CSS3 and Responsive Web Design - Web Technologies (1019888BNR)

2 December 2005 Web Technologies CSS3 and Responsive Web Design Prof. Beat Signer Department of Computer Science Vrije Universiteit Brussel http://www.beatsigner.com

Transcript of CSS3 and Responsive Web Design - Web Technologies (1019888BNR)

2 December 2005

Web TechnologiesCSS3 and Responsive Web Design

Prof. Beat Signer

Department of Computer Science

Vrije Universiteit Brussel


Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - [email protected] 2October 28, 2016

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)

Separation of presentation and content visualisation of HTML elements defined by styles

enables multiple presentations of the same content

media-specific style sheets via the media attribute

<html><head>...<link ref="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="default.css"media="screen, tv" />

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="alternative.css"media="print, handheld" />


Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - [email protected] 3October 28, 2016

CSS Versions

CSS1 specification published in 1996 remember that HTML 3.2 introduced some elements and

attributes (e.g. color) for the visual appearance in 1997

CSS2 specification published in 1998 superset of CSS1

functionality for relative, absolute and fixed positoning of elements

media types

CSS3 divided into separate modules (documents) 2D & 3D transforms



media queries


Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - [email protected] 4October 28, 2016

CSS Versions

Sergey Mavrody, 2014

Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - [email protected] 5October 28, 2016

CSS Syntax

CSS rule consists of two parts a selector

- HTML element

a declaration block (at least one property and value)

- surrounded by curly braces

- multiple properties are separated with a semicolon


selector {property1: value1;property2: value2;}

h1 {color: red;font-size: 10px;}

Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - [email protected] 6October 28, 2016


Selectors are used to target rules to specific elements in

an HTML document (case sensitive)

Universal selector all elements in the document

Element/Type selector specific element names

ID selector element with a specific value for the id attribute

* { ... }

p { ... }h1, h2, h3 { ... } /* also called grouping selector */

#intro { ... } /* always more weight than class selector */

Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - [email protected] 7October 28, 2016

Selectors …

Class selector elements with the given class attribute value (elements can have

more than one class)

Child selector elements that are direct children of other elements

Descendant selector elements that are descendants of other elements

.main { ... } /* any element with a 'main' class value' */h1.main { ... }

p>a { ... }

p a { ... }

Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - [email protected] 8October 28, 2016

Selectors …

Attribute selector elements with a given attribute value

Pseudo element selectors treated like extra elements

Pseudo class selector act like additional values for a class attribute

p[type] { ... } /* p element with an attribute called type (existence) */p[type="new"] { ... } /* p element with attribute value 'new' (equality) */p[type^="n"] { ... } /* type attribute value starts with letter 'n' */ p[type*="do"] { ... } /* type attribute contains substring 'do' */

h1.main:first-letter { ... }

a:link { ... }a:visited { ... }a:hover { ... }

Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - [email protected] 9October 28, 2016

Rule Order

For identical selectors, the last rule will be applied

Furthermore, we have the following internal priorities(1) rules containing IDs

(2) rules containing classes (or pseudo classes) and attributes

(3) rules containing elements (or pseudo elements)

Rules for selectors that are more specific than the others

have preference

* { color: red; }

p b { color: pink; } /* more specific than p selector */

p { color: blue; }

p { color: green; } /* last rule for p selector */

Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - [email protected] 10October 28, 2016


Some properties such a color or font-family are

inherited by most child elements leads to simpler style sheets

The inheritance of properties can be enforced via the

inherit keyword

body {color: red; /* inherited by child elements */padding: 10px; /* normally not inherited */}

p {padding: inherit; /* explicitly inherited from parent element */}

Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - [email protected] 11October 28, 2016

CSS Inclusion

There are three ways how CSS can be included in HTML inline style

internal style sheet

external style sheet

Inline style defined via the style attribute of the corresponding

HTML element

still mixes content and presentation and should therefore be avoided whenever possible

<h1 style="color:red; font-size:10px">Urgent Tasks</h1>

Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - [email protected] 12October 28, 2016

CSS Inclusion ...

Internal style sheet used when a single document has a unique style

defined in the <head> section

e.g. used in HTML-encoded emails

<html><head>...<style>h1 {color: red; font-size: 10px;}p {color: blue;}...</style> </head><body>...</body></html>

Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - [email protected] 13October 28, 2016

CSS Inclusion ...

