CROSS CURRENTS DISTRICT 5580 GOVERNOR, TIM KAMINSKI 2014-2015 AUGUST 2014T 2014 ________________________________________________________________________________________ Greetings Fellow Rotarians, As the new Rotary year got started July 1st, I started out on my club visits to bring the message of “Light up Rotary”. During my visits I will be asking you to “Light up Rotary” in your community by hosting a Rotary Day. There are so many ways to Light up Rotary”. I hope many of you will choose to host a Rotary Day, to show your community what Rotary is and what we do. I hope you will involve your Rotaract and Interact clubs in your service, to bring the new generation of the Rotary family closer to Rotary membership. This year while visiting Camp RYLA I asked the kids when they got home to help their sponsoring Clubs “Light up Rotary” in their communities by not just attending one meeting, but to become involved with your Rotary Club and volunteer to help out in your service projects. Please welcome these eager to serve Rylarians to your club and provide them the opportunity to serve they seek. I hope you will keep Rotary strong by inviting new members into Rotary – including your own spouse and family. During this year each Rotary Club is going to be expected to do more of the work of reporting membership, increasing membership and hopefully in turn increasing giving to the Rotary Foundation. We have a great team in the District to help you prepare for and help you benefit from the changes taking place both within our District and at Rotary International. RI has provides us with a great tool to make our clubs more effective, ROTARY CLUB CENTRAL, an online tool that helps club leaders set and track their annual goals for membership, service, and Foundation giving. Please take the time to learn to use this valuable tool. If you need help please contact our Administrative Secretary, Diane Collins. As membership is the number one priority of Rotary (next to End Polio Now) we have established a great district-wide membership team under the guidance of PDG Don Cavalier to help you. Rotary International has provided further incentive of a special Sponsorship Rotary Pin”, they will award to you for each member you bring into Rotary. Please remember the best way to find a member is to tell the Rotary Story. I look forward to meeting each of you when I visit with your club. As I continue on my journey to bring the message of Light up Rotary”, I am documenting my journey on Face Book. I would like invite all Rotarian Face Book users to join me to Light up Rotary. Yours in Rotary Service, District Governor Tim Kaminski Rotary International District 5580


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AUGUST 2014T2014


Greetings Fellow Rotarians,

As the new Rotary year got started July 1st, I started out on my club visits to bringthe message of “Light up Rotary”. During my visits I will be asking you to “Light up Rotary” inyour community by hosting a Rotary Day. There are so many ways to “Light up Rotary”. I hope

many of you will choose to host a Rotary Day, to show your community what Rotary is and what we do. I hopeyou will involve your Rotaract and Interact clubs in your service, to bring the new generation of the Rotaryfamily closer to Rotary membership. This year while visiting Camp RYLA I asked the kids when they got home tohelp their sponsoring Clubs “Light up Rotary” in their communities by not just attending one meeting, but tobecome involved with your Rotary Club and volunteer to help out in your service projects. Please welcomethese eager to serve Rylarians to your club and provide them the opportunity to serve they seek. I hope youwill keep Rotary strong by inviting new members into Rotary – including your own spouse and family.

During this year each Rotary Club is going to be expected to do more of the work of reporting membership,increasing membership and hopefully in turn increasing giving to the Rotary Foundation. We have a great teamin the District to help you prepare for and help you benefit from the changes taking place both within ourDistrict and at Rotary International. RI has provides us with a great tool to make our clubs more effective,ROTARY CLUB CENTRAL, an online tool that helps club leaders set and track their annual goals for membership,service, and Foundation giving. Please take the time to learn to use this valuable tool. If you need help pleasecontact our Administrative Secretary, Diane Collins.

As membership is the number one priority of Rotary (next to End Polio Now) we have established a greatdistrict-wide membership team under the guidance of PDG Don Cavalier to help you. Rotary International hasprovided further incentive of a special “Sponsorship Rotary Pin”, they will award to you for each member youbring into Rotary. Please remember the best way to find a member is to tell the Rotary Story.

I look forward to meeting each of you when I visit with your club. As I continue on my journey to bring themessage of “Light up Rotary”, I am documenting my journey on Face Book. I would like invite all Rotarian FaceBook users to join me to “Light up Rotary”.

Yours in Rotary Service,

District Governor Tim KaminskiRotary International District 5580

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AUGUST is MEMBERSHIP & EXTENSION MONTH, and time for Clubs to LIGHT UP ROTARYby inviting prospective members to their meetings or to participate in a fellowshipactivity. The District Membership Committee, chaired by PDG Don Cavalier, will be

working to help you by providing information and ideas for your Clubs to help increase membership andto reach your membership goals.

Welcome to our new District News Bulletin Editor, Warren Bender. Warren is a member of the SuperiorRotary Club and he is looking forward to receiving articles and photos from your club, as well as fromour District Leaders. FINAL DEADLINE for articles is the 1st day of each month. Please send your articlesin WORD format, and photos in .jpeg format. Warren’s email is: [email protected]. Our sincerethanks to Bob Tomlinson of Thunder Bay (Port Arthur) who served as Cross Currents Editor for manyyears. We truly appreciate his Service Above Self.

CLUB SECRETARIES: We have some new Club Secretaries this year, so welcome! Please remember thatClub Attendance is due by the 15th of the month (for the previous month). If you have not done so,PLEASE UPDATE YOUR DISTRICT OFFICERS TO INCLUDE YOUR CLUB’S FOUNDATION AND MEMBERSHIPCHAIRS! If you use ClubRunner as your Club Website, enter them there. If you do not use ClubRunneras your Club Website, enter them on the District Website at Click on theDEFINE CLUB EXECUTIVES section located at the bottom right of the ADMIN page. If you need assistancewith the process, just contact me and I will gladly help you.

