Critical values for automorphic L-functions - IHES › ~linjie › IHES › Francais_files ›...

Critical values for automorphic L-functions Jie LIN Advisor : Prof. Dr. Michael HARRIS Introduction Special values of L-functions play an important role in the Langlands program. Numerous conjectures predict that special values of L-functions reflect arithmetic properties of geometric objects. Most of these conjectures are still open and difficult to attack. At the same time, concrete results on the special values of L-functions appear more and more in automorphic settings. For example, in [Har97], M. Harris constructed complex invariants called arithmetic automorphic periods and showed that the special values of automorphic L-function for GL n * GL 1 could be interpreted in terms of these invariants. We generalize his results in two ways. Firstly, the arithmetic automorphic periods have been defined over general CM fields. Secondly, we show that special values of arithmetic automorphic periods for GL n * GL n 0 can be interpreted in terms of these arithmetic automorphic periods in many situations. In fact, we have found a concise formula for such critical values. This is our first main automorphic result. One possible application is to construct p-adic L-functions. One crucial step to prove it is to show that the arithmetic automorphic periods can be factorized as products of local periods over infinite places. This was actually a conjecture of Shimura (c.f. [Shi83], [Shi88]). One possible way to show this is to define local periods geometrically and prove that special values of L-functions can be interpreted in terms of local periods. This was done by M. Harris for Hilbert modular forms in [Har93]. But it is extremely difficult to generalize his arguments to GL n . Instead, we show that there are relations between arithmetic automorphic periods. These relations lead to a factorization which is our second main automorphic result. We remark that the factorization is not unique. We show that there is a natural way to factorize such that the local periods are functorial for automorphic induction and base change. This is our third main automorphic result. We believe that local periods are also functorial for endoscopic transfer. We will try to prove this in the near future. On the other hand, Deligne’s conjecture related critical values for motives over Q and Deligne’s period (c.f. [Del79]). When the motive is the restriction to Q of the tensor product of two motives over a CM field, we may calculate Deligne’s period in terms of motivic periods defined in [Har13]. If the two motives are associated to automorphic representations of GL n and GL n 0 respectively, we may define motivic periods which are analogues of the arithmetic automorphic periods. We get a formula of Deligne’s period in terms of these motivic periods. Our main motivic result says that our formula for automorphic L-functions are at least formally compatible with Deligne’s conjecture . Notation and main results I Let K be a quadratic imaginary field and F K be a CM field of degree d over K . We fix an embedding K, C. Let Σ F ;K be the set of embeddings σ : F, C such that σ | K is the fixed embedding. Let E be a number field. Let {a(σ)} σAut(C/K) , {b(σ)} σAut(C/K) be two families of complex numbers. Rough- ly speaking, we say a E;K b if a = b up to multiplication by elements in E × and equivariant under G K -action. Let Π be a very regular conjugate self-dual cuspidal cohomological representation of GL n (A F ). In particular, we know that Π f is defined over a number field E(Π). For any I F ;K →{0, 1, ··· ,n}, we may define the arithmetic automorphic periods P (I ) (Π) as the Petersson inner product of a rational vector in a certain cohomology space associated to a unitary group of infinity sign I . It is a non zero complex number well defined up to multiplication by elements in E(Π) × . Definition(split index): Let n and n 0 be two positives integers. Let Π and Π 0 be two regular conjugate self-dual representations of GL n (A F ) and GL n 0 (A F ) respective- ly. Let σ be an element of Σ F ;K . We denote the infinity type of Π and Π 0 at σ by (z a i (σ) z -a i (σ) ) 1in , a 1 (σ) >a 2 (σ) > ··· >a n (σ) and (z b j (σ) z -b j (σ) ) 1j n 0 , b 1 (σ) >b 2 (σ) > ··· >b n 0 (σ) respectively. We assume that a i (σ)+ b j (σ) 6= 0 for all 1 i n all 1 j n 0 and all σ. We split the sequence (a 1 (σ) >a 2 (σ) > ··· >a n (σ)) with the numbers -b n 0 (σ) > -b n 0 -1 (σ) > ··· > -b 1 (σ). This sequence is split into n 0 +1 parts. We denote the length of each part by sp(0, Π 0 : Π), sp(1, Π 0 ), ··· , sp(n 0 , Π 0 ), and call them the split indices. Definition (good position): We assume that n>n 0 . Let Π and Π 0 be as before. We say the pair(Π, Π 0 ) is in good position if for any σ Σ F ;K , the n 0 numbers -b n 0 (σ) > -b n 0 -1 (σ) > ··· > -b 1 (σ). lie in different gaps between (a 1 (σ) >a 2 (σ) > ··· >a n (σ)). It is equivalent to saying that sp(i, Π 0 ) 6= 0 for all 0 i n 0 and σ Σ F ;K . In particular, if n 0 = n - 1, we know (Π, Π 0 ) is in good position if and only if sp(i, Π 0 ) = 1 for all i and σ. Automorphic results Theorem 0.1 If m Z + n+n 0 2 is critical for Π × Π 0 then L(m, Π × Π 0 ) E(Π)E0 );K (2πi) nn 0 md Y σΣ F ;K ( n Y j =0 P (j ) ) sp(j,Π;Π 0 ) n 0 Y k=0 P (k) 0 ) sp(k,Π 0 ) ) in the following cases: 1. n 0 =1 and m is bigger than the central value. 