External style sheet (in *.css file) changes to the overall appearance of an entire website can be

managed in a single file

- removes a lot of potential redundancy

- saves a lot of time

- leads to more consistent websites

<html><head>...<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="default.css" /></head><body>...</body></html>

Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - [email protected] 14October 28, 2016

Multiple Style Sheets (Cascading)

Multiple styles will cascade into a single one properties/values are inherited from more specific style sheets

Overriding priorities(1) inline style (highest priority)

(2) internal style sheet

(3) external style sheet

(4) default browser style

Note that if the link to the external style sheet in the<head> section is placed after the internal style sheet, then the external style sheet will override the internal one

A stylesheet can import other stylesheets via @import

Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - [email protected] 15October 28, 2016

Box Model

Box that wraps every single HTML element (content) by default the box is just big enough to keep its content


- transparent area around the content


- around the padding


- transparent area around the border




div {width: 300px; /* only content area */padding: 10px;border: 10px red;margin: 5px;}

Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - [email protected] 16October 28, 2016

Box Model …

By default the width of a box only defines the width of

the content padding and border are added to that width

Behaviour can be changed via the box-sizingproperty content-box (default) or border-box

width in border-box "mode" includes padding and border width

* {box-sizing: border-box; /* use border-box for the whole page */}

Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - [email protected] 17October 28, 2016

Box Model …

Boxes can be either block-level boxes or inline boxes block-level boxes start on a new line

- main building blocks of any layout

- e.g. <p>, <h1>, <ul>, or <li>

inline boxes flow between sourrounding text

- e.g. <b>, <i> or <img>

Block-level boxes (elements) can be grouped e.g. number of elements grouped via <div> in a containing or

parent element

Behaviour can be changed via display property li {display: inline; /* no longer treated as block-level element */margin-right: 5px; /* list items shown next to each other with space */}

Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - [email protected] 18October 28, 2016

Box Model …

CSS3 further introduces a new Flexbox layout mode new flex and inline-flex values for the display property

Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - [email protected] 19October 28, 2016


Absolute or relative units of measurements can be used

Absolute units px: pixels are not necessary consistent across devices

cm, mm and in: one centimeter is 37.8 pixels, a milimeter 3.78 pixels and an inch 96 pixels (also not consistent across devices)

pt: a point is equal to 1/72 of an inch (common in print design)

Relative units %: percentage measured against the content

em: ems are relative to the font size of the element

rem: rems are relative to the font size of the document

Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - [email protected] 20October 28, 2016


Elements (boxes) can be positioned via the position

property static (default), relative, absolute or fixed position

In normal flow (static) each block-level element starts

on a new line

p {position: static; /* optional since it is the default anyway */width: 400px;}

Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - [email protected] 21October 28, 2016

Layout …

Relative positioning moves the element in relation to

where it would have been shown

Absolute position takes box out of the normal flow

p.test {position: relative; width: 400px;left: 100px; /* move 100 pixels to the right */top: 20px; /* move 20 pixels down */}

p.test {position: absolute; width: 200px;left: 300px; /* position the element 300 pixels from the left */top: 0px; /* position element at the top (of the containing element) */}

Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - [email protected] 22October 28, 2016

Layout …

Fixed positioning renders an element relative to the

browser window scrolling no longer changes the position

Boxes with a relative, absolute or fixed position might

overlap z-index property can be used to control the ordering (higher

values are closer to the front)

p.test {position: fixed; width: 400px;right: 0px;top: 0px; /* positions the paragraph at the top right corner */}

Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - [email protected] 23October 28, 2016


Elements can also be positioned via the float property succeeding elements will flow around the element

floating can be stopped via the clear property

<p>...</p><img class="floatLeft" src="logo.jpg" alt="logo"><p>...</p><h2 class="clearLeft">History</h2>

floatLeft { float: left; }clearLeft { clear: left; }

Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - [email protected] 24October 28, 2016

Responsive Web Design (RWD)

Websites originally

designed with a fixed size

to fit common desktop and

laptop screen sizes

e.g. 960-pixel-wide layout

Around 2007 mobile

phones able to render

standard HTML pages

dedicated mobile version of

website (e.g. 320-pixel-wide)

- redirection to m-dot websites

Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - [email protected] 25October 28, 2016

Responsive Web Design (RWD) …

Problem of maintainability as more versions added different phone display sizes and new devices (e.g. iPad)

Design websites that can easily be viewed on devices

with various screen sizes

Only one version of the website (one HTML structure) design rearranges itself to perfectly fit the screen size

- e.g. single column on mobile device and multiple columns on wider desktop


use different CSS styles based on media queries

only since CSS3 it is possible to query features such as the screen width and height or the colour capabilities

flexibility via relative horizontal measurements (e.g. percentage)

should automatically look decent on future devices

Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - [email protected] 26October 28, 2016

Content Strategy

Think about the content before thinking about the design

of a website address user needs

Most important information should be at the top of a


Divide content into chunks that can be rearranged on a


All users (regardless of the device) should have access

to all the content of a website

Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - [email protected] 27October 28, 2016

The Viewport

Viewport defines the visible area of a web page without scrollbars, browser borders etc.

