Croatia in Focus, br. 22/23, December 2006/January 2007

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Transcript of Croatia in Focus, br. 22/23, December 2006/January 2007

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Content Croatia In Focus No. 22/23 December 2006/ January 2007

































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Government of the Republic of Croatia, Ofce for Public Relations10000 Zagreb, Trg sv Marka 2; tel: +385 1 63 03 050, 45 69 248,fax: +385 1 63 03 446, 63 03 [email protected]; http://www.vlada.hrTomislav MazalSandra PuhovskiSanja Milinović, Suzana Kovačević, Jasna Sruk Vlah, Dubravka Belas,Ida Ćosić, Igor Žarković, Nataša Hison, Paula Popravak, Antun Čajkovac,Daniela Valić, Slađana ButkovićMassol design&marketing, www.massol.hrKerschOffset1500

Croatia In Focus, Croatian Government Bulletin

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More Croatian troops in AfghanistanThis month the Croatian Parliament approved sending

more troops to Afghanistan as part of the NATO-led peacekeeping force there.Under the decision, which was adopted with a two-thirds majority, the Croatian contingent serving withthe International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) will

 be increased from the present 148 troops to 200 in 2007and 300 in 2008.

Parliament also endorsed a report on the participation of Croatian personnel in the Afghanistan mission duringthe period from March 1 to October 31, which says that

the Croatian soldiers performed their assigned dutiesresponsibly and professionally.

The report says that thanks to the good grades received  by its staff officers and non-commissioned officersCroatia has retained its positions in the ISAF Commandand that the highly evaluated contribution of theCroatian contingent promotes the good reputation andinternational position of Croatia.

According to the report, the Croatian troops have nomandate or capacity to impose peace by force. Their 

task is to support peacekeeping efforts, provide trainingto the Afghan army and maintain contact with the local

 population. They may use force only in self-defence.

Parliament further adopted a decision on the holding of   joint military exercises of Croatian armed forces and

those from other countries in 2007. There are plansfor six military exercises to take place in Croatia nextyear and for Croatian troops to be sent to participate insix exercises abroad (Greece, Romania, Germany andArmenia, Italy, Moldova and Ukraine).

The decision on the participation of five Croatian liaisonofficers in the NATO operation “Active Endeavour” in

 Naples also received support.

Barroso warns EU not to close its door

to Croatia European Commission President Jose Manuel Barrosowarned the European Union in Berlin not to close itsdoor to Croatia and Western Balkan countries, whileGerman Chancellor Angela Merkel supported theadoption of a European constitution before the 2009elections for the European Parliament.

After Romania and Bulgaria are admitted, a period of consolidation will follow, but it must not be an excuse

for closing the door to countries like Croatia andWestern Balkan countries, Barroso said at the meeting“Europe at the Crossroads - Challenges of the GermanEU Presidency”.

Barroso went on to say that he expected Germany togive a strong impulse to the process of adoption of theEU constitution.

German Chancellor Merkel repeated once again her wish that the crisis with the ratification of the Europeanconstitution may be resolved before the elections in

spring 2009. She said that a constructive draft of theEU constitution should be submitted already during theGerman EU presidency, in the first half of next year.

The Berlin meeting was organised by the state TVstation ZDF.

Croatia more competitive than Poland

Denmark is the most competitive economy in theEuropean Union as measured by the Lisbon criteria,

while Croatia and Turkey have surpassed Bulgaria andRomania as well as new EU member Poland, according


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to the Forum’s Lisbon Review 2006 which the WorldEconomic Fund issued this month.

The review is the third in a biennial series that assessesthe progress made by EU member countries in theEU’s Lisbon Strategy goals of economic and structuralreforms. In addition to assessing the performanceof the 25 existing EU members, it also measures thecompetitive performance of the countries on the waitinglist to join in coming years.

Among candidate countries, Croatia and Turkey, twocountries with no foreseen entry date, do better in manyof the different dimensions, and in the overall ranking,than Bulgaria and Romania, two countries which will

  join the EU in January 2007. What is perhaps evenmore remarkable is that both Croatia and Turkey scorehigher overall than Poland.

In the ranking of potential member countries, Croatia rankedfirst with a score of 3.93 points, followed by Turkey with3.92, Romania with 3.59, Bulgaria with 3.31, Macedoniawith 3.28, and Serbia and Montenegro with 3.14 points.

The rankings were based on eight dimensions

measured by The Lisbon Review 2006: creating aninformation society for all, developing a European areafor innovation and R&D, liberalization (completingthe single market, state aid and competition policy),

  building network industries, creating efficient andintegrated financial services, improving the enterpriseenvironment, increasing social inclusion, and enhancingsustainable development.

INA shares trading

Trading in the shares of the Croatian oil company INAat the Zagreb Stock Exchange and General DrawingRights at the London Stock Exchange started at 11.15am on December 1st 2006, shortly after the signing of an agreement whereby INA shares were placed on thestock market. During the first hour of trading, the priceof the shares rose from 1,650 kuna to 2,300 kuna.

Placing INA shares on the stock market was one of thefour objectives of the government at the beginning of its term. In this historic process, all have participated increating a new stock market culture - for the first time

Croatian citizens and institutional investors took partin privatisation.

“This privatisation procedure is part of efforts tointegrate Croatia with the most modern European andworld trends. The government has carried out thisdemanding operation both on the domestic and foreigncapital markets, and by participating in it, Croatiancitizens have demonstrated that Croatia is mature

to fully join the most modern financial trends in thissegment as well,” the PM Sanader said after the signingceremony.

According to government estimates, as well asindependent experts, INA has a real prospect of further development and value growth.

The overall demand for INA shares amounted to 19.6 billion kuna, with domestic investors accounting for 5.3 billion.

The greatest interest in INA shares was demonstrated byinvestors from continental Europe (44.1%), followed byinvestors from Great Britain (29.4%), Croatia (17.3%),and the United States (9%).

Of the shares offered for sale, 71 percent was bought by domestic investors - citizens (56%) and institutionalinvestors (15%). AZ Pension Fund has become the

 biggest individual INA shareholder.

Also, six months after IPO, seven percent of INA

shares will be offer for sale to INA’s former and currentemployees.

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Olli Rehn in Zagreb

The European Commissioner Olli Rehn visitedCroatia where he met the Croatian Premier dr. sc.Ivo Sanader, and attended the Croatian GovernmentConference ˝Challenges facing Croatia in judicialreform and combating corruption˝.The EU should agree on a new institutional treaty in2007 or 2008, and according to the schedule, Croatiamight accede to the EU by the end of the decadeif it meets all the necessary requirements, Rehnsaid after the conference. ˝The year 2007 will beextremely important for Croatia because it will need

to maintain the momentum of reform and legislativeadjustment regardless of the fact that next year is anelection year in the country. If it succeeds, it will bea great leap for Croatia in its efforts to join the EU˝,Rehn emphasized.Rehn also said that in the Progress Report theEuropean Commission had recognized the progressCroatia had made in implementing the necessaryreforms and adjusting its legislation to that of the

EU, but that it also identified the challenges andissues that were yet to be addressed. He pointed

out that the key to progress in the membership talkswere in the Croatian Government’s hands and itsministries, Parliament and civil society.The PM Sanader that the European Commission’sProgress Report was objective and balanced and of great help by pointing on what is yet to be done for Croatia´s full membership to the EU.Similarly as Rehn said, the PM Sanader agreed thatthe reform of the justice system, the fight againstcorruption and the reform of public administrationwere long-term tasks that would be pursued even

after Croatia joined the EU.  Noting that the accession talks were progressingwell, Rehn said that they were being conducted onthe basis of Croatia´s achievements and its readinessto meet all the necessary requirements. Now is theright time to see Croatia´s position in the judicialreform and the fight against corruption, the keyissues for the successful access to the EU, Rehnsaid.


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˝These issues are a part of the political criteriaadopted in 1993 in Copenhagen, and its addressingis necessary for creating safe and law-respectingmilieu for the market economy and the applicationof the EU regulations̋ , stated Rehn.The PM Sanader said that the fight against corruptionis a consequence of a desire of citizens for living inan arranged, law-respecting state, and that effort wasthe continuation of all the efforts for the creation of 

the Republic of Croatia.

CEI Summit

 Dr. sc. Ivo Sanader attended the annual summitof the CEI about the European integration and theregional cooperation.The summit in Tirana was opened by the AlbanianPrime Minister Sali Berisha whose country istemporarily presiding the association. The summitwas attended by the prime ministers of Albania,

Austria, Croatia, Hungary and Macedonia.The PM Sanader said that the CEI, as the oldest

regional association in Central Europe, was veryimportant due to its European component and

 because many of its members had gradually becomethe members of the EU. He also stated that all thespeakers at the summit expressed their support for Croatia’s bid to join the EU, and presented a joint

 position that all the countries of the region deservedto be a part of the EU once they met membershipcriteria.

˝The EU cannot be complete without this partof Europe, and that is what is in our interest,and everything that was happening in the 1990switnesses that cooperation is much better than aconfrontation˝, said the PM Sanader. Furthermore,he highlighted Croatia’s support for the enlargementof the EU to all the countries in order Europe not to

 be again a place of divisions and wars, but the placethat would provide good for all citizens.The PM Sanader also welcomed the resolution of theEuropean Parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committeewhich states that Croatia deserves to be the EU

member state and that its admission will not be a burden for the integration capacity of the EU.

