1 WHEN THE IS VOLUME XI. PE RSONAL P OINTERS CULVE R C ___ TIZE N. Doesn't Follow Yo u T hrough Eternity Economical Buying. 'l'he Culver friends of th e former Mrs Lilian R1lstou, now Mrs. 0. E. Rowley, will be interested in the following from the Buffalo Cou rier: '!.'be ::;.P.e.B or •·::;beet for tbe LAKE MA XI NKUCHEE CULVER, INDIANA, THURSDAY, APRil: 16, 1914. AN EASTER CARNIV AL NUMBER 560 tbe two str·p did nr>' apr( ar among i T HE the its (Jl,w•• bo•ill!( taken WEEK _ IN CULVE R by the· om· s'lp aurl ,·arious forms of the lll'sitatio:t w:dtz0s wbicb :\1 r. Br ief Me nti on of Culve ri tes and Prevention of Useless Buying," is the l atest creation of the Buffalo Culver Academy Ent er ta ins a Ho st of Vi si tors at the Annual S pring Festivit ie s. Gaynor bPen teacbit>g to bis classes tbis winter. Wi tll r efwsb- ments sE'rn·d iu tbe mess ball at 12:30. thP dauet.' lasted uutil 2:;{0. Class crd! at 11 o'c lock on 'fuPsday Li ttle Items of Loc al Happeni ngs of Interest to People in Town an d Coun try Thei r Frie nds Who H av e Come an d Gon e l\lrs. L. 0. WisPman was 111 Ar- gos Monday and Tuesday . Mrs. S. E. J\ledbourn and Bessie return ed from thPir Eastern trip J\1ouday. Mr s. H. E Adams and sons Ca rl and Earl were in Rochester from Friday until .Monday. 111rs. Milo ::\mith of Hocbester is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. a. E. Aclams, this week. V. L. Altman and children left Tuesday for a few days' visit with friends in South Bend. James Geiselman of Colver is visiting his sister 211rs. Ovey Cum. iogbam of Conve rse. Ind., this week. Blaine Adams of Kansas City, Mo ., is here on a teo days' visit to his parent\> Mr . and Mrs. B. E. Adams. George Yoreis and daughter Grace visited over Sunday with l\1 r. \'oreis' ma rried daughter iu Whiting. Ramona Slattery, Clarence .\lou- st>r and Cecil Smith came home from tbt>ir schools for the Easter vacation. J\lr. and Mrs. John l\lattbcw and Mr . Thomas Rou ghton enjoyed Sunday with the latter's daughter Mrs. Samuel Jout>s. Perry Current, who works on the Culver farm, bas moved into one of John Crowley's houses in tbe sooth pnrt ot towu. ••J rs. Geowc Bucklew, formt•rly of Pl) is her·• from K·n1sas where abe bas lived for 30 years. :-)be is a sister-in law of l\lrs Than l.:iaudy. Mrs. J. Dresser and Mrs . .A. R. H eller have opened their East side lake cottagPs, as usual, they are the SC'asoH's first arrivals and a I ways welcome ones. .Mrs. Elizabeth Wagoner entPr- tuined the fol101ving at au dinner J\lr. and Mrs. Fred Arthur Htnrgeon aod family, Fred Gross and family and Mr . Herman Krah. Mrs. Davis attenderi tbe last day exercises of Roy Hoff's school in l!'ulton county Friday. A big dinner was served, followed by an excellent program Mrs. Uar- rie Hoff gave some readings. Mr. aud ,\ irs. Hoff have mov ed back to Cu lver, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Wood have moved to Culver from aear Haml et where tbey were recently burned out of borne. For lbe pres- ent they are at Charles McLane 's whose wife is a sister of Mri .- Wood . Mr. W ood will work for Warnt>r, the draymao, this su wmN. Housewi l'es l eague Ill its struggle against tbe cost of living . It was designed by Mrs. 0. E. Rowley. cbairwao of the organiza. tion committee of tbe league, and is copy rigb ted . By its use, the 2,000 members of tbe league hope to reduce and rt>gulate the cost of living in the household. ':'be ::; pu-b will be recommended to tbe National Hous e wives league for adoption. This novel expense tabulato r consists of twelve sheets, one for eacb mootb, bearing across the top a detailed lis t of every staple bouse- bold commodity from ice to canary seed. Tbe sheets are fifteen by twelve inches io si'l.e and are roled into spaces for t-acb mea l in tbe day and eacb d;1y in the month. At the end of the day, tbe house- wife tills into the spaces tbe total cost of her meals and the specific elrpeose of eacb item-meat, bread, potatoes, tea, milk, etc. Absolute t:lbs can thereby be kept on all ex- •· .\len hire experts to invent cost systems,'' declared Francis W. :-1ervoss, secretary of the House- wi,·es leuguc, last night. "Tbey study scientific production, too. To quote our sywphot•y on the back of tbe s p-u-b, 'Women are studying the cost of living.' Tho secret of success iu any line of in- dnstry is to keep a detailed account wbPrP comparisons are wade daily, montbly uud yearly. It is just fiB lllllJ>Jrtant that oousJwives make thP COlO! '\fl'jl)H:;." !:ha.-tlu;,; Uhh'-Y· Lhu l eague will ,Jistribute a-p-u-b-s at tbe cost of printing to those members who wish them. Hundreds ulrearJy haYe placed their A copy will be forwarded today to Mrs. Rt>ath, president of tbe National Farmers' Insurance C ompany. The Marshall County Farmers ' Home Insu rance company held its annual me.'t ing last week and re- elected its ufficers. C. W. New- wan represt>nts l:oiou township on tbe board of directors. The fol- lowing repo rt of tbe year's basi ness was read: No. poli cies wr itten . . . . . 743 No. losses duriug year... 37 No. l osses by lightning.. 2G No. l osses by fire . . . . . . . . 11 Amon o t of losses ........ $6,786.96 Amount of losses by fire. 3,061.60 Amount losses, lightn ing. 3,725.lfi No. policies in force... .. 1972 Increase 1;olicies in force. 38 Insurance> in force ...... $2,707,758 Increase dming year .... 136,451 No. of assessments ....... 1 Collected by assessme nt.. 8,123.27 Fees collect'cl by directo rs 1.034 20 Total collected .......... 9,157.47 V iewers Appointed. Fair skies and balmy ''"eath er uf. ter Lbe rain and coldness of the preceding weeks g1n·e the prop.r setting Cor the successful carrying tbrougb to tbe best advantage the three days' Easter program at tbe academy. Be tween 200 and 300 mortling proclaimed the fact that Messiah music, a tno\·emect from a I tbe holid·•y was endL·d. Beethoven syw pbony, and tbe I .-\ ut-w pil'l' f.,r the hoat,;, p:1intecl morning music from Grieg's •·Peer blue to mateh tiH• new :-wimming Gyot" suite. Li euteuaut pier of yPar. i8 now m•arly com· delightoo ever ybody with his play- pleted. \\'hen Hnishecl it will adtl ing ef the ··Romance,'· aud materially to the appearanre and Mrs . Bennett co::Jtributed two de- of th" aqnatie patrons and friends were present for tbe entire lime and the number included a plentifu l supply of young ladies to insure tbe fullest success of the ball on Monday nigbt. The tirst official occasion of tbft festivities was tbe battalion parade on Baturday. This was followed on Sunday and Monday by garri- son parades, at all af wbicb the swinging lines of the cadets and tbe dash of the troop won the ap. planse of tbe onlookers. On !:>aturday night Comedy club held tbe boards in the gymna- sium witb their presentation of Arnold Bennett's one - act play, lightfnl •Jo11gs to t ile progrum. Tbis evening's music l'nded with the Cuh·er Hymn by tbe battalion. Tb e military carnival with wbicb .Mond ay morning was fi lled was tbe developmeut of tbe old mid- winter circus. A few of the faa1 i l- iar circus stunts wf)ro retained to give variety to tbe program, but military features were so in. cre;1sed tbat it offered an opportu- nity to e xh il.Jit pr,tctically all of tbe drills wbich can be sbowu to ad- \ 'antage under co,·er uud in tbe l imit t:!d area of lbe riding ball. For grand eut.rauce, lbe infantry division ente r ed and took intervals ·•George's Dilemma," aud a sNies io long lints; tbey were followed of vaudeville sk elcbes . The ·play by the troop wbich look stations dealt witb the hum oro us complies- about tbe sidt>s of thA ball; tbt>u tioos arisiog when George Gower, de)wn the mid a& of the in order togaio tbe tlO,OOO prom. bopped two gigantic rabbits pull - ise>d by a bachelor nncl t>, tried to iog bPhind them an Easter egg of pass off an infant dungbt er as a dirnensioos. From son. l\lr. Mastin was particul ar ly I the interior of tbis monstrosity effective io the part of the b achelo r leapNl tbe members of tbl' gymua- uncle while Mr . Blake delh-rrPd sinm clnb to form ono of their ten- with great unction ,Jerom•) E:. nwn pyramids. 'fo the of Jerome 's famous dissertation upon I tbe morning tbe troop contributed "Babi es.'' Among t be o t h t> r exhibitions of troop and rough-rid. skelcbes were two from .tl ark 'l'wain I iug drills; the field scouts came ill- rep resent ing the Americ-an bn- to tbc limelig!Jt with the Bnlt8 morist's ad,·eutnres with au iutpr. manna! witb botb tbe siug!t:> und aud with tbe:;:n ide Ferguu:!':l dot1ble rille mov»ments as I':!' !I as in the Ueuoa museum. In the, by beariug the cbief part i 11 tbe alustin impersonated I Mexicau with wbicb t be car-J Mark rwam !llld Cadet McCormick J niYal was endvd; the g} moasts sup- the etfemi nate young repo rter who plicct the best of their acrobatic songbt to interview him. The bit I stuuts and were rcc1'1ved with un. of the latter was tbe life-like ex- qnaliticd Hpproval; tbe gntling gnn plosiveness of Uadet Gooz:1les ns squad sllowed its acromplisbrneuts o·q u i pnwnt. ------ Library Ho nor Roll. Contributions of books for tbe public library are coming in day by day. 'l'be number is uow over 350. 'fiH>re ought to be 1,000 vol- umes on tbe shelves by l. This number is e1;1si ly poss ible if the pPO!Jie will take hold of the proj >ct. 1\othing belt!'r for the p;'oplt> of Culve r and l' nion town. has bPen institut,•d in many years. 'l'be plt.'llSLHe <>nd profit to be d .. ri ,·ed from free acct>ss to an abnndaBCe of good reading is wo rth while making an etrort for. 'l'be more each individual pnts into a library the more be is able to take out. l!'ollowing nre the names of per- sous who ba\·e uooated books since last week : r. and Mrs. T. E. blattery. R•uj E·1sterday, )1 r. aud Mrs P. R. l\lc Lane, Y ada Bnrcu, )lr. and l\lrs. Arthur .\!orris, B. B. Tallm'lu, .Jesse Pettis, .-\lice 01'ermyt>r. Deaue Walker, L'Larlf'S Enrterrhr. ;\lrs Jl Hht'wll>ilker, .-\m•ltrla KtstcrJay. HosP Bnswt<ll. .1 E. oung, Glad) s Portt-r, '" .1. ('urtis, KPuuPtb Tioward, Ho•r,. ice- Howard, Evelyn How;ml, :'llr. and .\Irs. n. R. floward. W. \I. H•111d and wife•. Go to Church. tbe guide iu bis attempts to aston- with the r epeater, aud the" in.dess ish the famous '' Innocent .. witb rau up tbeir tield stations from the bust of Columbus and with bis I ,,·hicb messa;.(t's for the do•ligbt of real .Egyptian mummy. Gonz1les the onlookers were the also assis te d Lienlena L1t Clevett in ll'ng in t>e rs furnished their skill in presenting a graceful and attracti\·e 1 erect ing ii spar bridgl' across tbe Spanisb dance. 'Ibe cadet quartet raging sawdnst of tbe ball and furnished an enjoyable number and murcbed safely across their owu were recall ed for an encore. L ieu. handiwork. Tho grand climax of tenaot Clevett, with his gymasts, the mornin g was the Mexican bat. Hurlbut, Newton and Fred Gign. tie above r eferred to, in which there illiat, suppli ed a good gymuastic 1 were some languable take-EJfl·s on number to the bill, wbicb euded )Jcxican meth ods of warfare. Tbe witb the dive from the running ge oeralissimo was the tallest man track to tbe stage. During the in school monuted upon the di- eveniog tl.e orchestra disp l ayed its mioutive pony of LPigb Gignilliat; tune ful ness under tbe baton of his aide was tbe smallest m!ln in Johnston and leading school mounted upon tbe biggest of L tentenuut Andrews, and a nnm- 1 borse in the tr oop. A long row of ber of films fil l ed in the gaps be. men rop ed together illustrated tbe tween acts. Tbe latter showed .\lexicon volunteer army, and the among other feat nres lbe views ta. attempts to tea ch tbo use of arms ken on tbe occasion of tbe visit of to these gave Cadet Captain Paul tbe Indiana Society of Cbicago to some good fun o1aking. Always Cui ve r two years ago. on the scene was the movi og- pic. "Tbe cb•1rcb is tbP g r t'alcst con- sen·ing and uplifting in LhP world, without which the racr would soon rchpst: inlo barbarism." li:\·eryoue who is inf.-rested in the moral uplift cf the community sbould be inter ested iu the churches tJf tbe commun!ty. ::-iome will not identify tb0mseh•es \htb thecborcb because of tbr i nconsist 9 ncies of some members. Henry Ward BPecber said: "Tbe cburcb is not a gal le ry for the exhibition of em- inec t christians, but a :cbool for the education of imperfect ones, a oursery for tbe care of weak ones , a hospital for tbe healing of thost> who net-rillsqidnous care.'' Hel d No Co nven ti on. Following tbe nsnal inspection tnre mao. -"UeuC'rally fai r E-tstPr w!'ek " -The new 1Z3 -foo t town pier is heiog built. -It is said that all the recently ,·acaut houses are now rented. - D au Wolfu is having au addi- oven put into bis bakeshop. -Clark Bogardus bus rented t.he [sadoro Bessel residence on Ma io ,t reat. -Over (j50 persons attended tbe fou r Sunday schools of Culve r on t:>uuday. -\\'ire is bt-ing strong for tbe lights, and tbe lamps a re be- ing bung. -Eul Baynes bas mnved iuto tbe O anitl E tsterday house on :--\oulh !\lain stflet. -Ubarley i\IcLane will move iu- 'O the At os'!s Mense r bouse as soon ts Mr. new farm r esidt·nce is ready for bim. -'Dast oegao lo fly l\Ioml!ly. .-\.sa welcome re minder of summe r it seemeJ as good as seeing a yei- !Jw dog f rom back home. -,\ lr . and :Jlrs. Jbbn Matthe w have put a large window, a po rcb and otber improvements on thei r :-iontb !\la in street property. -Fish are biting famously. On Monday Art C..1stleman and wife eaugbt :W black buss, and Hen ry Speyer landed 9 nod missed 3. Cromley c\: Buckbeister ba\e :ommeoced work on a ti ,.e room tnd basement bungalow for Lester LaB.)nuty ou tbe lot 11 0rt h of J. \\'. Higgt>us'. -ff you notice tbe apparent robust devt>lopment of some of tbe ,otwg girls uow-a-days, you will ..(et ao idea of wby automobile tires <:ost so mucb. - A ustin Romtg bas tratled bis bonse all!l two l ot s in tbe Zecbie l addition to J osepb Athey of West rownsbip for I)H acrt>s, and will !110\·e to the farm n t:x t week. C .• \. . :-ihorb is here this week tbe Lak u \'iew in readines s for opening May 21:!. A gang of rai lroad men is liniug tbe kitchen <vitb mc.tcbed boards and doiR<• a little painting and repair -The patrons of the eobool eu. tc rtaium eu t will be glad to kno w tbat Lbe members of the fi re depa r t. meut will be present, and tbat a line of bos e connected witb a hydrant has been ruu jnto the building. With these precautions, no one need feel aoy nervousness from fear of fire or panic. Rev. aud ,\lrs. Ted R. Hpray are here from Monticello for a bri ef visit with !.!is parents. Rev. SprHy, "bo is pa1.tor of the Montic ello Chris tian cburcb, bHs been granted a vacation by bis cougregation in order that be may recup e rate from an altack of malarial fever, wbich l eft bim in a rundown condition. Be plans to spend several weeks in tbe country and do nothing but rest. -Frankfort Times. Tbree viewers were appointed at lbe recen t meeting of the county commissioners to apvraise tbe lauds on tbe sbore of lake .Mauitau west of Culver, for the benefit of adjacent property owners. Becanseofditcb. ing tbis l akC' bas receded and left a large area of land wbere once wate r Under tbe Ia w and rulings thi s land becomes prope r ty of tbe st atl', so the adjacent owne rs want it appraised so tbey cau buy it uod get good title. V. A. L i- decker, P. g Sar be r and Mar tin Lowry were appo inted to appraise. of quarters tbe 1 , _At _4 on Mond ay Colonel cadet s were allowed tbe prlVIIege · Gtgmlhat w1tb tbe officers and la- of receiving tbeir friends in their 1 dies of tbe faculty held a reception rooms and practically eve r ybody I in the new faculty and reception pr esent took advantage of the op. ' rooms . Tbepatrous "enerall" took . . I "' J No response was made to tbe progressive conHnitlL'P·s call for the l'nion t ownship com·ention on last week to select a delt>gate to th e CC)flgressional coo. vention, and tbe tOIYnsbip will not be represented by the ap- pointment of a dPiegate by Chair. man Williamson. Ha ve Bought Ca rs. & Mill er ha,·e bongbt a new Buick for tbeir li ven service. -The autamobi le ordinance is working as well as could be ex. pee ted. t\ o urrests ba ve been wade, but the marshal bas notified a number of violators of tbeir abo rt- comings, and tbe effect is appa rent in less noise auJ a safe r handling of cars. .Most men are willing to co nform to a r t>as ouable l aw and take pains to do s o. rega rd it are merely tbongbtless, •1ncl only occasionally one is fonucl wbo is donkey enoug b to resist in orde r to display a fancied indepen. dence. Prof. E. E. Landis, who will shortly finish bis f onrt b yettr as superint endent of the Flora schools, has notified the school board tbat he will not be an applicant for the position again as be wisb ea to de- vote his whole time in the future to his business, which is increasing to such 1111 extcut tbat it demands his time. Mr. L andis bas been teachin g for years and is one of tbe successful educators of tb is section of I nd iatta. Eight years ha,•e bt•en spent in the Flora schools, one year as assistant priu cipal , three years as principal and four years as superintendent.- F iora Democrat. M atri monial. Mrs. Anna A ley of this place and John Cocbran of Knox werfl married at Plymouth l ast week Wednesday. nnd .1\f rs. Cocb r11n bas sb i pped ber honsebold goods to Knox whero abe and be r husband will reside. Mrs. Coch ran is well- known bere and in tbis vicinity, particularly at Burr Oak. where .1\l r. Alo.v was postmaste r for many years. Her many f ri ends will ex . tend sincere wishe s f or a ha ppy future. portuOJty to see bow the boys ln·e tbe opportunity to got acquainted 'l'be .Easter sermon was preached witb tbe instructors and to inspect by Dr. H. A. Gobin, vice-pres id out , tbe new administration building of DePauw noivt> rsity, witb "The tbrougb wbicb they were shown. L arger as his theme. For Tb e dance on .Ylonday night was, the spec1al aut?em, Mr. Donath of cou rs t>, tbe one social featnre of 8 "All to the three days to wbicb th e boys God 1 0 Arrayed . Cadet I looked forward with the keent>st an- Gonzales t nterpreted solo part I ticipation. A scheme better any cadet Singer that of Easter lilies barmonii.ed the the batta lt oo bas had for years. gJmnasium with tbe season. 'l'be Phil bas a Over. laud to add to tbe eqni pment of tbe McLane b11ru. H C.l:ibilliog bas sold uew Fords to \\'m. Newman of Starke county Rod \-\'. 0 Osborn of Cul\'l'r. Bazar and Suppe r. Thursday afternoon and even- ing. April lU, tbe l;,cJies of tbe Re. formed church will bold the ir nu- nnul bazar and supper in the base- ment of tbe cburcb. Begiu St>r\·- iug supper at 5 o'clock. price 2;)c. . ---- To State Convention. In the ev!lniog a special mus ical crowd of spectators and dauc ers program bad been arranged for th e was com fortably large uod about mess ball and the visitors gene rally 200 received tbeir pro"rams from a ccepted tbe invitation to ta ke a Colonel and Mrs . Gi"t;illiat at the mea l w itb the battalion. 'l'he band close of the grau d The as usual gave a fe\v numbers t hat programs bore the likt•nesa of the wero notably worthy of mention · new administration front with tb At tbo cou\·eotiouof C'nion town fo_r the finish of pl aying un der sally p<l rt; they bad 24 number: sbip rt>publicans l ast Hatnrday W. L1 e ot ena ut J ob nstoo's direct i ou. for tbe daocio,., part of tb S. EastPrd:;y was elec ted delegate S b "' 6 even- and C. E. Hayl's alterMte to tbe uc were tb e o n wb e rs from tb e iog. .!!'or t be fi rst time in vears stntn """vPnfinn Ladies' Contest Ended . The contest between the two sec. tiona of tbe L adies' Aid society of tbe :\1. E. cbnrch in a six weeks' ntonP} -raising campa ign . ended ou :-3atnrday in the dctory of Sectiou c-aptained by Mrs. S. E. l\led- bouru, ove r ::'ic'ction So. 1, cap- tained by Mrs. .J. F. Ken r icb. section bas gi,·eo tbree so- c ia ls or cooked food sales. Tbe patrooagtl t;i,·eu them by tbe pu b. lie has bet>n !!ratifyiug ly large, and tbc fioauci·tl results ha,·e exceed(,-d P:.:pectatioos. s .. ction No. 2 took iu $101) 0:5, and Section No.1 837 21:!. Mrs. Be1oey of Chicago is here lbis week getting ber su mmer h ,. ,..,... .. .. , .- .. -1 ..


