Culture subjects P2 14/15 - Ranum Efterskole College

P2 2014 - 15 Culture subjects



Transcript of Culture subjects P2 14/15 - Ranum Efterskole College

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P22014 - 15

Culture subjects

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Brazil-Rio, culture & nature 4

Europe road trip 6

The Philippines-culture/diving (Manila-Tabuk) 8

Jamaica ‐ music tour-Montego Bay 10

Japan Tokyo-culture, nature & youth 12

China ‐ culture & friendship school 14

Morocco performance (Marrakech) 16

Nepal 1 friendship school visit 18

Nepal 2 culture trek 20

Nepal 3 adventure trek 22

New York-Washington road trip 24

New Zealand-culture & school visit 26 Nicaragua-sustainability 28

Oman-Middle Eastern & desert culture 30

Peru-culture & school visit 32

South Africa-Cape Town (culture & apartheid) 34

South of Korea-culture & politics 36

Thailand-culture, friendship school & diving 38

USA-high school exchange, San Francisco 40

USA-Miami, American ways of life 42

Winter sports-the Alps with AFS learners 44

INFORMATION: choice, economy & safety 46

Content-Election magazine for the 2nd trimester cul‐ture subjects

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In the 2nd trimester we focus on the meeting with new young people and cultures from other parts of the world. The overall interdisciplinary theme is globalisation and world citizen. The theme is integrated into the academic subjects, the performance project and the profile subjects. For this reason, we call these subjects culture subjects. It is therefore NOT only because of the travel itself, that you must choose a subject, but also because you are interested in the culture and want to learn about it before you go there! In this election magazine you will find 21 proposals, which are all voted on through 2 separate election by the learners. 6 other proposals received less than 6 votes and are therefore not on the list– these were unfortu‐nately some of the culture subjects, where self-payment was practically non-existent. It is a pedagogically large challenge to choose culture subjects, therefore it is important to have a conversation about it at home, with your roommates at the school and in the contact group! We must look out into the world and the world must be brought into Ranum Efterskole College We will focus on meeting and interacting with different cultures, and the culture subject travels are therefore themed according to destination. It is in the interaction with other young people in other parts of the world that our own national and personal identity is shaped-and this occurs whether the interaction is with young people from the Nordic countries, Europe, USA, Nepal, China or Thailand. CONTENT: We have listened to the suggestions from learners and teachers in order to form the ideas and ex‐peditions described in this election magazine. The descriptions are all subjects to change, as the content of each culture subject is shaped in collaboration between learners and teachers based on their interests and targets. Why self-payment?: At Ranum Efterskole College we offer a wide range of different profile subjects, culture and travel destinations, because we prioritise the interests of our learners and shape our community around these interests. Thus, you will find that self-payment may be added to the fixed amount for school travels covered by the school. In relation to the culture subjects in the 2nd trimester, the self-payment may vary from 0-10.500 dkr. excluding possible vaccinations and cancellation insurance. Health insurance and repatria‐tion insurance are always covered by the school. Event & activities are interdisciplinary in the 2nd trimester, some ideas include: Intercultural theme in the Performance show. Culture Cafe, World Kitchen. Danmarks Indsamlingen. Lectures and films about the travels and the meeting with other cultures!

The schedule in the 2nd trimester: Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays are culture subject days, where we prepare our expeditions and learn about the countries and cultures we will visit. We will prepare- and do own projects on our travels, and work with presentations of our experiences. Orientation meeting for parents before 2nd trimester’s travels -either the 13th or 14th of December, 2014. Parents and siblings are invited to the Performance show and an orientation meeting about the culture sub‐jects in the weekend of the 13th and 14th of December. This is an opportunity to hear more about the sub‐ject and ask questions.

Read about economy, insurances, vaccinations and preliminary travel plans etc. On page 46.

Globalisation & World Citizen November, December, January & February

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Brazil - Rio, culture & nature

New: Suggested by learners-with many opportunities for shaping content and targets.

Potential themes:

The Rainforest: The group has suggested to work with Tijuca National Park. Here one will find the remains of mata atlântica,, the rainforest that once covered the entire coastline of Brazil. The forest was once almost eradicated to make way for coffee farms and sugar plantations, but is today protected by the city - just as the iconic beaches of Copacabana, Ipanema and Leblon are.

Culture: focusing on the must see-tourist attractions such as Pão de Açúcar (Sugar Loaf Hill) and Cristo Re‐dentor (Christ the Redeemer). We will also experience the Samba and maybe learn a few steps before we leave.

Sport-particularly FIFA World Cup and a visit to the Maracanã Stadium.

Meeting young locals: Via Danish contacts we will establish collaboration and a meeting with young locals-perhaps visit an international school. We do not know if private accommo‐dation is possible yet, but we will try to make this happen.

Contrasts between rich and poor: We have heard a lot about the favelas (ghettoes), and maybe we will find the opportuni‐ty to visit one of the areas in order to see– and experience and how people live– and survive in these areas. Cultural differences. Maybe we will visit Santa Theresa and Lapa, which are charming and lively neighbourhoods with many artists.

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Terms & Economy: Self-payment for this trip is 7.500,- dkr. 1st RATE is 3.750,-dkr. + optional group ”cancellation insurance” 350,- dkr. + Vaccinations: Hepatitis A, diphtheria, tetanus shot. Visa included. Recommended amount of pocket money 1.000,-dkr.

In our preparations for the journey, we will also work with making presentations of our own cultural back‐grounds, as well as researching the themes we will investigate further on our journey. We will also work with the questions of how to best convey our experiences from the journey, after we return.

Safety is an important theme on this journey: Rio is notorious for its crime, and one must use one’s com‐mon sense when going about in the streets. We will, for this reason, team up with locals who will help us, and we will be attentive to our surroundings and not walk around in the city after dark.

We will try to set up some collaboration with Brazilian residents living here in Denmark, to assist us in our preparation for this expedition, so that we may learn the common social conventions, prepare ourselves for the culture and learn some of the language.

Organiser: - possibly: Annika Okholm.