2. n>n 0 , m 1/2 and the pair , Π 0 ) is in good position. 3. m =1, the pair , Π 0 ) is regular enough. Theorem 0.2 If Π is regular enough, then there exists some complex numbers P (s) ) unique up to mul- tiplication by elements in (E(Π)) × such that the following two conditions are satisfied: 1. P (I ) (Π) E(Π);K Q σΣ F ;K P (I (σ)) ) for all I =(I (σ)) σΣ F ;K ∈{0, 1, ··· ,n} Σ F ;K 2. and P (0) ) E(Π);K p(ξ Π , σ) where ξ Π is the central character of Π, ξ Π := ξ -1,c Π and p(ξ Π , σ) is the CM period. Theorem 0.3 (a) Let F /F be a cyclic extension of CM fields of degree l and Π F be a cuspidal representa- tion of GL n (A F ). We write AI F ) for the automorphic induction of Π F . We assume that the arithmetic automorphic periods are defined for both AI F ) and Π F . Let I F ∈{0, 1, ··· , nl} Σ F ;K . We may define I F ∈{0, 1, ··· ,n} Σ F;K which depends only on I F and the infinity type of Π F . Or locally let 0 s nl be an integer and s(σ) is an integer which depends only on s and the infinity type of Π F at σ Σ F ;K . We have: P (I F ) (AI F )) EF );K P (I F ) F ) or locally P (s) (AI F ) EF );K Y σ|τ P (s(σ)) F ). (b) Let π F be a cuspidal representation of GL n (A F ). We write BC (π F ) for its strong base change to F . We assume that the arithmetic automorphic periods are defined for both π F and BC (π F ). Let I F ∈{0, 1, ··· ,n} Σ F ;K . We write I F the composition of I F and the restriction of complex embeddings of F to F . We then have: P (I F ) (BC (π F )) E(π F );K p I F (π F ) l or locally P (s) (BC (π F )) l E(π F );K P (s) (π F | F ) l . Consequently, we know P (s) (BC (π F )) E(π F ) λ (s) (π F )P (s) (π F | F ). where λ (s) (π F ) is an algebraic number whose l-th power is in E(π F ) × . Motivic result We now introduce the motivic results. Let M , M 0 be motives over F with coefficients in E and E 0 of rank n and n 0 respectively. We assume that M M 0 has no (ω/2,ω/2)-class. We may define motivic periods Q (t) (M,σ) for 0 t n and σ Σ F ;K . We can calculate Deligne’s period of Res F/Q (M M 0 ) in terms of these periods. If M and M 0 are motives associated to Π and Π 0 , Deligne’s conjecture (c.f. [Del79]) is equivalent to the following conjecture: Conjecture 0.1 If m Z + n+n 0 2 is critical for Π × Π 0 then L(m, Π × Π 0 )= L(m + n+n 0 -2 2 ,M M 0 ) E(Π)E0 );K (2πi) mnn 0 d Q σΣ F ;K ( n Q j =0 Q (j ) (M,σ) sp(j,Π;Π 0 ) n 0 Q k=0 Q (k) (M 0 ) sp(k,Π 0 ) ) We see that it is compatible with Theorem 0.1. The main point to calculate Deligne’s period is to fix proper basis. Deligne’s period is defined by rational basis. The basis that we have fixed are not rational. But they are rational up to unipotent transformation matrices. We can still use such basis to calculate determinant. Acknowledgement I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my advisor Michael Harris for his guidance, encouragement and in particular his optimism. I would also like to thank Harald Grobner for helpful discussions. Literatur [Del79] P. Deligne. Valeurs de fonctions L et p´ eriodes d’int´ egrales. In A. Borel and W. Casselman, editors, Automorphic forms, representations and L-functions, volume 33 of Proceedings of the symposium in pure mathematics of the American mathematical society. American Mathematical Society, 1979. [Har93] M. Harris. L-functions of 2×2 unitary groups and factorization of periods of Hilbert modular forms. J. Am. Math. Soc, 6(3):637–719, 1993. [Har97] M. Harris. L-functions and periods of polarized regular motives. J. Reine Angew. Math, (483):75–161, 1997. [Har13] M. Harris. L-functions and periods of adjoint motives. Algebra and Number Theory, (7):117–155, 2013. [Shi83] G. Shimura. Algebraic relations between critical values of zeta functions and inner products. Amer- cian Jounal of Mathematics, 1983. [Shi88] G. Shimura. On the critical values of centain dirichlet series and the periods of automorphic forms. Invent. math., 1988. Institut de Mathe´ ematiques de Jussieu-Paris Rive Gauche [email protected]

