Crystal River News. (Crystal River, FL) 1900-10-12 [p...

urr 11 J I J f rf It or4- V 1 t j IT- L r r MRS BLOOMER LEADER IN Iilliperyapd Goods Latest Styles in Ladies HATS and BON NETS Call and examine Stock before purchasing Headquarters for Battenburg 211 LEMON ST PALATKA No 1 come Improv East Coast Ry Mlfcil Uwnl nEffojt8 ReadUp NORTH BOUND Jttm UJacJt unYll Ar 7Bj fuTtSi MSulllw Ar St AUBUitlne Lv tta ciplllto HtAunutla I i II Ar fMi Iv 40 ii I II- Ai- iiV IAIIKHI Oily riSi Jar ou in mul in P S w IMji p fit fa O fl p 51 o- no ritvtlle Pablo Beach and i Mavnor- ti it Hiar V- rhirti i 1 Ho Jackxonvlllu- Pililo h ach- Myport Between aw Smyrna and Orange Between TitniTllU and Sanford Cltr Junction trains bvivma New hnijrraa Bud Orange All trtuii rtll and City Junction 11 xi ept Sunday from the ever l Mutloua but their arrival or at the time itated U not the Company hold ItMlI responsible for any delay or any oonieqaeaots art eiiln liar and Occidental S 5 Co CONNECTIONS AX MIAMI IppT HAVANA LINE Tn 1100pm Arrive Key IIoacca- re Key West Wednesdiyi Arrive SOOa m KEY WEST LINE Miami Friday 1100pin Arrive Key Wjt Saturday T K T m 680amI- lOOa m and remain In Key Went until following and at that time tear an the Steamship henna Monday For copy of local time card addreiM any 1 1 F fey w FLA- t I r t J ii DI II IDA j NOl o o n Ui1 STATIONS No Dell ally I t Ar ftlbp eOA 1 0 In Lv Q I I tr- UIp11 b2 Pt tka Ar Lv I p td- Ar r r i tbllka to w I Ir I n bf I jp H F1 hiDI I 0 w BOp Clap o I If r f 1 f t r tx r aq talli c J IlMutne lUll CJ- JJ i ltoxelnnd w 1 rlatlp Itlloj Q Fort Donr II I I Tlbbll1 U UIIUA O I y 104 oq- t n UJ jit tilT O I nta P p F ynlon Aur1 dp- l I aha Port Slrh If- r f 11 rll n I West Arrive Weet 6eOp m Arrive 11e- lthe The a Florida YII T ea a i v y Inc J NaJ9 8 Ually r4i I sea e J liL y- t tf 4 u o y l Illy lliuy Ar Bast Palatka eta 31ar ant a v a L- r I race dula H c 4 a ale IIwI I i e- L i r dnu Mnto 7s p b1 khAannd 4a- r Kpanuo op ally jr It 4 s Smyrna ay- Q I w IMk i 21ep t 4 al Pnluh a r 1 hkwtqe lisp M t n t Y l 19- I i t kn Aye lv I1 l per Wa- i tp be y 4 Tntxn 10 tie C t Ifoloenmd uifn f t i i Ne7 lyrntPnlrnt3eaah I Lnuderdala I I I Lt Le n err Lnn l exe u i bTAT1ONtL Bun Dully ex aunnly h n It 1nr onrlUe Ar fl wp 7a7u 687p- rho u t e 71aI IY3p i n 4 p I b No 11 1AI b o I 2 u fefit s a2 7wI 1YnuD f a6p ow dim oUp 7I Mimi Lv i 0 4544 Lr e 5s- Omp Ar Oren t Cif Junction 15IeP gate Ar Sanford 1i 00 between Sanford dell PIDOD dell Aeae Yme a e chow t f ttmea ale whto tralnamay expected toarrlve m epe guaran- teed nor does ie there t eve m Key Thursdays re Key West Thursday stn p In a a Leave a aI- D Arrive of arana can Ieaye am ya IIPI R m arr ey War at 9W p m gush Agent ¬ > < < + < + + o Duo d Florida Central Itro- nnmm II lomlom t 11 ft- b 11 It e 1 1 II I ooUe I0IJ I I JIb rl IJI wro I 011 I 1 ar tlllonL I Uoa to bo 0 or bon I UvL tII Mnl r In p LBW 4 II pile I 11 j p1 4t Peninsular Re Time Table Eftetly Jun 31000 1f e 1 M- qit use urea P le tea a 3t am wpm w Ipmu 72nm 726ain 011 1OPaa1m ArBnldwln 9hkm 8 IbJs n I Dan ril GfGidsrta uurm spa r am pp n lOVam e a i era T Lake ale it letm 0i Apes jo n- m u r p0pa a Medladn 1 m 2 BOe- mI rrvatw a wpn o Montlrelto 5 m 44Oaa le Ikea 1 a 7aUalsttti As pm d DOea oil iossaallbppni Wpm a 125aa- w 1Ir n River a JtlonSb- eU dew tl loam 160am- ll baa onwo ol TBeldwlnA lOmam e5opm inn nauno IDSIgtA rq ga s 1 tiT 1 WrJ60 11 atom 1041pm nom r wln r m r rr- M U- A r IIiOaa 1 LvWlde 110am Olm Inopm n mgt n Ar Oda ntUl 1201pm 6Uam r aL U m 1 1xL OMcbbeY n 9aalm Start 815pm cam n m t 7006m pia RllyelepO- rneal1115pm nem- oua uuu- e 1 I Ydim- m 13 207p IbMm- avUaweod m e r nou- Vol 17BpID 1co al 95gpID arLe Inem o o 011 M tisfUO n ltbpm Spin LvTirua 1m 6 4 i Ar 2 ia- Oa yOpI greatf n 11 Che r ItCltr Dam OI26pm l5am0- pm 60opn aann- Ap sleet rode r a Vyltitt1rk 1 7nim e Imam v w pa1 a n sID m ham Qr u rn- oriu scull Bile a lasers T2bpm Pleat tx 4Idyls- ntaetu m 9Bfam m sapb n eooam w- a e lLtonpImAlKpingCupatoNnrlrkvlaJnakbn IIIe y are Ilalaegaa- IlieseSIe ln far Orison t q i a Nol use Cr Nlw Jacktaorlaa- mg manise tog Car er aJaktonyUletoSt Louy1iLake Ciy No a dean else r an a St Louis to Jrkaoaytlle via take hub rmatlonapplptoyour rut is d0 0 MAcDU I A SUIPItA1- ftodUmMgr Gin Pass Agnt AMtGnPna A gaatr ely upon y ant the hp determin- Otable oo t whore horse nrob IghOradefiiiL tfon SHOOTER COLLEGE G ORaIA tor IwatliaphahJ Iteslta ru- rdf laet ii DIPIeadltlr apk1 dd LU