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Europe Road trip

Culture subject with many opportunities to shape content and targets. Road trip is an opportunity to meet many different youth cultures in Europe. In this culture subject, we will collectively plan a road trip to 4-5 of the big cities in Europe. Last year we visited following cities on our Euro-Road trip: Bratislava (Slovakia) - Visit to the Danish Embassy and the house of the President. Vienna (Austria) - historical-cultural buildings and sites, visit to the international school AIS, where we spent time together with young Austrian people. Budapest (Hungary) - Roundtrip organised by the learners. Visit to a synagogue, Donau river and the World War 2 memorial. Cultural conversations and discussions about the past 60 years of development in Hungary. Zagreb (Croatia) - Visit to the University of Zagreb and the Museum of Street Art - an old hospital filled with street art. Ljubljana (Slovenia) - Guided roundtrip in one of Europe's most beautiful cities.

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Economy: As a rule there is no self-payment on the Europe trip, but depending on our plans it could be up to 1000.– dkr. Recommended amount of pocket money approx. 1.000,- dkr., as it is easy to be tempted by the offers in a big city.

The main purpose is to explore the ’polished’ and the ’unpolished’ sides of these different cities. For this rea‐son, we seek to establish contacts to the underground environments, so that we may see and experience, among other, street art and culture. In our preparations we will learn about Europe, establish different networks in different environments, and each learner will be responsible for guiding fellow learners during the trip! Every city and every country has its own characteristics. And we drive together in VW Caravans, which will also give us the opportunity for spontaneous adventures as we see fit! A road trip with the "The Caravan-Kings" is a journey into a great community and a great adventure! Kind regards "The Caravan-Kings" Organiser: Anders Hansen

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The Philippines ‐Culture/Diving (Manila‐Tabuk)

NEW Culture subject with a great opportunity to shape targets and content::

We have established collaboration with a former employee, who has build a marine biology research centre in the Philippines. And there is also an opportunity to establish collaboration with a school. We will focus on nature and culture, as well as a cultural exchange between the learners from the school and our learners from Ranum. We will also have the opportunity to go diving, but this is NOT a diving trip alone, and you can therefore participate without the certificate.

We will among other, focus on the protection and the preservation of fragile natural areas in the Philippines. We will by doing small projects, investigate how to minimise the pollution of water/sea. We will receive lessons by marine biologists that will assist us when researching the data collected from the water.

We will prepare for our trip by establishing contact to the Philippine school, make presentations folders, and learn about marine fauna, the biological field work, and the Philippine culture. We will research and plan what to do, see and experience during our trip, so that we may guide each other in, among other, the capital of Manila. Potential themes:

Culture (see the social inequalities – rich/poor)

Nature (Unesco World Heritage List: Puerto-Pricesa National Park, Banaue rice terraces, Marine biology.

Religion (visit to Philippine service, evening mass). The school system (maybe Skype with a Philippine school class-establish collaboration).

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There are no requirements for a diving certificate, but it is a good idea to have a Open Water Diver certificate. On our trip it is not possible to do an OWD course, but it is pos‐sible to do an AOWD course, if interested. The goal of the trip is that each learner will test their small pro‐jects, which hopefully will have an effect in real life.

The Philippines consists of 7.107 islands, located in probably the world’s most beautiful archipelago. Many of the Philippine islands are still relatively undiscovered travel destinations. There is a great opportunity to leave your own personal mark on this trip.

Terms and Economy: Self-payment for this trip is approximately 7.500,- dkr. 1st RATE is 3.750,- dkr. + optional group ”cancellation insurance” 350,- dkr. Visa is included. Recommended amount of pocket money 500-1.000,- dkr. Vaccinations: Hepatitis A, Diphtheria.

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Jamaica ‐ Music tour ‐ Montego Bay

Join us for a musical tour through time and space to Jamaica, and experience a music culture that can be traced over the whole world. Jamaica is the third largest island in the Caribbean and was formerly a British colony. Most citizens originate from Africa, but there are also many Chinese, Indians, Arabs and Europeans, which is the reason why the mu‐sic can be traced back to many different continents. Jamaica has, however, created its own sound, which is evident in genres such as ska, rocksteady, dub music, dancehall, but most famously reggae.

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We will in our classes work with the music style and music history-by playing, listening and reading. We will concentrate on culture, history and religion in order to understand the emergence of Jamaican music. On our expedition we will go out and experi‐ence the music, investigate what it means to the Jamaican people. We will find an oppor‐tunity to play for– and with Jamaican musi‐cians, visit a Jamaican school in order to see to what extent music is part of their school days. After our return to Ranum, we will illustrate and communicate our new knowledge and competencies by playing a concert and give presentations on the Jamaican music culture and history. Jamaica is for you who finds music inter‐esting, as well as history and culture. It is not important whether you can play an instru‐ment or not, but an interest in Jamaica, cul‐tural music and particularly reggae, is on the other hand, very important.

Organisers: Søren Rasmussen & Stine Vestergaard.

Terms & Economy: Self-payment for this trip is 8.500,- dkr. 1st RATE is 4.250,- dkr. + optional group ”cancellation insurance” 350,- dkr. Visa is included. Recommended amount of pocket money 500-1.000,- dkr. Vaccinations: Hepatitis A, Diphtheria, Typhoid.

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Japan Tokyo - culture, nature & youth

Japan has been a culture subject for 2 periods now, and every year it is the learners themselves who have shaped the content of the classes and the trip:

In this culture subject Japan we work with own contemplation areas. A contemplation area can be: cosplay, manga drawing, sushi, samurais, technology, history, natural disas‐ters, art or the like, which you work independently with in the preparation period before our departure. Simultaneously we will, together, seek insight and inspiration for instance through a mini-language course, lectures, films, creative workshops and the like, so that we may be fully prepared for experiencing Japa‐nese youth culture and the presence of history up close. The culture trip – maybe - through the world’s largest capital, visits to imperial palaces, past a mystical volcano and hot springs, ride a high speed train, directly in eye level with a Japanese school class that will share their dreams for the future-opportunities and trends for Japanese of equal age… but all this we will decide in unity! In our preparations for this trip, we will focus on the conditions in Japan i.e. culture, religion, history, na‐ture and geography.