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The 10th dialogue between Orthodox

Church and EPP- ED Group

The Croatian PM dr. sc. Ivo Sanader attended the tenth

dialogue between the Orthodox Church and the EPP-ED Group.Speaking in front of the attendees, during the firstthematic whole ˝Thessaloniki Process – the report on

  progress from Croatia and Serbia˝, the PM Sanader informed on Croatia´s fast progress in fulfillment of Copenhagen criteria, and its aim to finish the negotiationswith the EU by the end of 2008. He pointed out thatCroatia was praised for its capability and credibility inthe screening process as well as for the realized advancein the reform process. The PM Sanader also informedthat after the European Commission report Croatia knewexactly what stood ahead and what was yet to be done.Therefore the Croatian aim is to end up the negotiations

 by the end of 2008.

Furthermore, he pointed out that would not be the case if there was not for the interethnic and interdenominationaldialogue in Croatia, the development of toleranceand minority rights respect, renewal and the return of refugees. ˝Croatia is well aware that with the catholic

majority the eastern orthodox minority represents itsrichness as well˝, said the PM Sanader.

Speaking of the stabilization of the South East area, the

PM Sanader said that even though it had significantlyadvanced and built up in the development of a dialogueand tolerance, it still was the biggest safety challengefor Europe at the beginning of the century. ̋ Therefore, itwas extremely important that the European perspectivewas clearly stated to all the countries of the regionwithin the structure of the Thessaloniki Process. Therewill be no the complete European integration withoutthis part of the continent˝, highlighted the PM Sanader adding that a dialogue, tolerance and the human dignityrespect toward the Christian standards were the basis of 

 building up the united Europe.

The Greek Prime Minister Kostas Karamanlis, thatalso attended the dialogue, said that Greece supportedthe admission of all the south east countries into theEU, highlighting Croatia´s great effort in accessing theEU being in that way very close to its final goal – theEuropean integration, and Greece would continue tosupport it on that way.

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The European Commission has reported a regular annualProgress Report for Croatia in which it invites Croatia tocontinue in realizing its progress as it has by now, and

to continue rapid implementation of a reform in the keyissues like judiciary and public administration, the fightagainst corruption and the economy.The Progress Report encloses the period from October 1, 2005 to September 30, 2006. On 65 pages, TheEC analyzes the situation in Croatia concerning thefulfillment of political and economic criteria, as well asits ability in taking over the obligations that are the resultthe EU membership, i.e. the coordination with the EUacquis communautaire.The European Commissioner Olli Rehn said that Croatia

was progressing very well, and it had a very goodnegotiating team, but there were still issues that wereyet to be addressed like: the reform of the judiciary and

  public administration and the fight against corruptionand the subjects of the reform of the economy.The Report states further progress of Croatia in 2006referring to the political and economic criteria, theadoption of acquis, and its progress in the implementationof the Stabilization and Association Agreement. Themost important issue to continue with will be a rapidimplementation of the reforms, especially in the judiciary

and public administration.Besides the Progress Report, the European Commissionhas reported the enlargement strategy along with thespecial report on the EU´s integration capacity.The Croatian PM dr. sc. Ivo Sanader was given the ECReport by the head of the Delegation of the EC in CroatiaVincent Degert. The PM said that Croatia was satisfiedwith the Report because it stated the Croatian progressand gave guidelines for the further progress, and it alsosupported the strategic document on EU enlargement inthe future.˝We are satisfied with the progress that has been

achieved by now and with the EU Report. It points tothe issues that are still to be addressed, to the challenges

ahead us, but it also states the progress Croatia has madein certain issues and chapters according to the accessiontalks ̋ , the PM said. He once again affirmed that Croatia

had been preparing for the full membership to the EUand everything that was yet to be done – the reform of the judiciary and public administration, the fight againstcorruption and organized criminality, doing that in desirefor living in an arranged country with the EU standards.The PM Sanader also spoke about the document on theEU enlargement policy, saying Croatia was supportingthat document as it shown, and found it the basis for the further enlargement. One can see that there are noobstructions for Croatia’s admission to the EU once itmeets all the requirements.

˝The expectations from Croatia have become greater since Croatia is not just the membership candidate but isalso the state that negotiates about membership˝, Degertsaid.When it comes to political criteria for the membership,Degert separated three key issues in which Croatia hasto speed up the reform – public administration, judiciary,fight against corruption and organized criminality. Healso welcomed a good cooperation of Croatia with theICTY, and its cooperation with the states in the region.The Chief Negotiator Vladimir Drobnjak said that the

Progress Report of 2006 was an expected one – Croatiarecords progress in all the issues, but additional effortsand the continuation of reforms are necessary for theoptimal fulfillment of the membership criteria. The keyword that characterizes the report is ˝progress˝ - greater or minor, dependent on which issues the report refersto. The level of the recorded progress depends on thelevel of coordination of a specific area with acquis andis measured in the relation to the situation one and moreyears ago.All the mentioned remarks should be taken into theconsideration as stimulation and a guideline for the

further reforms that are the preconditions for admissionto the EU.


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New investment incentives law

The production-processing, technological-developmental and strategic activities are the activitiesthat could bank on the investment incentives at the

 beginning of the next year. The Croatian Governmenthas proposed the New Investment Incentives Law,compatible with the EU legislature, which has beensent to the Parliament as a matter of urgency.During the presentation of the proposal, Minister Vukelić pointed out that Croatia had drawn more than12 billion euros from the foreign investments in the lasttwelve years. Croatia is among the leading countries

in the region with the 2 500 euros of investments per capita.With this proposal the interest for the Croatian economydevelopment has been clearly expressed through theincrease of production country capacities, through theincrease of the capital work equipment, the increase of quality, and with that the increase of production factors

 productivity through the modernization and businessimprovement, as well as the clear intention of theCroatian Government in coordinating the investmentincentives in Croatian economy with the EU acquiscommunautaire.

The new law is directed toward the production stimulation in Croatia. Alongwith the restriction of activities to whichthe incentives will be allocated, the

 proposal brings a range of other importantchanges in relation with the valid laws

 – it diminishes the investment limits for which incentives can be contributed,it increases the incentives for the newwork places opening, and a professionaltraining and improving of the employees.

The proposal anticipates differentincentives that will depend on thedevelopment of the area being investedinto, and for the investments into theless developed counties with a greater unemployment there will be possible toachieve greater incentives for the newlyopened work places that are the result of such new investments.Domestic and foreign investors can further count on tax and tariff rebates; they canalso rely on the incentives for the new

work places opening and the expenses for the employees´ improving.

With this new law the diminution of the minimalinvestment level is proposed, from the present four 

million to two million kunas, and instead of only newlyestablished firms, also already existing firms couldcount on incentives.There are no restrictions in the valid laws concerningthe activities being invested into, but, on the other hand, the new law would support only production-

  processing, technological-developmental, and thestrategic activities of the business support, like:Consumer Relations Centre, Software DevelopmentCentre or Information-Communication Centre.The level of incentives for opening new work placeswill be increased to 1 500 – 300 euros, and will dependon the jobless rate in a particular county.It is a range at which the production-processingactivity incentives would be relevant, and they would

 be additionally increased for the strategic activities for 25 %, as well as for the technological-developmentalthat would be increased for 50 per cent.Special incentives are planned for the big investment

  projects, like buying machines and new factoriesopening, which means the investments of at least 15million euros and 100 new work places. With suchnew factories the incentives to 5 % of real expenses

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CLUSTERS – great opportunity for

small and medium enterprises

We have started the new era in the development of entrepreneurship by the process of economic subjectsnetworking into clusters. The development of clustersis the crucial moment in stimulating greater progressof small and medium enterprises. For that reason, theCroatian Government welcomes all the initiatives in thelocal government units and entrepreneurial associationswhich, together with you entrepreneurs, are the main

 promoters of the cluster development.Each enterprise is well aware of what cooperation

means, from its own experience. Enterprises cannot be on their own; they are the integral part of relations, manufacturers, competitive clients and

  public institutions. The competitiveness can besignificantly contributed to by a successful creationof these links. Cooperation is a common activity of at least two enterprises with the goal of modificationand improvement of the situation they are in. Each of the participants provides contribution by the skills, andat the same time, gains profit through the cooperationwith other enterprises. That results in improvement

of mutual business effect which is greater than singleresults of each enterprise together. Exactly this presents

newly created value of cooperation, known as ˝synergyeffect˝.The cooperation mostly occurs among the enterprisesthat complete each other, they are partners in the chainof creation of new values, they use similar technologiesor they need similar ˝know-how˝ of their cooperators,which can be organized better and cheaper throughcommon trainings. When more and more enterprisesfrom certain economic branch or parts of a chain of creation of new values start joining, there emerges acluster.Clusters are networks of enterprises that complete eachother. They are mostly formed out of a mixture of threetypes of enterprises that mutually complete:- enterprises with a special market and technological

 power working on the international level;- contractors or manufacturers, mostly small andmedium enterprises;- innovative and dynamic professional associations

 based on the new cognitions (like: research institutes, professional training institutions, etc.)

Economic and regional policy supports formation

and development of clusters with thestimulation of necessary infrastructure.

Clusters are networks of cooperativerelations among various active participantsin a production system. They offer an opportunity for small and mediumenterprises to define themselves throughthe creation of a network and mutualcooperation.

Divided European regions, like thenorthern Italy and Spain, Wales andDenmark, have improved their positionson the international market by formingclusters.The advantages small and mediumenterprises gain through the formationof clusters are: increase in productionand employment, innovative growth,improvement of competence, advancementin quality and productivity, increaseof exports, and greater use of potential

through cooperation.

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This year the development of 18 clusters, with the inclusion of 401 business subjects, was supported with 5, 5 million kunas

 by the Ministry of Economy, Labor and Entrepreneurship.Last year ten clusters were supported with 1, 6 million

kunas.˝Cluster management - hand-book for

professional work  ̋

For years the Ministry of Economy, Labor andEntrepreneurship has been cooperating with theGerman Technical Cooperation Association (GTZ – Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammnarbeit)on different projects concerning small and mediumentrepreneurship. One of the most important projectsthey cooperate on is the education of cluster managers

that has started in 2005. Major task of cluster development is training of the key factors for efficaciouscluster management.

