Crossings Summer 2020 for · full...

CROSSINGS A PUBLICATION OF HOPE CHURCH THE SUMMER ISSUE | 2020 PRAYER OF TRUST | PAGE 3 FULLY INVESTED IN COMMUNITY Jude Moya watches the live stream with his stuffed animal friends.

Transcript of Crossings Summer 2020 for · full...

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Jude Moya watches the live stream with his stuffed animal friends.

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A Prayer of Trust in a Season of Fearby David Lenz

Loving God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, receive our praise. You are our Creator, our Lord, our Savior, our Sovereign. You invite us not to fear in this fearful time.

Through the prophet Isaiah (41:10), you say: Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Through the voice of the angels, throughout the gospels, you say “fear not.” Through the Gospel of John (14:27), you say: Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.

Lord, we trust you. Help us to trust you more. We affirm that in all circumstances you are Lord. Nothing can separate us from your love! Not health, not sickness; not life, not death.

We pray for unity in our land. Let it begin with us. May others experience in us the transforming good-ness of the fruit of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.

We pray for comfort those in grief, who lost loved ones suddenly, unexpectedly to this terrible virus.

We pray for healing for the thousands of people diagnosed with COVID-19, especially the vulnerable in our midst. We pray for peace and calm in families where loved ones may be very ill, or in self-quarantine.

We pray for our senior population, those who are homebound, and especially those in care facilities where visitors may not go in this season.

We pray for the medical workers, caregivers, and researchers all over the world, who are on the front-line of combatting the coronavirus. Protect them. Inspire them. Refresh them.

We pray for our state leaders, for Governor Walz, for Health Commissioner Jan Malcolm, who face great decisions in a quickly evolving situation. Give them wisdom.

We pray for our national leaders, for President Trump and Vice-President Pence, who face great decisions in a quickly evolving situation. Give them wisdom.

We pray for all who are challenged by the economic impact of the coronavirus. Lord, have mercy. Lord, provide.

We ask you Lord to intervene in a mighty way. Slow the spread of this pandemic. Bring it to an end. Bring us together once again.

In the name of Jesus. In accordance with your great power. In accordance with your tender mercies. Amen.

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Loaves & Fishes Curbside












HOPE during COVID-19During this unique season, our summer issue of Crossings will focus on bringing you stories of HOPE. Stories that

share the ways that the good news of Jesus is at work - even now as we are at home! These stories will remind us of the HOPE that Romans 15:13 speaks of, “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him,

so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” May you be filled up as you read about the people of Hope and how they are spreading joy and peace by the power of the Holy Spirit in this season.

Join us online for Sunday worship at 10:00 am:

By Peggy Turnbull

Though a few Loaves & Fishes dining sites closed at the beginning of the stay-at-home order, the Hope Church site has remained open to provide takeaway meals. Other sites were able to re-open for takeaway meals after a short hiatus, and Loaves & Fishes has added new sites for meal distribution as the needs in our communities have grown.

One of Hope’s teams distributed close to 150 meals on April 23.

Ela Gonzalez hands out meals to drive-up guests.

David Ekerholm transports meals from the kitchen to door #2 where the meals were handed out.

Phil and Kris McWilliams and Peggy Turnbull dished the food into take-out containers. (Brief lapse in social distancing for the photo.)

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Easter Blessing Bagsby Jessica Connors

I’m a leader at Apple Valley High School’s student-led Bible study. We meet every week on Thursdays at 6:30 am. It is always a super fun time to be together, to build relationships with others, and create a supportive Christian community at our public high school. I love the feeling of God’s power and presence in that room leaking into the rest of the school.

One week in March, we decided to plan a day where we could practice giving time to God through serving. I told the Bible Study about my church. We decided we wanted to make Blessing Bags for Vine + Branches to pass out to children and families. The lead-ers rounded up supplies. We set up multiple stations, and every-one jumped in and worked super hard.

We had some people coloring Happy Easter messages on paper bags and some people cutting out coloring sheets and pairing it with crayons. Some people stuffed plastic eggs with little chicks, and others put jellybeans in a bag to go along with a jelly-bean-tell-ing of the gospel. We played worship music and got to work. It was a lot of fun!

