CS530 Database Architecture Models and Design Prof. Ian HORROCKS Dr. Robert Stevens Wednesday -...

CS530 Database Architecture Models and Design Prof. Ian HORROCKS Dr. Robert Stevens Wednesday - Practical Tables

Transcript of CS530 Database Architecture Models and Design Prof. Ian HORROCKS Dr. Robert Stevens Wednesday -...

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CS530 Database Architecture Models and Design

Prof. Ian HORROCKSDr. Robert Stevens

Wednesday - Practical Tables

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In this Section… Topics Covered

– Functional Dependencies

– Normalisation– SQL Data Defn and Manipulation– SQL Query

Examples Classes

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Informal guidelines Semantics of the attributes

–easy to explain relation–doesn’t mix concepts

Reducing the redundant values in tuples Choosing attribute domains that are

atomic Reducing the null values in tuples Disallowing spurious tuples

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Functional Dependencies

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Functional Dependency an attribute A is functionally dependent on a

set of attributes X if and only if– value of A is determined solely by the values of X– values of X uniquely determine a value of A

child → mother

The value of child implies the value of motherValue of mother does NOT imply value of childChild is the determinantMother is the dependent/determined

mother → child

X → A

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Our case study example

studno name

given family




















1 m



n mm






studno → studno, givenname, familyname, hons tutor, slot, year

ENROL(studno,courseno,labmark,exammark)studno, courseno → labmark, exammark

COURSE(courseno,subject,equip)courseno → courseno, subject, equip

STAFF(lecturer,roomno,appraiser)lecturer → lecturer, roomno, appraiserroomno → lecturer, appraiser, roomno

YEAR(year,yeartutor)year → year, yeartutoryeartutor → year, yeartutor

SCHOOL(hons,faculty)hons → hons, faculty

TEACH(courseno,lecturer)courseno, lecturer → courseno, lecturer

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More Examples of Functional Dependency


part_ description








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Use functional dependencies to …check that a relation is legal or good. e.g keys

K is a superkey of relation R if K → R

i.e. whenever t1[k] = t2[k] then t1[R]= t2[R]

K functionally determines all attributes in a tuple in R

STUDENT (studno,name,hons,tutor,slot,year)

studno → studno, name, hons, tutor, slot, year

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Use functional dependencies to …check that a relation is legal or good. e.g. remove redundancy

Partial Dependencystudno, courseno → subject

(studno, courseno, subject) Transitive Dependency

studno → yeartutor studno → year

year → yeartutor so, studno → yeartutor (studno, yeartutor)

Base functional dependencies F Set of logically implied functional

dependencies CLOSURE F+

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Normalisation(in Brief)

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Normalisation Overview Stops information repeating over tables Uses Functional Dependency Uses a number of ‘forms’ 1 through 7

– (1NF, 2NF, 3NF, BCNF, 5NF, DK/NK, 7NF) We shall go to 3rd Look at Background for

more. After you’ve built 10 DBs you’ll just ‘know’

– it’ll become more craft than engineering.

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UN-Normalised Data

To make it 1NF– Remove Repeating Groups

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1st NF (the Key)

To make it 2NF– Remove Part-Key Dependencies– Every non-primary-key attribute is fully

functionally dependant on the primary key.

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2nd NF (the Whole Key)

To make it 3NF– No Transitive dependencies

e.g. A ->B / B ->C therefore A ->C AH06 -> Sony Music / Sony Music -> UK

Track TableCD Table

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3rd NF (and nothing but the key)Track TableCD Table

Company Table

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Boyce-Codd Normal FormA relation scheme R is in BCNF if, for all functional dependencies

that hold on R of the form X → Y where R ⊇ X and R ⊇ Yat least one of the following holds

X → Y is trivial X is a candidate key for the scheme R

i.e. X → REvery attribute must depend on the key, the whole key and

nothing but the key

Other Normal Forms: 1NF, 2NF and 3NF ... uses primary key only

BCNF... generalised for candidate keys

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Round UpIf column (N) is FD on another column (M) then every value of M must define uniquely the value of N.M->NStudent(id, name, staffID, time)Student(jbr, Joe Brown, har, 12-13)Student(spl, Sam Plant, gou, 14-15)Student(spl, Sam Plant, har, 12-13)

id->nameid->staffIDid->time 12-13)

name is Functionally Dependant on id

staffID is NOT Functionally Dependant on id

time is NOT Functionally Dependant on id

Meets(spl, har, 12-13) – meeting onceMeets(spl, har, 12-13) – meeting many

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Background - NextSQL - Slide 76

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Further Notes on Normalisation

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NormalisationGiven a relation R with a set of functional dependencies F,

and a key KWe must identify independent attributes

1. the key identifies all the attributes but…2. ... if an attribute only depends on part of the key, then it

is independent of the rest of it. Attribute is partially dependent on the key

3. ... if an attribute only depends on the key transitively, then it really depends directly on another attribute and is independent of the key.

