Croix Blanche Lakes Magazine 2015



Here is my combined brochure and magazine for Croix Blanche Lakes fishery in northern France. It has info on the venue, plus a few articles you may find useful by myself and guest writers.

Transcript of Croix Blanche Lakes Magazine 2015

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A week to remember!

by Steve Howard

All seasoned anglers will appreciate that it’s

those especially memorable moments in

angling that we strive for. Unfortunately,

those euphoric snap-shots of success are

often far and few between – although, of

course, there is much besides ‘catching’ that

we anglers find enjoyable.

For me, fishing is very much about my deep

appreciation of being out there, not always

catching, but enjoying the occasion

nonetheless. I derive great pleasure in purely

being there, sucking it all in, regardless of

the fishing aspect.

However, the brief moments of euphoria,

those are the occasions that drive me on and

they are without question the precise reason

why I have held such a passion for angling

since I was a knee-high lad.

Many things that, at the time, I felt were

majorly important in my life have come and

gone, but the one single constant has been

my passion for angling. That has and always will be a massive part of me… it truly defines who I am.

One of the many terms used within angling vernacular sums it up for me and, although it might be slightly worn and clichéd,

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for me, just being

there really is enough

on the majority of


This was the

underlying reason

that I travelled half

way across France in

late June…

Although, it must be

said, I was desperate

to get back on the

bank and, dare I say

it, bank a few nice

carp, the trip was

mostly agreed to, to

spend a bit of time on

the bank with my

lovely partner,

Lynne, whilst in the

company of one or

two angling friends.

The long established

Croix Blanche Lakes

in Northern France

was the complex that

my friends had

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chosen, and on the assigned date we arrived at the lake just an hour later than I had anticipated… the Paris ‘Peripherique’

can at times cause much more serious

delays to any journey!

I decided not to fish on that first night as,

after an early, 5.30AM rise and a 7 hour

journey, I opted for a social and good

night of sound, undisturbed sleep instead.

The following morning passed quickly

and it was mid to late afternoon before I

had set up camp and put both lines in the

water… I rarely fish with more than two


I set up with two 10’6” rods to fish. One

bait placed by hand in a small hole in the

thick weed 50 yards away, the other

boated out to the far margin on this narrow

section at 75-80 yards (purely for

accuracy). I then baited both spots with

SBS C1 plus a small amount of SBS pellet

and groundbait. Personally, I tend to fish

for runs… that is to say, I don’t put too

much bait in at any one time, as I much

prefer to provide only enough to create a

feeding situation for just one fish at a


That night I caught a 26lb+ mirror from the margin rod and after re-baiting, a 42lb catfish. The following day, having

previously had some interest in the floating baits (Friskies dog biscuits) from one or two carp, I decided to set up my 13’

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floater fishing rod and have a try ‘off the top’. After some effort keeping the loose feed going in, I managed to bank a very

nice 32lb mirror and as that

fish happened to be my first

ever 30lb+ carp off the top, I

was feeling very content within


That night, the margin rod

again produced a carp, a nice

44lb mirror… and another two

catfish, the novelty of which by

this time was wearing a little

thin. I appreciate the fight and

I’m also aware that many

anglers welcome the capture of

a catfish or two, but another

catfish that morning brought

my tally up to 5 in just over 24

hours and it was evident that

the cats were more on the feed

than the carp were.

The hard work that I had been

putting in to get the carp

feeding on top was paying off,

they were now feeding well

and I made the decision to

concentrate my efforts on these

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fish. I continued to trickle the dog biscuits in by catapult, a

pouch at a time, when the breeze was in the right direction to

allow them to drift into the margin at the end of the lake to my

right. My plan was working well, and that evening there were

several carp feeding on top along the right hand margin.

Feeding correctly and allowing the carp to gain in confidence

is the key to floater fishing success, and a quick sortie with

my floater rod proved that within 20 minutes of angling. I was

elated when I landed my new PB off the top in the form of a

38lb+ mirror, which snaffled my SBS M1 pop-up that I had

trimmed down to imitate a dog biscuit.

I reluctantly put my rods out again that night and another

catfish, a lost carp and a 9lb bream were the only action they

saw so, the following morning, I decided to reel them in and

leave them out for the rest of my stay. Now, I set up my 6’

stalking rod – to work in conjunction with my floater rod with a controller float, positioned on my rod pod and buzzer – to

allow me to stalk fish in the margin that were mopping up the drifting biscuits.

