Cuaderno de Gramatica de Tellme More

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Transcript of Cuaderno de Gramatica de Tellme More

  • TELL ME MORECuaderno de gramtica Sin solucionesIngls BritnicoNivel Principiante

    Version 9

  • Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved I

    ndice The negative Pg 1 / 223There is - There are............................ Pg 5 / 223Negation of the indefinite article... Pg 8 / 223Questions without interrogative words Pg 10 / 223Questions in the past. Pg 18 / 223Tags - Short answers Pg 23 / 223Exclamation with 'what a'.. Pg 27 / 223The same . . . as.... Pg 30 / 223Irregular comparatives. Pg 32 / 223Regular superlatives..... Pg 34 / 223Direct and indirect questions.... Pg 36 / 223The plural... Pg 41 / 223Piece of.... Pg 48 / 223Definite and indefinite articles.. Pg 51 / 223Difference between 'a' and 'an' Pg 56 / 223The possessive.... Pg 62 / 223Possessive adjectives.. Pg 64 / 223Demonstratives. Pg 67 / 223A little - A bit... Pg 70 / 223Different meanings of 'all'.. Pg 73 / 223Some Any Pg 77 / 223Subject pronouns.. Pg 80 / 223Object pronouns.. Pg 85 / 223'One' replacing a noun.. Pg 88 / 223Interrogative words. Pg 91 / 223Which What.. Pg 99 / 223Use of 'both'. Pg 102 / 223How much - How many.. Pg 105 / 223Basic notions.. Pg 109 / 223Placing the adjective.. Pg 113 / 223Use of 'both'. Pg 116 / 223Use of the past participle as an adjective.. Pg 119 / 223Order of adjectives.... Pg 121 / 223The verb 'to have (got)'. Pg 123 / 223Transitive and intransitive verbs... Pg 137 / 223The verb 'to be' Pg 143 / 223Contraction of 'to be'.... Pg 149 / 223The simple present.... Pg 153 / 223The present continuous.... Pg 156 / 223The affirmative imperative.. Pg 162 / 223Expressions followed by the gerund... Pg 165 / 223The simple present and the present continuous... Pg 167 / 223Construction of the present perfect. Pg 171 / 223Use of the present perfect.... Pg 173 / 223

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    Would like: expressing a desire... Pg 175 / 223Can: ability and likelihood.... Pg 181 / 223Can: perception and knowledge.. Pg 185 / 223Can - Could - Be able to... Pg 189 / 223Must - Have (got) to. Pg 191 / 223To write.... Pg 194 / 223Prepositions of time... Pg 197 / 223Prepositions of place.. Pg 199 / 223Means with 'by'... Pg 204 / 223Here There Pg 206 / 223Adverbs of time.. Pg 210 / 223Use of 'else'.. Pg 212 / 223Also - As well Too.. Pg 215 / 223Nothing ever Pg 217 / 223Ever Never.... Pg 219 / 223Till Until. Pg 222 / 223

  • Principiante

    Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales]

    1 The negative La negacin

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  • Date & time

    Palabra correcta [2 ejercicios]

    1 He not like going to the theatre.don't doesn't do done does

    2 He is playing golf.don't not note isn't night doesn't

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  • Objects & animals

    Completar las frases [1 ejercicios]

    1 I need a .A stapler? Use the .

    I have a stapler.

    I need a . Do you have one?

    No, I have a brush.

    but don't glue comb stapler

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  • Numbers & letters

    Ejercicio de gramtica [3 ejercicios]

    1 Ponga en forma negativa las siguientes frases.

    Ejemplo:I have a football. I don't have a football.

    She has got an ice cream.

    They have a radio.

    We have a room.

    2 Ponga en forma negativa las siguientes frases.

    Ejemplo:I have a football. I don't have a football.

    They've got wine.

    You are very lucky.

    He's got a watch.

    3 Ponga en forma negativa las siguientes frases.

    Ejemplo:I have a football. I don't have a football.

    She is perfect.

    They have got a TV.

    I do my work.

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  • Principiante

    Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales]

    1 There is - There are "There is" - "There are"

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  • Bed & Breakfast

    Casillas de palabras [1 ejercicios]

    1 Ponga en singular los siguientes grupos de palabras.

    Ejemplo:there are beds there is a bed

    there are keys

    there are showers

    there are baths

    there are houses

    there are bed and breakfasts

    there are restaurants

    Palabra correcta [1 ejercicios]

    1 an excellent restaurant in the square.There are Is there Are there There is

    Ejercicio de gramtica [1 ejercicios]

    1 Escriba de otra manera las siguientes frases como en el ejemplo.

    Ejemplo:(There is / There are) a good restaurant inLondon.

    There is a good restaurant in London.

    (There is / There are) many lakes near the town.

    (There is / There are) two fish and chip shops inthe square.

    (There is / There are) a bathroom downstairs.

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  • Orden de palabras [1 ejercicios]

    1there near are lakes many here.

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  • Principiante

    Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales]

    1 Negation of the indefinite article La negacin del artculo indeterminado

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  • Numbers & letters

    Ejercicio de gramtica [3 ejercicios]

    1 Ponga en forma negativa las siguientes frases.

    Ejemplo:I have a football. I don't have a football.

    She has got an ice cream.

    They have a radio.

    We have a room.

    2 Ponga en forma negativa las siguientes frases.

    Ejemplo:I have a football. I don't have a football.

    They've got wine.

    You are very lucky.

    He's got a watch.

    3 Ponga en forma negativa las siguientes frases.

    Ejemplo:I have a football. I don't have a football.

    She is perfect.

    They have got a TV.

    I do my work.

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  • Principiante

    Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales]

    1 Questions without interrogative words La interrogacin sin pronombre

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  • Date & time

    Palabra correcta [2 ejercicios]

    1 you have children?Do Have Plays Is

    2 he joking?His Is Are Will Am

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  • Objects & animals

    Completar las frases [4 ejercicios]

    1 you tired? you have any apples?

    she travel often?

    does she go?

    you sing?

    did you go there?

    where when are can does do

    2 She can what you're saying. you understand me?

    you think she can count to ten?

    They can't together any more.

    Can I up, please?

    He can tennis.

    do get live can play hear

    3 What's your animal?My favourite animal is the .

    I snakes and pigs.

    I have three: horses, and hedgehogs.

    you like spiders?

    favourite giraffe like dolphins do

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  • 4 you seen a caterpillar? this your garden?

    must the dog bring back?

    must the dog bring the stick back to?

    you going on safari?

    animal is loved by all children?

    are is who which what have

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  • Your family

    Ejercicio de gramtica [3 ejercicios]

    1 Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo.

    Ejemplo:He is ill. Is he ill?

    She is thirsty.

    They are hungry.

    You are tired.

    2 Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo.

    Ejemplo:Your parents are old. Are your parents old?

    His sisters are pretty.

    Our dad is tall.

    Her family is large.

    3 Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo.

    Ejemplo:I have a double room. Can I have a double room?

    We eat dinner in the dining room.

    I have a room with a bath.