Page 1: CULVER C TIZEN.€¦ · 1 • • ~TOPS WHEN THE ~TIME IS OUT~ VOLUME XI. PERSONAL POINTERS CULVER C ___ TIZEN. Doesn't Follow You Through Eternity Economical Buying. 'l'he Culver





CULVER C ___ TIZEN. Doesn't Follow You Through Eternity

Economical Buying. 'l'he Culver friends of the former

Mrs Lilian R1lstou, now Mrs. 0. E. Rowley, will be inte rested in the following from the Buffalo Cour ier:

'!.'be ::;.P.e.B or •·::;beet for tbe




tbe two str·p did nr>' apr( ar among i THE the tl~ue.·~. its (Jl,w•• bo•ill!( taken WEEK

_IN CULVER by the· om· s'lp aurl ,·arious forms of the lll'sitatio:t w:dtz0s wbicb :\1 r.

Brief Mention of Culverites and Prevention of Useless Buying," is the latest creation of the Buffalo

Culver Academy Entertains a Host of Visitors at the Annual Spring Festivities.

Gaynor ba~ bPen teacbit>g to bis classes tbis winter. Wi tll refwsb­ments sE'rn·d iu tbe mess ball at 12:30. thP dauet.' lasted uutil 2:;{0. Class crd! at 11 o'clock on 'fuPsday

Little Items of Local Happenings of Interest to People in Town

and Country Their Friends Who Have

Come and Gone

l\lrs. L. 0. WisPman was 111 Ar­gos Monday and Tuesday.

Mrs. S. E. J\ledbourn and Bessie returned from thPir Eastern trip J\1ouday.

Mrs. H. E Adams and sons Carl and Earl were in Rochester from Friday until .Monday.

111rs. Milo ::\mith of Hocbester is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. a. E. Aclams, this week.

2\ir~. V. L. Altman and children left Tuesday for a few days' visit with friends in South Bend.

James Geiselman of Colver is visiting his sister 211rs. Ovey Cum. iogbam of Converse. Ind., this week.

Blaine Adams of Kansas City, Mo., is here on a teo days' visit to his parent\> Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Adams.

George Yoreis and daughter Grace visited over Sunday with l\1 r. \'oreis' married daughter iu Whiting.

Ramona Slattery, Clarence .\lou­st>r and Cecil Smith came home from tbt>ir schools for the Easter vacation.

J\lr. and Mrs. John l\lattbcw and Mr. Thomas Roughton enjoyed Sunday with the latter's daughter Mrs. Samuel Jout>s.

Perry Current, who works on the Culver farm, bas moved into one of John Crowley's houses in tbe sooth pnrt ot towu.

••J rs. Geowc Bucklew, formt•rly of Pl) mouth~ is her·• from K·n1sas where abe bas lived for 30 years. :-)be is a sister-in law of l\lrs Than l.:iaudy.

Mrs. J. ~- Dresser and Mrs . .A. R. H eller have opened their East side lake cottagPs, as usual, they are the SC'asoH's first arrivals and a I ways welcome ones.

.Mrs. Elizabeth Wagoner entPr­tuined the fol101ving at au f~aster

dinner J\lr. and Mrs. Fred ~Yagoner, Arthur Htnrgeon aod family, Fred Gross and family and Mr. Herman Krah.

Mrs. G~o. Davis attenderi tbe last day exercises of Roy Hoff's school in l!'ulton county Friday. A big dinner was served, followed by an excellent program Mrs. Uar­rie Hoff gave some readings. Mr. aud ,\irs. Hoff have moved back to Culver,

Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Wood have moved to Culver from aear Hamlet where tbey were recently burned out of borne. For lbe pres­ent they are at Charles McLane's whose wife is a sister of Mri.-Wood. Mr. Wood will work for W arnt>r, the draymao, this suwmN.

Housewi l'es league Ill its struggle against tbe bi~b cost of living.

I t was designed by Mrs. 0. E. Rowley. cbairwao of the organiza. tion committee of tbe league, and is copyrigb ted. By its use, the 2,000 members of tbe league hope to reduce and rt>gulate the cost of living in the household. ':'be ::; pu-b will be recommended to tbe National Housewives league for adoption.

This novel expense tabulator consists of twelve sheets, one for eacb mootb, bearing across the top a detailed list of every staple bouse­bold commodity from ice to canary seed. Tbe sheets are fifteen by twelve inches io si'l.e and are roled into spaces for t-acb meal in tbe day and eacb d;1y in the month.

At the end of the day, tbe house­wife tills into the spaces tbe total cost of her meals and the specific elrpeose of eacb item-meat, bread, potatoes, tea, milk, etc. Absolute t:lbs can thereby be kept on all ex­peu~es.

•· .\len hire experts to invent cost systems,'' declared ~'irs. Francis W. :-1ervoss, secretary of the House­wi,·es leuguc, last night. "Tbey study scientific production, too. To quote our sywphot•y on the back of tbe s p-u-b, 'Women are studying the cost of living.' Tho secret of success iu any line of in­dnstry is to keep a detailed account wbPrP comparisons are wade daily, montbly uud yearly. It is just fiB

lllllJ>Jrtant that oousJwives make thP s;ura~ COlO! '\fl'jl)H:;."

!:ha.-tlu;,; Uhh'-Y· Lhu league will ,Jistribute a-p-u-b-s at tbe cost of printing to those members who wish them. Hundreds ulrearJy haYe placed their ord~rs. A copy will be forwarded today to Mrs. Rt>ath, president of tbe National lea~ue.

Farmers' Insurance Company. The Marshall County Farmers'

Home Insurance company held its annual me.'t ing last week and re­elected its ufficers. C. W. New­wan represt>nts l:oiou township on tbe board of directors. The fol­lowing report of tbe year's basi ness was read: No. policies written . . . . . 743 No. losses duriug year... 37 No. losses by lightning.. 2G No. losses by fire. . . . . . . . 11 Amon o t of losses ........ $6,786.96 Amount of losses by fire. 3,061.60 Amount losses, lightning. 3,725.lfi No. policies in force... . . 1972 Increase 1;olicies in force. 38 Insurance> in force ...... $2,707,758 Increase dming year.... 136,451 No. of assessments....... 1 Collected by assessment.. 8,123.27 Fees collect'cl by directors 1.034 20 Total collected .......... 9,157.47

Viewers Appointed.

Fair skies and balmy ''"eather uf. ter Lbe rain and coldness of the preceding weeks g1n·e the prop.r setting Cor the successful carrying tbrougb to tbe best advantage the three days' Easter program at tbe academy. Between 200 and 300

mortling proclaimed the fact that Messiah music, a tno\·emect from a I tbe holid·•y was endL·d.

Beethoven syw pbony, and tbe I .-\ ut-w pil'l' f.,r the hoat,;, p:1intecl morning music from Grieg's •·Peer blue to mateh tiH• new :-wimming Gyot" suite. Lieuteuaut .dndrc~>s pier of la~t yPar. i8 now m•arly com· delightoo everybody with his play- pleted. \\'hen Hnishecl it will adtl ing ef the ~venseo ··Romance,'· aud materially to the appearanre and Mrs. Bennett co::Jtributed two de- u~efulne:<~ of th" ~<'h<iol's aqnatie

patrons and friends were present for tbe entire lime and the number included a plentiful supply of young ladies to insure tbe fullest success of the ball on Monday nigbt.

The tirst official occasion of tbft festivities was tbe battalion parade on Baturday. This was followed on Sunday and Monday by garri­son parades, at all af wbicb the swinging lines of the cadets and tbe dash of the troop won the ap. pla nse of tbe onlookers.

On !:>aturday night Comedy club held tbe boards in the gymna­sium witb their presentation of Arnold Bennett's one-act play,

lightfnl •Jo11gs to t ile progrum. Tbis evening's music l'nded with the Cuh·er Hymn by tbe battalion.

Tbe military carnival with wbicb .Monday morning was filled was tbe developmeut of tbe old mid­winter circus. A few of the faa1 i l­iar circus stunts wf)ro retained to give variety to tbe program, but th<~ military features were so in. cre;1sed tbat it offered an opportu­nity to exh il.Jit pr,tctically all of tbe drills wbich can be sbowu to ad­\'antage under co,·er uud in tbe limitt:!d area of lbe riding ball. For grand eut.rauce, lbe infantry division entered and took intervals

·•George's Dilemma," aud a sNies io long lints; tbey were followed of vaudeville skelcbes. The ·play by the troop wbich look stations dealt witb the humorous complies- about tbe sidt>s of thA ball; tbt>u tioos arisiog when George Gower, de)wn the mid a& of the form<~tion

in order togaio tbe tlO,OOO prom. bopped two gigantic rabbits pull­ise>d by a bachelor nnclt>, tried to iog bPhind them an Easter egg of pass off an infant dungbter as a Brobdingna~i1w dirnensioos. From son. l\lr. Mastin was particularly I the interior of tbis monstrosity effective io the part of the bachelor leapNl tbe members of tbl' gymua­uncle while Mr. Blake delh-rrPd sinm clnb to form ono of their ten­with great unction ,Jerom•) E:. nwn pyramids. 'fo the pro~ram of Jerome's famous dissertation upon I tbe morning tbe troop contributed "Babies.'' Among t be o t h t> r exhibitions of troop and rough-rid. skelcbes were two from .tl ark 'l'wain I iug drills; the field scouts came ill­representing the Americ-an bn- to tbc limelig!Jt with the Bnlt8 morist's ad,·eutnres with au iutpr. manna! witb botb tbe siug!t:> und view~r aud with tbe:;:n ide Ferguu:!':l dot1ble rille mov»ments as I':!' !I as in the Ueuoa museum. In the, by beariug the cbief part i11 tbe forme~, Ca~et alustin impersonated I Mexicau \~'!H with wbicb t be car-J Mark rwam !llld Cadet McCormick J niYal was endvd; the g} moasts sup­the etfemi nate young reporter who plicct the best of their acrobatic songbt to interview him. The bit I stuuts and were rcc1'1ved with un. of the latter was tbe life-like ex- qnaliticd Hpproval; tbe gntling gnn plosiveness of Uadet Gooz:1les ns squad sllowed its acromplisbrneuts

o·q u i pnwnt. ------Library Honor Roll.

Contributions of books for tbe public library are coming in day by day. 'l'be number is uow over 350. 'fiH>re ought to be 1,000 vol­umes on tbe shelves by ~Jay l. This number is e1;1si ly possib le if the pPO!Jie will take hold of the proj >ct. 1\othing belt!'r for the p;'oplt> of Culver and l ' nion town. ~hip has bPen institut,•d in many years. 'l'be plt.'llSLHe <>nd profit to be d .. ri ,·ed from free acct>ss to an abnndaBCe of good reading is worth while making an etrort for. 'l'be more each individual pnts into a library the more be is able to take out.

l!'ollowing nre the names of per­sous who ba\·e uooated books since last week :

~1 r. and Mrs. T. E. blattery. R•uj E·1sterday, )1 r. aud Mrs P. R. l\lc Lane, Y ada Bnrcu, )lr. and l\lrs. Arthur .\!orris, B. B. Tallm'lu, • .Jesse Pettis, .-\lice 01'ermyt>r. Deaue Walker, L'Larlf'S Enrterrhr. ;\lrs Jl Hht'wll>ilker, .-\m•ltrla KtstcrJay. HosP Bnswt<ll. .1 E. 1~ oung, Glad) s Portt-r, '" .1. ('urtis, KPuuPtb Tioward, Ho•r,. ice- Howard, Evelyn How;ml, :'llr. and .\Irs. n. R. floward. W. \I. H•111d and wife•.

Go to Church. tbe guide iu bis attempts to aston- with the repeater, aud the" in.dess ish the famous '' Innocent .. witb rau up tbeir tield stations from

the bust of Columbus and with bis I ,,·hicb messa;.(t's for the do•ligbt of real .Egyptian mummy. Gonz1les the onlookers were n~ct>ivrd: the also assisted LienlenaL1t Clevett in ll'ngin t>ers furnished their skill in presenting a graceful and attracti\·e 1 erecting ii spar bridgl' across tbe Spanisb dance. 'Ibe cadet quartet raging sawdnst of tbe ball and furnished an enjoyable number and murcbed safely across their owu were recal led for an encore. L ieu. handiwork. Tho grand climax of tenaot Clevett, with his gymasts, the morning was the Mexican bat. Hurlbut, Newton and Fred Gign. tie above referred to, in which there illiat, supplied a good gymuastic


were some languable take-EJfl·s on number to the bill, wbicb euded )Jcxican methods of warfare. Tbe witb the dive from the running geoeralissimo was the tallest man track to tbe stage. During the in school monuted upon the di­eveniog tl.e orchestra displayed its mioutive pony of LPigb Gignilliat; tunefulness under tbe baton of his aide was tbe smallest m!ln in Lie~tenaot Johnston and leading school mounted upon tbe biggest of L tentenuut Andrews, and a nnm- 1 borse in the troop. A long row of ber of films fil led in the gaps be. men roped together illustrated tbe tween acts. Tbe latter showed .\lexicon volunteer army, and the among other feat nres lbe views ta. attempts to teach tbo use of arms ken on tbe occasion of tbe visit of to these gave Cadet Captain Paul tbe Indiana Society of Cbicago to some good fun o1aking. Always Cui ver two years ago. on the scene was the movi og-pic.

"Tbe cb•1rcb is tbP g rt'alcst con­sen·ing and uplifting a~tency in LhP world, without which the racr would soon rchpst: inlo barbarism." li:\·eryoue who is inf.-rested in the moral uplift cf the community sbould be inte rested iu the churches tJf tbe commun!ty. ::-iome will not identify tb0mseh•es \htb thecborcb because of tbr i nconsist9ncies of some members. Henry Ward BPecber said: "Tbe cburcb is not a gal le ry for the exhibition of em­inec t christians, but a :cbool for the education of imperfect ones, a oursery for tbe care of weak ones, a hospital for tbe healing of thost> who net-rillsqidnous care.''

Held No Convention.

Following tbe nsnal inspection tnre mao.

-"UeuC'rally fai r E-tstPr w!'ek " -The new 1Z3-foot town pier is

heiog built. -It is said that all the recently

,·acaut houses are now rented. - Dau Wolfu is having au addi­

~ io nal oven put into bis bakeshop. -Clark Bogardus bus rented t.he

[sadoro Bessel residence on Maio ,treat.

-Over (j50 persons attended tbe fou r Sunday schools of Culver on t:>uuday.

-\\'ire is bt-ing strong for tbe ~t reet lights, and tbe lamps a re be­ing bung.

-Eul Baynes bas mnved iuto tbe Oanitl E tsterday house on :--\oulh !\lain stflet.

-Ubarley i\IcLane will move iu­'O the Atos'!s Menser bouse as soon ts Mr. ~l enscr's new farm residt·nce is ready for bim.

-'Dast oegao lo fly l\Ioml!ly. .-\.sa welcome reminder of summer it seemeJ as good as seeing a yei­!Jw dog f rom back home.

-,\lr. and :Jlrs. Jbbn Matthew have put a large window, a porcb and otber improvements on thei r :-iontb !\la in street property.

-Fish are biting famously. On Monday Art C..1stleman and wife eaugbt :W black buss, and Henry Speyer landed 9 nod missed 3.

Cromley c\: Buckbeister ba\e :ommeoced work on a ti ,.e room tnd basement bungalow for Lester

LaB.)nuty ou tbe lot 110rth of J.

\\'. Higgt>us'.

-ff you notice tbe apparent robust devt>lopment of some of tbe ,otwg girls uow-a-days, you will ..(et ao idea of wby automobile tires <:ost so mucb.

- Austin Romtg bas tratled bis bonse all!l two lots in tbe Zecbiel addition to J osepb Athey of West rownsbip for I)H acrt>s, and will !110\·e to the farm nt:x t week.

C .• \. . :-ihorb is here this week getliu~ tbe Laku \'iew in readiness for opening May 21:!. A gang of rai lroad men is liniug tbe kitchen <vitb mc.tcbed boards and doiR<• a little painting and repair work.~

-The patrons of the eobool eu. tcrtaiumeu t will be glad to know tbat Lbe members of the fi re depart. meut will be present, and tbat a line of bose connected witb a hydrant has been ruu jnto the building. With these precautions, no one need feel aoy nervousness from fear of fire or panic.

Rev. aud ,\lrs. Ted R. Hpray are here from Monticello for a brief visit with !.!is parents. Rev. SprHy, "bo is pa1.tor of the Monticello Christ ian cburcb, bHs been granted a vacation by bis cougregation in order that be may recuperate from an altack of malarial fever, wbich left bim in a rundown condition. Be plans to spend several weeks in tbe country and do nothing but rest.-Frankfort Times.

Tbree viewers were appointed at lbe recen t meeting of the county commissioners to apvraise tbe lauds on tbe sbore of lake .Mauitau west of Culver, for the benefit of adjacent property owners. Becanseofditcb. ing tbis lakC' bas receded and left a large area of land wbere once water stoo~l. Under tbe Ia w and rulings this land becomes property of tbe statl', so the adjacent owners want it appraised so tbey cau buy it uod get good title. V. A. L i­decker, P. g Sarber and Martin Lowry were appointed to appraise.

of quarters o~ Su~day moroi_u~ tbe 1 , _At _4 ?'clo~k on Monday Colonel cadets were allowed tbe prlVIIege · Gtgmlhat w1tb tbe officers and la­of receiving tbeir friends in their 1 dies of tbe faculty held a reception rooms and practically everybody I in the new faculty and reception present took advantage of the op. ' rooms. Tbepatrous "enerall" took

. . I "' J

No response was made to tbe progressive conHnitlL'P·s call for the l'nion township com·ention on last week :::hturd:~y to select a delt>gate to the CC)flgressional coo. vention, and tbe tOIYnsbip will not be represented unl~ss by the ap­pointment of a dPiegate by Chair. man Williamson.

Have Bought Cars. Baa~ & Miller ha,·e bongbt a

new Buick for tbeir liven service.

-The autamobi le ordinance is working as well as could be ex. pee ted. t\ o urrests ba ve been wade, but the marshal bas notified a number of violators of tbeir abort ­comings, and tbe effect is apparent in less noise auJ a safer handling of cars. .Most men are willing to conform to a rt>asouable law and take pains to do so. ~omewbodis­regard it are merely tbongbtless, •1ncl only occasionally one is fonucl wbo is donkey enougb to resist in order to display a fancied indepen. dence.

Prof. E. E. Landis, who will shortly finish bis fonrtb yettr as superintendent of the Flora schools, has notified the school board tbat he will not be an applicant for the position again as be wisbea to de­vote his whole time in the future to his business, which is increasing to such 1111 extcut tbat it demands his time. Mr. Landis bas been teaching for fonrt~Jen years and is one of tbe successful educators of tb is section of I nd iatta. Eight years ha,•e bt•en spent in the Flora schools, one year as assistant priu cipal, three years as principal and four years as superintendent.­F iora Democrat.

Matrimonial. Mrs. Anna A ley of this place

and John Cocbran of Knox werfl married at Plymouth last week Wednesday. nnd .1\f rs. Cocb r11n bas sb i pped ber honsebold goods to Knox whero abe and ber husband will reside. Mrs. Cochran is well­known bere and in tbis vicinity, particularly at Burr Oak. where .1\l r. Alo.v was postmaster for many years. Her many friends will ex. tend sincere wishes for a happy future.

portuOJty to see bow the boys ln·e tbe opportunity to got acquainted

'l'be .Easter sermon was preached witb tbe instructors and to inspect by D r . H. A. Gobin, vice-presidout , tbe new administration building of DePauw noivt>rsity, witb "The tbrougb wbicb they were shown.

Larger ~ife'' as his theme. For Tbe dance on .Ylonday night was, the spec1al aut?em, Mr. Donath of courst>, tbe one social featnre of offere~ W~gner 8 "All ~rais,e to the three days to wbicb the boys God 10 ~tgbt Arrayed . Cadet I looked forward with the keent>st an­Gonzales tnterpreted tb~ solo part I ticipation. A decorati~e scheme better tha~1 any cadet Singer that of Easter lilies barmonii.ed the the battaltoo bas had for years. gJmnasium with tbe season. 'l'be

Phil ~lcLane bas a u~w Over. laud to add to tbe eqni pment of tbe McLane b11ru.

H C.l:ibilliog bas sold uew Fords to \\'m. Newman of Starke county Rod \-\'. 0 Osborn of Cul\'l'r.

Bazar and Supper. Thursday afternoon and even­

ing. April lU, tbe l;,cJies of tbe Re. formed church will bold the ir nu­nnul bazar and supper in the base­ment of tbe cburcb. Begiu St>r\·­

iug supper at 5 o'clock. price 2;)c. . ----

To State Convention.

I n the ev!lniog a special musical crowd of spectators and daucers program bad been arranged for the was com fortably large uod about mess ball and the visitors generally 200 received tbeir pro"rams from accepted tbe invitation to take a Colonel and Mrs. Gi"t;illiat at the meal witb the battalion. 'l'he band close of the graud ~nf!rch. The as usual gave a fe\v numbers t hat programs bore the likt•nesa of the wero notably worthy of mention · new administration front with tb At tbo cou\·eotiouof C'nion town fo_r the finish of playing under sally p<lr t ; they bad 24 number: sbip rt>publicans last Hatnrday W. L1eotenaut J obnstoo's d irectiou. for tbe daocio,., part of tb S. EastPrd:;y was e lected delegate S b "' 6 even- and C. E. Hayl's alterMte to tbe

uc were tbe o nwbers from tbe iog. .!!'or t be fi rst time in vears stntn """vPnfinn

Ladies' Contest Ended. The contest between the two sec.

tiona of tbe L adies' Aid society of tbe :\1. E. cbnrch in a six weeks' ntonP} -raising campaign. ended ou :-3atnrday in the dctory of Sectiou ~. c-aptained by Mrs. S. E. l\led­bouru, over ::'ic'ction So. 1, cap­tained by Mrs. .J. F. Kenricb. E~tcb section bas gi,·eo tbree so­cials or cooked food sales. Tbe patrooagtl t;i,·eu them by tbe pub. lie has bet>n !!ratifyiugly large, and tbc fioauci·tl results ha,·e exceed(,-d P:.:pectatioos. s .. ction No. 2 took iu $101) 0:5, and Section No.1 837 21:!.

Mrs. Be1oey of Chicago is he re lbis week getting ber summer h ,. ,..,... .. .. , .-.. -1 .. t~ ~ ~ ·-

Page 2: CULVER C TIZEN.€¦ · 1 • • ~TOPS WHEN THE ~TIME IS OUT~ VOLUME XI. PERSONAL POINTERS CULVER C ___ TIZEN. Doesn't Follow You Through Eternity Economical Buying. 'l'he Culver


I Real &tate Transfers I ARTHUR B. llOLT. Pobtlobet. soBSCRIPTIOS RA1ES~-- ~ Ate Beans, Dried Apples, Sorrel

0 Y d PI d S h W Davis to Ed Getz, in eeo 21, ne ear. in ••• ..,. . . .. .. tl 00 e an org um. Su: Mont hi. in adnoce.. ... . ... . .. . .. . ::.0 , d. b E - K German $60(X) Throe Month•- io ad....... . .. .... .. . . .. !$ n.ccor tug to t e mpona, an· • •

.o.D\'EBTISI!.u sos, Glt7.ette, many Emporia. boose. Hei rs of Daniel aud Elizabeth RauslortomeOlod loN!itrn achenlsiormade keepers can recall wbeu tb~y were Leighty to Wm H Leighty, part of

\. L09(U ou apJ,tliratiuu. ..... LepJ ad•ertb<na •• the ••••• ftzod br law. li(lad to get the variety offered to- outlot 4 , T ouer'a add, C ulver, SOO.

.!?'.:,~n~..,~~~h:,:;-,i:;.)!'!f: •. •t o;otver. ludtaoa day by tbe grocers. I n the early 1 E Berger to !::; H eckman, pt sec Ida) s o f the settlement of K a nsas 12, German, $9000.