A baiting strategy was employed to cover both rods and, when the breeze allowed, it worked extremely well, producing fish

to both rods. The effort and concentration needed to keep the fish feeding on top was tiring but justifiable and very

worthwhile, as other, very capable anglers struggled to find any action on bottom baits.

On the penultimate day, a huge mirror that I had tried to stalk the previous evening without success suddenly appeared out in

open water for the first time, greedily mopping up biscuits from the centre of the lake. It would fall for my floating boilie,

for sure, wouldn’t it? I watched anxiously, heart in mouth as it approached my hookbait and duly missed it! It swept around

and attempted to take it into its mouth again and swirled violently… had it taken my bait?? I waited for my line to move and

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tighten on the surface but as I watched, a second fish swept in and took my bait just a split second after the big fish missed

its target yet again!

Not the fish I had wanted to take my bait, but a lovely 39lb+ mirror was reasonable compensation for my disappointment.

After seeing the big fish feeding in that manner, I hoped that it might show again in open water at some point, but it never

did. However, I now had the advantage of knowing where to target this fish in the margin after spotting it mopping up

biscuits from the marginal weed in the same area as before.

It wasn’t going to be an easy task, though, as this fish had developed the habit of coming up underneath the weed to feed on

the sodden biscuits that had drifted beneath and on top of the weed, taking in huge gulps of weed and biscuits as it did so.

Twice, this fish tried to take my bait through the weed, but the hook clogged in the weed preventing it from being pulled

through – I had a problem! A few more fish then disrupted my quest for the big fish, taking my hookbait before I worked it

into position. I wasn’t complaining, though, as 2 mirror carp of 35lb+, another of 39lb and a 30lb+ carp slid over the net to

grace my unhooking mat.

The last full day was an incredible experience that I shall never forget. It started at dawn, around 5.30, and I caught my first

fish of the day just 30 minutes later, a fine looking 37lb+ mirror on the controller. I recast the rod and set off in search of the

big fish – a fish that I now affectionately referred to as ‘Boss Hog’ due to the loud pig-like snorting he made as he sucked in

copious amounts of weed with each gulp.

There he was, just beyond where I could cast my bait to so, as I couldn’t get to him, I had to devise a way to make him to

come to me! – I baited heavily along the marginal weed 5 yards to my right (where he was), along in front of me, and 5

yards to my left. I positioned my line over a small twig on the bank and allowed my hookbait to rest in a small hole in the

weed directly below it as I waited with bated breath to intercept my prize.

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Over the course of the session, I had two allies in the form of very active and responsive common carp that were always the

first on the scene to greedily accept my free biscuits, which encouraged other fish to join the party and feed. However, I

never even came close to catching either of these fish in open water, as they were ultra wary and aware that there was

something suspicious about my hookbait.

I digress… meanwhile, in the margin, close up and personal, Boss Hog appeared right beneath my feet, just a yard away. He

rose in the water to suck in a freebie biscuit, turned to take another before slowly slipping away under the weed. My heart

was in my mouth and I quietly reeled in my bait to drop it from the rod tip in front of me. The Boss was still there as I could

detect the rocking motion of the surface weed and the small vortexes

washing out from the bank… My pulse was now audible in my head and my

mouth was a dry as an Arab’s flip-flop. Then, without any warning, a 36lb+

mirror swept in and sucked in my bait from under (above, actually!) his nose

and I had missed yet another golden opportunity.

After the swim had settled down again, I got into position to take on the boss

if he should reappear. Within minutes, a very big common popped his head

right out of the water to confidently take a free biscuit within 6’ of me. I

would estimate this fish to be around 45 – 50lb, and I instantly considered

him to be a very worthy target. I quietly dropped my hookbait where he had

taken the freebie and within a minute he raised slowly in the water to suck in

my hookbait. I watched as he closed his mouth and I flicked the rod tip to set

the hook. I was in!

This behemoth violently disrupted the surface water before plunging deep into the abyss, stripping line from my reel as he

powered away under little pressure… then he was gone in an instant, leaving me with an open mouth and in stunned silence.

My line was retrieved to reveal the harsh reality of what had just gone wrong. The hook-knot had parted, and to my great

dismay that was an error on my part for not checking it out after the last fish!