Rotary International Semi-Annual Dues (SAR) and District 5580 Annual Dues invoices have been sent toall Club Secretaries and are due upon receipt. Please make sure your dues are paid promptly. If you didnot receive either notice for some reason, please let me know and I will obtain a duplicate invoice foryou.

CLUB PRESIDENTS: Don’t forget to enter your Club Goals using Rotary Club Central on the RI Website. Ifyou are having problems accessing Club Central, please let me know.

District Governor, Tim Kaminski, is making his Club Visits. Please make sure you have the date markedon your calendar. The Club Visit Schedule has been emailed to you, but you can also access it on the leftside of the HOME page of the District Website in the DOWNLOAD section. Remember to include yourAssistant District Governor in your plans. A list of the 2014-2015 Assistant District Governors is locatedin this issue of Cross Currents.

INSURANCE: Remember that US Clubs are included in the liability insurance coverage held by RotaryInternational. It is paid for as part of each Club’s Semi-Annual Dues. I will be providing moreinformation about the Insurance Program in next month’s issue, but if your club is having an event thatrequires a Certificate of Insurance before then, please contact me and I will instruct you on the processto obtain one.

Enjoy the summer with your family and friends, and invite someone to Rotary! I look forward toworking with you this year, and please do not hesitate to contact me whenever I can be of assistance.

Sharing Rotary,

Diane Collins, Executive Secretary Lake Superior Dragon Boat FestivalRotary District 5580 August 22-23, 2014Email: [email protected] / 218.568.6027 Visit

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◄ July ~ August 2014 ~ September ►

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In the fall of 2011, Don and Mary Jane Westra, former SunriseRotary members, were home on furlough from the Mt. Selinda, Zimbabwe mission. They were askedwhat we could do to help them out with their mission. From that meeting, the Fergus Falls Rotary clubsstarted the Zimbabwe Farm Security Project. This project has been previously reported in Cross Currents.

With major help from Titan Machine Co. and contributions from Rotariansand non-Rotarians we were able to ship two containers filled withmachinery and supplies in late fall, 2012. They contained two tractors,corn planters, discs, chisel plows, cultivators, brush cutters, fertilizerspreaders, sprayers and additional tires and tools.

The containers finally arrived at Mt. Selinda in February 2013.Unfortunately, the Westras and all other ex-pats had to leave the country torenew their work-visas and the government chose not to renew any of their visas. Consequently theequipment had to be reassembled without the Westras. It was able to be done in time for their springplanting season starting in Sept and Oct.

We continue to be optimistic that this project will be sustainable and we can continue to partner with thelocal Rotary club and Mt. Selinda mission.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------HAITI WATER PROJECT UPDATEfrom DGE Craig Loughery, Ely Rotary Club

Earlier this Rotary year, a number of clubs in District 5580 joined together in a project to bringclean, potable water to over a thousand needy families in Rural Haiti. A presentation at theDistrict Conference last spring in Bemidji was the kickoff, of a campaign to raise as much as$20,000 from clubs that wanted to participate in this important International project. Bysummer's end, the goal had been readily exceeded and a total of $24,500 had been donated bytwelve clubs.

The project, an enlargement of a previous project conducted by Duluth-Harbortown, wasplanned to apply for matching District funds, and then go on and apply for matching RotaryFoundation money. Originally considered as a club-to-club arrangement, the scope of theproject changed, as the District Leaders in #7020, which covers Haiti, worked with SteveSherner and Craig and Diane Loughery of our District, to blend this project into an overall planfor the entire country of Haiti. Our 1,200 filter plan is now "Phase One" of a comprehensivestrategy for the entire nation.

Our District approved $24,500 in matching funds, and the project application is being finished upwith the help of Foundation staff in Evanston, and will soon be ready for all the final requiredapprovals. The requested funding with a match from TRF will total almost $85,000. It has takenmore time than originally anticipated to get to this point, but now we are the Lead Element in anoverall strategy that will eventually provide clean water to over 5,000 families.

Soon there will come a time when volunteer positions for the actual on-site activity will be calledfor...This could be the Rotary Experience of a Lifetime.

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District 5580 in Bolivia

In 2013, seven District 5580 Rotary Clubs along with a District 5580 World community Service (WCS) grant funded twoclinic projects in Bolivia: an expansion of the San Jacinto clinic that was previously built in 2005 with Rotary, and a newclinic in Guitarrani. The project was managed by our NGO partner, Mano a Mano.

San Jacinto Clinic ExpansionWe previously financed a health clinic in October 2005, which was a smaller project that had one nurse on staff. After anumber of years in operation, the community approached our counterpart organization Mano a Mano Bolivia asking foran expansion of the project to be able to add space for a doctor and dentist. Between 2006 and 2012, the San Jacintoclinic had more than 21,000 patient visits, and demand has been steadily increasing for clinic services; for the 3-yearperiod of 2007-2009 there was an average of 2,164 patient visits per year, while there was an average of 3,670 patientvisits for the 3-year period of 2010-2012.

Construction of the expansion began on March 26, 2013, and was completed on July 29, 2013; the dedication took placeon November 21, 2013.

Community and Project DetailsProject Location San Jacinto, Municipality of Icla,

Province of Zudañez, Departmentof Chuquisaca, Bolivia

Distance from Cochabamba 490 kilometers (9 hour drive)Population 1,100

Guitarrani ClinicIn Guitarrani, a small community of 780 people, Mano a Mano built a health outpost that is the smallest of the healthclinic designs that we build and has space for one nurse. Construction began on May 22, 2013, and was completed onOctober 14, 2013; the dedication took place on November 20, 2013.