TO OUR SUBSCRIBERS there waa excuse for the woman Louisa Rambert toT Gross, 83 who said the re was uotbiog to cook. acres io aeo 35, Weat, $7050.

On tbe Iobel of )Oor paper th~:~ And yet no one suffe red a nd many 0 Heckman to J Bowmau, part date on wbicb ) Our subscription 16 G • expires is printf'd t>twh week. All a feast was spread and enjoyed. sec • e rman, .,.500()_

subscriptions are datPd from the Let's see- what was there to cook 0 H eckman to D Byre r, 40a to Firs t of tbo montb showu ou the iu 1860. Tbe d roogbL bad "got'' sec 16, German, $8ii00. lubel, and the th:urPs indicate the the garden and the field c rops aud J Zent to A Nunemaker, 45a 10

Year. For •·xnm plt•, J obn Jones' tl.te young orcbards were not yet iu sec 30, North, $3000. subscription is pnid to .Juo. 1, 1\H,l, J L 1 G L aud 0 0 tbe pitt!; s lip

0 11 h is puper bearing, even bad there been rain, em e r to e tu!er, part sees

tipp!'ars tbut summer ol' '60. Vegetables 10 and 3, Center, $500.

Jooes John Jan14 iu Em pori& coosisted almostentire- Parcel Post Rates. When you waut to know wbou ly of navy beaus- and not the p I . b' , _ . . _ a rcc s wctg tog .. ounces or

your tlme ts ont look at the pink beautifully cleaned wbtte beaus 1 'I bl tb te f 1 I b I b I h ' II b ess u re mat a o nt e ra o a t>. L OO!; t t e Pllper WI not e that you bny now, but beaus that f .

stopped wit bout g iving you no\ict> b 1 b , . k d , dl 1 1 cent or each ounce o r frnctton of · · •rabt to e ' pte e over eo ess Y · an ounce, regardless o f distance.

C I . e re were no potatoes no swee t p 1 . .

OLVER. NDIANA, A r•nu. lb, HlJ.t 1

' b._ b a rce s wotghsug more than 4 ooru, no tomatoes- oct JOg u t 0 ·1 bl t th d - · oucee are mat a e a e pouu

Hocheste r is to hll\tt u minst rel beaus.. Tbe beaus were bro~gbt rates shown iu the following table dhow. Let'y all <.10 atHI huve Q good by fretgbtwagon aud wereprectoue, a r a .- r d b - • ., " . , . r c.ton o a poun e tug cou-tau~b to connti'TIICt nnl iticul ((rouob IOdeed. '] bey were soosooed- tf s'd ed r II d .-- 1 e r a a pouu : a nd tbeo fed bett~>r you were lucky enough to have it Ma - · bt "" lb -Republican. - b b ' f ba - d d ' f Xlmom wetg - vv a. m

- wtL a tt o coo no an I o es 1 a d 2 20 lb - II b B b 1- - 1 7. u o ; 11. 10 a ot er

etter not ave po ttl ra g rouch, uot often they were eat.eo with uo zones. then you'll feel better all the time. o ther season ing tbao salt. The let z 2d 7. 3d z 4th z 5th z

, , , . _ cow bad gone dry for lack of past o r- 50m 150m 300 m 600m 800m lhe Cbtcago Record-H erald IS ' ugeaodscarcityofwate r, audtbere 1lb .. 05 .05 .06 .01 .07

making u great "boll) hoo" in au. was almost no butter and milk . 2 lbs.06 .06 .08 .ll . 14 nnoonciug lbat it will no longer Meat w118 scarce-there were 00 3 lbe.07 .07 .07 .15 .20 publish liquor advertiseme nts . bogs and cattle lit for slaughter . 4lbs.OS .08 . 12 .19 .26

Preachers und Y. ,\1. U. A .'s and B.ogs t hat were killed made tough , ~~~::~ ·09

. l4 ·14


W. C. T . ( '.'s a re SPndin~ in le tte rs stringy meat, wbich wou ld not be 71be.ll : t? : ~~ :~{ :~~ expressing eutb usiustn over the l'ateu by Emporia folk today. H lbs.12 . ll! .20 .ll5 .50 Record H erald 'd stund - and the Dried apples also came by freight 9 lbs .13 . 13 . 22 . 3!J . fl6 Record-Herulu prints these le tters wagon, but uot half enough to 10 lbs. l4 . 14. .24 .43 .62 muob to the gratification of tbe supply the need, even bad the g ~~: : t~ . 15 .2(i . 47 .68 w1~i lf' rs, no d~n b~. T~t> re nre I ite r- settlers bud the money io buy them. 13 I bs .17 : l~ : ~g : ~~ : ~~ n y tbousumso srnul newspapers vVbatdo you s'pose the early-day 14lbs . l 8 .18 .32 .59 .86 l but will llot Ht'C!'pt liquo r adver. Emporia housekeepers did for 15 lbs.l9 .19 .34 .63 .\12 tt~t·nwul hllllll 111akc no boast of "pie timber?" Everbear ofsb cep 16 lbs .20 .20 .3G . 67 .98

tb t'ir drtU•", Hrrd ut•ither look fo r sorrel pie? Well sheep sorrel, t~ ~~: :~~ :~~ .38 ·1! 1.0-l ~~~~ontt• l'OIItpltments from uny. ,sweetened wi th sorghum,composed l 9 lbs .23 .2a :!g :79 t : ~~

"' Y· the tilling fo r many a pie for Em- 20 lbs .24 . 24 .H .Sa 1.22

flowers o n lampposts. .A unique work is being carried on

euccessfnlly in l\J in neapolis, where window boxt>s and bau~ing gardens bnnl been introduced into the busi ness oet:u introuuc. I Last o t-BB tbo rou~b fu rt-s f , year more tbau J.i,OOO f eet ~ bnoging l!:ardeus w,•re ruaiutniu!!d in tbe busit"st st reets. Tbt~ business houses a re r t>gnhH iy cunv11881'd fo r tbe purpose, and agreC'utents are made for install in~ boxes of tlowers or shrubbery. A private snberrip­tioo wus started, fur tbc ra1o re, to install baogiug gardem1 upon the o rnamental ln tnpposte of tho city. Alore than !)00 of t beso ntt ractive

poria tables in the early days. A I- Fo r ra tes above 50 !be. and all ao, io years wbeu there was rain, beyond the 5th zone ask the the woods were full of wild goose- postoffice. berries , plows, grapes, elderberries -------nnd mulberries, and these were I "The Man Without Ntrves." gathert!d by great pailfuls and dried Putting thrills in moving pictures o r cuout!d for "'inter G - is a grl'at pno;timc, ~1\VS Mr. Rod· ... use. .~a on1og: . · ed ~. J not then ... : d .

1 tl man Law. Mr. Law ts often cull

ua • at .... tne t s presen .. . , I h ' b- h d f f t' d 1 be the man wtthout nerves. n ts

tg egree. 0t p ef r ec 100

' atube fruri~ . earl> life he started n steeplejack Wa8 !l SC8TOI y 0 Caps, SO . . · f J

11 d - d A d 't was busmess m whtcb he wo~ success u ueuu Y edwas _ bne · h

11 p1 mp enough to be called " the world 's

sweeten w1t sorg um. a · . . , d k


t and d 1.ed attd champLOn steepleJack. One ny 10s u so, were cu r - h' 1 h 1' l •t ' d ' tl b N 0 someone nsked tm w 1y e c tl n

sweeteoe w1 ' sorg um. . ..

d Old :::; tt an not do some of hts stunts for the roo·

bwou ebr so_ m:toy

11 e f

8 cgb um vies." 'fhis sounded well to him

e? r t e Bi g edor smte tob sor tb ee and he Ill once made a trip to the - tt Wl\8 scrv up o em r , - d - · d' guises Pathe company. fhcy made a

tt~,esba _ ay, ;o vano~\ 8

1:be it ' contract with him to jump from the

ILbDu t be lrbSOU 8 grkew obow they statue or Liberty 345 feet above lhe L oug eaveo nowe d'd h' r 11

ld b t 1 'tb t 1-t ground. H e 1 t ts success u y

cou ave go a ong wt on . The n there was "mock apple pie" and wus e~gllged by the. com pliny.


::;, X. 8te,·eus of PI) mouLb "111 be a candidate for .J Od.!t: uf tlw 41st judicial district, su l>Jt>et lu tbu will of the Dt:mocratic 'oters of Marshall and Fulton conulics Your support respect full} soltcitL"i.

· Adam E. Wise will l>•• a cauJi date for the D emocratic nominu. t iou for .J udge of tL., .Ust judici d distrsct of tbe state of lndia1w. aobject to the decision of tb., d~m­ocratic voters of the district.

rur r"" nship Trustee. I IIID II l Ill< I ll't f r th<• llODii­

n!lttOn r 1 n. () of l.' Ill 11 To><'D· Ship, tit b> •t lu tJ.t• Lll UJOCr;ltiC

priUJ•r I .sk tbt supJX rL of tit(• t:ltlll r rill' '>It rs.

.lo I II \\" <'1 RRE~

I 11111 1 c 1 ltd th• for Trustee of l"nirm towtsl-tl[,). t.ubj..-ct to tho tl••crsion of t bo I) mocnt ic 'otPrs •tt th•• priu ri~s on .\1 •Y ~ I ~'ll.

\\' R. ZEt JIIEL.

Frank W. Wilsou of t'entt"r I O\\ nshlp Asst!s>or. township is a candidate for Cler~ I filii t • lll<ltdutt• lor .\s,t·s~or of oftbeMarsball circuitC'ourt, snh l '11iou t•wu hq. snhj••t•t to tbP ject to the Democratic prima rio!! lJ,•moc·r 1ltc pr rnmit•s, arrJ \\ill to be held on tiaturday. ,\ l ay:!, :.:r .• t• lulh appnr•t 1L· \CHIT enpport 1914 Your support is rc•spt·l.'tfnl. I haw l1111l fo11r 1• ur's ''"P"ri•·nce ly solicited.

1 i11 this ulh .,, l'tlrl.ll' l'otsTtr;;.

H erschel 11. 'l'ebay of \Yaluut townebio will be a candidate for Clerk of tbe Marshull circuit. conrt sa bject to the Oc,mocratic primaril's Your support is respectfully solic­ited .

Lake View Dairy. Milk and Cream.

b\ J::.-\'ITALL1 \\'b)~ 1\, cause I t ··omPH •o '"'' lhsolutclr JIIH<'.

John R. J onLB, the PT<'SI'ul iu. Xo loelir( • "tlh 1 rlnr,/s · haudi­cumbeot, respectfully asks tbt•sup ""rl' N1 nuc rt tin ""Jlerimrmts port of the Yotl.'rs at tbe o .. awt·· lioodnC"s ll\\,t~s sur Pe,Jq, th••rp. ic prima.ry for re-election as Hl'p· for .. this truth 1011 "ill t.•lt·Johont> reseutatlve of )Iarsball conut}. 1011r ord•·r or ",JI for Lak•· \"iew

H arry Lackey of Center to\\ n-, (),,jr} milK • rd "rnm. a :.It I ship, candidate for Trea~urcr of

Fancy Golden Horn

Flour None Better

$2.60 None So Cheap

per cwt.



For Sale BlfY


.Marshall couuty, subj ·ct to tbe Notice To Taxpayers. Democratic primaries 'lour sup- 1 , . . At the Old Mlll Telephone 109-Z

port is respectfully solicit~:d I I bos•• "t&btu" to p .. y tbt!tr taxes ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!::=:=:==::=!!!!!!!!!!!~ George W. Huff of G~:ru•ao at.bome will 1 !erst• oul~r tbo>i r re- :

t~v.-usbip will be a caudidat!J fur N'IJAS ·•t C..l<'l '"'I fi\Otd thP i•st 1- I Treasurer of ~Iarsball couut\', snb- da) rnsh E:~:l'tnn..: B.111 k IIi DR. E. E. PARKER ject _to t~e decision_ of tbe D .. m?- . s . , PbiSICiil i .l. Slrtttl c ratlc prt mary .. _lour support 19 j-, r · tJ, I wo st.>ry. IU room s.,,-cialau~n~ioo~riveo"!Ob.t<~<rie• a•d respectfully sohclled hoHSI'\, 1 J ernn 1 b rn ,J, ll't•rsuu st "-•-••'"' or \\om••· <?ffice o•er Cuher .. • • · Ex~bange Ba.n.k. Oflle6 hours, 9:30 to

Charles A. Genter of ::.-\ortb to~o- "' st of hr t l :ri. n Foes. tf 1u;;~.~~.':'.::JJ:~!6~t,t'lt~;.:;'u'ceet-K-I ship, candidate for A uditor of :\1 'IT

sbull county, subject to the dect. sion of the D emocratic primarit•e. Your support is respectful ly eohc.



Cbas. E. R omig of Green town­ship is a candida te for Audit •r of Marshall county, subjt'ct tu tlw I D emocratic primaries. 1 our sup­port is respectfully solicited.

Otto H . W .:ber of C ... uter towu. ship will be a candidatt• for .-\.ud!lor o f Marsball county, snbj.·ct tu tbe D emocratic vriuwries Your SU(I· port is respectfnlly snlicitt·d.

Orul:lr R. :::,lougll uf Bourbon township, caodiuate for sbPntf of llla rsball coonty, souj~ct to tl.c D emocratic primaries. I will lllJ p reciate your sut j)Ort.

Byron Carpeuter of \\'.1111 township. caHdid .. te for !:'llutll of Marshall county, sn bj<:•'t to tiH Democratic primarit s to bt held Saturday, !\lay :!,1914 t<•ur sup port is respt~otfull} solicitul

James \\ . Higgens of l'n1011 township will be a caudidato for Sheriff of l\larsba\1 ('ounty, Anh­ject to the Dcmocrati1~ t•rit.tari~:s to be held ::latnrday, '.\I uy ~. 1\J 1-! Your support is respectfully solici. ted.

Win .Morrow of Ceot(•r township will bAa candidate for ~beritl' ot Marshall coonly, i'f tbe Democrata at the primaries on Saturday, Ma) ~. 1914 so dec: ee. Your support will be kindly remembered.


The White Sture aononnt es at Spun St-o\ 101: of Hats, Suils anu Wr pa. fb I d, of Cuher and vJcwitv an.• h1VIttd tu t..nll.

f AR~I:.!1 ~' TAKE NOTICI:. !

Jacob Feliz of Ccntt>r tow11sbip -


Dentist to Culver Military Academy

Over E:xcbango Bank-Phone Sl

B. W. S. WISEMAN ,M.D. Pngslctan and surgeoa

or~("~ in Tf'ar Hf t.he p,, .. toflico. Oftlc:e h~•ur .. ~:! to 4. and '; w 4 p.m.

T·•l••plwne ~,, , :t!