Unperturbed, I tied on another SBS ‘size 4 ‘grip-tip’ hook, shaped another M1 pop-up to be mounted on a short hair and sat

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there, watching to see if the all too brief disturbance

had caused other fish to move away. Thankfully it

hadn’t and, remarkably, within minutes the Boss was

back under my feet!

I lowered the hookbait directly on top of the weed that

this carp was trying to suck in, but again my attempt

was thwarted. He simply couldn’t manage to gulp it

right into his mouth, despite several attempts! As he

moved off, one of the commons that had avoided

capture so succinctly moved in and took my bait.

After a prolonged, spirited battle, I slipped my net

under a cracking 39lb+ common – one of the two that

I was beginning to feel were uncatchable! By now, I

was beginning to feel that I had missed my chance

with the ‘Hog-Father’ but an hour or two later he was

back, feeding in the weed in the margin!

I moved in as close to him as I dared and I set my

trap… my last pva mesh bag filled with biscuits to which I added pellet to provide enough weight to punch a hole through

the floating surface weed. This was it; I would surely catch him now, wouldn’t I? I waited for him to reappear close to me so

that I could drop the bag through the weed next to him, and it worked a treat. He gulped at the mass of free biscuits, sucking

in around 6 or 7 at once, but my hookbait wasn’t among them, unfortunately! He returned to the spot briefly to mop up, but

when he finally had my hookbait in his mouth, as my line tightened he spat the hook out before I could react.

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After that latest disappointment, right on dusk, I called it a day and went back to my bivvy, knowing that I had just a couple

of hours fishing left in the early morning before packing away and heading for home.

It was 5.30 AM the following morning when I woke with an overwhelming sense of urgency, knowing that time was vitally

short. I grabbed my float rod and positioned it out in the wind line flow of drifting biscuits I had just ‘pulted out, before

heading along the bank with my silhouette screened against the cover of the bankside trees. I hoped to see the Boss again, of

course, but despite seeing him briefly, I never had a clear opportunity to present a bait for him in an area I felt that he would

accept it. I had to keep my options open at this late stage, and in preference to catching one of the other carp that appeared

keen for my hookbait, I twitched my line to deter them from taking it in the hope that I would have one last opportunity of

banking my target fish.

However, time passed quickly and with just a few minutes remaining, I made the decision to catch the next fish that

presented itself, to end my session on a high note. I was more than happy to see the next fish on the scene, a lovely common

that took one free biscuit before he took the one that would cost him. A really hard fight ensued and as I slid the net under

this fish I knew that it was time to go. At 39lb (+ a few ounces) it was a great way to end this session of a lifetime for me.

I ended this wonderful session on a massive high, with 12 carp to 44lb, 11 in total over 30lb and the smallest at 26lb+.

I have vowed to return one day, and hopefully reacquaint myself with Boss-Hog/ the Hog-father, call him what you will. I

won’t name him myself, as this was simply an affectionate name that I attributed to the fish temporarily to make referring to

him (to Lynne) a bit more simplified!

Many thanks indeed to Gareth Watkins of Croix Blanche lakes for a truly excellent week of superb sport. This idyllic

complex is a wonderful place to angle and you should be justifiably proud of the small corner of piscatorial paradise you

have created there.

Until my next adventure, tight lines to you all and may you live the dream too!

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Le Plastique est Fantastique

A few years back I was shown a selection of artificial baits,

boilies, corn etc of differing sizes by Shaun Harrison of Quest

Baits. No my initial reaction like many was of skepticism…. a fish

wouldn’t eat plastic, would it?

Then we went to France to film a carp fishing video and Shaun

used a plastic boilie on top of a regular fishmeal bait, snowman

style and caught lots of carp. He gave me a hand full of baits to try


Now most will agree it takes a fair bit of faith to chuck out a piece

of plastic on a rod, but in for a penny.. My first trial was on a lake

during another filming session and in one night I had three carp

from 23lb to 36lb. All fish fell to a plastic snowman cocktail.

Many anglers will nowadays, have tipped baits with plastic maize

as a sight bob, but how many simply fish the plastic maize alone?

Recently I have taken to using a balanced fake maize

combination… two sinking grains and a floating grain to give me

a wafting presentation. Over the top of a Method feeder it is

simply deadly. I have caught a large number of big fish this year

this way… tench to nearly 8lb, bream to 11lb, carp to 40lb plus


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Another successful bait has

been the small 12mm boilies,

fished in a similar way, again

with a feeder I’ve been


So why is plastic so


Firstly it resists the attentions

of small fish. It won’t get

nibbled away like a normal boilie might; this can be a particular problem when

‘poisson chats’ or ‘crayfish’ inhabit the venue.