tUpydDud kauekrl tlWW atltl p 0rrup gam welmrddkle rM rlNln Wnb is La rnka b dnka lined wile Act nil atana aMebl mdwltdd APplxa PII N stirs ot rympn traeA K 4 1Mprbp IruMW mNd paw ma wam4N lxa IIIN few rodJ b st d1 rn Wlukala lrybaba wdb hbba Ymw fw e a kp1kY e1W a = = = > + = + > Trie Barton Institute This preeeut yea promises to bQ most prosperous in the of I popular school Great Improvementl gropudi The attendance Ufnrfu vance of lust session Mn Mary SaybolU wife ot Andrew Saybold A mechanic of Yonkers N Y commUted suicide Sunday that the in- surance On her life could go to secure food for her starving children Her hus- band was nn invalid too weak to work the did all she could to provide forJicr- I family but her efforts were unavailing When a boy bulging inside out we marvel at the quantity and variety of unities he ban stowed away Odd lengths of erring a horse chestnut a lop brass nail by Ibis snapper up o- unconstdered trifles We think be collection must be hard on the pocket And i But do we eve think of the variety and miscellany l thu tubstances we put In the pocket ol our stomach Theres the apples the nuts and things besides quite as- undiffcstlble as brass nails with nq more food value than to many murbletj And yet we wonder that the gives out When the stomach breaks dun under Of careless eating land irregular meals licau be perfectly and permanently teetered to health and Dr Pierce Golden Medical Discovery The action of thli medicine on the stomach and other organs of digentlon and nutritldn U no marked that relief from disease at once experienced and the liver troubles kidney disorders skin eruptions and ether symptoms of diseased stomachs are quickly cured Whenever the use of a laxative medi- cine Is indicated use Dr PlercoA Pleasant Pellets They act In harmony with the Discoverer and action by the bowels of foul accumulations Jim Howard the professional asses slu who has just been sentenced depth by a Kentucky jury for murder ins Governor Goebel said shoot I always get meat or they This time I got both The Also rope e Summer ExcursiqnslH LOW RATES VIA SOUTHS 9 Summer tickets areno principal renor limited until October 81 ivw The Southern Railway has issue a handsome and pamphlet doRcribinR the beauties of the Sky the most famous The Southern Railways 1000 Homes Folder llshed Full information as to routes I 11l have been made In the atd a turns pocket hIckory nuts no apple and mllllY tor are garnered boy nil I treoluh by the Ube of assist ltl purging t t iI1 Times picture by ad fQ y ust L Iumltlcr Resort in this IIi 118t been yard etc a conv of eltherof thes th hie marbles o anti the etrain head- aches Louisville completes the Shoe thor a l and n1 and tilao ¬ ° publications may be obtained Traveling Pas seneer Agent 212 W vlle FIn Womans silence signifies more than n mans because it is much less frequent- IT HEALS THE LUNGS j When suffering from a racking cough take a dose of Foleys Honey and fur The soreness will be repay ed and a warm gratelul feeling and healing of the parts affected will be ex- perienced Take no substitute Peeks stole Tho youth who is given to dissipating- never has a single thought unselfish i- Godlhwalte Son Troy AL wrote TKETHINAS tpcedy cure of sores and eruptions upon the skinImve been remarkable If love makes the round it is no wonder lovers act dizzy- A uew remedy for biliousness is now on snle at Ackerman fitewnrts drug storek It Is called Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tablets Ii pivc quick relief and will prevent the attack if given as soon as the first indication of the disease appears Price 25 cents per box Samples free When n Ohlnaman plays billiards he never uses his own cue CASTOR IA For Infants and Children The Kind You Have Always bought Hears the Signature of C- ADVIC ASTi1 f JVi- t in ta n s a- f BookIIowtoobtalu Iuuiuu- I fona nuxbrato No fee till p te Letton strictly t K 0 Wa W T Go to ads Ile mild W r n- vriYe r r r r- rA r Ii Ad NOt f i4s A pJll Lea elwig and aIrk1 l rand at l eau a r w- auaau w v la VarN ¬ + ° ° A blood contains alt the elements necessary to sustain life it U tant It be free of all or a source of disease Instead of the and lot of health ii sure to follow Some enter the blood from without through the skin by absorption or Inoculation others from within a wa ie products the and ferment allowing disease to be taken into the circulation While troubles one common each tome peculiarity to it from the other Blood Poison Scrofula