The Ministry of Economy, Labor and Entrepreneurship  presented the ˝Cluster management – hand-book for  professional work˝ on December 4, 2006. The hand- book was made in the cooperation of the Ministry withthe GTZ. ˝Cluster management˝ hand-book was writtenon the basis of collected experience of clusters in theEU, and is also the result of the necessity of cluster 

managers. It is intended for cluster managers, and toall the readers interested in cluster issue and cluster management. It is divided into two parts – survey thatshows the basic principles of cluster management andthe collection with all the material and instrumentsnecessary for cluster managers.

The hand-book will be available to all the entrepreneursand can be found on web pages of the Ministry, inCroatian, and soon in German and English.

Cluster manager education was done on the ˝training on

the job˝ principle at following clusters:

˝Croatian shoe˝ - shoemaking cluster Beam ICT Alliance˝ - IT cluster ˝Northern Adriatic metal workers cluster˝ - smallshipbuilding˝Gastro group˝ - catering-tourism˝Wood cluster˝ - furniture manufacture

Besides the education, cluster managers are able tovisit clusters of the same activities in Austria and

Germany (January 17 – 20, 2006). In October 2005,the international automobile industry conference was

held, at which the representatives of automobile cluster Styria from Austria and representatives of automobileindustry from Croatia participated. The conferencedealt with the possibility of including our entrepreneurs

into Austrian cluster.The international wood industry conference was held inMay, 2006 that was attended by the members of HolzCluster Styria.

By the cluster manager education program in cooperationwith the GTZ, the Ministry of Economy, Labor andEntrepreneurship enclose following activities:- organization of group activities for cluster managers- individual consultations with cluster managers- individual consultations for firms in clusters- cooperation with clusters from Austria and Germany

- organization of workshops for the ministries´ staff - organization of workshops for consultants, regionaldeveloping agencies, entrepreneurial associations(Croatian Chamber of Economy, Croatian Chamber of Trades and Crafts, Croatian Employers Association,..)- hand-books for cluster managersInternational conference about clusters is going to beheld in April, 2007.

About GTZ

German association for Technical Cooperation GTZ

(Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit)is implemental enterprise of the German Governmentfor international cooperation and sustainabledevelopment that operates all around the world. TheGTZ offers solutions for political, economic, ecologicand social development and supports complex reformsin the globalized world. The objective of its operationis permanent improvement of life conditions. Todaythe GTZ realizes about 2 700 developing projects and

 programs in over 130 countries.

Entrepreneurial Croatia

Entrepreneurial Croatia is a project financed by theUSAID and implemented by DAI/Nathan Group withthe objective of private sector development in the areaof the Croatian economy. It works through the network of both private and public organizations at the state,regional and local level. This project has been designedin order of monitoring and helping in the progress of your business through the provision of technical supportand many other services. The Micro group is one of thecompanies in Croatia through which this project will

take hold and realize its purpose, and in this respect it isavailable to you.

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The purpose of the Entrepreneurial Croatia projectis to stimulate the sustainable economic growth andthe establishment of new work places through thestimulation of strategic investments into Croatia, the

increase of sale and export. In order to realize these goals,the Entrepreneurial Croatia in the first place is going tooperate through the certain domestic organizations andthe ones who provide services.

The project helps increase revenues, exports andinvestment levels by:1) improving financial and non-financial servicesfrom public and private sector organizations to supportenterprise growth and development; 2) upgrading thesupply chains and productivity in growth industries, liketourism, manufacturing, specialty foods, information-communication technology, financial services; and 3)improving the business climate to reduce the cost of doing business.

The Entrepreneurial Croatia concentrates on businessstrategy formulation, brokering market information,

  procedures and technologies that enhance exportreadiness, the development of products, bank and non-

  bank financing, public-private partnerships, policyadvocacy and the adoption of appropriate business

 policies, models, practices and technologies.

The program does not provide direct financial supportto enterprises and organizations.

Three main areas of support provided by theEntrepreneurial Croatia are a regional development,marketing and business development and financialservices. The Entrepreneurial Croatia will providea technical support on the issues of creating andimplementing of business policy, it will help in all theissues concerning the improvement of business, makingheadway in foreign and domestic markets, increasing

of the production and export, drawing of foreigninvestments and ensuring the sources of financing.

On the basis of the signed Letter of Intention, the Ministryof economy, labor and entrepreneurship, USAID inCroatia and the Entrepreneurial Croatia project willcooperate in improving of business and opening of newwork places. The Entrepreneurial Croatia project firstof all is interested in small and middle enterprises, andits aim is opening of new work places and sustainableeconomic growth through the increased manufacturingand export, as well as the promotion of strategic

investments into Croatia. Moreover, the cooperationand technical support to the Ministry of economy,

labor and entrepreneurship, and to the entrepreneurshas been arranged, with the objective of the increasein investments, employment and profitability of theentrepreneurs through the accessibility and quality

of business services, through the business web portal˝Business Navigator˝, support of the investment and theimprovement of possibility of granting credit throughthe regional Guarantee Funds. The creation of milieufor competitive investments and business, and help in

  bigger drawing of investors is expected. Moreover, asupport for the creation of innovative services and newwork places in companies will be provided. The projectis intended for assisting 4 000 enterprises and openingof 20 000 new jobs.

The examples of the strong entrepreneurial activityshow that Croatia is able to use market opportunitiesand to convert them into a business success. TheCroatian Government is well aware of the importanceof investment into manufacturing, stimulation of theexport, investment into new technologies, educationand the entrepreneur’s education, since without acreation of a good investment and stimulating climatethere is no economy development. Likewise, theelimination of administrative barriers has been in

 process, for the purpose of making business easier to

the entrepreneurs.

One of the partners in the implementation of this projectis the Croatian Employers´ Association (CEA). Theagreement on partnership under the implementation of the project ˝Entrepreneurial Croatia˝, signed betweenthe Croatian Employers´ Association and the USAID,will enable technical and consulting help to the CEA´smembers for the stimulation of the development, exportand employment in the area of a small and mediumentrepreneurship, and 20 million US dollars will be setapart for that reason.

By now, the project has assisted over 1 300 enterprises,generating 4, 5 million US dollars in export sales andover 24 million US dollars in total sales. At the sametime, 54 million US dollars in Foreign Direct Investmenthas been facilitated. More than one thousand enterpriseshave become first-time bank borrowers, generatingadditional business revenue and expanding marketopportunities. More than 1 700 entrepreneurs have beentrained in business and management skills to improveenterprise productivity.

The Offices of the Entrepreneurial Croatia are locatedin Zagreb, Osijek, Split and Pula.


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Award conferring ceremony

The beginning of the Advent, the most joyful part of the year, has begun with the St. Nicholas Day who isthe patron of the sailors, the travellers, the poor andthe children. On December 6th, in Dubrovnik, at thecentral sailors day ceremony the Ministry of Sea,Tourism, Transport and Development conferred theawards in four categories to meritorious individuals,associations and companies.The Uljanik plovidba, Pula´s shipping company, whichin its twenty years of business has become one of theleading companies with six ships and more than 200

sailors sailing the sea, was conferred an award for itscontribution in the development of maritime economy.Besides, the expert in the maritime law prof dr sc.Hrvoje Kačić was given a plaque by the Minister of Sea,Tourism, Transport and Development Božidar Kalmetaand the State Secretary for Sea Branko Bačić.Marine Meteorological Service in Split, as a part of the State Hydro meteorological Institute was conferredan award for the improvement of the safety of navigationand marine environment protection. The same award wasconferred to the Eco Kvarner Association that has beenworking on the protection of the Adriatic for years.

The Captain Milivoj Farčić was conferred an awardfor search and rescue actions on sea and for theimprovement of the service. Along with the usualactivities in Trogir´s branch harbor office he also

 participates in many search and rescue actions and intransporting the sick by ˝Marijan˝ ship. On October 30th, in a stormy weather, together with his fellow-worker Dimitar Radun he rescued the four-member 

crew of the Italian sailboat ˝Blues˝ at Maslenica.In the same category the harbor master’s office in

Split was conferred an award for the professionalengagement of its staff who, in this year’s seventyinterventions, rescued human lives without tragicconsequences. Moreover, the crew of the ship ˝Vid˝ of the harbor master’s office in Rijeka with the captainMarko Satalić were especially successful in the actionof rescuing three fishermen of the ˝Salvatore˝ ship thatwas, due to the strong south wind and waves higher than 9,84 ft, sinking down near the island of Premudeon January 16th. After four hours of risky towing andsimultaneous pumping out of sea out of the engine-room they managed to rescue fishermen and sinkingtrawler bringing them safely to the Mali Lošinj port.For risking their own lives in this action, together withthe firemen from Mali Lošinj they were also conferredan award in this category.The journalist Božo Brzica was also conferred anaward for his longtime reporting on maritime issueson Croatian radio – radio station Dubrovnik and for the promotion of maritime culture. No matter hisretirement, he will continue his work as a subcontractor of the radio station. The same award was conferred toProf emeritus Rudolf Capar, the full-time professor 

in retirement at Rijeka´s Faculty of Maritime Studies.Except for the numerous works on maritime issues, withwhich he contributed to Croatian science, Prof EmeritusCapar inculcated love for sea to many generations.Likewise, due to their unselfish and longtime work, theawards were conferred to those members of the Ministryof Sea, Tourism, Transport and Development who wereretired this year or are going to be retired soon.

