CSC344: AI for Games Lecture 5 Advanced heuristic search Patrick Olivier [email protected].

CSC344: AI for Games Lecture 5 Advanced heuristic search Patrick Olivier [email protected]
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Transcript of CSC344: AI for Games Lecture 5 Advanced heuristic search Patrick Olivier [email protected].

Page 1: CSC344: AI for Games Lecture 5 Advanced heuristic search Patrick Olivier

CSC344: AI for Games

Lecture 5Advanced heuristic


Patrick Olivier

[email protected]

Page 2: CSC344: AI for Games Lecture 5 Advanced heuristic search Patrick Olivier

A* enhancements & local search Memory enhancements

IDA*: Iterative-Deepening A* SMA*: Simplified Memory-Bounded A*

Speed enhancements Dynamic weighting LRTA*: Learning RTA* (variants can be used to

chase moving targets) Local search:

hill climbing & beam search simulated annealing & genetic algorithms

Page 3: CSC344: AI for Games Lecture 5 Advanced heuristic search Patrick Olivier

Improving A* performance Improving the heuristic function

not always easy for path planning tasks

Implementation of A* key aspect for large search spaces

Relaxing the admissibility condition trading optimality for speed

Page 4: CSC344: AI for Games Lecture 5 Advanced heuristic search Patrick Olivier

Improving A* Performance Improving the heuristic function

not always easy for path planning tasks Implementation of A*

key aspect for large search spaces Relaxing the admissibility condition

trading optimality for speed

Page 5: CSC344: AI for Games Lecture 5 Advanced heuristic search Patrick Olivier

IDA*: iterative deepening A* reduces the memory constraints of A*

without sacrificing optimality cost-bound iterative depth-first search

with linear memory requirements expands all nodes within a cost contour store f-cost (cost-limit) for next iteration repeat for next highest f-cost

Page 6: CSC344: AI for Games Lecture 5 Advanced heuristic search Patrick Olivier

IDA*: exercise

Start state1 2 3

6 X 4

8 7 5

Goal state1 2 3

8 X 4

7 6 5

Order of expansion: Move space up Move space down Move space left Move space right

Evaluation function: g(n) = number of moves f(n) = Manhatten distance

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1 2 3

6 2 4

8 7 5

1+4=5 1 2 3

6 7 4

8 7 5

1+3=4 1 2 3

6 4 4

8 7 5

1+4=61+3=41 2 3

X 6 4

8 7 5

0+3=31 2 3

6 X 4

8 7 5

IDA*: f-cost = 3Next f-cost = 3Next f-cost = 5Next f-cost = 4

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IDA*: f-cost = 4

2 3

1 6 4

8 7 5

2+4=6 1 2 3

8 6 4

7 5

2+2=41 2 3

6 7 4

8 5

2+5=71 2 3

8 6 4

7 5

2+3=51 2 3

6 4

8 7 5


1 2 3

8 6 4

7 5

3+2=5 1 2 3

8 6 4

7 5


1 2 3

8 4

7 6 5


1 2 3

6 2 4

8 7 5

1+4=5 1 2 3

6 7 4

8 7 5

1+3=4 1+3=41 2 3

X 6 4

8 7 5

0+3=31 2 3

6 X 4

8 7 5

Next f-cost = 4Next f-cost = 5

Page 9: CSC344: AI for Games Lecture 5 Advanced heuristic search Patrick Olivier

Simple memory-bounded A* SMA*

When we run out of memory drop costly nodes Back their cost up to parent (may need them

later) Properties

Utilises whatever memory is available Avoids repeated states (as memory allows) Complete (if enough memory to store path) Optimal (or optimal in memory limit) Optimally efficient (with memory caveats)

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Simple memory-bounded A*

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Simple memory-bounded A*

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Simple memory-bounded A*

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Simple memory-bounded A*

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Simple memory-bounded A*

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Simple memory-bounded A*

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Simple memory-bounded A*

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Simple memory-bounded A*

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Simple memory-bounded A*

Page 19: CSC344: AI for Games Lecture 5 Advanced heuristic search Patrick Olivier

Trading optimality for speed… The admissibility condition guarantees

that an optimal path is found In path planning a near-optimal path

can be satisfactory In which case one would try to

minimise search instead of minimising cost i.e. find a near-optimal path, but faster

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)()()1()( nwhngwnfw w = 0.0 (breadth-first)w = 0.5 (A*)w = 1.0 (best-first, with f = h)

trading safety/optimality for speed weight towards h when confident in

the estimate of h

Page 21: CSC344: AI for Games Lecture 5 Advanced heuristic search Patrick Olivier

“Real-time” search concepts In A* the whole path is computed off-line,

before the agent walks through the path This solution is only valid for static worlds If the world changes in the meantime, the

initial path is no longer valid: new obstacles appear position of goal changes (e.g. moving target)

Page 22: CSC344: AI for Games Lecture 5 Advanced heuristic search Patrick Olivier

“Real-time” definitions Off-line (non real-time): the solution

is computed in a given amount of time before being executed

Real-time: One move is computed at a time, and that move executed before computing the next

Anytime: the algorithm constantly improves its solution through time

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Learning real-time A*





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Local search algorithms In many optimisation problems, paths

are irrelevant; goal state the solution State space = set of "complete"

configurations Find configuration satisfying

constraints, e.g., n-queens: n queens on an n ×n board with no two queens on the same row, column, or diagonal

Use local search algorithms which keep a single "current" state and try to improve it

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Hill-climbing search "climbing Everest in thick fog with

amnesia” we can set up an objective function to be

“best” when large (perform hill climbing)

…or we can use the previous formulation of heuristic and minimise the objective function (perform gradient descent)

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Local maxima/minina Problem: depending on

initial state, can get stuck in local maxima/minina

1/(1+H(n)) = 1/17

1/(1+H(n)) = 1/2

Local minima

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Simulated annealing search Idea: escape local maxima by allowing

some "bad" moves but gradually decrease their frequency and range (VSLI layout, scheduling)

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Local beam search Keep track of k states rather than just

one Start with k randomly generated states At each iteration, all the successors of

all k states are generated If any one is a goal state, stop; else

select the k best successors from the complete list and repeat.

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Genetic algorithm search A successor state is generated by

combining two parent states Start with k randomly generated states

(population) A state is represented as a string over a

finite alphabet (often a string of 0s and 1s) Evaluation function (fitness function).

Higher values for better states. Produce the next generation of states by

selection, crossover, and mutation