Cultural fuel trend report march 2013 web


Transcript of Cultural fuel trend report march 2013 web




NEWSLETTER CONTENT" Inspiration"Some creative ideas to inspire you !!Trends"Hot trends and interesting marketing strategies!!Insights & Opinions"Research news about target groups and market insights!



TINKERBELL: REPLACED"One of the famous dogs carried in a bag or maybe the most popular dog in a bag was Tinkerbell the chihuahua which belonged to Paris Hilton. She formed the stereotype of women who carry their pets in a designer bag. But what happens when the little cute dog transformes into an attack dog- but also in a bag. This is the way of Harvy Nichols to ring in a new generation and a new collection.!Via: !

THE WHOLE WORLD IS YOUR BACKYARD."The new print ad from Volkswagen shows an ordinary scene which everybody recognizes: A man/the father cuts the lawn. Normally this scene wouldn´t get a lot of attention but this ad takes place in natural surroundings. Because if you aquire the new Volkswagen California it doesn´t matter anymore where your backyard is - it can be everywhere.!Via: !

SOME NOVELTIES ARENʻT ALL THAT..."2 women, one changing room and a talk about a whole new sport, pony riding in the pool. Maybe weʼll see the new trend after Yoga, Pilates or Zumba. The woman on the left tried out this kind of activity before and convinced her friend to come along. But letʼs be honest, it is getting really strange... Maybe you should come to Toyota instead and look for real novelties.!Via. !

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A SPECIAL ‘THANK YOU‘"It is so important today that people „like“ company sites so they will be updated all the time about events or what the company is going to release soon. A lot of Facebook sites thank the users with a banner of how many fans were achieved. But Dominos Pizza just had a very special idea to mark their 8 million facebook fans. Because of the matching name they created a thank you banner out of domino stones and uploaded the video on facebook. It just was not only a good idea because of the name and identity but also because it stands out of all the given thanks of facebook before.!Via: !

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WHERE WILL COLOR TAKE YOU?"With this slogan the company Sherwin-Williams, which produces colours, varnish and building materials, show the variety of its assortment. The whole setting is constructed out of color chips and pictures a trip around the world. This video is also an amazing animation and a great design work.!Via: !

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WHAT WOULD YOU DO..."... when you want to step into an elevator and witness a Murder? This situation wouldn´t happen to you? If you are a part of the promotion of the new crime thriller „Dead Man Down“ – it could be reality. Check out the video below and see the most honest and scared reactions.!Via: ! !

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WHAT EVERYONE HAD BEEN WAITING FOR"The new Galaxy S4 was released in Mid-March, but before Samsung published a teaser commercial in favour of the big event. The teaser below is about a little boy who obtained a spot before the new Galaxy S4 smartphone. This clip is about his way back home with the package and how to hide it from his surroundings and his own curiosity about the content. Check it out and decide if this teaser is worth the Samsung S4 release.!Via: !

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SPIT AND POLISH"This advertising for a surface cleaner is a very good example for amazing design work. The idea that the floor is as clean as a mirrow. But this print ad doesn´t show the face of the person who tries to look at itself, this print campain shows the whole room mirrored- even what is under the table board.!Via: !

MAKE LOVE, NOT LIKE"We have a world outside from the world wide web and facebook with its like button! This is the message of the new campaign of the underwear producer Blush. So instead of the ordinary facebook ‚likeʻ thumb there exists a heart as symbol to use. Love at the real world and because it is so much more special than any facebook likes. „Don´t like. Love“!Via: ! !

THE NEW WILD COLLECTION"With a collection named like that, Old Spice hired Mr. Wolfdog to promote this new product line. As the new face and Marketing Director he knows how to look successful and that all his business manners are very important, so that people realise that he isn´t just the wild animal. You need to stamp letters, use a calculator and have a lot of business awards at your office. Sounds like Old Spice did a lucky move with Mr. Wolfdog.!Via: !

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ON CLOSER INSPECTION"Corona wanted to make a statement in favour of responsible drinking. So they decided to let the audience of `Django unchained´ make this experience first-hand. The whole cast will be presented at the closing credits but the beginning of the movie is unlike any other Tarantino movies before. What will happen when the letters and words are just a blur and nobody knows why? Is the quality of the movie material so bad or could it be the couple of beers you had?!Via: !

