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sec 1(8 questions on this problem) if L is a set containing some elements like a,b,c,--.then A(L) is the set containing only the first element of set L.B(L) is the set containing all the elements except the first.if L1=(a,b), L2=(c,d) then M(L1,L2)=(a,b,c,d) all the elements of both the sets in order.then P(L)=L IF A(L)=() nullset,B(L)=() =(AB(L),A(L) IF B(L)!=(),BB(L)=() =M(AB(L)) IF BB(L)!=() R(L)=L IF A(L)=(),A(L)=() =B(L) SAME CONDITIONS =M(A(L),R(B(B(L)))FOR EX L=(a,b,(a,b)) A(L)=a B(L)=(b,(a,b))some que 1.RP(L)= 2.PR(L)= 3.PP(L)= 4.MA(L)=2.FIG SERIES;(8 questions)SOME BROKEN FIG ARE GIVEN U HAV TO ASSEMBLE THEM1. ANS A2. ANS A3.CRIPTIVE RULES(8 questions)WE WONT HAVE PERFECT ANS FOR THESE (please See the dictionary and prepare the meanings of all these as it may help u during the test)1. head a.atom b.headon c.estimate d.attribute2.the greater rome friend ans.palendrome3.row'd-----across a.crossover b.crossword 4.hat in a water--- a.capsize b.witch c.watch5.garment article-- bare-- a.clothe b.threadbare6.tailor does--- a.cutlass b.bonfire c.benifit d.pastiche7.--------filly a.up hilly b.attribute c.estimate8.4. /* 8 questions on valid words */alphabet is {G,D,O}If xOyDx is a valid word,then xOyGDx,xGOyDx,xGOyGDxG are valid words.( x and y are strings of Gs)Eg:-Of the set {GGOGDGG,GGGOGDG,GGOGGDGG,GGDGOGG} how many are valid wordsans:- 2 ( first and third) 5. target prioblem(8 questions)u are given a target number, a set of operators(*,/,+,-,())operators and in the choices u are given combinations of certain numbers.using the set of nmberas given in the options and operators u have to generate the target number.1. target = 114, can be obtained by 20*6-(7+1)=114.so the ans will be (20,6,7,1) 2. target = 87, ans = could not remember(10,9,8,7,3) the target number was proced by some mathematical operation on the above numbers 3. target = 37, ans =____ 4. target = 102,ans =____ 5. target = 41, ans =____ 6. target = 146,ans =____ 7. target = ---- 8. target= -----