Community and Project DetailsProject Location Guitarrani, Municipality of Icla,

Province of Zudañez, Departmentof Chuquisaca, Bolivia

Distance from Cochabamba 540 kilometers (11 hour drive)Population 780

BudgetBoth clinics were built closely in line with the original budget. The total amount contributed by District 5580 for theseprojects was $35,000. The cost of these clinics is amazingly small in relation to the health benefit provided toindigenous and impoverished Bolivians living in a remote region of the Andes Mountains. Rotary’s contribution coveredthe costs of materials, transportation of materials, cost of skilled labor and a portion of the costs for the initialdistribution of supplies to equip each clinic.

ImpactIt takes years to compile the health statistics that measurably show the improvements in the health and lives of thepeople that we are helping. However, we know from past experiences with the medical clinics that we have financed inthis region of Bolivia that there will be an immediate improvement in the health services received by people in thesecommunities. In the village of Guitarrani, where there was no medical facility, we anticipate a dramatic improvement ininfant and maternal mortality as well as the practice of preventive medicine to keep people healthy. Villagers haveimmediate access to clinic services which include; child and adult vaccinations, pre and post-natal care, well child check-ups, attended birth, acute health care, and care for chronic illnesses. The outpost clinic in Guitarrani is the officiallyrecognized medical provider in its area, will receive free vaccinations from the government, and can also bill the

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government for care of children under five and for pre and post-natal care in women. Volunteers, men and women,recruited as health promoters will receive training and a briefcase of materials to use when evaluating individual healthneeds and teaching villagers. They will teach about: Services available through the outpost clinic; sanitation andnutrition; basic childhood milestones; importance of vaccinations for children; necessity of pre-natal care and;advantages of giving birth at the outpost clinic. Mano a Mano will send us annual reports on the visits to these medicalfacilities.

Rotary Clubs involvedBoth of these clinics were funded by Rotary clubs in the Duluth, Superior, and Fargo-Moorhead areas with a matchingWCS Grant from District 5580:

Harbortown Rotary Superior Rotary Skyline Rotary FM AM Rotary Fargo Rotary Moorhead Rotary Fargo West Rotary

Along with Rotary’s support, the Bolivian communities, municipal government, Bolivian Health Ministry, and Mano aMano Bolivia and Mano a Mano International Partners have contributed heavily to this project.

This project continues the effort to provide health care in the remote Icla region of Bolivia. Guitarrani and the SanJacinto clinic expansion join 5 other clinic projects already built by Mano a Mano through Rotary District 5580 financialsupport (there is also another clinic that was built with Rotary support in Chiro K’asa, in the department of Potosi):

Sumala Candelaria Cantar Gallo Rodeo San Jacinto (which has now been expanded in the current project)

4 Other Clinics Built in the Icla Region.

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Guitarrani ‐ Pictures of Construction Process  

Project Beginnings: 

Guitarrani is a small community whose livelihood  is based on small‐scale agriculture and raising livestock. Project construction of the Health Post began in May. 



Walls and cement work began in July. 


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The inauguration took place with the entire community present, and included musical presentations typical of the regrion. Dra. Maria Elena Ponce, Chief Doctor 

for the municiapality, and Mano a Mano Bolivia volunteer Lic. Jorge Roman uncovered the plaque. The inauguration celebration was under the supervision of Sr. 

Inocencio Sanchez, Icla Mayor and Kate Raymond, a volunteer from the US. 

Clinic Design 












3,4 3,52 3,4


















Consult. Médico

Sala deInternación

Sala de




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Planning and Building the San Jacinto Expansion

Planning and Building the San Jacinto Expansion


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The  inauguration was  a  celebration with  the  entire 

community, with musical celebrations by student and 

community  groups.  Dr.  Jose  Velasquez  of  Mano  a 

Mano Bolivia and Sr. Inocencio Sánchez, mayor of the 

municaplity  of  Icla,  were  present  for  the 




















Area delPersonal





Consult. Dental


Consult. Médico





Sala de






3,2 Sala de



0,5 1,5 1,05 0,8 1,02 1,5 2,3 1 0,95 1,5 0,95










Sala de Internación

Clinic Design

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Rotaract Club at the U of M Crookston Raises Hope Along with Food and Moneyfor Needy Families in Community

Students from the University of Minnesota Crookston’s chapter of Rotaract have taken the commitmentto community service seriously. The group recently completed a project to raise money and food for the North CountryFood Shelf in Crookston. Students Levi Atinda, Gyungyoun Baek, Christiana Boadu, and Riho Nagatsuka collected 287pounds of food from within the UMC campus community during a food drive. Much of the food was collected door todoor from fellow students in campus residence halls. In addition to the collected food, Atinda worked to obtain a $500grant from the Sodexo Foundation youth grant program administered by Youth Service America in order to furthersupport the food drive. The students presented the $500 they received from the grant and the food to Tracy Volker,food shelf coordinator, on April 1. As a bonus, the students had their $500 matched for even greater impact on helpingneedy families in the Crookston area.

From left to right: Gyungyoun Baek, U of M Crookston Rotaract; Don Cavalier, Crookston Rotary; Christiana Boadu, U ofM Crookston Rotaract; Tracy Volker, North Country Food Shelf; Levi Atinda, U of M Crookston Rotaract; and KristaProulx, Crookston Rotary.