Attribute is transitively dependent on the key

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Use functional dependencies to …check constraints on the set of legal relations

Fstudno → name, tutortutor → roomno roomno → tutorcourseno → subjectstudno, courseno → labmark

F+studno, courseno → name partial

studno → roomno transitive

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Consequences of redundancy Wasted space Potential performance cost Potential inconsistency Inability to represent data

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Use functional dependencies to …check the EER model mapping correctness

Reader Book


fine date


m nReturnHistory

readerid → readeridreaderid → name

bookid → bookidbookid → title

Many:many relationships that could be weak entity types because they have hidden partial keys.

ReturnHistory(readerid, bookid, date, fine)

readerid, bookid → date ?readerid, bookid → fine ?

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Using Functional Dependencies to ... check EER mappings

STUDENT(studno, name, labmark)studno → namestudno → labmark ?

COURSE(courseno, subject, roomno)courseno → subjectcourseno → roomno ?

STAFF(staffname, salary)staffname → salarywhere is staffname → roomno ?














Attributes on wrong entities

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STUDENT(studno, name)studno → name

COURSE(courseno, subject, studno)courseno → subjectcourseno → studno ?

Wrong cardinalities on a relationship type







Using Functional Dependencies to ... check EER mappings

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COURSE (courseno, subject, lecturer,roomno)courseno → subjectcourseno → lecturer ?courseno → roomnolecturer → roomno

Using Functional Dependencies to ... check EER mappings

Missing 1:many relationship type and entity type or missing multi-valued attribute






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Functional Dependencies are hidden in EER Model

studno name








n m


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Using the EER Model and Functional Dependencies

1. Draw EER model2. Map EER schema to relational schema3. For every relation

– List the functional dependencies– what does determine every attribute?– Check that every relation is in BCNF

does the key really solely uniquely identify each attribute?

if its not in BCNF then why? Fix the problem

– normalise and/or– trace back to EER model

4. Are there any functional dependencies missing?5. Optimise the relational schema

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Database design Extended Entity Relationship

– Top Down– Conceptual/Abstract View

Functional Dependencies– Bottom Up– Implementation View– The Determinancy Approach– Synthesise relations

1. List all attributes

2. Consider the relationships between them those which determine the values of others are entities those whose values are determined by other items are


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Use functional dependencies to…Synthesise

relations STUDENT (studno,givenname,familyname,hons,tutor,slot,year)

studno, courseno labmarkstudno, courseno exammark

ENROL(studno,courseno,labmark,exammark)courseno courseno

courseno subjectcourseno equip


studno studnostudno familyname

studno givennamestudno hons

studno tutorstudno slot

studno year

lecturer lecturerlecturer roomno

lecturer appraiserroomno lecturer

roomno roomnoroomno appraiser


year yearyear yeartutor

yeartutor yearyeartutor yeartutor


hons faculty


hons hons

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courseno, lecturer courseno, lecturer

TEACH(courseno,lecturer, num_of_lectures)

courseno, lecturer num_of_lectures

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Complementary Approaches Disadvantages of EER Top Down

1. Not all entity types are represented by nouns or noun-phrases

- association entity types

2. Not all nouns and noun-phrases correspond to entities

- single attribute entities

Disadvantages of determinancy bottom-up

1. Long-winded

2. Hides overall picture of data model

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The Steps of Normalisation Take one dependency at a time Treat each relation separately and

independently Iterative process

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Use functional dependencies to…

Systematically create legal relations Derive relations which avoid anomalies in

– Insertion– Deletion– Modification– Accessing

Ensure single valued-ness of facts represented in attributes in keyed relations

Ensure the removal of redundancy in a relation

NORMALISE relations

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Normalisation Given

– a universal relation that is unnormalised– a set of functional dependencies on the attributes

in the relation

– produce a set of relations where each relation is normalised for the functional dependencies on the attributes in the relation