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Critical values forautomorphic L-functions


Advisor : Prof. Dr. Michael HARRIS


Special values of L-functions play an important role in the Langlands program. Numerous conjectures predictthat special values of L-functions reflect arithmetic properties of geometric objects. Most of these conjecturesare still open and difficult to attack.

At the same time, concrete results on the special values of L-functions appear more and more in automorphicsettings. For example, in [Har97], M. Harris constructed complex invariants called arithmetic automorphicperiods and showed that the special values of automorphic L-function for GLn ∗GL1 could be interpreted interms of these invariants.

We generalize his results in two ways. Firstly, the arithmetic automorphic periods have been defined overgeneral CM fields. Secondly, we show that special values of arithmetic automorphic periods for GLn ∗GLn′

can be interpreted in terms of these arithmetic automorphic periods in many situations. In fact, we havefound a concise formula for such critical values. This is our first main automorphic result. One possibleapplication is to construct p-adic L-functions.

One crucial step to prove it is to show that the arithmetic automorphic periods can be factorized as productsof local periods over infinite places. This was actually a conjecture of Shimura (c.f. [Shi83], [Shi88]). Onepossible way to show this is to define local periods geometrically and prove that special values of L-functionscan be interpreted in terms of local periods. This was done by M. Harris for Hilbert modular forms in [Har93].But it is extremely difficult to generalize his arguments to GLn. Instead, we show that there are relationsbetween arithmetic automorphic periods. These relations lead to a factorization which is our second mainautomorphic result.

We remark that the factorization is not unique. We show that there is a natural way to factorize such that thelocal periods are functorial for automorphic induction and base change. This is our third main automorphicresult. We believe that local periods are also functorial for endoscopic transfer. We will try to prove this inthe near future.

On the other hand, Deligne’s conjecture related critical values for motives over Q and Deligne’s period (c.f.[Del79]). When the motive is the restriction to Q of the tensor product of two motives over a CM field,we may calculate Deligne’s period in terms of motivic periods defined in [Har13]. If the two motives areassociated to automorphic representations of GLn and GLn′ respectively, we may define motivic periodswhich are analogues of the arithmetic automorphic periods. We get a formula of Deligne’s period in termsof these motivic periods. Our main motivic result says that our formula for automorphic L-functions are atleast formally compatible with Deligne’s conjecture .

