isn’t a new kind of surgery, an exercise

routine where you beat yourself up and can hardly walk when you’re finished or strong

medicine with serious side effects.

It’s actually something you can easily incorporate into your regular routine.

And it’s the most effective way I know to help maintain and possibly even restore

your back health through all the years to come.

But there is one thing...

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When it comes to restoring your back health with this breakthrough new natural


There’s No Time To Waste!

Whether you’re already struggling with back issues… or you simply want to keep

your back strong for good, it’s VITAL you start today.

So please… make sure you read to the end of this short report to discover the

entire process for regaining and maintaining the back and body of your youth.

So let me share the secret with you right now...

The Secret To A Stronger Pain-Free Back “The Back Pain Solution Program”:

• A quickie "idiots guide" to curing yourself of back pain (Instantly understand exactly what you need to do to eliminate your pain.)

• Learn to separate the myth from the truth! (You will not only be "savvy about you and your body" but you will be able to see through the B.S surrounding some so-called back pain cures.)

• Skip years of frustration by working on this small rarely mentioned muscle that relieves sciatic pain instantly...

• AMAZING! Discover in a matter of minutes how to relieve lower back tension that may be causing your pain

• Have you been looking for this for ages? (Discover how simple strengthening exercises contained within this program can have you living a pain-free life almost immediately.)

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• How to save hundreds or maybe thousands of dollars on so-called back pain cures. (All because you don't have to go for treatment ever again.)

• REVEALED! The hidden truth behind Pilates and back pain. (If you're not a gym bunny no problem, these exercises are made for you to be able to do them in your own home or office if you like.)

• Presented by internationally renowned instructors: Madelaine Kahts, New York Pilates Instructor and Daniela Vannuchi, Fitness writer, Biokinetics, Personal Trainer, Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS ) and Certified Personal Trainer (CPT).

Helps heal CHRONIC BACK problem

“I had a chronic back caused by a pinched nerve, and by using your medically-approved exercises I was able to solve my problem. I love it.” – Marcia A., FL

“I feel like the old me”

“I’ve tried many different things to rid myself of back pain, but none of them helped. Within three weeks of using your exercise program I noticed a big reduction in my pain, I feel like the old me again.” – Ruth C., AZ

“Pilates is not just for the fit”

“It is wonderful for injuries. Even with my sharp back pain using the special exercises I was able to work through the program with no problems. I like that the exercises can be done slowly and be very effective with no jarring of my joints.”– Lorraine B., AR

“What made the big difference was the exercise”

“I have taken every pill and tried every type of therapy over the years. What made the big difference was the exercise.” – Terri C., IL

“No more stiffness”

“These exercises are really necessary when you do a lot of sitting… I can do them at home or in the office, I no longer suffer from stiffness” – Maddie P., GA

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“Back to gardening!”

“I was experiencing almost constant discomfort in my back, which made gardening impossible for me. Back Pain Solution Program relieved my discomfort and got me back to gardening.” – Lucy L., OK

“Lost weight, feel so much better”

“I do the exercises twice a week. Not only has my pain decreased to nothing, I’ve also lost weight and got a nice toned body.” – Barbara C., TN

“On my feet longer”

“Since using the Back Pain Solution Program… I feel better. I’m able to be on my feet all day with no adverse reaction.” – Sue R., PA

But what is Pilates and WHY does it work so well?

Pilates was invented by Joseph Pilates.

As a boy he was very sick, he suffered from glandular fever, rheumatic fever, rickets and asthma.

But he didn’t let that stop him, he dedicated his life to strengthening his body by using boxing, tai chi, yoga and ballet movements to give us the workout we know today as Pilates.

Pilates strengthens your core (Powerhouse) and gives these added benefits:

• Lengthened muscles

• Improved posture

• Prevention and quicker healing of injuries

• Improved flexibility

• Enhanced energy and rejuvenation

• And a fun workout

It’s also good for firming and strengthening other parts of your body like the arms, shoulders, buttocks and legs giving you a sleek, slim elongated appearance others would die for.

Working as little as one hour per week you can strengthen your core muscles where they work like a corset for your spine, making it pain-free and protecting it from any further damage.

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You Need This Because…

If you’ve struggled with back pain for some time, that struggle is now over. This method is tried and proven; it will have you enjoying life again within days.

Not only will you be pain-free in 30 days or less, but you’ll do it easier than you thought possible, with only an hour per week, or more if you like.