– Three approaches:– 1. Relational synthesis– 2. Step-wise normalisation– 3. Using BCNF decomposition

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The Process of Normalisation Usually four steps giving

rise to– First Normal Form (1NF)– Second Normal Form (2NF)– Third Normal Form (3NF)– Boyce-Codd Normal Form

(BCNF)– Fourth Normal Form (4NF)

At each step we consider relationships between the functional dependencies of a relation’s attributes

Normalisation is a:– framework– series of tests


step1 remove repeating groups


step2 remove partial dependencies


step3 remove transitive dependencies

3rd NORMAL FORM / Boyce-Codd Normal Form

step4 remove multi-dependencies


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First Normal Form Attributes form Repeating Groups When a group of attributes has multiple values

then we say there is a repeating group of attributes in the relation

An relation is in 1NF if there are no repeating groups of attribute types

Any un-normalised relation is transformed to 1NF– Remove all repeating attribute groups– Repeating attribute groups become new relations in

their own right– The key of the original relation must be an attribute

(but not necessarily a key) of the derived relation.

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First Normal Form : Repeating Groups

STUDENT (studno, name, tutor, roomno)studno → name, tutortutor → roomno, roomno → tutor

STUDENT_DETAILS(studno, name, tutor, roomno, {courseno, labmark, subject})studno → name, tutor courseno → subjecttutor → roomno, roomno → tutor studno, courseno → labmark

ENROL (studno, courseno, subject, labmark)courseno → subjectstudno, courseno → labmark

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Benefits from First Normal Form Any ‘hidden’ relations (entities) are identified Process results in separation of different objects BUT anomalies may still exist

ENROL (studno, courseno, subject, labmark)– subject appears on every enrolment occurrence.– This may result in anomalies when updating or

deleting tuples– The problem in example is that subject is functionally

dependent only on courseno which is only part of the key

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Second Normal Form

A relation is in 2NF if it is in 1NF and each non identifying attribute depends upon the whole key (identifier)

Any relation in 1NF is transformed to 2NF– Identify functional dependencies– Re-write relations so that each non-identifying attribute

is functionally dependent on the whole of the key– Decompose ENROL into two relations

ENROL (studno, courseno, subject, labmark)courseno → subjectstudno, courseno → labmark

ENROL’ (studno, courseno, labmark)studno, courseno → labmark

COURSE (courseno, subject)courseno → subject

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Second Normal Form

STUDENT(studno, name, tutor, roomno)

studno → name, tutortutor → roomnoroomno → tutor

ENROL’ (studno, courseno, labmark)

studno, courseno → labmark

COURSE (courseno, subject)

courseno → subject

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Third Normal Form An relation is in 3NF if it is in 2NF and all non-

identifying attributes are independent Any relation in 2NF is transformed in 3NF Determine functional dependencies between non

identifying attributes Decompose relation into new relations

STUDENT (studno, name, tutor, roomno)studno → name, tutortutor → roomnoroomno → tutor

STUDENT (studno, name, tutor)studno → name, tutor

TUTOR (tutor, roomno)tutor → roomnoroomno → tutor

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Student Relational Schema in 3NF STUDENT (studno, name, tutor)

studno → name, tutor

TUTOR (tutor, roomno)tutor → roomnoroomno → tutor

ENROL (studno, courseno, labmark)studno, courseno → labmark

COURSE (courseno, subject)courseno → subject

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Decomposition: Lossless or Non-additive Join

R is a relational scheme, F is a set of functional dependencies on R. R1 and R2 form a decomposition of R.

The decomposition of R is non-additive if at least one of the following functional dependencies are in F+R1 ∩ R2 → R1R1 ∩ R2 → R2

The decomposition of R is non-additive if for every state r of R that satisfies F (π<R1> (r), ..., π<Rm> (r) ) = r

where condition is the natural join

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Decomposition: Lossless or Non-additive Join

ENROL’ ∩ COURSE = courseno courseno → subject (courseno, subject) = COURSE

ENROL (studno, courseno, subject, labmark)courseno → subjectstudno, courseno → labmark

ENROL’ (studno, courseno, labmark)studno, courseno → labmark

COURSE (courseno, subject)courseno → subject

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Lossless or Non-additive Join

STUDENT1 (tutor = tutor)TUTORS = STUDENT

studno → namestudno → tutortutor → roomnoroomno → tutor

studno → namestudno → tutor

tutor → roomnoroomno → tutor

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Spurious Tuples Lossless or Non-additive JoinTEACH TEACH’