Eczema and other blood dlsejea tan be SaE3iITtfSBG Ulcers a certain sore ulcer or inflammation on the akin blood disease shows or later on the outside on the weakest part of the holy or where it finds the least resistance Many mistake the sore or outward lien for the disease and attempt a cure the ue of liniments and other external application Valuable time lost and impermanent front such treatment BLOOD REQUIRE BLOOD REMEDIES f the poison must be completely and perma- nently blood reinforced purified and cleansed or the disease and saps very and arsenic the treatment dotes never cure but do mu by adding another S S S own remedy made of touts and herbs attacks the disease in the blood antidotes and out impurities makes weak thin blood rich strong and and at the same time the general health S S S is purely vegetable blood purifier known and the one that can reach deepseated A 50 years of successful cures proves it to a froo Modloal Treatment Our Medical Department Is in charge of who have made blood a to if have Contagious Blood Poison Cancer Scrofula Rheumatism Eczema an did Sore or Ulcer or similar blood trouble write them about your case All correspondence is conducted in strictest confi- dence We make no charge for this service Book on blood diseases SPECIFIC CO Atlanta Ga the arlM m that comes NfJUm nou1 lOn DontanlOI1lS when germ Poison i dlstlll II bed Bring boner eradicatedthe s rtrer Ulua1l In of diseases are violent even when taken is poison to the overbutden I dlstlUltd blood unfailing specific for all blood and troubles SSS kodhlcl 00 Cancer od Old Scrwec i has Blood rat salves is this clan small f term tin p yo convention of the United Daughters of the Confederacy will be held at Gainesville the last Wednesday in January 1001 Mozleya Lemon Elixir REGULATES THE LIVER STOM- ACH BOWELS AND KIDNEYS- For biliousness constipation and malaria For ndlgestlon sick eud nervous headache For sleeplessness nervousness and heart failure For fever chill debility and kidney diseases take Lemon Elixir Ladles for natural and thorough organic regulation tuko Lemon Elixir 60 cents and bottles at druggists Prepared only by Dr H Jlozley Atlanta Ga A PROMINENT MINISTEU WRITE After ten years of great suffering from indigestion with creel nervous prostration bilousne disordered kidneys and constipation I have been cured by Dr Elixir and nm now H well man REV C C UAVIS Eld Church South No St Atlanta Ua A PROMINENT MEIIPIIAN WRITES Dr n Mozley Atlanta Havmu- fflji great sufferer for a great many indigestion and been treat many physicians who failed to me onT relict Continuing lo worse my brother advised me to Mozleys Lemon Elixir which remedy ho had used for several years iycommenced its use and must say that tour Lemon Kllilr is the greatest on earth I have novel suffered a day since I commenced using Lemon Elixir R L Ilocco The Stote M E 28 Tatnall rom try r l l1Iedl I tne ¬ 200 Hernando St Memphis Teen A CARD This is to certify that I used Dr Mozleys Lemon Elixir for neuralgia of the head and eyes with the most benefit for my cccneral health 1 would gladly have paid 8500 fir the relief It has elven me for three dollars H A BEALL Clerk Superior Court Randolph Coun ty Ga A lady writer says that it must have been a woman who invented the alpha- bet for had it been a man he would with the letter I Chicago Now a running soe on my lee for snyen years writes Mrs la Forest of Chippewa Falls Win and spent f hundreds of dollars m trying to get it healed Two boxes of Banner Salve entirely cured it Peeks store or have begun r had I mark- ed tour ¬ ¬ FEDERAL P HNT FEDERAL POINT FLA Oct 7 Correspondence Tlim sHerald- Uiinlrebt seems to be Retting spunky us over her she Is evidently getting was nnd Is now leady for a battle Those beautiful Georgia towns with backs wcet potato patches pine slab shanties and corn dodgersfall to Induct that mild repine of saul she ought lo feel and she la evidently rattling around with those ifbps in n fearful stale of disquietude Better come buck lo Florida and cool off of Georgia too bracing This town is suffering from lack of neighborly consideration One here a prominent n pillar the church high up in science und the worldly acumen owns a cow that pos senses as many attainments as her own er She can open gates tear down or jump over any fence and take a whole herd of cattle wi h her And yet this man her owner pet rolls bur tu lUll ut large despite the protests of the whole town 1 dont know whether there s