Secondly it is always perfectly presented. When you test it in the edge, it will remain in perfect fish catching mode, once cast out until you decide

to reel it in.

Most of the baits are quite bright so if the water is clear there is a good chance the fish will take it out of simple curiosity. Fish will be sucking in

and blowing out all manner of items from the lake bed, or in suspension, if one of these happens to be your artificial bait on a rig, then you’ll

hook it most of the time.

They allow you to present soft or easily destroyed baits like sweet corn and maggots to attract the fish, but still have a resistant bait on the hook

at all times. To my mind this technique really comes into its own with feeders, be it block end maggot feeders or method feeders. A fish attracted

to the feeder will simply feed and end up sucking in your artificial bait along with the real ones.The plastic actually takes on a flavour too, and

despite what I’ve read, this flavour stays on the bait for a long period in the water. Enterprise Tackle actually sells pots of bait pre-glugged and

even after a day in the water the bait still smells. How well this works on the fish I don’t know, but it can’t do any harm to have an extra bit of

attraction around the feeder. As most of the fake baits float they are really great for popped up presentations, or wafter rigs, both of which I really

am a fan of, again in conjunction with a feeder.

Anyway if you’ve not tried plastic, give it a go!!

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Specimen Coarse fish

I get quite a lot of visiting anglers who don’t realise that the venue holds specimen fish of a number of

species, bream, tench, crucian carp, pike, perch, rudd, and even zander to a large size are present in both


More and more these days I’m turning to all round fishing as

well as carp, and my lakes give me ample opportunity to have

a crack at these fish.

During the winter, while I will go for carp, I like to have a crack

at piking. I allow live baiting but it’s not my preferred method.

Instead I like to use a deadbait, either a mackerel or herring is

a good choice. I have fished these on a simple free line, but

often attach a float, as it give an earlier warning of interest

from Esox. The biggest fish in the venue are over 30lb.

Early in the season as spring comes around and the water starts to warm up I like to turn my attentions to

tench. I’ve had a long time love affair with this species as it was tench that got me on the road to carp

angling back in the 70’s in the UK. They now remain a challenging fish here in France, and one I like to

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devote some time to each season. Personally my best from the

lakes is an ounce or so shy of 8lb, but several doubles have

been banked.

I admit I tend to ledger with two rods when I go for tench, but

from time to time it’s great to break out the float rod and

watch the orange tip of a waggler. The anticipation of a bite is

almost unbearable at times. On one memorable occasion I

managed several lovely tench off peg 15; as well as a couple of

large crucians.

My top bait without doubt is sweetcorn, and in conjunction with a Method feeder it is my favoured

technique. On the hair I will normally use some fake corn, as it withstands the attentions of small fish. The

fish seem to favour the margins on the weedier pegs. By margins I mean less than a rod length out. I don’t

know if it’s due to the catfish, but it is very common to catch inches from the edge.

I’ve made no secret of the fact that I’m no big fan of bream. However, with fish well into double figures and

some not far off 20lb I do on occasion have a day trying for a large slab. I think even the moist died in the

wool carper would admit that a 15lb+ bream is an impressive fish, even if they don’t fight hard.

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For the bream a meaty ground bait of regular crumb, and ground up Frolic dog biscuits seems to get them


For the bream I look for the deeper clearer areas. Pegs 6, 7 and 8 seem to be the ones that have given me

my biggest catches. My best fish from the lakes is 12lb but fish over 18lb have been landed by carp anglers.

While fishing for both the tench and the bream it is not

unusual to catch a few very large crucian carp. These are not

the exact same fish one gets in the UK; but a slightly different

species, also called Silver Crucian or Prussian carp. Their Latin

name is Carassius gibelio where as the UK variety is Carassius


Both fish look very similar but the fish here go to over 10lb.

So there you are. If you do fish for all species when you come

out here don’t forget a float or feeder rod.

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Gareth Watkins

Croix Blanche Lakes

22 rue Principale

02820 Berrieux


Tel: 0033 323 79 26 19

Mobile: 0033 670 90 04 33

Mail: [email protected]