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Decomposition Algorithm: Decomposition D, relation R

set D := { R } ; while there is a relation schema Q in D that is not in BCNF do begin

– choose a relation schema Q in D that is not in BCNF;– find a functional dependency X→Y in Q that violates BCNF;

violation means that (X)

+ fails to find all of Q, so X

can’t be a key.– replace Q in D by two schemas

R1 (Q - (Y)

+ ∪ X)

–leave copy of X in relation to be the foreign key for R2


R2 (X ∪ (Y)+ )

–new relation for functional dependency and its closure, X will be the primary key


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Lossless or Non-additive Join




foreign key

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Decomposition: Dependency Preservation When an update is made to a database,

should be able to check that update satisfies all functional dependencies.

It is desirable to allow validation of relational database schemes that allow update validation without the computation of joins.

independent manipulation of relations.

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Dependency Preservation

The union of dependencies that hold on the individual relations in decomposition D must be equivalent to F.

Given F on R, πF(Ri) where Ri ⊆ R

is the set of dependencies X Y in F+ such that the attributes in X ∪ Y are all contained in Ri

Decomposition D = {R1, R2, ..., Rm} of R is dependency

preserving w.r.t. F if (πF(R1)) ∪.... ∪ πF(Rm)))+ = F+

Given the restriction of functional dependencies to a relation is the fds that involve attributes of that relation Fi for Ri

n nU Fi ≠ F possible, but... (U Fi)

+ = F+

i=1 i =1

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Dependency Preservation STUDENT (studno, name, tutor, roomno, appraiser)

studno → name, tutortutor → roomno, appraiserroomno → tutor, appraiser

STUDENT1 (studno, name, tutor)studno → name, tutor

TUTOR (studno, roomno, appraiser)studno → roomno, appraiser

This is in Boyce-Codd Normal Form and is a lossless (nonadditive) join decomposition but we have lost....

tutor → roomno, appraiserroomno → tutor, appraiser

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CS530 - Ian Horrocks and Robert Stevens 27/09/200453STUDENT’ TUTOR = STUDENT

studno → namestudno → tutor

tutor → roomnotutor → appraiserroomno → tutorroomno → appraiserstudno → appraiserstudno → roomno

studno → namestudno → tutor

studno → appraiserstudno → roomno

Dependency Preservation

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Designing a relational schema Build a relational database

–without redundancy normalisation

–without loss of information or gain of data lossless join decomposition

–without losing dependency integrity dependency preservation

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Multi-valued Dependencies and

Fourth Normal Form

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Multi-valued Dependencies a course has many lecturers a course has many texts lecturers and texts are

independent a lecturer teaches many

courses a text is used by many courses

lecturer and text are independent sets for each courseno there is an associated set of lecturers for each courseno there is an associated set of texts the sets are independent.

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Multi-valued Dependenciescourseno →→ lecturercourseno →→ text

This is in BCNFkey is


courseno, lecturer,text → courseno,


trivial dependencies

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Multi-valued DependenciesEach TEXT is

associated with all the LECTURERS that teach a COURSE

The attribute TEXT contains redundant values.

If TEXT were deleted from rows 1, 2 & 3 the values could be deduced from rows 4,5 & 6

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Multivalued Dependenciescourseno →→ lecturercourseno →→ text if (c,l,t) and (c,l’,t’)

appear then (c,l,t’) and (c,l’,t)

appear also tuple (c,l,t)

appears if c can be taught by l using text t

for each course all possible combinations of lecturer and text appear

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Multi-Valued Dependencies Whenever X →→ Y holds in R

so does X →→(R - (XY)).

a MVD is trivial if Y ⊂ X or X ∪ Y = R. i.e. the two attributes form the whole relation

non-trivial MV dependencies need at least 3 attributes.