any law In this state to irjteci the cow and her owner but assuredly there Is a moral law that biiould have some weight with a man who professes- to be a gentleman Our colored has open and closed The teacher a colored man bv the name of d W Bethune taught the school for about one week collect ed what money was necessary to pro- cure the text bunks required avid to parts unnown The proba- bilities are that the colored children will have no scho this terra An fortunate condition as there are neatly alA creeps their sand I tr1Z Ir The lair man cf I l I I schn I de- parted un I must j ¬ ¬ ¬ or quite torty pupils here The white school Is going uu nil right under the able management of MUs Kirby There Is no ui III tUieraptinx to cover up the fact ihul the using gene- ration of negroes In tec urn Florida lacklnij In moral anti civil trululng Nut tunny months ago steamer load of ulitnch people came to this place from Priliuku onRn excursion a more disgraceful lot of htirnmiliy could not well be gut togtlbvr Thule lacking everyblemtnt of gentility and they conducted themselves more like a lot of wild folks than civilized belujs What better e among Ihem think I know not n t r i i Mii of i M 111 MIIIJll Hirli tlluftUlLUU- iiiilntill luye nhli tie iarunt Even maof these ptvtitluvs fall in possess e iher moral Irnirliv r roiiiiHrclal- linnvty A chitie I in i certainly nrcessurv Iftbev realm r a I w I the r r I exp c ill this are radiv and butt I Ik In ¬ > The Typewriter A 75- A strictly uptodate ma hme Has lUbe bw 4 f t ii f teMe itt lUng io thp full view of the Easy to crate and very durable Portable out 11 4 pounds Oofijpnrf 40 keys standard of trail Muchlno n be seen at the oflice ofl 1i luirlps to R ML BURT Agent V PALATKA FLA t ti- r Ii op or I IJ ofi I J a Modern y I j I a d a b tl- r tra Alt t Ala dress > > + + respect of themselves the world at large They have more important duties to perform for themselves than to spend their time dullvini in politics The dredge that has been digging- out a channel across the Orange Mills Flats has exhausted Ihe nnproprimiou made for that purpose and has pulled up her anchor and departed The channel Is wide enough for a vessel to pits through if it steers straight Out full croo of Irish uotaiovs has been planted tine our full gulden seed sown Your correspondent ha maieilnl on hand for sheltering one hundred orange trees this winter and predicts It Is money thrown away It IK reported tlia there are fully six oranges growing- at this place Not a vei v largo crop but it Indicate that the open air cul- ture entirely devoid nl resilm for these oranges lire growing on trees thru hud noprutectinn last winter other then blinking above ihf buds There I no sickness a this place now excpptlnt those wlv persist In using surface well water flow long It Is going to lake the people of tits state to coma to a realizing sense of the danger of surface water is an unknown qlanlity but when ther can procure pipe and pump and drive a wilPJO or CO feet deep cheaper than Ih one hundreths of the mnlarlal icknc s- In this slate is produced use of impure water J P The editor of the FoHsvllle Kv- MrscEHANEOCS writes ns n poslcrlpt an Is v l- e11ltIt YoiY lIh l v1l hv the l nit 1 can d 11dU1Y hens s iT hat I ebsohtelp Ni gnnne ¬ r i was cured or kidney trouble hv taking Fnlevs Kidney Cure Take nothing else Peek has It Tne average man would rather lose 5- oa ahorso race than a nickel through a hole In his pocket I have awavs used touws honey and Tar cough medicine and think it the best In tho world says Cling Bender a newsdealer of Eric Ia Take no substitute Peek h s it The naughty schoolboy Is always glad when JIPBCCR tin teacher lay down the rule TO STOP A COLD A tier an exposure or when you feel- a cold coming on take a of Fo Honey and Tar It never fnlls to if taken In time Go to Peeks for It n dose scold a Looisville Nashville R June 01000 Via Plant 3J 2 74jT3 aI 9 II Ar 12111 A M o II 7lItI Ar Eransntle a Ar rIAululll 0 err Cincinnati At P U PI Dally Jv At P New Orleanll and R1 IVlai sileiVlaLoltotCfn bytem VI LvJackeonvlile 7NIa pv Mont emery 41 S In a a 43 8Sr i ii t22 aka ArNdbvltIo 0bou 7opaiO 12 40 St Louis 710p 1226pt I Chicago7 S l4 a PnacainM- uAlle AG- Ar a sI- nllman ears o5 an t Il IfOPK188 l9aaenget Agent is w pt a ra C C 4 rE AOYALLI V- Gouta Sus fee rare se cep ctucn TExr rrurIrl1 BMA boee eaM I- Taheaeokher reane tut aaadlmtlalle- n ea Intmty 1- 1tura1na1L10 S ti- n a PIIILA PAI- st a f ti =

