CSI - Chapter 3

CHAPTER 3 Living Justice is no easy task...


Chapter 3 Terms

Transcript of CSI - Chapter 3

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Living Justice is no easy task...

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Liberation Theology

Is a way of talking about God amid the reality of the suffering of innocent people

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The Universal Declaration of Human Rights are

officially recognized by most nations in a 1948 United Nations document,

which consisted of 30 articles

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Solidarity is...

constant commitment to the common good

based on the belief that we are all responsible for all

a spirit of friendship between all

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Seeing, Hearing and knowing the world in a spirit of Friendship

We each have our own awareness of the world – we each perceive it and make sense of it in different ways

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The basic beliefs that guide the way someone relates to the world

comprehensive world view (or worldview) is the fundamental cognitive orientation of an individual or society encompassing the entirety of the individual or society's knowledge and point of view including natural philosophy; fundamental, existential, and normative postulates; or themes, values, emotions, and ethics

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All of the shared values, beliefs, and ways of relating and living together that characterize a particular group of people

Shapes Worldview by teaching its members to adopt the beliefs and behaviors of the group


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What does our culture consider to be normal?

Pg 86

What is abnormal?

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Find out what it means to me...

To look beyond outer appearances and first impressions to see the goodness that is the foundation of all God's creation

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Process of understanding how people's lives are affected by the relationships that shape a society in which they live

The type of questions we ask will determine the answers we receive

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We depend on each other for our existence

Think of all the relationships you are a part of

People who shape your life are themselves affected by their relationships with other people


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Social Structures

The patterns of relationships that shape any society

Reference Packet:

Social Stratification – the ranking of people and the rewards they receive based on the objective criteria (wealth, power, prestige)

Social Classes

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God given ability everyone has to affect their own life, the lives of others, and the world around them – in either positive or negative ways. Power builds relationships

Power over/Power with

pg 94-95 Ability to get people to do what you want

without having to MAKE them do so

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Support of others for POWER

BOYCOTT - customers

STRIKE - employees

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Analysis reveals individual choices and social structures that cause injustice ….

CHANGE the situation in a way that allows all people involved to experience the good life and God's spirit

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Individual relationships and is usually aimed at meeting an immediate need


occurs on the level of social structures attempts to change the behavior of a society and its institutions in a way that promotes justice

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Marginalized people are those not able to fully participate in society and forced out of the main group



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A riot is the language of the unheard.