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Fourth Normal Form A relation R is in 4NF if it is in 3NF and there are no

multi-valued dependencies between its attribute types A relation R is in 4NF iff whenever there exists a non-

trivial multi-valued dependency in F+ for R

X →→ Y X is a superkey for R, i.e. all attributes are functionally

dependent on X. Any relation in 3NF is transformed in 4NF

– Detect any multi-valued dependencies

– Decompose relation

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Fourth Normal Form

courseno →→ lecturercourseno →→ text

trivial dependencies only

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Lossless join decomposition into 4NF Algorithm:

Decomposition D, relation R1.set D := { R } ;2. while there is a relation schema Q in D that is not in 4NF do

beginchoose a relation schema Q in D that is not in

4NF;find a non-trivial MVD X →→ Y in Q that

violates 4NF;replace Q in D by two schemas

(Q -Y) and (X ∪ Y) end;

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Fourth Normal Form EER modelling

Leads to correctly normalised relational schema



teaches recommendation








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Fourth Normal Form EER modelling

Leads to relational schema that is not in 4NF




m p





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Conclusions Data Normalisation is a technique that ensures

the basic properties of the relational model– no duplicate tuples

– no nested relations

Data normalisation is sometimes used as the only technique for database design—implementation view

A more appropriate approach is to complement conceptual modelling with data normalisation

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Lossless or Non-additive Join AlgorithmDecomposition D, relation R

1. set D := {R} ;2. while there is a relation schema Q in D that is not in BCNF do

beginchoose a relation schema Q in D that is not in BCNF;find a functional dependency X→Y in Q that violates BCNF;replace Q in D by two schemasR1 (Q - Y) leave copy of X in relation to be foreign key for R2and R2 (X ∪ Y) new relation for functional dependency and its


X will be the primary key


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Normalisation ExampleBEER_DATABASE

Additional Notes: Warehouses are shared by breweries.

Each beer is unique to the brewer. Each brewery is based in a city.

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Minimal Sets of Functional Dependencies A set of functional dependencies F is minimal if:

1. Every dependency F has a single determined attribute A

2. We cannot remove any dependency from F and still have a set of dependencies equivalent to F

3. We cannot replace and dependency X → A in F with a dependency A→ X, where A ⊂ X and still have a set of dependencies that is equivalent to F

I.e. a canonical form with no redundancies

(beer, brewery, strength, city, region, warehouse, quantity) beer→ brewery beer→ strength brewery → city city → region beer, warehouse, → quantity

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Relational Synthesis Algorithm into 3NF:

(beer, brewery, strength, city, region, {warehouse, quantity}) set D := { R } ; P. 426, P. 4311. Find a minimal cover G for F2. For each determinant X of a functional dependency that appears in G

create a relation schema { X ∪ A1, X ∪ A2…X ∪ Am} in D whereX → A1, X → A1, … X → A1m are the only dependencies in G with X as

the determinant;3. Place any remaining (unplaced) attributes in a single relation to ensure attribute

preservation property so we don’t lose anything.4. If none of the relations contains a key of R, create one more relation that

contains attributes that form a key for R.

beer→ brewery (beer, brewery, strength) beer→ strength brewery → city (brewery, city) city → region (city, region) beer, warehouse, → quantity (beer, warehouse, quantity)

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Step-wise normalisation: (beer, brewery, strength, city, region, {warehouse, quantity})

beer→ brewery, strength partial dependency brewery → city transitive dependency city → region transitive dependency beer, warehouse, → quantity repeating group

1NF remove repeating group(beer, brewery, strength, city, region, {warehouse, quantity})

(beer, warehouse, quantity)beer, warehouse, → quantity

(beer, brewery, strength, city, region)beer→ brewery, strength

transitive dependency brewery → city transitive dependency city → region

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(beer, brewery, strength, city, region) beer→ brewery, strength brewery → city transitive dependency city → region transitive dependency

2NF no partial dependencies 3NF/BCNF no transitive dependencies

(beer, brewery, strength, city, region)

(city, region)city → region (beer, brewery, strength, city)

beer→ brewery, strength brewery → city

(brewery, city) brewery → city

(beer, brewery, strength)beer→ brewery, strength

Take the most indirect transitive dependencies

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Using BNCF decomposition algorithm:(beer, brewery, strength, city, region, warehouse, quantity)

beer→ brewery, strength partial dependency brewery → city transitive dependency city → region transitive dependency beer, warehouse, → quantity Directly to BCNFtake a violating dependency and form a relation from it.First choose a direct transitive dependency and its closure

(beer, brewery, strength, city, region, warehouse, quantity) brewery → city

(brewery, city, region)brewery → citycity → region transitive dependency (beer, brewery, strength, warehouse, quantity)

beer→ brewery, strength partial dependencybeer, warehouse, → quantity

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Using BNCF decomposition algorithm:(beer, brewery, strength, city, region, warehouse, quantity)

beer→ brewery, strength partial dependency brewery → city transitive dependency city → region transitive dependency beer, warehouse, → quantity take a violating dependency and form a relation from it.First the partial dependency and its closure

(beer, brewery, strength, city, region, warehouse, quantity) beer→ brewery, strength

(beer, brewery, strength, city, region)beer→ brewery, strengthbrewery → city transitive dependencycity → region transitive dependencynormalise as before...

