cs.newpaltz.educs.newpaltz.edu/~phamh/basics/web/hw5/hw5new/hw5.docx · Web view) which also has...

“Web Page Design” Homework # 04 1) Create a web site in a folder named hw5 for your new homepage which is based on your hw4. This new version must use JAVASCRIPT to add animations and user interactions to your website. a) The front page must ask for the user name and insert the name into a running welcome message on its front page as shown below:

Transcript of cs.newpaltz.educs.newpaltz.edu/~phamh/basics/web/hw5/hw5new/hw5.docx · Web view) which also has...

Page 1: cs.newpaltz.educs.newpaltz.edu/~phamh/basics/web/hw5/hw5new/hw5.docx · Web view) which also has your name, homework number, the HTML code and 5 screenshots: 5 of the web site (with

“Web Page Design” Homework # 04

1) Create a web site in a folder named hw5 for your new homepage which is based on your hw4. This new version must use JAVASCRIPT to add animations and user interactions to your website.

a) The front page must ask for the user name and insert the name into a running welcome message on its front page as shown below:

Page 2: cs.newpaltz.educs.newpaltz.edu/~phamh/basics/web/hw5/hw5new/hw5.docx · Web view) which also has your name, homework number, the HTML code and 5 screenshots: 5 of the web site (with

When user click on each of the five links under “About Me” it should display a new web page but with the same style (refer to the same CSS file style.css).

When the user click on each of the three links under “Downloads” it should link/download a file.

Page 3: cs.newpaltz.educs.newpaltz.edu/~phamh/basics/web/hw5/hw5new/hw5.docx · Web view) which also has your name, homework number, the HTML code and 5 screenshots: 5 of the web site (with
Page 4: cs.newpaltz.educs.newpaltz.edu/~phamh/basics/web/hw5/hw5new/hw5.docx · Web view) which also has your name, homework number, the HTML code and 5 screenshots: 5 of the web site (with
Page 5: cs.newpaltz.educs.newpaltz.edu/~phamh/basics/web/hw5/hw5new/hw5.docx · Web view) which also has your name, homework number, the HTML code and 5 screenshots: 5 of the web site (with
Page 6: cs.newpaltz.educs.newpaltz.edu/~phamh/basics/web/hw5/hw5new/hw5.docx · Web view) which also has your name, homework number, the HTML code and 5 screenshots: 5 of the web site (with

List of files you should have in your folder “hw4”:

<you files must have the same file names as shown below, but replace “KarenSmith” with your own name >

2) Post/transfer this folder “hw4” to your web account at our CS system so that anyone can see it via Internet at the following address(TEST it via Internet): cs.newpaltz.edu/~YourUserName/hw4/

2.a) TRANSFER all files in this folder hw4 to (under WWW) your CS account) using F5[ Remember to use F9 to change properties to 755 for the folder hw2 and all files inside ]

Page 7: cs.newpaltz.educs.newpaltz.edu/~phamh/basics/web/hw5/hw5new/hw5.docx · Web view) which also has your name, homework number, the HTML code and 5 screenshots: 5 of the web site (with

2.b) TEST your web page via Internet: open a web browser and type in your address: cs.newpaltz.edu/~YourUserName/hw4

3) MAKE a homework report in WORD or PDF format (must include the full address of your homepage: cs.newpaltz.edu/~YourUserName/hw4/) which also has your name, homework number, the HTML code and 5 screenshots: 5 of the web site (with 5 click on each menu option) via Internet access and another of the WinSCP window which shows that you have transferred the given file into the right place (folder hw4 under WWW) and have the right permission/property (755).

4) SUBMIT the homework report at:
