Cross-phase Inset: developing practice through collaboration

Developing practice through collaboration: Cross-phase Inset What would you like to learn from this session? Please jot your ideas on a post-it.

Transcript of Cross-phase Inset: developing practice through collaboration

  • Developing practice through collaboration: Cross-phase Inset

    What would you like to learn from this session?

    Please jot your ideas on a post-it.

  • Developing practice through collaboration: Cross-phase Inset

    Olympus Academy Trust

    Bethan Owen: Assistant Headteacher Bradley Stoke Community School

    Carolyn Tipler: Assistant Headteacher Abbeywood Community School

    Mel Willcox: Deputy Headteacher Meadowbrook Primary School

  • Aims of this session: To share ways we as a MAT collaborate to raise standards

    and outcomes, using our recent Cross-phase Inset as a

    case study

    To share ways of working through the challenges of

    collaborative approaches

    To give you time to think about and discuss your own

    academy perspectives and where you are with

    collaborative approaches

    To answer any questions you have about all of the above!

  • The Olympus Academy Trust

  • Bradley Stoke Community School

    All-through Academy. NOR. approx 1130+

    2005: Opened as an 11-16 school, Y7 entry only, filling up year by

    year. Innovative practice and flexibility

    2009: Full section 5 Ofsted: Outstanding

    2010: P16 centre opened on site, accommodating 200+ students

    2012: Academy Conversion, joined OAT.

    2013: Full section 5 Ofsted: Good

    2015: Primary phase was opened and we became an All-through

    academy. Currently have reception class only, filling up year by year.

    Ongoing challenge of maintaining momentum and driving up

    standards and outcomes

  • Meadowbrook Primary School Large primary (470+ children) in centre of Bradley

    Stoke Categorised as a leafy suburban school Demographic shifting Were previously an RI school (based on historical

    data) judgment & data wiped on conversion Joined OAT in January 2015 - to build strength in

    school, strengthen community links, support development beyond Y6

    PresenterPresentation Notes2 form entry breach in numbers in 2013 & 2014 (so have 3 classes in Y1 & 2)Not really leafy suburb pockets of deprivationDemographic shift -> increase in EAL, autistic (or traits), drop in PP due to universal FSM

  • Charborough Road Primary School

    NOR: approx 235 Mixed catchment area in Filton 2010: Full section 5 Ofsted: Good 2014: Interim assessment: Good 2015: Academy Conversion, joined OAT to build strength in

    school, strengthen community links, support development beyond Y6

  • AbbeywoodCommunity School

    11-18 Academy. NOR: approx 900

    Truly comprehensive intake

    2010: closure of Filton High School . Move into new

    building: opening of Abbeywood Community School

    Special Measures

    2012: Academy Conversion, joined OAT. The poor

    relative? Collaborative approaches essential in supporting

    school improvement

    2014: Full section 5 Ofsted: Good judgement in all areas

    Ongoing challenge of maintaining momentum and driving

    up standards and outcomes

  • Methods of collaboration

    SLT pairingsRegular 1-1 meetings

    Joint leadership meetings

    Peer learning walks

    Common themes and approaches to ensure parity, whilst retaining uniqueness and individual autonomy

    Joint CPDInset/Twilight/ Meetings days

    alignedJoint faculty meetings

    TeachmeetsLeadership programmes

    ModerationConcorde partnership meetings

    Big speakers for Inset

    OAT Lead PractitionersEnglish (ACS/MPS)Maths (BSCS/MPS)

    Science (MPS)Developing assessment across

    the primaries/secondaries

    Year 5/6/7 Moderation

    Cross-phase InsetMore to follow..!

    PresenterPresentation NotesSharing best practiceBuilding capacitySupport

  • Table Discussion:Share with delegates from a different school to you:

    The ways in which you currently collaborate with other schools

    The impact this currently has

    The ways in which you would ideally like to collaborate

    The impact you predict this would have

  • Impact so far ACS: dramatic improvement in quality of L&T and student outcomes since

    joining OAT: Rigour and accountability

    Greater pool of best practice

    Deploying practitioners with specific skills across schools has supported

    improvement of weaker teaching

    Having an opposite yields more ideas than working alone: great source of


    Healthy competition!

    NEXT CRUCIAL STEP: we now have primary partners. What can we learn from

    them? How can we strengthen transition? How can we ensure we dont crush

    independence and a curiosity for learning? What is a students primary

    experience actually like?!?

