Cultural Activity

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  • 8/11/2019 Cultural Activity


    Grace Fields

    RN 33

    Cultural Activity


    My cultural activity was to dine at an Indian restaurant called Indian Curry

    house !he Indian culture is very nota"le #ro$ their ela"orate weddin%s to their

    uni&ue 'avor#ul #oods

    ()on arrivin% into the restaurant* the d+cor was de,nitely not #a$iliar with $y

    own culture -old $aroons* shi$$ery %olds* and li%ht yellows* are what I

    re$e$"er $ost "ecause the restaurant was di$ly lit !he entire restaurant had

    the aro$a o# shar) incenses and $outh waterin% s)ices .ach wall was wra))ed

    with the ta)estries o# deities* %ods* and %oddesses* who a$ I not too #a$iliar with

    I looed around and noticed $e and $y cousin were the only nonIndian

    custo$ers I ,%ured that $ust "e a %ood si%n i# the Indian )eo)le lie the #ood it

    $ust "e close to ho$e In the "ac%round noise* I heard una"i "ein% s)oen

    "etween #a$ilies and the restaurant sta !he waiter %reeted $e with the $enu

    !han#ully* I had "een with $y cousin who new e4actly what to order o)ular

    s)ices used in Indian cooin% are !ur$eric* Coriander* and Curry I ordered a very

    si$)le $eal $ade o# )otatoes* lentils* and e%%)lant !he Indian s)ices and

    'avorin% are out o# this world5 I6ve never tasted such 'avor with such si$)le


    My e4)erience at an Indian restaurant was nothin% lie I e4)ected !he

    $enu had #oods I could not )ronounce* "ut turned out to "e a$a7in% I really

  • 8/11/2019 Cultural Activity


    enoyed the #ood* so $uch I have decided Indian #ood is now in $y to) #avorites

    In co$)arison to $y A#ricanA$erican and Me4icanA$erican culture* Indians and

    $y culture "oth have ela"orate styles o# dress #or weddin%s* holidays* and

    "irthdays Also* "oth cultures have very distinct 'avors when it co$es to

    )re)arin% #ood I enoy "oth cultural #oods "ecause even thou%h they are

    dierent* "ut they taste %reat In addition* we also share the idea o# stayin% ho$e

    with the )arents until the child decides to $ove out My )arents don6t want $e to

    leave ho$e* "ut now that it6s co$in% one day In contrast* unlie Indians we do

    not "elieve in arran%ed $arria%es and "elieve it is the )erson6s own choice to

    deter$ine who they want to s)end their li#e with -oth share the idea* to value

    the older %eneration "ecause they can have a lot o# wisdo$ and advice #or the

    youn%er %eneration

    Fro$ what I %athered #ro$ the Indian restaurant* would "e the Indian

    cultural teaches to have res)ect #or everyone es)ecially the elderly !hey are very

    traditional so addressin% the clients )ro)erly to $aintain res)ect would "e wise

    8n the Indian Curry ouse $enu* I noticed there wasn6t any "ee# so $y nursin%

    intervention would "e to have $eals )re)ared without "ee# and oer $il

    "ecause they "elieve the cows to "e very sacred

    8verall* I6d say it was a very enoya"le e4)erience and I6$ %lad I chose the

    Indian restaurant as $y cultural activity I have only scratched the sur#ace o# that

    cultural* "ut I now a little $ore a"out the$ so I can "e aware o# how to %ive $y

    #uture Indian clients "etter culturally sensitive client centered care