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District 5580 4-Way Test Essay Contest Chair, Becky Roeder (International Falls Rotary Club),is pleased to announce the winning entries for the 2013-2014 Contest. Committee membersincluded Dick Roue (Fosston Rotary Club), Jaro Kotalik (Thunder Bay-Port Arthur Rotary Club),and Al Nap (Ely Rotary Club).

Region 1 VACCINES written by Paul, sponsored by Minot Noon Rotary Club.

Region 2 MASHED POTATOES, GRAVY, AND SOCIAL PRESSURES written by Samantha,sponsored by Wahpeton Rotary Club.

Region 3 FOUR-WAY ESSAY TEST written by Gabrielle, sponsored by Walker Rotary Club.

Region 4 CHALLENGE written by Dominic, sponsored by BaudetteRotary Club.

Region 5 OVERALL WINNER - IN GOD WE TRUST written byGabbi, sponsored by Valley City Rotary Club.

Region 6 WALK ON: TAKING STEPS THROUGH HIPPOTHERAPYwritten by Megan, sponsored by Duluth 25 Rotary Club.

Each Regional Winner received a cash award of $150, and the OverallWinner received a cash award of $1,250 (includes Regional Award of $150 plus an additional$1100).

Congratulations to all of this year’s students. Enjoy the winningessay by Gabbi:

In God We Trust

“I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States ofAmerica, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation underGod, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.” This certainly used to be the truth, but thequestion is: is it still the truth? Our nation has always been viewed as united and strong, builtupon Christian values and beliefs. Placing our trust in God over man is what made America acountry where citizens may worship freely, embrace friendships peacefully, and exhibit goodwillopenly. Everybody benefits from these freedoms.

Is it the truth? The truth is that the USA is indeed one nation under God; however,there seems to have been a gradual shift from relying on God’s power to clinging to man’spower. Ultimately, this has led to the separation of church and state, where it is often frownedupon to profess one’s religious beliefs in school. Because of this lack of devotion to God, manystudents no longer view their choice of behavior as morally right or wrong, but rather do as theyplease. Relationships and morality have been deteriorating as a result. The truth is that it doesnot have to be this way or continue on in this way or even get worse. Allowing God back intoour schools and all aspects of society could restore the respect and values needed for truefairness to all.

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Is it fair to all concerned? There are many places in our country, besides theeducational system, where fairness would be more prevalent with a Christian foundation. Infact, there are those in this nation who seem to be working overtime to create fairness toeverybody but the Christian. Removing the Ten Commandments from public property hasbecome and continues to be a legal issue in several states, including North Dakota where agroup of “freethinkers” have been fighting for over a decade to have the monument removedfrom the Civic Center plaza in Fargo. Another sad example of this trend is when largedepartment stores make it the normal practice to greet their customers with “Happy Holidays”instead of “Merry Christmas” so as not to offend the non-Christian. As we stand right now,every other religion and belief are allowed in this great nation, for the sake of fairness, exceptthe very one upon which our country was founded. Only Christian principles can provide truefairness to those who continue to value the wisdom and insight of our founding fathers. Acts ofgoodwill and stronger friendships will be the natural consequence of maintaining a country thatis close to God.

Will it build goodwill and better friendships? When living life for God, joy and peaceare ever present. Friendships and relationships grow stronger and are better able to endurelife’s struggles. Keeping God at the center of one’s own life is important in order to keep Himthe center of one’s relationships, until ultimately He is at the very center of our country, guidingour leaders to make decisions for the goodwill of the people. Our great nation can thentruthfully and proudly boast, “In God We Trust.”

Is it beneficial to all concerned? The benefits of a godly nation are obvious and, infact, present in our country. The Christian values are the basis upon which our Constitution waswritten. From the right to a fair trial to the freedom of speech to the right to keep and bear arms,our privileges are sacred and protected. As Americans continue to enjoy these everydayfreedoms, we need to remember not to abuse them and that God has made all things possible.We need to bring this nation back to God. Removing Him from our schools and society hasallowed man to assume more power, and this hunger for power is what’s destroying friendshipsand goodwill. God can and will restore our nation if we put our trust in Him.



The Bagley High School Interact was chartered inMarch of 2014. They are already involved inprojects which include partnering with the Clearwater County ToyProject during the Holiday Season. The club organized a “GivingTree” resulting in many gifts and money raised for teens in the

community. They are also working on a Polio Awareness Project.

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Help Wanted!!!

District 5580 ScholarshipSubcommittee Requires Chair and


The District Foundation Committee is in the process rebuilding its Scholarship Subcommittee.We are currently seeking Rotarians district-wide who are interested in forming a new team tocreate a Scholarship Program to better serve District 5580 Clubs within the parameters of TheRotary Foundation’s new model Global Grant Program. This will involve the promotion andselection process as we know it as well as new requirements including identifying andpartnering with a host district, applying for and managing grants, and working closely with

scholars throughout their terms of study. The ScholarshipSubcommittee is also responsible for promoting the RotaryPeace Fellowship program, preliminary selection and assistingin the application process.

If you have a background in post graduateeducation, international studies orscholarship we need your help! For moreplease contact D-5580 Rotary FoundationCommittee Chair Roland (Roly) [email protected] (807) 683 3609.

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Group Study Exchange, one of the most exceptionalprograms of the Rotary Foundation, has offered dynamicand rewarding international opportunities for youngprofessionals in our district for over 40 years. It hastransformed all who were fortunate enough to participatein this amazing experience in profound and meaningfulways…in ways they could have never anticipated at thebeginning of their GSE journey. It has enhanced andbroadened their perspective of the world and of their placein it. It has given them a unique understanding of what aremarkable organization Rotary is and how through local,

national and internationals initiatives, we can all facilitate positive change in our communities andbeyond. Most importantly, it has been the catalyst that has transformed GSE alumni into dedicatedand committed Rotarians who are passionate about making a difference, and who now contribute tothe Rotary Foundation.