Transcript of Crystal River News. (Crystal River, FL) 1900-10-12 [p...

Page 1: Crystal River News. (Crystal River, FL) 1900-10-12 [p ] · urr 11 J I J f rf It or4- V 1 t j IT-L r r MRS BLOOMER LEADER IN

urr11 J

I J f rf It or4-








Iilliperyapd GoodsLatest Styles in Ladies HATS and BON

NETS Call and examine Stock beforepurchasing Headquarters for Battenburg


No 1


East Coast RyMlfcil Uwnl nEffojt8 ReadUp NORTH BOUND

Jttm UJacJt unYll Ar 7Bj fuTtSiMSulllw Ar St AUBUitlne Lv ttaciplllto HtAunutla I i


Ar fMiIv 40 ii

I II-Ai-


riSiJar ou in mul in

P S w

IMji pfit fa

O fl

p 51 o-

no ritvtlle Pablo Beach and



it HiarV-

rhirtii 1

Ho Jackxonvlllu-Pililo h ach-


Between aw Smyrna and Orange Between TitniTllU and SanfordCltr Junction

trains bvivma New hnijrraa Bud Orange All trtuii rtll andCity Junction 11 xi ept Sunday

from the ever l Mutloua but their arrival or at the time itated U notthe Company hold ItMlI responsible for any delay or any oonieqaeaots art

eiiln liar and Occidental S 5 CoCONNECTIONS AX MIAMI

IppT HAVANA LINETn 1100pm Arrive Key IIoacca-

re Key West Wednesdiyi Arrive SOOa m

KEY WEST LINEMiami Friday 1100pin Arrive Key Wjt Saturday

T K T m 680amI-

lOOa m and remain In Key Went until following and at that time tearan the Steamship henna Monday

For copy of local time card addreiM any


1F fey



I r t


j NOl o on Ui1 STATIONS No Dell ally



Ar ftlbp eOA 1 0In Lv QI


b2Pt tka ArLv


p td-Ar

r r i tbllka tow I



I jp H F1hiDII 0 w BOp Clap o

I If rf 1

f t r txr aqtalli cJ IlMutne lUll CJ-


i ltoxelnnd w1 rlatlp Itlloj Q

Fort Donr II



y 104 oq-

t n UJjit tilT OI nta P p

F ynlon Aur1 dp-l I ahaPort Slrh If-

r f11 rll n



Arrive Weet 6eOp mArrive




FloridaYII T ea

a i v y Inc J NaJ9 8 Ually

r4i Isea e

J liLy-

t tf 4 u o yl Illy lliuy Ar Bast Palatka eta 31ar

ant a v a L-

r I race dula Hc 4 a ale IIwI I i e-

Li r dnu Mnto 7s p

b1khAannd 4a-

r Kpanuo opally

jr It 4 s Smyrna ay-Q

I w IMki 21ep

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Ct Ifoloenmd uifn

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I LnuderdalaI

I I Lt Len err

Lnn l

exe u i bTAT1ONtL BunDully ex aunnly

h n It 1nr onrlUe Ar fl wp7a7u 687p-

rhou t

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i n 4 pIb No 11 1AI b o

I 2 u fefit s a2 7wI 1YnuD fa6p ow dim oUp 7I Mimi Lv i

04544 Lr e 5s-

Omp Ar Oren t Cif Junction 15IeP gate Ar Sanford 1i 00

between Sanforddell PIDOD dell

Aeae Yme a e chow t f ttmea ale whto tralnamay expected toarrlve m epeguaran-

teed nor doesie theret

eve m Key Thursdaysre Key West Thursday stn p In a a

Leave a aI-

D Arriveof arana can Ieaye am ya IIPI R m arr ey War at

9W p m

gush Agent










Florida CentralItro-

nnmm II lomlom t 11




e 11

II I ooUe

I0IJII JIb rl IJI wroI

011 I1

ar tlllonLI

Uoa to bo 0 or bon I

UvL tII Mnlr In pLBW 4 II pile I11



4t Peninsular ReTime Table Eftetly Jun 31000

1f e 1 M-

qit use urea P le tea a 3t am wpmw Ipmu 72nm 726ain

011 1OPaa1mArBnldwln 9hkm 8 IbJs n

I Dan ril GfGidsrta uurm spar am pp n lOVam e a

i era T Lake ale it letm 0iApes jon-

m ur p0pa a Medladn 1 m 2 BOe-mI rrvatw a wpn o Montlrelto 5 m 44Oaa

le Ikea 1a 7aUalsttti As pm d DOea

oil iossaallbppni Wpm


125aa-w 1Ir n



eU dew tl loam 160am-ll baa onwo ol TBeldwlnA lOmam e5opm innnauno IDSIgtA rqga s 1 tiT 1 WrJ60 11 atom 1041pm nom

r wln r

m r rr-

M U-

A r IIiOaa 1 LvWlde 110am Olm Inopmn mgt n Ar Oda ntUl 1201pm 6Uamr aL U m 1 1xL OMcbbeY n 9aalm

