Culminating project troy gordon

Historical effects of School Leadership

Transcript of Culminating project troy gordon

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Historical effects of School Leadership

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Organizational Values

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Leadership style Strengths Challenges Example

Task oriented Task oriented Structured - clear goals and

deadlinesLow trust - stifling to follower innovation

When there are specific and precise goals that need to be accomplished

Relationship oriented Focuses on the follower, gets to know them, their strengths and weakness. builds trust

The focus of the team and personal relationships may take away from meeting goals

When there is disharmony among the followers. If there has been trust broken, When the outcome is for the followers to be more innovative and self reliant.

Participative leadership Participative High level of trust - Gives

followers input and value in the process.

This approach can be time intensive. It can cause conflict…disorganization

When all have equal expertise in on the topic, and when you have time hear and to analyze input from the team

Directive Information is travels top down.There is still a lack of trust. There is not a strong sense of team.

When the leader needs for decision to be made and goals to be achieved in a time sensitive manner

Benevolent authoritative Efforts are made to give followers some input.

Followers are not as satisfied. The input allowed may be token or for small topics

When leader has the most expertise in a situation.

Leadership and Management

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Organizational Communication

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School Mission and Values

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Decision Making Models

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Understanding Evaluation

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Understanding Evaluation

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Bennis, W. (1986). Transformative power and leadership. In T. J. Sergiovanni & J. E. Corbally (Eds.), Leadership and organizational culture (pp. 64–71). Urbana: University of Illinois Press.

Razik, A.T., & Swanson, D.A. (2010) Fundamental Concepts of Educational Leadership and Management (3rd ed). Boston: Allyn & Bacon