    PresenterPresentation NotesLast bullet point, to be discussed later!!

  • Cross-phase Inset

    Two back to back Inset days:

    Meadowbrook and Charborough Road

    on the 4th October

    ACS and BSCS on the 5th October

    To ideally include lesson drop ins, book

    look, student voice

    Where to begin?!?

  • Identify the RationaleMeadowbrook: to better understand what happens to our students

    (majority go to BSCS) in KS3+ how are they doing?

    did we adequately equip them for high school?

    what skills do they use/need?

    what can we/BSCS do to improve their educational journey?

    to build knowledge of alternative key stages curriculum,

    delivery, expectations

    to understand changes to the curriculum and assessment

    & how it might affect us

  • Identify the RationaleACS:

    Literacy/Numeracy: gaining an understanding of new KS2

    curriculum. Understanding how grammar is taught and

    what students are expected to understand

    What level of independence is apparent? How is this


    How are high expectations promoted and achieved?

    What approaches to pedagogy could inform the way we


    How can we better prepare out students for transition?

    PresenterPresentation NotesTalk about Charborough Road focus

  • Identify the RationaleBSCS:

    What is covered in the new KS2 curriculum, literacy and

    numeracy in particular, and how does this impact us at


    How are high expectations promoted and achieved?

    How do we address the Y7 dip and ensure that we are

    pitching our lessons appropriately?

    What approaches to pedagogy could inform the way we


    What does learning look like over a longer period of time?

  • Identify the Rationale

    Table discussion:

    What myths/stereotypes do

    primary/secondary schools have of each

    other? Why might these exist?

    Debunking the myths: a key part of the rationale!

  • Logistics: It made us go arrrgh initially!

    Initial meeting: Executive headteacherPrimary headeachers/deputiesL&T leadsLead practitioners

    PairingsPossible fociLogisticsIdentifying next stepsCarving up responsibility!

    Paired meeting: Primary headeacher/deputyL&T leadLead practitioner

    Establishing specific fociDetails of logisticsIdentifying next steps

    Planning at individual schools TimetableGroupingsBook LookStudent VoiceCapturing next steps

    PresenterPresentation NotesShare inforamtion packs

  • Organisation


    asked to see English, Mathematics (all staff) and the range of subjects

    taught in primary.

    Vulnerable groups & SEN were also observed.

    Primary Head & Deputy spoke with ex-students from every year group

    (including post-16)

    All staff looked at ex-Mbk books


    came in three groups (staggered over morning)

    looked at primary books

    Spent time in classes across the school to see a range of ages/provision

  • Timetable9.00 - 9.30

    9.30 - 10.00 (follow the teacher, rather than the class) 10.00 - 10.30

    Teacher Subject Class Room Teacher Subject Class Room Teacher Subject Class Room

    1Mr Bragg Maths 8MY2 G36 Mrs Murphy English Y13 Eng Lit PF8Miss Colquhoun Art Y13 F30

    2Mr Jones Maths Y12 PF9 Miss CavillDrama/English 9X/11B3 G15/G59 Miss Nattress Ethics Y12 F40

    3Miss Peacock Maths 8MY1 G70Miss Ricketts English 10B1/11B2 G57 Mr Davies Geog 7R F29

    4Mrs Murphy EnglishY13 Eng Lit PF8 Mr Bragg Maths 8MY2/7S4 G36 Mr Marshall Science 10FAR F47

    5Miss Nowik English 10B2 G69 Mr Jones Maths Y12 PF9 Mr Moir History 7Y F51

    6Miss Ricketts English 10B1 G57Miss Hopkins Music 9Z/9B F18/F12 Mr Bent Maths 7MS1 G60

    7Work scrutiny N/A N/A Mr Craig English 10B4 8B3 F22/G75 Mr Bragg Maths 7S2 G368Mr Burnell PE 10PX2 PE Mrs Benson English 10B3/8B1 G67 Mr Jones Maths Y12 PF99Mrs Hyslop CRS 9G F29 Miss Lane English 11B1/8B2 G59/G37 Mr Smith Maths 7MS3 G5810Mr Sharp PD 8BRE G43

    Miss Field (NQT) Maths 8MY3/7MS2 G68 Miss Cavill English 11B3 G59

    11Mrs Morgan Maths 8MY4 G58 VariousVG meeting None G2 Mrs Partridge English 8B4 (SEN)F24


    Miss Field (NQT) Maths 8MY3 G68 Mr Hill Science 10 Ein F37

    Mrs Wolstenholme English

    11B4 (SEN) F22

    13Duncan Craig IT 7O G39Miss Peacock Maths

    8MY1/Y11 (SEN) G70/F28 Miss Lane English 8B2 G37

  • Table discussion How well do you think your staff currently

    understand how children learn in their feeder primary/secondary schools?

