CSE443 Compilers - cse.buffalo.edu

CSE443 Compilers Dr. Carl Alphonce [email protected] 343 Davis Hall

Transcript of CSE443 Compilers - cse.buffalo.edu

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CSE443 CompilersDr. Carl Alphonce

[email protected] 343 Davis Hall

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Phases of a


Figure 1.6, page 5 of text

Syntactic structure

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ExampleL = { 0, 1, 00, 11, 000, 111, 0000, 1111, … }

G = ( {0,1}, {S, ZeroList, OneList}, {S -> ZeroList | OneList, ZeroList -> 0 | 0 ZeroList, OneList -> 1 | 1 OneList }, S )

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Derivations from GDerivation of 0 0 0 0 S -> ZeroList -> 0 ZeroList -> 0 0 ZeroList -> 0 0 0 ZeroList -> 0 0 0 0

Derivation of 1 1 1 S -> OneList -> 1 OneList -> 1 1 OneList -> 1 1 1

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ObservationsEvery string of symbols in a derivation is a sentential form. A sentence is a sentential form that has only terminal symbols. A leftmost derivation is one in which the leftmost nonterminal in each sentential form is the one that is expanded A derivation can be leftmost, rightmost, or neither.

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Programming Language Grammar Fragment

<program> -> <stmt-list> <stmt-list> -> <stmt> | <stmt> ; <stmt-list> <stmt> -> <var> = <expr> <var> -> a | b | c | d <expr> -> <term> + <term> | <term> - <term> <term> -> <var> | const

Notes: <var> is defined in the grammar const is not defined in the grammar

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A leftmost derivation of a = b + const

<program> => <stmt-list> => <stmt> => <var> = <expr> => a = <expr> => a = <term> + <term> => a = <var> + <term> => a = b + <term> => a = b + const

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Parse tree<program>



<var> = <expr>

a <term> + <term>

<var> const


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Parse trees and compilation

A compiler builds a parse tree for a program (or for different parts of a program) If the compiler cannot build a well-formed parse tree from a given input, it reports a compilation error The parse tree serves as the basis for semantic interpretation/translation of the program.

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Extended BNF• Optional parts are placed in brackets [ ]<proc_call> -> ident [(<expr_list>)]

• Alternative parts of RHSs are placed inside parentheses and separated via vertical bars <term> -> <term> (+|-) const

• Repetitions (0 or more) are placed inside braces { }<ident> -> letter {letter|digit}

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Comparison of BNF and EBNF• sample grammar fragment expressed in BNF

<expr> -> <expr> + <term>| <expr> - <term>| <term>

<term> -> <term> * <factor>| <term> / <factor>| <factor>

• same grammar fragment expressed in EBNF<expr> -> <term> {(+ | -) <term>}<term> -> <factor> {(* | /) <factor>}

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Ambiguity in grammars

A grammar is ambiguous if and only if it generates a sentential form that has two or more distinct parse trees. Operator precedence and operator associativity are two examples of ways in which a grammar can provide unambiguous interpretation.

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Operator precedence ambiguity

The following grammar is ambiguous:

<expr> -> <expr> <op> <expr> | const <op> -> - | /

The grammar treats the two operators, '-' and '/', equivalently

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An ambiguous grammarfor arithmetic expressions

<expr> -> <expr> <op> <expr> | const<op> -> / | -


<expr> <expr>

<expr> <expr>


<expr> <expr>

<expr> <expr>





const const const const const const- -/ /


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Disambiguating the grammar

This grammar (fragment) is unambiguous:

<expr> -> <expr> - <term> | <term> <term> -> <term> / const | const

The grammar treats the two operators, '-' and '/', differently.

In this grammar, '/' has higher precedence than '-'.

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Disambiguating the grammar

• If we use the parse tree to indicate precedence levels of the operators, we can remove the ambiguity.

• The following rules give / a higher precedence than -

<expr> -> <expr> - <term> | <term><term> -> <term> / const | const


<expr> <term>

<term> <term>

const const



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Derivation of2+5*3

using C grammar













<additive-expression> + <multiplicative-expression>








<multiplicative-expression> <cast-expression>













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Recursion and parentheses

• To generate 2+3*4 or 3*4+2, the parse tree is built so that + is higher in the tree than *.

• To force an addition to be done prior to a multiplication we must use parentheses, as in (2+3)*4.

• Grammar captures this in the recursive case of an expression, as in the following grammar fragment:

<expr> à <expr> + <term> | <term><term> à <term> * <factor> | <factor><factor> à <variable> | <constant> | “(” <expr> “)”

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Shown on Visualizer


C++ Programming Language, 3rd edition. Bjarne Stroustrup. (c) 1997. Page 122.

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A compiler translates high level language statements into a much larger number of low-level statements, and then applies optimizations. The entire translation process, including optimizations, must preserve the semantics of the original high-level program.The next slides shows that different phases of compilation can apply different types of optimizations (some target-independent, some target-dependent).By not specifying the order in which subexpressions are evaluated (left-to-right or right-to-left) a C++ compiler can potentially re-order the resulting low-level instructions to give a “better” result.


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RL ⊆ CFLGiven a regular language L we can always construct a context free grammar G such that L = 𝓛(G).

For every regular language L there is an NFA M = (S,∑,𝛅,F,s0) such that L = 𝓛(M).

Build G = (N,T,P,S0) as follows:

N = { Ns | s ∈ S }

T = { t | t ∈ ∑ }

If 𝛅(i,a)=j, then add Ni → a Nj to P

If i ∈ F, then add Ni → 𝜀 to P

S0 = Nso

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G = ( {A0, A1, A2, A3}, {a, b}, {A0 → a A0, A0 → b A0, A0 → a A1, A1 → b A2, A2 → b A3, A3 → 𝜀}, A0 }

0 1 2 3a b b



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RL ⊊ CFLShow that not all CF languages are regular.

To do this we only need to demonstrate that there exists a CFL that is not regular.

Consider L = { anbn | n ≥ 1 }

Claim: L ∈ CFL, L ∉ RL

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RL ⊊ CFLProof (sketch):

L ∈ CFL: S → aSb | ab

L ∉ RL (by contradiction):

Assume L is regular. In this case there exists a DFA D=(S,∑,𝛅,F,s0) such that 𝓛(D) = L.

Let k = |S|. Consider aibi, where i>k.

Suppose 𝛅(s0, ai) = sr. Since i>k, not all of the states between s0 and sr are distinct. Hence, there are v and w, 0 ≤ v < w ≤ k such that sv = sw. In other words, there is a loop.

This DFA can certainly recognize aibi but it can also recognize ajbi, where i ≠ j, by following the loop.


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Relevance? Nested '{' and '}'

public class Foo { public static void main(String[] args) { for (int i=0; i<args.length; i++) { if (args[I].length() < 3) { … }

else { … } }

} }

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Context Free Grammars and parsing

O(n3) algorithms to parse any CFG exist

Programming language constructs can generally be parsed in O(n)

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Top-down & bottom-up

A top-down parser builds a parse tree from root to the leaves

easier to construct by hand

A bottom-up parser builds a parse tree from leaves to root

Handles a larger class of grammars

tools (yacc/bison) build bottom-up parsers

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Our presentation First top-down, then bottom-up

Present top-down parsing first.

Introduce necessary vocabulary and data structures.

Move on to bottom-up parsing second.