Cure gout pain at home


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description - Gout is a painful condition, often affecting the toes, but it can affect many other joints as well. If left alone it can get worse, turn into a chronic problem and even cause permanent damage. There are several ways to cure gout pain at home, both the initial pain and the ongoing problems

Transcript of Cure gout pain at home

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Cure Gout Pain At Home

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Gout is a debilitating disease, one of the most painful forms of arthritis.

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Gout pain is one of the worst pains known to medicine, and it requires instant treatment.

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For the treatment of gout pain, you can either use home remedies or choose medication.

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However, it is often beneficial to use a combination of both.

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Gout sufferers often wake up in the middle of the night with excruciating pain in the big toe.

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They will be desperate to get some quick treatment in order to relieve the throbbing pain.

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Applying ice directly to the inflamed joint for 20 minutes helps relieve pain and decrease swelling.

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If the pain is in the foot, try soaking the foot in a warm tub of Epsom Salt.

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Apple Cider Vinegar is an excellent home remedy for many diseases, particularly gout pain.

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Try taking organic apple cider vinegar mixed with organic honey

in equal quantity.

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Citrus fruits, high in natural Vitamin C, reduce inflammation

and pain in joints.

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Cherries are particularly well known for their ability to

help with gout pain

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People with gout pain should increase their water intake, at least 8-10 glasses a day.

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This helps flush all the toxins and dilute the uric acid levels.

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Sufferers may also wish to try medication for gout pain relief.

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Common medication includes nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), colchicine

and painkillers.

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Note that some patients cannot tolerate NSAIDs, as they can have some bad side effects, including stomach bleeding.

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Other medications are known to have side effects as well.

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Before deciding whether to take medication, or even to stop taking medication, it pays to check with your doctor first.