    They have breakfast in bed.

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  • Introducing oneself

    Orden de palabras [21 ejercicios]

    1you Are grandfather a ?

    2do you hair long have ?

    3are wearing socks you ?

    4a Are beautiful you woman ?

    5children do you have ?

    6big family you a do have ?

    7what saying you do I'm to understand you?

    8only day know Is the that you ?

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  • 9English you know do alphabet the ?

    10quarter past a it seven is ?

    11Do home have a at you pet ?

    12the Is good weather ?

    13a you do ruler have ?

    14dog have a you Do ?

    15have home you at cat Do a ?

    16direction this the is right ?

    17room a can you reserve ?

    18breakfast have can bed I in ?

    19can hear the you crackling noise ?

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  • 20working are ! you hello ?

    21are learning this you with anything ?

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  • Principiante

    Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales]

    1 Questions in the past La interrogacin en el pasado

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  • Objects & animals

    Completar las frases [1 ejercicios]

    1 you seen a caterpillar? this your garden?

    must the dog bring back?

    must the dog bring the stick back to?

    you going on safari?

    animal is loved by all children?

    have which who is what are

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  • Principiante

    Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales]

    1 There is - There are "There is" - "There are"

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  • Bed & Breakfast

    Casillas de palabras [1 ejercicios]

    1 Ponga en singular los siguientes grupos de palabras.

    Ejemplo:there are beds there is a bed

    there are keys

    there are showers

    there are baths

    there are houses

    there are bed and breakfasts

    there are restaurants

    Palabra correcta [1 ejercicios]

    1 an excellent restaurant in the square.Are there There are Is there There is

    Ejercicio de gramtica [1 ejercicios]

    1 Escriba de otra manera las siguientes frases como en el ejemplo.

    Ejemplo:(There is / There are) a good restaurant inLondon.

    There is a good restaurant in London.

    (There is / There are) many lakes near the town.

    (There is / There are) two fish and chip shops inthe square.

    (There is / There are) a bathroom downstairs.

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  • Orden de palabras [1 ejercicios]

    1lakes there near are many here.

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  • Principiante

    Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales]

    1 Tags - Short answers Las "tags" - respuestas cortas

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  • At the office

    Palabra correcta [2 ejercicios]

    1 Does he like to play football? Yes, he .is do doesn't be have does

    2 Alison is very beautiful. Yes, she .have does is are be has

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  • Everyday actions

    Ejercicio de gramtica [6 ejercicios]

    1 Responda como en el ejemplo.

    Ejemplo:Do you have a football? Yes, I do.

    Does she know that phone number?

    Do they have a computer?

    Is that your apple?

    2 Responda como en el ejemplo.

    Ejemplo:Do you have a football? Yes, I do.

    Have you got a key?

    Is this the best subject?

    Are you flattering me?

    3 Responda como en el ejemplo.

    Ejemplo:Do you have a football? Yes, I do.

    Does he want this apple?

    Does she go to the cinema often?

    Does he expect a lot of people?

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  • 4 Responda como en el ejemplo.

    Ejemplo:You are stupid. No, I'm not.

    We look alike.

    You are going out tonight.

    She is fat.

    5 Responda como en el ejemplo.

    Ejemplo:You are stupid. No, I'm not.

    He is boring.

    They are happy.

    We want to go play golf.

    6 Responda como en el ejemplo.

    Ejemplo:You are stupid. No, I'm not.

    He loves you.

    You don't like her.

    He's taking her out.

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  • Principiante

    Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales]

    1 Exclamation with 'what a' La exclamacin con "what a"

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  • Adjectives

    Ejercicio de gramtica [6 ejercicios]

    1 Ponga en plural las siguientes frases.

    Ejemplo:What a nice car! What nice cars!

    What a hothouse!

    What a small cat!

    What an empty room!

    2 Ponga en plural las siguientes frases.

    Ejemplo:What a nice car! What nice cars!

    What a clever dolphin!

    What a full garage!

    What an old professor!

    3 Ponga en plural las siguientes frases.

    Ejemplo:What a nice car! What nice cars!

    What an easy game!

    What a talented teenager!

    What a sweet drink!

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  • 4 Ponga en singular las siguientes frases.

    Ejemplo:What poor animals! What a poor animal!

    What unintelligent teachers!

    What stupid questions!

    What brilliant uncles!

    5 Ponga en singular las siguientes frases.

    Ejemplo:What poor animals! What a poor animal!

    What young girls!

    What yellow shoes!

    What impossible jobs!

    6 Ponga en singular las siguientes frases.

    Ejemplo:What poor animals! What a poor animal!

    What little frogs!

    What great books!

    What blue teapots!

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  • Principiante

    Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales]

    1 The same . . . as "The same . . . as"

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  • Adjectives

    Palabra correcta [1 ejercicios]

    1 It's my car.identical the same as broken down faster happy different

    Orden de palabras [2 ejercicios]

    1as the I'm same age not you!

    2the as I'm you age same !

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  • Principiante

    Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales]

    1 Irregular comparatives Los comparativos irregulares

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  • At the office

    Orden de palabras [1 ejercicios]

    1I an effort make write better must to English!

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  • Principiante

    Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales]

    1 Regular superlatives Los superlativos regulares

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  • Adjectives

    Completar las frases [1 ejercicios]

    1 Do you work ?I'm the !

    Is your coffee cup ?

    Yes, of course it's !

    Is the weather ?

    full fastest fast good true

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  • Principiante

    Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales]

    1 Direct and indirect questions Las interrogativas directas e indirectas

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  • Date & time

    Palabra correcta [2 ejercicios]

    1 you have children?Have Is Do Plays

    2 he joking?His Am Are Is Will

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  • Objects & animals

    Completar las frases [4 ejercicios]

    1 you tired? you have any apples?

    she travel often?

    does she go?

    you sing?

    did you go there?

    can when does where do are

    2 She can what you're saying. you understand me?

    you think she can count to ten?

    They can't together any more.

    Can I up, please?

    He can tennis.

    do can hear play get live

    3 What's your animal?My favourite animal is the .

    I snakes and pigs.

    I have three: horses, and hedgehogs.

    you like spiders?

    favourite giraffe like do dolphins

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  • 4 you seen a caterpillar? this your garden?

    must the dog bring back?

    must the dog bring the stick back to?

    you going on safari?

    animal is loved by all children?

    are who have is what which

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  • Introducing oneself

    Orden de palabras [1 ejercicios]

    1are you how old ?

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  • Principiante

    Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales]

    1 The plural El plural

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  • Adjectives

    Casillas de palabras [5 ejercicios]

    1 Ponga en plural los siguientes grupos de palabras.

    Ejemplo:the big bedroom the big bedrooms

    the brilliant colour

    the black pen

    the yellow skirt

    the small kitten

    the large shoe

    the single girl

    2 Ponga en plural los siguientes grupos de palabras.

    Ejemplo:the big bedroom the big bedrooms

    the white boot

    the old aunt

    the winter creature

    the blue bow tie

    the tired boy

    the identical twin

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  • 3 Ponga en plural los siguientes grupos de palabras.