Start 815pm cam n mt 7006m pia

RllyelepO-rneal1115pm nem-oua uuu-

e 1 I Ydim-

m13 207p IbMm-avUaweod m

e r nou-Vol 17BpID 1co

al 95gpID arLe Inem o o011 M tisfUO n ltbpm Spin LvTirua 1m 6

4 i Ar 2 ia-Oa yOpIgreatf n

11 Che r ItCltr Dam OI26pm l5am0-pm 60opn aann-Ap sleetrode r a Vyltitt1rk

1 7nime

Imam v w pa1 a nsID m ham Qr u rn-

oriuscull Bile a lasers T2bpm Pleat tx 4Idyls-

ntaetu m 9Bfam m sapb n eooam w-a

e lLtonpImAlKpingCupatoNnrlrkvlaJnakbn IIIey are Ilalaegaa-

IlieseSIe ln farOrison


qi aNol use Cr Nlw Jacktaorlaa-

mg manise tog Car er aJaktonyUletoSt Louy1iLake CiyNo a dean else r an a St Louis to Jrkaoaytlle via take

hub rmatlonapplptoyourrut is d0 0 MAcDU I A SUIPItA1-

ftodUmMgr Gin Pass Agnt AMtGnPna A gaatrely upon yant the hpdetermin-

Otable oo twhore


nrobIghOradefiiiL tfon SHOOTER COLLEGE G ORaIAtor

IwatliaphahJ Iteslta ru-rdf laet ii DIPIeadltlr apk1 dd LU

tUpydDud kauekrl tlWW atltlp0rrup gam

welmrddkle rMrlNln Wnb is La rnkab dnka lined wile Act nil atanaaMebl mdwltddAPplxa PII N stirs ot rympn traeA K4

1Mprbp IruMW mNd paw mawam4N lxa IIIN fewrodJ b st d1 rn Wlukala lrybabawdb hbba Ymw fw e a kp1kY e1W


= = =





Trie Barton InstituteThis preeeut yea promises to bQ

most prosperous in the ofI popular school Great Improvementl

gropudi The attendance Ufnrfuvance of lust session

Mn Mary SaybolU wife ot AndrewSaybold A mechanic of Yonkers N YcommUted suicide Sunday that the in-

surance On her life could go to securefood for her starving children Her hus-

band was nn invalid too weak to workthe did all she could to provide forJicr-

I family but her efforts were unavailing

When a boy bulginginside out we marvel at the quantityand variety of unities he ban stowedaway Odd lengths of erringa horse chestnut a lop brass nail

by Ibis snapper up o-

unconstdered trifles We think becollection must be hard on thepocket And i But do we evethink of the variety and miscellany l

thu tubstances we put In the pocket olour stomach Theres the applesthe nuts and things besides quite as-

undiffcstlble as brass nails with nqmore food value than to many murbletjAnd yet we wonder that the

gives out When the stomach breaks

dun under Of careless eatingland irregular meals licau be perfectlyand permanently teetered to healthand Dr PierceGolden Medical Discovery The actionof thli medicine on the stomach andother organs of digentlon and nutritldnU no marked that relief from diseaseat once experienced and the

liver troubles kidney disordersskin eruptions and ether symptoms ofdiseased stomachs are quickly curedWhenever the use of a laxative medi-

cine Is indicated use Dr PlercoAPleasant Pellets They act In harmonywith the Discoverer andaction by the bowels of foulaccumulations

Jim Howard the professional assesslu who has just been sentenceddepth by a Kentucky jury for murder

ins Governor Goebel saidshoot I always get meat or theyThis time I got both The

Also rope e


9Summer tickets areno

principal renorlimited

until October 81 ivwThe Southern Railway has issue

a handsome and pamphletdoRcribinR the beauties ofthe Sky the most famous

The Southern Railways 1000Homes Folderllshed

Full information as to routes



have been made In the atda

turns pocket

hIckory nuts no apple and mllllY torare garnered




treoluh by the Ube of

assist ltlpurging




Times picture by ad fQ




Iumltlcr Resort in thisIIi118t been

yardetc a conv of eltherof thes






the etrain



Louisvillecompletes the

Shoe thor

a land n1

and tilao



publications may be obtainedTraveling Pas

seneer Agent 212 Wvlle FIn

Womans silence signifies more than n

mans because it is much less frequent-


When suffering from a rackingcough take a dose of Foleys Honeyand fur The soreness will be repayed and a warm gratelul feeling andhealing of the parts affected will be ex-