WOULD YOU HELP?"Your friend is calling you in the middle of the night and tells you he lost money in a card game and the people he played with won´t let him go until you will bring the money. What will you do? Tell him no and hang up or meet him at this strange and very dangerous looking place where you have to go in and where you have an ecounter with the most scariest people you have ever seen? If your answer will be the second one, than welcome to the new viral marketing video from Carlsberg...!Via: !

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MAYBE A FAKE- BUT STILL A SUCCESS"An ordinary customer wants to look after a car and the nice salesman tries to help and suggests a test drive. What could go wrong? But this isn´t a usual procedure to buy a car, this is a viral video sponsored by Pepsi Max which achieved over 20.000.000 clicks within a week. And that´s the reason why the test driver isn´t a normal customer but NASCAR driver Jeff Gordon.!Via: ! !

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THE MOONWALKING PONY"British telecommunications company Three is running an advertising campaign centred on a cute moonwalking Shetland pony. A television commercial introduces the public to a horse that dances to impress the other ponies, along with the slogan, “Silly stuff. It matters”. In addition fans can make someones day by creating their own special pony at!Via:!!

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FROZEN CINEMA"Winter in Germany can get pretty nasty and cold and temperatures not rarely fall below zero. To show how homeless people feel during these times of the year the non profit organization fiftyfifty recreated an environment in a German cinema similiar to the conditions outside. The people in the once cozy cinema were given blankets with an QR code on it via which they should donate some money for the homeless.!Via:!!

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LAST MEALS"DDB Latina Puerto Rico created this simple spot for Amnesty International Puerto Rico to make a point against the death penalty in which they showed the last meals of prisoners who were later found to be innocent. The spot ends with the words: If it was your last meal, what would you choose?!Via:!!

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RING UP YOUR MUSIC"Students of the Advertising School MADS in Moscow, Russia created a campaign to promote the Festival of Classic Music in Prague. Customers in supermarkets can create their own musical pieces by positioning their items on the cash register in a special way. Read below how it works!!Via:!!

VOICE YOUR VIEW"BBH New York created this outdoor ad campaign to illustrate both sides of a core political issue in the US: individual freedom versus governmental regulation. Each illustration represents one side of the issue and when flipped it represents the opposite view. People are so encouraged to think about which side they support and voice their view by taking a photo and upload it on Twitter or Instagram.!Via:!!

LOOSE THE FAT. YOU´LL LIVE LONGER"Moral of the story created by Wunderman, Dubai: when going on an adventure make sure to either take someone fatter with you or drink the juices from Fruit Shop if you want to survive!!Via:!!

THE OUTDOOR FITTING ROOM"How do you get people to actually think that itʻs cool to wear a bike helmet. Nutcase Bike Helmets gave the answer with this piece of untraditional activation marketing. Nutcase Helmets in Denmark has launched the “Outdoor Fitting Room”, a series of poles around Copenhagen, each indented with a helmet. The campaign is designed to address the common perception that wearing a helmet is uncool. Riders are invited to lean over and try out the helmet, and have their photo placed on the Nutcase Denmark Facebook page for a chance to win a free helmet.! !!


EARTH HOUR 2013"A stunning creation by Leo Burnett Philippines to remind the people on Earth that we have to care for our own planet.!!Via:!!

REAL CHALLENGES FOR YOUR BRAIN"The agency Perfil 252 from Brazil has launched a clever idea for the Academia dei Ideas. A smart person – Einstein, Dali or Nietzsche – drawn as maze. A real challege for your brain.!!Via:!!

FARMAGEDDON"Everything was fine until the 22nd of March 2013, when the drought disaster hit more than 45 million online farmers around the world who opened their accounts on Farmerama. This is how Saatchi & Saatchi Frankfurt campaigns for World Water Day. Online farmers are given the choice to carry on playing, or to help end the virtual drought by passing on the message or making a donation for low-cost pumps, water tanks, tubing and other supplies for poor farmers.!Via:!!

THE HP PHOTOBALL"HP presented the new strapline “Making Memories Last” by creating an interactive experience during São Paulo’s biggest music fest. The HP Photoball – a product of AlmapBBDO- was equipped with a wi-fi antenna and a HD camera, registering fan’s reaction from an entirely new point of view. These images were transmitted in real time to the stage, their FB fan page, and to over 3 millions viewers via live online broadcast.!Via:!!