GSE Alumni are all around us. Many have gone on to be leaders in our district. They have becomeour Club Presidents, our District Committee Members, our Rotarians of the year, our DistrictGovernors and our international Peace Fellows. They have developed programs that have changedthe face of District 5580. RYLA, The Dragon Boat Festivals and many outstanding community fund-raisers have been initiated or shaped by our very own GSE Alumni.

Since 1969, the Rotarians in our district have had the pleasure of sending and receiving teams frominteresting countries all over the world. So many of you have been involved in planning andpreparing schedules, hosting GSE members, driving teams to their destinations and creatingmemories and fostering friendships that will last a lifetime. The GSE Committee is grateful for ALLthat YOU have done to make this program a tremendous success and an exceptional experience.

A word of gratitude and thanks to all of the club and district GSE Chairs and CommitteeMembers…your hard work and dedication have changed lives and the ripple effect of that will be feltin our district for many years to come!

The GSE Program for District 5580 ended on a high note with the Grand Finale Group StudyExchange presentation delivered by outbound Team Finland at the District Conference in Fargo,North Dakota. Team Leader Steve Hansen (Central Lakes Rotary) and team members MelissaLindow (Park Rapids), Charles Hildebrandt (Bemidji Sunrise), Kathryn Lyzun (Thunder Bay FortWilliam) &Tara Hokuf (Bemidji Noon) traveled for five weeks last April & May to district 1400 inthe North of Finland. The team had an exceptional experience and provided a wonderful overview oftheir adventures with their Finnish Rotarians hosts, as well as insight into the meaningful personaland professional impact that GSE has had on their lives. Thank You Team Finland for representingour district so very well!

As Group Study Exchange draws to a close, there is no doubt that this program has achieved theprimary goal intended by The Rotary Foundation …to facilitate positive global connections thatcreate understanding, peace and acceptance throughout the world.

Thank You Rotarians of District 5580 for fully embracing the Group Study Exchange Program!May the magic of GSE continue to resonate and inspire us all!

Jill Zachary (Thunder Bay Fort William Rotary)Chris Carlson (Fargo-Moorhead PM Rotary)District 5580 GSE Committee Co-Chairs 2010 - 2014

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District 5580 Annual Fund: 2013-14

Rotarian and Club Support Factsheet

The Annual Fund at The Rotary Foundation is the primary source of contributions that supportprograms of the Foundation. In Rotary year 2013-14 89% (59 of 66) of district clubs and theirRotarians contributed US$225,622.12 or $74.10 per capita. Club participation and total givingis down from past years, but together we can achieve the $100 per capita benchmark this year.Please remember that our financial contributions to the Annual Fund come back to us in theform of Global and District Grants. Increasing Club activity in both programs requires ahigher level of financial support.

Annual Program Fund top five Clubs; Per Capita: Central Lakes-Pequot Lakes….…..….……….…...$363.09 Breckenridge….…………...….....………….............230.56 Grand Rapids…………………………………...…...179.11 Thunder Bay (Port Arthur)……...………….……….162.65 Fargo Moorhead AM……………………...…......….153.79

Annual Program Fund top five Clubs; Total Giving: Duluth 25 .……………………….……….......…$24,498.24 Thunder Bay (Port Arthur)….…………….……...12,361.13 Duluth Harbortown…………………………….....10,265.00 Dickinson…………………………………………10,033.51 Fargo Moorhead AM………………………………9,535.00

Total donations to all TRF programs including Polio Plus, Endowment Fund and otherdirected contributions totaled $369,202.57. I encourage all clubs and Rotarians to striveto meet our pinnacle year 2007-08 with total donations at $414,193.00 and Annual Fundper capita at $100.98. I know we can! I know we can!

District 5580 Rotarians and clubs can be very proud of not only your generous financialsupport to The Rotary Foundation but also your involvement in those programs that weand people worldwide benefit from. 2013-14 was a very rewarding year.

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Please continue your generosity into DG Tim Kaminski’s year

Roly Turner (PDG) David SmetteDist. 5580 Rotary Foundation Chair 2013-14 Dist. Governor

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District 5580 Polio Eradication 2013-14

Rotarian and Club Support Factsheet

In Rotary year 2012-13 82% (54 of 66) of district clubs and their members,contributed a record total of US$130,298.81. A contribution from District DesignatedFunds at The Rotary Foundation bolstered that D-5580 total to $156,266.81. This willtrigger up to $338,498.62 in additional available matching funds from; TRF World FundDDF x .5 and; the Gates Foundation current 2 x 1 Challenge.

Twenty-Five of our clubs met or exceeded the Governor’s $1,500.00 goal.

Top Six Clubs: Duluth 25…………………………………….……….$20,975.00 Dickinson...……………………………………...…..…10,381.00 Grand Forks………………………………..……....….…6,900.00 Cloquet……………..………..……………………..….....5,745.00 Fosston……………….………………..………………....5,000.00 Moorhead………………………………………………...5,000.00

Since 2007-08 D-5580 Rotarian, Club and District Designated Fund Polio Pluscontributions have totaled $728,713.60, all of which has seen Bill and Melinda GatesFoundation matching funds fight the war against Polio. What a tremendous partnership!

2013-14 was a very rewarding year.

