Cuba Pest Analysis

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Click to edit Master subtitle style BY SNEHA SHARMA



History of Cuba Cuba was the last major Spanish colony to

gain independence, following a lengthy struggle begun in 1868. Jose Marti, Cuba's national hero, helped initiate the final push for independence in 1895.Castro declared Cuba a socialist state on

April 16, 1961. For the next 30 years, Castro pursued close relations with the Soviet Union and worked to advance the geopolitical goals of the Soviet Union,3/7/12

CONTD.........In the years following its independence,

Cuba saw significant economic development, but also political corruption and a succession of despotic leaders, culminating in the overthrow of the dictator Fulgencio Batista by the communist revolutionary Fidel Castro during the 1953 Cuban Revolution. Cuba has since been ruled by Castro's Communist Party of Cuba , although Fidel Castro himself stepped 3/7/12 down from leadership of the country in


CUBA-PROFIL AT-A-GLANCE Politics:Communist leader Fidel

Castro led the one-party state for nearly 50 years; his brother Raul took over as leader in 2008 Economy:US economic embargo

has been in force since 1961; since collapse of USSR and loss of Soviet aid, there has been several tentative moves towards economic 3/7/12

CONTD........... Full name:Republic of Cuba Population:11.2 million (UN, 2011) Capital:Havana Area:110,860 sq km (42,803 sq miles) Major language:Spanish Major religion:Christianity Life expectancy:77 years (men), 81 years

(women) (UN) Monetary unit:1 Cuban peso = 100 centavos Main exports:Nickel, sugar, tobacco,3/7/12 shellfish, medical products, citrus, coffee



POLITICAL HIGHLITES Chief of state since 1976 has been President Fidel Castro Ruz.

Since he handed over power to his brother and Vice President Raul Castro in July 2006, the process of succession has taken place. It seems unlikely that Fidel Castro will return to office.


Economic highlights:

Cuba has a population of 11.4m that is estimated to grow

at a rate of 0.3% in 2012.


Overview of industries trade & commerceCurrencies Exchange rate for individual The Cuban Peso (CUP) The Convertible Peso (CUC)

Individuals can buy 24 Cuban pesos (CUP) for each CUC sold Individuals can sell 25 Cuban pesos for each CUC bought

Exchange rate for enterprise Taxes for transaction in U.S. Dollar GDP per capita income Average monthly salary Trade Export products

CUP and CUC at a 1:1 ratio 10% $4,545 $20 Exports (2011)--$2.88 billion nickel/cobalt, oil and oil derivatives, pharmaceutical and biotech products, sugar and its byproducts, tobacco, seafood, citrus, tropical fruits, coffee 3/7/12

Social Arrow (1974) determined that the set of attributes

that we are calling social capital is more than a byproduct of the collective actions of a society and represents a necessary condition to expand the efficiency frontier and rationality of individual and collective behavior. The most elementary and least complex forms of

social capital that different economic agents require can be reconstructed in a relatively short period of time, as individuals are predisposed to develop relationships with others to their mutual advantage once they have the freedom to do so.3/7/12

Technological In analyzing the primary features of the Cuban IT

industry, a broad view of Cuba's comparative advantages and weaknesses as a global IT provider begins to emerge. Cuba is already recognized as a leader in biotechnology Inadequate domestic IT/telecommunications

infrastructure in Cuba. High piracy rates/lack of value ascribed to software



Legislative highlights:

Judicial power rests with the People's Supreme Court,

which is elected by, and accountable to, the National Assembly. The judicial system is based on the principle that all

judges, be they professional or lay, are independent and are subject only to the law, and all professional or lay judges are elected, accountable and can be replaced.3/7/12