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State subsidies for the renewal of transport and excursion fleet

Krilo Jesenice is a small locality halfway betweenSplit and Omiš, with just a few thousand inhabitantsand even 110 big ships, out of which seven are being

 built with the cofinance of the Ministry of sea, tourism,transport and development.Its inhabitants use to say Krilo Jesenice to be a giantship hotel with 1200 beds, 700 of them being in therank of five stars. They say that the tradition of thetwo-mast coasters in Krilo Jesenice is 300 years old.In old times, Krilo inhabitants were shipping wine

with their coasters from Korčula, Vis, Rogoznica,Primošten all the way to Trieste. After the World War II they transported sand from the estuary of Cetina and

 Neretva. With the development of tourism, they haveoriented themselves to tourists.A small place Jesenice is not only special for its longtradition. Namely, it has more big ships than there arein the whole Adriatic coast. The Croatian Governmentenacted the Program of transport and excursion fleetrenewal for the Croatian private boatmen – small

 businessmen in order to stimulating tourist developmentthrough the organized one-day or several-days

cruises, and for the improvement of navigation safetycompatible with the EU terms of reference, and firstof all, in order to preserving authentic and traditionalwooden sailboats.Unlike in 2005, the Minister of sea, tourism, transport anddevelopment Božidar Kalmeta signed the contracts for allocating state subsidies for the building of seven newships and for the reconstruction of eight existing ships thatthe Ministry stimulates with around 3 million kunas.Since the last year the construction of such tourist shipshas been stimulated, and today they are mainly steel

ships. This year the program has been extended to thereconstructions of already existing sailboats for whichthe state sets aside 10 per cent of value. By this programthe traditional, particularly wooden shipbuilding bothon the coast and islands has also been stimulated.With the aim of preserving the tradition the CroatianGovernment appropriated funds for financing the

 preliminary design of the Croatian wooden, classic andschool boat type ˝Loger˝, 78,74 ft to 118,11 ft long onwhich the future Croatian seamen will be educated.The real beauty of Croatian traditional trade was

 built last year at the Omiš shipyard ˝Loger˝. No one

has made such ship for 500 years. It is a replica of Dubrovnik´s galley ˝Tirena˝, designed on the basis of 

the draft found in the archive of Dubrovnik´s MaritimeMuseum. For the second year in a row Tirena provides

  pleasure to the visitors of Dubrovnik, not only withexcursion programs, but with concerts that are heldat this magnificent part of historical and woodenshipbuilding 98,43 ft long, 24,61 ft broad with threemasts and five sails.Krilo inhabitants like to say that the ship has a soul,contrary to the metal one called ˝a can˝. Such claimsare explained with the fact that the tourists feel pleasant

there, and with a careful maintenance such ships sailfor more than a hundred years, while the steel shipscan be found at the breaker’s yard after 30 years. Of course there is always a possibility for a discussion.Which ship is more beautiful, more preserved, morecomfortable, which one is closer to tradition and whichto the contemporary time. No matter the arguments, thediscussion would never reach the end, since everyonewould find his or her favorite. And just when youthink that you have made your mind, there in the portanother surprise waits for you, a new wooden beautywith heavenly high masts. Well, that’s the case in Krilo

and other Jesenice areas, if you want to sail, you haveto build.


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Croatian model ̋ Community Policing”

 – the best and the most successful

model in the region

The Strategy of ˝Community Policing˝ 

The Croatian Ministry of the Interior Affairs has startedwith the implementation of the ˝Community Policing˝strategy by using experience and advice of the EU´s

 police departments, first of all Germany, England andSweden. On the model of these states, Croatia hascreated its own adjusted to the needs and conditions.The new strategy, i.e. philosophy of policing bringschanges in the priorities of the police tasks – prevention

instead of repression, and changes referring to the waysof doing police tasks – proactive instead of reactiveactivity. The ˝Community Policing˝ strategy presentsnew strategic orientation of the Ministry and includes the

 process of changes and reforms through six projects.

The Croatian model of 

the ˝Community Policing˝ implementation is evaluated as the

best and most successful model in

the region by the evaluation of both

the OESS mission in the Republic

of Croatia and OESS GeneralOffice in Vienna. In view of this

extremely positive international

evaluation the Croatian Ministry

of the Interior has been on

the presiding position of the

Community Policing Committee

of the SEPCA since the beginning

of 2005.

Very important positive evaluationand thoughts of the EU Commission

experts and the member states statedon many occasions during the visit,concerning the evaluation of thesituation and progress in Croatiaon meeting EU standards, are theconfirmation of the successfulimplementation of the Croatianmodel ˝Community Policing˝.It is important to emphasize theevaluation of both the OESS missionin the Republic of Croatia and OESSGeneral Office in Vienna that states

the Croatian model to be the best andmost successful one in the whole

region. In view of this extremely positive internationalevaluation the Croatian Ministry of the Interior has been

on the presiding position of the Community PolicingCommittee of the SEPCA since the beginning of 2005.The same evaluation was sent from the SEPCA´sCommunity Policing Committee Conference held inFebruary, 2005 and in October, 2006 in Zagreb. Thegreatest level of community policing progress has beenrealized in Croatia, the representatives of member statesconfirmed. It is suggested that the Croatian police couldconvey its experience and knowledge to other countriesin the region, concerning a range of favorable factorslike language similarity, common historical heritage tosome extent and other certain similarities.

˝Police and Citizens˝ Project

Since the beginning of September of the current year the implementation of the ˝Police and citizens˝ projecthas started in the areas of Osijek-Baranja County and

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Vukovar-Srijem County for the purpose of additional promotion of the ̋ Community Policing˝ strategy and the

cooperation between the police and citizens. The projecthas been implemented with the cooperation of theVukovar-Srijem County PD and Osijek-Baranja CountyPD with the Ministry of the Interior Affairs and the OESSmission that financed the complete project. The projectsincludes six activities; boxes with the ˝CommunityPolicing˝ logo intended for questions, suggestions andadvice provided by the citizens, that are posted at theauthority areas of the contact-policemen, made by thestudents of the engineering school in Osijek. The secondactivity anticipates the designing of the brochure aboutthe self-protection issues that directs citizens how to

react in certain situations. The brochure covers issueslike: domestic violence, road safety issues, danger of explosive devices and thefts, environmental protection,violence on stadiums. One of the project’s activities is the

 promotion of the ̋ Community Policing˝ program throughsport and sports events under the slogan ˝Healthier lifewith sport˝. These two police departments have selectedtwo primary schools that organized mutual sport eventsof the team handball teams that were provided by thefull sport equipmentwith the ˝CommunityPolicing˝ logo. The

formation of schoolteams was done onthe initiative and bythe active contributionof the local contact-

 policemen.Two team handballmatches have been

  played by now. Asa sign of support tothis action the team-handball players of 

the team handballclub ˝Zagreb ̋attendedthese matches. Thecreation of web pagesof these two policedepartments are alsoincluded in the project,with the emphasisto the ˝CommunityPolicing ̋issue with theaim of strengtheningcooperation with

the citizens and theestablishment of a

modern way of communication through the internet.The project anticipates education of Romany minority

in order to solving their social and existence problems – citizenship issues, acquiring identity cards… In thatway they are directed to the authority contact policemenwho will provide all the needed help and advice.

The right of asylum – unquestionable

respect of human rights

In June 1, 2006, the Ministry of the Interior Affairs hasestablished the Shelter for the asylum seekers in Kutina,which ensures the respect of human rights and provides

shelter to persons being persecuted due to their race,religion, nationality, political orientation or, on the other hand, due to the affiliation to a certain social group.The shelter receives and accommodates asylum seekersin Croatia, while their request is under the observation.The Shelter in Kutina meets all the needs concerningaccommodation and standards for Croatia as the futureEU´s member state. The Social Welfare Program is

 planned and implemented by the social workers of the


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Croatian Red Cross with the cooperation and consent of the Ministry of the Interior Affairs.

With the first-ever recognition of a refugee,

Croatia has made an important step towards a

fully functioning asylum system, in line with the

1951 Refugee Convention and European standards

and practices. (Jean Claude Concolato, the UNHCR representative in Croatia) The shelter meets all the needs concerningaccommodation and standards for Croatia’s admission tothe EU. The shelter provides four-bed rooms, each roomhaving sanitary places. Daily three meals are served,

respecting the religious customs. The shelter disposeswith sport hall, TV rooms on the each floor, the place for the activities of non-governmental organizations, placefor religious rituals, children play-rooms, tea-room,laundry and ironing room, basketball and indoor-soccer field. Equipping of the workshop for the asylum seekersis being prepared.By now, the shelter has accommodated 52 persons from15 countries, out of which 28 males, 11 females, 12children and one minor. Temporarily, there are 22 asylumseekers in the shelter. There is also one Slovene whoasked for the asylum because of the unbearable level of 

xenophobia in managing some political structures. He praised the modern Croatian procedure for the asylumseekers.The new proposal of the Asylum Law has been putinto operation that is going to be adjusted to the latestdirectives of theEuropean Council,according to which theasylum seekers willhave greater rights. Thenew proposal shouldstart next year in July 1.

Since July 1, 2004 till  November 14, 2006,382 persons haveasked for asylum, mostof them were fromSerbia-Montenegro,Albany, Macedonia,Bangladesh, Pakistanand India. The womanfrom Africa was grantedasylum in November 15, 2006. She said she

had suffered persecutionfor her beliefs and had

 been threatened with genital mutilation if she returned toher country of origin. During the procedure of checking

her identity and her statements it is confirmed that her homeland severely violates the right of the freedomof worship. During her schooling, being a Christian,she was harassed by her school mates and teachers for wearing a cross around her neck, and was punished for that reason. Genital mutilation of women presents deeplyrooted tradition in her homeland. Numerous meansof the international human rights recognize genitalmutilation as a severe violation of human rights. Thiskind of violation of the human rights is sanctioned bythe international legislature of many countries (Canada,Sweden, France, the Great Britain, and the USA). The

World Health Organization severely condemns genitalmutilation done by the medical staff.By obtaining asylum in Croatia, she will receive socialsecurity and health protection, and is entitled to work.In five years time she can get Croatian citizenship. Thestate has to ensure accommodation for six months fromthe formal decision on the asylum.The representative of the UNHCR in Croatia JeanClaude Concolato welcomed the first-ever recognitionof a refugee, highlighting that Croatia had made animportant step towards fully functional asylum system,in line with the 1952 Refugee Convention and European

standards and practices.We strongly believe that the first recognition of the rightof the asylum will open the way to the implementationof good practice of giving asylum to persons who needinternational protection.