Notation and main results I

Let K be a quadratic imaginary field and F ⊃ K be a CM field of degree d over K. We fix an embeddingK ↪→ C. Let ΣF ;K be the set of embeddings σ : F ↪→ C such that σ |K is the fixed embedding.

Let E be a number field. Let {a(σ)}σ∈Aut(C/K), {b(σ)}σ∈Aut(C/K) be two families of complex numbers. Rough-ly speaking, we say a ∼E;K b if a = b up to multiplication by elements in E× and equivariant under GK-action.

Let Π be a very regular conjugate self-dual cuspidal cohomological representation of GLn(AF ). In particular,we know that Πf is defined over a number field E(Π). For any I : ΣF ;K → {0, 1, · · · , n}, we may definethe arithmetic automorphic periods P (I)(Π) as the Petersson inner product of a rational vector in a certaincohomology space associated to a unitary group of infinity sign I. It is a non zero complex number welldefined up to multiplication by elements in E(Π)×.

Definition(split index): Let n and n′ be two positives integers.Let Π and Π′ be two regular conjugate self-dual representations of GLn(AF ) and GLn′(AF ) respective-ly. Let σ be an element of ΣF ;K . We denote the infinity type of Π and Π′ at σ by (zai(σ)z−ai(σ))1≤i≤n,a1(σ) > a2(σ) > · · · > an(σ) and (zbj(σ)z−bj(σ))1≤j≤n′ , b1(σ) > b2(σ) > · · · > bn′(σ) respectively. We assumethat ai(σ) + bj(σ) 6= 0 for all 1 ≤ i ≤ n all 1 ≤ j ≤ n′ and all σ.We split the sequence (a1(σ) > a2(σ) > · · · > an(σ)) with the numbers

−bn′(σ) > −bn′−1(σ) > · · · > −b1(σ).

This sequence is split into n′ + 1 parts. We denote the length of each part by sp(0,Π′ :Π, σ), sp(1,Π′; Π, σ), · · · , sp(n′,Π′; Π, σ), and call them the split indices.

Definition (good position): We assume that n > n′. Let Π and Π′ be as before. We say the pair(Π,Π′)is in good position if for any σ ∈ ΣF ;K , the n′ numbers

−bn′(σ) > −bn′−1(σ) > · · · > −b1(σ).

lie in different gaps between (a1(σ) > a2(σ) > · · · > an(σ)).It is equivalent to saying that sp(i,Π′; Π, σ) 6= 0 for all 0 ≤ i ≤ n′ and σ ∈ ΣF ;K . In particular, if n′ = n− 1,we know (Π,Π′) is in good position if and only if sp(i,Π′; Π, σ) = 1 for all i and σ.

Automorphic results

Theorem 0.1 If m ∈ Z + n+n′

2is critical for Π× Π′ then

L(m,Π× Π′) ∼E(Π)E(Π′);K (2πi)nn′md

∏σ∈ΣF ;K


P (j)(Π, σ)sp(j,Π;Π′,σ)


P (k)(Π′, σ)sp(k,Π′;Π,σ))

in the following cases:

1. n′ = 1 and m is bigger than the central value.

2. n > n′, m ≥ 1/2 and the pair (Π,Π′) is in good position.

3. m = 1, the pair (Π,Π′) is regular enough.

Theorem 0.2 If Π is regular enough, then there exists some complex numbers P (s)(Π, σ) unique up to mul-tiplication by elements in (E(Π))× such that the following two conditions are satisfied:

1. P (I)(Π) ∼E(Π);K

∏σ∈ΣF ;K

P (I(σ))(Π, σ) for all I = (I(σ))σ∈ΣF ;K∈ {0, 1, · · · , n}ΣF ;K

2. and P (0)(Π, σ) ∼E(Π);K p(ξΠ, σ)

where ξΠ is the central character of Π, ξΠ := ξ−1,cΠ and p(ξΠ, σ) is the CM period.