These easy to follow step-by-step exercises will have you enjoying life at your own pace once again.

You will feel stronger, your mind more focused, it’s not called the mind-body exercise system for nothing. You will get a huge boost of effortless all day energy. And you’ll burn calories too, helping you lose weight.

It’s time to take the fear out of back related issues with the “Back Pain Solution Program.”

Just one hour per week of easy-to-follow exercises is all it takes. A stronger back and a balanced body & mind can be just around the corner.

There’s no describing the relief you’ll feel knowing that all of this proven science is on your side...

So, are you ready to enjoy a “young again” back right now?

That’s why I’m so pleased to announce this breakthrough program is now available.

I’m 100% confident that Back Pain Solution Program will exceed your expectations when it comes to restoring your back health and giving you...

A “Stronger More Flexible” Back… For Life!

But I want YOU to be confident too. That’s why I insist you have ZERO RISK when you try “Back Pain Solution Program.”

It’s simple:

Just use the Back Pain Solution Program as directed and you will literally FEEL THE DIFFERENCE it can make in your life.


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If you don’t experience MORE ENERGY THAN YOU’VE HAD IN YEARS…

If you are not in less pain and not back to doing all the activities you used to love… like fishing, golf, tennis, playing with your grandkids…

…I’ll refund every single cent of your purchase price… no questions asked – even if it’s one day before the end of your guarantee period of 12 months.

And just remember…

The Back Pain Solution Program is beginning to work its rejuvenating wonders from the very first time you start using it.

In addition, you’ll enjoy better and better results as each month goes by, when you make this program part of your weekly routine.

And don’t forget… you’re always protected by our...

Back Pain Solution’s FEEL BETTER or PAY NOTHING

100% Money-Back Guarantee

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That’s right—you get to keep up to $89.84 worth of valuable gifts—absolutely FREE!

Plus, you get the Back Pain Solution Program for the unbelievable price of $67 (plus postage and packaging of $9.95), but that’s not all, you’ll also get these 4 valuable gifts I mentioned earlier—an $89.84 value, FREE!

Here are 5 excellent reasons why this may be the best time ever to experience the benefits of the Back Pain Solution Program for yourself…


If you’re taking prescription or over-the-counter drugs every day—you’ve got to take immediate action to protect yourself against the potential health-wrecking, energy sapping side-effects of these drugs.


To help protect your family from the ravages of back pain, you’ll also receive a complimentary copy of “Back Pain Is No Joke.”

A $19.95 Value, FREE!

The truth is, serious back problems don’t happen overnight. Your body constantly sends out warning signs of a potential health problem. The problem is most people don’t know how to detect these signals early enough to do anything about them.

In this special report, you’ll discover how to bullet-proof your back and IMPROVE back health. For example:

• How to relieve a stiff low back with things in your kitchen.

• When is back pain a possible medical emergency? Page 5.

• Know the risk factors of back pain? Find out what they are on Page 7.

• Is your job stressing you out? Use massage to relieve your stress symptoms and improve your sleep.

• And much more!


Why pay for a massage when you can have one at home for FREE with your own copy of the "Full Body Massage" DVD.

A $24.95 Value FREE!

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A full 53 minutes of luxury.

It reveals how to give and receive a full relaxing body massage safely and effectively in your own home without the spa prices. Your family and friends will love it.

• Feel the stress of the day fall away with the magic sensation of touch.

• The quickest and easiest way to remove toxins out of your body that may be making you tired, irritable and downright miserable.

• Better than stretching! This one technique will energize your muscles, raise your mood and increase your flexibility.

• And much more!


Relieve the tension of the day with your own copy of the new "Luxury Facial Massage" DVD.

A $24.95 Value FREE!

Learn how to give and receive a relaxing facial massage. A massage that’ll help you de-stress and unwind after a heavy day.

A wonderful facial massage gives your skin a healthy glow leaving you refreshed and re-energized.

This DVD will make you the talk of your friends as you become the go to place for rest, relaxation and fun.

Here's a short list of what this amazing bonus contains:

• Learn how to stimulate the blood circulation to your face (Smooth out those worry lines.)

• How to cause a cleansing effect, moving waste from your face (Get that flawless complexion you’ve always wanted.)

• How to be left feeling and looking younger and refreshed


Plus, you also get Arthritis Relief & Prevention!

A $19.95 Value, FREE!