perienced Take no substitutePeeks stole

Tho youth who is given to dissipating-never has a single thought unselfish i-

Godlhwalte Son Troy ALwrote TKETHINAS tpcedy cure of

sores and eruptions upon the skinImvebeen remarkable

If love makes the round itis no wonder lovers act dizzy-

A uew remedy for biliousness is now

on snle at Ackerman fitewnrts drug

storek It Is called ChamberlainsStomach and Liver Tablets Ii pivcquick relief and will prevent the attack

if given as soon as the first indication

of the disease appears Price 25 cents

per box Samples free

When n Ohlnaman plays billiards henever uses his own cue

CASTOR IAFor Infants and Children

The Kind You Have Always bought

Hears theSignature of C-

ADVIC ASTi1 f JVi-t in ta n s a-

f BookIIowtoobtalu Iuuiuu-I fona nuxbrato No fee till p te

Letton strictlyt K 0 Wa


Go to







vriYe r r r r-

rAr Ii Ad

NOt f

i4sA pJll

Lea elwig

and aIrk1l rand atl

eau a r w-

auaau w v la VarN



A blood contains alt the elements necessary to sustain life it Utant It be free of all or a source of disease

Instead of the and lot of health ii sure to followSome enter the blood from without through the skin by absorption orInoculation others from within a wa ie products the

and ferment allowing disease to be taken into thecirculation While troubles one common each tomepeculiarity to it from the other Blood Poison Scrofula

Eczema and other blood dlsejea tan be SaE3iITtfSBG Ulcersa certain sore ulcer or inflammation on the akin blooddisease shows or later on the outside on the weakest part of the holy or where it finds the least resistanceMany mistake the sore or outward lien for the disease and attempt a cure the ue of liniments and otherexternal application Valuable time lost and impermanent front such treatment

BLOOD REQUIRE BLOOD REMEDIES f the poison must be completely and perma-nently blood reinforced purified and cleansed or the disease and saps very

and arsenic the treatmentdotes never cure but do mu by adding another

S S S own remedy made of touts and herbs attacks the disease inthe blood antidotes and out impurities makes weak thin blood rich strongand and at the same time the general health S S S ispurely vegetable blood purifier known and the one that can reach deepseated

A 50 years of successful cures proves it to a

froo Modloal Treatment Our Medical Department Is in charge ofwho have made blood a to if have

Contagious Blood Poison Cancer Scrofula Rheumatism Eczema an did Sore or Ulceror similar blood trouble write them about your case All correspondence is conducted in strictest confi-dence We make no charge for this service Book on blood diseases SPECIFIC CO Atlanta Ga

the arlM mthat comes NfJUmnou1

lOn DontanlOI1lSwhengerm Poison

i dlstlll II bedBring


eradicatedthe s rtrerUlua1l In of diseases are violent even when taken is

poison to the overbutden I dlstlUltd blood

unfailing specific for all blood and troublesSSS kodhlcl 00

CancerodOld Scrwec

i has Blood

rat salvesis

this clan smallfterm




convention of the UnitedDaughters of the Confederacy will beheld at Gainesville the last Wednesdayin January 1001



For biliousness constipation andmalaria

For ndlgestlon sick eud nervousheadache

For sleeplessness nervousness andheart failure

For fever chill debility and kidneydiseases take Lemon Elixir

Ladles for natural and thoroughorganic regulation tuko Lemon Elixir

60 cents and bottles at druggistsPrepared only by Dr H Jlozley

Atlanta Ga

A PROMINENT MINISTEU WRITEAfter ten years of great suffering

from indigestion with creel nervousprostration bilousne disorderedkidneys and constipation I have beencured by Dr Elixirand nm now H well man


Eld Church South


Dr n Mozley Atlanta Havmu-

fflji great sufferer for a great manyindigestion and been treat

many physicians who failed tome onT relict Continuing loworse my brother advised me to

Mozleys Lemon Elixir whichremedy ho had used for several years

iycommenced its use and must say

that tour Lemon Kllilr is the greateston earth I have novel

suffered a day since I commenced usingLemon Elixir

R L Ilocco

The Stote

M E28 Tatnall


try rl





200 Hernando St Memphis TeenA CARD

This is to certify that I used DrMozleys Lemon Elixir for neuralgia ofthe head and eyes with the most

benefit for my cccneral health 1

would gladly have paid 8500 fir therelief It has elven me for threedollars H A BEALL

Clerk Superior Court Randolph County Ga

A lady writer says that it must havebeen a woman who invented the alpha-

bet for had it been a man he wouldwith the letter I Chicago


a running soe on my lee forsnyen years writes Mrs la Forest

of Chippewa Falls Win and spent f

hundreds of dollars m trying to get ithealed Two boxes of Banner Salveentirely cured it Peeks store


have begun

r had








FEDERAL POINT FLA Oct 7Correspondence Tlim sHerald-

Uiinlrebt seems to be Retting

spunky us over her sheIs evidently getting was nnd Is now

leady for a battle Those beautifulGeorgia towns withbacks wcet potato patches pine slabshanties and corn dodgersfall to Inductthat mild repine of saul she ought lofeel and she la evidently rattlingaround with those ifbps in n fearfulstale of disquietude Better comebuck lo Florida and cool offof Georgia too bracing