    Ejemplo:a carrot carrots

    a butterfly

    an object

    a chicken

    a brush

    a rabbit

    a wasp

    4 Ponga en plural los siguientes grupos de palabras.

    Ejemplo:a carrot carrots

    a teacher

    a tomato

    an animal

    an elephant

    a house

    a strawberry

    5 Ponga en plural los siguientes grupos de palabras.

    Ejemplo:parent parents







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  • Your family

    Palabra correcta [2 ejercicios]

    1 like to play games.Family Insect Little children Child's Cards

    2 Are they your ?friends mum dad brother

    Completar las frases [1 ejercicios]

    1 Kate is your .Diana and Helen are his .

    Our are Martin and Steve.

    My is David.

    sisters name names sister

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  • Adjectives

    Ejercicio de gramtica [7 ejercicios]

    1 Ponga en plural las siguientes frases.

    Ejemplo:What a nice car! What nice cars!

    What a hothouse!

    What a small cat!

    What an empty room!

    2 Ponga en plural las siguientes frases.

    Ejemplo:What a nice car! What nice cars!

    What a clever dolphin!

    What a full garage!

    What an old professor!

    3 Ponga en plural las siguientes frases.

    Ejemplo:What a nice car! What nice cars!

    What an easy game!

    What a talented teenager!

    What a sweet drink!

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  • 4 Ponga en singular las siguientes frases.

    Ejemplo:What poor animals! What a poor animal!

    What unintelligent teachers!

    What stupid questions!

    What brilliant uncles!

    5 Ponga en singular las siguientes frases.

    Ejemplo:What poor animals! What a poor animal!

    What young girls!

    What yellow shoes!

    What impossible jobs!

    6 Ponga en singular las siguientes frases.

    Ejemplo:What poor animals! What a poor animal!

    What little frogs!

    What great books!

    What blue teapots!

    7 Ponga en plural las siguientes frases.

    Ejemplo:My flat is in France. My flats are in France.

    Your house is in Spain.

    The photo is from Germany.

    My pen pal is from Italy.

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  • Your family

    Orden de palabras [2 ejercicios]

    1their and are Mandy names Kat.

    2I have of a lot brothers

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  • Principiante

    Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales]

    1 Piece of "Piece of"

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  • Streets of London

    Casillas de palabras [2 ejercicios]

    1 Sustituya el artculo determinado por el artculo indeterminado cuando sea posible.

    Ejemplo:the beef a piece of beef

    the apricot

    the paracetamol

    the paper

    the pavement

    the sock

    the advice

    2 Sustituya el artculo determinado por el artculo indeterminado cuando sea posible.

    Ejemplo:the beef a piece of beef

    the car

    the bread

    the address

    the information

    the motorway

    the bag

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  • Finding your way

    Completar las frases [1 ejercicios]

    1 Is this it?Yes, it's on this of .

    Don't !

    I don't like big at !

    You had better take the , you know.

    Is it that far?

    Too far to walk.

    Do you have a ?

    Yes, I have one.

    When you're lost, use a map!

    I have a bad sense of , anyway.

    night map piece tube worry paper direction towns

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  • Principiante

    Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales]

    1 Definite and indefinite articles El artculo determinado e indeterminado

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  • Streets of London

    Casillas de palabras [6 ejercicios]

    1 Sustituya el artculo determinado por el artculo indeterminado cuando sea posible.

    Ejemplo:the boy a boy

    the shirt

    the evening

    the woman

    the jumper

    the ambulance

    the office

    2 Sustituya el artculo determinado por el artculo indeterminado cuando sea posible.

    Ejemplo:the boy a boy

    the dog

    the man

    the ghost

    the eye

    the uncle

    the apartment

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  • 3 Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo.

    Ejemplo:the tomato a tomato

    the office

    the wardrobe

    the armchair

    the lounge

    the kitchen

    the egg timer

    4 Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo.

    Ejemplo:the tomato a tomato

    the garage

    the good newspaper

    the black knife

    the only child

    the small carrot

    the comfortable sofa bed

    5 Sustituya el artculo determinado por el artculo indeterminado cuando sea posible.

    Ejemplo:the beef a piece of beef

    the apricot

    the paracetamol

    the paper

    the pavement

    the sock

    the advice

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  • 6 Sustituya el artculo determinado por el artculo indeterminado cuando sea posible.

    Ejemplo:the beef a piece of beef

    the car

    the bread

    the address

    the information

    the motorway

    the bag

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  • Saying hello

    Palabra correcta [1 ejercicios]

    1 I have got brother.the also a

    Ejercicio de gramtica [2 ejercicios]

    1 Escriba de otra manera las siguientes frases como en el ejemplo.

    Ejemplo:I am ( - / a) Scottish. I am Scottish.

    Miriam is from ( - / the) London.

    She has got ( - / a) brother.

    Her birthday is in ( - / the) July.

    2 Escriba de otra manera las siguientes frases como en el ejemplo.

    Ejemplo:It's (a / the) lovely photo. It's a lovely photo.

    Jacques is (a / the) French name.

    Is (a / the) teacher English?

    January is (a / the) winter month.

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  • Principiante

    Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales]

    1 Difference between 'a' and 'an' La diferencia entre "a" y "an"

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  • Introducing oneself

    Casillas de palabras [7 ejercicios]

    1 Sustituya el artculo determinado por el artculo indeterminado cuando sea posible.

    Ejemplo:the boy a boy

    the shirt

    the evening

    the woman

    the jumper

    the ambulance

    the office

    2 Sustituya el artculo determinado por el artculo indeterminado cuando sea posible.

    Ejemplo:the boy a boy

    the dog

    the man

    the ghost

    the eye

    the uncle

    the apartment

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  • 3 Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo.

    Ejemplo:the tomato a tomato

    the office

    the wardrobe

    the armchair

    the lounge

    the kitchen

    the egg timer

    4 Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo.

    Ejemplo:the tomato a tomato

    the garage

    the good newspaper

    the black knife

    the only child

    the small carrot

    the comfortable sofa bed

    5 Sustituya el artculo determinado por el artculo indeterminado cuando sea posible.

    Ejemplo:the beef a piece of beef

    the apricot

    the paracetamol

    the paper

    the pavement

    the sock

    the advice

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  • 6 Sustituya el artculo determinado por el artculo indeterminado cuando sea posible.

    Ejemplo:the beef a piece of beef

    the car

    the bread

    the address

    the information

    the motorway

    the bag

    7 Escriba el artculo indeterminado adecuado delante de las siguientes palabras.

    Ejemplo:(a / an) English lesson an English lesson

    (a / an) American city

    (a / an) Spanish man

    (a / an) French student

    (a / an) Italian name

    (a / an) Indian meal

    (a / an) German town

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  • Bed & Breakfast

    Completar las frases [1 ejercicios]

    1 Catherine would like good meal.She eats excellent meal in the dining room.

    The dining room is downstairs on left.

    the a an

    Ejercicio de gramtica [1 ejercicios]

    1 Escriba de otra manera las siguientes frases como en el ejemplo.

    Ejemplo:John would like (a / an) room. John would like a room.