Dr.R.H. BUTTNER Dentist

Offic • Over White Store



W. S. IJ\STIRDA l' funeral Director

and Embalmer PRIVATE 4M6ULANCI


All Day or Night Calls Receive Prompt Attention


miuiatu re gnrdons bav(' been in­s talled by tbe 11seociation which regular! ) waters the plants aud replaces the llowere when they wither. As the result of this pub­lic-spirit.,d work aud at ve ry t ritliug expense, til inoeapohs bas woo the eu,·iable titlll of tbo "City of F lowers and H aogiujjt Gardena."

t S b tb - · b 'fen of Ins greatest thnllers that

- :\ rs . torrs as e rec1pe m er rd d . ba · bead for th is delicacy, aud she avers have been reco e m t movmg

b pictures

will be a candidate for ~bcritl oil You t. un buy tht• m a teria l Marshall county, sub)l'Ct to tbt fo r Calv •• naxed Ir~>n Roof· Colonist Fares West

that m~my perseus thoughts e was A jump from the statue of Liber·

servio~ the real thing in apple pie Democratic primaries to be b( Ill ::laturday, :rlay 2, 191-1. Your sup­port is respectfully solidto.:J

inc. St~Andint; Sean1s a n d VIA THE

C o rur,nt~d Roufi. ; , r eady ! NICK-=L Pt•J-= no•o ty with a po.rnchute. aud wonld express wonder as to

A jump of 3 1 stories from the bow she got •-fresh" apples away H arrv R J ohnson of Polk town­

ship, candidate fo r burl'eyor o[ Marshall county, subject to the Democratic primaries to be held ou l::iaturday, May 2, lUI 1. Yonr snpport is respectfully soltcitcd

to p .-.t ""· nt ve t> reason• ! L It L ~ It Good Work in Argos.

Argos bas au Iu1provement club whose object is tho beautifying of tb~ town uud promotio"' any pro­ject wb icb will make Argos a more in\'itiug and comfortable place to li-·e iu. A t its last meeti ug n com­mittee was se t to work to asoertnio wbo desired to plant trees 1\Dd where I be trees asked fo r could be obtainE'd. 'l'he result o f tbe com-

out he re ou the prairie. A nd vine- Bankers' Trust building in ~ew York.

gar pie-a pint of vinegar brought A climb up the outs ide of the

mittee's canvass will be secu on Arbor day wben hundreds of trees wi ll be set ont all O\'Cr town. An-otbt r lundable ac tion wus setting aside May 2 ItS c leun-up day nt which time tiH• ci ti ·wus will be asked to rnake u Lbo roul(b renova. tioo or their prC' miaee. 'l' beee tbiogs go a long wa)S towurd mak­io~ a town a desi rable place of resideocP. A spirit o f enterprise is 11 necessary attribute intb!'growtb of a town

The Idea. A stranger in town last tiatorday,

went into oue of on r stores and nc. cos led onC' of the lady c lerks ns fol-

lows: . " H ave you silk uuderweor ?" She repl ied, shifting her gum to

the other aide of her mouth , "On foor dolla rs a week, in this dead bole ? I should say no-t! Do you think this is New York?"- Ex.

Situation W noted - As cook in a rPstanraot or hotPI. Ca ll at Than Gundy's

to a boil, sorghum to sweeten to Flatiron building in his ordinary

taste, lloar to thicken to proper clothes, using nothing but his bare

consis tency- and there you a re . Wild mulberries, half and half with hands and feet in shoes.

· A drop into the Hudson river wild gooseberries, made 11 favonte

with a parachute from a balloon. pie. Tho she lves in the grocery sto res wereu ' t fi lled w itb canned Thirty-seven jumps from aero-

planes with a parachute, on the l11sl goods, as nowadays.

Tbe real trouble about pie-mak- of which he dislocated his neck. A ride off 1111 open dmwbridgC' on

iug, bowevar, was not so much t he { n motorcycle going 60 miles an

6llio~, as to get '·sborteoiog" o r t be cruet. L a rd was scarce and hour with 11 girl on his back.

, An attempt to go up 10,000 feet bigo, butter wasn't to be thoug ht in a 2200-pound skyrocket loaded of and the woman whose ''com-

with 1,500 pounds of powder. pany diuuer'' without pie was a bleak and barren wast.e, was bard Jumps off all the New York

bridges. put to.

Cakes were made, except on g reat occasions, with sorghum, and a favorite was walnut cake, for black walnuts were plentiful, usually , and such a cake is mighty toothsome. Molasses cookies nod gingerbread were standbys, and jelly roll, also - the jelly made from wild g rapes The mothers in Israel bad ''some­thing to cook,'' but it required a g reat deal more exertion to secure it than simply telepbouing to the grocery store. -----

Eggs is Eggs. "l bave eggs as cheap as 12 cents,

ma'am, but I wouldn' t gaarantee them," said a grocer to a lady.

"Well," she replied, "send me a do2.en, anyway ; they'll do to lend to the neighbors."

A race on the New York Ceolral tracks with a motorcycle in front of the Twentieth Century limited.

:\[r. L11w is now preparing to Hy across the Atlantic, endeavoring to win the $50,()0.) prize for the fir.!t one to accomplish the feat. H e will start some time in June.

Election Notice. Notice is he reby g iven of a trus­

tee election Cor the C olver Evan. gelical church on Wednesday even­ing, 8 o'clock, April 22, 1914, for the purpose of electing th ree trus­tees, each to se rve three years o r nntil their successors are elected.

J. E. YoUNG, Pastor. Goo. Zechiel, B . Easterday,. D .

E lick, Trueteea. April 13, 1914.

able ?1'1 :t. &.

I Tickets will be oo sale to points iu HENRY PECHI:.R Alberta. Arizona, Briti!lh Colombia

Shop OD MilD Mrtct PbOOC 13o UALI FURNIA Colorado, lLlabo, lh•:.ico, Montana, "evada , New :Uexico

I wish to anuouuce mysdf as a candidate (or :::l•trl't') or of ~larshull connty, subject to tbe Democratt<'

URh.GOX primaries to be held ~tay 2. t~t .J Harness Shop I am spending my fourth year ut the U niversity of Illinois gettwt-: :-;askatcbewan, Texas, l ' tah, Wyo-au engineering troiuiu~ and fr•t•l I am l'atT) ing tlh• largest and miug myself qualified for tbo otlicc H \\' AtiBINl:lTO~ Your support respcctfnll) solicited. best line of llarm:ss and or::;e Arthur W. Thomson. Gooch; ever brought t.> Culver. March 15 to AprillS inclusive

1 wish to announce myself as u !tube::;, 131ankt•ts, \\'hips, Bug-candidate for :jnn·eyor of .'\lan,bttll gy Storm Fronts. I'll'. Every- !!'or full information r t>p;ardlnJI: county, subject to the Deruocratit• thing in this line. fares. routes, connections, re~erva. prima_ries. 1 have h~d SP\'Pn ~·L·nr~ Shoe ant.l Hanu ss 1:.·pairiny· a tious, etc., call on a~-:eut or wnte F . expenence as a practtcal Clll-(tnPcr .. It I P. Paruin, D.P A., F t. Wavoe, Iud aud surveyor. ¥ oor Sll['IJOTT \\ill spec1.1 ) · be appreciated. Bert A :-\later. l J GG S YS

Charles C. Ramsbv of Polk town- D. H. SMITH. C ulver LOCAL DRU I T SA : ship, candidate fo~ Asse~~~lruf ~~~~r- I " TAKE ONLY ONE DOSE"

~ball county. subJect to tb•• dt·~ls-~ SUNDAY We want to tell those in Cui-lOU of the D emocrauc pnmaru s I \"Cr suffering from stom a ch Yonr sopport is rt>srwctfully soli•· or bowel trouble that we a re ited. I agents for the simple mixture of

I. C. Brooke of Polk to\\'nship. EX CURS! Q N S Luckthorn bark, glycerine. etc .• candidate for Commissioru:r First known as Adler-i-ka, the remed) District. Marshall couuty, subj 't't VIA Tu•· which became fam ous by curing to the Democntic v rimttri .. s. Your I appendicitis. This is the most support is respectfully ~;olicitcd NICKEL PL•JE no•o thorough bowel cleanser k~own

1-l ~ It and J UST OXE DOSE relieves sour stomach, gas on the stomach

l}•'R" 111g St-mln~, A~ 1 l:!tb and each and constipation a! most IMM~D­;:;untla) th••rcaftcr •lurt • umm"r w a·I IATELY. You Will be surpriSed tilln t~<·kets "•II be •ol•l t • at the QUICK action of Adler-i-

Kllllng sables In Russia , In enllr~> dlnegard ot future supplies. has re­aulted In a steady decline In the oat<:h, and In some districts hns nt-!tl'· ly etrect ld the extermtnatloo or the~e fl'!uable fur bearers; the matter llae been take:.. U),. by the authorities, and no aables will be permitted to be ~U&bt during the season, and the JD&tter of making an absolutely closed period or three years Is to be con· Pdere4 without deliiJ'.-Fur News.

Poiots Within One Hundred Miles at ka. T . E. Slattery. 2 One Fare for the Round Trip

No far" hight•r thun $1, nor lower than 25 <'t•nls. til'l full inl'tmnation of Ticket Ag1•nl or writt•

F. P I'A.RNIN, lJ. I' \ It. Wayn~, Ind

Trustee's Nottce. Tbf' undersigned, t rustee ot Uoton tQwotbip

hereby givea ooti~o tha~ his of!ic:e for the ttau• a.ctioo of to«'"nship bwnness wtll be fLl East•r· da,.•, und.ertakiug ti'W)m~, Main :.t.r&et. Cuh6r lodiaua W, S. EA.STt:RDAY, Tru..Uit,


Page 3: CULVER C TIZEN.€¦ · 1 • • ~TOPS WHEN THE ~TIME IS OUT~ VOLUME XI. PERSONAL POINTERS CULVER C ___ TIZEN. Doesn't Follow You Through Eternity Economical Buying. 'l'he Culver



., them £ny It, for he bnd a grent col'l· He h11d wall<ed across the park with

~ I ~om~thlng of tLe spirit or tb4' old· brldg~ or live Roman arrh~s which

t!m" bul!d .. r~ wu•l'd "lthln him. His spanut>d the shallow rl\'er shallow,

LADY EVELYN lmagtnatlou d" e.t in loft} temples, save for one deep pool o'er which rO<llu~d In , a,t aisles-looked down mao) a ll•hennan mu•t hare thrown

0 IIPCU trlt·ll rrm I " lUUij(t•rt)lece of R skilful fly. Standing b) !be balus·

~O ~ I spi.-~> I It· v.u~ bul" >crvnnt, It only trade to contemplate th~ picture, his

tht' stunt• whlcll doruinnt~d men's dcllgllt~d eyes traced every tower t\nd A St.ory of T D ueall' plnmu:l" or ~1elbourne !hill with liD

o- ay Atul nuw thb f<tUIOli' old recluse, artl~t·· ecstasy-tbell<ll looked out By this e<·<·t•ntrk unkno" n E.trl of ~lei· o'er lltll moonlit park to glades or

0 0 bourn•·. hurt summoned him to sa,·e surpassing beauty and scenes which

~ A

M.u...AXof '"n..PEHMundBt.dEDR•Y•T··· o''[Nl .. ·.... the Stlltt'li' ~It· I bourne Hnli from Its the centuries had hallowed. How lnl· only t·nl'luy lime. He t·ould not mltnble It nil was the mighty yews ha\1• rou nd a more eooj;<>ulal task about which Elizabeth's courltct'!! had upon nil tht• continents. gr·oupcd ; the groves which had list·

There <'liU be uo journ~y more encd to many a child of Parplnea­X.vier,'' "A <And~u·, Cftltlt"m•n."· n "A Pun,.o' Wo/J:· =· =E,=,==:J the f~HI'SOille walls, whut tragedlel, 1..:::1 a >tag,. UIJOU the road to our umbl· what t·omtdies, bad been played with· c:===:~oco tton~ EH·r~ PH ut or th• "1\) •ide Is in tlt~m • E,·en a dullurd might con·


The race In the RivM.

H~: JIOr\Ct' did nul know: I he Htuttnn mastt-r '' n"' r1ul 11rt ,

but hoth wue asn•t.) that It \1 na a "good Sh·p ro the

Mr. Griggs look(11J aa though h e had been shot.

"James will do that," he retorted lotUly-wavlng bls band as a eonduc· tor wa.-es a baton. I

The obsequious footman s:rolled off to do the maJestic: man's bidding and Ga\'ln meanwhile found himself In the banqueting ball, an old Tudor I apartment lle had admired In many plctut·e~ but now entered tor the first Uwe. The banners of three centuMell bung In tatters trom Its oaken ceiling; the musicians' gallery stood as It was when IIddle a.nd harp made music there tor the aeventb Henry, but Gavin resented tho fashion of electric 1 lamps none tbe le~s and Instantly re· solved to change them- In which In· tentlon the tat butler Interrupted him with the news that the Earl a walt4d Mr. Ord In lbe long trallery.

"Her ladyship Is there too, sir. P~>r· haps you Will be taklu~r supper atu,r· WUI'd8,"

"Notlllng to-night," replled Ord quickly; •·r shan dream enough in the I old bouse without that."

"And I dare aay you will, air.


;\1t-ans protection for you and your prop­ert). WhPn you buy MONARCH Paints ) vu hu.1 Lhc best paints il is possible to make Paints that will give the best re·· suits because they are made with a thor­ough knowledge of the requirements of paint.

We carry a full line of paints- paints for thC' house, inside and outside; paints fPI' the roof, floor, bam or. in fact, any­Ihinl!' that can be painted, and e\'et·y one b tht· Lt'st for tlw l•UrflOSe that t·an be maclt•.

The Culver Cash Hardware 'all''-by \\hi< h I her si~:nllit·d th•• llcr­

by•blre man•lon of the third ~:arl or Melbounte.

th~n nn advt>ntur., to uo; "'HY Inn temphtlt· the scene with a""· Ga,·fo at "hkh "v rest s"<'Ulb tu ulft:~r us Ord """ uo dullard, and tbt: spell It,lu. Here "as Cu•iu Ord, at cn•l upon blm was su<•!t as he had ten u't·lu<•k of the night, no good a never known In all hiR life. So enUre­walkc•· ll)IOU the road to M~>IIJourne ly did It claim bls mind and will that Hall as uny trained atltl<•tto out with "beu ht:~ he~trd a woman·~ low cry be· the lar>< for a nturulng bn·atlwr Five n.:ath tht' \ery bridge he •tood upon, or tt>n ruilt•< to go, It mattPred nothing I he scarcely turned his bt>ad or gave to him 1111 had forgotten already the the matter a thought. the lwur In a stuffy tr<~ln. his mind What had happened. wtwnce callWI was s<•t llf>nn th•· beautft•s or the moon· the souud '! Being repeated, be could lit lantls<'H IIl', lh•· Hnc woodt•d slopes no longm· igno•·e ft. In truth, It awed of lh<' ltiiiK, the twinkling lights In him not a little; ror It "as not the the hoi "" s. thP dark to" t·r:< or the vof<-t' of a woman In danger but of seattero•d churt·ht>,-mon· than all, on~ nHklog bls pity, hla help, as It upon thP dhtam goal and tbe recep· s<>enwd in a lo" wblspeMng voice Uon \\hlt-h \\OUid ""all him there. \\hlc·h ht> now beard more cle!\rly than

Many'11 the night I've seen a some­thing, though I couldn't rightly say I wbat It were." •---------------------------------1

"l\lfgltl lw _1tm'd 1\'l'l a cab, lllfl;hl he you wouldn't," mid th., pun...- •orue· what loftJI)' lor here \\a~ a pato: t llgt-r

WhO had ~pokf'D of "Rlkln1; tol••f' "that'll depend on Ja,·ob 1'1 h ,. an1l lbt> beer be's drunk thi• nio;'lt. H.,ru .. nights he ,•an drh·e a man ""'' •uuw nl~hts he ,-an'1. I'm not l~t•n• to MfJt>a'< tor him mon• thnn any othPl',"

Cavin judged that It might bave ------------------------------­been 11 ftask C>t 8plrftR which Utus

The statlnn-mastl'r, who hnd heo•n ~vtng the w hn!P weight or his lnt<•!· llgence to a brown paper flllrrl'l 1\'l'b no address upon It, here chfcced '" to ask a question In that patrnnl 111g manner pe<-~uJtar to station·ma t 'r!ot,

"Did bls lm·dsblp expet·t you, •lr?" he asked with some emphnRI>~: a~ though, had It hl'en the ca"e, lw •·t•r· tafnly ~bou <I hal'e been lnfnrmt•t! of ft. The r~pl) round him all d\'lllty.

