Cultures of the Americas, Africa, and Europe Part 2: Africa.

Cultures of the Americas, Africa, and Europe Part 2: Africa

Transcript of Cultures of the Americas, Africa, and Europe Part 2: Africa.

Cultures of the Americas, Africa,

and Europe

Part 2: Africa

West Africa Geography

Mediterranean Sea Atlantic Ocean Sahara Desert Savannah Tropical Rain Forest Niger River

West Africa Trans-Saharan Trade

Initially traded on the outskirts of the Sahara Intro of camels =trans-Saharan trade

Carry more weight Extensive lengths of time w/o water Handle extreme desert temperatures Made goods more accessible

Gold, ivory, ostrich feathers, furs

As demand increased, so did settlements along the Sahara

Increase trade=increased interactions=exchange of ideas

West Africa Islam

Introduced as trade with Arab nations increase Followers called Muslims Popularity spread as a result of conflict and

promoting religious unity Prosperity linked to the prosperity of gold

High demand after the Muslim conquest of northern Africa (used as currency)

Trade increase as European contact became more prevalent in the late 1200’s with the shift form silver and copper coins to gold

By 1300’s, 2/3’s of the gold in Europe and North Africa came from West Africa

Empires of West Africa Between 400 and 1500 3 great empires

rose and fell in West Africa Growth and prosperity linked to trade

Gold Salt

Position in savannah allowed them to control trans-Saharan trade, which meant they were able to build wealthy and vast empires

Ghana, Mali, and Songhai

Empires of West Africa Ghana

Emerges around 400 AD Controlled trade and built the region’s first empire Gained wealth by taxing gold and salt after the

conquest of North Africa by Muslims Good relationship w/ Muslims who built mosques

in their major cities Most people were farmers and herders who did

not profit from trade Collapsed by the early 1200’s

War, over planting, new gold mines whose trade routes bypassed Ghana

Empires of West Africa Mali

Location enabled them to control trade to new mines

Wealth = conquest of Ghana and build large empire

Government Ruler = Mansa – lived in capital city Town rulers collected taxes in the form of crops that were sent

to the Mansa Used force to ensure power structure

Religion Muslim Many farmers adhered to traditional religions b/c they felt it

promoted agricultural prosperity

Empires of West Africa Mali (continued)

Peaked in the 1300’s under the leadership of Mansa Musa and his brother

Newly found gold mines allowed for the empire to expand

Built city of Timbuktu Cultural, political, and economic center

Empires of West Africa Songhai

Lived along Niger River Valley Fishing Built canoes Controlled trade along river

Sonni Ali – leader As Mali declined, seized Timbuktu in 1468 Began a series of conquests – salt and gold mines

Askiya Muhammad – Took power from Sonni Ali’s son Best known for his revival of Timbuktu Centralized power in capital city of Goa

Remained powerful until defeated by Morocco in 1591

Forest Kingdoms of Guinea West African coast in dense forests Mixture of hunters, farmers, and traders Small village communities Rich soil = surplus foods

Supported rulers, artists, government officials, and artisans

Traded for precious metals and salt Benin = largest city

Forest Kingdoms of Guinea Benin

Developed around 1400 Large walled cities Ruler = Oba Expanded military and began the conquest of

neighboring areas Appointed district chiefs to replace local rulers Began trading those captured in war as slaves the

Portuguese for goods they later sold (ivory, pepper, gum, and cotton)

Collapsed around 1700 due to civil war Many were then captured by Portuguese as slaves

Central and Southern Africa Rain forests made movement of goods and people

difficult Villages established near rivers

Fishing, planting wheat, raising livestock Others practiced a nomadic lifestyle

Social Roles: Close and complex family structure Matrilineal societies – trace heritage through mother Women – home, children, trade, farming Men – hunting, fishing, raise livestock Tribal chief was male – (job inherited by the son the the

chief’s oldest sister

Central and Southern Africa Congo

Developed around 1400 near the Zaire River Food Surpluses

Abundant rain, fertile soil

Quickly expanded and became a large empire

Slavery Common in Africa Never based on race (until intro of the slave trade)

War Debt Crime

Not permanent Bought back Assimilated into the culture

Opportunities to improve status Sale produce to purchase freedom Marry into capture’s society

Slavery How and Why did slavery change?

Muslim traders Permitted slavery of non-Muslims Traded captured warriors for goods

Gold Trade Mining Mali provided slaves to Portuguese in exchange for gold

Sugar Plantations Europe was introduced to sugar by Muslims in the 1100’s Causing and increased demand = need for more workers Established sugar plantations on Mediterranean islands Work was labor intensive and expensive = encouraged

use of slaves Rising demand led to further plantation development off

the coast of West Africa