    I have got (a / an) question.

    Is there (a / an) Indian restaurant?

    Thank you. Have (a / an) nice evening!

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  • Objects & animals

    Orden de palabras [2 ejercicios]

    1my is aunt an not insect

    2to not my an married is uncle ant

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  • Principiante

    Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales]

    1 The possessive El genitivo sajn

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  • Introducing oneself

    Orden de palabras [1 ejercicios]

    1grandfather is My his daughter's with husband.

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  • Principiante

    Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales]

    1 Possessive adjectives Los adjetivos posesivos

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  • Your family

    Casillas de palabras [1 ejercicios]

    1 Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo.

    Ejemplo:he his







    Palabra correcta [2 ejercicios]

    1 friends are at the cinema.Your Me Mine Its He You

    2 house is beautiful.They There They're Their

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  • Ejercicio de gramtica [1 ejercicios]

    1 Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo.

    Ejemplo:(He) mum is clever. His mum is clever.

    The friendly man is (I) dad.

    (You) friend is funny.

    (They) parents are nice.

    Orden de palabras [1 ejercicios]

    1your look parents friendly

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  • Principiante

    Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales]

    1 Demonstratives Los demostrativos

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  • A city tour

    Casillas de palabras [2 ejercicios]

    1 Ponga en plural los siguientes grupos de palabras.

    Ejemplo:this pub these pubs

    this cathedral

    that park

    this street

    that bakery

    this church

    that station

    2 Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo.

    Ejemplo:the market place (there) that market place

    the street (here)

    the streets (there)

    the building (there)

    the buildings (here)

    the park (there)

    the parks (there)

    Palabra correcta [1 ejercicios]

    1 is a lovely city!This Those These

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  • Completar las frases [1 ejercicios]

    1 What are people there drinking? churches here are very old.

    Is the museum there?

    What is building here?

    this these those that

    Ejercicio de gramtica [2 ejercicios]

    1 Ponga en plural las siguientes frases.

    Ejemplo:That bank is open. Those banks are open.

    This museum is closed.

    That cinema is big.

    This bakery sells bread.

    2 Escriba de otra manera las siguientes frases como en el ejemplo.

    Ejemplo:The beer (here) is good. This beer is good.

    The bank (there) is new.

    The buildings (here) are old.

    The people (there) are drinking tea.

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  • Principiante

    Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales]

    1 A little - A bit "A little" - "A bit"

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  • Introducing oneself

    Completar las frases [1 ejercicios]

    1 I three grandsons.But I see them.

    I'm , I'm 21.

    Do you have feet?

    Well, yes, they are a big.

    bit young have never big

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  • Descriptions

    Orden de palabras [1 ejercicios]

    1I'm a bit just plump

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  • Principiante

    Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales]

    1 Different meanings of 'all' Los significados de "all"

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  • Date & time

    Completar las frases [1 ejercicios]

    1 Do you know all the days of the ?I know Monday, , Wednesday.

    That's half of it.

    I also know , that's when I play tennis.

    I know the days of the week!

    week Thursday Tuesday all only

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  • Finding your way

    Orden de palabras [4 ejercicios]

    1know of the all days I the week

    2days don't the of I all the know week

    3all the that streets look it's true the same!

    4streets the look all same the !

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  • Principiante

    Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales]

    1 Some - Any "Some" - "Any"

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  • Streets of London

    Casillas de palabras [1 ejercicios]

    1 Sustituya el artculo determinado por el artculo indeterminado cuando sea posible.

    Ejemplo:the beef a piece of beef

    the car

    the bread

    the address

    the information

    the motorway

    the bag

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  • Introducing oneself

    Completar las frases [1 ejercicios]

    1 She's with our and daughter.Are you a ?

    I have many and uncles.

    Do you have cousins?

    I like very much.

    son any them aunts grandfather

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  • Principiante

    Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales]

    1 Subject pronouns Los pronombres personales sujeto

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  • Saying hello

    Casillas de palabras [1 ejercicios]

    1 Escriba de otra manera las siguientes frases como en el ejemplo.

    Ejemplo:(I / you) are you are

    (she / we) is

    (I / they) am

    (it / they) is

    (he / we) are

    (she / they) are

    (you / it) are

    Palabra correcta [2 ejercicios]

    1 Does have big feet and large hands?you we him they I he

    2 are married.We It I

    Completar las frases [1 ejercicios]

    1 is my brother.Have got a sister?

    Has got a job?

    am a postman.

    you he I she

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  • Introducing oneself

    Ejercicio de gramtica [7 ejercicios]

    1 Ponga en plural las siguientes frases.

    Ejemplo:I am tall. We are tall.

    He is short.

    You are nice.

    I am smart.

    2 Ponga en plural las siguientes frases.

    Ejemplo:I am tall. We are tall.

    She is young.

    He is beautiful.

    I am old.

    3 Ponga en plural las siguientes frases.

    Ejemplo:I am tall. We are tall.

    You are slim.

    He is stupid.

    She is fair.

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  • 4 Ponga en singular las siguientes frases.

    Ejemplo:We are dark. I am dark.

    They are tired.

    We are warm.

    You are well.

    5 Ponga en singular las siguientes frases.

    Ejemplo:We are dark. I am dark.

    We are plump.

    They are stupid.

    You are barefoot.

    6 Ponga en singular las siguientes frases.

    Ejemplo:We are dark. I am dark.

    They are all right.

    We are large.

    You are married.

    7 Escriba de otra manera las siguientes frases como en el ejemplo.

    Ejemplo:(You / He) is single. He is single.

    (I / You) are a student.

    (I / We) are British.

    (You / She) has got a job.

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  • Saying hello

    Orden de palabras [3 ejercicios]

    1a I have got sister

    2a you are policeman

    3she has got a job

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  • Principiante

    Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales]

    1 Object pronouns Los pronombres personales complemento

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  • Introducing oneself

    Completar las frases [1 ejercicios]

    1 She's with our and daughter.Are you a ?

    I have many and uncles.

    Do you have cousins?

    I like very much.

    aunts them grandfather son any

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  • Numbers & letters

    Ejercicio de gramtica [3 ejercicios]

    1 Sustituya el (los) complemento(s) por el (los) pronombre(s) correspondiente(s).

    Ejemplo:I usually listen to my friends. I usually listen to them.

    I often look at the baby.

    I have to play tennis with my friend.

    I love the summer.

    2 Sustituya el (los) complemento(s) por el (los) pronombre(s) correspondiente(s).

    Ejemplo:I usually listen to my friends. I usually listen to them.

    He tells my friend and me the way.

    The ghost watches the little boy.

    He looks like my child.

    3 Sustituya el (los) complemento(s) por el (los) pronombre(s) correspondiente(s).

    Ejemplo:I usually listen to my friends. I usually listen to them.

    The girl listens to her brother.

    You always lose your envelope.

    We know the place.