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Terms & Economy: Self-payment on this trip is approximately 7.500,- dkr. 1st RATE is 3.500,-dkr. + optional group ”cancellation insurance” 350,- dkr. Recommended amount of pocket money 1.000,- dkr. Vaccinations: Diphtheria.

Individual project: As part of the culture subject, you must prepare a presentation of your work with the contemplation area and your experiences during our trip.

You must also do some research for an article or film, which you will make during our trip. Your research will be the foundation for the investigations and the inter‐views you will perform during our trip.

On our trip we will find information and documenta‐tion in the form of interviews, photos and videos for an article.

We will on our return work with printing and virtual media in the form of a blog/webpage/facebook and video reports for Youtube. Organiser: Thomas Bjerg

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China ‐ culture & friendship school

Visit the capital of China, Beijing

In this culture subject, we focus on China and the expedition will take us to the capital of the Empire in the Middle. China is the world’s most populous country with more than 1.2000.000.000 citizens. And its history dates back more than 5.000 years. The world’s second largest economy and modern life. Travelling to China can offer you many good experienc‐es. We will walk on the Great Wall of China, which twist like a snake up and down the mountains. We will attempt to get an impression of the more than 800 buildings which the Forbidden City consist of - The Impe‐rial Palace of China through 500 years. We will also meet some pandas, which are the cutest animals in the world!

Even if these places are on most tourists’ lists, this trip is far from a tourist trip. We will begin our trip with a visit to our friendship school, which is located in Shijiazhuang, the home city of the President Xi Jinping. The school has 6.000 learners, and it is also a member of the AFS. On the school we will have the opportunity to try professional Chinese calligraphy and painting. You will also have an excellent kung fu and tai chi instruc‐tor. Learners will also be given the opportunity to learn how to cook Chinese dishes and make Chinese cloth‐ing.

There are many things to do in China. We can also visit the science– and technology museum, where we can learn about the universe and space. In an acrobatics show, you can see the girls dance with plates. In the Stone age village, you can see how the farmer lives.

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Terms & Economy: Self-payments on this trip will be 7.000,- dkr. 1st RATE is 3.500,- dkr. + optional group ”cancellation insurance” 350,- dkr. + Recommended amount of pocket money 1000,- dkr. Vaccinations: Hepatitis A and diphtheria.

We will live with host families, which is a real treat for us, as we will experience the everyday life of the Chi‐nese people. We will participate in the activities and routines of the host family-a trip to the park or shopping.

This trip ends in Beijing. We will ride the high speed intercity train, which runs 300km/hr to the capital, where we will stay at a hotel in the Huntongs. The Huntongs is a residential area with narrow streets and houses built around a square. A way of living, which is becoming more and more outmatched by modern housing. But in Beijing it is possible to experience the traditional and the modern in China side by side. From busy busi‐ness men and huge shopping centres to traditional morning gymnastics and three wheeled bikes.

The culture subject: You should choose China because of the content of the trip, because you want to learn Chinese, because you want to experience life in China and the Chinese culture. Chinese history is filled with interesting stories of emper‐ors, kung fu, the Silk Road and temples, but also Chinese medicine, family life, work, environment and politics. Some of the teaching will be in class, but we may also participate in a cooking class or a weekly round of tai chi.

If you are fascinated by the East - from imperial palaces to sky scrapers, from cooking to Kung fu, and if you want to learn the Chinese youth, see how the ordinary Chinese people live, then you should choose China.

Organiser: Ning Xu and others.

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Morocco performance (Marrakech)

During the 2nd trimester we will combine culture, movement & community in our performance show. In this class we will organise a show that we can bring with us out into the world. It can reflect the culture we are travelling to, but also the movement patterns, which are familiar from home. When we, on our trip, perform our shows, it must be something familiar, but also something unfamiliar to experience. Moreover, we will work on workshops, at which our learners will teach others in games, jumps and dancing.

Our focus is the cultural meeting between movement and the joy of being together. This means that we will visit several schools/villages, where we will, via our performance show and workshops, create a meeting be‐tween 2 different cultures.

In our preparations we will also look at the relationship between the West and Africa. The part of Morocco, which we will visit is relatively safe and there is a large open-mindedness towards guests. We travel with lo‐cal guides and visit schools and villages.

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Terms & Economy: Self-payment on this trip is approximately 3.000,- dkr. 1st RATE is 1.500,- dkr. + possible ”cancellation insurance” 350,- dkr. Recommended amount of pocket money 500-1.000,- dkr.

Vaccinations: Hepatitis A, Diphtheria.

We will take advantage of our learners’ competencies in movement and dancing, and develop them further from this point of departure. We will challenge them by expos‐ing them to unfamiliar music styles, dance styles, move‐ment patterns and other cultures, thereby giving them a cultural experience through performing for others. In addition to rehearsing our performance show, we will also learn about the culture, traditions and religion in Mo‐rocco during classes. We will give our learners a different experience of the cul‐tural meeting-a meeting through the joy of movement. Organisers: Ann-Charlotte & Kristian Fog

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Nepal 1 friendship school visit

Do you have the courage and the inclination to visit our friendship school in Nepal, then the journey of your life awaits as well as a journey of enlightenment beyond borders.

In this culture subject and on this trip, you will broaden your horizon and most definitely cross one or two of your personal boundaries. The trip contains both physical activities such as backpacking up a mountain, opportunities for rafting and climbing or the like, and the experience of religions and cultures in Nepal.

During this trip you will have a unique opportunity to come really close to the Nepalese people when we visit our friendship school. We will stay 3 nights with the locals. You will experience eating food cooked over a fire built on the clay floor, of the home of a family who may not even speak English! During the day we will participate in activities on our friendship schools and here learn about the everyday life of the Ne‐pali children and youth.

After our visit to the friendship schools that will last 3-4 days, you will have the opportunity to choose be‐tween rafting in the National Park Chitwan, or going back to the valley of Kathmandu and work with social– and political subjects such as women's rights, NGO’s, electric cars or the like.