"I should ha l'e been ht"re by the train arril·tng at h:\lf·past >1~ ... ~aid

G:t\'ln Ord, the pns,engcr In '1''' ,(ion - "It Is my fault, certainly. :So tlouht, they sent to U>P1!t me-"

"The browu ~huy and a pnlr of 'osses stood In thP yard mor<''n ~n

hour," exclnlnwd the porter "lth ju~t reproach. "I'll tell ~!r. JaPoh llo ltnows b'• bctff'rs "ben he f• •• him, drunk or ~o1>1 r •·

"Thank you," snld Crn in tJUIPtl,v. "but I wlll not put his knowlt•tl~<' to the proof. Afl<•r all, it',; tmly fil·t• miles, you Ft:ty "

"And a puhll<'·bou<e at """' 1nwn If the dust sticks In your thru t You'll do better ..,nlklnc: than 1111 alnn" i1le old Jacob at this tfruc or night, lr "

"Had \Vf> ~nown that bi< lnnl hip expected a 1\'U<'st. we'd han• an. ""r"d for a carrfnA:o•," n<l<lcd the "tntlon·ma•· ter, still apologetically.

The tall. fRir·h lly perplexed l•im. ·hnlred En~;l' hman whether be an If•• baNI> l<n w commoner. n~r!roossl'd a llaku or a commoner. Thl- \olce nnd n1.wru•r

l!nw t•arnt>btly bat! tlw oltl Earl IC u •trong man had ehout~d at him. implort•tl him to go to tht• Muuot•! Tuklng one quick glance at the river,

"Hill't• IH the finest Tudor house In Cavin declared that the cry could not England," he had written; "you can have como from there. Splashing and f\1\\e lt. 'lake It your homE' :u1d learn leaping o1er mossy boulders, a child to lo1·e It us I do. They t.,ll me that might have waded a.cro•s the stream, in your IPisnre you Mde and shoot. 11 be thought. Then "''hence did the cry will lntrodun• you to tbl' fltlf'st fencer come? Tumlog about, to the right, In llo•rl"- hlr,· and you •lttt 1 tell me to the lt>ft. he discovered bhuself to what you lh1nk of th11 pheasants. be Hlill alone. 1t wns the voice or Don't <•XJl(•t·t to find n house·t>arty. T imagination he began to say; and was st>e fe11 lll'OI>Ic I desire to ,e~ Ct>wer. I about tn !Juil the place when he heard ~ly dnughtPr wfll play lt>nul~ with It for the third time, nod so unmlstak· ~·ou. and. If rou are a golf~r. there abll. that bt: no longer doubted it to are lean Inns v.nmE>n on th(' hill• \\'ho be human. talk or nothfn~ .. tse but hazards and SomE> one ~ailed to biro from the wblns. Thi'•P prl'a<'h st•rmons In riVE-r bE'Iow the bridge. ston""· Conw and bear thorn, and my HI' <'llmb<>d upon the old stone pe.ra· motor •hull ~how you Derbyshire. But. pet and looked down straight to the abov" all, b!'<'ome the ~<'1'\'nnt of the black silent I>OOI about the arches. \fanor. n• 4'vPry true artf't must he." So dark was It in the shadows that

The lPttP.r or a man. Ca1·1n said to thE' k<'('nest eyes might not have PE-r· bims~lf whrn he rt>ad it. liP liked It cehed a human thin~ there. Gavin best bP<·au~.. tbPre was no .;flt·edge Ord, howe,·~>r. saw the thing as clearly of monf'y upon lt. The Earl's prodfg\· as In daylight-a woman's !air head ous W~>alth had been th<' on<> blot with ~rf'al sodden lf'avee about It and hitherto upon the fair panomma or strenmlng hlack hair oought up upon his !IPKir'PH. "There will U(' a host tbe t·lppl~s. A sbuddf'r or awe lode· of flunld('• In rt>d breP<'hl'~." hP had scriballle <"arne upon blm as be looked. thou!;ht, "and <··trY one or thf'm will For thl' woman was dead. he said­look th•• l;m•stlon How n u<-b Is be bad b<·••n long dt'ad, and yl't bPr \'Oice e:ootl for!'" II•• ku~" that tlw present spokP to him. ~~a~l<'r ur )lt>lhounw flail had come liE' kn<'" tbat she ""88 dead, tor the to the e•t,ll<' ant! the tlth· almost by watt>r lapped upon her half-closed ncddenl lnte in life. and nfll'r au ad· eY,eR nntl the fair hPad turned slowly ,-enturou~ l'lli'r<•r whirh mon "~oke or as lh~ <•tftlies swirl ed slowly about openly In d•ths, hut rart'ly In pri1•ate !l J-:1 ~ry right Instinct told bim that ·~rc. \ •lild m •. !l who I: ad be!'n e\•ery· thl "as n \'lsion nod not a truth of hhf<' 't"' diocreuiled attache at thf' nil\hl He listened for the \Oice t anJ:: ron n ' · Bukh,tre 1 to an equally unsuccessful again but It ,.-as &!lent nov.. As It miner In \ustralla this was the third c~.:a,;ed to .speak to blm, the spell ''an·

suggested th•• (nl'lner, the tut,.ntion I !Carl of \lelhuurue. to walk spokP or a vulgar hahll rathm · · · · · · · 11 befitting bfB lurdBhlp's CUI'(Ilt' \hlll I he .'<nd \\!tat or ftb dbttl{hter tho loady

lsh~d liP mn round quickly to the river bauk and clambered 0\1'1' the sllvt•~r)' •tones to the pool'~ edge.

It "u black as nigh l and void a a honored ll'UI st or \felbounu• 11.111. E ... ,..... I

th" t'tllPr. Ga,·in Ord, U)oon hls part, perhav u• Tl;er:• "'''" but wild fahlt•8 Rpoken lighted In 1,.., 11•,.1 tnK veopl•. "" abo 1t tlliH uuknown t;lrl uud the se-

1 • 1 1 f r 1 11 .• h Ga \'Ill Ord was not a n!'n ous man Q uite unilel"'ln• d the kind of , urlnslly c lu~• I •• hd at '"r comv• t'u er

I- 1 \! 11 "' me lUld ~t.'r• Car from a supf'rstltlous one. be bad nrou '"" ·. and, refnstnv to gratl· to 1\" "l t te - a nor ou"~ ~o ' " 1 f R WhPn ue bad quite usured blmsetr fy It· b• Anntdlt'd up a light dl't'~•fng "aid ~ht' \\'US the daug lt~r 0 ll OU·

' 1 1 • 1 bad that he had been dreaming, bls first bag ·, and !l'n\'lng dlr~ctions for his manian gyp~y whom t H• •.ar

d( l Buk act was to return to the path and bt>avler 1 •.;ga,.,• 1 o be Corwartll'tl In marrit'd nftl'r his sgrac·e a • " b 0 1 -' I d th t I d •A laugh aloud at the whole \'~nture.

the morniu•, he s~t orr briskly upon are•t. t u•rs uec are n 1er eau ~ b b d "Melbourne Hall Ia generous to the btgb road to ~Ioreto" n, b<·yon<l mother had been an a.ctrf''~ \\' o a

I t II f t I t I me," be said; "here are the ,·ery which, as all tbe ... orld kno" R ll"s enJoyed u lire "pe o uo ore Y n

troubled the good wan's dreams; but be made no comment as tbey mounted a broad staircase, and paning through a dnlnty Utile room In one or the tur­rets of the bouse. entered the superb long gallery which Is tbe very master· I piece or Melbourne Hall. The vast length or this, Its glorious ce iling, the carvings In geomett·fc tracery, the em· brasured windows , the bays, the lngl~s-bow familiar they seemed to Cavin, and ret bow rar from the truth ot them had the dmwlngs been: Ju~t as a man may enter Joyously the house or his dream as a ven· home or love t\D d welcome, so did Gavin pnss l Into the gallery and feast his eyes upon Its treasures. llere. he said, a life's work might be done. indeed; here the ripest genius might fall and be gathered by the lap or time. !

There were brass candelabra at In· tervals upon the walls of the gallery and little electric lamps aglow In the sham candles above them. Far down the Immense apartment, Ca,·in per· celved the stalwart figure of a bronte· faced man and by his ~ldo> a young girl, lll'hose pose was so natural, whose manner was so clearly that or an aria· tcx-rntlc, that he did not hesitate to name her Instantly Cor Lord Mel· bourne's daugbtet·. l lnable at the dis· tan<·e to S6e much or ber !ace it took shape for him as he drew nea;er: and ~o he found himself against bls will staring at her intently u one who would satisfy himself as to where and when he had seen her before. This lntt>rest he could not Immediately explain; nor did her father's cordial If somewhat loud·toncd greeting recall him from his ''afn pursuit of identity. He felt Instinctively that the Lady Evelyn was no stran~er to hlm, and yet for the life ot him be could give no good account of uoy previous meet log.

" \\'~l(·ume to M~lbourne Hall, Mr. Ord I bud begun to say tbut you had deserted us."

Oa vln stamruer~d some \'Bin tale or lost train and business calls; but be did not tear bla ~:yes away trom th" Lady Evelyn's race.

"Oreat God," be said to himself at last, "that was the face I saw In the rtvcr! ..

{TO llF. CO'<'J'INHED.\

Notice to Road Contractors. h d b dM ghosts coming out to welcome me." the Manor of ~lelbo•trne. \'iennu nnd U1ence a ceo \'Oil r bd k None the less be tried to rem em· State of Indiana, Marshall county, ss.

"Goln~ tt• tlll'k<' a Jon~ •t•t)', sir'." out by thtl lnf:uuation ° an arc u e. h t 1 t N · · h b · th t th bo I ,., • ~ · • 1 ber what he had eaten In t e ran or ot•ce ts ere y gtvcn a e art bad been Ill •. !llllfllble ut,•rltln·ll','l"tt•r'"- !\one kn~~> the truth, bUt t tere Were , hl8 f . . f '1 hall COUI\lV " .. • " " dlnn•t• and whether hie recent mg o c·omnuss10ners o " ars ' " many to ""~'g,•st what thtl u·utb might v I' · b · · • · !Ml ~hot. bad bc<m late or early. I nt tnna tn t ,. commtss•oners room 111

be. Orwuly and scandnlou"IY. liS the th• c1't,; of Plymouth, Indiana, will rt .. ,.Oh, I nw,_· t-t.•ltlc do"n tlu~n· for n ''I 1 11 t to bed at teu bere" be ~- .J world "Ill Idle tunguP>' hlnt..d that s 111 ge ' Cf!ive hPaled proposals for the improv,• • long Urue" H!tld t l1 tl to r•·J>Il aud thiK od said to blm~elf, ·•and put lu a good mo:nt or certain highways in Union

news wao all "'''r tbl' ,m.~~·· lu ao ~~; ~:r! •• ~:~.ttrl~~~~~:~~~,. gl':'bcr:e~~~: walk bt:forc breakfast. I bave been township and pa,•ing on" str.,et in the hour. ruau to \It•!· t:~\eo sturlt 'hat the Lady EH!Iyn was doing u good deal and I ne\er was I town of Culver, Indtana, by grading.

Stran~l'rB upon the unmlstnkl\h _. a gypsy girl bcrae!L great nt night work. Or ~ouree. If I I draining and paving said highways and bourne Hnll wert' not so m.1n.1 that told "nyone T should be written down street as set out in the specifications, "As bro\\ u It~ a l\'alnut t·hl tronler,'• u •

oue should •'•<·ape remark. said little lludtbiler at the !'fub. Tbe a liar. It's always the case when you plans a~d profil~s n!>w on fi le in the "It he's for tho T.ady );;vt•lyn," the hear or see anything the other man auditors office m smd Marshall c~unty .

blithe portl'r (·onfeg•ed Ol <'r his cups fellow hat! nPvcr been within ftfty b l o beard" Said sealed btds or proposals wtll be t late hour "she might go tartht>r miles or 'h lhourne Hall; and If be as no seen r hi b · d bed received up to the hour of one o'clock :a: get ra wo;se-looklng C:ave had met tl ... Earl, he would have gone He caught up s ag au marc p m 00 Thursday April 30th, 1914.

me a shlllln', hf' did, and rarriE'd his I do" n ou h marrow bones to him. . on resolutely up the wide gravelled \\;he~ said bids will be opened and the "a hlsst•lf That'd "hat 1 call , w,•n· , Ga,·fn or•l rl"'alled aonw or these drhe by which you reach the great contract or contract!~ awarded.

tlu g .. " titorle• u he followed tht: tortuous gate or the Manor. A loud bell an· Said highways and street impro\',•·

eman no\\ • 11 111 111 swerlng to Ills touch awakenttd ss>leu· m~nts are known as thl' S. C. Shilling U I r th - t .•. t 1 1 . road anti 1< t thP so tary ' age st 1 .

ncousc· om o rs rtull " n 11" • , , , 11 him The did not In· did t'Chot's tu the courtyard of tbe et ul. highways tll1l str;oet tmprovt•· qualities <:u 1 In 01·d wus tht•n '""'''' fartht r b• 1 " 1

1 " d. y 1 l 0 b •·ou"e uiHI Mel the uogs ba.rklng wltn ments. . · terest 111111 I ,. ua gone n o er Y- u • "'d th t t t wtll I" than thre .. run,., upon hi" m:ul to \I PI b 1 h In When a footman opened to blm, ...,, H on e s rE'P pavt>mPn " bourne H.l\1. \ hot day "' \ugu•t s lr<' to. • ,. n<~l a womau >Uta ouse. . d l M lb Hall acct:p ted separately. blld g\ '""" !>Itt• ,. tu n delicloll• ul.,ht Dellgd·h.t th,.rt ht! l~houlduboe aclhotsreauourorr he disco,· ere lillt - e ourne An u~grE-gate hid will b~ received on

' e a na n e • e Wll8 11 bu!ld\og abOUt a quadmngJ& tell ro S.