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  • Principiante

    Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales]

    1 'One' replacing a noun "One" en lugar del sustantivo

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  • Finding your way

    Completar las frases [1 ejercicios]

    1 I hope you your through London!It's my day. I'm a bit lost.

    I find my way anyway.

    That's normal!

    I know, I'm not the only !

    It's to find one's way.

    hard find never first way one

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  • Objects & animals

    Ejercicio de gramtica [3 ejercicios]

    1 Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo.

    Ejemplo:I have a dog. I have one.

    They've got a snake.

    She's eating a strawberry.

    They want a coffee.

    2 Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo.

    Ejemplo:I have a dog. I have one.

    I know an English person.

    I need a kettle.

    He sometimes wants an ice cream.

    3 Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo.

    Ejemplo:I have a dog. I have one.

    I see an animal.

    He needs a sheet of paper.

    He takes a pencil.

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  • Principiante

    Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales]

    1 Interrogative words Los interrogativos

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  • Objects & animals

    Palabra correcta [5 ejercicios]

    1 do you come from?Who Why When Where What

    2 do you go to bed?When Went How How many Whose

    3 is your favourite room in the house?What Watt When Why Hedgehogs

    4 does the journey take by tube?When Who How many How What How long

    5 does the bank close?When Where What

    Completar las frases [10 ejercicios]

    1 you tired? you have any apples?

    she travel often?

    does she go?

    you sing?

    did you go there?

    where does do are when can

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  • 2 I have to go to the . time is it?

    My watch has .

    Look at the .

    Mine is .

    clock stopped working what theatre

    3 Do you have to take me to school?Is the train at nine ?

    time is it?

    Don't take looking at cars!

    I stop work in an .

    Is it time to have ?

    time hour hours what lunch o'clock

    4 is this?A of paper.

    Where is ?

    Next to a .

    This is a sharpener.

    sheet what book it pencil

    5 are the scissors? the shelf.

    Do you a ruler?

    Yes, I have a one.

    where under have small

    6 Look at the !Oh yes! A nice butterfly.

    is it?

    On your .

    shoulder butterfly where yellow

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  • 7 you seen a caterpillar? this your garden?

    must the dog bring back?

    must the dog bring the stick back to?

    you going on safari?

    animal is loved by all children?

    who what have is which are

    8 You have arrived in London, you have problems! asks you what's wrong.

    am I?

    You're in London!

    But where in London?

    Bond Street.

    Which street are you looking ?

    It's written .

    someone but where here near for

    9 bus do I take? is practical in London is the tube.

    is Tower Bridge so famous?

    could invite you to tea at Buckingham Palace?

    is the Horse Guards' parade?

    can you get about London quickly and cheaply?

    why how which who when what

    10 is behind the tourist information centre? does the bank open?

    is the post office?

    old is the museum?

    when how where what

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  • A city tour

    Ejercicio de gramtica [1 ejercicios]

    1 Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo.

    Ejemplo:The cathedral is 800 years old. (How old) How old is the cathedral?

    The post office is in the city centre. (Where)

    The bakery opens at 7 o'clock. (When)

    This shop sells clothes. (What)

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  • Introducing oneself

    Orden de palabras [9 ejercicios]

    1your are eyes what colour ?

    2today you how are ?

    3you are how old ?

    4which favourite is the your season of year?

    5the scissors are where ?

    6are you for looking street which ?

    7is long bus by how it ?

    8how this is old station?

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  • 9moment the are what at doing you ?

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  • Principiante

    Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales]

    1 Which - What "Which" - "What"

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  • Adjectives

    Palabra correcta [1 ejercicios]

    1 is your favourite room in the house?Hedgehogs Why Watt When What

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  • Streets of London

    Completar las frases [2 ejercicios]

    1 you seen a caterpillar? this your garden?

    must the dog bring back?

    must the dog bring the stick back to?

    you going on safari?

    animal is loved by all children?

    who are which have what is

    2 bus do I take? is practical in London is the tube.

    is Tower Bridge so famous?

    could invite you to tea at Buckingham Palace?

    is the Horse Guards' parade?

    can you get about London quickly and cheaply?

    which how when what why who

    Orden de palabras [1 ejercicios]

    1are which looking you street for ?

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  • Principiante

    Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales]

    1 Use of 'both' Empleo de "both"

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  • At the office

    Completar las frases [1 ejercicios]

    1 Are you or are you listening?I'm doing .

    Are you ?

    It's worth , you know!

    writing trying kidding both

    Ejercicio de gramtica [3 ejercicios]

    1 Escriba de otra manera las siguientes frases como en el ejemplo.

    Ejemplo:My brother is as tall as my father. Both my father and my brother are tall.

    My friend is as beautiful as my sister.

    My father is as serious as my boss.

    My aunt is as boring as my teacher.

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  • 2 Escriba de otra manera las siguientes frases como en el ejemplo.

    Ejemplo:My brother is as tall as my father. Both my brother and my father are tall.

    My bedroom is as messy as my bathroom.

    The dinner was as much fun as the cocktail party.

    The apple was as fresh as the orange.

    3 Escriba de otra manera las siguientes frases como en el ejemplo.

    Ejemplo:My brother is as tall as my father. Both my brother and my father are tall.

    The cup is as red as the kettle.

    The garage was as full as the house.

    The teacher is as young as the student.

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  • Principiante

    Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales]

    1 How much - How many "How much" - "How many"

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  • A city tour

    Casillas de palabras [1 ejercicios]

    1 Escriba de otra manera las siguientes frases como en el ejemplo.

    Ejemplo:how (much / many) hot dogs how many hot dogs

    how (much / many) bread

    how (much / many) roast beef

    how (much / many) hamburgers

    how (much / many) tea

    how (much / many) pints of beer

    how (much / many) porridge

    Palabra correcta [1 ejercicios]

    1 tea would you like?How many How much How How old

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  • Numbers & letters

    Completar las frases [1 ejercicios]

    1 How people are with you?Three are with me.

    By the way, you count?

    One, two, , four, five, six, seven.

    Eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, .

    three can many fifteen people

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  • A city tour

    Ejercicio de gramtica [1 ejercicios]

    1 Escriba de otra manera las siguientes frases como en el ejemplo.

    Ejemplo:How (much / many) does a stamp cost? How much does a stamp cost?

    How (much / many) people live here?

    How (much / many) stamps do you have?

    How (much / many) milk would you like?

    Orden de palabras [3 ejercicios]

    1plus five twenty-two is much how ?

    2is much how a lemonade?

    3in live how people many England?

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  • Principiante

    Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales]

    1 Basic notions Aspectos generales

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  • Introducing oneself

    Palabra correcta [1 ejercicios]

    1 He no name. He's a computer!has lives in do talks

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  • Principiante

    Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales]

    1 Placing the adjective La posicin del adjetivo

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  • Descriptions

    Casillas de palabras [2 ejercicios]

    1 Ponga en el orden adecuado los siguientes grupos de palabras.

    Ejemplo:(small) the house the small house

    (short) the girl

    (blond) the hair

    (blue) the eyes

    (long) the skirt

    (green) the caterpillar

    (warm) the summer

    2 Ponga en el orden adecuado los siguientes grupos de palabras.

    Ejemplo:(small) the house the small house

    (brown) the sock

    (fresh) the paint

    (silly) a boy

    (old) a man

    (large) a garden

    (dark) a living room

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  • Introducing oneself

    Completar las frases [1 ejercicios]

    1 But what's your ?Are you a woman?

    I in Sweden.