We ended up making over 100 blessing bags! We circled around the blessing bags, all reaching out a hand to pray over them before we loaded them into the car. The energy in the room that morning was infectious.

Being a part of something that can bless people and even introduce them to Jesus felt so awesome, for all of us. Although Vine + Branches closed due to COVID-19, I was very thankful to learn that volunteers were able to hand out the bags to families coming to Loaves & Fishes during Holy Week instead. We hope the bags found their way to a child hungry for love.

Ironing Initiativeby Heidi Johnson

How many racks of clothing does it take to fill a thrift store? More than one gal has time or energy to steam!

Spring season changeover for Vine + Branches (emptying the store of all clothing and starting fresh by refilling with summer clothing) was scheduled for mid-April. Because folks had to stay at home, changeover went from being volunteer-intensive to being a team-of-one endeavor!

To involve the regular volunteers, curbside pick-up was set-up. Folks drove by church, helped themselves to men’s shirts, ironed at home, and brought them back during a designated drop-off time.

Five racks of clothing went into the store,ironed at home the old-fashioned way!












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Courtney, Aubrey and Iyla Paguyo hanging up hearts in their windows for Easter

Jaxton Underberg received our Easter mailing encouraging kids to share God’s love by putting the heart up on a window at home

Ancient Future class via Zoom

Lucy DiNardo visits the empty tomb for a fun Easter video

Session meeting goes virtual

Students and mentors met online

Hope throughTechnology

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Hope-fi lled Worship at Home

Brenden, Maya and Laura George with their homemade "Palm" branches for Palm Sunday

The Bilitz family

Teri Cannon’s view from home

Worship participants socially distanced on the chancel

He is risen indeed!

Maundy Thursday community around the table

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Special Delivery Biblesby Betsy Waltz

God made you just as you are! He loves you! God wants you to know him! This is what we want our children in Hope’s Preschool

and School-Age Care Programs to know.

This past January, we asked Hope members to help us raise money so that we could give each child in our programs a Bible. You were more than generous. We were eagerly anticipating giving them to our preschoolers at our spring program and our school-age children this summer. Then everything changed! Everything! Because of a virus, our preschool and school-age care closed. We wouldn’t be having a preschool spring program, and we weren’t sure when we would see our children next.

We knew we wanted each child to have their Bible, and the only way to do this would be to deliver them in person.

Our preschool teachers and our school-age leadership delivered 98 Bibles, along with a packet of activities to help them use it.

We then created a private Facebook page for each program that has Bible stories, songs, art projects, and activities to help them get to know their Bible better.

We are excited to be able to stay connected with our children and families and to see them reading God’s word! We miss our children and their families, but we are excited to be able to continue sharing God’s love for them in new and different ways.












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Greener FamilyLockdown in South Africa is stricter than in most of the US. The Greener family have only been allowed to leave their house to go directly to the grocery store or pharmacy and back. They are coping well with the lockdown, finding a daily routine helpful with lots of quality time together they normally don’t get to enjoy with the “busyness” of life. Hearts are heavy for friends and coworkers who struggle to make ends meet. Having to place water projects on hold where there are critical needs while they wait out the quarantine and travel restrictions is difficult.

The kids and adults come together to praise God because he is always good and always faithful. A team of dedicated CSC employees are using this time at the shelter to create lasting memories for the kids.

Bonnett FamilyMari continues to homeschool the kids. Only Ben can leave the house to buy food and has to carry a quarantine pass that shows what part of the city he is from. He meets often (virtually) with the other CSC directors to pray for "locked in" coworkers and troubleshoot the changing conditions around the city.

Checkpoints throughout the city are manned by the military and police. Their part of the city has some of the highest numbers of confirmed COVID cases, so no one can enter or exit the neighborhood. They are thankful to live near a grocery store.

(L to R: Jen and Ava exercising; Jen baking calzone with love; Ava giving Christian a haircut)

Cooking at the braai

Hope Around the World

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Mathews Family

All three kids are home doing online classes. (Mandi and Trenton in college, Aaron a sophomore in high school.) Aaron wasn’t feeling well and a midnight visit to the ER confirmed he had appendicitis. After an appendectomy, he is recovering well at home.