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SOCIAL ROAD TRIPS"This new App `Smileage´ has the ability to connect you with other people on Google+ on your road trip. So you can share your route and your memories as pictures from your trip with them. You can interact and they can comment and in the end there is an amazing map of your tripfull of your experience. And by the way you can collect something as bonus points on your way in favour of your Smileage score for example when you meet other Volkswagen on your way. So check it out!!Via: !

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THE FACE OF THE FUTURE"A digital avatar was developed by the University of Cambridge and has the ability to express a full range of human emotions (happy, sad, afraid and more). So user can write their texts and have the support of the avatar to express the meaning. In the future people should be able to upload their own faces to personalize their messages. But this face could also help deaf and autistic children to improve their emotional and communicative abilities.!Via: !

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SPECIAL SCENT"Everybody wants to be special and own special products: limited editions, special brand collections and other items. So this scent calender will be loved by people who want to be truly individual. This calender from Kim Weisswange contains thirty-one scents for each day, twelve bottles to cover the month and one bottle for the whole year. So every day you apply the scent of three bottles to obtain a new perfume every day! !Via: !

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A LOT MORE THAN JUST A MOUSE"Meanwhile people hate to need a device for every single task. Today we use smartphone which are mobile and a small computer all in one. So why shouldn´t there be any other consolidation of abilities in a gadget. This mouse is an extraordinary example for this. It can operate the computer and scan documents which are needed. There is an extra button to start scanning which can be seen and treated on the computer screen. If you are interested and willing to spend $79 check out the video below.!Via: !

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3D ACTION FIGURES AS BUSINESS CARDS"Dutch creative agency Resoluut has come up with a unique and inspiring way to showcase its employees. Instead of the usual flat business cards, the agency has turned its workers into superhero-like characters and had the figurines created using a 3D printer. Recently it has become a real trend to not use the usual standard business cards but design something cool and memorable to really stick out from the crowd.!Via:!!

FAR FAR AWAY"... is the place where a lot of our needs come from like exotic fruits or our clothes. But these garments not only were produced in Asia they also stopped at a few other towns before heading toward the shop next door. This way of transportation isn´t any good for the enviroment, so there is a new idea to solve this problem. This is at least the idea of Joshua Harris. In 2050 people should be able to print their own clothes- they only have to buy for the design and the material. This could be a considerable trend in years to come and maybe a model for other productions to save nature with less restrictions.!Via: !


FACEBOOK ADVERTISING" a mystery for everyone because nobody clicks on the ads. So why are companies still promoting their products on the social network? There hasnʻt yet been a correlation between purchases and clicks. Facebook partnered with datalogix and together are trying to recognise specific patterns in your behaviour and hoping to optimize the link between the two. So in the end weʻll will actually end up buying the products which were advertised on Facebook. Is that good news or not?!Via: ! !

E-FEMME PAD"This picture below shows the first tablet for women. It has already pre-loaded interesting apps for women ( yoga, cooking recipes and more). And it has got a pink background. A few women would say it is nice, but the real problem about this gadget is that is was released in Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, where women have got distinctively other rights than man. But it was only sold 7000 thus far. So maybe these women don´t like to be patronized or actually donʻt have as many tech problems as men think. Who would have thought?!!Via: !

Nominated are..."Capri-Sun for targeting children at sport events even though it is commonly known that ingredients of Capri-Sun are mainly Water and Sugar; ...Pom-Bär by Funnyfrisch for advertisements that adress kids under 12 even though the company itself said advertisments for children at a young age are not okay; the Pudding „Paula“ by Dr. Oetker for targeting children via online-games, apps and many more, promoting the sugary snack. For the 5th time Foodwatch !tags companies with „the golden cream puff“ for the worst advertisements, this time focusing particularly on those deliberately targeting children. Which would you nominate?!Via:!!

Advertising people = Social Media Addicts?"„Advertising People are hopeless Social-Media addicts“. Here`s an infographic from San Francisco agency Heat comparing social-media usage among advertising professionals with that of the general public.! !Via:!!

Released by Planning Department Frankfurt March 2013 For submission of interesting news, inspiration and comments please submit to [email protected] "