    Do you a house?

    How are you?

    beautiful old live have name

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  • Principiante

    Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales]

    1 Use of 'both' Empleo de "both"

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  • At the office

    Completar las frases [1 ejercicios]

    1 Are you or are you listening?I'm doing .

    Are you ?

    It's worth , you know!

    both writing trying kidding

    Ejercicio de gramtica [3 ejercicios]

    1 Escriba de otra manera las siguientes frases como en el ejemplo.

    Ejemplo:My brother is as tall as my father. Both my father and my brother are tall.

    My friend is as beautiful as my sister.

    My father is as serious as my boss.

    My aunt is as boring as my teacher.

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  • 2 Escriba de otra manera las siguientes frases como en el ejemplo.

    Ejemplo:My brother is as tall as my father. Both my brother and my father are tall.

    My bedroom is as messy as my bathroom.

    The dinner was as much fun as the cocktail party.

    The apple was as fresh as the orange.

    3 Escriba de otra manera las siguientes frases como en el ejemplo.

    Ejemplo:My brother is as tall as my father. Both my brother and my father are tall.

    The cup is as red as the kettle.

    The garage was as full as the house.

    The teacher is as young as the student.

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  • Principiante

    Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales]

    1 Use of the past participle as an adjective El participio pasado: adjetivo

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  • Finding your way

    Completar las frases [3 ejercicios]

    1 Are you ?It's none of your !

    Do you anybody nice?

    I know lots of .

    I have a and a boy.

    married business girl know people

    2 Do you know the difference an ant and an aunt?An is an insect.

    My is not an insect!

    My uncle is not to an ant!

    Of not!

    aunt between course ant married

    3 Do you see the traffic light?That's you turn.

    And there's a office a hundred yards .

    Before the ?

    the post office?

    This is really .

    roundabout first opposite complicated tourist where away

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  • Principiante

    Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales]

    1 Order of adjectives El orden de los adjetivos

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  • Descriptions

    Casillas de palabras [2 ejercicios]

    1 Ponga en el orden adecuado los siguientes grupos de palabras.

    Ejemplo:(small) the house the small house

    (short) the girl

    (blond) the hair

    (blue) the eyes

    (long) the skirt

    (green) the caterpillar

    (warm) the summer

    2 Ponga en el orden adecuado los siguientes grupos de palabras.

    Ejemplo:(small) the house the small house

    (brown) the sock

    (fresh) the paint

    (silly) a boy

    (old) a man

    (large) a garden

    (dark) a living room

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  • Principiante

    Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales]

    1 The verb 'to have (got)' El verbo "to have (got)"

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  • Objects & animals

    Casillas de palabras [3 ejercicios]

    1 Conjugue como en el ejemplo.

    Ejemplo:I (to have) I have

    he (to have)

    she (to have)

    we (to have)

    you (to have)

    they (to have)

    it (to have)

    2 Conjugue como en el ejemplo.

    Ejemplo:I (to have got) I have got

    he (to have got)

    they (to have got)

    it (to have got)

    you (to have got)

    she (to have got)

    we (to have got)

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  • 3 Conjugue como en el ejemplo.

    Ejemplo:he (to have) he has

    I (to have)

    you (to have)

    it (to have)

    she (to have) got

    we (to have) got

    they (to have) got

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  • Introducing oneself

    Palabra correcta [1 ejercicios]

    1 He no name. He's a computer!talks has do lives in

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  • Date & time

    Completar las frases [2 ejercicios]

    1 I three grandsons.But I see them.

    I'm , I'm 21.

    Do you have feet?

    Well, yes, they are a big.

    young have big never bit

    2 I can't see, I haven't my glasses!I'll until a quarter to eight.

    I always at seven.

    I don't know how to it in English.

    It's also hard not to the 'G' and the 'J'!

    get up mix up stay say got

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  • Numbers & letters

    Ejercicio de gramtica [4 ejercicios]

    1 Ponga en forma negativa las siguientes frases.

    Ejemplo:I have a football. I don't have a football.

    She has got an ice cream.

    They have a radio.

    We have a room.

    2 Ponga en forma negativa las siguientes frases.

    Ejemplo:I have a football. I don't have a football.

    They've got wine.

    You are very lucky.

    He's got a watch.

    3 Ponga en forma negativa las siguientes frases.

    Ejemplo:I have a football. I don't have a football.

    She is perfect.

    They have got a TV.

    I do my work.

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  • 4 Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo.

    Ejemplo:I have a dog. I have one.

    They've got a snake.

    She's eating a strawberry.

    They want a coffee.

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  • Objects & animals

    Orden de palabras [12 ejercicios]

    1you do hair long have ?

    2it a warm has nice, climate !

    3do have you children ?

    4family a do big you have ?

    5I big have a very garden

    6I have don't big exactly feet

    7I my got haven't glasses

    8you home a have Do at pet ?

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  • 9have do ruler you a ?

    10have a Do dog you ?

    11have you cat home a at Do ?

    12bad have of a sense I direction

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  • Principiante

    Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales]

    1 Basic notions Aspectos generales

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  • Introducing oneself

    Palabra correcta [1 ejercicios]

    1 He no name. He's a computer!has talks do lives in

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  • Principiante

    Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales]

    1 Transitive and intransitive verbs Verbos transitivos e intransitivos

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  • At the office

    Palabra correcta [2 ejercicios]

    1 me your address.Give Gives Gave Given

    2 You when you are happy.yawn smile concentrate meet laughing

    Completar las frases [4 ejercicios]

    1 Can you Thursday?'R' is to pronounce.

    It's the sound babies make.

    Which is your season?

    I spring and summer.

    like love hard spell favourite

    2 I'm to you.I'm a love letter.

    What's that ?

    It's someone .

    noise writing sneezing listening

    3 Are you learning with this?Of I am!

    Why are you ?

    I'm having a good !

    At least you're not !

    smiling laugh course anything yawning

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  • 4 Hey! What's ?Someone's !

    I'm the door.

    Don't! It's your .


    happening coming shutting boss who's

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  • Everyday actions

    Ejercicio de gramtica [3 ejercicios]

    1 Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo.

    Ejemplo:Dave's writing (his sister). Dave's writing to his sister.

    Emma's writing (a letter).

    Frankie's writing (his dad).

    Catherine's writing (a parking ticket).

    2 Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo.

    Ejemplo:Dave's writing (his sister). Dave's writing to his sister.

    Richard's writing (a report).

    Gillian's writing (her uncle).

    Claire's writing (a computer program).

    3 Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo.

    Ejemplo:Dave's writing (his sister). Dave's writing to his sister.