Christine is engaged in many staff care and hiring processes for Cru staff, which means a full schedule of calls and video meetings. Cru did a Zoom online hiring conference recently for nearly 400 Cru interns.

Todd leads Zoom calls with his team and coaches nearly 200 staff now doing online collegiate ministry for students in Georgia, South Carolina and Florida.

Doug is recording video classes at school which resumes online May 4. Also pictured is Dave Beal’s wonderful science teacher. Her husband came to haul down necessary props to the recording room.

Life for five weeks has been a rhythm of homeschool to keep the kids engaged in something constructive a few hours per day, home or garden projects along with good family time, and Pioneers computer work. Rosi, a Brazilian missionary to SE Asia, is quarantining with the Beals for two months to improve English as she studies for the IELTS English exam to enter a nursing program in her country of service.

Beal Family

Lunch together in a friend’s cabin the day after the ship was locked down

Kate PitchfordSince 2017 Kate Pitchford has worked with Mercy Ships. In early March, the Africa Mercy was in the middle of its 10-month field service doing surgeries in Dakar, Senegal. When COVID-19 infec-tions started escalating around the world, Mercy Ships decided to suspend field service until feasible to resume. In mid-March the ship went into isolation and has been virus-free so far. The crew feels blessed to be quarantined in community. Worship on the bow of Africa

Mercy during lockdown

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As news of mandated social distancing rolled in around a month ago, youth ministers everywhere scrambled to figure out how to maintain connections with students they have been seeing regularly all year. The same week that schools closed, Hope youth were invited to con-tinue connecting through small groups over online video calls.

These first weeks of connecting online were filled with mixed emotions: confusion about what was going to happen with school, sadness about being apart, and anxiety about health and safety of family and friends.

Connecting in new ways required a holy creativity that especially was alive and active in our middle school girls’ group.

One of our sixth-grade students, Emma Scattergood, tapped into this creative generosity by mail-ing Magic Fuzzy Worms to each student and leader in her group. Our girls were so excited to keep checking the mail for the day that their worm would arrive, and they sent us all a text as soon as they received their worm, nestled next to a sweet and encouraging card from Emma.

Soon addresses were exchanged and more cards began to arrive in the mail, bringing a deeper sense of connection and love between these friends.

This group of friends who have been bonding all year in our Hope Youth Room now create a beautiful web that stretches across the Twin Cities — from Eagan to Minneapolis, to Bloom-ington, and to Richfield.

We are all sad to not see our friends like we used to. We are sad that we cannot hug each other or have conversations that are not at the mercy of our WiFi connections.

One day we will experience these things again, but in the mean-time, there are endless creative possibilities for both maintain-ing our connections and deepen-ing them as we are challenged to show our love to others in different ways.












Holy Creativityby Mia Franklin

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Property Development

Jeremiah Bought a Field in Bad Times.We’re Building a Churchby Dan Ritchie

As an elder at Hope, I’ve been calling some senior members to check in and hear their stories. Often, they’ve expressed support for moving ahead, with prayer and prudence, with our new building. As a member of the Property Development Task Force, I’ve been glad to hear that support.

One member compared our plans to an earlier, successful experience at a Michigan church. Another appreciated the changes we’ve made to the plans (bathrooms and an industrial kitchen matter!).

I also look to what other believers have done in trou-bled times.

•I look at the Psalms, and see that in times of lament and exile the Psalmist thinks creatively about the good days that will follow.

•I look at Jeremiah, and see that in a time of great national distress he bought a field in hope of a better future.

We are “Hope” Church.

•Hope in the Bible is never about ignoring reality. That’s why I’m glad we have Brian Knutson on the Task Force, with his deep financial expertise. Brian continues to interact with our bankers, forecasting risk, interest rates, and payment schedules.

•Hope in the Bible is always about a practical faith. That’s why I’m glad we’re led by Justin Bratnober. His faith in God’s vision is undergirded by practi-cal work on everything from income produced by our current assets to permits required by Richfield officials.