We will prepare for this expedition by hiking and sleeping outdoor. You must expect that the expedition to– and in Nepal is both physically and mentally straining.

In this culture profile subject, you will gain an understanding, through preparation, experiences and subse‐quent processing, of what it is like to live in a third world country such as Nepal. By concentrating on differ‐ent themes within the Nepali culture, traditions, history and personal experiences, you will become fully equipped for this cultural meeting, as well as trained in communicating your experiences thereafter.

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Terms & Economy: Self-payment on this trip will be approximately 7.500,- dkr. 1st RATE is 3.750,- dkr. + optional group ”cancellation insurance” 350,- dkr. Visa is included. Recommended amount of pocket money 500-1.000,- dkr. Vaccinations: Hepatitis A, Typhoid, Diphtheria.

In our preparations for this trip, we will work with the social conditions in Nepal-among others, cul‐ture, religion, history, nature and geography. We will prepare a presentation of a specific subject, to be introduced to the other learners on the team, as part of practicing giving presentations.

You will also research for an article, film or lecture. The research before our departure will be the framework for investigations and interviews during our trip. Before departure you will also plan and prepare a smaller project for teaching at our friend‐ship school.

After we return you will prepare and give a lecture of your trip, experiences, and thoughts-either at the efterskole or for others who may be interested.

Organiser: Ole Kjær

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Nepal 2 culture trek

Culture trek means that we trek the highlands between temples, villages and through valleys and moun‐tains. We live locally and in tents during our trek. This trek is aimed at those, who wants to challenge them‐selves physically during the tough, but beautiful trek and mentally by staying with a family who may never have seen a ’white’ face before, and where they do not speak English or eat with cutlery.

We will visit schools on our trip and other cultural peaks such as temples, a hospital and caves. Some places you will see cows almost climbing down the steep mountains, and other times you are lucky to bump into a local village wedding, or maybe you are even lucky enough to run into the tribes making baskets, who still live in the jungle.

It is a challenging nature- and culture expedition and you must be ready to experience and take responsibil‐ity in both elements.

After the trek, which will last 3-4 days, you will have the opportunity to choose between rafting in the Na‐tional Park Chitwan, or going back to the valley of Kathmandu to work with social and political subjects such as women's rights, NGO’s, electric cars or the like. We will prepare for the expedition by hiking and trekking here in Denmark. You must expect that the Nepal expedition is very challenging both physically and mentally.

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Through preparation, experience and the subsequent pro‐cessing, you will gain an understanding of, what it is like to live in a third world country such as Nepal. By concentrating on differ‐ent themes within the Nepali culture, traditions, history and per‐sonal experience, you will become fully equipped for this cultur‐al meeting, as well as trained in communicating your experienc‐es thereafter.

In our preparations for this trip, we will work with the social con‐ditions in Nepa-among other, culture, religion, history, nature and geography. We will prepare a presentation of a specific sub‐ject, to be introduced to the other learners on the team, as part of practicing giving presentations.

You will also research for an article, film or lecture. The research before our departure will be the framework for investigations and interviews during our trip. Before departure you will also plan and prepare a smaller project for supporting local young people during our expedition, and that will give you an under‐standing of life in a 3rd world country. During our trip, all our plans will be carried out.

After we return you will prepare and give a lecture on your trip, experiences, and thoughts-this either at the efterskole or for others who may be interested.

Organiser: Peter Friis Andersen We will travel together with Nepal Friendship School and our paths will cross several times during this trip-among other in Kathmandu.

The journey to Nepal can be tiresome and trekking in Nepal is hard work that requires independency as well as thorough preparation from home.

Terms & Economy: Self-payment on this trip will be approximately 7.500,- dkr. 1st RATE is 3.750,- dkr. + optional group ”cancellation insurance” 350,- dkr. Visa is included. Recommended amount of pocket money 500-1.000,- dkr. Vaccinations: Hepatitis A, Typhoid, Diphtheria.

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This culture subject has been completed twice with great success.

Nepal has a long tradition for mountaineering and hiking. We will walk on the paths of ancient and holy trek‐king routes. On this expedition we will feel all the elements on our body. Through windy passes, where the air is noticeable thin, and mountains are covered by snow. Live in tea houses, where the word insulation is a myth-fire is our friend in these inhospitable mountains.

We will look over the roof of the world, the Himalaya massif and see the sun rise/down over some of the world’s highest and most beautiful mountains.

Make no mistakes!!! These beautiful impressions and experiences are not gained without hard work. This expedition will probably be the most challenging you have ever tried. We have many vertical metres to con‐quer before we will finish our trek. In the mountains getting help may be difficult, so trust is key and we must help each other through this very special experience. It is only few, who have this opportunity in life...

Nepal 3 adventure trek-Himalaya

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In our preparations for this trip, we will work with the

social conditions of Nepal-among other, culture, reli‐

gion, history, nature and geography. We will prepare a

presentation of a specific subject, to be introduced to

the other learners on the team, as part of practicing

giving presentations. We will focus on both individual

and team performances, so there is a lot learn on

group dynamics.

We will prepare for this expedition by hiking and

sleeping outdoor. You must expect that the expedition

to Nepal is both physically and mentally straining. You

will also research for an article, film or lecture. The

research before our departure will be the framework

for investigations and interviews during our trip.

If you want to climb towards the top of Himalaya and

yourself-then the trek in Nepal is the right challenge

for you!

Terms & Economy: Self-payment on this trip will be approximately 8500,- dkr. 1st RATE is 4.250,-dkr. + optional group ”cancellation insurance” 350,- dkr. Visa is included. Recommended amount of pocket money 500-1.000,- dkr. Vaccinations: Hepatitis A, Typhoid, Diphtheria.

Nepal 3 can be very straining and the profile subject Nepal is hard work, which requires great independen-cy and endurance

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New York ‐ Washington Road trip

New: Suggested by learners Tobias Fritz Andersen, Victor Sindbjerg-Larsen and Mathias Huang - with many opportunities for shaping content and targets.

