Cs strutturelinguistiche u1

DIPLOMA IN ITALIAN Strutture linguistiche U1 Dr Laura Incalcaterra McLoughlin

Transcript of Cs strutturelinguistiche u1


Strutture linguistiche U1

Dr Laura Incalcaterra McLoughlin

Strutture linguistiche

Dr Laura Incalcaterra McLoughlin

Structures encountered in Unità 1: • Subject Pronouns • Indefinite article • Present tense of essere • Present tense of –are verbs • Chiamarsi • Adjectives


Dr Laura Incalcaterra McLoughlin

Subject pronouns

Subject Pronouns

Dr Laura Incalcaterra McLoughlin

In Italian the verb ending always identifies the subject. For that reason, subject pronouns are usually not expressed.

Singolare Plurale

1 io noi

2 tu voi

3 lui/lei/Lei loro

Written Style

Dr Laura Incalcaterra McLoughlin

In formal writing egli is used instead of lui and essi/esse instead of loro.

In everyday conversation, however, these forms are rarely used.

Singolare Plurale

3 egli (person) essi (maschile)

esse (femminile)

Subject pronouns are expressed when:

Dr Laura Incalcaterra McLoughlin

o the subject is not clear: Sono a Roma → Io sono a Roma. Loro sono a Roma.

o we wish to put more emphasis on the subject:

Io sono italiano, ma lui è spagnolo.


Dr Laura Incalcaterra McLoughlin

To address somebody formally, we use Lei and the third person singular of the verb:

Lei è irlandese?

Scusi, Lei è il dottor Rossi?

o Lei should always be written with capital L, even inside a sentence.


Dr Laura Incalcaterra McLoughlin

Indefinite article

Forms and use

Dr Laura Incalcaterra McLoughlin

The Italian indefinite article corresponds to the English a/an.

It is used only with singular nouns.

It has four forms: Masculine: un / uno Feminine: una / un’

Which form?

Dr Laura Incalcaterra McLoughlin



un ragazzo, un albero uno stereo, uno zaino, uno psicologo, uno gnomo

una ragazza un’isola

before nouns starting with

UN consonant, vowel UNO s + consonant, z, ps, gn.

before nouns starting with

UNA consonant

UN’ vowel


To be

Dr Laura Incalcaterra McLoughlin


Dr Laura Incalcaterra McLoughlin

Essere is an irregular verb.

This is the present tense.

io sono

tu sei

lui/lei/Lei è

noi siamo

voi siete

loro sono

Some expressions with essere:

Dr Laura Incalcaterra McLoughlin

Essere di + name of a city from (sono di Roma)

- to be

Di dove sei? -where are you from? (informal)

Di dove è Lei? - where are you from (formal)?


Dr Laura Incalcaterra McLoughlin

Verbs ending in -are

Italian verb endings

Dr Laura Incalcaterra McLoughlin

The infinitive of all Italian regular verbs ends in – are, -ere or –ire.

When you look up a verb in the dictionary you will find the infinitive (corresponding to to work, to study, etc.). The present tense of regular verbs is formed by dropping the infinitive ending (-are, -ere or –ire) and adding the appropriate endings to the remaining stem. The ending is different for each person.

Verbs in –are: ABITARE (to live)

Dr Laura Incalcaterra McLoughlin

abitare is a regular verb.

To form the present tense of abitare and all regular verbs in –are, just drop ARE and add the endings shown in the table:

io abit-o

tu abit-i

lui/lei/Lei abit-a

noi abit-iamo

voi abit-ate

loro abit-ano


Dr Laura Incalcaterra McLoughlin

chiamarsi is a regular reflexive verb.

The reflexive pronoun must always precede the verb.

To form the present tense of chiamarsi (and all regular reflexive verbs in –arsi), just drop ARSI and add the endings shown in the table:

mi chiam-o

ti chiam-i

si chiam-a

ci chiam-iamo

vi chiam-ate

si chiam-ano



Dr Laura Incalcaterra McLoughlin


Dr Laura Incalcaterra McLoughlin

Adjectives can end in –o (i.e., if you look up the adjective SLOW in the dictionary, you will find the Italian LENTO .

This adjective ends in –o) or in –e (i.e., if you look up the adjective FAST in the dictionary, you will find the Italian VELOCE. This adjective ends in –e).

Italian adjectives agree in gender (masculine/feminine) and number (singular/plural)

with the noun they refer to.

Adjectives in -o

Dr Laura Incalcaterra McLoughlin

Adjectives ending in –o have four possible forms: Masculine singular: -o Masculine plural: -i Feminine singular: -a Feminine plural: -e

Esempio: NUOVO (new) M: libro nuovo – libri nuovi

cellulare nuovo – cellulari nuovi


casa nuova – case nuove canzone nuova – canzoni nuove

Adjectives in -e

Dr Laura Incalcaterra McLoughlin

Adjectives ending in –e have only two forms: Singular (masculine/feminine): -e Plural (masculine/feminine): -i

Esempio: INTERESSANTE M: libro interessante – ibri interessanti F: rivista interessante – riviste interessanti


Dr Laura Incalcaterra McLoughlin

Unlike English, in Italian adjectives usually come after the noun they refer to.

Colours and nationalities ALWAYS come after the noun they refer to.

Esempio: vino rosso, mela verde, ragazzo irlandese, donna italiana.

Nationalities (1)

Dr Laura Incalcaterra McLoughlin

The following nationalities end in –o and therefore have four possible forms:

americano arabo australiano austriaco europeo italiano polacco spagnolo tedesco (masc. plur: tedeschi – fem plur: tedesche) ecc .

Nationalities (2)

Dr Laura Incalcaterra McLoughlin

The following nationalities end in –e and therefore have only two possible forms (-e for the singular and –i for the plural):

canadese danese francese inglese, irlandese portoghese svedese ecc.