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If you’ve experienced a gout attack, then I’m sure you’ll agree that you NEVER want to feel that excruciating pain again!

For just about any arthritis pain, most doctors recommend pumping your body full of powerful anti-inflammatory drugs and medications that only temporarily mask your pain.

But research now proves popular arthritis remedies can turn you into a cardiac cripple or kill you outright!

There’s a better, smarter, more effective way: Eliminate the source of joint irritation! In this report, you’ll discover the all-natural way to eliminate toxins that cause gout and arthritis flare-ups.

You’ll find out the options available to you today—special diets especially for arthritis sufferers—and relaxation and coping tips!

Plus, I’ll also tell you about proven and effective supplements that can help soothe inflamed joints… and help knock out arthritis pain too!

It’s all in your FREE report!

Add it up yourself: That’s a total of $89.84 in FREE gifts just for giving the Back Pain Solution Program a fair try—YOU GET A TOTAL OF $89.84! I think that’s fair, don’t you?

And don’t forget… you’re always protected by my...

Ironclad No Risk Guarantee!

If at any point – whether it’s your first month or your 10th – you aren’t 100%

convinced Back Pain Solution Program is improving the health of your back, body and


Simply return your order for a full refund. No questions asked.

And this guarantee is valid for a FULL year.

THAT is how confident I am that the back-restoring power of “Back Pain Solution”

will change your life.

Now, there’s one last thing:

Back Pain Solution Program is ONLY available direct from this page.

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That’s the only way we can make sure you’re getting the healing exercises,

safely taught by highly qualified world renowned instructors.

And when other people learn about how the Back Pain Solution Program can

help restore back health, decrease the risk of age-related back problems and even have

a super-positive impact on the way you feel…

I Expect Demand To Soar Through The Roof!

In fact, I can’t guarantee we won’t sell out almost immediately. It’s happened

several times before.


By hitting the order button below; don’t delay, make your credit or debit card payment safely through PayPal or if you have a PayPal account you can use that. I do not see your payment details.

And remember you’ll receive your Back Pain Solution Program and FREE gifts by return post.

Furthermore, this program can be transferred onto a portable device, your desktop or even watched on your smart TV.

Above all, you’ll be giving your back the ultimate gift of health – and it’ll reward you for decades of healthy living to come!

And remember -- if you don’t agree that Back Pain Solution delivers on every

promise I’ve made in this letter… we’ll refund your money, no questions asked. That


You Risk Absolutely Nothing!

Sound fair?

Now is your chance to start enjoying feeling young again with the Back Pain

Solution Program.

Just click the button below to get started right now.

As soon as you do that you’ll be taken to our PayPal secure order page.

You’ll be able to review all your details before you checkout.

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And when Back Pain Solution arrives in its discrete packaging, open it right


Look over the program and start on your pain-free journey immediately.

Why wait even one more day to start when a strong back, increased core

strength, and a healthy body & mind are just ahead?

So stop suffering from constant anxiety, always worrying about a potential “back

pain attack”…

Stop feeling old, as if your “energy tank” is on empty…

Stop worrying that your zest for life will only diminish week after week...

Instead, start feeling...

Stronger... Full Of Energy… And Worry-Free About Back Problems!

That’s the promise only Back Pain Solution Program can make. So let’s get

started now...

Order your own copy of Back Pain Solution Program today and FEEL THE

DIFFERENCE it can make.

Remember, you have ZERO RISK when you order today.

And by ordering Back Pain Solution Program TODAY, you’ll be giving your back the ultimate gift of health – and it’ll reward you for decades of healthy living to come!

Click the button below to order your Back Pain Solution Program now.

Yours for a lifetime of high energy and healthy living!

John Emmanuel

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P.S. Don't forget you're getting this life-changing program for just $67. THAT’S A STEAL IN ANYONE’S LANGUAGE...

Plus, I’m also giving you $89.84 worth of FREE gifts - the FULL BODY MASSAGE and LUXURY FACIAL MASSAGE DVD’s which can be transferred and watched on your portable device, desktop or your smart TV. In addition, you also get BACK PAIN IS NO JOKE and ARTHRITIS RELIEF & PREVENTION special reports.

That’s everything you need to stop back pain from TODAY. So if that's what you need to do, then you need to order NOW!

P.P.S. You have nothing to lose – and everything to gain – it's all at my risk with my unbelievable 12-months 100% iron-clad money-back guarantee.

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