•Hope in the Bible is never about waiting until the bad times pass to find opportunities to serve. That’s why I’m glad that we have someone like Heidi Johnson, whose architectural expertise has shaped our building plans in accordance with ongoing service to the community.

In the future, the congregation will vote on taking out a mortgage so that we can begin construction. I have confidence in our judgment to proceed. But honestly that’s because they represent the faithful members I’ve been speaking with by phone.

We rightly say with the Psalmist, “Our lines have fallen in pleasant places, indeed [we] have a beautiful inheritance” (Ps. 16:6). Our inheritance will show its beauty most when it is put to use – prudently, faith-fully, boldly, and above all hopefully.

For additional information about the progressof the property development project, visit:

Hope for Tomorrow (5/4/2020):

Pledged $4,242,915.36 Received $1,654,501.43












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Refreshed Staff Designby David Lenz

Hope Church is moving forward not only with an exciting property development plan but also with a refreshed staff design.

Heidi Connors will serve as Director of Youth + Family Ministries. Heidi will bring her creative, Christ-centered leadership now to children and youth (and their fami-lies!). She will guide a staff of four creative leaders.

Julie Lewis will serve as Minister to Young Children + Families and oversee the Wiggly Worship Ministry.

Michaela Pankratz will serve as Minister to Children + Families and increase her leadership on Sunday mornings.

Mia Franklin will serve as Minister to Middle School Youth + Families.

New to Hope Church is Josh VanLith, who will serve as Minister to High School Youth + Families.

The vision is to have a comprehensive discipleship approach for children and youth (and their families) from birth through high school. Heidi and her team will put goals and metrics in place for a child who moves through Hope’s youth and family ministry. We will establish a big picture of the kinds of learning and faith formation experiences children and youth will have over the course of 18 years. Deeper in Jesus!

Simultaneously, Young Life will continue its dynamic community outreach in creative partnership with Hope Church. We celebrate the ministry that Cesar Castille-jos and Darby Voeks (and their teams) bring to Rich-field and to Hope Church. They inspire us to grow in missional mindset and practice. Wider in the kingdom!

While pursuing their unique missions, Heidi and Cesar will lead their teams to moments of crossover collabo-ration. There will be opportunities for shared training, shared relationships with youth, and shared ministry and mission experiences. Closer in community!

In consideration of the size of Hope Church and budget parameters, we will not replace the associate pastor position held by Bruce Hillyer. Executive Minister Kim Laufenburger, Associate Pastor for Faith Formation KC DiNardo, and Lead Pastor David Lenz will absorb his responsibilities. Pastor KC and Pastor Dave cherish caring for the people of Hope Church. We are grateful for the work Pastor Bruce did to equip the Board of Dea-cons for deeper levels of caring ministry.

Director of Facilities and Administration Keith Koenig joins Kim Laufenburger and Pastor Dave to form the executive leadership team. Keith and Kim work closely with Pastor Dave in administrative and visionary lead-ership for Hope Church.

Virtual staff meeting in April

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Welcome, Josh!by Heidi Connors

We are delighted to welcome Josh Van-Lith to our Youth and Family Ministry team! Josh will serve as our new Minister to High School Youth + Fami-lies. We welcome his experience and heart for discipling youth.

Josh grew up in Minot, North Dakota, and at-tended the University of Northwestern, graduating with a B.A. in Pastoral Ministry and Bible. He is currently in the Master of Divinity program at Northwestern and plans to graduate next spring.

Josh has had a wide variety of youth leadership experiences: serving as a camp counselor and youth ministry intern, teaching Junior and Senior High Sunday School through the book of James and leading a Northwestern Youth Crew Team of col-lege students. Most recently he worked as Program Coordinator at Union Gospel Mission in St. Paul, collaborating with Treehouse, discipling teens and developing a young adult ministry there.

Josh has a longing to see youth go deeper with Jesus Christ. He wants to encourage youth to think wider and invite their friends to programs at Hope Church. Josh’s compassion, strong interpersonal skills and intentionality will draw youth and their families closer in community and equip them for rich hospitality for those who are on the way.