    What do you think the benefits of cross phase inset could be for your school?

    What would need to happen to make it logistically possible?

  • What did Meadowbrook learn?

    Staff increased their awareness of KS3/4 provision and were impressed with many elements lots of myths were busted!!

    Questions were raised about:how we support children to build general

    independence (self-management & organisation, homework, coping with changes yearly!)

    how to maintain expectations.ways to better share practice displays,

    questioning, skills, use of mobile tech, expectations & breadth of vocabulary.

    curriculum content need to develop better understanding at all levels

    PresenterPresentation NotesNote childrens responses about timetable changes simple fixes in primary (possibly)Use of skills how can we help secondaries so what we have achieved is not wasted (hard given number of feeder schools)

  • What did BSCS Learn? That we sometimes underestimate what our

    Y7 pupils are capable of That we could use our TAs more effectively

    for intervention Even our most cynical members of staff

    loved going in to primary schools and seeing the enthusiasm of learners

    What has surprised you most about your visit?

    What practice have you seen that you

    would like to try with your own classes?

    How might this INSET be linked to your

    own priority areas for development?

    Can you think of any ways we can work more effectively in


  • What do BSCS want to find out more about?

    Phonics Teaching writing and grammar, Kung Fu

    punctuation Hot and cold writing, using whiteboards to improve

    writing Handwriting software Extended starters including modelling Project learning Scaffolded and chunked group work Effective use of learning environments Use of devices, QR codes Effective use of TAs in lessons

  • What did ACS Learn?That the Guided approach could be a crucial classroom intervention strategy

    PresenterPresentation NotesBroad themes: each faculty has reflected on implications for their planning/practice (give examples?)

  • What did ACS Learn?A consistent approach in providing students with resources and training

    them with how to use these resources will foster greater independence

    PresenterPresentation NotesLinks back to Guided approach

  • What did ACS Learn?

    That we currently pitch Year 7 Science too high in terms of the

    practical experience we assume they have

    PresenterPresentation NotesPicture has nothing to do with Science but I like it

  • What did ACS Learn?

    That lots of our displays are a bit rubbish

  • What did ACS Learn?That staff absolutely LOVED going into a

    primary school!

    That providing engaging and meaningful stimuli for CPD generates fruitful discussion that

    motivates and re-energises staff

  • What did ACS Learn? That communicating with each other across

    faculties about key students could facilitate high expectations and consistency across all subjects

    That some anxiety around transition comes from logistical issues: money, buses etc

    That we need to be clearer about the rational with teams

    That we need to establish how feedback will be shared across schools

    PresenterPresentation NotesIdeally all, but underperforming at Yr 7 as a starting point

  • What now?De-brief meeting held between all those present at initial meeting

    This is Cross-phase Inset part 1!

    Keep momentum going staff were keen to keep visiting, share

    practice, SWAP!

    Use primary & secondary leads to continue to strengthen

    practice & knowledge, following up from key themes arising


    Another INSET -> visit other primary/Secondary schools

    Make simple changes in Y6 & Y7

    Review faculty pledges: what has been achieved? What is the


  • Questions

    Have we addressed your post its?!?

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    Developing practice through collaboration: Cross-phase InsetDeveloping practice through collaboration: Cross-phase InsetAims of this session:Slide Number 4Bradley Stoke Community SchoolMeadowbrook Primary SchoolCharborough Road Primary SchoolAbbeywood Community SchoolMethods of collaborationTable Discussion:Impact so farCross-phase InsetIdentify the RationaleIdentify the RationaleIdentify the RationaleIdentify the RationaleLogistics: It made us go arrrgh initially!OrganisationTimetableTable discussionWhat did Meadowbrook learn?What did BSCS Learn?What do BSCS want to find out more about?What did ACS Learn?What did ACS Learn?What did ACS Learn?What did ACS Learn?What did ACS Learn?What did ACS Learn?What now?QuestionsHave we addressed your post its?!?