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

However: The sad reality is, with recent isolated outbreaks Rotary funds are expended asfast as they are received so the need continues. The Gates Foundation continues tomatch two-to-one, with up to US$35 million per year for every Rotary dollar through to2018. If fully realized the value of this partnership is more than $500M. Let’s all seizethis valuable opportunity to finally conquer Polio worldwide. We are this close, but wemust persist!

Please continue your generosity into 2014-15 DG Tim Kaminski’s year

Roly Turner (PDG) David SmetteDist. 5580 Rotary Foundation Chair 2013-14 Dist. Governor

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Celebrate Membership MonthAugust is Membership Month, which means it’s time to celebrate your Rotary club, yourmembers, and the good you do in your community and around the world.

There are many ways to join in the celebration, but here are a few activities to get you started:

Say it loud, say it proud! Let everyone in your social network know that you are a proudmember by changing your Twitter and Facebook profile to the I’m a Proud Member, I’m aProud Rotaractor, or I’m a Proud Interactor graphic. Copy and save the graphic as yourprofile picture for August.

Watch and share. Download RI President Gary C.K. Huang’s video on membership fromRotary’s Video page. Watch it at your next meeting or club event to highlight the vital rolemembership plays in maintaining a strong and active club.

Exchange ideas. Do you have successful membership strategies that have worked well in yourcommunity? Share them on the Membership Best Practices Discussion Group.

We Are Rotary. Using the hashtag #WeAreRotary, post photos to Facebook, Twitter,Instagram, or Vine of your club members at work in your community or abroad to show howRotary makes a positive impact in the world.

It’s Now or Never. Join us on August 13 at 10:00 Chicago time (UTC-5) for our Membership:It’s Now or Never webinar. It will feature international membership expert Nikki Walkerdiscussing innovative ways of thinking about membership.

Making a difference. Rotary clubs are known for the high-impact service projects theyundertake locally and globally. Share stories about your service projects and how they improvelives on Rotary Showcase. Be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to seewhat Rotary members around the world are doing to celebrate Membership Month.

What does Rotary mean to you? Rotary members have pushed polio to the brink oferadication, delivered clean water to those in need, improved their local communities, providedscholarships to the next generation of peacemakers, and continued to do good in the world.

PDG Donald R. Cavalier - District 5580 Membership Chair 2014 (Courtesy of R.I.)

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Rotary District 5580Assistant District Governors 2014-2015

Area 1Bowman, Dickinson, Watford City,Williston

LYNN BRACKEL – Bowman8562 144th Avenue SWBowman, ND 58623701.523.6440 (C)701.523.3747 (H)[email protected]

Area 2Bismarck, Bismarck Far West, Jamestown,Minot, Minot Sunrise

TEAL MYRE – Minot NoonPO Box 2027Minot, ND 58703701.858.5183 (O)701.624.2025 (H)[email protected]

Area 3Detroit Lakes, Detroit Lakes Breakfast,Perham, Pelican Rapids

RON ZEMAN - Detroit Lakes Breakfast304 Sunset AvenueDetroit Lakes, MN 56501218.234.8206 (C)218.847.4557 (H)[email protected]

Area 4Breckenridge, Fergus Falls, Fergus FallsSunrise, Wahpeton

DAVE PETERS – Fergus Falls805 Sunset DriveFergus Falls, MN 56537218.739.3058 (H)218.731.2000 (C)218.739.4417 (O)[email protected]

Area 5Bagley, Baudette, Bemidji, BemidjiSunrise, Fosston

GARY JOHNSON – Bemidji13260 Wildwood Rd. NEBemidji, MN 56601218.209.1071 (C)218.444.1128 (O)[email protected]

Area 6East Range, Ely, Hibbing, Hibbing-Chisholm,International Falls, Quad Cities, Virginia,

SCOTT DOUGLASS - Virginia6539 White Pine LaneGilbert, MN 55741218.865.6240 (H)[email protected]

Area 7Devils Lake, Grand Forks, Grand Forks AM,East Grand Forks, Crookston, Thief RiverFalls

MARY ADAMS – Grand Forks Noon1942 Prairie Rose Ct.Grand Forks, ND 58201701.772.4936 (H)701.739.5520 (C)[email protected]

Area 8Fargo, Fargo West, Fargo-Moorhead AM,Fargo-Moorhead PM, Moorhead, Valley City

KAY PARRIES - Moorhead3912 5th St. SMoorhead, MN 56560218.233.3220 (O)701.866.0694 (C)[email protected]

Area 9Aitkin Lakes, Brainerd Noon, Brainerd LakesSunrise, Central Lakes, Wadena

MICHAEL “HOOT” GIBSON - Wadena23294 Dutchman’s PointNisswa, MN 56468218.963.4312 (H)218.613.1493 (C)[email protected]

Area 10Duluth Harbortown, Duluth Skyline, Superior,Superior Sunrise Centennial, Ashland

SCOTT SODERBERG – Duluth Harbortown5220 Colorado St.Duluth, MN 55804(218) 343.2282 (Cell)1.800.879.1265, Ext. 4291 (O)[email protected].

