CSWP 2014 15 Literacy Workshops


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Help us choose our 2014-15 monthly Saturday Literacy Workshops. Fill out form and fax to CSWP @912.344.3443.

Transcript of CSWP 2014 15 Literacy Workshops

Page 1: CSWP  2014 15 Literacy Workshops

Literacy  Topics  for  2014-­‐15  Workshops    (9:00am-­‐12:00pm  unless  noted)  

 Check  off  those  topics  that  interest  you  and  add  any  other  literacy  topics  in  spaces  below.  

Dates  may  be  changed.    ___  September:  Steps  &  Strategies  for  Teaching  WRITING  in  all  grades  ($25)    ___  October:     NEW  Teaching  MEMOIR  Writing  &  Reading  as  a  Bridge  between  Narrative  &         Informative  and  Fiction  &  Nonfiction:  Engaging  All  Students  &  Meeting  Standards         (*$50  includes  Bridging  the  Gap:  Reading  Critically  &  Writing  Meaningfully  to  Get  to  the  Core)    ___  November:  Strategies  to  Teach  INFORMATIVE  Writing  ($25)    ___  December:  Reader  Response  Strategies  to  Increase  Comprehension  of  Complex  Texts  &                             Meet  CCSS  in  Reading  and  Writing  (*$50  includes  The  Write  to  Read)    ___  January:     Strategies  to  Teach  OPINION  &  ARGUMENT  Writing  ($25)    ___  February:    Full  Day  6-­‐Trait  Writing  &  Assessment  ($65  includes  catered  lunch  (9:00-­‐2:30)    ___  March:   Research-­‐Based  Strategies  for  Teaching  VOCABULARY  ($25)    ___  April:     POETRY  Writing  for  Poetry  Month  ($25)    ___  April  am:   Teaching  Reading  through  K-­‐12  READING  WORKSHOP  ($25)  

___  April  pm:     Teaching  Writing  through  K-­‐12  WRITING  WORKSHOP  ($25)    ___  May:     COLLABORATION  Strategies  to  Engage  Reluctant  Readers  &  Writers:  Planning         for  the  Next  Year  (*$40  includes  No  More  “Us”  and  “Them”:  Classroom  Lessons  &  Activities         to  Promote  Peer  Respect)    ___  ___________________________________________________  [suggestion]  

___  ___________________________________________________  [suggestion]  

___  ___________________________________________________  [suggestion]  

 Name  _________________________________  Email  _________________________________________________  Grade(s)  ______  

[PLEASE  PRINT  ALL  INOFRMATION]      Comments:  _____________________________________________________________________________________________________  

___  I  will  be  enrolled  in  a  2014-­‐15  ASU  undergraduate/graduate  COE  program  and  am  interested  in                purchasing  a  CSWP  Student  Membership  for  $25/academic  year.  I  understand  the  membership  will                permit  me  to  attend  any/all  CSWP  workshops  for  free  (*paying  the  price  of  any  book  included  in  a                workshop  at  the  CSWP  discount  price)