    Jane's writing (the company).

    Ken's writing (the chairman).

    Wendy's writing (her cousin).

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  • Orden de palabras [1 ejercicios]

    1food - I about am fast report a writing restaurants

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  • Principiante

    Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales]

    1 The verb 'to be' El verbo "to be"

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  • Introducing oneself

    Casillas de palabras [2 ejercicios]

    1 Conjugue como en el ejemplo.

    Ejemplo:I (to be) I am

    he (to be)

    it (to be)

    we (to be)

    you (to be)

    they (to be)

    she (to be)

    2 Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo.

    Ejemplo:I am I'm

    you are

    he is

    she is

    it is

    we are

    they are

    Palabra correcta [5 ejercicios]

    1 So, how you today?is fine thank you do are

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  • 2 He not a monster!am your is are isn't

    3 She's Lisa. Who you?they are is he we am

    4 How you?are is am

    5 Alison is very beautiful. Yes, she .have has does be are is

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  • Saying hello

    Completar las frases [1 ejercicios]

    1 Hello, how you?I fine, thanks.

    Her name Wendy.

    is are am

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  • Introducing oneself

    Ejercicio de gramtica [7 ejercicios]

    1 Ponga en plural las siguientes frases.

    Ejemplo:I am tall. We are tall.

    He is short.

    You are nice.

    I am smart.

    2 Ponga en plural las siguientes frases.

    Ejemplo:I am tall. We are tall.

    She is young.

    He is beautiful.

    I am old.

    3 Ponga en plural las siguientes frases.

    Ejemplo:I am tall. We are tall.

    You are slim.

    He is stupid.

    She is fair.

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  • 4 Ponga en singular las siguientes frases.

    Ejemplo:We are dark. I am dark.

    They are tired.

    We are warm.

    You are well.

    5 Ponga en singular las siguientes frases.

    Ejemplo:We are dark. I am dark.

    We are plump.

    They are stupid.

    You are barefoot.

    6 Ponga en singular las siguientes frases.

    Ejemplo:We are dark. I am dark.

    They are all right.

    We are large.

    You are married.

    7 Conjugue como en el ejemplo.

    Ejemplo:I (to be) Mike. I am Mike.

    You (to be) from Edinburgh.

    It (to be) a beautiful city.

    They (to be) lovely places.

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  • Principiante

    Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales]

    1 Contraction of 'to be' La contraccin de "to be"

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  • Introducing oneself

    Casillas de palabras [3 ejercicios]

    1 Conjugue como en el ejemplo.

    Ejemplo:I (to be) I am

    he (to be)

    it (to be)

    we (to be)

    you (to be)

    they (to be)

    she (to be)

    2 Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo.

    Ejemplo:I am I'm

    you are

    he is

    she is

    it is

    we are

    they are

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  • 3 Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo.

    Ejemplo:he is he's

    I am

    you are

    she is

    it is

    we are

    they are

    Palabra correcta [5 ejercicios]

    1 So, how you today?is do thank you are fine

    2 He not a monster!are isn't am your is

    3 She's Lisa. Who you?are is we am they he

    4 's my mum.They He You She

    5 Alison is very beautiful. Yes, she .is be does are have has

    Completar las frases [3 ejercicios]

    1 Where you live?I live Switzerland.

    It's a nice and warm !

    So, how you today?

    I'm , thank you.

    are in fine country do

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  • 2 you tired? you have any apples?

    she travel often?

    does she go?

    you sing?

    did you go there?

    can when does are where do

    3 They' very beautiful.She' my Italian pen pal.

    I' very young.

    m s re

    Orden de palabras [1 ejercicios]

    1a grandfather you Are ?

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  • Principiante

    Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales]

    1 The simple present El "simple present"

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  • Introducing oneself

    Casillas de palabras [3 ejercicios]

    1 Conjugue como en el ejemplo.

    Ejemplo:I (to do) I do

    you (to ask)

    he (to answer)

    they (to see)

    we (to hope)

    she (to think)

    it (to use)

    2 Conjugue como en el ejemplo.

    Ejemplo:I (to do) I do

    it (to mean)

    he (to live)

    they (to understand)

    I (to look)

    we (to know)

    she (to want)

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  • 3 Conjugue como en el ejemplo.

    Ejemplo:I (to have got) I have got

    he (to have got)

    they (to have got)

    it (to have got)

    you (to have got)

    she (to have got)

    we (to have got)

    Palabra correcta [1 ejercicios]

    1 She in a big house with a garden.have has wants lives live had

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  • Principiante

    Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales]

    1 The present continuous El "present continuous"

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  • Everyday actions

    Casillas de palabras [3 ejercicios]

    1 Conjugue como en el ejemplo.

    Ejemplo:they (to go) they're going

    you (to arrive)

    I (to stay)

    we (to return)

    it (to leave)

    he (to buy)

    she (to get on)

    2 Conjugue como en el ejemplo.

    Ejemplo:to do (she) she is doing

    to go (he)

    to cry (I)

    to improve (they)

    to joke (you)

    to laugh (we)

    to have dinner (I)

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  • 3 Conjugue como en el ejemplo.

    Ejemplo:to do (she) she is doing

    to listen (she)

    to sleep (I)

    to shout (they)

    to start (it)

    to think (we)

    to talk (you)

    Palabra correcta [8 ejercicios]

    1 I working in the bedroom.isn't are am is aren't have

    2 he joking?His Will Are Is Am

    3 We arriving at quarter to 10.have do is are

    4 They are in a youth hostel.buying arriving leaving staying

    5 I a making are making be making make be made

    6 They postcards to their writing be written been writing are writing writing am writing

    7 I'm phone numbers because I often lose my address book.enjoying saying listening returning memorizing

    8 I'm my friends about Tell me More.cutting telling feeling sending letters improving

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  • At the office

    Completar las frases [8 ejercicios]

    1 What are you right now?Do you what I'm saying?

    What colour your eyes?

    Do you long hair?

    What kind of shoes are you ?

    are understand doing wearing have

    2 She leaving.They staying in a youth hostel.

    I arriving.

    am are is

    3 I'm to you.I'm a love letter.

    What's that ?

    It's someone .

    noise sneezing writing listening

    4 Are you or are you listening?I'm doing .

    Are you ?

    It's worth , you know!

    writing trying both kidding

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  • 5 Are you learning with this?Of I am!

    Why are you ?

    I'm having a good !

    At least you're not !

    laugh course smiling anything yawning

    6 Hey! What's ?Someone's !

    I'm the door.

    Don't! It's your .


    coming who's boss happening shutting

    7 Could you please go back to your ?I'm a big effort, you know!

    At this isn't !

    You don't me?

    I'd to believe you.

    least believe making like writing boring

    8 Are you ?It's time for the .

    A normal meeting!

    Just .

    company discussing meeting leaving

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  • A bus trip

    Ejercicio de gramtica [2 ejercicios]

    1 Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo.

    Ejemplo:You go to Big Ben. You are going to Big Ben.

    I stay in Piccadilly.