The idea is to go to New York as our primary destination, but we will also go to Washington D.C. for a cou‐ple days. The trip will be a total of 12 days. Main target is to learn and experience American culture, politics and history of the two cities. Some of our targets are to visit a real American high school, live with an American family, and maybe get in contact with some Danish Americans, who will tell us about life and work in New York City. And naturally we will also explore the city, shop and see all the exciting tourist attractions that New York City and Wash‐ington D.C. can offer, such as:

Small cultural experiences: The target is to learn and experience the American culture, politics and history of both cities.

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Vilkår og økonomi: Egenbetaling på rejsen vil være ca. 7.000,- kr. 1. RATE ER 3.500,- kr. + evt. afbestillings-forsikring ca. 350,- kr. Vaccinationer ikke nødvendigt. Lommepenge anbefalet 1.000,- kr.

Themes in this subject could be:

Culture: focussing on the must see tourist attractions: Empire State Building The Chrysler Building Statue of Liberty Central Park The White House United States Capitol

Meeting local youth: Through Danish contacts we will establish a collaboration and meetings with local young people-possibly learners from an international school. We do not know, at this stage, if private ac‐commodation is possible, but we will try to make it happen.

Contrasts between rich and poor: We have heard much of the differences between the neighbourhoods in NY, and maybe we will have the opportunity to visit one of these areas to see how people live– and survive in these areas. Cultural diversity! In our preparations, we will work with our own presentations on our lives, as well as investigating the themes we will explore further during our trip. We will also focus on how to communicate our experiences from the trip after we return. It may be cold in NY and Washington in January, but we are prepared for the many outdoor activities, and we will ride bus and trains, when necessary.

Organisers: Lisa Clark, Anders Hansen and Thomas Fuglsang

Terms & Economy: Self-payment on this trip will be approximately 7.000,- dkr. 1st RATE is 3.500,-dkr. + optional group ”cancellation insurance” 350,- dkr. Visa is included. Recommended amount of pocket money 1.000,- dkr. Vaccinations: same as in DK.

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New Zealand culture & school visit

NEW THEME - Learner suggestion-participate in the shaping of the content: This culture subject New Zealand is suggested by Emilie Hessner and Line S. Winther, based on a curiosity for how life is for the native population of New Zealand-the Maoris. Do the Maoris maintain their traditional cul‐ture and way of life? Have they adapted to modern society? How and to what extent? How does this chal‐lenge the traditional culture and more specifically the young Maoris?

We will do a comparative project with young people from a Maori village and young people who attend a British/New Zealand boarding school in Christchurch. We will discuss and compare our lives with theirs, and talk about expectations to the future-where are the differences between our nationalities, cultures and soci‐ety, and what can they and we learn from each other?

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Terms & Economy: Self-payment for this trip is approximately 10.500,- dkr. 1st RATE is 5.250,-dkr + optional group ”cancellation insurance” 350,- dkr. Visa is included Recommended amount of pocket money 1.000-1.500,- dkr. Vaccinations: same as in DK.

We will also experience some of the things, which make New Zealand absolutely special; the amazing and dramatic nature with rain forests, volcanos and glaciers, the giant sheep farms, rugby, adventure sports and much more. In our preparations we will work with the social conditions in New Zealand such as culture, reli‐gion, history, nature and geography. We prepare a presentation on a specific subject, which will be present‐ed for your fellow learners. You will also research for an article or film, which you will complete during this trip. The research before departure is the foundation for further investigations and interview during the trip. We will, after our return, work with printed and virtual media in the form of blog/webpage/facebook and video reports for Youtube. It is a long journey to the other side of the world, but it is also an experience and opportunity to learn something very unique! New Zealand is a 36hr journey from Copenhagen, and the trip will last approximately 13 days. This is a rather expensive culture profile subject, but we will attempt to keep costs down by, for example, lodging with private families and find activities with low costs.

Organiser: Joakim Philipsen

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Nicaragua ‐ sustainability

Great opportunity for shaping content and targets: The Nicaragua project was established by the learners and one of our teachers 2 years ago, and is an amazing project on culture, with focus on sustainability, environment and interesting cultures in the rainforest. This subject is for you who are interested in these themes! The target of this subject is to process the concept of sustainability in a local– as well as global context. With a point of departure in our own life, we will discuss and investigate, how we influence the world that we live in. With this subject, we wish to make everyone experience an active participation in societal– and natural developments-locally as well as globally. As part of our project, we will try to raise money for the purchase of a piece of rainforest in Nicaragua, which we will experience up close on our trip. During our classes, we try to create an understanding of the complex challenges that come with the con‐ceptualisation of sustainability. But most importantly, we wish to create a personal relation to the direct influence we all have on nature, and the local and global world citizen.

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In our preparations for this trip, we will work with the social conditions in Nicaragua such as culture, religion, history, nature and geography. On our trip we will find information and documentation that must be conveyed via interview, photos and vide‐os. We will after our return to Ranum work with printed– as well as visual media i the form of blog/webpage/facebook and video reports for Youtube. Organiser: Claus S. Christiansen

Terms & Economy: Self-payment on this trip will be approximately 9.000,- dkr. 1st RATE is 4.500,-dkr. + optional group ”cancellation insurance” 350,- dkr. Visa is included. Recommended amount of pocket money 500-1.000,- dkr. Vaccinations: Hepatitis A, Typhoid, Diphtheria. (Malaria pills may become necessary, but this will be elaborated further at a later stage)

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Oman-Middle Eastern & desert culture

NEW culture subject with great opportunities for shaping the content of classes and the trip.

Ranum Efterskole College is a member of Oman is one of those countries we rarely hear anything about-but this does not make this country any less interesting.

During this trip in Oman, we will have the opportunity to experience amazing world cultural heritage sites and experience Arabian culture.

Via UNESCO's school network ASP, which we are a part of, we will have some great opportunities in relation to networking and establishing collaboration before-, during- and after our trip.

In our preparations for this culture subject, we will, among other, establish contact with a school in Oman, and work with presentations of our own country and culture.

See links.