HTML5 introduced a new method to control the viewport

via a meta tag

Avoid large fixed width for elements elements (e.g. images) that are wider than the viewport might

lead to horizontal scrollbars (poor user experience)

Do not rely on a particular viewport width for a page to

render well

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">

Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - [email protected] 28October 28, 2016

Media Queries

CSS2 allowed media queries for media types e.g. screen or print

CSS3 allows media queries to apply different declaration

blocks based on device properties (e.g. viewport width) e.g. typically change the number of columns, navigation, font size

or image size

body {font-size: 12px;background-color: red;}

@media only screen and (min-width: 40em) {body { background-color: green; }}

Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - [email protected] 29October 28, 2016

Media Queries

Device properties that can be queried via CSS3 viewport width (width) and height (height)

screen width (device-width) and height (device-height)

orientation (orientation) which can be landscape or portrait

aspect ratio (aspect-ratio or device-aspect-ratio)

- e.g. 16:9 or 4:3

resolution (resolution) of the device screen

- e.g. 300 dpi

does the device support colour (color)

Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - [email protected] 30October 28, 2016


Breakpoint is the point

where we use a media

query to change the


e.g. change the number of

columns or font size

Design range is the range

between two breakpoints

design should look good

anywhere within a design


Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - [email protected] 31October 28, 2016

Designing Responsive Solutions

Mobile-first approach start with the basic design (default design) for the narrowest

design range and devices that might not support media queries

Progressive enhancement via different layers ensures

that page is also accessible without CSS and JavaScript1. HTML

2. CSS (with potential media queries)

3. JavaScript

Responsive design is often based on grids 12-column grid is very common

columns can be grouped

Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - [email protected] 32October 28, 2016

Multi-Column Layout

Compute the percentage for each column and the space

between the columns e.g. 4-column layout with 21% for each column, 2% between the

columns and 5% for the left and right border

5% 5%21% 21% 21% 21%2% 2% 2%

<article> <aside>


Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - [email protected] 33October 28, 2016

Multi-Column Layout …

Example of a breakpoint between a single column layout

and 2-column layout

@media only screen and (min-width: 40em) {article {width: 67%;float: left;margin-right: 0;}aside {width: 21%;float: right;margin-left: 0;}footer {clear: both;}}

Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - [email protected] 34October 28, 2016


Scaling of images can be controlled e.g. via max-width property

Offer different sizes of an image e.g. via the HTML5 picture element

img {max-width: 100%; /* do not scale up images */ height: auto;}

<picture><source srcset="smallfBird.jpg" media="(max-width: 300px)"><source srcset="bird.jpg"><img src="bird.jpg" alt="Bird"> /* fallback */ </picture>

Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - [email protected] 35October 28, 2016

RWD Frameworks

Bootstrap mobile-first design philosophy

provides a set of CSS style sheets for the formatting of key HTML components

additional reusable components (e.g. advanced buttons)

JavaScript components (e.g. UI elements)


Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - [email protected] 36October 28, 2016

Use Case: MindXpres

MindXpres presentations

are currently represented

in an XML document


Compiler (node.js

application) translates


Presentation engine

based on HTML5 and

related APIs

e.g. WebSockets for


Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - [email protected] 37October 28, 2016

Exercise 6

No Exercise use time to prepare interim project presentation

Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - [email protected] 38October 28, 2016


Learning Responsive Web Design:

A Beginner's Guide, Clarissa Peterson,

O'Reilly Media (1st edition), June 2014

ISBN-13: 978-1449362942

HTML and CSS: Design and Build Websites,

Jon Duckett, Wiley (1st edition),

November 2011

ISBN-13: 978-1118008188

Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - [email protected] 39October 28, 2016

References …

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) Snapshot 2010,

W3C Working Group Note http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS/

Molly E. Holzschlag, Core CSS (Part I, II & III)

(refcardz #19, #25 and #34) http://refcardz.dzone.com/refcardz/corecss-part1



CSS Tutorial http://www.w3schools.com/css/

Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - [email protected] 40October 28, 2016

References ...

MDN CSS Reference https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/Reference

Webplatform.orgl http://docs.webplatform.org/wiki/css

Bootstrap http://getbootstrap.com

R. Roels and B. Signer, MindXpres: An Extensible

Content-driven Cross-Media Presentation Platform,

Proceedings of WISE 2014, 15th International

Conference on Web Information System Engineering,

Thessaloniki, Greece, October, 2014 http://beatsigner.com/publications/roels_WISE2014.pdf

2 December 2005

Next LectureJavaScript and jQuery