Josh and his fiancé, Bridget (shown with Josh above), are planning a wedding for July. They are eager to join the fellowship and ministry of Hope Church and are inspired by the crossover community they have experienced while visiting our sanctuary and online worship together.

12 Fun Facts

Below are 12 Fun Facts about Josh, our Minister to High School Youth + Families and Mia, our Minister to Middle School Youth + Families. Can you guess which belong to Josh and which belong to Mia?

Teens: Text each of them with your guess about his or her correct 6 facts. First ones to text correctly will get pizza delivered to their house!

Text your guess to Josh at 701/833-2055 Text your guess to Mia at 847/207-2441

Which Fun Facts belong to Josh or Mia?

•Studied abroad in France

•Hates spiders

•Loves paddleboarding

•Loves collecting couches

•Drinks black coffee

•Does not like to run

•Loves to make sauerkraut

•Cuts his/her own hair

•Plays Fortnite

•Is vegan

•Is bad at drawing

•Is a registered Uber Eats driver

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Stewardship and Hope Fund

Thankful Giving with a Cloud of Witnessesby Brian Knutson

Who would have thought last November that our thankfulness would be in the nation’s spotlight again this spring? Thanks to you, Hope members and friends, our offering revenue has consistently been maintained through the COVID-19 disruptions.

I’m reflecting on this following Cesar Castillejos’ thoughtful sermon on April 26. He shared the biblical examples of doubt found in the post-Easter verses. Disciples and other witnesses to the crucifixion struggled to believe that Jesus had truly risen from death. How grateful we can feel that Jesus opened enough eyes and shared the Holy Spir-it to build up 2,000+ years of faithful witnesses.

Hebrews Chapter 12 dramatically identifies the large “cloud of witnesses” which can help motivate each of us to run our race and fix our eyes on Jesus. Thank you, faithful Hope congregation of witnesses! Thank you for viewing streamed services each Sunday morn-ing and throughout the week. Thank you for inviting family and friends to share in our services. Thank you for being open to share questions about our property development project. I certainly cannot blame anyone who has doubts concerning our next steps. Both the timing and scope of our plans have been recast in the midst of a pandemic.

Is it God’s perfect timing again that a worldwide communication cloud is available now for us to worship, work, and learn from our homes? What an eye-opener this experience has been to the importance of video technology in the planning for our new worship spaces. Thank you, Steve Hong and others who pushed us to upgrade our tech.

Today’s challenges will certainly build the character of a new generation (and the ones on the way). Thank you, Hope Church for continuing to be generous, hopeful, and loving. Even in the midst of social distancing, uncertain health, and economic struggles. Jesus is here to “help us run with perseverance the race marked out for us” (Hebrews 12:1).

2020 Offering(5/4/2020):

Pledged $1,222,422.00Received $529,968.88

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Knox James was recently born to Steven and

Taylor Schull. Tom and Janette Schull are his


Everly Claire was born April 8 to David and Kelsey

Kittell. George and Bonnie Kittell are her grand-



-Hillyer family in the loss of Pastor Bruce

-Rice family in the loss of Nelle

-Brown family in the loss of Russ’ father

-Ekerholm family in the loss of Paula’s brother

-Miller and Constans families in the loss of


-Schmidt family in the loss of Lanny

-Whear family in the loss of Tamara’s extended

family member

-Boler family in the loss of Marcia’s sister

-Straub family in the loss of Justin’s grandfather

-Gary Johnson family in the loss of their son

-Sunde family in the loss of Milt

-Lewis family in the loss of Jim

-Lewis family in the loss of Julie’s grandma


Noon Wednesday, August 5

(Covering September - November)

Please send items to [email protected].


Sarah Nygaard and Thomas Kendrick were married

on Saturday, April 25 in the Hope Church field off the

parking lot.


Briggs Randall was born

March 31 to David and Kelly

Wiese. Jim and Gloria Wiese

are his grandparents. Gloria

took this picture through the

window screen.

Peder Thomas was recently born to Jake and Alicia


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“May the God of hope fill you with all joyand peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.”Romans 15:13