CRUNCH - Best MicroSite(TV Show)

Best Micro-site(TV Show) CRUNCH on


Transcript of CRUNCH - Best MicroSite(TV Show)

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Best Micro-site(TV Show) CRUNCH on

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• India’s first cross format reality show • Live 24x7 across 30days on • Weekly episodic sow on MTV • Audience seamlessly moved between TV and

internet to engage with and consume the content on offer

Show Concept:

• 10 pairs of contestants were locked up in 10 rooms across 30 days, with no real communication with the outside world.

• After certain intervals of time, every room got ‘crunched’ in size, eventually making the pair live in rooms which were close to a fraction of the size they started with.

• This was broadcast on ‘live’ 24x7, while MTV telecast weekend episodes of the highlights of the action.


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• Addressed the need for ‘convenience’ and ‘nonstop entertainment’ – Audience could engage with their favorite show at

any point of the day or night

– It was ‘Live 24x7’, thereby providing non-stop entertainment which was not the case with other reality shows on television

– It allowed the user to ‘choose’ to content that one wanted to consume

• Interactive – One could chat with contestants within the show,

something which is difficult to pull off on television

– At any single point in time a number of users could chat with the contestants simultaneously. These interactions raised the level of engagement of the audience with the show.

Why it worked

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Interactive Design

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Special Features

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Special Features

• Video on Demand – One could access any piece of content over and

over again.

– No one was forced to consume content; they consumed whatever they liked, as many times as they wished to, at any point of the day or night.

• Live Voting – One could vote for their favorite contestants ‘live’

on the website

• Social media friendly – One could share their favorite pieces of content

– Comments, likes, tweets were made possible, thus opening up the content to a wider range of audiences

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Important Dates

Launched On

17th April’2011


15th May’2011

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Total Visits

2.17 million

Total Unique Visitors

1.7 million

Total Page Views

7.4 million

Average Time Spent

4:20 minutes

*Source- Google Analytics