    We return to the Tube station.

    They buy single tickets.

    2 Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo.

    Ejemplo:He gets on at Tower Bridge. He's getting on at Tower Bridge.

    You leave Wales.

    It arrives at the bus stop.

    She gets off near Big Ben.

    Orden de palabras [1 ejercicios]

    1am I going to Big Ben

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  • Principiante

    Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales]

    1 The affirmative imperative El imperativo afirmativo

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  • Finding your way

    Casillas de palabras [2 ejercicios]

    1 Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo.

    Ejemplo:to help me help me

    to look at her

    to follow him

    to pay attention

    to stop that

    to be careful

    to get off

    2 Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo.

    Ejemplo:to go back let's go back

    to visit the tourist office

    to look for her

    to see

    to walk

    to buy a bicycle

    to organise dinner

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  • Streets of London

    Palabra correcta [4 ejercicios]

    1 my question!Answer Answers Answering Answered

    2 me your address.Given Gave Give Gives

    3 go and visit the Tower of London!Let's Letters Let Light Lettuce

    4 your English!Forget Straight ahead Improve Have spoken

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    Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved Pgina 164/223

  • Principiante

    Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales]

    1 Expressions followed by the gerund Expresiones seguidas de gerundio

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  • At the office

    Completar las frases [2 ejercicios]

    1 It's worth a foreign language.It's no use , there's no one here.

    I type that report for you.

    He can't his hands because the water's too hot.

    It's time go to work.

    It's time sleep.

    wash for shouting to learning can

    2 It's time sleep.It's time having a nap.

    It's no use over it.

    It's no good , there are no waves.

    It's time to .

    It's not worth a love letter.

    writing crying surfing to get up for

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    Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved Pgina 166/223

  • Principiante

    Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales]

    1 The simple present and the presentcontinuous

    El "simple present" y el "present continuous"

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  • A bus trip

    Palabra correcta [2 ejercicios]

    1 She in a big house with a garden.has had lives wants have live

    2 They are in a youth hostel.buying leaving staying arriving

    Completar las frases [1 ejercicios]

    1 Does the Westminster bus at 3 o'clock?The Piccadilly bus now.

    The Jubilee Tube line to Westminster.

    Do I on the bus at Tower Bridge?

    He on the bus now.

    get is getting goes is leaving leave

    Ejercicio de gramtica [2 ejercicios]

    1 Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo.

    Ejemplo:You go to Big Ben. You are going to Big Ben.

    I stay in Piccadilly.

    We return to the Tube station.

    They buy single tickets.

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  • 2 Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo.

    Ejemplo:He gets on at Tower Bridge. He's getting on at Tower Bridge.

    You leave Wales.

    It arrives at the bus stop.

    She gets off near Big Ben.

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    Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved Pgina 169/223

  • Descriptions

    Orden de palabras [5 ejercicios]

    1are you socks wearing ?

    2answering I'm stupid your questions

    3wearing she's a black skirt

    4you to I'm talking !

    5wearing is yellow a large he tie

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    Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved Pgina 170/223

  • Principiante

    Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales]

    1 Construction of the present perfect El "present perfect": formacin

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    Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved Pgina 171/223

  • Objects & animals

    Completar las frases [2 ejercicios]

    1 I have to go to the . time is it?

    My watch has .

    Look at the .

    Mine is .

    what stopped theatre clock working

    2 you seen a caterpillar? this your garden?

    must the dog bring back?

    must the dog bring the stick back to?

    you going on safari?

    animal is loved by all children?

    which are who is have what

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    Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved Pgina 172/223

  • Principiante

    Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales]

    1 Use of the present perfect El "present perfect": uso

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    Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved Pgina 173/223

  • Date & time

    Completar las frases [1 ejercicios]

    1 I have to go to the . time is it?

    My watch has .

    Look at the .

    Mine is .

    stopped clock working theatre what

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    Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved Pgina 174/223

  • Principiante

    Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales]

    1 Would like: expressing a desire "Would like": expresin del deseo

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    Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved Pgina 175/223

  • A bus trip

    Palabra correcta [1 ejercicios]

    1 Would he a return ticket to Big Ben?likes look looks like

    Ejercicio de gramtica [1 ejercicios]

    1 Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo.

    Ejemplo:I buy a return ticket. I would like to buy a return ticket.

    She leaves at half past 5.

    They have a map of London.

    You stay in a youth hostel.

    Orden de palabras [2 ejercicios]

    12 would like you tickets?

    2to like I arrive at would 12 o'clock

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  • Principiante

    Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales]

    1 Basic notions Aspectos generales

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  • Introducing oneself

    Palabra correcta [1 ejercicios]

    1 He no name. He's a computer!do has lives in talks

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    Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved Pgina 180/223

  • Principiante

    Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales]

    1 Can: ability and likelihood "Can": capacidad y posibilidad

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  • Streets of London

    Palabra correcta [2 ejercicios]

    1 He read a map.can be able to wants know how to do

    2 He is speak English.can't able to does can know how to cannot

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  • Numbers & letters

    Completar las frases [5 ejercicios]

    1 you tired? you have any apples?

    she travel often?

    does she go?

    you sing?

    did you go there?

    when do can are does where

    2 How people are with you?Three are with me.

    By the way, you count?

    One, two, , four, five, six, seven.

    Eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, .

    people can three fifteen many

    3 She can what you're saying. you understand me?

    you think she can count to ten?

    They can't together any more.

    Can I up, please?

    He can tennis.

    play do hear live get can

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  • 4 You see more of the town from the bus.Can you where we are?

    I can't anything because of the traffic.

    The Northern line be really slow.

    They can't what the Queen's saying.

    We can about the royal family in the papers.

    can can guess understand see read

    5 It's worth a foreign language.It's no use , there's no one here.

    I type that report for you.

    He can't his hands because the water's too hot.

    It's time go to work.

    It's time sleep.

    can learning wash for shouting to

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    Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved Pgina 184/223

  • Principiante

    Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales]

    1 Can: perception and knowledge "Can": percepcin y conocimiento

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  • Streets of London

    Palabra correcta [1 ejercicios]

    1 He read a be able to can wants know how to

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  • Numbers & letters

    Completar las frases [5 ejercicios]

    1 you tired? you have any apples?

    she travel often?

    does she go?

    you sing?

    did you go there?

    can does when are where do

    2 How people are with you?Three are with me.

    By the way, you count?

    One, two, , four, five, six, seven.

    Eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, .

    fifteen three many people can

    3 She can what you're saying. you understand me?

    you think she can count to ten?

    They can't together any more.

    Can I up, please?

    He can tennis.

    play can live hear do get

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  • 4 You see more of the town from the bus.Can you where we are?

    I can't anything because of the traffic.

    The Northern line be really slow.

    They can't what the Queen's saying.

    We can about the royal family in the papers.

    can understand can see read guess

    5 It's worth a foreign language.It's no use , there's no one here.

    I type that report for you.

    He can't his hands because the water's too hot.

    It's time go to work.

    It's time sleep.

    can learning for wash shouting to

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