. b L a" -•Ie buuu .. , a wen w and thBl Its main door a m t e m Separate bid~ wtll '"' a<'cepte<l on tresb >tnt! , uol ant! rcilolc-nt of K\\ c t

1 gua~ Jain ° sucH U t lth him d 1 t il hi

perfumes. 'I he moun .tood hfg a '"" - H t b h no t 11rtber than to thl' a-reat square ~och of ten roads. the horizon. hfnlng "ltlt glorlcm~ upon bbtl~ 1"11.). 1~ n;us ~ no;~o~ court of ~~obfcb the chapel and the ban· An aggregate bid will be received on mellow ll"hl Uflon th~ j;al ht·H·tl thoug '

1" 11 \ mid e rom 11


11 r ts d 2 a 4 5 6 7 9 " gates 1 0 wou accomp 9 some· quetlng hall were the ehle orn11.mcn . ron s 1, , ·, , , , , . . sheaves. 1'h<> roads themRI'h ,., wt•re · Above the latter, lights shone b rightly Bids shall be for t.he completion .of eloquent by ul.:h1. \\'hen a flll'nwr's thing amft.l those anclet~~ stolnesTbby In many windows. But the courtyard thl' roads and street 111 .acco~ance Wtth

bli h 0 I 1-• whkh meu should rememu.:r b m. e >•oliles plans and spectficattons now on cart went run. ng y, 11\' n ,·on u I tl k d his Rtl'P <\ t rn Itself lay In darkness I' ' . . hear the t·dUI uf tht> horse'> huof• Ulld as" ra on •t' c I'Del d th lod. ut . h .. G vt nle in the county audttor's office Ill

f the ro.,tl rHea e e ue ga es ''Say that :Mr. Ord 111 ere, a 0• ~larshall coun'"'•, ~, nd shal~ t'nclude u.ll the rolling aountl of wh.,;,l• fur IJU1tc 0

11 '1 1 d d .. I t' d d ·• •J "

1 1 with a c •t u w n o"'' an a p easan Instructed the footman, lUld ad e · labor and material Cor smd work htd

a Hong t me. t d bt bl • 1

_ collage. lie t tered Lord M~lbourne's "I am 'ery late, I fear; I was stupid on and in no case will extra comvensa " 1\M •1 mnn o re ou " ~ I>•>· nd dl ·'rned the Hall dlru and enough to miss the afternoon train." tion b<> allowed for any additional work

slque, tralnPCI by labonous d.tys at park 8 with 11 b.l8 Tb& footman shutting the door alleg~'() to have been dont> by thv con­borne and niJruud to the liner ljUalltlt•' stately anu !.tarred g ' ~><:rO!l~ wiUt " uot~mn f~-•atlty, Clllled anOt.ll· tractorR to. whom said <·ontracts !\rl!

I the II ttle rll'cr which stood to•· " moat ~ • ~ •"' or his <'Udumn<'e; and nothhtK "u" w· 11 et· to his aid that tile dressing case awnrded. more to hi~ liking than this lont:IY pll· be~~~~slt~he~ ~~·as his goal this su· might be safely conveyed to the Each bid shall be accompanied by a crlmage to a splendid bous.1 wherein • · • , b d personal or surety bond equal to double he believed that an nd 1 anra~f'ous wei· I perb fabric " 'tlch the genius of the guests e room. the amount of the bid filed for the work

. . _ ~ medlaenl u- e had beQueathed to "'Is . lordship waa sayin' you bid on, to be approved by the boartl oC come await< d htm. A ~u ang,~r to England and 0 posterity. No words wouldn t come, sir. Longish walk by commissioners oC Marshnll county, as Lord ~Ielbournt•, he ne1er n owtu ld 1 btl u d Mb •d th emo. Mor()towo too. We'd have sent the provided by law relat ing to gravel rood lllmsel! to torj<Pl that his own talent~ c?u r gl 1/eti~;eed hel~clm~ lna~on as motor but the 'shulfer' don't like late rontracl8. and achlevNnt ntH had madP thh ''"It I ttOns wodb c l 1 t gtb l ed hours. 'Is lordship Is now In the boo- An affidavit or uon-.collusion will be he sto to ,·on emp a e e agg f 1 fil possible ant\ opetwd to blm t h .. """"" of buttnlll and battlement, dor" along or tbe Lady t<;velyn. This t·.•quired, and upon at ure to . e snmc or a bouso which fc.v e'~" ul tht! urls·jlln.e •I tnl\t>l an~ stable which his Is Mr. Griggs, the butler, sir- " IIU<·h proposal or bid will be reJeCt<•d by tocracy now ~utNt·d. tor '"'"" Ord ~~~~· ~hould t~natcb from' tht:~ greedy Oavtn was not particularly Interest·~ th~i·~::'aro res~r"t'S tlw right to r~ "'a~ calll·d lu l.ondon the It t nmoug t 1 Th k lth It ed In the ta.ct; but the butler in ques- - t a _, all b't·'• the young~r school of an·hlt•·• I uu band o t me. d ed very! parb ,dw Ill I d J<'<' any nu u3,

. . sort gra••es an eer n a a ow p C· tloo bad no lntentJon of be ng Ignore · W1tness my hand and the seal of thl' artist of pruu•pou~ orlr:fn.lltty und b~nl!aih the tre~s could conjure A ft<t und pompous man of llat and bo:trd of commissioner• of :11arshall daring , anti unl· "1\h as wan) ltlcs to tures 1 1 1 k 1 ht 'a d d tlorld \!sago, he stood, In majestic county, Indiana, this l!th day of April,

dl I , up a v ~ on u ·n g s u 1111ges an y his talent '"' u amond 111s tu Ills. dt~Ull'~ and all th~ wiWhln pose at the bead or the short lllgbt 191•1. GEO. 1". McCO , Already hnd liUl'lillKIOU HUUMt• 111•1\ped statl'IY g of sioue ~tall'S leadlug to the boudoir. Auditor or MnrMhall County. ber honors upuu bim. Tht• giPat pageantry or bal(.forgottteu 1 <·~uluhrles. and his attiludt' no archbishop could Ry W. E. Twoo~tt~Y. Deputy. Cb h t K 1 t 11 1 b The great house ltsel m g l ave

urc a "liS ug on wo,t • , tO) e bet>n the bou~e of a thousand mys- have bettered. Ueved, stand '" his ~"~w.rl.\1 to all tertes. locked In banded colf.,rs, en· "Mr. Qavln Ord, Ia It not!" be ask·

~!:~ ~~ ·~:~~~~~ ;~~d;;;~~~~> ~~~~t~~ r~; shrlned In gbo,tly walls~rylng aloud ed . none the le"' to him wbo would listen Oa vln said that It was so.

monev bls pl,m• for a new < .. tthPdral t t th 1 0 v1 ""'e kept dinner back t en m1rtute11, · ' to the ongut! o e r romance. a n .. In the North would certttlnly hnve 0 d od 10 nn ecstas or bom••e to siT-1 trust there haa not becen an been MCAPIPd hy the commlllt•t•. A• r sto 1 - acoldent." It was, crith'• •ald. "1'herP Is lhe man worship at the g-ates of sueb 11 temple "No accldGnt at all- &o and tell the - • t .. 11 Ilk d to ,_ as this. And, standln& ao, he beard a ... o.wurrow. e u utliU" WomAII'I crt. Earl that 1 am here ' -

Notice. nighest market price paid at all

times for veal, butter, eggs and all kinds of poultry. Phone 5 or 44.2 W. E . Hand

----:---Sale billa printed at the Citizen .


DON'T WASTE TIME trying to fig­

ure out why a black hen lays a white egg, BUT GET THE EGG

Purina Chicken Chowder is the greatest egg-producing feed in the country. Order a 25-cent Checkerboard bag today from

W. E. HAND, ohe Grocer

TIRES SET Cf!OLD are more lasting and done quicker than by ilny other process.

We are fully equipped to do all work in this line promptly and reasonably Give us a call. Shop on Jeffer son Street.