Theorem 0.3 (a) Let F/F be a cyclic extension of CM fields of degree l and ΠF be a cuspidal representa-tion of GLn(AF). We write AI(ΠF) for the automorphic induction of ΠF . We assume that the arithmeticautomorphic periods are defined for both AI(ΠF) and ΠF .Let IF ∈ {0, 1, · · · , nl}ΣF ;K . We may define IF ∈ {0, 1, · · · , n}ΣF;K which depends only on IF and the infinitytype of ΠF . Or locally let 0 ≤ s ≤ nl be an integer and s(σ) is an integer which depends only on s and theinfinity type of ΠF at σ ∈ ΣF ;K. We have:

P (IF )(AI(ΠF)) ∼E(ΠF );K P (IF )(ΠF)

or locally P (s)(AI(ΠF , τ) ∼E(ΠF );K


P (s(σ))(ΠF , σ).

(b) Let πF be a cuspidal representation of GLn(AF ). We write BC(πF ) for its strong base change to F . Weassume that the arithmetic automorphic periods are defined for both πF and BC(πF ).Let IF ∈ {0, 1, · · · , n}ΣF ;K . We write IF the composition of IF and the restriction of complex embeddings ofF to F .We then have:

P (IF )(BC(πF )) ∼E(πF );K pIF (πF )l

or locally P (s)(BC(πF ), σ)l ∼E(πF );K P (s)(πF , σ |F )l.

Consequently, we knowP (s)(BC(πF ), σ) ∼E(πF ) λ

(s)(πF , σ)P (s)(πF , σ |F ).

where λ(s)(πF , σ) is an algebraic number whose l-th power is in E(πF )×.

Motivic result

We now introduce the motivic results. Let M , M ′ be motives over F with coefficients in E and E ′ of rankn and n′ respectively. We assume that M ⊗ M ′ has no (ω/2, ω/2)-class. We may define motivic periodsQ(t)(M,σ) for 0 ≤ t ≤ n and σ ∈ ΣF ;K . We can calculate Deligne’s period of ResF/Q(M ⊗M ′) in termsof these periods. If M and M ′ are motives associated to Π and Π′, Deligne’s conjecture (c.f. [Del79]) isequivalent to the following conjecture:

Conjecture 0.1 If m ∈ Z + n+n′

2is critical for Π× Π′ then

L(m,Π× Π′) = L(m+ n+n′−22

,M ⊗M ′)

∼E(Π)E(Π′);K (2πi)mnn′d

∏σ∈ΣF ;K



Q(k)(M ′, σ)sp(k,Π′;Π,σ))

We see that it is compatible with Theorem 0.1. The main point to calculate Deligne’s period is to fix properbasis. Deligne’s period is defined by rational basis. The basis that we have fixed are not rational. But theyare rational up to unipotent transformation matrices. We can still use such basis to calculate determinant.


I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my advisor Michael Harris for his guidance, encouragementand in particular his optimism. I would also like to thank Harald Grobner for helpful discussions.


[Del79] P. Deligne. Valeurs de fonctions L et periodes d’integrales. In A. Borel and W. Casselman, editors,Automorphic forms, representations and L-functions, volume 33 of Proceedings of the symposium inpure mathematics of the American mathematical society. American Mathematical Society, 1979.

[Har93] M. Harris. L-functions of 2×2 unitary groups and factorization of periods of Hilbert modular forms.J. Am. Math. Soc, 6(3):637–719, 1993.

[Har97] M. Harris. L-functions and periods of polarized regular motives. J. Reine Angew. Math, (483):75–161,1997.

[Har13] M. Harris. L-functions and periods of adjoint motives. Algebra and Number Theory, (7):117–155,2013.

[Shi83] G. Shimura. Algebraic relations between critical values of zeta functions and inner products. Amer-cian Jounal of Mathematics, 1983.

[Shi88] G. Shimura. On the critical values of centain dirichlet series and the periods of automorphic forms.Invent. math., 1988.

Institut de Matheematiques de Jussieu-Paris Rive [email protected]