This town is suffering from lack ofneighborly consideration Onehere a prominent n pillarthe church high up in science und theworldly acumen owns a cow that pos

senses as many attainments as her owner She can open gates tear down orjump over any fence and take a wholeherd of cattle wi h her And yet thisman her owner pet rolls bur tu lUll utlarge despite the protests of the wholetown 1 dont know whether there sany law In this state to irjteci the cowand her owner but assuredlythere Is a moral law that biiould havesome weight with a man who professes-

to be a gentlemanOur colored has open and

closed The teacher a colored manbv the name of d W Bethune taughtthe school for about one week collected what money was necessary to pro-

cure the text bunks required avid

to parts unnown The proba-

bilities are that the colored childrenwill have no scho this terra Anfortunate condition as there are neatly

alA creeps

their sand I tr1Z Ir

The lair






schn I









or quite torty pupils here The whiteschool Is going uu nil right under theable management of MUs Kirby

There Is no ui III tUieraptinx tocover up the fact ihul the using gene-

ration of negroes In tec urn

Florida lacklnij In moral anticivil trululng Nut tunny months ago

steamer load of ulitnch people came tothis place from Priliuku onRn excursion

a more disgraceful lot of htirnmiliycould not well be gut togtlbvr Thule

lacking everyblemtnt of gentility

and they conducted themselves more

like a lot of wild folks than civilized

belujs What better e

among Ihem think I know notn t r i i Mii ofi M 111 MIIIJll Hirli tlluftUlLUU-

iiiilntill luye nhli tie iarunt Even

maof these ptvtitluvs fall in possesse iher moral Irnirliv r roiiiiHrclal-linnvty A chitie I in i certainlynrcessurv Iftbev realm










exp c ill


are radiv


buttI Ik




The Typewriter




strictly uptodate ma hme Has lUbe bw 4 f t ii f teMe ittlUng io thp full view of the Easy to

crate and very durable Portable out 11 4 pounds Oofijpnrf40 keys standard of trail Muchlno

n be seen at the oflice ofl 1i luirlps to




r Ii

op orI

IJ ofi




Moderny I




a b tl-


traAlt t



>+ +

respect of themselves the world atlarge They have more importantduties to perform for themselves thanto spend their time dullvini in politics

The dredge that has been digging-

out a channel across the Orange MillsFlats has exhausted Ihe nnproprimioumade for that purpose and has pulledup her anchor and departed Thechannel Is wide enough for a vessel topits through if it steers straight

Out full croo of Irish uotaiovs hasbeen planted tine our full gulden seedsown

Your correspondent ha maieilnl onhand for sheltering one hundred orangetrees this winter and predicts It Ismoney thrown away It IK reportedtlia there are fully six oranges growing-

at this place Not a vei v largo cropbut it Indicate that the open air cul-

ture entirely devoid nl resilmfor these oranges lire growing ontrees thru hud noprutectinn last winterother then blinking above ihf buds

There I no sickness a this placenow excpptlnt those wlv persist Inusing surface well water flow long ItIs going to lake the people of tits stateto coma to a realizing sense of thedanger of surface water is an unknownqlanlity but when ther can procure

pipe and pump and drive a wilPJO orCO feet deep cheaper than Ih

one hundreths of the mnlarlal icknc s-

In this slate is produced use of

impure water


The editor of the FoHsvllle Kv-

MrscEHANEOCS writes ns n poslcrlpt



v l-

e11ltIt YoiY

lIh l v1l

hv the



can d11dU1Y

hens s iT hatI ebsohtelp Ni gnnne


r i was cured orkidney trouble hv taking FnlevsKidney Cure Take nothing elsePeek has It

Tne average man would rather lose 5-

oa ahorso race than a nickel through ahole In his pocket

I have awavs used touws honeyand Tar cough medicine and think itthe best In tho world says Cling

Bender a newsdealer of Eric IaTake no substitute Peek h s it

The naughty schoolboy Is alwaysglad when JIPBCCR tin teacher lay downthe rule

TO STOP A COLDA tier an exposure or when you feel-

a cold coming on take a of FoHoney and Tar It never fnlls to

if taken In time Go toPeeks for It






Nashville R

June 01000

Via Plant 3J 2

74jT3aI9 II

Ar 12111 A M o II7lItI

Ar Eransntle aArrIAululll 0err CincinnatiAt P U



PNew Orleanll



IVlai sileiVlaLoltotCfnbytem VI

LvJackeonvlile 7NIapv Mont emery 41 S In a a 43 8Sr iii t22 akaArNdbvltIo 0bou 7opaiO

12 40St Louis 710p


Chicago7 S l4 a


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nllman ears o5 an tIl IfOPK188

l9aaenget Agentis w pt a

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Gouta Susfee

rare se cepctucn TExr rrurIrl1BMA boee eaM I-

Taheaeokher reanetut aaadlmtlalle-n ea Intmty 1-

1tura1na1L10 Sti-


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