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Potential targets for this culture subject: To meet young people in Oman and do projects with them. To visit a school and experience learning in Oman. To experience and meet the Middle Eastern culture in order to gain a more varied idea of the people and life among the citizens, than that presented by the Western media. To experience and study the contrasts in one of the world’s richest oil countries. To learn about the history of the Middle East and Oman. To experience nature by hiking in the desert with young locals. Look at the Danish world heritage and present this to the young people in Oman. Train-in order to endure the hardships of a desert hike. To gain knowledge of– and experience UNESCO heritage. Experience a guest teacher from Oman, and learn common politeness and tones. Learn about Islam and discuss the conceptualisa‐tion of religion. Presentation techniques and communication of the culture subject subsequently. Organiser: Stine Damgaard [email protected]

Terms & Economy: Self-payment on this trip will be approximately 5.000,- dkr. 1st RATE is 2.500,- dkr. + op‐tional group ”cancellation insurance”. Recommended amount of pocket money 1000,- dkr. Vaccinations: Hepatitis A. Typhoid. Diphtheria. (Malaria pills may be necessary, but this will be elaborated).

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Peru-in the trail of the Incas

This culture subject is about preparing ourselves for a long journey back to one of the oldest civilisations of the world, and experience its ties with modern society. We will explore the culture and nature of Peru, and gain an understanding of its past-how life was and how geography could be both an advantage and disad‐vantage in a primitive life. We will try to gain an insight into the capital of the Inca Empire, Cusco and the holy valley, which is located approximately 3.500 m up in the Andes. Moreover, we will explore today’s culture of Peru and the differ‐ences existing in the country. We would like to trek the ancient path of Machu Picchu - once used by the Incas. We can visit lake Titicaca, the highest lake in the world, where the natives live on an island of reeds. Finally we can visit and live at the orphanage Elim in Cusco-the home to 30 children from the streets. Here we may assist with some teaching, games and social interaction.

In our preparations for this trip, we will work with the social conditions in Peru, such as, culture, religion, his‐tory, nature and geography. We will prepare for the trek, by taking long walks and doing exercise.

We will plan this expedition together as a group and we will establish contact to local schools and compa‐nies, so we may also visit the local population.

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As part of practicing presentation techniques, we will prepare presentations of a specific topic which will be presented to fellow learners in this group. You will also research for an article or film, which will be prepared during the trip. The research will also be the foundation for investigations and interviews per‐formed during our trip.

We will, after our return, work with printed and visu‐al media in the form of blog/webpage/facebook and video reports for Youtube.

It is a very long journey and you must be patient and open towards new things and changes, because this plan is definitely subject to change!

Organisers: Ib Christensen and Nigel Hopwood

Terms & Economy: Self-payment on this trip will be approximately 9.000,- dkr. 1st RATE is 4.500,-dkr. There are some insecurities in relation to the costs of the tickets-therefore, choose your 2nd priority with care. + possible ”cancellation insurance” 350,- dkr. Visa is included. Recommended amount of pocket money 1.000,- skr. Vaccinations: Hepatitis A, Typhoid, Diphtheria.

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South Africa - Cape Town ‐ culture & apartheid

Teacher suggestion for a new culture subject!

For the first time we head to South Africa with Ranum Efterskole College. The tour will have a comprehensive

focus where we want to work with South African culture, nature and cooperate with an international school

in Cape Town. In these subjects, we will of course work with Apartheid, Nelson Mandela and South African

society. It is important that learners are curious, wanting to experience a very different culture and meet

young people from another culture and form new communities. Therefore, our work on the trip will also fo‐

cus on the social community of the team, so learners learn to take responsibility for each other and engage in

the journey as a joint project.

In our preparations to this culture subject we will do independent projects, which we will use in the presenta‐tion of Ranum and Denmark in the schools we will visit in South Africa. We will, of course, also work with the social conditions in South Africa, such as culture, political history, as well as investigating how life is lived in South Africa today. We will try to establish collaboration with a friendship school-and via Ranum Efterskole College’s network, we have some good connections already.

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Must see and do activities:

Robben Island District Six Museum Tour of a Township The African Dance Theatre Cape Town Stadium Visiting an International School Springbok Rugby Experience Museum Walk up Devils Peak Water sports The Cape Town Diamond Museum South African National Gallery St. Georges Cathedral

Organisers: Matthew Dana and Solveig Madsen

Terms & Economy: Self-payment on this trip will be approximately 7.500,- dkr. 1st RATE is 3.750,-dkr. + optional group ”cancellation insurance” 350,- dkr. Visa is included. Recommended amount of pocket money 1.000,- dkr. Vaccinations: Hepatitis A, Typhoid, Diphtheria.

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South Korea ‐ culture & politics

Join us in the shaping of a new journey of enlightenment!

Visit South Korea – Seoul, Templer, high school and DMZ

This culture subject focusses on the Korean Peninsula.

We will visit the demilitarised zone and gain an insight into the history of this place. We will see the caves/tunnels (73m under ground) which North Korea dug with the purpose of invading South Korea/Seoul.

We will visit an old culture that is also a high-technological modern society, We will visit a school and ex‐change with high school peers and their families-including private accommodation for 1 night.

We will learn about their cultural background and gain an understanding of their religion and the like, and also visit a temple (Buddhism).

We will learn about the culture, the political history and the different systems. And we will have the oppor‐tunity to have a closer look at K-pop, Gaming culture and the youth culture in general.

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Terms & Economy: Self-payment for this trip will be approximately 7.500,- dkr. 1st RATE is 3.750,-dkr. + optional group ”cancellation insurance” 350,- dkr. Visa is included, if you have a Danish passport Recommended amount of pocket money 1.000,- dkr. Vaccinations: Hepatitis A, Diphtheria.

In our preparations you will be sked to do an independent project to be used in a presenta‐tion of Ranum and Denmark on the school we will visit i South Korea. You will choose an ar‐ea of personal interest and meet young locals.