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Area 11Nipigon, Thunder Bay (Fort William), ThunderBay (Lakehead), Thunder Bay (Port Arthur)

IRENE SOTTILE – Thunder Bay (Fort William)770 River StreetThunder Bay, ON P7A 3S8CANADA807.251.7499 (C)807.767.3359 (H)[email protected]

Area 12Little Falls, Long Prairie, Staples, Wadena


Area 13Grand Rapids Evening, Grand RapidsCentennial, Park Rapids, Walker

ROZANNE CASEY – Grand Rapids Evening1502 1st Avenue SWGrand Rapids, MN [email protected]

Area 14Cloquet, North Shore (two Harbors)Duluth #25, Duluth Eco

PHIL STROM – Duluth 251793 Old North Shore RoadDuluth, MN 55804218.269.6263 (C)(218) 525.6200 (O)(218) 525.6200 (H)[email protected]

Rev. 06/19/14

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FM Rotary Foundation District 5580 PO Box 684

Fargo, North Dakota 58107 USA [email protected]


The Miracle Field in Moorhead, MN

ORGANIZED BY Fargo Rotary Club

Fargo-Moorhead AM Rotary Club Fargo-Moorhead PM Rotary Club

Fargo West Rotary Club Moorhead Rotary Club

FM Rotaract Club


The Great Northern Bicycle Company, Fargo, ND

FM Rotary Ride

First Name _____________________ Age __________

Last Name _____________________ Male Female

E-mail _________________________________________

Address ________________________________________

City ______________________ State ______ Zip _______

Phone _______________________ Rotarian? Yes

Club _______________________________________________

Agree to waiver? Yes ___________________________(sign)

Miracle Loop

The family-friendly ride to the Miracle Field.


Rustad Loop

A 30 mile ride. Early Bird Registration

includes a t-shirt Size: s m l xl


Comstock Loop

A 45 mile ride. Early Bird Registration

includes a t-shirt. Size: s m l xl


Picnic Only

For non-riders who want to enjoy the day.



Includes picnic and a FREE t-shirt

*No Early Bird discount. Size: s m l xl


EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT on ride or picnic

Register By August 1

- $5.00

Total ________ Check# _____ Cash Square


Page 22: CROSS CURRENTS DISTRICT 5580 GOVERNOR, TIM KAMINSKI 2014-2015 AUGUST 2014T 2014 _____ Greetings Fellow your

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Lindenwood Park Rotary Shelter

Fargo, North Dakota

Tell all your family and friends to join in the fun at our annual charity bicycle ride benefiting the Rotary Miracle Field and promoting a healthy outdoor life-style for citizens and visitors to our community! With three different routes starting and ending at the Lindenwood Park Rotary Shelter, there is a ride suita-ble for everyone from families to cycling fanatics. The Miracle Loop is great for families and folks with city bikes and beginner handcyclers. The Rustad Loop is perfect for road bikers out to enjoy the day with friends or family. The Comstock Loop is for cycling enthusiasts who regularly ride or are training for a longer fall ride.

About the F-M Rotary Foundation

Since 2006, The Rotary Foundation of Fargo-Moorhead, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, has been engaged in numerous local and international good works on behalf of the five local Rotary Clubs of the sister cities of Fargo, North Dakota and Moor-head, Minnesota located in District 5580 (USA/Canada). Sponsorships Contact Keith Brokke [email protected]

Gold Spokes Sponsor $1000+ Silver Spokes Sponsor $500-$999 Bronze Spokes Sponsor $250-$499

About the Rotary Ride Registration

Miracle Loop

The family-friendly ride to the Miracle Field.


Rustad Loop

A 30 mile ride. Early Bird Registration

includes a t-shirt.


Comstock Loop

A 45 mile ride. Early Bird Registration

includes a t-shirt.


Picnic Only

For non-riders who want to enjoy the day.



Includes picnic and a FREE t-shirt

*No Early Bird discount.


EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT on ride or picnic

Register By August 1 and Receive $5 off

- $5.00

So glad you’ll be joining us! EARLY BIRD REGISTRATION: Register by August 1 and receive a $5 early bird dis-count plus a free gift! PROCEEDS BENEFIT THE FM ROTARY MIRACLE FIELD The proceeds from registration fees and sponsorships all go to the Fargo-Moorhead Rotary Foundation to benefit the FM Rotary Miracle Field. REGISTER ONLINE


In consideration of the acceptance of this entry, I, on be-half of myself, my executors, heirs, agents, administrators, successors and assigns, hereby waive, release, and forever discharge all organizers, race directors, sponsors, contribu-tors, officials, vendors, employees, volunteers, and all oth-er persons or entities involved with the FM Rotary Ride (Rotary Ride of Fargo-Moorhead), Miracle Loop, Rustad Loop or Comstock Loop (collectively, the “Event”), including Rotary International, any individual Rotary club or chapter, the City of Fargo, North Dakota, the City of Moor-head, Minnesota, and any and all other governmental bod-ies of the locations in which the Event or portions of the Event takes place, from any and all claims, causes of action, damages, losses and liabilities of any kind which may arise out of, result from, or otherwise relate to my participation in the Event, including but not limited to any claims for death, personal injury, property damage or theft, including claims based on negligence.

I acknowledge that there are inherent dangers involved in participating in the Event, including but not limited to dan-gers due to biking, or caused by other participants, specta-tors and volunteers, road surfaces, traffic, weather and animals, and I understand that I will be participating at my own risk.

I have read and understand the terms above. My participa-tion in the Event and my execution of this Waiver, Release and Consent are both purely voluntary and I elect to do so in spite of the risks. I hereby grant the Event, and all per-sons and entities involved, the right, permission and au-thority to use my name, picture or video recording of me, in any publication or promotional materials, without com-pensation.

Parent or Legal Guardian must agree to waiver for partici-

pants under 18.

REGISTRATION INCLUDES: Each rider registration includes breakfast snacks and complimentary bike checkups after check-in, rest stop refreshments and activities along the route, ride leaders and sag wagon support, and a picnic lunch in the park after the ride. All regis-trants are also entered into a drawing to win mer-chandise from Great Northern Bicycle Company, including a brand new bike!