(beer, warehouse, quantity)beer, warehouse, → quantity

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Keys and Indexes, Data Definition, Relational Manipulation and Data

Control Using SQL

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Keys SuperKey

– a set of attributes whose values together uniquely identify a tuple in a relation

Candidate Key– a superkey for which no proper subset is a

superkey…a key that is minimal . – Can be more than one for a relation

Primary Key– a candidate key chosen to be the main key for the

relation. – One for each relation

Keys can be composite

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e.g.: Staff(lecturer,roomno,appraiser)

SK = {lecturer,roomno,appraiser},

{lecturer,roomno}, {lecturer, appraiser},

{roomno,appraiser}, {lecturer} and {roomno}

CK = {lecturer} and {roomno}

PK = {lecturer}

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Foreign Key a (set of) attribute(s) in a relation that exactly

matches a (primary) key in another relation– the names of the attributes don’t have to be the same

but must be of the same domain– a foreign key in a relation A matching a primary key in

a relation B represents a many:one relationship between A and B



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Data Definition and Manipulation

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Languages of DBMS Data Definition Language DDL

– define the logical schema (relations, views etc) and storage schema stored in a Data Dictionary

Data Manipulation LanguageDML

– Manipulative populate schema, update database

– Retrieval querying content of a database

Data Control Language DCL

– permissions, access control etc...

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Data Definition:Creating tablescreate table accountants as(select studno, name, tutor, year from student where hons = ‘ca’); Can specify column names, default

values and integrity constraints (except referential)

Datatypes and lengths derived from query Not null constraints passed on from query


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Defining a Relation

create table student

(studentno number(8) primary key,

givenname char(20),

surname char(20),

hons char(3) check (hons in ('cis','cs','ca','pc','cm','mcs')),

tutorid number(4),

yearno number(1) not null,

constraint year_fk

foreign key (yearno) references year(yearno),

constraint super_fk

foreign key (tutorid) references staff(staffid));

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Data Definition: Create Table

create table enrol(studno number(8),courseno char(5),primary key (studno, courseno),cluster (studno),labmark number(3) check (labmark between 0 and 100),

exammark number(3) check (exammark between 0 and 100),

constraint stud_fk foreign key (studno) references student,

constraint course_fk foreign key (courseno) references course);

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Data Definition: Altering Relations alter table student

add (address char(20),default null);

alter table student modify (name not null);

this won’t work if there are any nulls in the name column

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Data Manipulation: Insert Operator

insert (cs310, elec, sun) into course;


insert into course (courseno,subject,equip) values (‘cs310’, ‘elec’, ‘sun’);

insert into course values (‘cs310’, ‘elec’, NULL);

insert into table where search-condition

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Inserting Tuples into a Relation

insert into weak_students


where (select s.studno,name,courseno,exammark

from enrol, student s

where exammark <= 40 and

enrol.studno = s.studno );

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Insertion Anomalies An insert operation might voliate the uniqueness and

minimality properties of the primary key of the referential integrity constraint

insert (cs250,databases,sun) into course

Insertion anomalies can be corrected byrejecting the insertioncorrecting the reason for rejecting the update

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Data Manipulation: Update Operator

Modifies a tuple or tuples of a relation Don’t violate constraints as long as the modified

attributes are not primary keys or foreign keys Update of a primary key corresponds to a

deletion followed by an insertion Update of a foreign key attribute is legal only if

the new value corresponds to an existing tuple in the referenced relation or is null

update enrol set labmark = labmark * 1.1 where courseno = ‘cs250’;

update table set column = expression [where search-condition]

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Data Manipulation: Delete Operator

Deletes a tuple or a set of tuples from a relation Might violate the referential integrity constraint Anomalies can be overcome by

– rejecting the deletion– cascading the deletion (delete tuples that reference deleted

tuple)– modifying the referencing attribute values

delete from table [where search-condition]

delete from course where equip = ‘pc’;

delete from student where year = ‘3’ and(hons != ‘mi’ or hons <> ‘ si’ );