Organiser : Thomas Fuglsang

Facebook : Sydkorea Ranum Efterskole

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Thailand ‐ culture, friendship school & diving

Teacher suggestion. This theme is brand new, but comes very natural, as we have had several Thai guests and guest learners over the last many years. The subject is suggested Anja, who is very interested in Asian culture, and who has worked and lived in Thailand many times. Thailand is a new profile subject, and there are therefore many opportunities for combining nature-sports such as Wakeboarding, Imagination and the culture subject, such as gastronomy, religion studies as well as teaching.

Potential themes in this culture subject:

Nature/sport: Wakeboard Diving Culture/sport/gastronomy/religion: Martial art-Muay Thai School visit Gastronomy Religion – Buddhism

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In the preparations for this culture subject, we will work with physical training as well as academic presenta‐tions on culture. Each learner will contribute with an individual project and will during our trip be participa‐tory in communicating knowledge about Thailand and also for the Thai learners present Denmark and Ranum Efterskole College. Organiser: Anja Lykke Nielsen.

Terms & Economy: Self-payment for this trip will be approximately 7.000,- dkr. 1st RATE is 3.500,-dkr. + optional group ”cancellation insurance” 350,- dkr. Visa is included. Recommended amount of pocket money 1.000,- dkr. Vaccinations: Hepatitis A, Diphtheria.

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USA high school exchange- San Francisco

Exchange stay at Pajaro Valley High School in California, CA. - specially designed for Cambridge-learners, BUT OPEN for all with an interest in English and American culture. Approximately 12 days. In collaboration with Pajaro Valley High School in Watsonville, California, a unique high school stay is planned, in Santa Cruz county by the Monterey-bay in California-south of San Francisco. The target is, to learn about American culture and language, but also to meet young high school learners from all social classes and learn about high school life in the US. You will be accommodated by local family, where you will follow the family's teenager to high school. You must expect to present yourself and Denmark the first day at high school-a presentation planned in detail before we depart for the US. As a new feature, you will take a guide– and communication course, which will prepare you for the individual project and presentation. Subject knowledge: There is a great focus on the subject knowledge during this trip, and it is expected that you can understand and speak English well enough to keep up with teaching in high school-and that you are interested in this programme, and therefore will participate fully-also in contacting other young people and companies. If you are taking Spanish lessons here at Ranum Efterskole College, you may have the opportuni‐ty to be accommodated by a bilingual (Spanish) family. You must expect a full programme, where you will follow your host to extracurricular activities in the after‐noon and/or evening, which can be American football, track, baseball/softball, cheerleading, band, and the like. If the school has a dress code, you will be asked to follow it.

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You will be responsible for doing a video journal or in a different way communicating your experiences from high school to your fellow learners when you return to Ranum Efterskole College. The programme also contains a visit to the University of California Santa Cruz, where you will gain an understand‐ing of the American college– and university programmes. Our guide is Ron Sandidge, who was previously a high school principal and who is now responsible for the Ivy League-programme in Santa Cruz county (access to uni‐versities such as Harvard and similar). In addition to the excursion to Santa Cruz we will also take a daytrip to San Francisco, where we will drive on the Golden Gate Bridge, sail to Alcatraz, and take a walk in Chinatown. We recom‐mend that you choose USA-Santa Cruz, if you consider an exchange in the US later. See more photos and meet for‐mer RE-exchange learners and PV-host learners on Organiser: Charlotte Linder

Terms & Economy: Self-payment on this trip will be approximately 5.500,- dkr. 1st RATE is 2.750,-dkr. + optional group ”cancellation insurance” 350,- dkr. Visa is included. Recommended amount of pocket money 1.000,- dkr. Vaccinations: Same as in DK.

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In collaboration with the Danish consul in Miami, a unique and exciting study trip is planned to Miami. The target is to learn about American culture and language, as well as to meet Danish immigrants and expat‐riates, who will talk about their experiences of living and working in the US. We will also visit companies, do interview and take pictures to be used in your OSO-assignment subsequent‐ly. We have a network of companies with relation to Denmark and Scandinavia. This way, our learners will gain an insight into what it means to work abroad and incorporate this aspect into their assignments. MAST Academy We had the pleasure last year of visiting this prestigious school for the second time. It is lo‐cated on the Rickenbacker Causeway, a beautiful spot with great views of the city, and specialises in Marine science and activities. This year, as well as visiting the school, we hope to attend one of their basketball games, so we can provide some Danish support for our American friends. We will also be inviting some of the students from the academy on a bowling ”date” to allow more time for talking and discussions about the differences between the culture in Denmark and in the U.S.A.

Key West Key west is the southernmost island located on the long stretch of islands to the south of Miami known as the Florida Keys. Our long trip down there will be broken up a stop at a beautiful beach for a pic‐nic and perhaps some snorkelling. We will spend some time in the town, find some dinner and look at the classic American architecture-there is also a possibility that we will spend the night here, though this is yet to be confirmed. South Beach/ Little Havana These two iconic places in Miami are a must visit; South Beach for the skyline and the many films and TV series that have used this glamorous location as a backdrop. Little Havana on the other hand, is a Cuban community located in the heart of Miami - and is a centre of multicultural activity. Though there is not much to do there other than walk around and talk to some of the residents, it is still a fascinating place and well worth adding to our itinerary.

USA-Miami, American ways of life

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Everglades Tour This year we hope to add another wildlife element to the trip by exploring the Everglades by bicycle/tram. Understanding the things that make Florida a unique part of the United States is im‐portant, and the wildlife that can be found here plays a large part of that.

Seminole Village The original inhabitants of Florida were the Seminole Okalee Indians, and this visit will enlighten the students on what life was like in Florida before the colonisation of America. We hope that the students will ask lots of questions about the cultural norms of the native Indians. It is also located right next to the Hard Rock Cafe, which is a possible dinner destination depending of course on the price.

Courtroom Visit The legal system in the United states is very different to the one in Denmark, it is in fact it is different to most countries in the EU. We are lucky enough to know the Honorary Danish Consulate in Miami, Jon Rosenthal, who grants us access to a real courtroom. The students may sit and watch the pro‐cesses of the law being carried in the United States, and afterwards can attend a question and answer ses‐sion with Jon. Retail Therapy As well as experiencing the culture, wild‐life and geography of Miami, the students will of course be granted the chance to visit Sawgrass Mills mall– the largest value retail outlet in the United States. The stu‐dents will only get one chance to visit, so make sure you leave some space in your suitcase for presents to take home!