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International day of combating

violence upon women

Violence against women, being the expression of ahistorically uneven power apportionment between menand women and historical gender inequality, is presentin all the developing stages of the society.Both women and small girls all around the world, nomatter the national, racial or religious affiliation, culture,age and status are liable to different aspects of physical,sexual, psychological and economic maltreatment.The roots of violence against women lie deeply in thestructure of a society, and represent the most frequentkind of human rights´ violation in Europe. The

violence against women refers to: physical, sexual and  psychological violence within a family (beating upseverely, sexual harassment within a family, maritalrape, genital mutilation and other traditional ritualsthat injure women, extramarital violence), violence inthe general society ( rape, sexual harassment and/or mobbing, trading women, coercive prostitution) andviolence committed or tolerated by the state.The Campaign to combat violence against women,including domestic violence is one of the most importantmoves we take in order to becoming a modern anddemocratic society that respects human values and

gender equality, the society that is against any aspect of violence, radicalism and extremism. Violence againstwomen is neither bravery nor cool, but is a cowardice,said the Croatian PM dr. sc. Ivo Sanader. He also

 pointed out him being proud of Croatia’s 16th place onthe international survey about the gender equality, andin that way being more progressive than other member states. Still, the Government is not very satisfied withthe past accomplishments, so it is going to endeavor for more women to be a part of politics and positioned atdifferent important positions in the society.On November 25, at the Banski dvori, the PM Sanader 

and the Vice PM Jadranka Kosor officially markedthe commencement of the National Council of EuropeCampaign to combat violence against women, includingdomestic violence. In Croatia, the Campaign has started

 by putting the badge ˝There’s no excuse for violence˝onto the PM Sander’s jacket.Officially, the Campaign has started in Madrid on

  November 27, and will be implemented during 2007and 2008, and Croatia joins numerous activities.Congruous with the plans and recommendations of the European Council, in January of the current year,the Government has established the ImplementationCommittee of the Campaign to combat violence againstwomen, including domestic violence. The aim of the

Campaign is to raise the legal and political measuresagainst violence, and to provide a support and protection

to victims, like free treatment and court representing.During the conference in Madrid, the Vice PM Kosor delivered a speech about ˝Changing attitudes in fightingagainst violence against women˝, giving the messagethat Croatia welcomed and joined to the EuropeanCouncil’s Campaign. She also noted that in the pastfew years Croatia had developed whole legal network concerning the protection of women right to living freeof violence. Proceeding from the fact that domesticviolence is an aspect of discrimination and keeping inmind that the majority of victims are women, the vice-

  premier Kosor said that the National strategy for the

domestic abuse protection for the period from 2005 to2007 contained 27 short and long term measures andit introduced the obligation of the proper authorities toinvestigate, prevent and punish any aspect of domesticviolence. It is important to highlight the basic objectivesof that National strategy:- suppress domestic abuse in all its manifestations- attenuate the consequences of already committeddomestic violence- work on the development of the multidisciplinaryapproach to the domestic violence victims- enhance a cooperation and harmonized acting of the

authorities- educate experts and the general public to be aware of the domestic violence issues- arrange the system, organize a sufficient number of experts among the proper authorities that will deal withthe domestic violence issue- contribute in realizing the policy of gender equality

Besides all of this, the recently acquired National policyfor gender equality promotion in 2006-2010, is a basicstrategic document of the Croatian Government and theParliament that also contains a range of measures in

fighting against violence upon women.The Vice PM highlighted the important role of thenon-governmental organizations in the process of helping women – the victims of violence, adding thatthe Government carried on with the strengthening of 

 partnership and cooperation with the nongovernmentalorganizations.Mrs Kosor has invited all the men to join theimplementation of the Campaign for the purpose of making true changes in fighting against violence againstwomen.The World Day against violence against women ismarked, almost in the whole world, on November 25,on the UN´s impetus.


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The 29th International Book 

and Teaching Aids Fair

 Holiday of Book in Croatia

The Interliber was held in Zagreb on November 7-11,2006. The Interliber is a respected and well-attendedInternational Book Fair that in a week gathers hundredsof domestic and foreign exhibitors promoting the biggestand the finest book and teaching aids offer at one place.Regarding the expressed interest by the publishers andattendants, along with its cultural and educative potential,the Interliber displays its economic potential as well.The Fair is the result of the cooperation between the

Association of Publishers and Booksellers and theZagreb Fair, held under the auspices of the CroatianMinistry of Culture.This year´s the 29th Book and Teaching Aids Fair joinedthree manifestations: Interliber, Info Days and EducaPlus, i.e. a book, informatics and education. Interliber hosted 400 domestic and foreign exhibitors, whose workswere attended by many visitors, around 80 -100 of them.This year, the Interliber´s partner country was Slovenia,and the Slovene president Janez Drnovšek promoted his

 book ˝Ideas about life and raising consciousness˝.At the Educa Plus, the exhibition of lifelong learning

and the human resources management, an internationalconference on controlling knowledge was held.At the same time, educational programs were presentedthere by the Agency of Vocational Education and twentyvocational schools, followed with the lecturing held byscientists Ivan Đikić and Miroslav Radman.Conferences on controlling identities and personal data

  protection were held at the Info Days, as well as theconferences on the Call centers. The action ̋ For Croatia freeof mines, use SPES ̋was presented under the organizationof Centre for Learning and Translations (SPES).The Interliber is a place of alloting numerous awards.

The Zagreb Fair and the Croatian Academy of Sciencesand Arts (HAZU) allotted the traditional ˝Josip JurajStrossmayer˝ award for the most successful scientificworks published in 2005.The awarded are: social sciences – academician

  Nenad Cambi for his book ˝The Sculpture of RomanDalmatia˝; the humanities – dr. Silvana Vranić for her 

  book ˝Chakavian – ekavian Dialect: the system andsubsystems˝; natural sciences – dr. Josip Balabanićfor his book ˝Ljudevit Farkaš Vukotinović˝, medicalsciences – prof dr. Tomo Naglić, dr. Danko Hajsig, prof dr. Josip Madić and prof dr. Ljiljana Pinter for the book ˝Veterinary Microbiology˝; technical sciences – prof dr.Jure Radić, M.A. Goran Puž and M.A. Ana Mangdić

for the book ˝Constructing the bridges˝; informationsciences – prof dr. Ljubomir Kuljača for the book ˝Automatic control – linear system analysis˝.The Interliber´s award for the best Croatian picture-

 book went to Irene Sertić and Zdenka Bašić and their  book ˝The Story of Chocolate˝.The award of 100 thousand kunas, allotted by the V.B.Z.and Večernji list (˝Evening newspaper˝), for the bestunpublished novel in 2005 went to Hrvoje Šalković and

the book ̋ Pretend you did not see this – a hand-book for tourism, fish in troubled waters and search for dreams˝.On the last day of the Interliber nine new titles were

 promoted at the stand of Školska knjiga (˝The SchoolBook˝), among them being poetic-visual map ̋ UnknownUjević˝ by Tin Ujević and Vatroslav Kuliš.The books ̋ Croatia in Yugoslavia 1945-1991˝ by ZdenkoRadeljić, ˝The Establishment of the Croatian State andHomeland War˝ by a group of authors and ˝SocialHistory of a Book in Croatia – from the glagolitic scriptin 1483 to the Croatian National Revival in 1835˝ byAleksandar Stipčević, were promoted.

With the 400th anniversary of Bartol Kašić´s ministryand the 400th anniversary of Jesuits´ arrival to Zagreb,the book ˝Autobiography of Bartol Kašić, the Jesuit˝,

 both in the original and translated version, prepared byVladimir Horvat was also promoted at the Interliber.There was also the promotion of the monograph of Kašić´s ˝Razgovor ugodni naroda slovinskog˝, as wellas the complete works of the most widely read Croatianauthoress Marija Jurić Zagorka.The books also promoted were ̋ A Survey of the CroatianChildren´s Literature˝ by Stjepan Hranjec that gathersall kinds of children’s literature from the beginning till

the present, and an elaborately illustrated monograph onJapan by the academician Vladimir Devideo.The Zagreb’s publishing trade Ljevak published the

 book ˝Churchill and the War˝ by Geoffrey Best.In the frames of the project ˝The Tops of the WorldLiterature˝, after fifty years, a new translation of Goethe’s ˝Doctor Faustus˝ was published. For the firsttime the novel ˝Doctor Zhivago˝ written by the Russian

 Nobelist Boris Pasternak was translated into Croatian.The Split’s publishing trade Bošković promoted thelatest book of the historian Ivan Mužić ̋ Croatian Historyof the 9th century˝. Moreover, the Split’s publishingtrade Verbum promoted just published ˝Catechism of the Catholic Church – Compendium˝.


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Project of the Government of the Republic of 

Croatia and the Council of Europe Development

Bank “Research, Reconstruction and Revitalizationof the Cultural Heritage of Ilok-Vukovar-Vučedol”- from 2005 to 2008

The position of Vukovar-Srijem County in the Danubianregion, its connectedness to the Danube, the cultural-historic and traditional diversity of its sub-regionsare the foundations underlying the basic guidelinesof the continued activities on the project Research,Reconstruction and Revitalization of the CulturalHeritage of Ilok - Vukovar - Vučedol.