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Gold Spokes Sponsors $1,000

• Largest logo on event day signs • Logo online • Logo on all press material • Logo on four rest stop signs along the route • 10 free ride registrations • Announced before and after ride

Silver Spokes Sponsors $500

• Logo on event day signs • Logo online • Press release mention • Logo on four rest stop signs along the route • 5 free ride registrations • Announced before and after ride

Bronze Spokes Sponsor $250

• Logo on event day signs • Logo online • Press release mention • Logo on four rest stop signs along the route • 2 free ride registrations • Announced before and after ride

Chrome Spokes Sponsor (Any generous amounts under $250)

• Logo on event day signs • Logo online

FM Rotary Foundation PO Box 684

Fargo ND 58107

Since 2006, the Rotary Foundation of Fargo-Moorhead, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, has been engaged in numerous local and international good works on behalf of the five local Rotary Clubs of the sister cities of Fargo, North Dakota and Moorhead, Minnesota located in Rotary District 5580 (USA/Canada).

The proceeds from the 2014 Rotary Ride benefit the FM Rotary Miracle Field in Moorhead, MN. The Miracle Field is a rubber surface baseball field that makes baseball fun and safe for kids and adults that use wheelchairs or walking aids or have developmental disabilities.

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In-kind supplies needed:

Roadside Signs (approx.. 30 signs, 2’x3’ on stakes)

Large Banners- Lindenwood Park/Miracle Field (4 banners, 3’x 8’)

Table Banners – Lindenwood/Miracle Field/Rest Stops (8 banners, 2’x6’)

Large Painted Wooden Sign- Lindenwood Park

Picnic Food



Vegetarian Burgers/Buns


Salad/Raw Veggies


Coffee (2 Cans)

Hot chocolate (Large Can)

Lemonade (Large Can)

Gatorade (Large Can/Bag)

Breakfast/Break Food

Fruit (Bananas/oranges/apples)

Popcorn (microwave or pre-popped)


Peanut Butter/Jelly/Bread

Granola Bars

Picnic/Rest Stop Supplies

Plates (large)

Cups (hot/cold)

Page 25: CROSS CURRENTS DISTRICT 5580 GOVERNOR, TIM KAMINSKI 2014-2015 AUGUST 2014T 2014 _____ Greetings Fellow your


Paper towels

Plastic Knives

Porta-john (one for Heritage Hills)

Canopies (rentals/borrow) for rest stops/Miracle Field

Performance t-shirts (approx. 50)

Volunteer t-shirts (approx. 30)

DJ (for Miracle Field/Lindenwood)


“Swag Bag” Items (150 riders)

Mini sunscreen

Lip balm






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Please display our name in promotional materials as: Address: ______________________________________________________________________ Contact person: ________________________________________________________________ Phone: _______________________________ E-mail:___________________________________ YES, We would like to support your event and the FM Miracle Field by participating as a... Gold Spokes Sponsor of $1,000 +

Cash $________ In-kind (eg: food)___________________ Total:$ _________ Silver Spokes Sponsor of $500-999

Cash $ ________ In-kind ___________________________ Total:$ _________

Bronze Spokes Sponsor of $250-499

Cash $ ________ In-kind ___________________________ Total:$ _________

Chrome Spokes Sponsor: YES, We would like to support your event with a donation that better suits our budget in the amount of:

Cash $ ________ In-kind ___________________________ Total: $_________

Return payment, payable to “FM Rotary Foundation” to: FM Rotary Foundation

PO Box 684 Fargo ND 58107

Page 27: CROSS CURRENTS DISTRICT 5580 GOVERNOR, TIM KAMINSKI 2014-2015 AUGUST 2014T 2014 _____ Greetings Fellow your

CLUB ATTENDANCE REPORTS BEGINNING WITH JULY 2014 will be published in the Septemberissue of “Cross Currents.”

DISTRICT 5580 welcomes our new Editor of “Cross Currents,”Warren Bender, of the Superior, WI Rotary Club.

Here are some things to remember when submitting anarticle:

1. DEADLINE for articles is the 1st day of the month.

2. Articles should be submitted in WORD format or .PDF format.

3. Photos can be included within the body of your article, or you may submit them separatelyin a .jpeg format. BE SURE TO IDENTIFY THE PEOPLE IN YOUR PHOTO.

4. Photos of youth can be published but we will not publish contact information for minors.

5. SHARE YOUR PROJECTS, SHARE YOUR SPEAKERS, SHARE YOUR SUCCESS STORIES, SHAREYOUR FOUNDATION ACHIEVEMENTS, SHARE YOUR NEW MEMBER INDUCTIONS. ClubsALWAYS need new ideas for programs, events, etc. Help each other out by letting others knowwhat you are doing.

6. Send your articles to Warren at: [email protected].



Many Clubs have summer projects and events involving the public. The U.S.Rotary Club and District Liability Insurance Program (“Program”)automatically provides U.S. Rotary clubs and districts with general liability(“GL”) and directors’ & officers’/employment practices liability (“D&O/EPL”)

insurance. It is paid for by U.S. Rotarians on the July Semiannual Report.

Where to Go? Insurance Information PortalFor the certificate of insurance, insurance policies, summaries, forms, and loss control guidelines.It is highly encouraged to visit the Insurance Information RotarianPassword: Resources#1Note: Username and password are case-sensitive. This portal is for U.S. Rotary club/district use only.

Proof of Insurance? Certificate of InsuranceThe certificate of insurance is on the Insurance Information Portal. For additional assistance, contact

Diane at the District Office at [email protected] or 218.568.6027.