Organiser: Andreas Latz

Terms & Economy: Self-payment for this trip will be approximately 7.000,- dkr. 1st RATE is 3.500,-dkr. + optional group ”cancellation insurance” 350,- dkr. Visa is included. Recommended amount of pocket money 1.000,- dkr. Vaccinations: same as in DK.

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Winter sport-The Alps

Are you into exercise, physical training and skiing, and are you interested in alpine culture such as Austria/Italy, then winter sports in the Alps is the right choice for you!

In order to get in shape and learn the correct techniques, we do quite a lot of exercise before we depart.

A part of our training will be joint with other active/physical profile subjects. If there is snow, we will natu‐rally take advantage of it.

We will also learn how to roller ski and experience the joy of this kind of exercise., as well as try how skiing can be used to experience nature.

The culture in the Alps is diverse, and we will therefore meet with young people from the area. We have also invited some of the AFS learners from Malaysia to join us, and they are amazing to experi‐ence snow and the cold with.

Everyone can participate in skiing. We will make different team, and we will focus on the different levels of all participants. There will also be an opportunity to arrange joint excursions such as picnic on the moun‐tain. In preparations for this trip, we will also focus on social interaction, activities in the snow and evening ac‐tivities.

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Terms & Economy: You must expect to be physically active! Open to other forms of skiing, and willing to par‐ticipate in collaboration with young people from Austria/Italy. Self-payment for this trip will be approximately 1.500,- dkr. TO BE PAID IN 1 RATE + optional group ”cancellation insurance” 350,- dkr. No vaccinations or visa are necessary.

Skiing in January is amazing, but also really cold. For this reason, it is also important that you have the right gear. It can be bought fairly cheap or it can be borrowed-it is definitely not essential to buy the most expensive or flashy gear!

We are happy to be advisory in relation to clothes and gear-and how to get something rea‐sonable.

In addition to skiing and winter sport, we will get to know our AFS guest learners even more, and ideally you will have made new friends on e-friends before we depart.

Joint cooking and duties are a part of the winter trip, and before we depart, we will plan these assignments.

Organiser: Thomas Sloth and more. Questions can be mailed to: [email protected]

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How to choose-Step by step: 1. Open Skoleplan with uni-login

2. Go to AKTUELT and find FAGØNSKER

3. Choose 1st priority

4. Choose 2nd priority

5. Choose if you want collective ”cancellation insurance”

6. Pay 1st rate subsequently after making the choice-account nr: 9202 0000138622 (payment is consid‐ered parental confirmation of choices)

7. Pay ”cancellation insurance” 350,- dkr., if you have chosen this option. (Bank statements are considered to be the receipt for any payments)

8. Parents and learner will receive confirmation via email

DEADLINE for making choices is OCTOBER 1st, 2014! New culture profile subjects will commence in week 43, and the tickets for all these trips are booked October 2nd 2014. If learners can not have their 1st priority granted, they will be called in for a conver‐sation before making a final decision in relation to their 2nd priority.

Payments must be transferred into following account: 9202 0000138622

Remember to write name and learner no., and profile subject on your payments.

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ECONOMY & PAYMENT 1st rate must be paid when choosing profile subject-no later than 2nd of October, 2014

1st rate is half of the self-payment. REGISTRATION IS ONLY FINALISED, WHEN 1ST RATE IS PAID. (With the exception of the subjects that are covered by school tuition). Cancellation insurance is approximately 350,- dkr. Which is to be paid with 1st rate-please make a note when transferring.

2nd rate must be paid 1st of December, 2014 the latest

Self-payment in relation to culture profile subjects depends on the final economy for the trip and often ticket prices are influential. Thus, 2nd rate may be subject to change. We aim at matching the estimated expenses described in this magazine. Re-election, withdrawal or the like: The expenses, which the school has covered and which can not be re‐funded, will be charged in the case of re-election or withdrawal (regardless of the cause). We aim at fulfilling the 1st priority of all learners, but the economic theme is always present and it is always necessary to consider this aspect, when prioritising. A large number of our learners contributes to their self-payment and/or pocket money. It is educational to have a conversation in the home about the choices, econ‐omy, own contribution, as well as how to prioritise during the whole school year.

Individual support: We would like to have a dialog with the learners and families, who may have some finan‐cial challenges in relation to self-payments. This means that learner, parents and the school, together, will find an individual solution and possibly a instalment agreement. Application can be retrieved from the office and the application will be handled by the principal and the financial department. Safety on the culture travels: We follow recommendations from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and advice parents and learners to do the same. On our travels the staffing is high and we are often joined by extra assistants-youth guides, who are former learners and therefore familiar with our ways of travelling and for what purposes. A detailed safety procedure is completed for all travels, which will be available on the webpage of the school under ”Efterskolen”.

Travel insurances: The school has taken out insurance policies as supplements to the yellow health insurance and the private insurances of the families. The luggage of the learners are not covered by these insurances. The school offers a ”cancellation insurance”, which covers the self-payment. This can be higher than the ticket price for the longer journeys. As this is a collective pool, the compensation will represent a relative share of the total pool and the maximum sum of the self-payment. The collective insurance is to be paid with the 1st rate of the self-payment. The sum is 350,- dkr.

Vaccinations, and medicine is not included.

Learners are responsible for getting the recommended vaccinations-before 1st of December, 2014. Check for more information. And Book your appointment with the doctor in good time (3-4 days before). It may be an advantage to have it cleared by the autumn holi-days.

REMEMBER that your passport must be valid for more than 6 months after your return date. All passports must be handed in to the office, so we can book flights and visa.

Important information

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40 PERIODE 2014-15VALG TIL [email protected] Tel: +45 9666 4400

Seminarievej 23, 9681 Ranum, Himmerland, Denmark