All the hitherto inter-disciplinary and multi-disciplinaryresearch of the past in the Vukovar-Srijem County, fromVukovar to Ilok, from pre-historic settlements, ancient

  border fortifications on the Danube, historic centresof medieval cities, urban agglomerations are deeplyrooted in life that can be traced from the perspectiveof millennia. Proceeding from precisely such points in along history, the systematic and long-standing researchin the fields of archaeology conservation, restorationand other fields has resulted in completely new insightsof the values of this space that have provided a powerfulimpetus for defining a new approach to the reconstruction

and protection of cultural property.The Vukovar-Srijem County with its specific environment- agricultural land, vineyards, hunting grounds and its

 position on a major international waterway and border crossing to the East, rich cultural heritage and integrally

  preserved landscape also has significant potential for economic and tourist development that need initiatingincentives. The Vukovar-Srijem County has sufferedextensive devastation duringthe war, and its effects have

not been mitigated yet, despitesignificant efforts of theGovernment of the Republicof Croatia.

Having evaluated the culturedevelopmental situation inthe area, the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia has decided thatadditional activities have to

  be undertaken in order to

revitalization of the culturalheritage

The draft of the Project “Research, Reconstruction andRevitalization of the Cultural Heritage of Ilok -Vukovar-

Vučedol” was prepared in 2004 by an expert groupfrom the Ministry of Culture (Osijek ConservationDepartment, Croatian Restoration Institute, Vukovar Municipal Museum, Ilok Municipal Museum, etc.). Inaccordance with the Conclusion of the Government of the Republic of Croatia from January 2005, the Ministryof Culture and the Ministry of Finance forwarded thefinal proposal of the project to the Council of Europeand Council of Europe Development Bank (CEB)thereby officially submitting the project for financing onthe basis of a long-term loan. At its 236th session held in2005 in Paris, CEB’s Administrative Council approved

a loan to the Republic of Croatia for co-financing theProject.The loan agreement for the Project between CEB and theGovernment of the Republic of Croatia was officiallysigned on May 23, 2005 in the Municipal Museum inVukovar.The project which has to be financed in a four-year 

 period, starting from 2005, by the Government of theRepublic of Croatia (25%) and the Council of EuropeDevelopment Bank (75%), in the total amount of 226,288,358.00 HRK (30,215,654.00 mil. EUR). It isthe first loan that finances 75% of the overall costs of the

 project, instead of 50% as was customarily until then,whereby CEB confirmed the relevance of the Project.The Project is a component part of the new multi-discipline programme of sustainable development inthis region aimed at development based on the principleof cultural landscape protection and promotion as oneof the building blocks of the economic development

 project and of promoting the development of this region



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which has suffered severe war damages owing to whichthe infrastructure, economy, agriculture and culturalheritage have as yet not been fully reconstructed. In

  particular, the project continues or opens up areas of  partner co-operation between states, regions and citiesof all the countries in the Danubian region.

The aim of the project is to research, reconstruct and present cultural heritage and thereby enrich the culturallandscape, raise the awareness of the population,improve the tourist supply, increase employment and

 promote development of the region.

The project has been carried out and implemented bythe Ministry of Culture, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management., Ministryof the Sea, Tourism, Transport and Development,Ministry of Environmental Protection, PhysicalPlanning and Construction the head executive of theVukovar-Srijem County and the mayors of the cities of Vukovar and Ilok, with the participation of experts frommuseums in Vukovar and Ilok, the Osijek Conservationdepartment, Croatian Restoration Institute, Faculty of Philosophy of the University in Zagreb and a number of other Croatian and European experts who are alreadyengaged in a number of smaller projects in this region.The Government of the Republic of Croatia, at itssession held in Vukovar on March18, 2005, brought aDecision on appointing the chairman and members of the Council for the Project of “Exploration, Restorationand Rehabilitation of Historical and Cultural Heritage inIlok, Vukovar and Vučedol”: Chairman of the Council:Božo Biškupić. MA, Minister of Culture and members:Petar Čobanković, Minister of Agriculture, Forestryand Water Management, Božidar Kalmeta, Minister of the Sea, Tourism, Transportation and Development,Marina Matulović Dropulić, Minister of EnvironmentalProtection, Physical Planning and Construction, IvanŠuker, Minister of Finance and ex officio Councilmembers: county prefect of the Vukovar-Srijem County,mayor of the City of Vukovar, mayor of the City of Ilok.The loan agreement for the Project between CEB and

the Government of theRepublic of Croatia wasofficially signed on May23, 2005 in the Municipal

Museum in Vukovar;

The project alsostimulates economicgrowth, the movementof people and goods aswell as the developmentof tourism and is the firstwith such a wide scope of 

fields and themes in Croatia. As of late the internationalcommunity has been devoting particular attention to theimplementation of such projects which has particularly

 been reflected in the guidelines of UNESCO, World Bank and ICOMOS projects specifically aimed at integratingcultural heritage into the economic and social life of thecommunity.

From the time of the peaceful reintegration to the presentthe Government of the Republic of Croatia has been

  providing incentive programs for the reconstructionof cultural heritage, the economy and tourism in theVukovar-Srijem County too.

The Project comprises of the following parts:

1. Vukovar - the protected historic baroque city centrewhich suffered extreme war damages and which has beenincluded in the 100 most endangered cultural monumentswithin the World Monuments Fund Programme, NewYork, USA; three models of reconstruction are planned- the reconstruction of historic buildings as found,facsimile reconstruction and interpolation;2. The Eltz manor complex as a museum-gallery andmulticultural centre3. Archaeological site Vučedol, the eponym site of theVučedol culture, one of the most significant prehistoric

sites in Europe (this culture encompassed 12 presentday European countries – Croatia, Czechoslovakia,Slovakia, Austria, Hungary, Romania, Slovenia, Bosniaand Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Albania andeastern Greece)4. The City of Ilok, the reconstruction of the historiccentre - the most significant medieval urban centre inthe Croatian part of Danubian region; completion of archaeological research; The Odeschalchi manor ( renovation

The opening of new museum and gallery space is

 planned in the Vukovar-Srijem County - apart from theVukovar Municipal Museum, the Vučedol Civilization

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Museum, Ilok Municipal Museum and archaeological parks in Vučedol and the old historic centre of Ilok, war devastated monumental ensembles will be reconstructed,workshops initiated and traditional crafts revitalized,

research centres, wine roads opened, etc.

The preservation and revitalization of the cultural heritageof the Danubian region with its regional and nationaldiversity, as well as the promotion of new culturaldevelopments is one of the more significant programmesof the Working Community of the Danubian Regions of which Croatia is a member. For a number of years nowthe Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia has

  been participating in the specific programmes of thisCommunity, among others, in the project “The DanubianRoad of Culture” and its sub-projects “Digital Map of 

the Danubian Region”, “Parks of Culture”, “Catalogueof Technical Monuments” and “Cultural-Tourist TopicalMap”. The project is also gearedat strengthening and linkingcultural heritage within the areaof the Working Community of theDanubian Regions (Argedonau)with programmes of culturaltourism.In that respect, the project willalso be developed with theUnited Nations Development

Programme (UNDP) in Croatiain the context of a larger effort to position culture tourism industryas a developmental driver in theVukovar-Srijem County.UNESCO’s announcement of 

  participating in this project willenhance its implementation inrelation to its international andexpert aspects and inevitablyopen up new fields of co-operation.

The developmental partnership  process would also ensurecoordination of broader developmental issues in the area,local ownership of project and itssustainability, transparency, anddistribution of benefits to wider 

 population of beneficiaries.The role of cultural heritagewithin the framework of culturaland social priorities in the

 programmes of the Government

of the Republic of Croatia -freely defined by numerous

international organizations as an aspect of culturaldiversity, criterion of identity, source of income andemployment and form of cultural capital and effectivemanagement of cultural heritage, encouragement of 

social inclusion (of local communities in particular)and broader civic participation, concretizes, preciselytrough this project - a potentially new model for other 

  planned projects in Croatia - in its year-long expert  preparations for implementation and presents a newmodel of financing.

In 2005 the implementation of the Project begun and sofar the archaeological research of the Odeschalchi manor are completed, while the research of the fortress plateauand walls is still under way. The research of the walls iscarried out by the experts from the Croatian Conservation

Institute while the archaeological research is carried out by the Archaeological Institute from Zagreb.

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Papuk Nature Park was designated in 1999. Theimportant reason for designation is due to preservedcharacteristics of natural and cultural heritage, typicalfor the central Slavonia.

  Nature Park is positioned in two Counties, Požega-Slavonia and Virovitica-Podravina, and seizes uplandforests of Papuk and Krndija mountains, and edges of agricultural fields. Total area of Nature Park Papuk is33600 hectares. Mountains Papuk and Krndija belong tothe Slavonia highlands. The highlands are mostly coveredwith forests, what differs them from the surrounding

agricultural landscape. They are, in addition, the moststriking characteristic of the Eastern Croatia relief. Theauthentic forests are well preserved, and the forests of Pannonian beech tree and fir tree in higher areas are of special value.

The biggest and most beautiful Papuk mountain wasdesignated protected area also because of the exceptionalgeological diversity we hardly ever come across inCroatia. The Papuk is made of rocks in the age range of 350 million years. Besides the geo-chronological, thereis lithographical diversity represented in variety of rocks

made during sedimentary, metamorphic and magmatic processes. In the area of Nature Park Papuk geologicalformations since Precambrian time, Palaeozoic time,

Mesozoic time, and youngest members in the Cenozoictime are present.In the area of Nature Park Papuk the most importantremains of cultural heritage connected with two historical

  periods, prehistoric period and medieval period are preserved. Very important sites of the Early Iron AgeHallstatt Culture were discovered near the village Kaptol,within the borders of the Nature Park Papuk. Fourteen

 burial mounds were excavated in the period 1965-1971.The medieval period has left a particularly valuableheritage in the form of eight fortification structures onthe rim of Papuk among which the old town Ružica is

unique in the Slavonian region by its beauty and state of  preservation.