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Delete Operator

delete from studentwhere studno in(select student.studnofrom enrol e, teach t, student swhere t.lecturer = ‘woods’and t.courseno = e.coursenoand e.studno = s.studno);

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Data Control: Data Sharing and Security

Permissions, access control etc...

create view myyear as select * from student where year in

(select year from student where name = user)

with check option

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Data Control: Data Sharing and Securitygrant privilege, privilege2… | all

on table | viewto userID | roleID

grant select on student to bloggsf;

Grant can be attached to any combination of select, insert, update, delete, alter

Restricting access to parts pf a table can be effected by using the view and grant commands

Privileges can be withdrawn with the revoke command

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Synonyms for Objects select name from CAROLE.student;

create [public] synonym synonym_name for table | view;

create synonym student for CAROLE.student;

drop synonym mystudent;

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The Role of the Data Dictionary A set of tables and views to be used by the

RDBMS as a reference guide to the data stored in the database files

Every user retrieves data from views stored in the Data Dictionary

The Data Dictionary stores:– user names of those permitted to access the


– names of tables, space definitions, views, indexes, clusters, synonyms etc

– rights and privileges that have been granted

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Examples Class

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Relational Query Languages

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Query Operators Relational Algebra

–tuple (unary) Selection, Projection–set (binary) Union, Intersection, Difference– tuple (binary) Join, Division

Additional Operators–Outer Join, Outer Union

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A Retrieval DML Must Express Attributes required in a result

– target list

Criteria for selecting tuples for that result– qualifier

The relations that take part in the query– set generators

Independent of the instances in the database Expressions are in terms of the database


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Relational Algebra

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SQL Retrieval StatementSELECT[all|distinct]


FROM table [alias][,table[alias]] ...[WHERE condition][CONNECT BY condition

[START WITH condition]][GROUP BY expr [,expr] ...] [HAVING condition][{UNION|UNION ALL|INTERSECT|MINUS}

SELECT ...][ORDER BY {expr|position} [ASC|DESC][,expr|position}[ASC|DESC].[FOR UPDATE OF column [,column] ... [NOWAIT]]

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π Project Operator

selects a subset of the attributes of a relation

Result = π (attribute list)(relation name)

attribute list are drawn from the specified relation; if the key attribute is in the list then card(result) = card(relation)

resulting relation has only the attributes in the list, in same order as they appear in the list

the degree(result) = number of attributes in the attribute list

no duplicates in the result

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π Project Operator


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π Project Operator SELECT

select * from student;

select tutorfrom student;

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σ Select Operatorselects a subset of the tuples in a relation that satisfy a selection condition

Result = σ (selection condition)(relation name)

a boolean expression specified on the attributes of a specified relation

a relation that has the same attributes as the source relation;

• stands for the usual comparison operators ‘<‘, ‘<>‘, ‘<=‘, ‘>‘, ‘>=‘, etc• clauses can be arbitrarily connected with boolean operators AND, NOT, OR

degree(result) = degree(relation);card(result) <= card(relation)

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σ Select Operator


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retrieve tutor who tutors Bloggs


select tutor from student where name = ‘bloggs’;

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SQL retrieval expressions

select studentno, name from student

where hons != ‘ca’ and

(tutor = ‘goble’ or tutor = ‘kahn’); select * from enrol

where labmark > 50; select * from enrol

where labmark between 30 and 50;

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select * from enrol

where labmark in (0, 100); select * from enrol

where labmark is null; select * from student

where name is like ‘b%’; select studno, courseno,

exammark+labmark total from enrol

where labmark is not NULL;

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Cartesian Product Operator

Definition: The cartesian product of two relations

R1(A1,A2,...,An) with cardinality i and R2(B1,B2,...,Bm) with cardinality j is a relation

R3 with degree k=n+m, cardinality i*j and attributes (A1,A2,...,An,B1,B2,...,Bm)

The result, denoted by R1XR2, is a relation that includes all the possible combinations of tuples from R1 and R2

Used in conjunction with other operations

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Cartesian Product Example

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X Cartesian Product

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θ Join OperatorDefinition: The join of two relations R1(A1,A2,...,An) and

R2(B1,B2,...,Bm) is a relation R3 with degree k=n+m

and attributes (A1,A2,...,An, B1,B2,...,Bm) that satisfy

the join condition

• stands for the usual comparison operators ‘<‘, ‘<>‘, ‘<=‘, ‘>‘, ‘>=‘, etc

• comparing terms in the Θ clauses can be arbitrarily connected with boolean operators AND, NOT, OR

The result is a concatenated set but only for those tuples where the condition is true.

