Critique on Article


Transcript of Critique on Article

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DESCRIPTION Title and author- The Tutors’ Views on the Utilization of E-learning System in Architectural Education & Bhzad Sidawi, University of Dammam, Kingdom of Saudi ArabiaText written-As article in Online European Journal of Open, Distance and e-Learning page

Elemets of the text-It’s a physical type

Qualities of the work-Typed and have to pictures or colours at all

Subject matter-This study provides two related literatures that relevant and sufficient to the study which are ‘characteristics of the architectural education’ and ‘the use of e-learning systems in architectural education

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ANALYSIS*This study provides two related literatures that relevant and sufficient to the study which are ‘characteristics of the architectural education’ and ‘the use of e-learning systems in architectural education’.

*Other than that, there are the connections between the present study and the previous research and theory.

* According to previous research and theory, they reported an overall positive attitude toward the adoption of e-learning among teaching staff, faculty members, students, administrators and tutors.

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JUDGMENT OR EVALUATIONQualities of the work-It is successful because the instruments adequately described. The researcher used a four part questionnaire with twenty nine items.

Original text work-Yes,this is original work. In this study the autors from the faculty of college of architecture were surveyed using a questionnaire that was developed for this study. It is coinciding with the main objective of this research; to find out the level of staff’s technical knowledge and skills and whether they have used any of online education tools

Evaluate a text-The respondents were made to indicate the degree of their agreement with the statements on the questionnaire about themselves. They were required to select from a five-point scale which include a category of strongly agree, agree, undecided, disagree and strongly disagree and a structured questions which enabled the students to select either yes or no options.

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INTERNALIZE(PERSONAL RESPON)The expressive qualities that we found in the article is innovative synchronous.For example,article mentioned

accordingly, innovative synchronous communication and visualization tools should be designed and the strategy should consider possible integration between the professional training, the Continuous Professional Development (CPD) schemes and the architectural education.Article didn’t shown the text which remind us.This text related to

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The conclusions clearly presented and follow logically from the results of the study. According to the researcher, the survey found that many of the respondents were against online teaching of design courses. To a good extent the study was representative of the article, and in the correct form. Who reads it can understand the overall purpose and method of the study. Moreover, the purpose of the study was made clear by the researcher. It was made clear that this study examine the impact of e-learning system on the teaching system.

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DESCRIPTIONTitle and author- Bell / Cessna break ground and no author is written

When and where the text written- August / September 2011

Elements of the text- 3 columns

Qualities of the work- Image , black and white

Subject matter- The article subject is about the companies having relationship with other company

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Main pointHelicopter and Cessna breaking ground on the newsService and support facility

Purpose Looking for companies that will help the cluster to grow

Intended audience- Corporate man , business man , aviation students

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Qualities of the work- Unsuccessful because there is no written description and no author’s name

Original text work- The article looks original text and no references

Evaluate a text- It is a confusing because for non-aviation student, is hard and complicated for them to understand

Author take opposing viewpoints into account?- There is no opposing viewpoints because the author fully supported his/her article

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Reliable sources?- There is no reliable sources that mention on this article

Clearly defined?- Article shown clearly defined about aviation detail

Does text help?- Yes , because the text has shown some example and elaborate the key point

Strong respond of words- The text has evoke a strong respond such as MRO , me as a aviation student known about aviation industry very well include MRO

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- The article has expressive qualities for example “over the fence” .

- The text remind experienced because the article explain about aircraft component, related with aviation organization such as MAG aviation .