By analysis of the flora elements of the wider area of Slavonian highlands, from geographical and plant pointof view, this area proves to belong to the Euro Siberian- North American region with 1223 species registered.Grasslands and pubescent oak forests (on hills Turjak -Pliš - Mališæak, Petrov vrh and peak of Papuk mountain)are the areas with the highest diversity of flora. Themost important plant species are Rose Daphne (Daphnecneorum), Gentle Fritillary (Fritillaria tenella ), Blue

Anemone (Pulsatilla vulgaris ssp. grandis) etc.Almost all representatives of middle-European faunalive here. Thick woods of Papuk showed to be an ideal


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habitat and shelter to numerous wild animals, deer,doe, and boar. Numerous mountain streams in Papuk are habitats to specific fish species, amphibians, andreptiles. A bird kingdom of Nature Park Papuk is rather diverse and rich in, primarily forest birds.

Old forests are breeding place of rare birds: white- backed woodpecker (Dendrocopos leucotos) and Stock Dove (Columba oenas). Nature Park Papuk with itsAbyss Uviraljka is a famous bat winter habitat andexceptionally important for bat survival. So far, 11 batspecies have been registered in the abyss.

Within the Nature Park there are six protected objects/natural formations: Park forest “Jankovac”, geologicalmonument of nature “Rupnica” and special forest reserve“Sekulinacke planine”, natural monument “Habitat of English Yew”, natural monument “Old oaks” and special

 botanical reserve “Mališčak -Turjak- Pliš Lapjak”.

Due to its remarkable beauty Jankovac is often mentionedas the pearl of Slavonia. That is quite reasonable, whenthe visitors stay breathless looking at swooping water downward 30 meter high cliff, or during a romantic

walk near lakes where only trout disturbs the quietnessof lake’s glass-like surface. Characteristics: Jankovac isa highland valley with remarkable cultural, historical andnatural values. In the year 1955, 640 hectares of this area

has been protected as Park Forest that in the year 1999 became part of the Nature Park Papuk. Public InstitutionPapuk Nature Park had started building educational trailsin the most beautiful part of Park Forest Jankovac – near climbers’ lodging, lakes and Skakavac waterfall. Stairs,wooden pedestrian bridges and handrails that we had

 placed on the trail allow approach to the most beautifulscenery of Jankovac. Trail is enriched with educational

  panels containing text and graphics and introducingspecific natural or historical features near which the trailleads. We have named this educational trail “Count’strail” in the memory of count Josip Jankovic; he was the

first person that has recognized aesthetic and landscapevalues of this valley.

Trail is specially intended for the first time visitors of Papuk Nature Park because one can at one place, in ashort time learn about the values of this area, and this,we believe, will motivate him or her to visit and explorePapuk again. Trail is also intended for earlier visitors of Jankovac and Papuk Nature Park because they couldnow in a simple and unobtrusive way learn about andvalue this area even more. In 2006 Public InstitutionPapuk Nature Park received special award for the

Count’s Trail. Croatian Tourist Board has recognizedCount’s Trail as an original tourist offer in continental

 part of Croatia and awarded Nature Park with “Zelenicvijet” (Green Flower).

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The Banski dvori (˝ban´scourt˝) is a term for a

historical building in thewestern side of Mark´ssquare in Zagreb (Mark´ssquare 1) that was oncethe home of Croatian

 bans from 1809 to 1918.The Banski dvori is alarge baroque maisonettetogether with the adhering

  palace (St.Mark´s square2) that together form

the headquarters of the Government of theRepublic of Croatia.The Banski dvori aresurrounded with St.Mark´ssquare and Freudenreich,Matoš and BrezovačkiStreets.

The history of the Banskidvori starts in the early19th century, when the

Parliament, that kept court together with the ZagrebCounty till 1807, made a conclusion on purchasingroyal palace where the Parliament, the highest courtsand bans could be placed. Therefore, a year after banIgnac Gyulay sold his parliamentary palace to ZagrebCounty and bought ban Ferdinand Kulmer´s house inthe western side of Mark´s square, in order to get anew royal palace for the lasting residence of bans, theheadquarters of courts, storage of public documentsand royal books or parliamentary minutes. Still therewas not enough place for parliamentary sessions. With

that arrangement in the first place the living residencefor ban was resolved, so the palace was named ˝banska palača˝ (ban´s palace), and later on ˝banski dvori˝.

During the SFRY (Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia) era the Banski dvori were the headquartersof both the executive branch of government and the

 presidium of Socialist Republic of Croatia.In 1990 the Banski dvori became the headquarters of thePresident of the Republic of Croatia and the CroatianGovernment.

On October 7, 1991 the Banski dvori were bombed bythe JNA´s (Yugoslav People´s Army) airplane in attempt

of assassinating the then President of the Republic

dr. Franjo Tuđman, the President of the Presidium of SFRY Stjepan Mesić and the President of the FederalExecutive Council (SIV) Ante Marković. They allsurvived by mere coincidence, and the building boresevere material damages. The day after the bombingof the Banski dvori, the Parliament of the Republic of Croatia carried out the referendum on secession fromYugoslavia by which the Republic of Croatia becamefree and independent state. In 1992, the President of theRepublic moved into the new residence – the President´scourt, and since then the Banski dvori have been the

headquarters of the Croatian Government.

The Banski dvori building is an outstanding example of  baroque classicism. All the rooms, where today manymeetings are held, represent a walk through the historydue to their style and history, and each single room

 provides a special allure and charm, but we will singleout three main and the most beautiful ones: Hall 121

The hall 121 is used for the meetings of the PrimeMinister and the members of the Government with

domestic and foreign guests, as well as for the meetingsof the Government working bodies. From 1990 to 1992,



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when the President’s Office was placed in the Banskidvori, many Government conferences were held there.The hall is furnished with a big oval table with 27 chairsdesigned according to the era of classicism (Louis XVIstyle), a Biedermeier table from the mid 19th century,and the armchairs in the style of Louis XVI.

Blue Salon

This room is used for the protocol meetings of the PM

and the members of the Government with the presidentsand prime ministers of other states. It is alsoused for the signingceremony of inter-stateagreements, as well asfor the meetings withforeign ambassadors.There are twoBiedermeier sofa sets,a clock in the empirestyle from the early 19th

century, and two glassychina cabinets from thefirst half or mid 19thcentury with the silver,glassy, tin or porcelainitems, and a table for the sewing kit from the1830s. Ban Josip Jelačić Hall

The hall was named

after the Croatian banJosip Jelačić. Between

1990 and 1992 the hall was used as a study room bythe President of the Republic Franjo Tuđman. After the rocketing in 1994, it was rebuild and arranged for holding the Government conferences.

The Banski dvori, the place where the history and the present days entwine day by day, are one of the pearlsof the Croatian Cultural Heritage, and due to that areincluded in the list of protected cultural treasures of the

Republic of Croatia.

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Zagreb is Croatia’s capital and its largest city, and atthe same time one of the oldest European cities. From

the historical point of view, Zagreb has taken rise fromtwo settlements on the neighboring hills, Gradec andKaptol that together form the nuclei of Zagreb today- its Old City.

Back in the 1991, when theCroatian people gained the state’sindependence, Zagreb becamethe capital city, political andadministrative centre of the Republicof Croatia. Zagreb is also a business

centre, a university centre, the cityof culture, art and entertainment.Many famous scientists, artists andsportsmen originate from Zagreband still act there. Zagreb offers aBaroque atmosphere of the Upper City, picturesque outdoor market-

  places, various shops and a richselection of artisans´ products,a delicious domestic cuisine toits visitors. Zagreb is the city of green parks and promenades, with

numerous resorts in the stunningsurroundings.

Zagreb enters the third millenniumas a large city. In spite of therapid development of economyand transport, it has managed in

  preserving the peculiar beauty anda relaxed atmosphere that makes ita real city on a human scale. With

 both its location and culture it is one

of the cities of the Central Europe.Zagreb is situated at the foot of theMedvednica Mountains along theSava River. The history of Zagrebdates as far back as 1094 whenthe Hungarian King Ladislausfounded a diocese, today Zagreb’sArchbishopric with the headquartersat Kaptol.

The year 1242 is a particularly

important year for Zagreb, whenthe king Bela IV bestowed Gradec

with a Golden Bull, by which Gradec was declaredand proclaimed a free royal city. The King Bela IV did

it as a sign of gratitude for offering him a safe havenfrom the Tatar invasion. According to legend, Bela leftGradec a cannon, under the condition that it be fired



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every day so that it did not rust. Since January 1st 1877the cannon is fired from the Lotršćak Tower on Grič to

mark midday.Since the fortification of Gradec until today the StoneGate, Old Zagreb’s nucleus along with the Gothic

Church of St. Mark’s and the most beautiful Zagreb’sBaroque church of St. Catherine’s are saved. Frequent

and long lasting fighting between Kaptol and Gradecfor the local trading and a political dependence of Croatia in the past obstructed the greater development

of Zagreb into a political and aneconomic centre. With time, thefighting simmered down, and in1850 the city was united under itsfirst mayor – Josip Kaufman.Meanwhile, the Jesuits built the firstgrammar school in 1607, the first

 printing shop in 1664, and in 1669

they founded an academy where philosophy, theology and law weretaught.The first newspaper in Croatian(kajkavian dialect) in Zagreb wasstarted by Ljudevit Gaj.