It does not require union

compatibility of R1 and R2

Result = R1 (θ join condition) R2

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θ Join Operator

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More joins

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Natural Join Operator Of all the types of θ-join, the equi-join is the

only one that yields a result in which the compared columns are redundant to each other—possibly different names but same values

The natural join is an equi-join but one of the redundant columns (simple or composite) is omitted from the result

Relational join is the principle algebraic counterpart of queries that involve the existential quantifier ∃

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Self Join: Joins on the same relation π (lecturer, (staff (appraiser = lecturer) staff)

roomno,appraiser, approom)

select e.lecturer, e.roomno, m.lecturer appraiser, m.roomno approomfrom staff e, staff mwhere e.appraiser = m.lecturer

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Get student’s name, all their courses, subject of course, labmark for course, lecturer of course and lecturer’s roomno for ‘ca’ students

University Schema STUDENT(studno,name,hons,tutor,year) ENROL(studno,courseno,labmark,exammar

k) COURSE(courseno,subject,equip) STAFF(lecturer,roomno,appraiser) TEACH(courseno,lecturer) YEAR(yearno,yeartutor)

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Set Theoretic Operators Union, Intersection and Difference Operands need to be union compatible for the

result to be a valid relation

Definition:Two relations

R1(A1,A2,...,An) and R2(B1,B2,...,Bm)

are union compatible iff: n = m and, dom(Ai)= dom (Bi) for 1 ≤ i ≤ n

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∪ Union OperatorDefinition:The union of two relations R1(A1,A2,...,An) and R2(B1,B2,...,Bm) is a relation R3(C1,C2,...,Cn) such that dom(Ci)= dom(Ai) =dom (Bi) for 1 ≤ i ≤ n

The result R1 ∪ R2 is a relation that includes all tuples that are either in R1 or R2 or in both without duplicate tuplesThe resulting relation might have the same attribute names as the first or the second relation

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Retrieve all staff that lecture or tutor

Lecturers π(lecturer)TEACHTutors π(tutor)STUDENT

Lecturers ∪ Tutors

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∩ Intersection Operator

Definition:The intersection of two relations R1(A1,A2,...,An) and R2(B1,B2,...,Bm) is a relation R3(C1,C2,...,Cn) such that dom(Ci)= dom(Ai) ∩ dom (Bi) for 1 ≤ i ≤ n

The result R1 ∩ R2 is a relation that includes only those tuples in R1 that also appear in R2

The resulting relation might have the same attribute names as the first or the second relation

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Retrieve all staff that lecture and tutor

Lecturers π(lecturer)TEACHTutors π(tutor)STUDENT

Lecturers ∩ Tutors

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− Difference Operator

Definition:The difference of two relations R1(A1,A2,...,An) and R2(B1,B2,...,Bm) is a relation R3(C1,C2,...,Cn) such that

dom(Ci)= dom(Ai) −dom (Bi) for 1 ≤ i ≤ n

The result R1 − R2 is a relation that includes all tuples that are in R1 and not in R2

The resulting relation might have the same attribute names as the first or the second relation

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Retrieve all staff that lecture but don’t tutor

Lecturers π(lecturer)TEACH

Tutors π(tutor)STUDENT

Lecturers -Tutors

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Relational Algebra Re Cap

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Relational Algebra Relational Algebra

– tuple (unary) Selection - Result = σ (selection condition)(relation

name) Projection - Result = π (attribute list)(relation name)

- π tutor ( σ name=‘bloggs’ (STUDENT) )

– set (binary) Union - Lecturers ∪ Tutors Intersection - Lecturers ∩ Tutors Difference - Lecturers -Tutors

– tuple (binary) Join - Result = R1 wv (θ join condition) R2 Division- (A / B) Not supported as a primitive operator

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Relational Algebra– Additional Operators

Outer Join & Outer Union (+) – Pads with nulls – (includes all tuples not just matches - as with Natural / Equi-join)

– Aggregation Functions <grouping attributes> ƒ <function list> (relation name) How many courses is a student enrolled for? studno ƒ COUNT courseno (ENROL)

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For Next Lecture

I expect you to have SKIM Read the notes for the next lecture before it’s

delivered. The sequence of: skim read; lecture delivery; SAQ will make revision

a whole lot easier.