Ralston ®.. Buchanan Horseshoeing and General Repairs



Full supply of every description of

Plumbing Goods

Paint~ and Wall

~~~~~~~r~.C1Re~i~~~ Paper~ If anytbm~ it out of fix Clll 1

_ New &pring Line~ 4. M. R06EIHS Phon~ IOi Now in at

5 ~!! F~!R.•n~~~~.~ Rector'~ can on J. A. MOLTER & CO. ====PLYMOUTH, JND

Old newspapars, any quantity, at the Citizen office.

Page 4: CULVER C TIZEN.€¦ · 1 • • ~TOPS WHEN THE ~TIME IS OUT~ VOLUME XI. PERSONAL POINTERS CULVER C ___ TIZEN. Doesn't Follow You Through Eternity Economical Buying. 'l'he Culver

Purpl.e Martins. I B.URR OAK. I NORT H G E RMANY -- --Boys, what IS tbe matter with J obs K IJDe of H ibbard is put. Ill is. Treba Ed~infCt<>n. Curre;poodeot NEWS Of LOCAL CHURCHES ,, - - -

seeing bow nice 1\ wnrtin box )OU : tiuK .up a new ~aro for Mr. Quigley 1. ~r~. Etu1 Guise of Logansport E\'AIW"LI"Ar.. Real Estate Transfers I J CULVER MARKETS ( can ~nke and put up this spring. oo Ins farm adJoining town. 1s v1a1ted her sou B ugh- for a few ~ v • _

Martms art> one of the most dE>air- j Ed. H . Polund is getting logs days I Last ~uuday was a rE>cor.l-break. 2~ A \~~olem t X> A ,J B t If. \\' ,1t.... . . . .. .. . . able birds t hilt comA to a cowman. out for a large new barn that be Grover Malone is slowly im- er in the attE'ndaoce at ::-iuuday ' • R'," · l' . 1• r bu . uew .... ity and tbey will uot come uuiC>ss E'l pecte to put up this anriog. proviug from a severe attack of schooq there beiutt l'iU preseut ll H .\I,1't rs to L Bos , r;o m 1 le1tB. as~orted ... ... •.

,_.. ~ At d secl· r,$4JOO 1' goodboxes~~r .. rnadP forth em. O r. RM.Currens bas bought tbe j lungtronble. teo nnceattbe church strdct•, \\e .. ··· ·····•··· ·· d · ·1 G C E · d · K Yearick to (, It :\I, crs. so 1 i 1 <'loH;r se>HI

1uarr )'it i~ l'bimt><l tbe bi rds come rover astlemnn property aod stella. Florence and ~orrnan rno:nllll! arr rveorn~~:. was ~ood, 5 , ~' t;;, l~r, ,. I • ... s; ''l("l. J 1 • .. .. • .. " • I b 'II 8 h h • •• ~ <lW pea8

• • • • • • • • • • • • It oog u out St Patrick's day, but WI move into it in tbe near fnture. iatt visited at 0. E. Edinger's, w •c. wn.s ,-ery encoumgin:.: for EsthN T ""' 5 c1 b~

8, r IT 1, F (£ 1 th P k I J tb fi t "' d • } ' ' •r.s r.•s ') ...... · .. e weutbtr \\Its t~ cold this yeur ur ·. IJar~ spent l::Juuday at near orrl~o, l!~riday . j e r~ vu.n_ uy Ot t 10 conft•rt ~re A H Spri111..'• r, !ct r. Lon, 1' 1 Butter (t!;ood) ..•..••••

for tbeur. It don t &eem that the bome w1th bra parents, iUr. and Airs. W11l Frssle and daughters year _:suoda~ school, JO; prerwbw~ l'n ion.l;'ii:!.i. ~ ' do t•·o1nnronl. .... . martin itself dreads cold weather ~hNs. J. F . Garu. Park is located b.label aud Ruth are visiting rei a. ll; \t.' P. A.f, 7T, ~nbject~ Tbl• Con. l:l.'0,',~~~~. $2'~1 ~opcr, ;o:~ in s • Fowls . ........ . .... . as urncb as tbat there is 00 food rn r orthe ro I llinois at present. llt>es aud friends here. s:ora ron o rwe, Eccl. 3:1-H, I 1 Hoosiers ....... ...... .

( .., bb h ' Jui\'C\ lu ::-;u h Curti~ part IJ k II ava il11ble. '!'he mnrtin Jivoseotir~- W. S. 01'ermyor of l!'nltoo couo. Walter Bryan and Roy Overmy. va at observance rneeti 11:!;), SPC :>:-!, (:rrPt n. !52000 • 0

" ·s, 01 · · • · • • • · • • •

ly oo bu~a arrd insects tbnt it 0110 t.y spent Sunday here with relatives e r returned to tbeir employment leader, B t!ss Easterday; preaching, ::'hmh Curtr< to (, Qrrhl'\'. put ~(,ee;se. · · · · · · · · · · • · • · · cntcb in the uir, nurl there rare 001 and friends. Be came over Sutor. on tbe railrond near Huntington ~ P- m.; .prayer _meetin~t, \\\<dues. S >'C il:i. C~r. cu. ~~000 · l,~;rle?.8: .': .': .' .' .': .':: .':

90 60 36 60

$6.00 82 25



.12 14



.~ .14

. 1 2~ mauy of tlll'~e tlyiog wbeo the d try nod returned Monday by Argos. Sunday. I a~ eveo~ng; cbo1~ p~actice, ' l"burs. ~empPrn(nre rs bdow frt-~:tiog.- Donald C romley intends going Estella Bnuk, near Maxinkuc- di!J evenrng .• J. E. l: onrrg. Pu<!tor eour hon ~P11·s-.\ l irror. I to ~eotocky in the nenr future to kee, and Gauo Bat?. wem marrild .\lETHODisT EPJSUH'\L

" Better Th G ld , 1 beglu ball play ing witb a Htate at Plymouth Huturdar. They were 1. Our church is very rnncb nliv!'

A J" f f an ° · . League team witb whif'h he bas I nt Fred Batz'a Satnrclay and Sun. Jo some ways. .\t least. it woul.J r Till:





P .. yo our acts to bG grven t ted d• b i rr tbo I. 0. 0. F . bull at Leiter's coo rae . . . a):· . . ' j e no ea~y task to bury it at tbe I•' ad F 'd . J . J . Cromley rs ba\•rng a new Sunday v1srtors: J L Edoiug present trUJe. We would that e>ver}

• rr uy <weorng April 17 b•· 1 I d · · 0 • b ·

wembPrs f tb [ 11• S T ' ' 11PP e orcbrud set out orr his farm 1 too an dan~hters Florence and mem er 10 our denou1iua1ion norl sets C lb

0 P ~f. · · . be pl~y oort b west of town. J ob o Banks bas 'l'ressa, and ~Ira. Mury Edgington 1 iu all our sister dPnom innliorra wer ...

o r sou1e o t be soc raJ evrls th "' 1· · P racticed . tb . o contract of furnishing and stlt· at ·~nrnuel Allen's in Monterey· 1\l r l\'lng up to the high standardt~ of

10 e soorety of tbe 400 r th - d '1 c ,., ' · · h · · Those t k. . . . · 111g e trees. au n rs. . .c.. Anderson of P ly. ng teousnoss tor wl11cb 011 r a 10g part aro Melvro Shn. S d · · th " b h

1wr Berth· 'I L . G · . uo ay vrs1tore: R . M. Currens moo , ••He. Cbas. 0\'ermyer of c nrc es stand. Regular att ud. • • a .r.> c alll, uy Dav1a d ·r R 1{ h t d p h

l:{alph l::lbeets, Charles Biddioge,' ~ l'lk'l e .allod, eJv. Little at A.. f oc.les er aRn b e rry Walters and aoceh~pobo ltl'e appointed boors of Guy F A \' _LJ • r uo erm1 er s ; ohn H enderson am1 Y nt o ert Wa lters'· Dan wors rp c P very mach iu reucb.

reese, · . eemer Estber d f 'I Cook d f · ' · b · h · Mille r L 1 R' h E ' . 110 aw1 Y at L . M. Voreis'· V, A. · nn amdy at Floyrl Bab. JOg a 1g er slate of christian ef-ter \V 11? 11

R ~nhe nOrt, ~bel L er. Lidecker aod H enry Schmidt nt J. cock's; Mr. aud Mrs. Guy Price fioieocy. Not h e>11 rers only bow. • 1 1s <!IS , Ia Sbedaker w c . d H b d ' L Gin Kellt>y. ' · u~rena. an sou arold, aud Airs. Grover ever, nt oers of the \\:ord as weB.

Will Huerta Heed This 1 Washington, April 14- Preai.

dent W ilson ordered vi rtua lly the enti re Atlautio fleet to Mexican wnters today to force a public 88•

lute to tb~: slurs aud stripes from tbe H E'u rta go\'.,rnwent as au apol­o~y for tbt> urrest of American rourint-'a at 1'aru pico lust Tbu rsday.

't'birl) rritre wurs hips and 15,. 000 men will t•nnstitutu the force otl' 1'unq)ll'o

Lewr~ Overmyer bas the saw will I Moss~uo and dangbter Alice of I Let tbe members nod frrcods of our 1

set at hrs place and is getting out Buot10gtoo at J. P. O'Connell's; churches take the lead in tbe "(lo. the lumber for his new barn. Tbe Esta Overmyer of Culver and Ray to church proposition" tbat is to tnill will go from bis place to Phil. Bowen at Floyd Babcock's. be taken up in our littleeity. }' 011 '

ip W orking's to saw out tbe low. will find a welcome at our sen ices ber for his barn. Mrs E J o •• "HI !BBAdRD I next Sunday. If you are a nwn1•

• • • u.vuoo • '-{)rrft;;~pon ent...

~venteeo were taken into the H omer Albert is tbe proud fath. ber of this church aod you La,·e Uorted Brethren church here f:iuo - je r of a girl bnby. I never beeu presE'lrt when your pas- ~ day morning. Tbere were others Martin Albert and family visited tor, !t is abont time )OU who bave beeu converted in these tbe Snapps Sunday. were atart1o~ rn . The year is balf meetings wbo were unable to be A baby was born to J\1 r. and gooo and if you have anything here l::luodny and will go in Iuter .. \ I rs . bbafer Thursday. against your pastor, tell him of it. '~'ho evangelis tic meetings will cou. \Villum K epler wont whi rling or tell somebody tbut you know h,18

Sh S tJDue part of this week. tb rougL town WL>dnesdov. nervo onougb to toll him. 'l'h r n ort yrup Supply. Jacob Qtlig ley bas a large force l Mrs. Bishop went to the fou eral be will knolf what be wauts t, do

L ess mupft. Sl'rup was rrrude in f t th d ? men at wo:k in tbe gravel prt. of 1t relntive at Plymontb Monday. a ceo of ~be next six rn.1uths. this commuuity tbis spring than rhE'y are takrng off the top sod Platt Dixoo, who went to Colo- ~II our contests ba,·e bad the de. nsrral T!w Wo'lltlrer was uof&vor. r b . l r ed tr .

. rom II o. ut tive aorea of g ron.nd rarlo last winter, retnrned ::;unday. err e eat"' s.omu ways. Now let

;,bl, a:1<f t(,., T IU Of llrl' Sap liabt. d tt d f 811 b d b J ., ·•0 ge mg rea y o r the macbrn. t'harley :-':cburid bus bought a au s C'grn to contt-ud mort> olruLouversou'sorcburd probably ury tb~&t Mr. Quigley intends to buggy and borse. Uirls lookiE'arnestly for the fuith which was

bad the largest output, 70 gallons, 1 · th I ' d 1· 1 1.1 ace ro e pit for loadio~ gravel pleasant. ouce e 1vere< unto tbe anints. ,\II! wbich is small fo r it. All camps tb R o 1 ·

II <f!ULVER : : lVDIJI.N71. - --



he first ook. y ou get ht•l't> of the .stylish new

FITFO M S UITS yoti'~l appreciat~ more than ever before what a real sen·JCe that th1s ::;t 't' i" rend(•t·in.~ to the men artd young men of this tuw11.

It's rcaily a thing to be thankful for if ) ou only realized it that vou ca~ step into a place like thls and in a few minutes can select. and have fitted a suit such as thest FI'fFORl\1 clothes are, and at such price-,.

\V e selected this line bt cause it's the sof't of merchand:se tha sen·<:>::; our cus­tomer;; best: \\ 1 t's ) i for yo 1 1s

goo I for us. Special values at $10 to $1~.

:--J C\\ New New S•H!'I<Y Spring Sp~ing I ;::,

Shoes Hat <: Shirts I on e cars. obert l'rutn{>, ou r uew livery. nr rE>g, u ar sornct•s. will 1>t> 1r •ld we re c osPd sevl'ml days ngo. - Bre- I j e t f:i d ll men l<~nqui rer. man, went to Hontb Bend 'Pburs.


• x 110

sy mornrng and oigbt. l!: -:=====================~g~~:k=::!J I, MAXINKUC HEE d b . \our preseon~ was <>reatl}· .,1,1,, - -

men ~IHJnirer. ll\ 00 USIIlt.'88 ~ , '> ' l • ------------- I ..... 0 M. Woolley. CorretpouJent. . ' oruted lnst Huudal. - FITFORM _J

Neighborly Kindness. Mrs. Goldie McLilue spent last A largo~mwd uttendod tbo 1£ast- ,J. !<' Ken rich, l'aijtor .. , . . week at Fred Thompson's er cnlertaromcnt at tbu church on

Don t your nergbbore obJect to •·• • . N . b b b I !;;uoda'' evooin(7 I . \\'onderfully PrO<luctln: t.ouotl') . · k . J.Urs . .o.nnre o rrre , w o as l'oo J ,.,. .. . your cbrc eus scrutobing up ther r . k . . . . . J\1 J Livinubousl' aud family Eastern visitor~ to tbtJ west J.r~ garden '('' e1c wttb tousrhtrs, ts some better · · o , 1 ~:eoerally prepared !or any phenu

W . , . Mrs. Nettie Fisb burn visited were called to Donald sou Snoday menal abo wins In the line ot agrlcul

.. ell, rr they don L want thei r t f. . k I . . . . from Fr1day moruiug till Saturday 011 acconn o cl src reahfe. ture, atock-ratslng and the llktJ. garden scrutcbcd up let 'ern put a


. bt 'th b f tb E A 'b !-.owe ot the citi;~:eos of this ,-i. 11ays a Colorado man. "bur once In 3 fl• IJ CC aronud it.'' rng wr e r a e r. zra 1 rll) · . . . . while tbey ar" b} uq>rlso, •

F . H . ::lkiuner of Twelve Mile is . Clll.lly 1\'er~ loacle 1 w_t lh nasty, nor-l•ays Harper'" Weekly. DELONG. visiting his clau«htur. 'I rs . l dll s.y booze Sa.lurduy nrt;bt 1\'c w€'re "A New Ham_ pshlru mao, wloo was

l..e'lllle }':. Wulf~ Currear.oodeuL, :> "" .oJ dl "' ~ t b •· \

' · 111 hopes tbrs pluce \\Ould be re- • 11pen nr ..... \&Cat ou on t t rancu Uurdeu makers ure> busy. Reo Hart~ hns noel\ motorcycle. \ ' irl Brugb h11s bougbt a new

gaug plow.

\ oolley, fo r u few days. . . I ot a rulatlve tn Colorado '"'nt out Asa South aud fumily Wl'ro Ply. g.:nerat!'d, bnt we fuJI to see Jl . one rnomlniC to lnspoct a Itu·ge incu-

roou tb cullers Saturda and visit >d POPLAR. GROVE I tator lu wblcb tbe }Oung cloicks _w.,.r.• Y \l batcblng. In one corner ot the 10 r

ut Jirr, Soutb 's till ::;uuday evoo- Mr. L ivingston is planning to bator a neglected pcachseNI, encour-in this iog. make a new silo this week. ured by tbe warmtll or the atru->s·

H elen Varrtlchoiuok and Elsie i)l r. and Mrs. Eiarlf'y Pontius ~;bere, bad burst, and a tiny sprout I Wedding bells v.-ill ring

vicinity soon. Han·cy Wolf bas· been

sick list for several d11ys.

\v II rr . . several Inches long \\as growing out

on the oo ey spent oesday n1ght wrtb took dium•r with L . Sours '!'burs- or lt.

LE'wis )lclutirt~ is section fore­man for the Erie at Bippns.

Ruy Patesel nod Own Castleman wore Rocbester "isitore S aturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Ray Carr of Lo­gaosport visited Thomas Mereditb ::;uuday and -'iooday.

Lloyd Robiosoo aud L . B Deck ba,·o made themselves n new boat and 'l'uesduy tboy put it in to the Tippecanoe.

-------ZION NEIGHBORHOOD Killey school closed F riday and

diouer wua served by the parents. Cburcb Sunday immediately aft.

er Sundny ecbool. Ever) body wei. co ore.

J essie Whittaker aud took in tbo day. "'Sulrerlog Cae~ar!" oxclalm.,l IJst day of school on Wednesday ut A number of farmers have corn- tbe New Hampshire mao, as thtsl

. caurht his eyo, 'do you hal<'h out H rckory G rove. me need plowing nod fincltbe g round )Our pencbea In this countr} !"

Sunday visitors: George Garver in oxoellent oonditiou. and wife, F . M. Parker aad wi fe, Tbe Schuyler Thompsons, thE' aod Dow Rector, wife and daugb. Woold ridgos allCllTeorge Mast ate ter at Mrs. Sarah Rector's; Mr. Euster dinner with the George nod Mrs. M. R . Cline at Rev. Tboa. Souths. Whittaker's ; F rank Vorois and John Lowry wns called to Fran. family at E. Reoedict'a; Mrs. M rl. cisville )louday to see his daugh. ler, of near Argos, at her daugh- ter, Mrs. A. Kimmel, wbo is seri . ter 'e, .Mrs. Hallie P arker ; Mr. aod ously ill. Mrs. R L . Babcock nod duugblor Ellie Krie!i(hbaum Rod friend Gail at Mrs. B.'s parents', neur from South Bend and Malinda Leiters; Mr. aud M rs. Geo. Span. Ringer o( Plymoutb visited ~Irs g ler aud Mr. nod Mrs . Brad Krouse Mary Kri('gbbaum last week. at Nolan Blair's at Deloug.

OAK GROVE. GREEN TOWNSHIP. Mr .... K Ft~. Darue ... C.orr''"'IM-IUtlf'nt.

M.W Glad71 Bittle, Corre•poodenL.

H ow lie Got E\'en. The proprietors ot two rhal lhery

stables, situated alongside eacb other In a busy street, have becu havlut: a lively advertising duel lately.

Tbe other \\eek one of them stuck up on bl.s office window a long strip ot paper bearing the words

"Our horses need no whtp to mnk~ them go."

This bit of sarcasm naturally caus· ed some amusement at the expen'" ot tbe rival proprietor, but In tess than an hour he neatly turned tb'! tables by pasting lbe foliO\\ ing re tort on his own window:-

"True. 'l'be ,.,·tnd blows thl'W. I along!"

llfs First Uefusal .

I. " .. , .... ,. ~ rt~C-

~· Makes'~ d'fhingsNew



Thi worulu·1 tll! II l o

.J A l' .\ LA<' ) '• m· a 1 ot I 'ou ha\

ton' 'lh( <i f 0'\ 1

ar u lt.•'" l •·cn 1

The C

r 'ul j, lrr t lt· of costly gums. oils, and ~olot . WJth a !Jn1"h and a can of

t: 1 •naht• 111 ) old scratched or marred art c f f 1rniture practically new. •\Tr u J JAP-A-LAC you will bt• as­it , · to •rodueP b<>autiful etTt>cts.

, ) , t ou 1 nt department. A II colors · •o gallo ..

;ver Cash Hardware


hl rs. Zinu Dnddlesou and daugb. ters l!:lsi~c~ uud Dollie were ebop. ping iu Plywontb l::laltuday.

Gladys Mecblio is improving.

May 14 ia the date set for the commeocemeot.

L ou is D.wis h:~d some buzzing dono Friday.

Mrs. Barnes returned from Gary a few days ago.

A young gentleman who ba.i not -;:::=====::===================::=;:;; tamlllarlze.:J blmselt with tbe force I ot polite corrl'spondence, and lacked the gOOd aense to discover tbe form Cor btmselt, round It nect:s•ary to refuse an iu vltation. The Cbicat:o News gives the note which be wrot<>:

Sond11y l'isitors: ,Job n Sewmao and fau1ily nt Wurmbrorl's; J ohn Ditmire aud mother at Cia ode New­wan's; Gale NewUJau nod wife at L . A. H edlo{e's; Zioa Ouddlesoo and family, Walte r Fishburn nod fa mily. Oruudma Fiabburo and Chae Hibray at Watson Romig's .

MOUNT HOPE Mb .. E&bel EdKin.noo, Corresooudeut.

Preaching :-)unday mor ning.

:-lunday visitors: Ora O'Benois, El ta Davis and Frank Cowen and families at George Cowen's; Isaac Thompson and family, and ~rs . J aye Boyce nod family at Byron Carpenter's; Etbel Edgington with Bertha .\lcLain; St. C lair Mereditb and family at I. A. Edg!ogton's.

For Sale-Estey Cottage lirst class coodit!oo, $25 Beok

organ, J . G.

The Easter progrnm at Jordan Sunday evening was well attended.

T. W. Irwin nod wife were at Walkerton over Sunday visiting re latives.

Mrs. 0 rover Mossman nod J\1 r, and Mrs. Goy Price of H untir.gton are visiting relatives bere.

John \V agouer and wiff" were at Rocbeater Sunday at tbe bedsido of his brother who ia seriously ill.

Edna Gaby, who baa been seri­ously ill, is not improving as rapid. ly aa her friends would like. She ia in the care of a t rained onrstl.

Sunday visitors : Ed Cook and family of L eiter's at Liotou Qoi­vey's; Harvey McM illan and faw . ily of Argos wi th the William H it­ties ; Charles G rossman and family &t Wulter B ugbee '

Riley R nusbottom did some buz zing for Lee Wolf Monilay.

Wrlliam Kinsey was io Ober on business Friday and Saturday.

Elza Bishop o f nenr H ibbard epAut a few days with J esse Bot­tortf last week.

R omer Clark, Louis Leut.t, Roy H artup, Clyde .Joseph, Gertrude Wolf and Mr. and .\Irs. Jesse Bot. torr utteoded the illustruted lecture at Burr Oak Saturday evening.

Commercial Club. There will be a meeting of the

Commercial club this (Thursday) evE'oing at tbe town ball.


Potatoes (or Sale. Good for seed and good to eat.

Tueaburg fnrm, 2! Ill ilea west of Colver, telepbone 142 20. al6w7

"Mr. J. Henry l\ewton declint.,. with pleasure Mrs. Raymond's invl t.aUon tor the t,.enty-tlr~t. and thank• bor e~tremoly tor bavlng gh-ell him the opportunity to do ~o." 1

1t \\ ou ld Be Filw.

A lot ot poor eblldren ""re at Rocke!eller's stock farm near Cleve land. He ga,•e eacb ot lbem som~ milk to drink, the product ot 11

prl%8 cow. "How do you like lt'l' be asked, "ben they had llnlsh ed "Gee, lt'a fine!" responded one little tellow, wbo added, after a thon hJ tul pauBe: "l wl.sht our milkman kept a cow!"-Puck.

He WoodeN-d. Tete de Veau- Did you ev~r 1\0D·

der wbat you would do It you had Pierpont Mor&an's lncome1

L'Olguon- No. But l'\ e o!ten wondered what Pierpont Mor~~:1n would do it be had rnlnt:. -Cinclo· Aatl Enquirer.

--We are now located io yoor

city, llrefJared to take care of your


Store Room will be in Austin Bldg .

G. I. Electrical construction co. GEO. EMENAKER, Manager