The first railway line to connectZagreb with Zidani most and Sisak was opened in 1862, and in 1863Zagreb received a gasworks. The first

 phone line was put into operation in

1881, and in 1926 started the firstradio station in Zagreb as the firstradio station in that part of Europe.

The most important branches of industry are: production of electricmachines and devices, chemical,

  pharmaceutical, textile, foodand drink processing, tobacco

 production and processing. Zagrebis an important international trade

and business centre, and transportscrossroad of Central and EastEurope. The significance of Zagrebis seen in the international trade

  – business world, concerning theactivities of the Zagreb Fair.The cargo railway hub, bus stationand the international airport Plesoare the busiest in Croatia. Zagreb isa leading health centre in Croatia,as well.

Zagreb is a cultural centre of Croatia. It has numerous cultural

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institutions with a traditional prestige. In the worldof music it is a concert-hall Vatroslav Lisinski, in theworld of a theatre, ballet and opera - Croatian NationalTheatre, among the libraries – National and UniversityLibrary. Among many quality museums and galleries,

the most prominent would be the Klović Court Gallery.Besides numerous valuable and cultural monuments, inZagreb there are more than twenty museums, about fiftygalleries and exhibition areas, a dozen theatres, severalconcert-halls and more than twenty cinemas. TheMimara Museum with its unique display of art piecesfrom all over the world is a good example. Zagreb is ahome to cultural institutions, companies, organizationsand societies, banks and agencies. It has numerous sportsvenues, open-air and closed swimming pools, stadiums,famous parks – Maksimir, Tuškanac and Zrinjevac and

the Botanical Gardens, renowned areas for outgoingson the slopes of Sljeme, luxurious hotels, restaurants

and cafés. Besides the well-known Zagreb Fair, thereare numerous cultural and art events, notably the MusicBiennale and the Folklore Retrospective, which is the

 biggest such event in Europe. In the city itself there arethe centers of almost all important cultural and historical

institutions  – Matica hrvatska and the Association of Croatian Writers.Zagreb is a place of many well-known festivals like:Animafest (the World Festival of Animated Films) andEurokaz (the International Festival of ContemporaryTheatre).The University of Zagreb is the oldest university inCroatia and is among the oldest ones in Europe. Atthe Zagreb University scientific-teaching and artisticcourses are done at 28 faculties, three art academies,teacher training college and university studies – Croatian

Studies. There are 33 institutions of higher educationat the Zagreb University. There are 22 institutes of the

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humanities and the natural sciences. Zagreb is the centreof the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts (HAZU)founded by the Đakovo bishop Josip Juraj Strossmayer.

The famous sights of Zagreb: the statue of ban Josip

Jelačić at the main city square (Ban Josip Jelačić Square);the statue of King Tomislav near the Central RailwayStation (Tomislav Square); so called the Lenuci´shorse-shoe – the zone of 8 gardens and 8 squares, inorder being: Nikola Šubić Zrinski Square (popularlycalled Zrinjevac), built in the19th century; Josip JurajStrossmayer Square – a famous Đakovo Maecenas;King Tomislav Square – the first Croatian king in925; Ante Starčević Square; Marko Marulić Square;Mažuranić Square and Marshal Tito Square – the placeof Croatian National Theatre, Arts and Crafts Museum,

the University building with the Ivan Mažuranić´smonument – the History of the Croats. (Tomislav´s

Square with the Art Pavilion, Strossmayer Sguare,Zrinjevac), the Upper Town (the Cathedral, St. Mark´sChurch, Lotršćak Tower, Strossmayer´s promenade,the Stone Gate…); the Well of Life and the Croatian

  National Theatre, Mirogoj Cemetery, Medvednica(Sljeme, Old Town Medvedgrad), Maksimir Gardens,the Croatian Association of Artists (popular Mosque)

  – the architect of the museum was the sculptor IvanMeštrović, business tower Zagrepčanka.

Due to its long history, Zagreb has places worth to beseen, whether for a tourist on his very first visit to Zagrebor for those who walk through Zagreb streets every dayknow little or nothing about its rich history. For sureZagreb will win your hearts, especially in the spring

time, you will fall in love with it, and you will alwaysreturn to it, as to your true and real love.

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Otto Antonini and the roaring

twenties in Croatia

In the 1920s Croatia was not only a poor province fromthe brink of the ruined Austro-Hungarian Monarchy.

  Namely, in the postwar decade, until the first wavesof global economic crisis, simultaneously with thehard times of poor townspeople, in its capital citythere was a parallel and sumptuous existence – lifein cafés, accompaniedwith the Charleston and

  jazz, memberships inautomobile and equestrianclubs; tennis, golf,skiing, cruising on hugesteamboats and airshiptraveling, formal balls of Croatian and Zagreb’sélite.

The best chronicler of that élite social life wasOtto Antonini, the first-rate sketcher, illustrator,

  painter, muralist, quick-sketch artist, graphicartist and caricaturist,whose work under theinfluence of the aestheticsof art deco was unjustlyneglected.

On the track of discoveringvaluable but at the sameforgotten names of Croatian art, the Museumof the City of Zagreb andmuseum adviser Mrs.Željka Kolveshi haveset the exhibition aboutZagreb in the 1920s andits persistent chronicler Antonini. It is a way of saving from oblivionthe man whose work visually shaped everydaylife of an exceptional and

interesting epoch.Otto Antonini himself 

was a part of that social life he depicted. He was aneducated person, travel lover and a man of the world,with knowledge of foreign languages, connoisseur of fashion and modernism in architecture and design. Hewas interested in rowing; he played golf and was aregular guest at all the modish events.

The emphasis of this interesting exhibition rests onAntonini´s work in the magazine ˝Svijet˝ (˝World˝),



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a real window onthe world in the erawithout TV sets, theweekly with its popular issues eagerly waitedin long queues in frontof the news-standsall around Croatia.Antonini studied alfresco painting inSiena, but since in theGreat War time and

  postwar era there was

not too many ordersof his works throughchurches, he startedediting the magazine˝Svijet˝ in 1926. Themagazine covered theissues of easy sides of life – entertainmentand dance, travel,technique, large-scalecar ownership, sportas a life style of élite,not its competitive sideand sensations; and itscommunication charmwas based on a visualattraction.

Ten years after the

  publication of theworld fashion bible

  – Vogue, Croatia hada magazine that in noway lagged after itslikely model, and itshigh graphic standardwas equally fine as theFrench Illustration was.Up-to-date information and photographs of all parts of the world came from the world news agencies. After seven years of editing the ˝Svijet˝, Antonini dedicatedhimself to painting and soon became a popular portraitartist of Zagreb’s high society in a very challengingtechnique – pastel, and also designed postage stamps.

After the World War II he designed advertising postersthus laying the basis of Croatian advertising industry.

Along with afore-said, Antonini is the founder andillustrator of art and humoristic semimonthly Šišmiš(˝Bat˝); he is the author of murals and altar images in afew churches in Zagreb; he made graphic papers, mostlylithography, bases for advertising and journalism, draftsfor postage stamps, sport and advertising posters.

The exhibition set at the Museum of the City of Zagrebis opened till the end of December.

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The Kaštela field with seven urbansettlements is situated between the

ancient Salona and eastern borders of Trogir. This area is one of the richestantique sites with the traces of the

  prehistorical age: grave-mounds,shelters and fortified hill peaks.In Kaštel Štafilić, a typicalMediterranean town of stone andnarrow streets grows Mastrinka,also known as the olive of all olives,an original and unique specimen of Olea kastelana, with the status of nature conservancy, whose age isestimated to 1500-2000 years. Thecircumference of the trunk is morethan 20 ft, and the circumference of the tree crown is 59 ft.This primeval belle has been takencare of for years by the CulturalHeritage Preservation AssociationBijaći. Each year it bears around 450lbs of exceptionally healthy fruits.Mastrinka’s tears, an extra-virginolive oil, that is yet to be borne from

this year’s harvesting is going to be  packed in the lachrymatories, likein the phials, historical tear bottles,faithful wives gathered their tearsas a precious love proof while their husbands were far away.



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Turkey with mlinciTurkey with mlinci (pasta tatters) is a well knownCroatian dish served on special occasions. The roastedturkey should be sliced and placed on the bed of mlinciand served with salad and a vegetable side dish,

 preferably stewed red cabbage.

Serves 6 to 8

1 turkey, about 12 pounds

salt and pepper to taste

1 apple

several cloves of garlic

ground red paprika (mild)


Preheat oven.

Salt the cleaned turkey and place a whole apple andcrushed garlic cloves inside the bird cavity. Coat thewhole turkey with oil or butter, sprinkle with paprika

 powder, place into the greased roasting pan and add a bitof water to the bottom of the roaster.Place in the oven and roast for 3 1/2 to 4 hours, basting

 periodically with the grease.



Mlinci (pasta tatters)


Mix about 3/4 pound (40 dag) flour, two eggs, a pinch

of salt and a bit of water to make a harder dough. Roll

into thin flat pieces the size of a pan. Put into oven

and bake shortly or in the non-greased pan or simply

on the hot plate or burner of the stove until golden on

 both sides When done it should be crispy thin. Mlinci

can be used immediately or kept for later.

To serve with turkey, tear mlinci into uneven bits, put

in a bowl. Pour boiling water over mlinci, leave for a

minute or two and drain. Use drippings left over fromfrom turkey roasting to pour over mlinci, or shortly

stir-fry them in the pan with the sauce from baking.

In some areas of Croatia, mlinci are served with

clarified butter, cream or cottage cheese, but when

served with the roast (turkey and other poultry) they

should be coated with the roasting juices.Please note

that Croatian grocers carry commercially prepared


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